communicating with prescription addicts Beverly Blackwood

{ Communicating with Prescription Addicts Presented by Beverly Blackwood

Transcript of communicating with prescription addicts Beverly Blackwood

Communicating with Prescription Addicts

Communicating with Prescription AddictsPresented by Beverly Blackwood



French Fries! Double Trouble! Trail Mix! Chill Pills!

What am I talking about? These are just some slang terms for prescription medication. Trail mix can sound innocent but according to the National Drug Abuse Council there is an estimated 204 million Americans who uses prescription drugs for non-medical use. More than one-half were females and about a third was age 12-17.2

Family members are first to recognized a problem

Prescription drugs can cause effects, such as addiction, tolerance, physical dependence and death. Family members are usually the first to recognize the problem. Knowing how to communicate can be challenging but is essential. 3

Identifying the problem

We are often faced with the challenges when a family or friend is suffering from an addiction. Knowing how to identify the problem and communicate with them is going to be difficult , so today we will discuss how we go about doing so.4

Commonly abused drugsOpioidsStimulants Depressants

Some people experiment with prescription drugs because they think they will help them have more fun, lose weight, fit in, and even study more effectively.5

Effects of these drugs on the body and society

Prescription drugs provide benefits when used correctly under the care of a health provider. But prescription drug abuse can be just as dangerous as use of illicit drugs. Individuals who abuse depressants place themselves atrisk of seizures, respiratory depression and decreased heart rate. Stimulant abuse can cause high body temperature, irregular heart rate,cardiovascular system failure and fatal seizures. It can also result in hostility or feelings of paranoia.


Signs to look for if you suspect drug abuse

Substance abuse is often the result of a major change or loss in one's life. As a family member or close friends we will be the first to notice theses changes in their behavior pattern which includes Aggression, lack of motivation, sensitive and resentful. Poor communication includes Withdrawal from family members change in friends; secretive about new friends and secretive phone calls and text messages.


How to Begin Communication

To effectively communicate we must improve our knowledge about prescription abuse, there are many resources available before we start the communication process. As much as we want to be heard we must make time to listen. We must also remember that this person is at the deep end we dont want our communication process to drown him or her we are trying to bring that person to shallow waters so he or she can stand up again. We have to show respect, empathy and kindness. As much as you may want a prescription drug abuser to get help, you can't force an individual to get help, begging or threatening won't work either. You can only encourage someone to consider prescription drug abuse treatment as an option. Recovery will come, only if and when the substance abuser truly decides to seek a healthier lifestyle. 8

Encountering Barriers

Giving help is not going to be easy, the person we are trying to help most likely will be faced with various challenges that might limit communication.9

Denial ! Denial! Denial!

Communication may be very difficult because of shame, fear, denial and embarrassment, it is very hard for someone to accept that they have a drug problem. Denial is a big part of the addiction issue, everyone around them knows it. It's obvious to them. Why isn't it ever obvious to the person who has the addiction issue? It is simple they just dont think they have a problem. They can even convince you that they dont I still have a job, I am still in school But we are all aware of the slippery road they are on.10

Communicate Effectively

When faced with the challenges of communicating with someone who is addicted to prescription we must be mindful and pleasant in order to effectively communicate with an addict. Prescription drugs have altering effects on the mind we have to consistent and dedicated to helping.11

Communicating Early

Many cases of prescription abuse can go unnoticed for a long time. Prescription medications can be mistakenly thought of as safe because they are prescribed by a doctor for an illness. When you suspect that a family member or close friend is abusing their prescription medication it is always good to observe changes in their behaviors and pay close attention to warning signs. Ignoring warning signs because of shame, guilt or fear can create further anxiety and anger. Early identification occurs at the first sign of a problem and should be confronted early before anyone has suffered a traumatic event, dropped out of school or lost important relationships, jobs, their health or self-respect. (Closure) prescription medication can be thought of as safe because they are prescribed by a doctor for an illness. Many cases can go unnoticed for a long time. If you suspect that a family member or friend is abusing prescription medication it is always good to observe these changes in their behaviors and pay close attention to the warning signs. Ignoring warning signs because of shame guilt or fear can create further anxiety and anger. Treatment in the early stages of substance abuse is likely to be less intense, less disruptive and cause less anxiety. Remember communicating with someone who is using mind-altering substances is difficult and requires all your support.