Communicative approach


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Transcript of Communicative approach

Page 1: Communicative approach

Реалізація комунікативного підходу до навчання англійської мови учнів

основної школи

Page 2: Communicative approach

O сновні закономірності мовленнєвого спілкування

•Діяльнісний характер мовленнєвого спілкування

•Предметність процесу комунікації

•Ситуації спілкування що моделюються, як найтиповіші варіанти стосунків учнів між собою

•Мовленнєві засоби, які забезпечують процес спілкування та навчання у даних ситуаціях.

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Вікові особливості учнів основної школи

Визначальною особливістю учнів 5-9 класів (підлітковий вік) є прагнення самостійності, самоствердження, досягнення статусу рівності з дорослими. В 5-9 класах учителеві доводиться прикладати значних зусиль для підтримання мотивації та інтересу учнів, тому що в багатьох підлітків відсутні широкі пізнавальні інтереси та зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань. На цьому етапі необхідно обирати прийоми навчання, які активізують розумово-мовленнєву діяльність і ініціативу учнів, спонукають учнів до спілкування, бо спілкування з

однолітками – невід’ємна частина життя підлітка.

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Готуючи рольову гру вчитель повинен :враховувати наступні її ознаки

•Ситуація повинна бути найбільш наближена до життя.

•Ролі, обрані учнями, повинні найбільшою мірою підходити до даної ситуації.

•Учасники рольової гри повинні враховувати наявність різних рольових цілей.

•Учасники рольової гри не повинні діяти індивідуально, а тільки колективно, репліки одного повинні викликати відповідну реакцію іншого, а за реакцією слідує дія партнера.

•Наявність загальної мети у всього колективу.

•Учасники гри приходять до власного рішення, підказаному ситуацією і думками самого учня; куди поїхати відпочивати, яку книгу прочитати і т.д.

•Наявність системи групового й індивідуального оцінювання діяльності учасників гри. Кожен учасник гри в залежності від виконання заданої ролі оцінюється або експертом з числа самих учасників, або викладачем.

•Наявність керованої емоційної напруги. Створення доброзичливої атмосфери.

•Учитель повинний намагатися передбачати можливі типові помилки учнів у ході рольової гри.

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Обговорення рольової гри. Аналіз помилок учнів.

Недоцільно приступати до аналізу помилок відразу по закінченні гри. Коли гра закінчиться, бажано провести обговорення, з'ясувати, що учні вважають вдалим, а що ні. Обговорюючи проведену гру, оцінюючи участь у ній школярів, учителю варто виявити такт, особливо при оцінці результатів першої рольової гри. Негативна оцінка діяльності її учасників неминуче приведе до зниження активності. Бажано почати обговорення результа-тів гри і лише потім перейти до недоліків.

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Приклади рольових ігор

Відкриття рекламної фірми

Employment Application Form

Personal Information1. Name_______________________________2.Address______________________________3.Phone number__________________________­Are you eligible to work in Ukraine? _____ Yes______No____If you are under age 18, do you have an employment/age certificate? Yes__ No__Have you been convicted of or pleaded no contest to a felony within the last 5 years?Yes_____ No_____

Position applied for________________________________Days/hours available_________________________________What date are you available to start work?______________

EducationName and address of school- Degree/Diploma-Graduation Date____________Skills and Qualifications: Licences,Skills,Training,AwardsPrevious position_________________________Reason for leaving_____________________References_____________________________Signature __________ Date__________________

Page 8: Communicative approach

Role cards for ‘Where shall we go on holiday?’

The father

Your idea of a holiday is something relaxing, short and cheap. Going abroad is so tiring.

You like your brother very much – why not take him and his wife, too?

The mother

You want to go to some exotic place like China

or Peru, for at least three weeks. Unfortunately,

you can’t stand your brother-in-law – he should stay at home.

The 18-year-old daughter

You want to go to the sea for at least two weeks, by plane, of course – and bring your boyfriend, too – this is the most important.

The 16-year-old son

You don’t want to go with your boring family anywhere– but if you have to, it should be as short and as close as possible.

The 13-year-old son

You’ve never flown in your life – you very much want to try it. You like big cities where there are a lot of interesting things to do.

The father’s brother

You want to go with your brother’s family wherever they go – and take your wife as well.

The neighbour

You don’t want them to go away, because they always ask you to look after their house, and you hate it.

Discussion activities

1.Where shall we go on holiday?

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Role cards for

‘How should we spend $ 100,000?’ The father

You want to buy a car – and perhaps some new garden tools, because you like gardening. You can’t stand travelling, but the house could be renovated, too.

The mother

Here’s the chance to travel round the world with the whole family! And, perhaps, to buy some new clothes, too. You are not against gardening. The old family car is in perfect condition – why waste money on a new one?

The 19-year-old daughter

If you built an addition to the house, you could have a separate part of it for yourself, and perhaps for your boyfriend, too.

The 17-year-old son

You’ve wanted a drum equipment for years. You also like travelling, and would like to get your hands on the old family car, too. Unfortunately, you hate gardening – your father always makes you help him.

The 14-year-old daughter

Clothes, clothes, clothes! And if you had an addition to the house, you could have your own room at last.

The father’s brother

Clearly, they should buy a new printer for their computer – then you too could print your things on it.

They surely must not build anything – they will have no money left for the printer.

The neighbour

You like borrowing your neighbour’s garden tools – but you hate noise.

2. How should we spend $ 100,000?

Page 10: Communicative approach

You are the customer:

You asked for a rare steak and now wish to ask the waiter for a well-done steak. Also ask for your friend’s wine order to be changed from red to white.

You are the waiter:

Say that changing the steak order is OK but that there is no more white wine left. Ask if the customer would like to order a different drink instead.

You are the customer:

You think one of the forks is a little dirty so would like the waiter to take it back to get a new one. Also ask why the order for starters is so slow to arrive.

You are the waiter:

Say sorry for the dirty fork and explain that there is a new person working in the kitchen and the orders are a little slow this evening.

You are the customer:

You waited fifteen minutes for your bill to arrive and then there was a charge for a vegetarian pizza which nobody at your table had. Demand an explanation.

You are the manager:

Apologize for the delay in giving the bill to that table and for the mistake on the bill. Offer everyone a free drink.

You are the customer:

Tell the waiter that everything was excellent and you especially liked the steak sauce. Would it be possible to speak to the chef and get the recipe for it?

You are the waiter:

Thank the customer for the compliment, but say that unfortunately the chef can’t give the recipes for any dish to the customers as it is a secret recipe.

You are the customer:

Ask for a table for nine people and ask if it’s possible to have a birthday cake and candles for one of the people in your group.

You are the waiter:

Ask if the group has reserved a table. If not, put them on the small table near the bathroom. The restaurant does NOT give birthday parties or cakes!

You are the customer:

Make a reservation for tonight at 9 o’clock for 6 people. 2 of your friends smoke.

You are the manager:

You are full tonight at 9 o’clock but there is a table free an hour earlier. What section does the customer want – smoking or nonsmoking.

3. Restaurant Role Cards

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You are the head of Super Foods Company, the organization that will build this supermarket. It will bring jobs to the town and extra money because people will come to Bratton View from other nearby towns to use the supermarket.

You are a local schoolteacher who has campaigned against this proposal for over two years. The supermarket will be built on marshland which is the last safe habitat of the rare Bratton Duck. Do destroy that for cheaper tomatoes?

You are a local resident who thinks that this will be exactly the boost that the local economy needs. People will come to Bratton View from outside and bring money in. You will not have to travel 16 miles to Oakville just to see a supermarket. This will be the pride of Bratton View!!

You are the town’s local politician and you think this is a great idea. Jobs will be created both during its construction and its running and tax revenue will increase. Shoppers will have a far better choice when they go shopping and Bratton View will gain a high local profile from this.

You own a small baker’s shop in the centre of Bratton View and have worked in it for over twenty years. What will happen to you when this supermarket opens? Once you are out of business, the quality of the bread will fall and the price rise.

You are an 18 year old who has just left school but can’t find a job. This new supermarket will be the perfect opportunity for Bratton View to have new jobs available. They are speaking about 70 new jobs which will be great for the local economy.

You are a local housewife who is sick and tired of paying high prices in the small shops locally. It is about time they had some competition and this may make them reduce their criminally high prices.

You have lived in Bratton View for all your life and can’t see the attraction of this planned supermarket. You prefer to do all your shopping in the small shop locally. The quality will be worse in the supermarket.

You are the local police officer. Your experience tells you that these supermarkets always attract groups of young people with nothing to do and you are worried about a possible rise in crime.

You are a writer from New York who moved here for peace and quiet and don’t want a huge supermarket less than 100 metres from your door. This is an historical town and the soul will be torn from it by this store.

4. New Supermarket Role Play

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You are one of the parents of a student at the school. You would like to see the services at the school (that you currently have to pay for) become free next year. Services such as internet use and borrowing videos.

You are a parent of one of the students in the school. You would like to see the money spent to send a small group of students to (Australia) where they can improve their English. The trip can be used as an end-of-year prize.

You are a low level student and would like to see a few new computers bought for the school. The existing two computers are both old and slow and if you had new ones, lessons would be fun.

You are the director and you would like to see the money used to buy new tables and chairs for the three classrooms. This is a benefit that will last for many years.

You are one of the teachers and would like to see the money spent on a new listening lab – as all the students complained this year about the acoustics in the existing classes.

You are one of the teachers at the school and would like to get a little bit more money. If the teachers aren’t happy, the school will not be a happy place. And you deserve it!

You are an intermediate student and you would like to see the money used to buy more books and videos for the school. You don’t mind paying a little for this service but the choice is too small.

You are the Director of Studies and you would like to see more resource books bought for the teachers’ room. The teacher is, after all, the heart of any school.

You are one of the parents of a student at the school. You would like to see the money used to reduce prices for next year’s courses. That way, the money is divided equally among all the students.

You are a student who will be taking the TOEFL exam next year. Normally students have to pay for these external exams and you would like them to be free. You think you pay enough for the courses as it is.

5. Language School (for advanced students)

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Apartment 1 Apartment 2 Apartment 3 Apartment 4 Apartment 5


Distance to University/School

Public TransportPets allowed

Facilities in buildingNeighborhood


6. Finding an Apartment

Apartments for RentLocation: Downtown

Rent: $680.00

Size: 1 bedroom

Distance to University: 25 minutes by car/40 minutes by subway.

Public Transportation: 2 minutes from the subway/Near all major bus routes.

Pets: No pets allowed.

Facilities in Building: Pool/Weight room.

Neighborhood: Busy downtown neighborhood close to the theaters, restaurants, pubs, and shopping centers.

Parking: Private underground parking.

Location: South side of town.

Rent: $420.00

Size: 2 bedroom

Distance to University: 15 minutes by car/30 minutes by bus.

Public Transportation: 5 minute walk to a major bus route.

Pets: Pets allowed.

Facilities in Building: None.

Neighborhood: Quiet residential neighborhood close to parks.

Parking: Private parking available for $20.00 per month.

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Проблемні ситуації

Для вирішення проблеми необхідні дві умови: необхідно усвідомити, побачити проблему;

важливо, щоб виникла потреба, бажання її вирішити.

Мета створення проблемних ситуацій

активізація розумової діяльності учнів;

повторення і закріплення певного лексичного та граматичного


служить способом перевірки розуміння прочитаного.

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Вирішуючи проблемну ситуацію,учні використовують індивідуальний

досвід, в них розкривається фантазія, вигадка як форма творчого мислення

з опорою на іноземне мовлення. Останнє, в свою чергу, удосконалюється

як необхідний засіб їх реалізації.

•You’ve come from school later than usual. Explain why?•You are so brown, sunburnt! Tell us where you spent your

holidays.•You have a pen-friend from Great Britain. Write him about your

last summer holidays. Tell us what you are going to write him


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ВисновкиЗавдяки використанню рольових ігор, дискусій, драматизацій, проблемних ситуацій на уроках активність учнів, їх зацікавленість зростає вдвічі, а значить, і кінцевий результат. Завдання педагога полягає в тому, щоб знайти максимум педагогічних ситуацій, у яких може бути реалізоване прагнення дитини до активної пізнавальної діяльності.

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