Commercial Circular No. 19 - East Coast Railway zone

Office of the Chief Commercial Manager Bhubaneswar Commercial Circular No. 19 @l!l Sub: Haulage Charge recoverable for movement of nine notified commodity groups in container. 1. Railway Board's Rates Circular NO.30 of 2010 (Circulated vide this office Commercial circular NO.157 (G)/10 dt.01.11.201O) has been superseded by Board's letter No.2007/TC-I/302I1Pt.H dt.14.02.2011 (Rates Circular NO.5 of 2011) (Copy enclosed). 2. Rates Circular NO.32 of2010 as mentioned in para 2.4 in the Board's enclosed letter, has been circulated vide CCMlECoR's Commercial Circular No. 170(G)/10 dt.17.12.2010. Authority: Railway Board's letter No.2007/TC-I/302I1Pt.H dt.14.02.2011 (Rates Circular No.5 of2011). (S.M~alra) Dy Chief Commercial Manager(F.S) All Station Managers/ Goods Supervisors/Commercial Supervisors /Siding Clerks / Booking Clerk in Charges / Weigh Bridge Clerks / Clerk in Charges. Copy for infonnation and necessary action to the:- COM: ECoR.SDGM/ECoR/BBS,Chainnan/RCT/BBS,Dy.CVO/ECoR/BBS,Dy.COM(FOIS)/ECoRiBBS PO/RCT/BBS, Audit officer/BBS. Rates Section /CCM/ECoRiBBS -10 sets DRM: KUR,WAT,SBP/ECoR, Sr.DOM- KUR,WAT,SBP/ECoR Sr.DCM :KUR,WAT/SBP/ECoR. Dy.CCM(Claims)/E.Co.Rly,FA & CAO/BBS:E.Co.Rly. Traffic Manager: VZP, Paradeep PortTrust / Paradeep. JOt NO· / 1 (q) / /1 /2- fa? @ ~ (s.£atra) Dy Chief Commercial Manager( F.S)

Transcript of Commercial Circular No. 19 - East Coast Railway zone

Office of theChief Commercial Manager


Commercial Circular No. 19 @l!lSub: Haulage Charge recoverable for movement of nine notified commodity groups in


1. Railway Board's Rates Circular NO.30 of 2010 (Circulated vide this officeCommercial circular NO.157 (G)/10 dt.01.11.201O) has been superseded byBoard's letter No.2007/TC-I/302I1Pt.H dt.14.02.2011 (Rates Circular NO.5 of2011) (Copy enclosed).

2. Rates Circular NO.32 of2010 as mentioned in para 2.4 in the Board's enclosedletter, has been circulated vide CCMlECoR's Commercial CircularNo. 170(G)/10 dt.17.12.2010.

Authority: Railway Board's letter No.2007/TC-I/302I1Pt.H dt.14.02.2011 (RatesCircular No.5 of2011).

(S.M~alra)Dy Chief Commercial Manager(F.S)

All Station Managers/ Goods Supervisors/Commercial Supervisors /Siding Clerks / Booking Clerk inCharges / Weigh Bridge Clerks / Clerk in Charges.Copy for infonnation and necessary action to the:-COM: ECoR.SDGM/ECoR/BBS,Chainnan/RCT/BBS,Dy.CVO/ECoR/BBS,Dy.COM(FOIS)/ECoRiBBSPO/RCT/BBS, Audit officer/BBS. Rates Section /CCM/ECoRiBBS -10 setsDRM: KUR,WAT,SBP/ECoR, Sr.DOM- KUR,WAT,SBP/ECoRSr.DCM :KUR,WAT/SBP/ECoR. Dy.CCM(Claims)/E.Co.Rly,FA & CAO/BBS:E.Co.Rly. TrafficManager: VZP, Paradeep PortTrust / Paradeep.

JOt NO· / 1(q) / /1/2- fa? @


(s.£atra)Dy Chief Commercial Manager( F.S)

Government of IndiaMinistry of Railways

(Railway Board)

General Managers (Comml.)All Zonal Railways

Sub: Haulage Charge recoverable for movement of nine notifiedcommodity groups in container

In supersession of Rates Circular No.30 of 2010, it has been decided thatHaulage Charge for the movement of nine notified commodity groups namelyCement other than white cement: Foodgrains other than Flours & Pulses;Chemical Manures: Iron & Steel: Bricks & Stones other than Marble &Ceramic tiles: Sugar: Oil Cakes & Seeds: Alumina and Petroleum Products &Gases (as classified in Goods Tariff No.45 Pt.! VoLII) in container will be leviedas per the guidelines prescribed below. These guidelines will be applicable formovement of notified commodities in containers except custom bonded EXIMcontainers.

2.1 Haulage Charge for movement of notified commodities in container will be leviedon the basis of 'Applicable Class Rate (-) 15% concession'. 'Applicable Class Rate(-) 1510 concession' would be the 'Container Class Rate' for these commodities,until 31.08.2011. Thereafter, 'Container Class Rate' will be 'Applicable Class Rate(-) 1010 conceSSion' and additional rebate of 510 will be admissible on incrementcdbasis, for which detailed instructions will follow.

2.2 Commodities mentioned in Para 1.0 above are the notified commodities. for which'Container Class Rate' shall be applicable. 'Container Class Rate' on the basis of'Applicable Class Rate (-) 15% concession' is given in the table at Annexure-I and'Container Class Rate' on the basis of 'Applicable Class Rate (-) 1510 concession'for the commodities which are part of the notified commodities but chargeableat lower rates as classified in Goods Tariff No.45 Pt.I(VoI.II) is given in the tableat Annexure-II. 'Container Class Rate' on the basis of 'Applicable Class Rate (-)1010 concession' is given in the table enclosed at Annexure-III and 'ContainerClass Rate' on the basis of 'Applicable Class Rate (-) 10% concession' for thecommodities which are part of the notified commodities but chargeable at lowerrates as classified in Goods Tariff No.45 Pt.I(VoI.II) is given in the table atAnnexure- IV.

2.3 When a notified commodity is loaded in more than 30 containers of a containertrain either as a single commodity or mixed with other commodity (includingother than notified commodity), Haulage Charge for such containers will belevied as per Container Class Rate. for the containers containing single notified

J L N()·19C~) /1/ ,

Rates Circular No.5 of 2011

commodity, Haulage Charge will be levied as per Container Class Rate of thatcommodity and for the container loaded with two or more than two commodities,Haulage Charge will be levied on the basis of highest Container Class Rate of thecommodities which the container contains. (refer Illustrations at Annexure-V)

2.4 If 30 or less than 30 containers(TEUs) in a rake are loaded with any of thenotified commodity groups either as a single commodity or mixed with othercommodity(including other than notified commodity), Haulage Charge for suchcontainer will be levied as per rates prescribed vide Rates Circular No.32 of2010 and as amended from time to time. However, the containers loaded withother than notified commodities or are empty, Haulage Charge for suchcontainers will continue to be levied as per rates prescribed vide Rates CircularNo.32 of 2010 and as amended from time to time. (refer Illustrations atAnnexure-V)

2.5 CTOs should declare the details of commodities loaded in containers in theforwarding note. Concerned railway staff should verify the correctness of thecommodity details furnished by the CTO at the time of booking.

2.6 In case mis-declaration is detected in any container, Haulage Charge on theentire rake shall be levied at four times of the highest Container Class Rate. Thiswill be in addition to the Haulage Charge otherwise leviable on the rake. If fivecases of mis-declaration are detected for a particular CTO, suitable action maybe initiated under Article 17 of Concession Agreement.

2.8 All other terms & conditions of Board's letter No.2008/TT-IIII73/8dt.01.07.2008 will remain applicable for these notified commodities.

3.0 These instructions will be effective from 01.03.2011 and will remain valid upto31.08.2011.

4.0 This issues in consultation with Traffic Transportation Directorate andconcurrence of Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

(Aas ima Mehrotra)Jt. Director, Traffic Comml.(Rates)

Railway Boord

Copy to:1. FA&CAOs, All Zonal Railways ~2. Dy. C&AG(Rlys), Room No.222, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi. / ~~I /IV

for Financial Commissioner/Railways

Rates Circular No.5 of 2011ANNEXURE-I

(ApplicableClassRate minus 15%)Foodgrains

Cement (other thanWhite Cement), Bricks

Sugar, Oil (other than Flours and Stones (other than Iron & Steel,Petroleum

Distance Cakes and and Pulses), Marble & CeramicAlumina

Products and

Seeds Chemical Tiles) GasesManures

Kilometres Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per

20'lEU 20'lEU 20'lEU 20'lEU 20'TEU1 (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs)

1 - 100 2553 2763 3189 3828 4254101 - 150 3501 3765 4377 5250 5835151 - 200 4386 4677 5484 6576 7308201 - 250 5277 5592 6594 7914 8793251 - 300 6198 6519 7746 9294 10329301 - 350 7074 7425 8844 10614 11790351 - 400 7977 8355 9972 11967 13296401 - 450 8892 9291 11115 13338 14820451 - 500 9804 10218 12255 14706 16341501 - 550 10731 11178 13416 16098 17886551 - 600 11646 12132 14559 17469 19410601 - 650 12555 13080 15696 18831 20925651 - 700 13461 14022 16827 20190 22434701 - 750 14370 14970 17961 21555 23949751 - 800 15270 15903 19086 22905 25449801 - 850 16167 16839 20208 24249 26943851 - 900 17058 17769 21321 25584 28428901 - 950 17949 18696 22437 26925 29916951 - 1000 18837 19623 23547 28257 313951001 - 1050 19740 20562 24675 29610 329011051 - 1100 20643 21504 25803 30966 344041101 - 1150 21546 22443 26934 32319 359101151 - 1200 22443 23379 28053 33663 374041201 - 1250 23337 24312 29175 35010 388981251 - 1300 24237 25248 30300 36357 403981301 - 1350 25134 26181 31419 37701 418921351 - 1400 26025 27108 32532 39039 433771401 - 1450 26916 28038 33645 40374 448591451 - 1500 27810 28965 34761 41712 463501501 - 1550 28623 29814 35778 42933 477061551 - 1600 29436 30660 36795 44151 490561601 - 1650 30243 31503 37803 45363 504031651 - 1700 31047 32343 38808 46572 517441701 - 1750 31815 33141 39771 47724 530251751 - 1800 32577 33936 40722 48867 542941801 - 1850 33165 34545 41454 49746 552751851 - 1900 33747 35151 42183 50619 562441901 - 1950 34320 35754 42900 51483 572011951 - 2000 34893 36345 43617 52338 581552001 - 2050 35388 36864 44238 53082 589832051 - 2100 35880 37374 44850 53817 597992101 - 2150 36366 37881 45456 54546 606092151 - 2200 36846 38379 46059 55269 614102201 - 2250 37323 38877 46656 55986 622052251 - 2300 37794 39369 47244 56691 629912301 - 2350 38262 39858 47829 57393 637712351 - 2400 38727 40341 48408 58092 64545

Rates Circular No.5 of 2011ANNEXURE-I

FoodgrainsCement (other thanWhite Cement), Bricks

Sugar, Oil (other than Flours and Stones (other than Iron & Steel,Petroleum

Distance Cakes and and Pulses), Marble & CeramicAlumina

Products andSeeds Chemical Tiles) Gases


Kilometres Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per20'TEU 20'TEU 20'TEU 20'TEU 20'TEU

1 (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) IRs)

2401 - 2450 39186 40818 48984 58779 653102451 - 2500 39639 41292 49548 59457 660662501 - 2550 40158 41829 50196 60234 669272551 - 2600 40665 42357 50832 60996 677732601 - 2650 41175 42888 51468 61764 686252651 - 2700 41676 43413 52098 62517 694622701 - 2750 42180 43938 52725 63267 702992751 - 2800 42675 44454 53343 64014 711242801 - 2850 43173 44973 53967 64761 719552851 - 2900 43665 45483 54579 65493 727712901 - 2950 44154 45993 55191 66228 735872951 - 3000 44634 46497 55797 66954 743943001 - 3050 45120 46998 56400 67680 752013051 - 3100 45600 47502 57000 68400 759993101 - 3150 46080 48000 57597 69114 767973151 - 3200 46554 48492 58191 69828 775863201 - 3250 47022 48984 58779 70536 783723251 - 3300 47493 49473 59370 71241 791583301 - 3350 47961 49956 59952 71937 799323351 - 3400 48426 50442 60531 72636 807093401 - 3450 48885 50925 61107 73329 814773451 - 3500 49344 51402 61683 74019 82242

Note:- 1 Rates in the above tables are published for distance upto 3500 kilometers. The rates for distance beyond 3500 kmsWill be calculated by adding to the rates for 3500 kms the amount of variation between the rates in the distance slabsof 3401 -3450 and 3451-3500.

2 The rales for 40' TEUs Will be double of the 20' TEUs3 DOUbleStack container will not be permitted.4 The haulage charges for empty flattwagons will be charged as per RC 32 of 201O.


Rates CIrcular NO.5 of 2011ANNEXURE-II



Bricks broken, Fire Coal Tar, Coal TarKerosene Oil,

Distance Fly Ash bricks, Steel Pipes, Pitch, BitumenLiquefied Petroleum

Wire rod coils Gas (LPG)

Kilometres Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per

20'TEU 20'TEU 20'TEU 20'TEU

1 (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs}

1 - 100 2553 2763 3615 3828101 - 150 3501 3792 4959 5250151 - 200 4386 4752 6213 6576201 - 250 5277 5715 7473 7914251 - 300 6198 6714 8781 9294301 - 350 7074 7665 10023 10614351 - 400 7977 8643 11301 11967401 - 450 8892 9633 12597 13338451 - 500 9804 10620 13890 14706501 - 550 10731 11625 15204 16098551 - 600 11646 12618 16500 17469601 - 650 12555 13602 17787 18831651 - 700 13461 14583 19068 20190701 - 750 14370 15567 20358 21555751 - 800 15270 16542 21633 22905801 - 850 16167 17514 22902 24249851 - 900 17058 18477 24165 25584901 - 950 17949 19446 25428 26925951 - 1000 18837 20409 26685 282571001 - 1050 19740 21384 27966 296101051 - 1100 20643 22365 29244 309661101 - 1150 21546 23340 30525 323191151 - 1200 22443 24312 31794 336631201 - 1250 23337 25284 33063 350101251 - 1300 24237 26256 34338 363571301 - 1350 25134 27228 35607 377011351 - 1400 26025 .28194 36870 390391401 - 1450 26916 29160 38130 403741451 - 1500 27810 30126 39399 417121501 - 1550 28623 31008 40551 429331551 - 1600 29436 31887 41697 441511601 - 1650 30243 32763 42843 453631651 - 1700 31047 33636 43983 465721701 - 1750 31815 34467 45072 477241751 - 1800 32577 35292 46149 488671801 - 1850 33165 35928 46983 497461851 - 1900 33747 36558 47808 506191901 - 1950 34320 37182 48621 514831951 - 2000 34893 37800 49431 523382001 - 2050 35388 38340 50136 530822051 - 2100 35880 38871 50829 538172101 - 2150 36366 39396 51519 545462151 - 2200 36846 39915 52200 552692201 - 2250 37323 40434 52875 559862251 - 2300 37794 40944 53541 566912301 - 2350 38262 41451 54204 573932351 - 2400 38727 41955 54864 58092

~~ ,v J/Nt) . / Illu / i. l~"'C/ ' Ie/"

i ) t/.-If- 1(1)/11)

Rates Circular No.5 of 2011ANNEXURE-II

Bricksbroken,Fire Coal Tar,Coal Tar Kerosene Oil,Distance Fly Ash bricks,SteelPipes, Pitch,Bitumen LiquefiedPetroleum

Wire rod coils Gas (LPG)Kilometres Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per

20'TEU 20'TEU 20'TEU 20'TEU1 (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) IRs)

2401 - 2450 39186 42453 55515 587792451 - 2500 39639 42942 56157 594572501 - 2550 40158 43503 56889 602342551 - 2600 40665 44055 57606 609962601 - 2650 41175 44607 58332 617642651 - 2700 41676 45150 59043 625172701 - 2750 42180 45693 59754 632672751 - 2800 42675 46233 60456 640142801 - 2850 43173 46773 61161 647612851 - 2900 43665 47304 61854 654932901 - 2950 44154 47832 62550 662282951 - 3000 44634 48357 63234 669543001 - 3050 45120 48882 63921 676803051 - 3100 45600 49401 64599 684003101 - 3150 46080 49917 65277 691143151 - 3200 46554 50430 65949 698283201 - 3250 47022 50940 66615 705363251 - 3300 47493 51450 67284 712413301 - 3350 47961 51957 67941 719373351 - 3400 48426 52461 68604 726363401 - 3450 48885 52962 69255 733293451 - 3500 49344 53457 69906 74019

1 Rates in the above tables are published for distance upto 3500 kilometers. The rates for distance beyond 3500 kmswill be calculated by adding to the rates for 3500 kms the amount of variation between the rates in the distance slabsof 3401 -3450 and 3451-3500.

2 The rates for 40' TEUs will be double of the 20' TEUs3 Double Stack container will not be permitted.4 The haulage charges for empty ftaUwagons will be charged as per RC 32 of 2010.


Rates Circular No.5 of 2011ANNEXURE-III

CONTAINER CLASS RATE FOR NOTIFIED COMMODITIESr bl CI R t 10°1.)(Appllca e ass a e minus °

Foodgrains Cement (other thanWhite Cement), Bricks

Sugar, Oil (other than Flours and Stones (other than Iron& Steel, PetroleumDistance Cakes and and Pulses), Marble & Ceramic Alumina Productsand

Seeds Chemical Tiles) GasesManures

Kilometres Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per

20'TEU 20'lEU 20'lEU 20'lEU 20'TEU1 (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs)

1 - 100 2703 2928 3378 4053 4503101 - 150 3708 3984 4632 5559 6177151 - 200 4644 4953 5805 6963 7737201 - 250 5586 5922 6981 8379 9309251 - 300 6561 6903 8202 9843 10935301 - 350 7491 7863 9363 11238 12486351 - 400 8445 8844 10560 12672 14079401 - 450 9414 9837 11769 14124 15693451 - 500 10383 10818 12975 15570 17301501 - 550 11361 11838 14205 17046 18939551 - 600 12330 12846 15414 18498 20553601 - 650 13296 13848 16620 19941 22155651 - 700 14253 14847 17817 21378 23754701 - 750 15216 15849 19020 22824 25359751 - 800 16167 16839 20211 24252 26946801 - 850 17118 17832 21399 25674 28527851 - 900 18060 18813 22575 27090 30099901 - 950 19005 19797 23757 28509 31677951 - 1000 19944 20778 24933 29919 332431001 - 1050 20901 21774 26127 31353 348361051 - 1100 21858 22770 27321 32787 364291101 - 1150 22812 23763 28518 34221 380221151 - 1200 23763 24753 29703 35643 396031201 - 1250 24711 25743 30891 37068 411871251 - 1300 25665 26733 32082 38496 427741301 - 1350 26613 27720 33267 39921 443551351 - 1400 27555 28704 34446 41334 459271401 - 1450 28500 29688 35625 42750 474991451 - 1500 29445 30669 36807 44166 490741501 - 1550 30309 31569 37884 45459 505111551 - 1600 31167 32466 38958 46749 519421601 - 1650 32022 33357 40029 48030 533671651 - 1700 32874 34245 41091 49311 547891701 - 1750 33684 35088 42108 50532 561451751 - 1800 34494 35931 43116 51741 574891801 - 1850 35115 36576 43893 52671 585241851 - 1900 35733 37221 44664 53595 595501901 - 1950 36339 37857 45426 54510 605671951 - 2000 36948 38484 46185 55419 615752001 - 2050 37470 39030 46839 56205 624512051 - 2100 37989 39570 47487 56985 633152101 - 2150 38505 40110 48129 57756 641732151 - 2200 39012 40638 48768 58521 650222201 - 2250 39516 41163 49398 59280 658652251 - 2300 40017 41685 50022 60027 666962301 - 2350 40515 42201 50640 1 60768 J.: 675212351 2400 41004 51258 / 61509\ I. i- 42714 68343., i-1"" -"


Rates Circular No.5 of 2011ANNEXURE-III

FoodgrainsCement (other thanWhite Cement), Bricks

Sugar, Oil (other than Flours and Stones (other than Iron & Steel,Petroleum

Distance Cakes and and Pulses), Marble & CeramicAlumina

Products andseeds Chemical Tilesl Gases


Kilometres Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per20'lEU 20'lEU 20'lEU 20'lEU 20'lEU

1 (Rs) (Rs) IRs) (Rsl (Rs)

2401 - 2450 41490 43218 51864 62238 691532451 - 2500 41973 43722 52464 62955 699512501 - 2550 42519 44289 53151 63777 708632551 - 2600 43056 44850 53823 64584 717602601 - 2650 43596 45411 54498 65397 726832651 - 2700 44130 45969 55161 66192 735482701 - 2750 44661 46521 55824 66990 744332751 . 2800 45186 47070 56481 67779 753092801 - 2850 45714 47616 57144 68568 761882851 - 2900 46233 48156 57792 69348 770522901 - 2950 46752 48696 58440 70125 779162951 - 3000 47262 49233 59079 70893 787713001 - 3050 47775 49764 59718 71661 796233051 - 3100 48282 50295 60354 72426 804723101 - 3150 48789 50823 60984 73182 813123151 - 3200 49290 51342 61614 73935 821493201 - 3250 49788 51864 62238 74685 829833251 - 3300 50289 52383 62862 75432 838143301 - 3350 50781 52896 63477 76170 846333351 - 3400 51273 53409 64092 76911 854553401 - 3450 51762 53922 64704 77643 862713451 - 3500 52248 54426 65310 78372 87081

1 Rates in the above tables are published for distance upto 3500 kilometers. The rates for distance beyond 3500 kms

will be calculated by adding to the rates for 3500 kms the amount of variation between the rates in the distance slabs

of 3401 -3450 and 3451-3500.

2 The rates for 40' TEUs will be double of the 20' TEUs

3 Double Stack container will not be permitted

4 The haulage charges for empty f1al/wagons will be charged as per RC 32 of 2010.

Rates Circular No.5 of 2011ANNEXURE-IV


GOODS TARIFF NO 45 Pt.l(Vol.II)(A:>plicableClassRate minus 10%)

Bricksbroken,Fire Coal Tar,Coal Tar Kerosene Oil,Distance FlyAsh bricks,SteelPipes, liquefiedPetroleum

Wire rod coils Pitch,Bitumen Gas (LPG)Kilometres Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per

20'TEU 20'TEU 20'TEU 20'TEU1 (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs)

1 - 100 2703 2928 3828 4053101 - 150 3708 4014 5253 5559151 - 200 4644 5031 6576 6963201 - 250 5586 6051 7914 8379251 - 300 6561 7110 9297 9843301 - 350 7491 8115 10611 11238351 - 400 8445 9150 11967 12672401 - 450 9414 10200 13338 14124451 - 500 10383 11247 14706 15570501 - 550 11361 12309 16098 17046551 - 600 12330 13359 17469 18498601 - 650 13296 14403 18834 19941651 - 700 14253 15441 20190 21378701 - 750 15216 16485 21555 22824751 - 800 16167 17514 22905 24252801 - 850 17118 18543 24249 25674851 - 900 18060 19563 25584 27090901 - 950 19005 20589 26925 28509951 - 1000 19944 21609 28257 299191001 - 1050 20901 22641 29610 313531051 - 1100 21858 23679 30963 327871101 - 1150 22812 24714 32319 342211151 - 1200 23763 25743 33663 356431201 - 1250 24711 26772 35007 370681251 - 1300 25665 27801 36357 384961301 - 1350 26613 28830 37704 399211351 - 1400 27555 29853 39039 413341401 - 1450 28500 30876 40374 427501451 - 1500 29445 31899 41715 441661501 - 1550 30309 32832 42936 454591551 - 1600 31167 33765 44151 467491601 - 1650 32022 34689 45363 480301651 - 1700 32874 35613 46569 493111701 - 1750 33684 36492 47724 505321751 - 1800 34494 37368 48864 517411801 - 1850 35115 38040 49749 526711851 - 1900 35733 38706 50619 535951901 - 1950 36339 39369 51480 545101951 - 2000 36948 40026 52341 554192001 - 2050 37470 40596 53085 562052051 - 2100 37989 41157 53820 569852101 - 2150 38505 41712 54549 577562151 - 2200 39012 42264 55269 585212201 - 2250 39516 42810 55986 592802251 - 2300 40017 43350 56691 600272301 - 2350 40515 43890 57393 607682351 - 2400 41004 44424 58092 61509)) /

S ( NO . I CC;) Ij /2- /11 €-.1 10 Hli'< fty

Rates Circular No.5 of 2011ANNEXURE-IV

Bricksbroken,Fire Coal Tar,Coal Tar Kerosene Oil,Distance Fly Ash bricks,SteelPipes, Pitch,Bitumen LiquefiedPetroleum

Wire rod coils Gas (LPG)Kilometres Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per

20'TEU 20'TEU 20'TEU 20'TEU1 (Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs)

2401 - 2450 41490 44949 58779 622382451 - 2500 41973 45468 59460 629552501 - 2550 42519 46062 60234 637772551 - 2600 43056 46644 60996 645842601 - 2650 43596 47232 61764 653972651 - 2700 44130 47805 62517 661922701 - 2750 44661 48381 63270 669902751 - 2800 45186 48951 64011 677792801 - 2850 45714 49524 64761 685682851 - 2900 46233 50085 65493 693482901 - 2950 46752 50646 66228 701252951 - 3000 47262 51201 66954 708933001 - 3050 47775 51756 67680 716613051 - 3100 48282 52308 68400 724263101 - 3150 48789 52854 69117 731823151 - 3200 49290 53397 69828 739353201 - 3250 49788 53937 70536 746853251 - 3300 50289 54477 71241 754323301 - 3350 50781 55014 71940 761703351 - 3400 51273 55548 72639 769113401 - 3450 51762 56076 73329 776433451 - 3500 52248 56604 74019 78372

1 Rates in the above tables are published for distance upto 3500 kilometers. The rates for distance beyond 3500 kmswill be calculated by adding to the rates for 3500 kms the amount of variation between the rates in the distance slabsof 3401 -3450 and 3451-3500.

2 The rates for 40' TEUs will be double of the 20' TEUs3 Double Stack container will not be permitted.4 The haulage charges for empty flatlwagons will be charged as per RC 32 of 2010.

/2 f Cile-J

\ rp

For a container rake consisting of 45 wagonsand 90 containers (TEUs) which isloaded as under:

--_ ..... _~-~.Case (i) Applicable Rates------_ .._. -

28 containers containing Cement Haulage Rate as per Rates Circular No.32 of2010~---_.__ .-

40 containers containinq Iron & Steel Container Class Rate for Iron & Steel----_._--~~

22 containers containing other than Haulage Rate as per Rates Circular No.32 ofnotified commodities 2010.-------Case (ii) ._---~-.30 containers containing Cement Haulage Rate as per Rates Circular No.32 of

1201028 containers containing Iron & Steel Haulage Rate as per Rates Circular No.32 of

2010----- - -------

32 containers containing other than Haulage Rate as per Rates Circular No.32 ofnotified commodities 2010

~-~ .. _--_.

Case (iii) ~-----

26 containers containing Cement and Haulage Rate as per Rates Circular No.32 ofAlumino 2010-------'- --. ----_.--- ---_.

28 containers containing Foodgrains Haulage Rate as per Rates Circular No.32 of2010


36 containers containing other than Haulage Rate as per Rates Circular No.32 ofnotified commodities 2010----_.Case (iv)'30 containers containing Cement and Steel Haulage Rate as per Rates Circular No.32 of.

2010 --_ .._~-30 containers containing Oil cakes and Haulage Rate as per Rates Circular No.32 ofAlumina 2010---- ------.30 containers containing Foodgrains and Haulage Rate as per Rates Circular No.32 ofSugar 2010Case (v) --~---- -_ .._-_.~20 containers containinq Cement Container Class Rate for Cement25 containers containing Cement _andIron Container Class Rate for Iron & Steel30 containers containing Cement and other Container Class Rate for Cementthan notified commodities15 other than

--containers containing Haulage Rate as per Rates Circular No.32 of

notified commodities 2010.~ -----_.-_._----

---- ________ !'Jate: In this case Cement is loaded in more than 30 containers.