Community connections project

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Transcript of Community connections project

  • 1. Service Learning Project at Applied Behavior Center Jamie Schaab [email_address] December 2 nd , 2010 EEX 4763

2. Early Perceptions

  • I was scared to start this project, as I have never done anything like this before. My initial thoughts going in to the project were overall positive I just had an inner battel with my nervous system. I knew once I was hands on in the project things would get easier.

3. Front of the school (Taken from website) 4. I was not allowed to take pictures of the students or the inside of the school. The photo release forms were only for the schools use. 5. My name is Jamie Schaab I love sports and have played them my whole life. Especially soccer and flag football. I have the deepest passion for exceptional students and I want to specialize in Autism. I have been in two exceptional classrooms now and loved every minute of it. I can't wait to go to internship two and learn more. 6. Engadgement Activities

  • Potty training 7. Imitation skills 8. Matching pictures 9. Matching objects 10. Completing puzzles 11. Manding skills- asking or doing a sign language sign in order to ask for something the student wants.


  • Continued from previous slide.

13. Connecting

  • I startedbecoming connected on my second visit when I saw the smallest bit of progression. I worked with about 5 students throughout the whole project but there was one that I connected with more then the others. He is the one I worked with the most and that is probably the reason. I was conducting the matching pictures part of his program with him, and the pictures were really big and he was small so it was hard for him to look at the pictures behind the one in his hand. I had the idea to shrink the pictures down, and re-try the task on the second visit. He got 4 out of 5 right whereas before he was getting 1 maybe 2 correct.

14. Participant Demographics

  • The main student I worked with was a 6 year 11 month old white male. He has a severe disability of autism. He is completely non-verbal except for some grunting noises. He is a triplet, one brother is in general education classes, and the other is in a class for students with minor autism. 15. I was not allowed to take pictures of students or work that was completed due to confidentiality. 16. I helped with other students about 4 of them but mainly worked with this one.


  • This has been a great experience. It has reassured me that this is what I want to do as my career. 18. Seeing him grow from the few hours I worked with him, just makes me know if I was his teacher for a year he would grow so much more. 19. I will take away from this the paitence needed to work with these students. I had to teach the same thing each time I was there and to see him grow the smallest amount was the best thing in the world. 20. My academic learning experience taught me how to work with these students and the strategies to use when doing so. For example modeling what is expected before assigning something, or setting a purpose. I now know what it is like to work with students with autism and some of the methods that will work with students.