COMETS AND METEOR?. WOS BITDA tlOM HMM AGAIN. Cm …dalmattoe abroad, Hr. ra t* an ex.peelrn...

peatiu-.eut which trill make lt much more thanadead fc'-irr. _m_ ME. I'hi'f W OS hr HOPE'S BITDA tlOM Cltsil.v.vrii'N** OS BM UCKNT TK1P. , i, ¦- is A\I> BTATfi RAlLHirAIlS. ni H kg v rUMIBB BOBH-S. Tlie steamship Uiiil»ria vt'sti-rilav bronchi homet, .-* many frleii.l* Clia incey M. llepew. preal- . N-w-York t>ntrii!,,I ProoMeBl Iteaa, of 1he I'eliw.ire, j , ii ,1 'Affirm, wie a fel aa a*- M w a* . iVcn np to me etty from tba } iai ad 1 *. l* aaal Ba Pnnenmp altar* tl )<r tue 'teamer .*-.itn r*io.*tn. a .- eane down the hay .1. Pierpont Kerena -wit* , oriole in otter to cat au - ablet about neni*. ead arter ba hod ateaopo- nine near mi,tniciit th> bee Ha .latina o' ii few peraoaal hen t* of di * or tba .i hearty WOiOOOM to Mr. lr Dwp ¦« r i-i ni drill tr re and ia av c M i" ii * I octy ** Tomi m. . r er. Bot ... I] up to hit i aad 1 ir. baan benefit- -.:.-. inn tiur.'i ibro* in N w-Yorb iv-ntral. aad wi;l. wi t ti - -.lem by Hir-eetiient anil .'ive or Hie s m - - :, f. 'ii-i.a. mpl] oi me terna -e \a e . nave laboa pl iee i.a,i ll I.e. 'lhere are no honda of nlea io ne aw if! aad none Wa are deina very well ;'- -- f .:.,.!.; i ore ba ti aattte- the 21 P ate bj . . ie an ex- eur tie* tbe Lake Snore would lmve , e, i* tbe aewapapera nbow, tba twa eompaarot d almattoe abroad, Hr. ra t* an ex .peel rn Im rt - _mertean leeuntlet . mn of eoi invoiv- niitnifiit, ih-re would pru I netlan an I au la ne, I ia rei. I Mm aol rail io bf "-ti au tint '.». - . tb io railway oyi ; Banool ked, ." ni i an »atli a i : , a of roan atl ra ll V C'Olll- 1 in .,r of any o'.!.er cu_r m oorpor itlou nr be ; - anl tba) 1- 0 1 Kiata under i \ .:¦. ¦-.-: ni rn iou,, nt and footer amenta, bnt it ,k after theta. A :-_<*- here or :n_-f» ti.- re temp .rarity nu pr a to eucour- . ...* of » mill. a mid walt for the i- Wi for me lavina t>! lilias ol ive extention tii» f.ic- .- ap." Hr. Depew Ul ra ¦ fact tbat - traffic lt at-' nt' (i iw irk -ai, « run in ti,,- : oar, ib- .l mich te rim. Nu 'tlnr' i -p otal train 0 to beal nlorb" Hr. I "-I"- -a_-. i .. , -,-i au. f vt,,*ni be took .i ri,ni irom . .- at 11:43 "i- nek, 'ta* A >iud r- u*. ona mina a too ute . IB the ir ip - tn e- I ». i- tut " 1 li ta'lllll' ICJ WO! .il- lint rbi iprea ' - iel > >m and Vu ireh mn, ¦-..-.-. a re ifi-'.'i I-i W irii . ire r tu .uric .¦!. r uri ,>; toot i r.'iei'tii'ii 'nun ii *.iiiui: iii .-: ludiua l'rn. a a e ireln-t* rea lu Tue* are now formluc .i . || OU. I've ere ulna, without ; ia and t!ir,,Ui.!i tn..t li .linc ina ali tt bleu to tue Hunted Bute*. I i. - .m i beard of tue *oe i ereatlnc a tende-nej tow.trl abaolut- l*ii. i -. ". .in ny and democracy In Boroo* lek ll ..-edin - -. .ii a _ren' lui'iet'i- to rbe mtltt rv Spirit In i,et in .ny ci vv ar.eaeo :.... a oe tito ". I . :i ' eu .'-. pr >pbecy ¦an or - rer WI :.- 1. li,-:.. ii ind and I ie t a again waack, tue lu¬ ra " nra depreaaou and moss tb tr \om people ase .'[Vi: I'.AN -! 'N -" IMV.iiVIKWlVn" A Cl I It.VM t\. A ..iitlv rr*ri. -"¦h.- of ni* In ipea to an- taid .. a yoong te. nj bi ae morning bowed ami -aol: Pardon mo. a weak, I .:' we ooght to know eaoh other. [ am a piano- m See \ ni: .' In tn-i, 1.- tMe-etded coi iel- tOO I'lin-,- or ." ;i nigh ta before we had been ;. erowd of .-i lar our e Lndow. Elli -.'ii ii -... *- until ia fellow B-inglj .' many un- t i:,_«iiti! allimiou, bnt no ono wm loll in ,'. ne un- m: whoa alter | .erieiire be a uni.' "The pta .,.,.,.,;,, I eur I muted ni rain »t hall a down anally ae^4-ii - ,1 e;r.-_; humilitt :' I. ¦' ''¦¦¦'¦.i iu mt !. ,,,,,.,| toe. i ¦ll. || ,. m. bowevc now than im;,,,--;.. m, n..,t i.,,,i ., mwni IU ben ba v. ,. ., Mum.. lid. be Mitered a tavern ni u little i billa, H' bad not worn the dignity ol bia new er* wan . a tiac new-comer w_«,_.i er&yuu_n, ao be .. -rr.'.-mi. bara I ease you with ti,.- ffoptiot broth **>,,. 1 am imi .i Ba| i -t. aa.i- tba rep * ti,, old ii-.*i'i'i t ...'I, i. ewaj ui lu- a..,-. pipe nod ila 1 nit ed. do von i,, long n, tba Hi i.nen .i peraaae.o '' ¦ Sa i nan aol t Moth. "Hon '"urine ."¦ followed thia ..... 11nnd, dc you j,11 i. n n v -a -..i v .ii ion P 1 de uot.' .. I ne mn mmet wee Beeanilag paJnlhl and after tait- |i.i!l 4ji. tim abort -t.-iiiui.-., pipe l.e blurted ' I'- iii you tlinp.ii.-v- wiiu lui li.,-,, i;, .-.o.iie lurm f ¦ THE WMMTMBM VBIOA BXPUVT* 10 TROUMLM -i<in t nu,: a wino af ttl Ut,l, Iii.W OM., I. ll A .Iii ttl. I, »1 ,,( MtMitii,. ¦ «¦ |.,, namban .i u.« tio. _m ai .u, m\f*ua n-i. uui jj, t.w_ jewtt nui tv i,Ml, uarbaaaad .Iimm-lu Hinneeay, tbe lu,. ra*UMi to. ),uii. ii. I.,, a t, i,,,fa,,), wm la Fourth er. >,_ *,_i ..-i ui JiiF.ii..- Murray in the Vorkt Ile amt«r__y. iUH tu.. UUl.^ ta ol Um Ma U ,.,u..U_i relephon,-I'otiipanv te*tifl,"t thal the men were matine eon- ,.,-t,.n. wttb a wtra aireadv tn nae, ami praaeated alerter 'lom in.- natrwaf I'.Miiiii'iiwtiiiii'i'* elvina Uie company tin tight ni ii..-Un uett»*iir>' repair*. /. EDWARD SIM MOSS HOME AGAIN. HU HEALTH IMl'-.OV.:.) BY HIS JOIJKNKY. ur. waa urtu ioau.1 roBTaa PMuanrroH local POI ITU S. KIM)! Y KFCF.IVKD ABROAD. AfHH tho paHMtiuri-rs iinivinir fruin Europa reit.-nlay by the Unibrta waa J. Kit ward Simmon*, tx- |ir.-ii'!e:.; of the BteCt K\rhau»e. who baa been abroad traveUtaa With bia family »uiee early in June. Mr. Blatatoaa waa welcomed at the jut by a numlier jf til* friend*, who warmly congratulated him aa I - Improved health. Wbeu ne left home he wa* muru pi- Maand timm the iirain of overwork, and the trip wu* maile pure y tor recreation. He return* thoroughly re- iel an'I pteparad fair the activity of liu»ines* life, in toodlag Mr. -iiiiiiiiiu* ilror* with bia fiunily letha Baekmrbatt Betel, where they wi,I »tay pending the n-i'.ir it.nn af tlieir hmt-e for tue winter. Mr. -aiiiuunu* was vmlte.t ynterdar bv a TUHII re¬ porter, who found h.rn bi.*y I'Uatuni* with > - I nave had a delta'atfal trim" ba todd, "aafa ¦j beolth 1.1* i, en greatly Improved. I wk murta run li,wu Wbeu I went nway. We nailed fruin New Von. ot ,iiiue.*). We had peffeet weather and a piaaaanl tune. Md m beaattral royaaa tenleg bark. I have pretty mdoatrtoM tue af n.y Ume, travalllag ta boolan 1. Scotland, Belglem and Hoi..uni with i Hine *p bi la i.riuiaiiy. a irrrat iie.ii .11 Btntaertaad aaaeoaaidere ola I u .-. I a i Bgad i" arrive in oe, nod the fiver" ne proved extnm .y Iniereetlnir ta bm. I* lue ibeir meetinga end llet« I Mea v. i,- WIIT"' I We- I le..- ', e Il,Ul, k.ll'lllf** Hllll ll *.-VITi. i London the Pren Maaoai wen exiremely i.oiue to nie, nod attended eptlona. Yr*, 1 mel tba P ol Waloo. A* Grand Uaonr In Poa- i.tii'l. nad bein.' inna.*! nteneied I U aeonry, ti la a. ai.- i- ..i v to oztead eoorteMM te .fia,fun- ir,un Hie t ulled Bl i M u efl --, a I lt wa-lti UUt way I Kal 1 nn't him aim re.-.-iv.- bia polite attention. Amen* ibo aaa ken ia « Prance I wa* ilertaiued, In t ¦.¦ my wMit wa* nut .. n* n wa* iMtMibio for friend* rn rn ,k" ii." [Warrina to ii me Mattera, Mr, * mi iom _¦¦ -;i, ,,- .ri np 'ii linn. WblCB ave taken plan »'U4'<- bia departure, mad to tbi ile-ub of vi* Irienit, Mr. hu ..-ri 4. -| uo ,,|,-¦¦!,. tne r Uneut 4,. 4,ener I WBe ..loner of Public Wurba. He iieeliued. however, .* re atin_ ti, .' v poll! *|, r i nat ot a ponai bia candidate for Mayor. "The I don't nally know m ii u abotii tb* nyaelt Tue in] i plan may ban.nai.lerable oftoet In ne v, npon the *;.,il>l: 2 nf 'Vf ta., and n. J ¦!_ ir icb n' 1-iia. bara to *;.,.-,,i a little lime in nadine op before i, ni ii ri ii. to e X|ir.F*» any oin in on ol Mr. Bim mona wa* wiled to tho lu- vere In tbe Beld lor the nitii-f of' nu' the Board oft and new..* t.i ti - pntenneea amona tbaoe Barned. Ben¬ ia 11 , .,,, ii informed in.ii ben an -. v ral Modi late*. I do not wno ibe] ,i,. ii.i ipec a ol 'h m. l .en-i* nne oe nr tin. however, and eau ioi minr in ne come* I [aver el tbe Man at ran be found fur ti,e plane." _ -a "id ro. fl '.r*'- L- tbat com baron'! vr men In of toe norie foundry and n-tre-ied ol mn 'lie yard. " ie in a .. -ii iii- l - an Ult. yoi it, ,. - Imo foi ..-" buddina Wi;,-li ha I 0001 i uer ihe conceive tb* pl in ol into a at- :' -.t , 1 ,i tao InttMlO . tho ¦: he >'U' on white paint, i n im ter of pegi w. e ".ii ",ii -tie* were placed .iiuaii; oentre twi row* ,,i lion ooow- ii ,,-r. eu. ne,.-,! luiide and Blted wirti ot ,ti. . .were lour. vu- .,r \.-i one r>' *h,> u ..-*t rrouhleaome reforma i to pr ive a - vs,i;i-n "Week ofter week I ilruiulel with the men, U bOW t lane a ti i .. BOUtt) the- waler ai il ¦. id ne th.-n have to be driven into lt. Other* would net tin- ru '* "'lei-' en'! f"r.<!ii.,.r .tn-l inn their bead* under lier Ia ir.'iiii 1 I' W 1.1 tier W M Ia tbe floor than lu tbe tub* \- la*t I have hrouebt tbe ulan pr Ur near to nerfectiou and feel no beaitaucv iu li ia'lin; lt rho momoui ni ,f tbe company wa* iii" -i Kir a,- rank en. ii ei iel ithe ci upa rei! tue .ii in ni nie bbl exit In -erl .1 la ... e ot ni tu. Berwe*n 3 ni I"'' k nov over .jiu, men ea tarni-'i run -1'iie proeeaa rea .viet* tub*, -,., v ii.i* water lor r!i,< -u oeedlng eouipany. TBS srsLiiY TR1BVBS AT LBS OX. Lenox, >> pt. 19..The many Bojonrni ra hi re rvod witta tbe narnlar edltiou ot lin *i *.- dat TiiiivM ataoeaoM thia a mir tbi i mernina I be apeelai enterpi to of tM Hew-York ofllce tn prov la¬ ina a pony eipnii to earry bandin from tho Qudaon liver over tba in.;* te tai* ariatoeratte town. Lemli Keirnter wa* on han.1 to «ui'p v bia ooatonMi I Hitit Nt ft. Nearly iver, lin ly it now* I.oul- and all ti" te linn lar meir new*ja ipeR, Ho hal uia banda Tu., !ki.-a moroiag. .-my- TEE FRESE-AIR I 'SH. ACKVOWLBUOMfia -iv ncltiiowl.FdKod. CbrlMiau . .',"" D. W Ii . 1 on lie i: Kellie! . 82. \ lld . . ,f a,,uni.' elrla i.i Cheery nek au I mon.. .'. "" In Hie N uui 1'llM'l. ent* md lu- i-ii VV ii Bl it. I. i: er Ii i-i-. WI*. 1 on S V. ai,, B* . *,4H) T. CC. ol th. 1' IA . 8.041 .1 ild,ur or carrier piobo.\ i tnt. Tin- toptgeun r.i i-,.! Un Pi ur. ol La i -ii. :.",,iu Lon lon to, i ; v.nt aa el tale -nu,ty ...-i'.ll. le-'l nil ll.e '..unley nf a'>oill l-O mi..-* [lier. .. ¦rilli.U» tn M.lle,- ak inai a limn th,- ton nf tv ,,.lt jeer nu t'"- \ a I. Ill hank III.-Tit ..;. _.- n- ;.,.- '.v' -i,,;i,,t.-r i,.cii Tower. :u nu Mri) mon amy hut il i.. all -ii t: k : iii lit ri -a ll Diann ttl "ie nm n wm ..' iliimtioH Dluute nnue than bal -¦! -,,.li.- ill .1 ,iili;i,,-..-i.l ll Univ :. nut ;,,ui Wei i - un ]..,.- n in-1 in a few . the ol!,,-I*. A in r ,.,.«.in, «inri e.,uni not .: . arter, a- '»-a un Ihe ¦¦.' a la. Maui I'- Q| Hoe .-! mi Animal la « ¦. Iii.-\ - at. P ll ,. i-i.ii tm- la,i. ure ,|H-, il . I ¦. .. .-. ..-', i,.'.*.., anil l,i .1111,111.'. .1 JUL! /-,7.l/, / I. OF ul. DI V TIBBS. Prom tue Um Colo' 1 l,_ io a III. ,: the |.i ai | uni.ti.. ¦ hal ii i,.*t. Ui r.i,,-« - ,,t re 'in- iii mt I' W noni- .ii U a tit ;. '-a i..I, lllii-'i- .,! a. ulolo.ila .»! ll I" i.u.el a lia J. at Un -.' il ,. I.,e IM In I.I ul lu. He, ru » ,,: ld av I-iii.-ii " WlUi i.i pnuiiiit. oupli ul i.n. -, lop iii Uk I... Into Ult trev H'_* A a ii,..,,.! man iou.m. ii Ul* a o.itl,, an,. ,a ltd Ul* KU) le- i.i Iii, I...- . !., .., lil. "II lu,ll 11 ii. lila Iii,,,:... ttl ili-emu aamu uni.. Ui« illuuoi o.-li uma'l* iiiiiiin.a ;¦/ A ill Fl OB hATIB il Ci. 11 Ri im i md 'itfki .. Tba I ¦...::. w.i ...i-¦-.. ni kia aiprti a Mg a pa* .'' * wi nina awn ol 4J|| eu,|, || i o|,| j,-.. t" ll" I*., Ul bia lat., ;. |irr week lol k,,|"''H li", al.'.. II.., .a Ili-li -' 'I bli .-,,.!¦- o. "... IM I ,'¦ " .ada, ."4'i 'li'-'1 rt Ilk i" Med with nnoponed eatut aiabtyi noni » .,,, tiona » Un ii i" ba m At i- r. u. tiiiaiiti i_n> wen baoagbtl**. TUE SEW COLL ht IE ILA h. Mais HMM INION ani» COtS-CLL GBorpivo i,y ni nuv-iki itMiii. couaeta bm- ti nive, .; 4B_a_a. "Th> farnltj* of Carnell,* cbbb a eorre- *I'Onduntof The timmi Mic. ritter, " have oeooroplUbed verr imp >rtant work dunug tue year Ju*t petood, and h.. ve male * weeping cbaugea. What la Indeed a eau** for tu o,'r-tu ation anion, tho *tutt«nt* la the uniting Into .1 ur group* all of the non technleal eonraea. with Killi the tint year ami part of the aecuud yeur ata.1i*>" prea-rrtbed. In ib'.rt. itu lent* who are BMvtBg aft*r the ,:e.'reeof bachfior of ari*, of pni!o*oj)hy, nf edeline ornf l tier, hilve all of the work of the Jaaler and acnlor yean elective, excepting theme* in the junior year. In tl e funr-ia leading lo the .legree ettber of harv- -. or t.arlif lor of letter*, however, there la Ulla ex- Mptna: atadoata wee, altar e.plauaa tba Int two Bl Eba eourae, abell devote at least mn I hour* -ou- nennealy .turing the last twa year* to »rientifl* tabjeeta wm reaalva the B, .-., and tbOM who thall tiovote at least tittie hour* ni itei rtMl aad pbUtMopnieal aahtaaat will ie* decres ,;. U Hmm new no . . Heel a; me oeattah na nf tee ¦.., ,._.» -,e*r. in "riler iiiai n wrung laiptaaMon tnav rmi !>«. mad*. 'I I w,.rk m art* i*: Latia, tireek, matbenattoa, Pnneb. I. gliab, (ireeg biatory, liomin biatorr, Uonoaa pbyoi- ni'i.i. ptrcbolegj and logic if ion Lol a, u nb an,l en- I wo yean' work in pbUoMpbybi ihe lame, exeept- -I len ra, i reneb ne te . ,.. eonna in eg- -i'u t tbe out. rrani h r-oagnn in l ...__. i-. now ron*' Irrih.v .-ii.ill'* I, .ni I POM .'tin ll le t< in tv i. if. ,- - -a.iv iii admit p*r- ...... OBI M 4-t i og a to noe ve a degna In the department 4>r agneoltnre, initood ot : - DOW ul .ut f 1." tt 1 rty-tbtoa moa i. .ve re_ for ine foi ¦¦ i-i ni on* tor tm- Mnlor . .... .ar'*. A r.-w la tue rown, . . » .-, trow .lt] ,- - i. bea ll 111 i li i -. i'n.y- H.. waa ev tor i,r,-,- .. 'I lillie United Ntate* ike lion ¦¦'. ihe u Crane v .Urce, . , ii. n. Kip M ml ,el pr ifeaotw af pan math-' Lie '' hean iii'iie in ibe uri'!, ibe innimer iii h. i McMartin u ur ir. Al Ha -i aii,|ii ¦-- mr i-« ol a atudeuM an backpremp tiuie .uni reaily- lui work. « OMINf. [_ [DEN I -1 HARVAB W HI TD il' IS u:v. i In- full term of il ir- i : ll will be Ul 1 'ge. For ll « f tha faun Ital ol - \ l tr un ler the nvoln* w bleb ol Itaelf wonld mi l and i at I. new feature* UaV4> bean recently pr > .i .... .- a han tn M m i- t 'll Hit a itl on a Vint, r* fi t4iur quartei rill make tbe-utay bl tbe in-i*i du rill ptr* ti .|iiie ii be oenmouloe of un-.lav. .More tuan mia, _. at the ll: -IVe; ... . net Hld 4,. K. mc air about Cambridge lo evan bow fall or tu-- ti," i- ..... , tea. Be on lui* ni -na mn bogia I la pro'mblo " u of I, or rloriea h'-r. 1 or, nial Um i n, uri y \'. i-f r irv ".*, li .wei- r, wi. walt, noi year ii or a:,pm i'liiuiii.- r. I ',. pe ibo tit), ia a ] e .rn.-* a uri; r, we k . -*' .* ii r it--. . wttb ine itudeata I. it tn,. di dan in feel any e.-r- ta.iity ian until Mine bM proved the ; in . ." "1 "lie. vin- ia-t e-ip.-r mont, tbe net ley nell ' rmi) tue |.ii and the i ii ,- - ind that a man wltb I, ti ii ii.-it.-r peen nlnry re* tF>,i prize, bocauM ba iel bj pei tja ball or r p-r rent, ft la probable that I le.e w ¦-.-, n«_i-i ita mat ia yea .ncc. - . ann Iga lu Jabe nation*. Tb an, 236 have boen a.1 In -..:.- fall \ i i.s. .:. ",-. ino, tl .'ty or hi -Bee on uaoalty a an in ltted «¦; rl*e above i .! or li'-e.-'i wi fall ro I-" to Harvard, r ¦- rre. . 275, although lt may poa* ii fill term will li ive au ., . to iltr- . - | foot- hull lea ne and in, in I lt I* n m ut'-r of mere non iw a - tea a team will pla i e,i"niri "f the -''it'ii i* wnrer v. Brooke,'.7, a aturd y imi of unknown effleiancj a* au ott - ACTIVJ ITT Al COLUMBIA. IM ;:i:a-i: ,,I lin:". w.Y.,:m. arCDKXT.-TH" IK ri . | i !-.. PKOCToa. .- | ur ol preparatory t" the Ix ka m.rk of anotbei . Urou] exarolna ,.rk on naxl M,nula.-. Tie fr,--'iiuaii ola** in I TM i. . iw i - ¦. nearly ¦.'no, « I gndaata conran '".en III eli in"'-- Il -,f any of iv month. 'll,.- p.. ., monthly meeting* nn Mon.lay, O.toheri. l-..r *, li, iel -i :ii tue. board, weeoen win apply tor en M,,.t of iii.--.- in le. inn I mi led n loUl i,i.ik li. _.i -. i,_ ... vu » hum th- il ,onlel,,|,t. III.-, t II I VII .at lae -.-- ..LY lil MOB .'./.-"".' M1"S < /.'.l ir¬ ma, Ihe *¦¦ v York .- I -,-,n,-., .. aa am.h.iu ,: .. in pn,,,,' oil bo'lll i-"HM. ¦:.'- '¦'¦.¦ IO Bau V,.r.. t r, the ¦'. _., -e v. bile -ii" va .- A le port. .- I-tad to letica . uer ¦¦ hut .ir, ; tba .: l . - of tho - CB BM, rnrtl moil, ¦. \ "i. i j ... At In " - rn mil.",f I ri mn ,. iva'* COMETS AND METEOR?. nir.II.OKl'.IN DUE Ti VOLCANIC EJECTION. Fl.'n.f Binra v r.v paoraaaoa a. pkoctor macusatxa paoraaaoa ai w ion's axotun I-ai¬ re me Bitter ne rt. Trttntet Bn: Profeaeor Newtootof Yale CoTIeffe, bat lamana tu* aricia of BBabBarttaa in an addnn of eoe* ',- inte: lt, belan fie A,:i.'r,e an A-im-iaflun KTaeaBBaant nf flnkaana. ia eaaahT ai Detain ir tpnear* to n.e. bewever, int ba ua- neither noaa Sba fall nature af tba e problem .lie '.erv sir: r nf UM ea .n wb_N.r optadoa n ta ttl tolotloa neat depoad. Be ; i. in in ate ni brio' bate tbe evtiaen .rwi.ei'iiing.iu fat->r .f tay tbaory of u. I first nnte that no oilier thenry 11 atMeked. for no ''.uer p 'int* out that I ir- ru.. ..niv te -or faa are fraamoBfal -. ben s- thad tra- engtal had i ti ia* gone a little fo-tl-M beek. Oootata oeaaa- if the il int i- . ..... » theil Irednoitoa into on- .- i to the aeptertng pow ar . p inett; tu,),- hat bea* cnvaUtag as paeeo, that OfroachB gloat 'i toot, and wer> toned t * in t i wonjil of the rion of meteors . r,* .ru ' iud t form a mtallar w Beana tue ii- then . ,r t "¦; -i lUoally that ai itanl ml I i,'* !". i ¦ .') i:iy nothing ol I pay¦ that no me- !.¦.- i, we knew Um real aei.. il >fn meteor olood Into two Gloede, not a otrlopl-hr od of .ea "Il -OOM rn.lll eo-o-F .. ¦!-, t ,;i ,- r 'tu n..¦ ita nf in ¦; :..<» u- m to- i*.i" i tba lil II,el -BOBO ,- ..','!,le ler ihey ibonl ie taken. tb i iee. Tba . rtaln, .il 1 UBMOB- in - -. i tba mu . -u i. t ..I..,--. .ii the od wilbla I .. inc u BM known to ne n - :ie -Ii li it ion of :mr, and eflei > a plana i- In the - ito, un. .: , which lue e rotnelon :.. . :, oo -i i-i -> terr itnal onglu lemon- i,ohing iie:- :i.' tn *.<. te |tun Napa. viiirrli i au mn. .ill-a ... ill ali I lin.-, meei bille- fr nu in- li tbe enormoui i. rbe glan ,- .¦- :.. i milli! lena, the r ima. er,. . I 'Hi¬ iii .. ow lerraetria iu ii eu lea* power -nil,*! -. llae m.mile in eded prove ,- . ¦: * of meteor*, au i iberefon nil order* of eouiet-. tbe intertu au i tue "-ii in ne- -ni.. .-. -..-.- ol their re .*,'.-.-liv-- A .1. .euee leli'!- Pin her IO power "f f be cert un fro u one . having the ob.iracteriatio* ol tueteora and come ixi*t. even ii" eeo obaorveg. Ii . ... tb inch .m . rork m ;h.-m. \\ hoi uuue una tne uro©..- r woib wblcb oe tulgbt have in¬ ferrad lr".ii ilifir 4iu*ervei! product*, and ti," (ir eziMtlug ii i f ',,,,-neil :r>¦ ni tin-,,,,. ...lilled ia lill W .clent! , We may b. -n, tin; ir dnlicoltie* ,; mr rbeurdla- t BOW trula. .Niiav rh'-re - hui one ol my weight, ft PTO- vi rn- .-,-,,! Sou rmi. iv,; la .en- i autieul ty ni -upp,i,ii._* tn.ii ii-rreatrtal or lunar volcanoea to oje ate ri,- ..!.,-* witta i,,e nen velocity for vmi,-mr volcanoea could not II.tiou. Pot lt ll inriie mn like Hage ot aa* planei'i ire tn .. '..- time when. al wa p ¦--: md "ur ian I > lunliku bo ly we aaa lo<|Uln into, i: he cannu planet wben li au a nun. Unteanno) all lue- not lae NIB '''"I -.' 't bOdlesI ll"-- ui pi-iiiiiiuam nt lo he wh.i! ihei MBM ¦¦ - )eU of glowing ga.maybe dwp Med to ano war tn tue nngetlva Bo' In reality nothing can be mui :,. in tn .. rue i i-t iiii'iF,. ilroirrn wen .re i. Maul eatli thei tne ia ,.-r iio.iie-. nwt tbemaelvea ti tun tbe i opea "ii'-- «'""! i i* the ;,¦ i*o:i a. m.* fie tr i -i rodin some,. Bead we wun'!i'r that the tu.-lim t)oeted from the ann's Interior uro mild evrii from tue time of their exir, bow tbe expo i omprn >ed - driven lore bir upward fr nu ii *.>..».- roll ani a.*!nio «aif*e.-, wuold teaaltm very rapid .-.i-i in,;, ny wiiluii a porttoa If tue vapor wonld Boen ¦Olid form. In Incl thia i. tue vera proeOM noofalaod aa iu.liculeU by tho ... itructun of tneteorltn. Ii may doiirtlon ba the can tfat ef elected meteoric r*r lue gre it.-r number rmu-n to fie * inline orb .'j.'e'.iiig ihem. one eouaiaUng per bap* of tbuuaan , .i"*- tn n ou *_r, al ..".a ... na ol lurb fliguiabaa ue baan tho :,.r--iit: Hu huadredi ,.f inllitoneof leiiow a Jo a iii an doing like work; tua tt milanda ef million.- of ph.I i n I be a cornel eeeh oompaaaat budy u mateo md all tbat i- kno * ind neteor* tin* .'"iu il of iumr origin. bu -Uim a. Pa " toa. St. j-... *. o ; -*'.. TUt TULL LA'Stll-*. I.N' LKMIiAI. PARC fa - '. tl Tho Trte uui Sib: Yeeterday] timk a walk ia Central waaor* oonooeadod la int Total - N-ar me i,-i re i -¦". nt the boee of a tree, '. l ,i e u ui te- r I;' .¦>¦ |M*'i." Ila A eu rn na a," wa- tue .egeud an. tba M ir." was Manu.i ia DotbroUa. h. iy lie added fiat IBM I M y r ¦.. a -a -.-¦. .va* s,','-c'.Fa,l lo u, nam* t - Uditr by h ive "eau iien.eeleU by uni. diicnv-r. I eannot . IMveibattba Para Department Bara :,-i! iw,. bim ..I a*i.r diitlog iii io and ore .ir. ..ei tooaopeot m m MMebMvaua urcum 4ii-nifiiig t. ;t to oooron tue in ,u f, ,.* I panel up ouo \ ir .aoe.s are tlOOk B tba .r.'Uii 1 in tall , leagOl ,',,ol l.,a Bauld . ll lilli* to pi ; tba uure- t... i..,in-, in zi o plano aad eal! tbem feet to the ino I ..-away waa a *f.|iioi t >, iirsn <.*. :iuk big tree 4,1 1 . 1,-l ed Wllv Ba .1 par u,e,i., [mi ir laboM ar inna ideuiliy -ur luMnatlng m«u ei,.e ia iv - V "'"'" i' omiueul at do t_,-*e u.yaienou* I am :h irut.y 11 ...* I. ¦ in ,-r ...."vg ut willah ma od bau been comoBod. Lui If . ll _ me a .r, trur, 1 -a..i,ot tba officio .0 e iel, io e, 11- know wnrre IIibj- coiuc Iruui I h. ... .'rir 1 rn ., .ie|,i_ ? -- 11 \t .11* 'H-* rai fi.M raai psm. ;., te Md t: er of Th » a aa Biri tomsartieie ia thia a-or.dng'a Tarawa on ilia u iv, i. 1 . * 1.1 fe,...1.' a , 1. u .r-a -. 1, lu-i . . tiwi* Wan I, ive u-bd ai,.lying ta* ui ,.11 of mn poet, tpeahiag of a i. ,. wee - -i imuurimu teuut a Ooairal r tr~, e , , m M ta pnoe..ier:>iii..r* mi tba gioaad Ina taiMMngap I 1 iruuK of ih . iroe." Lui IBM* Uo un. aaoou. a Ucu, Miena bat ing exhausted the foliage on one tr-e they are eeeklng for" pasturei new." Tao eggi are lat I on th* leaf, ant tha worn, before lt hat tbe power of loo notion, be gt tn devouring the food upon whleli it Ubini. Wnen -natural Itdeaeends the trw, seeking ror rr-viees in rlae) ..ark In¬ to which lt ean wiwiilrav- during lu chrysalis it-are. Now tne belt in aeoeMaa may pr»vent the worm from deaeeodlng, ibm aaaelBg tr to pertab ; air ii m i>* pnvool r fur wing part'-* from Otber tree* ; or it mir prevent the ' tnotli. tim female of whlrli la, I believe, aol Wtaaed, 'rori c Baceadlng the tree to lay lt* eggs.u. th.-a» way* doing 1 poealbly maeb geed; bat the groot mia i from t f." J "Ung larva burn on tv I IBO I . fneta, bal I. for »n«. annul be w\ id of "acart ur tallai iu- r formation from ecii-ntiM- efaoorvi rs. I have i, eu lu,"nued in ih- oin.'er aeatataad* , lag al F'.irt. *,-liny Vt IBBl UM I fees at ^est run' and at Ins own p.aar have laeeF) <" trrod from tao wortao by tlmpli tneowlth n -. A'i auger bide fmui a . > an f Ineh in i ir, a our ling to tba t ia tno, ¦. t Wltb sn » iv. if -ni* v.-rv ilmple nina r,-rnv.- it ought tu i>e geiieriiif known. Ila* any , ll. ll. ... Al-. l!l.;**ti. l! r_-XATI IS BOT b MARC Ol V I TO 1 'IV. To ihe Baiter or tue Trieumn Bibi The Prohibitioniata appear to think thal a tax li i my n tat MUoaaMto favor or testify lt. UM any of OOT -tatn -eiiie faroUag, ireh latanoM aa tba . .> «i i,. md tea ebal a howl then ProblblUoaiota will rafoe. Tbay ai>- . ina fm n Ui i atman my ether beoteaaai Tel they an op- la. ag lt, aad ileaonon ovary ona who fa* ra . tina a apooial taxon tno taloon * |naufylng lb any otber huaineai an t i* ly, tc .. Il nat ti*-'i'i' If every dnnang aa . - 1 i our lan t b ii wbe*a tba cann - lon aa a > i mir penal lawa .. ne g ,.,.- ii .. .; M., ,,. repealed, tu, .'.'.'., Sept, lt, 18 .1 B. lt liiin.r.ii URI lt Ail. .v tr.l M. 11 i_r.'i.*->. n-.-' tbirtr-two, a re- nrr.-r wbo baa been caa iw-Torbaad leraoy papen for tba lott twelve year*, dieu ,u l p. m. ye* erl ,y a- .rt n hbo, \,, ¦_.; M.-r-«r-.t.. .ler.ey known mid popular la r. Ile h ul at different titan been connected with Tte ' ind rae Afo«* In flew-York a-"i the Argue nod - . e<4 lll- i ad wltb the N'ew-Jeroey edition ol Tte World. Hr, H developed ..¦r he ii e bope thal rf* rn air Wou I tie .ev-i week! ve re un ne inn wane eenuition than wheo be w.- i away t r of tho Mew-Jeraey Pron l M. Afbon io ukB tn Xiii. WILLI Vd I. DRAKE. I»r. William F. Drake theil at hi* borne, S ». 107 Weet forty-fourth at., y. - , ( -.riiooii from heart dmaoe, after an lllneai uf leven mon UM. Ile wa* boru on A l-l.', at Vat ,. Vii--., anl ItOB, Lon,!. Sew-York fur twenty yean ir.arkeil i'Mie rirrc o' linne eut. rnrtte-. In dltt l oeaaof tbe Vmerican Diotrlet TelegrapB Company "ii w.ta lt, ile realgned of tbat piny to become aiin-trluiendant of tun *-t.>r_ ..v I in tbe pi: . .¦- ,f rh ir oiliee i, laerwaeml hil -i , - . -iandaH* «-..* prorainem in me ,, -,.-.,. r,.. at Mona, banna t*ka fi - '.egr"ei k and Heottlab rues. Bia funeral will take p.ace ou Vi eda ? IBM WEATERS REP .:.'. -M.. NT 1KDICAT! >»8.POR 21 ir >U tl VVasHisfaTow, Bept. 19..For Kew-England, Vew-York, Pennaytvanla, Efow-Jamey, li*,aw ire and raina, foUoweu br fair weatb r, .sl:^_.:lj* . -rly. Westward, fair and cool. e> Tltll'L'Ni. LOCAL o BAB IVA ri) V '. , BAR QOURB: MoraMg, Nighl. IO' ¦. * 11» « a 11 »aieiait»4Ba?a nen 3 '..* I L In th" 'l.iiT-i'" i eaaUnnim White Urie show* the barometii- eil i v.-it- r Viv. ila i ....- ,-- ,| .lol -. ul ni" Ur a ni,-.: looiatar ai Un * iy, N* iiii bi tedway. _ 'lRint:*sa orrira:, Bept 90.a, m..A storm iwept rapidly from the Laka reel -n te EfowEaglead yoiterday, ivnh lie ivy ibo* IM a' a few point*, and light onei at nther* th,' way. fu<* *;nr;u mporM I In West ., ia talla I to materially affioet nie tiouthern --tate* yet. The barometer ben mil. with cool, fair ak:.-, nutng, and then eloodlnooi and light ra; tem im. a'u-'* rancad between S3* ant 76°. the average .owei- than tbe Correspouaiv- lay .a--, roar, on i -a mwt-r luau on Saturday. In and near tins city, lo lay. ther- win proiiab y be eon. and fair weather and the sain,! Tu -aday. A roirv BURIED IS MUD. Prom Thu 1 _ept i it watenpont iaur*r over Klrvey HUI, at ti., bottom ol viiiit'h Mandi a ponton of tbe town ki foxholea iin- w.ii.-r nabed darwn Uti ni.-, hr nglug « itb u . tin mountain a .im! rock, rh.- ma.** |uu ig,-<i ai a tearful rai ug everytbmg b-iore lt, In aioateoaoa tm- wan- ni tba bonan remained tntart; nut Uti m.t.-ti dilutei! by wul.'.-. bani through il.Hirs and at ag both furniture and people before ,t inti io centln .,-vt row "I boilaea lu-, i-i..,,l:>n Wan ont of a room and carried down the bUL a dum triad lo aave aa r itopped ..ll al* -tn tile A I ,»lll.lll « ..' a II4U1-. aa ,- ti ra] Ulll into tlu- ,'iin.-r of tin- front loom. -- milln- .¦:,.*. il people. aitra. i, 'i by her i ne*. bei Handing tn tba corner covered ler-a. wini I, ,., ,.- ,,t row hui I hour na., reipi i, ,1 h. t ,r. -ve oiihl '.. rxtn, ab iIkiuI ti'tv everything area iwepi ont u bj earth pit. ¦! up t.. the ¦-¦ wen mam men. women Mayor ami othera On Hunday ll toa ;,t.. ur and throughout tbe ruy hnu4tredaol navvlea wen at work _. there A reli.' ran - I.tai Vel I 111! K" .lill,¦Hi.' START!BO A HILL BOOB IB TUE TREASURY. Wathtnphrn Diepel r leary A bnmiatnttoo an.- never happy un., a., om ur ttl or th.-re ere tirol nod twi ra lb< m. Tho lark Youmaj bod tavoi wltb tba Adminiatratton bonni oooaeed tendency t.. gel np ii Hill boom In tbat di pal un.nt. I !:.¦' har ia itarted avtng. ioven ,.: ou tin- h. , IB,'-, and ti -. hy i lere- to New Vork, and many clal >r come Fia, neilUi .:: S ¦'¦ *i r-. lor ., 'I to nm- ilium ,;,,\vu tn.- gai: lilli. No. Mr Vonmana will return, bnl Hill'. for a while at leant. Uui (bon Hon. SEC kt. TA RY M 1 \ .V \ fifi I IT ES DA ST. ivn'.ai;¦ -i ttiepatah tl I . tn- i ada Bam ha Mr. Wanning] *:. oMat ttoo at roll par, togetber witta a valet, la tba pelton ot nie laiy Mani, li pointed a nieeeeefei .nun an wee y. vi v. ii gaiiuin ... ni i.i..--. au., al .val - in ',..- ai Unit n 11 iu lli- iia, n..,, at itu i,.ai IWU1N nay rium lin: li. COM BA ' TA M i D /. I /1.'. I PH0.1 E. n . In iv¬ or the i -till.i,tia ll. re- .1, elll.-Ilt Un- -tl:t. at eon ¦. -.-»ti.-t.- .ri. kio ii lined by " ANN 1 N .. MN P. On and after Sunday, September 19, I-"''., li ...imo!! t , * ..-iva New-Kora 1:4,ni tue r. l.iiiei ty-.t., .J.-r,.-y t enira i>ep.a'. t.x- BM« trune leave dally, exeopt -auday, aa Tl.) Cm m., 1:30 p in. a.. ni'lni.'i... ni r ne- to . i inn - .\ aol ,,. ii i i. fl Bt. I iola, flt 50. Pureba* | «u,l 4). i.e.-: .Ill e* il Brawn way, Broadway, lil.'. ,.,-,.».. w ij-, 1.1 in Broadway. C. K. I. ,,!',. ,,e|i r ii Pi--*,i .-i-t 11 n li t iin,,re. Md. 1' ,m,, i, urra K.ts.eru i'aaaeuger A^"Ut, ill.') ..r,. iway, .s. t. n i- ..Ii .ri *¦) uriillv rt'iln-vu \<\ n *ev nattaefeel diannaaatrra bar bowel a.ieeiion, mat willi BO BaatOf Loka- Jayne* Caruiiiia* live LUI-am. ii » ir* rural.»" ror Aaiallu craiupa, -iiuionr oomp alu; of omi ireo. t'nsloei.1, ., '¦.' "' 11 ,,..i.i .. -, .-..- . ._.i,_. ...u Iu.ll Ul lliolLor. PLEVBUmPSEritfiM t SEAR CHICAGO. ur. prnmSABB rot'M* tPMBtX tiik CATTU uv ::n CITY MU I Cm . Biala Veteriaailai «;e. i iy il aught, r-t. on tlie f.i rn af a .iii. 4 .rn it ..v.. » aad . ,nir .ifrr'e,'. wltbpmnn naunton!*!. The bod ir. Were batted !. ve feet .leer. B I avered with lim*. Ai. el.irr* wi., li* ii ade :¦¦ dlsiufeei tue pu I tl.ona th't ie d.,e.i*,i waa . : y a n UM a nt Bf a DI , tb . y .virge* :: i | ian bi ,1 »".» alar aad to iii e o-i I) e p.. tn « *..-.. Wi 'wo r which tver* promptly k 1. ,. raedtaaasaad aad lu rt it nut have baea lab muti.*. The u*uil nuilee of ,piara .ti:i* 1..* jrved 0*1 Harney, nu; ther-- ,r-. * we: er e will be ame to uufirue I*. re ii- ir id af «ai'i.t) aa tba i ¦.¦ .veil, '.be -'%-. '. .a* a pew -. d, bet ii- te etta ir t* of t e pinion that Bleata poeamaota hn bn ledlate region linc- . ie , te IWB PIC BO long walmul Ming dil nat Hie cattle aa Baa inpaur of n kmea, Ai >¦¦ ..' -.- i -mk no na , ry ri vv lo tba a..i (guter bouaei it oa rf at a -1 . a vt rn tn io t rn a a *e .... ano, rona; vin tun au op - * i I iy have r»a . rd i lane pr portion of Um milk eoaau Dines from tuere. DIED. i4">rn kt Patel \ i .- .-i-i r uteniieni ul Bower*. i'.AK E.In ' I J,,lui B N ir if Pur-ted ' -1 IE X D ¦"". nf Hov burv ihu-e, .*. ./..uni. ll ll" leafier. .'" K' u ; Lock woo d' " >!' ,':->.ne M ' [loir i i. in. IT, 1 : Uy, Friend* v ' -#, h.* ir I ile ' . .- ,'.-a- !,..!v. :.- ri,.- fun. -Cfc ii ill- P..-*-Ar New-Branawtek, X J.. .*... timber 17 M.. wit. ... to-tte . ..... -.' tn tl n viv - ACEETT lt* ll L 1.. .-*_. ,- t 1'iiin ral at ij_ p. :n. 'amarna will be In waiting noon arrival of trala len-iu;* Onad Uenenl I . pot ai l p. ul *!'l li- VI. I'V'i 10,1 , Ol S' v-V ,rk Funeral , u Mull,la ". .it 1 ,,. ni. aol - iel Boan r-,. rn OM P80X.Entered inn U.-v. Abraham h yunera. i iu i ireh at U * 4. 111. mg Nen Yort. tool 4,1 I.. I ol* .it 7 -'" p. m. r Ni vt v .irk are requested to attend withon! tai A'Kt'.H I un -aili, lay iv.,: ff Brooklj v. SCoa I p. m. Special ' -Oticcs (unwell. Miii-m-v A I...* !.VVfVl;HII . ooUi aud mouth pi paration. A it ru _Ll. mil iv I. > ll lb »rn*aOU. SI H**. M li I. B A I' ii' S HOMK-MAIU:, -.REdEBVED, ii KAN DI El). i-ANN ED AMI apfCED Firi*r*\ Ptekleeoad Muir,- 11,-au Pnn Bed -un.mi .4 ,,..Tl.r ..I... 4- ,-, r.-FI, l, . li.If I.,, I-, .-I L_n ir. *ell I iii. el,.-. Ka-, rvtii ag pul .riler* ii ur av I. .iv, .ki ttl-. SARAH IS. M 311.4 Degraw *t., Hr.a.k.) _, H. . .-'> Ku.niel.' A.*. nipoaraaa and uoTraaa >«¦ DIAMONDS. KAVvrACTuaaBa op i>iam"V' fcwautr, - tl. .. .s.-w -i ara, : j, ->L a lon. T. VI. -l.t. :m. BTEAM < AlU-i._-__.i.._.\iN . Il P**inl lor 4-irr'itar._ The tleiropolitau Hire, lo,. If carefully aelerlett n u .* s-a. Vork Ot) I No directory can la eomel :i m ea u , 1 he M " ...HIV. I .,,- i ¦, iori will We rUaoan ala -u ot.. M »orita ll I.,,,...,. .,.i ,'. ut TBuW , ITV DIRECT) 'Bl I KU, at. anil I Bl _ N 1'U*I IIOl. I* Nilli e ld te- read HAILI hy ... ..... ni- tl any time Letten rnr fonlon cobbii Mo nee.! not be ipeclally ad .... ,ir- ¦! tu -.-ii lu;-... .it- , il baukim* i ., ...i sora ._.(,) Oddnooud he.a.; aulit hy il. .:anle. loreign malla lor tbo week ending Heptambec I l-l. gr; .. , at tin* "tll'f ', loliow* ri'KOOAV -At- -ni ai ." atoad. paroU-Moblp H via igue.-ii-- i it Brita ».ur»i>«'au . oiiiiiiie* in.isl h.- duri-. l«*l '.'ti.-; a i vvkdn ...-.dav ti '.. i4i t ii. eu aanpa pi il.d llleiuetl I moat ie d r, mu pei r kl »¦ ¦ n>r i out ateamaUip Baltic, via mueemtiowti BritaM ann outer fcameaaa Manama mal "per lian. THCKADAt Vt 10 a. -ii tor Central a-.. i 1- ,. a ¦.-..., V ter* lol -U tu " ""'¦.' ba du** um " uer Auapub-ai "I at ld , I'-.! to I'... o dil .i: p. iii. I,,- v era r.u, .inna, u_, i 1 iii-aUii, pet la ot i,,-a.i:i'r., al |i I ol' lt, i ni,i'la. rnnidad ai J p m. tar mi ana t I d.-r rr-m. Nea .'lilDAV.AU*. M. ion Newfol_U.U__iil, pall * i Ila da V-At Kia. m. for Wowtaaad-l Portia aloin. rorJoaaaiua uerateamibip hi ,i.-u »ll-ili.. lor Norw 4.1, n-i irk la (tottan uiusi ne iir.-ri.--i "not Ueklo laaabip l mluia. via tiu.-.-u, * for Kr.iu.e luusi ne ,t roaUa.! **pel Mb .'ran' -....imi u irotnanii tm Mini ai. i ui lu' aire. I. |i_i au-aiuaui" r I . . ileii.-r* uiusi ». dil-.* t.a.1 -iM.T i-.Uiiopta'i. ai .. \u. lor tn.- s.iii, inila bract, .au- -t-f-iniihip » Hot. ,ell.-i ¦> iiuiat Ui .UiecUxi "yer I*, i a..ii,,!' ol tor BelipaM direct par ataaialnp I'.-i.ii imt, a * \ .,v- «,i., lal ten mont W iin-rcted tier l',iiu..n i tor Kanoa PM al-amalu,. tilly ul , Vi-a a via iueeuat.,wu ilnura muat he Olrocieti uer ci.) ... t ,.i. I Mail* lor Hie Society I alan ts. |ier Hup Tropio lliri .froni B ia i-rauciaroi, cluee Uer.- -wpleiutear -J* al 7 p. ni. Halli M m.-*., ii i.ianii*. i^-t ,te*,i,aim, /raina-' , fra amer*! obie* ban Beotom wi '-t tl I .> aa Mun tm' iiiua.tiid Jaiiau, uer sioauiaiiiu Harlie tmai Baa 1*1 aai lan iaor» *M.plniuU.'r .'. i al 7 u. m. Mia Ot Auatraii^ WlW iMkMd. famlwu li, POI . -.. i laUuila, |ier *t<taiuiiiip v. tn. «M» itiou **ai, r ra,. .-loee non >. I., .e ',,, al T ii ai iii ari .»! al N.w. V om ni au-mu-hp « ii. Auatraliaa. kana ror uiia, hy rai: lo Tampa, t-i*.. and th, MOaaBOg r. Kuy \S rat. Pto, lioM al Ui.a oltl.e d*itj at 2...-. m. . lin-*.iie,.u'e of .losing ot rrausP-Clflr malla ta arran-.*! on the pi lull mpl leo ol Ibeli iwi.ularruptrd "a ¦-. alni iran,il I* dan Ptraactooa Malla twa Ibo Baot omvtag uh iimk ai *>aa Pram .*... aa um. >.*y ui _*.i_ug ut *i-*uiei. _g« .liapau hui Un io iii. mmtUB iXmy HKNUV tl PKABflOa, !'"»tu_t.F,lo-. foal iiin.o. Nut ToCh, E. V., .s.pU-iuuai IT, lboti. ¦'¦

Transcript of COMETS AND METEOR?. WOS BITDA tlOM HMM AGAIN. Cm …dalmattoe abroad, Hr. ra t* an ex.peelrn...

peatiu-.eut which trill make lt much more thanadeadfc'-irr. _m_

ME. I'hi'f W OS hr HOPE'S BITDA tlOM

Cltsil.v.vrii'N** OS BM UCKNT TK1P.

, i, ¦- is A\I> BTATfi H kg v rUMIBB BOBH-S.

Tlie steamship Uiiil»ria vt'sti-rilav bronchihomet, .-* many frleii.l* Clia incey M. llepew. preal-

. N-w-York t>ntrii!,,I

ProoMeBl Iteaa, of 1he I'eliw.ire,

j , ii ,1 'Affirm, wie a fel aa a*- Mw a* . iVcn np to me etty from tba

} iai ad 1 *. l* aaal Ba Pnnenmp altar*tl )<r tue 'teamer .*-.itn r*io.*tn. a

.» .- eane down the hay.1. Pierpont Kerena -wit*

,oriole in otter to cat au

- ablet aboutneni*. ead arterba hod ateaopo-

nine near mi,tniciit th> bee Ha.latina o' ii few peraoaal

hen t* of di * or tba.i hearty WOiOOOM to Mr.

lr Dwp ¦« r i-i ni drill tr

re and ia av c M i" ii * I octy** Tomi m.

. r er. Bot

... I] up to hit

i aad 1 ir. baan benefit--.:.-. inn tiur.'i

ibro* in N w-Yorb iv-ntral. aad wi;l.wi t ti

- -.lem by Hir-eetiient anil.'ive or Hie s m -

- :, f. 'ii-i.a.

mpl] oi me terna-e \a e . nave laboa pl iee i.a,i

ll I.e. 'lhere are no honda of

nlea io ne aw if! aad none

Wa are deina very well;'- -- f .:.,.!.; i ore ba ti aattte-

the 21 P ate bj.

. ie an ex-

eur tie* tbe Lake Snore would lmve

, e, i* tbe aewapapera nbow, tba twa eompaarot

d almattoe abroad, Hr.ra t* an ex .peel rn

Im rt - _mertean leeuntlet. mn of eoi


niitnifiit, ih-re wouldpru I netlan an I au la

ne, I ia rei. I Mm aol rail io bf"-ti au

tint '.».


.tb io railway oyi; Banool

ked, ." ni i an »atli


i : , a of roan atlra

ll V C'Olll-

1 in .,r of any o'.!.er cu_r m

oorpor itlou nr be

;- anl tba) 1-

0 1 Kiata under

i \ .:¦. ¦-.-: ni rn iou,, nt and footer

amenta, bnt it

,k after theta. A:-_<*- here or :n_-f»

ti.- re temp .rarity nu pr a to eucour-. ...* of » mill.

a mid walt for thei- Wi

for me lavina t>!

lilias ol ive extention tii» f.ic-.- ap." Hr. Depew

Ul ra ¦ fact tbat- traffic lt at-' nt'

(i iw irk -ai,« run in ti,,-

: oar, ib-

.l mich te rim. Nu 'tlnr'i -p otal train

0 to beal nlorb"Hr. I "-I"- -a_-. i

.. , -,-i au. f vt,,*ni be took .i ri,ni irom. .- at 11:43 "i- nek, 'ta*


>iud r- u*. ona mina a too ute.

IB their ip - tn e- I ». i- tut

" 1 li ta'lllll' ICJ

WO! .il- lint

rbi iprea' - iel > >m and Vu ireh mn,


a re ifi-'.'i I-i W irii. ire r tu .uric .¦!. r uri ,>;

toot i r.'iei'tii'ii 'nun ii *.iiiui::¦ iii .-:

ludiua l'rn. a ae ireln-t*

rea luTue* are now formluc .i

. || OU. I'veere ulna, without

; ia and t!ir,,Ui.!i tn..t li.linc ina ali tt bleuto tue Hunted Bute*. I i. -

.m i beard of tue *oei ereatlnc a tende-nej tow.trl abaolut-

l*ii. i -. ". .in ny and democracy In Boroo*lek ll ..-edin

- -.

.ii a _ren' lui'iet'i- to rbe mtltt rv SpiritIn i,et in .ny ci vv ar.eaeo

:.... a oe tito ". I .

:i' eu .'-. pr >pbecy

¦an or-

rer WI :.- 1. li,-:..ii ind and I ie t

a again waack, tue lu¬ra " nra depreaaou and

moss tb tr \om people ase

.'[Vi: I'.AN -! 'N -" IMV.iiVIKWlVn"A Cl I It.VM t\.

A ..iitlv rr*ri.-"¦h.- of ni*

In ipeato an-

taid .. a yoong te. nj biae morning bowed ami -aol: Pardon mo. a weak, I.:' we ooght to know eaoh other. [ am a piano-

m See \ ni: .' In tn-i, 1.-

tMe-etded coiiel- tOO

I'lin-,- or ." ;i nigh ta before we had been;. erowd of

.-i lar our e Lndow. Elli-.'ii ii

-... *- untilia fellow

B-inglj.' many un-

t i:,_«iiti! allimiou, bnt no ono wm loll in

,'. ne un- m: whoa alter | .erieiirebe a uni.'

"The pta .,.,.,.,;,,

I eur

I muted ni rain »t hall a down

anallyae^4-ii - ,1 e;r.-_; humilitt :'

I.¦' ''¦¦¦'¦.i iu mt !. ,,,,,.,| toe.

i¦ll. || ,.

m. bowevcnow than im;,,,--;.. m, n..,t i.,,,i ., mwni

IU ben ba v. ,. ., Mum..

lid. be Mitered a tavern ni u little i

billa, H' bad not worn the dignity ol bianew er* wan

. a tiac new-comer w_«,_.i er&yuu_n, ao be

.. -rr.'.-mi. bara I ease you with ti,.- ffoptiotbroth

**>,,. 1 am imi .i Ba| i -t. aa.i- tba rep* ti,, old ii-.*i'i'i t ...'I, i. ewaj ui lu- a..,-. pipe nod

ila 1 nited. do von i,, long n, tbaHi i.nen .i peraaae.o ''

¦ Sa i nan aol t Moth."Hon '"urine ."¦ i« followed thia

..... 11nnd, dc you j,11 i. n n

v -a -..i v .ii ion P1 de uot.'

.. I ne mn mmet wee Beeanilag paJnlhl and after tait-|i.i!l 4ji. tim abort -t.-iiiui.-., pipe l.e blurted

' I'- iii you tlinp.ii.-v- wiiu lui li.,-,, i;, .-.o.iie

lurm f ¦

THE WMMTMBM VBIOA BXPUVT* 10 TROUMLM-i<in t nu,: a wino af ttl

Ut,l, Iii.W OM., I. ll A .Iii ttl. I, »1 ,,(

MtMitii,. ¦ «¦ |.,, namban .i u.« tio. _m ai .u,

m\f*ua n-i. uui jj, t.w_ jewtt nuitv i,Ml, uarbaaaad .Iimm-lu Hinneeay, tbe lu,.ra*UMi to. ),uii. ii. I.,, a t, i,,,fa,,), wm la Fourth er. >,_ *,_i

..-i ui JiiF.ii..- Murray in the Vorkt Ileamt«r__y. iUH tu.. UUl.^ ta ol Um Ma U ,.,u..U_i

relephon,-I'otiipanv te*tifl,"t thal the men were matine eon-,.,-t,.n. wttb a wtra aireadv tn nae, ami praaeated alerter'lom in.- natrwaf I'.Miiiii'iiwtiiiii'i'* elvina Uie company tin tight.« ni ii..-Un uett»*iir>' repair*.


HU HEALTH IMl'-.OV.:.) BY HIS JOIJKNKY.ur. waa urtu ioau.1 roBTaa PMuanrroH local


AfHH tho paHMtiuri-rs iinivinir fruin Europareit.-nlay by the Unibrta waa J. Kit ward Simmon*, tx-

|ir.-ii'!e:.; of the BteCt K\rhau»e. who baa been abroadtraveUtaa With bia family »uiee early in June. Mr.Blatatoaa waa welcomed at the jut by a numlierjf til* friend*, who warmly congratulated him aa I -

Improved health. Wbeu ne left home he wa* muru pi-

Maand timm the iirain of overwork, and the trip wu*

maile pure y tor recreation. He return* thoroughly re-

iel an'I pteparad fair the activity of liu»ines* life,in toodlag Mr. -iiiiiiiiiu* ilror* with bia fiunily lethaBaekmrbatt Betel, where they wi,I »tay pending then-i'.ir it.nn af tlieir hmt-e for tue winter.Mr. -aiiiuunu* was vmlte.t ynterdar bv a TUHII re¬

porter, who found h.rn bi.*y I'Uatuni* with> - I nave had a delta'atfal trim" ba todd, "aafa

¦j beolth 1.1* i, en greatly Improved. I wk murta run

li,wu Wbeu I went nway. We nailed fruin New Von. ot

,iiiue.*). We had peffeet weather and a piaaaanl tune.

Md m beaattral royaaa tenleg bark. I have

pretty mdoatrtoM tue af n.y Ume, travalllag taboolan 1. Scotland, Belglem and Hoi..uni with i

Hine *p bi la i.riuiaiiy. a irrrat iie.ii .11 Btntaertaadaaaeoaaidere ola I u .-. I a i Bgad i" arrive in

oe, nod the fiver" neproved extnm .y Iniereetlnir ta bm. I*lue ibeir meetinga end llet«I Mea v. i,-WIIT"' I We- I le..- ', e Il,Ul, k.ll'lllf** Hllll ll *.-VITi.

i London the Pren Maaoaiwen exiremely i.oiue to nie, nod attended

eptlona. Yr*, 1 mel tba Pol Waloo. A* Grand Uaonr In Poa-i.tii'l. nad bein.' inna.*! nteneied IUaeonry, ti la a. ai.- i- ..i v to oztead eoorteMM te.fia,fun- ir,un Hie t ulled Bl i M u efl --, a I

lt wa-lti UUt way I Kal 1 nn't himaim re.-.-iv.- bia polite attention. Amen* ibo aaaken

ia « Prance I wa*ilertaiued, In t ¦.¦ my wMit wa* nut

.. n* n wa* iMtMibio for friend* rn rn ,k" ii."[Warrina to ii me Mattera, Mr, * mi iom

_¦¦ -;i, ,,- .ri np 'ii

linn. WblCB ave taken plan »'U4'<- bia departure,mad to tbi ile-ub of vi* Irienit, ..-ri 4. -| uo ,,|,-¦¦!,. tne r

Uneut 4,. 4,ener I WBe..loner of Public Wurba. He iieeliued. however,

.* re atin_ ti, .' v poll!*|, r i

nat ot a ponaibia candidate for Mayor. "TheI don't nally know m ii u abotii tb*

nyaelt Tue in]i plan may ban.nai.lerable oftoet Innev, npon the *;.,il>l: 2 nf 'Vf ta., and n. J

¦!_ ir icb n'

1-iia. bara to *;.,.-,,i a little lime in nadine op beforei, ni ii ri ii. to e X|ir.F*» any oin in

on ol Mr. Bimmona wa* wiled to tho lu-vere In tbe Beld lor the

nitii-f of' nu' the Board oft and new..*t.i ti - pntenneea amona tbaoe Barned. Ben¬

ia 11 , .,,, ii informed in.ii ben an-. v ral Modi late*. I do not wno ibe]

,i,. ii.i ipec a ol'h m. l .en-i* nne oe nr tin. however, and

eau ioi minr inne come* I

[aver el tbe Manat ran be found fur ti,e plane."

_-a "id ro. fl '.r*'-

.¦ L- tbat combaron'!

vr men In

of toe norie foundry and n-tre-ied ol mn'lie yard. " ie in a

.. -ii iii- l- an Ult. yoi it,


Imo foi..-"

buddina Wi;,-li ha I 0001 i

uer ihe

conceive tb* pl in ol into aat- :' -.t , 1 ,i tao InttMlO

. tho ¦: he >'U' onwhite paint, i n im ter of pegi w. e

".ii ",ii -tie* were placed .iiuaii;oentre twi row* ,,i lion ooow-

ii ,,-r. eu. ne,.-,! luiide and Blted wirtiot ,ti. ..were .,r \.-i one r>' *h,> u ..-*t rrouhleaome reforma

i to pr ive a -

vs,i;i-n "Week ofter week I ilruiulel with the men,U bOW t lane a ti i .. BOUtt)

the- waler ai il ¦. id ne th.-nhave to be driven into lt. Other* would net

tin- ru '* "'lei-' en'! f"r.<!ii.,.r .tn-l inn their bead* underlier Ia ir.'iiii 1

I'W1.1tier WMIatbe floor than lu tbe tub* \- la*t I have hrouebt tbeulan pr Ur near to nerfectiou and feel no beaitaucv iuli ia'lin; ltrho momoui ni ,f tbe company wa*

iii" -i Kir a,- rank en. ii ei ielithe ci upa rei! tue

.ii in ni nie bbl exit In -erl .1la ...

e ot ni tu. Berwe*n 3 ni I"'' k nov over.jiu, men ea tarni-'i run -1'iie proeeaa rea .viet*

tub*, -,., v ii.i*

water lor r!i,< -u oeedlng eouipany.

TBS srsLiiY TR1BVBS AT LBSOX.Lenox, >> pt. 19..The many Bojonrni ra hi re

rvod witta tbe narnlar edltiou ot lin *i *.-

dat TiiiivM ataoeaoM thia a mir tbi i mernina Ibe apeelai enterpi to of tM Hew-York ofllce tn prov la¬

ina a pony eipnii to earry bandin from tho Qudaonliver over tba in.;* te tai* ariatoeratte town. LemliKeirnter wa* on han.1 to «ui'p v bia ooatonMiI Hitit Nt ft. Nearly iver, lin ly it now* I.oul- and all ti" telinn lar meir new*ja ipeR, Ho hal uia banda Tu., !ki.-amoroiag.



ACKVOWLBUOMfia-iv ncltiiowl.FdKod.

CbrlMiau . .',""D. W Ii . 1 on

lie i:Kellie! . 82.

\ lld ..

,f a,,uni.' elrla i.i Cheery nekau I mon.. .'. ""

In Hie N uui1'llM'l.

ent* md lu- i-iiVV ii Bl it.

I. i:er Ii i-i-. WI*. 1 on

S,,B* . *,4H)

T. CC. ol th. 1' IA . 8.041

.1 ild,ur or carrier piobo.\ itnt.

Tin- toptgeun r.i i-,.! Un

Pi ur. ol La i -ii. :.",,iu Lon lon,i ; v.nt aa el

tale -nu,ty ...-i'.ll. le-'l nil ll.e '..unley nf a'>oill l-O mi..-*

[lier. .. ¦rilli.U» tn M.lle,-

ak inai a limn th,- ton nf tv

,,.lt jeer nu t'"- \ a I. Ill hank III.-Tit

..;. _.- n- ;.,.- '.v' -i,,;i,,t.-r i,.cii Tower.:u nu Mri) mon amyhut il i..all -ii t: k:

iii litri -a


Diann ttl "ie nm n wm ..'

iliimtioH Dluute nnue than bal -¦!-,,.li.- ill .1 ,iili;i,,-..-i.l ll Univ :.

nut ;,,ui Weii - un ]..,.-n

in-1 in a few .the ol!,,-I*. A in r ,.,.«.in, «inri e.,uni not

.: .

arter, a- '»-a un Ihe¦¦.' a la. Maui I'- Q| Hoe .-!

mi Animal la « ¦.

Iii.-\ - at. P ll

,. i-i.ii tm- la,i.

ure ,|H-, il . I ¦. .. .-. ..-', i,.'.*.., anil l,i.1111,111.'.

.1 JUL! /-,7.l/, / I. OF ul. DI V TIBBS.Prom tue Um

Colo' 1 l,_ io a III. ,:

the |.i ai|uni.ti.. ¦ hal ii

i,.*t. Ui r.i,,-« - ,,t re 'in-

iii mtI' W noni- .ii U

a tit ;. '-a i..I, lllii-'i- .,! a.

ulolo.ila .»! ll I" i.u.el a lia Un -.'

il,. I.,e IM In I.I ul lu. He, ru » ,,: ld av

I-iii.-ii " WlUi i.i

pnuiiiit. oupli ul i.n. -,

i« lop iii Uk I...Into Ult trev H'_* A a ii,..,,.! man iou.m. ii

Ul* a o.itl,, an,. ,a ltd Ul* KU) le-

i.i Iii, I...- . !., .., lil. "II lu,ll 11 ii. lila Iii,,,:...

ttl ili-emu aamu uni.. Ui« illuuoi o.-li uma'l*iiiiiiin.a

;¦/ A ill Fl OB hATIB il Ci. 11 Riim i md 'itfki ..

Tba I¦...::. w.i ...i-¦-.. ni kia aiprti a

Mg a pa* .'' * wi nina awnol 4J|| eu,|, || i o|,| j,-.. t" ll" I*., Ul bia lat., ;.

|irr week lol k,,|"''H li", al.'.. II.., .a

Ili-li -' 'I bli .-,,.!¦- o. "... IM I ,'¦ "

.ada, ."4'i 'li'-'1 rt Ilk i"Med with nnoponed eatut aiabtyi noni » .,,,

tiona » Un ii i" ba m At i- r. u.

tiiiaiiti i« i_n> wen baoagbtl**.


GBorpivo i,y ni nuv-iki itMiii. couaeta bm-ti nive, .; 4B_a_a.

"Th> farnltj* of Carnell,* cbbb a eorre-*I'Onduntof The timmi Mic. ritter, " have oeooroplUbedverr imp >rtant work dunug tue year Ju*t petood, andh.. ve male * weeping cbaugea. What la Indeed a eau**for tu o,'r-tu ation anion, tho *tutt«nt* la the unitingInto .1 ur group* all of the non technleal eonraea. withKilli the tint year ami part of the aecuud yeur ata.1i*>"prea-rrtbed. In ib'.rt. itu lent* who are BMvtBg aft*rthe ,:e.'reeof bachfior of ari*, of pni!o*oj)hy, nf edelineornf l tier, hilve all of the work of the Jaaler and acnloryean elective, excepting theme* in the junior year. Intl e funr-ia leading lo the .legree ettber of harv-

-. or t.arlif lor of letter*, however, there la Ulla ex-

Mptna: atadoata wee, altar e.plauaa tba Int two

Bl Eba eourae, abell devote at least mn I hour* -ou-

nennealy .turing the last twa year* to »rientifl*tabjeeta wm reaalva the B, .-., andtbOM who thall tiovote at least tittie hour*ni itei rtMl aad pbUtMopnieal aahtaaat will ie*

decres ,;. U Hmm new no . .

Heel a; me oeattah na nf tee ¦.., ,._.» -,e*r. in"riler iiiai n wrung laiptaaMon tnav rmi !>«. mad*. 'I

Iw,.rk m art* i*: Latia, tireek, matbenattoa, Pnneb.I. gliab, (ireeg biatory, liomin biatorr, Uonoaa pbyoi-ni'i.i. ptrcbolegj and logic if ion Lol a, u nb an,l

en-I wo yean' work in pbUoMpbybi ihe lame, exeept-

-I len ra, i renebne te. ,.. eonna in eg-

-i'u t tbe out.rrani h r-oagnn in l ...__. i-.

now ron*' Irrih.v .-ii.ill'* I, .ni I POM .'tinll le t< in tv i. if.

,- - -a.iv iii admit p*r-......

OBI M 4-t i og ato noe ve a degna In the department 4>r agneoltnre,

initood ot :- DOW ul .ut f 1."

tt 1 rty-tbtoa moa i. .ve re_forine foi ¦¦ i-i ni

on* tor tm- Mnlor . ....

.ar'*. A r.-wla tue rown,. .

» .-,] ,- - i. bea

ll 111 i lii -. i'n.y-H.. waa ev

tor i,r,-,- .. 'I lillie United Ntate* ikelion ¦¦'.

ihe u Crane v.Urce, . ,

ii. n. KipM ml ,el pr ifeaotw af pan math-'Lie '¦


hean iii'iie in ibe uri'!, ibe innimeriii h. i McMartin u

ur ir.Al Ha -i

aii,|ii ¦-- mr i-« ola atudeuM an backpremp

tiuie .uni reaily- lui work.

« OMINf. [_ [DEN I -1 HARVABW HI TD il' IS

u:v.i In- full term of il ir-

i :

ll will be Ul 1

'ge. For ll «

f tha faun Ital ol- \ l tr un ler the nvoln*

w bleb ol Itaelf wonld mil and

i at I. new feature* UaV4> beanrecently pr > -¦ .i .... .-

a hantn M m i-

t 'll Hit a

itlon a Vint, r* fit4iur quartei rill make tbe-utay bl

tbe in-i*i du rill ptr*ti .|iiie ii be oenmouloe of un-.lav. .More tuan mia,

_. at thell: -IVe; ... . net Hld 4,.

K. mc air about Cambridge lo evan bow fallor tu-- ti," i- .....

, tea.Be on lui* ni -na mn bogia I la pro'mblo

" u of I, or

rlorieah'-r. 1 or, nial Um

i n, uri y\'. i-f r irv ".*, li .wei- r, wi. walt, noi year

ii or a:,pmi'liiuiii.- r. I ',. pe ibo tit), ia a ]e .rn.-* a uri; r, we k

. -*' .* ii r it--. .

wttb ine itudeata I. it tn,.di dan in feel any e.-r-

ta.iity ian until Mine bM proved the ; in. ." "1 "lie.

vin- ia-t e-ip.-r mont, tbe netley nell


rmi) tue |.ii and thei

ii ,- - ind that aman wltb I, ti ii ii.-it.-r peennlnry re*

tF>,i prize, bocauM ba iel bj pei tja ball orr p-r rent,

ft la probable that Ile.e w ¦-.-, n«_i-i ita mat ia yea.ncc.- . ann Iga lu Jabe

nation*. Tb an, 236 have boen a.1In -..:.- fall \ i i.s. .:. ",-. ino, tl .'ty or hi -Beeon uaoalty aan in ltted «¦; rl*e abovei

.! or li'-e.-'i wi fall ro

I-" to Harvard, r ¦- rre. .

275, although lt may poa*ii fill term will li ive au ., . to iltr-

. - | foot-hull lea ne and in, in I lt I* n m ut'-rof mere non iw a - tea a team will pla

ie,i"niri "f the -''it'ii i* wnrer v. Brooke,'.7, a aturdy

imi of unknown effleiancj a* au ott -

ACTIVJ ITT Al COLUMBIA.IM ;:i:a-i: ,,I lin:". w.Y.,:m. arCDKXT.-TH"

IK ri .| i !-.. PKOCToa..- | ur ol

preparatory t" the Ix ka m.rk of anotbei .


,.rk on naxl M,nula.-. Tiefr,--'iiuaii ola** in I

TM i. . iw i - ¦. nearly¦.'no, « I gndaata conran

'".en III eli in"'-- Il

-,f any of iv

month.'ll,.- p.. .,

monthly meeting* nn Mon.lay, O.toheri. l-..r *,

li, iel -i :ii tue.

board,weeoen win apply toren

M,,.t of iii.--.- in

le.inn I mi led


loUl i,i.ik li.

_.i -. i,_... vu » hum th-

il ,onlel,,|,t.

III.-, t II


.at lae


..LY lil MOB .'./.-"".' M1"S < /.'.l ir¬ma,

Ihe*¦¦ v York


I -,-,n,-., .. aa am.h.iu,: .. in pn,,,,'oil bo'lll i-"HM. ¦:.'- '¦'¦.¦ IO Bau V,.r..

t .« r,the


_., -e v. bile -ii" va .- Aleport. .- I-tad to letica

. uer ¦¦

hut .ir, ; tba

.: l . -

of tho-» -

CB BM,rnrtl


¦. \ "i.

i j


At In"


rn mil.",f I

ri mn,.



Fl.'n.f Binrav r.v paoraaaoa a. pkoctor

macusatxa paoraaaoa ai w ion's axotunI-ai¬

re me Bitter ne rt. TrttntetBn: Profeaeor Newtootof Yale CoTIeffe, bat

lamana tu* aricia of BBabBarttaa in an addnn of eoe*',- inte: lt, belan fie A,:i.'r,e an A-im-iaflun

KTaeaBBaant nf flnkaana. ia eaaahT ai Detain irtpnear* to n.e. bewever, int ba ua- neither noaaSba fall nature af tba e problem

.lie '.erv sir: r nf UM ea

.n wb_N.r optadoa n ta ttl tolotloa neat depoad.Be ; i. in in ate ni brio' bate tbe evtiaen

.rwi.ei'iiing.iu fat->r .f tay tbaory ofu.

I first nnte that no oilier thenry 11 atMeked. for no ''.uer

p 'int* out that Iir- ru.. ..niv te

-or faa are fraamoBfal-. ben s- thad tra- engtal had -¦ i ti

ia* gone a little fo-tl-M beek. Oootata oeaaa-if the

il int i- . .....» theilIrednoitoa into on- .- i to the aeptertng pow ar

. p inett; tu,),- hat bea* cnvaUtag as

paeeo,that OfroachB gloat

'i toot, and wer> toned t*

in t i wonjil of therion of meteors . r,* .ru

' iud t forma mtallar w Beana tue

ii- then .

,r t "¦; -i lUoally that ai itanlml I '¦ i,'* !". i ¦ .') i:iy nothing ol

I pay¦ that no me-!.¦.- i, we knew

Um real aei.. il>fn meteor olood Into two Gloede, not a otrlopl-hr od of

.ea "Il

-OOM rn.lll eo-o-F .. ¦!-, t ,;i ,-

r 'tu n..¦ ita nf in ¦; :..<» u- m to-i*.i" i tbalil II,el

-BOBO,- ..','!,leler ihey ibonl ie taken.

tb i

iee. Tba . rtaln,.il 1 UBMOB-

in - -. i tba mu. -u i.


..I..,--..ii the

od wilbla I


incu BM

known to ne n

- :ie -Ii

li ition of

:mr, and eflei > a plana i- In the- ito,


.: , which lue e

rotnelon :.. .

:, oo -i i-i -> terr itnal onglu lemon-i,ohing

iie:- :i.' tn *.<. te |tun


i au mn..ill-a ... ill ali I

lin.-, meei bille- fr nu in- li tbe enormouii. rbe glan


.¦- :.. i milli! lena, the r ima. er,.. I 'Hi¬ iii .. ow lerraetriaiu iieu lea* power -nil,*! -. llae m.milein eded

prove,- . ¦: * of meteor*, au i iberefon nil order* of

eouiet-. tbe intertuau i tue "-ii in ne- -ni.. .-. -..-.- ol their re.*,'.-.-liv-- A .1. .euee leli'!- Pin her IO

power "f f

be cert un fro u one .

having the ob.iracteriatio* ol tueteora and comeixi*t. even ii" eeo obaorveg. Ii

.... tb inch .m

. rork m.¦ ;h.-m. \\ hoi uuue

una tne uro©..- r woib wblcb oe tulgbt have in¬ferrad lr".ii ilifir 4iu*ervei! product*, and ti," (ir

eziMtlugii i f ',,,,-neil :r>¦ ni tin-,,,,....lilled ia lill

W.clent! ,

We may b. -n, tin; ir dnlicoltie* ,; mrrbeurdla-

t BOW trula..Niiav rh'-re - hui one ol my weight, ft PTO-

vi rn-

.-,-,,! Sou rmi. iv,; la .en- i

autieul ty ni -upp,i,ii._* tn.ii ii-rreatrtal or lunar volcanoeato oje ate ri,- ..!.,-* witta i,,e nen

velocity for vmi,-mr volcanoea could notII.tiou. Pot lt ll

inriie mn like Hage ot aa* planei'i ire tn

.. '..- time when. al wap ¦--: md "ur ian I > lunliku bo lywe aaa lo<|Uln into, i: he cannu

planet wben li au a nun. Unteanno)all lue- not lae NIB '''"I -.' 't bOdlesI ll"--

ui pi-iiiiiiuam nt lo he wh.i! ihei MBM¦¦ - )eU of glowing ga.maybe dwpMed to anowar tntue nngetlva Bo' In reality nothing can be mui

:,. in tn .. rue i i-t iiii'iF,. ilroirrn i. Maul eatli thei tne ia

,.-r iio.iie-. nwt tbemaelvea ti tun tbe

i opea "ii'-- «'""!i i* the

;,¦ i*o:i a. m.* fie tr i .» -i rodinsome,. Bead we wun'!i'r that the tu.-lim t)oeted from theann's Interior uro mild evrii from tue time of their exir,

bow tbe expo i omprn >ed- driven lore bir upward fr nu ii *.>..».- roll ani

a.*!nio «aif*e.-, wuold teaaltm very rapid.-.i-i in,;, ny wiiluii a porttoa If tue vapor wonld Boen

¦Olid form. In Incl thia i. tue

vera proeOM noofalaod aa iu.liculeU by tho... itructun of tneteorltn.

Ii may doiirtlon ba the can tfat ef elected meteoricr*r lue gre it.-r number rmu-n to fie * inline

orb .'j.'e'.iiig ihem. one eouaiaUng perbap* of tbuuaan , .i"*- tn n ou

*_r, al ..".a ... na ol lurb fliguiabaa ue

baan tho :,.r--iit: Hu huadredi ,.f inllitoneof leiiowa .¦ Jo a iii an doing like work; tua ttmilanda

ef million.- of ph.Ii n I be a cornel eeeh oompaaaat budy

u mateo md all tbat i- kno * ind neteor*tin* .'"iu il of iumr origin.

bu -Uim a. Pa " toa.St. j-... *. o ; -*'..

TUt TULL LA'Stll-*. I.N' LKMIiAI. PARCfa - '. tl Tho Trte uui

Sib: Yeeterday] timk a walk ia waaor* oonooeadod la int Total -

N-ar me i,-i re i -¦". nt the boee of a tree,'. l ,ie u ui te- r I;' .¦>¦ |M*'i." Ila Aeu rn na a," wa- tue .egeud

an. tba M ir." was Manu.i ia DotbroUa.h. iy lie added fiat IBM I M

y r ¦.. a -a -.-¦. .va* s,','-c'.Fa,l lo u, nam* t

- Uditr by h ive "eau iien.eeleU byuni. diicnv-r. I eannot .

IMveibattba Para Department Bara:,-i! iw,. bim ..I a*i.r diitlog iii io and ore

.ir. ..ei tooaopeot m m MMebMvaua urcum

4ii-nifiiig t. ;t to oooron tue in ,u f,

,.* I panel up ouo

\ ir .aoe.s are tlOOk B tba .r.'Uii 1 in tall, leagOl ,',,ol l.,a Bauld

. ll lilli* to pi; tba uure-

t... i..,in-, in zi o plano aad eal! tbem feet to the ino I

..-away waa a *f.|iioi t >, iirsn <.*. :iuk big tree 4,1

1 . 1,-l ed Wllv

Ba .1 par u,e,i., [mi ir laboM arinna

ideuiliy -ur luMnatlng m«uei,.e ia iv - V "'"'" i' omiueul

at do t_,-*e u.yaienou*I am

:h irut.y 11

...* I. ¦ in ,-r ....)¦ "vg ut willah maod bau been comoBod. Lui If .

ll _me a .r, trur, 1 -a..i,ot tba officio.0 e iel, io e, 11- know wnrre IIibj- coiuc Iruui I h. ...

.'rir 1 rn ., .ie|,i_? --

11 \t .11* 'H-* rai fi.M raai psm.;., te Md t: er of Th » a aa

Biri tomsartieie ia thia a-or.dng'a Tarawaon ilia u iv, i. 1 . * 1.1 fe,...1.' a , 1. u .r-a -. 1, lu-i .

. tiwi* Wan I, ive

u-bd ai,.lying ta* ui ,.11 of mn poet, tpeahiag of a

i. ,. wee - -i imuurimu teuut a Ooairal r tr~,

e,,m M ta

pnoe..ier:>iii..r* mi tba gioaad Ina taiMMngap I 1

iruuK of ih . iroe."Lui IBM* Uo un. aaoou. a Ucu, Miena bat

ing exhausted the foliage on one tr-e they are eeeklngfor" pasturei new." Tao eggi are lat I on th* leaf, anttha worn, before lt hat tbe power of loo notion, be gt tndevouring the food upon whleli it Ubini. Wnen -naturalItdeaeends the trw, seeking ror rr-viees in rlae) ..ark In¬to which lt ean wiwiilrav- during lu chrysalis it-are.Now tne belt in aeoeMaa may pr»vent the worm fromdeaeeodlng, ibm aaaelBg tr to pertab ; air ii m i>* pnvool rfur wing part'-* from Otber tree* ; or it mir prevent the '

tnotli. tim female of whlrli la, I believe, aol Wtaaed, 'rori c

Baceadlng the tree to lay lt* eggs.u. th.-a» way* doing 1

poealbly maeb geed; bat the groot mia i from tf." J "Ung larva burn on tv I IBO I .

fneta, bal I. for »n«. annul be w\ id of "acart ur tallai iu- r

formation from ecii-ntiM- efaoorvi rs.I have i, eu lu,"nued in ih- oin.'er aeatataad* ,

lag al F'.irt. *,-liny Vt IBBl UM I fees at^est run' and at Ins own p.aar have laeeF) <"

trrod from tao wortao by tlmpli tneowlth n

-. A'i auger bide fmui a . > an fIneh in i ir, a our ling to tba t ia tno, i»

¦. t Wltb sn» iv. if -ni* v.-rv ilmple nina

r,-rnv.- it ought tu i>e geiieriiif known. Ila* any ,ll. ll.

... Al-. l!l.;**ti.l!


To ihe Baiter or tue TrieumnBibi The Prohibitioniata appear to think

thal a tax li i my n tat MUoaaMtofavor or testify lt. UM any of OOT -tatn -eiiie faroUag,

ireh latanoM aa tba. :¦ .> «i i,. md tea

ebal a howl then ProblblUoaiota will rafoe. Tbay ai>-. ina fm n Ui i

atman my ether beoteaaai Tel they an op-la. ag lt, aad ileaonon ovary ona who fa* ra


tina a apooial taxon tno taloon * |naufylng lbany otber huaineai an t

i* ly, tc .. Ilnat ti*-'i'i' If every dnnang aa

. - 1 i our lan t b ii wbe*a tba cann-

lon aa a > i mir penal lawa.. ne g ,.,.- ii .. .; M., ,,. repealed,

tu, .'.'.'., Sept, lt, 18 .1 B. lt liiin.r.ii

URI lt Ail.

.v tr.l M. 11 i_r.'i.*->. n-.-' tbirtr-two, a re-nrr.-r wbo baa been caa iw-Torbaad

leraoy papen for tba lott twelve year*, dieu ,u

l p. m. ye* erl ,y a- .rt n hbo, \,, ¦_.; M.-r-«r-.t.. .ler.eyknown mid popular la r.

Ile h ul at different titan been connected with Tte' ind rae Afo«* In flew-York a-"i the Argue nod

- . e<4 lll-i ad wltb the

N'ew-Jeroey edition ol Tte World. Hr, Hdeveloped

..¦r heii *¦ e bope thal rf* rn

air Wou Itie .ev-i week! ve re

un ne inn wane eenuition than wheo be w.- iaway t r of tho Mew-Jeraey Pron

l M. Afbon io ukB tn

Xiii. WILLI Vd I. DRAKE.I»r. William F. Drake theil at hi* borne, S ».

107 Weet forty-fourth at., y. - , ( -.riiooii fromheart dmaoe, after an lllneai uf leven monUM. Ile wa*

boru on A l-l.', at Vat ,. Vii--., anlItOB, Lon,!.

Sew-York fur twenty yean ir.arkeili'Mie rirrc o' linne

eut. rnrtte-. In dltt loeaaof tbe Vmerican Diotrlet TelegrapB Company

"ii w.ta lt, ilerealgned of tbatpiny to become aiin-trluiendant of tun *-t.>r_

..v I in tbe pi: .

.¦- ,f rh ir oiliee i, laerwaeml hil -i

, - . -iandaH* «-..* prorainem in me,, -,.-.,. r,.. at Mona, banna t*ka fi - '.egr"ei

k and Heottlab rues. Bia funeral will takep.ace ou Vi eda



.:.'. -M..NT 1KDICAT! >»8.POR 21 ir >U tlVVasHisfaTow, Bept. 19..For Kew-England,

Vew-York, Pennaytvanla, Efow-Jamey, li*,aw ire andraina, foUoweu br fair weatb r, .sl:^_.:lj*

. -rly.Westward, fair and cool.


Tltll'L'Ni. LOCAL oBAB IVA ri) V '.

, BARQOURB: MoraMg, Nighl. IO' ¦. *

11» « a 11 »aieiait»4Ba?a nen 3 '..*


LIn th" 'l.iiT-i'" i eaaUnnim White Urie show* the barometii-

eil i v.-it- r Viv. ila i ....- ,-- ,| .lol -.

ul ni" Ur a

ni,-.: looiatar ai Un *iy, N* iiiibi tedway. _

'lRint:*sa orrira:, Bept 90.a, m..A storm iweptrapidly from the Laka reel -n te EfowEaglead yoiterday,ivnh lie ivy ibo* IM a' a few point*, and light onei at

nther* th,' way. fu<* *;nr;u mporM I In West., ia talla I to materially affioet nie tiouthern --tate*

yet. The barometer ben mil. with cool, fair ak:.-,

nutng, and then eloodlnooi and light ra;

tem im. a'u-'* rancad between S3* ant 76°. the average.owei- than tbe Correspouaiv- lay

.a--, roar, on i -a mwt-r luau on Saturday.In and near tins city, lo lay. ther- win proiiab y be

eon. and fair weather and the sain,! Tu -aday.

A roirv BURIED IS MUD.Prom Thu 1

_ept i it watenpont iaur*r over Klrvey HUI, atti., bottom ol viiiit'h Mandi a ponton of tbe town kifoxholea iin- w.ii.-r nabed darwn Uti ni.-,

hr nglug « itb u .tin mountain! rock, rh.- ma.** |uu ig,-<i ai a tearful rai

ug everytbmg b-iore lt, In aioateoaoatm- wan- ni tba bonan remained tntart; nut Utim.t.-ti dilutei! by wul.'.-. bani through il.Hirs and at

ag both furniture and people before ,t inti io centln.,-vt row "I boilaea lu-, i-i..,,l:>n Wan

ont of a room and carried down the bUL a dum triad lo aaveaa r itopped

..ll al* -tn tileA I ,»lll.lll «

..' a II4U1-. aa ,- ti ra] Ulll into

tlu- ,'iin.-r of tin- front loom. -- milln-.¦:,.*. il people. aitra. i, 'i by her i ne*.

bei Handing tn tba corner coveredler-a. wini I, ,.,

,.- ,,t row hui Ihour na., reipi i, ,1 h. t ,r. -ve oiihl '.. rxtn, ab

iIkiuI ti'tv everything area iwepi ont u

bj earth pit. ¦! up t.. the ¦-¦ wenmam men. women

Mayor ami othera On Hunday lltoa ;,t.. ur

and throughout tbe ruy hnu4tredaol navvlea wen at work_. there A reli.' ran - I.tai

Vel I 111! K".lill,¦Hi.'


learyA bnmiatnttoo an.- never happy un., a., om ur ttl or th.-re ere tirolnod twi ra lb< m. Tholark Youmaj

bod tavoi wltb tba Adminiatratton bonni oooaeedtendency t.. gel np ii Hill boom In tbat di pal un.nt. I !:.¦' har

ia itarted avtng. ioven ,.: outin- h. , IB,'-, and ti -. hy i lere-

to New Vork, and many clal >r come Fia,

neil Ui :¦ .::S ¦'¦ *i r-.lor., 'I to nm- ilium ,;,,\vu tn.- gai:

lilli. No. Mr Vonmana will return, bnlHill'. for a while at leant. Uui (bon


SEC kt. TA RY M 1 \ .V \ fifi I ITES DA ST.

ivn'.ai;¦ -i ttiepatah tl I . tn-

i ada Bam ha Mr. Wanning] *:. oMatttoo at roll par, togetber witta a valet, la tba pelton ot nie

laiy Mani, li

pointed a nieeeeefei .nun an wee

y. vi v. ii gaiiuin...

ni i.i..--. au., al .val - in ',..- ai

Unit n11 iu lli-iia, n..,, at itu i,.ai IWU1N nay riumlin: li.

COM BA ' TA M i D /. I /1.'. I PH0.1 E.n .

In iv¬or the i

-till.i,tia ll. re-

.1, elll.-IltUn- -tl:t.

at eon

¦. -.-»ti.-t.- .ri. kio ii linedby"

ANN 1 N .. MN P.On and after Sunday, September 19, I-"''.,

li ...imo!! t , * ..-iva New-Kora1:4,ni tue r. '¦ l.iiiei ty-.t., .J.-r,.-y t enira i>ep.a'. t.x-

BM« trune leave dally, exeopt -auday, aa Tl.) Cm m.,1:30 p in. a.. ni'lni.'i...

ni r ne- to . i inn - .\ aol,,. ii i i. fl Bt. I iola, flt 50.

Pureba* | «u,l 4). i.e.-: .Ill e*

il Brawnway, Broadway,lil.'. ,.,-,.».. w ij-, 1.1 in Broadway.

C. K. I. ,,!',. ,,e|i r ii Pi--*,i .-i-t 11 n li t iin,,re. Md.1' ,m,, i, urra K.ts.eru i'aaaeuger A^"Ut, ill.')..r,. iway, .s. t.

n i- ..Ii .ri *¦) uriillv rt'iln-vu \<\ n

*ev nattaefeel diannaaatrra bar bowel a.ieeiion, mat

willi BO BaatOf Loka- Jayne* Caruiiiia*

live LUI-am. ii » ir* rural.»" ror Aaiallu craiupa,-iiuionr oomp alu; of omi ireo.

t'nsloei.1, ., '¦.' "' "« 11

,,..i.i .. -, .-..-. ._.i,_. ...u Iu.ll Ul lliolLor.


ur. prnmSABB rot'M* tPMBtX tiik CATTU uv ::n

CITY MU ICm . Biala Veteriaailai«;e. i iy il aught, r-t. on tlie f.i rn af a .iii. 4 .rn it

..v.. » aad . ,nir .ifrr'e,'. wltbpmnnnaunton!*!. The bod ir. Were batted !. ve feet .leer. B I

avered with lim*. Ai. el.irr* wi., li* ii ade :¦¦

dlsiufeei tue pu I tl.ona th't

ie d.,e.i*,i waa . : y a

n UM ant Bf a DI , tb .

y .virge* :: i |

ian bi ,1 »".» alar aad toiii e o-i I) e p.. tn « *..-.. Wi 'wo

r which tver* promptly k 1. ,.

raedtaaasaad aad lu rt it

nut have baea labmuti.*. The u*uil nuilee of ,piara .ti:i* 1..*jrved 0*1 Harney, nu; ther-- ,r-. * we: er

e will be ame to uufirue I*.

re ii- ir id af «ai'i.t) aa tba i

¦.¦ .veil, '.be -'%-. '.

.a* a pew-. d, bet ii- te etta ir t* of t e

pinion that Bleata poeamaota hn bnledlate region linc- .

ie , te

IWB PIC BO long walmul Ming dilnat Hie cattle aa Baainpaur of n kmea, Ai >¦¦ ..' -.- i

-mk no na n« ,

ry ri vv lo tba a..i (guter bouaei it oarf at a -1 . a

vt rn tn io trn a a *e .... ano,

rona; vintun au op - *i

I iy have r»a .

rd i lane pr portion of Um milk eoaauDines from tuere.

DIED.i4">rn kt Patel \


.- .-i-i ruteniieni

ul Bower*.i'.AK E.In '


J,,lui BN

ir if

Pur-ted' -1


¦"". nf Hovburv ihu-e, .*. ./..uni.ll ll" leafier.

.'" K' u ;Lockwoo

d' " >!' ,':->.ne M' [loir

ii. in.

IT, 1:


Friend* v

' -#,h.*


Iile ' ..-

,'.-a-!,..!v. :.-

ri,.- fun.

-Cfcii ill- P..-*-Ar New-Branawtek, X J.. .*... timber 17M.. wit. ...

to-tte . .....

-.' tn tl n viv

- ACEETT lt* ll L1.. .-*_. ,- t

1'iiin ral at ij_p. :n.'amarna will be In waiting noon arrival of trala len-iu;*Onad Uenenl I . pot ai l p. ul

*!'l li- VI. I'V'i10,1 ,

Ol S' v-V ,rkFuneral , u

Mull,la ". .it 1 ,,. ni.

aol - iel Boan r-,.

rnOMP80X.Entered inn U.-v.Abraham h

yunera. i iu i ireh at U *

4. 111.

mg Nen Yort. tool 4,1 I..I ol*

.it 7 -'" p. m.r Ni vt v .irk

are requested to attend withon! taiA'Kt'.H I un -aili, lay iv.,:

ff Brooklj v. SCoa Ip. m.

Special ' -Oticcs

(unwell. Miii-m-v A I...* !.VVfVl;HII .

ooUi aud mouth pi paration. A itru iv I.> ll lb »rn*aOU.

SI H**. M li I. B A I' ii' S



apfCED Firi*r*\Ptekleeoad Muir,- 11,-au

Pnn Bed -un.mi.4 ,,..Tl.r ..I... 4- ,-, r.-FI, l, . li.If I.,, I-, .-I L_n

ir.*ell Iiii. el,.-. Ka-, rvtii ag pul

.riler* ii ur av I.

.iv,.ki ttl-. SARAH IS. M311.4 Degraw *t., Hr.a.k.) _, H.

. .-'>Ku.niel.' A.*.

nipoaraaa and uoTraaa >«¦

DIAMONDS.KAVvrACTuaaBa op i>iam"V' fcwautr,

- tl. ...s.-w -i ara, :

j, ->L a lon.

T. VI. -l.t. :m.BTEAM < AlU-i._-__.i.._.\iN . Il

P**inl lor 4-irr'itar._The tleiropolitau Hire, lo,.

If carefully aelerlett n u .* s-a. Vork Ot)I

No directory can la n« eomel:i m ea u ,

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ld te- read HAILI hy ... .....

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,ir- ¦! tu -.-ii lu;-... .it- , il baukim* i .,

...i sora ._.(,) Oddnooud he.a.; aulit hy il.

.:anle.loreign malla lor tbo week ending Heptambec I

l-l. gr; .. , at tin* "tll'f ', loliow*

ri'KOOAV -At- -ni ai ." atoad. paroU-Moblp Hvia igue.-ii-- i it Brita».ur»i>«'au . oiiiiiiie* in.isl h.- duri-. l«*l '.'ti.-; a i

vvkdn ...-.dav ti '.. i4i t ii. eu aanpa piil.d llleiuetl I

moat ie d r, mu pei r kl »¦ ¦ n>r i

out ateamaUip Baltic, via mueemtiowtiBritaM ann outer fcameaaa Manama mal"per lian.

THCKADAt Vt 10 a. -ii tor Central a-.. i

1- ,.a ¦.-..., V

ter* lol -U tu " ""'¦.' ba du** um " uer Auapub-ai "I at ld

, I'-.! to I'... o dil.i: p. iii. I,,- v era r.u, .inna, u_, i

1 iii-aUii, pet la ot i,,-a.i:i'r., al |i I ol'

lt, i ni,i'la. rnnidad ai J p m. tar miana t I d.-r rr-m. Nea

.'lilDAV.AU*. M. ion Newfol_U.U__iil, pall * i

Ilada V-At Kia. m. for Wowtaaad-l

Portia aloin. rorJoaaaiua uerateamibip hi,i.-u »ll-ili.. lor Norw 4.1, n-i irk la(tottan uiusi ne iir.-ri.--i "not Ueklo

laaabip l mluia. via tiu.-.-u, *

for Kr.iu.e luusi ne ,t roaUa.! **pel Mb.'ran' -....imi u irotnanii tm Mini ai. iui lu' aire. I. |i_i au-aiuaui" r I . .

ileii.-r* uiusi ». dil-.* t.a.1 -iM.T i-.Uiiopta'i. ai .. \u. lortn.- s.iii, inila bract, .au- -t-f-iniihip » ,ell.-i ¦> iiuiat Ui .UiecUxi "yer I*, i a..ii,,!'ol tor BelipaM direct par ataaialnp I'.-i.ii imt, a * \ .,v-«,i., lalten mont W iin-rcted tier l',iiu..n i

tor Kanoa PM al-amalu,. tilly ul , Vi-a a viaiueeuat.,wu ilnura muat he Olrocieti uer ci.) ... t ,.i.

IMail* lor Hie Society I alan ts. |ier Hup Tropio lliri .froni B ia

i-rauciaroi, cluee Uer.- -wpleiutear -J* al 7 p. ni. Halli Mm.-*., ii i.ianii*. i^-t ,te*,i,aim, /raina-' ,

fraamer*! obie* ban Beotom wi '-t tl I .> aa Muntm' iiiua.tiid Jaiiau, uer sioauiaiiiu Harlie tmai Baa 1*1 aai

lan iaor» *M.plniuU.'r .'. i al 7 u. m. Mia OtAuatraii^ WlW iMkMd. famlwu li, POI . -.. i

laUuila, |ier *t<taiuiiiip v. tn.«M» itiou **ai, r ra,.

.-loee non >. I., .e ',,, al T ii ai iii ari .»! al N.w.V om ni au-mu-hp « ii. Auatraliaa.kana ror uiia, hy rai: lo Tampa, t-i*.. and th,MOaaBOg r. Kuy \S rat. Pto, lioM al Ui.a oltl.e d*itj at2...-. m.

. lin-*.iie,.u'e of .losing ot rrausP-Clflr malla ta arran-.*!on the pi lullmpl leo ol Ibeli iwi.ularruptrd "a ¦-. alni iran,il I*dan Ptraactooa Malla twa Ibo Baot omvtag uh iimk ai *>aaPram .*... aa um. >.*y ui _*.i_ug ut *i-*uiei. _g« .liapau huiUn io iii. mmtUB iXmy HKNUV tl PKABflOa, !'"»tu_t.F,lo-.foal iiin.o. Nut ToCh, E. V., .s.pU-iuuai IT, lboti.
