Combinatorial Chemistry and Multiple Parallel Synthesis - Wiley

CHAPTER ONE Combinatorial Chemistry and Multiple Parallel Synthesis LESTER A. MITSCHER APURBA DUTTA Kansas University Department of Medicinal Chemistry Lawrence, Kansas Burger’s Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery Sixth Edition, Volume 2: Drug Development Edited by Donald J. Abraham ISBN 0-471-37028-2 © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Contents 1 Introduction, 2 2 History, 4 3 Solid Phase Organic Synthesis of Informational Macromolecules of Interest to Medicinal Chemists, 5 3.1 Peptide Arrays, 6 3.2 Nucleoside Arrays, 13 3.3 Oligosaccharide Arrays, 13 3.4 Lipid Arrays, 13 4 Solid and Solution Phase Libraries of Small, Drugable Molecules, 14 4.1 Purification, 23 4.2 Synthetic Success and Product Purity, 28 4.3 Resins and Solid Supports, 29 4.4 Microwave Accelerations, 30 4.5 Analytical Considerations, 30 4.6 Informetrics, 30 4.7 Patents, 30 5 Summary and Conclusions, 31 1

Transcript of Combinatorial Chemistry and Multiple Parallel Synthesis - Wiley

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Combinatorial Chemistry andMultiple Parallel Synthesis



Kansas UniversityDepartment of Medicinal ChemistryLawrence, Kansas

Burger’s Medicinal Chemistry and Drug DiscoverySixth Edition, Volume 2: Drug DevelopmentEdited by Donald J. AbrahamISBN 0-471-37028-2 © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


1 Introduction, 22 History, 43 Solid Phase Organic Synthesis of Informational

Macromolecules of Interest to MedicinalChemists, 53.1 Peptide Arrays, 63.2 Nucleoside Arrays, 133.3 Oligosaccharide Arrays, 133.4 Lipid Arrays, 13

4 Solid and Solution Phase Libraries of Small,Drugable Molecules, 144.1 Purification, 234.2 Synthetic Success and Product Purity, 284.3 Resins and Solid Supports, 294.4 Microwave Accelerations, 304.5 Analytical Considerations, 304.6 Informetrics, 304.7 Patents, 30

5 Summary and Conclusions, 31


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The introduction of a new pharmaceutical is alengthy and expensive undertaking. Methodswhich promise to shorten the time or the costare eagerly taken up, and this is clearly thecase with combinatorial chemistry and multi-ple parallel synthesis.

Combinatorial chemistry is somewhat hardto define precisely, but generally speaking, it isa collection of methods that allow the simulta-neous chemical synthesis of large numbers ofcompounds using a variety of starting materi-als. The resulting compound library can con-tain all of the possible chemical structuresthat can be produced in this manner. Multipleparallel synthesis is a related group of meth-odologies used to prepare a selected smallersubset of the molecules that could in theoryhave been prepared. The content of librariesprepared by multiple parallel synthesis ismore focused and less diverse than those con-structed with combinatorial technology.

The primary benefit that combinatorialand multiple parallel chemistry bring to drugsynthesis is speed. As with most other humanendeavors, uncontrolled speed may be exhila-rating but is not particularly useful. Rapidconstruction of compounds that have nochance of becoming drugs is of little value tothe medicinal chemist. After an initial eu-phoric period when many investigatorsthought that any novel compound had a real-istic chance of becoming a drug, realism hasnow returned, and libraries are being con-structed that reflect the accumulated wisdomof the field of medicinal chemistry. Combina-torial methods have permeated and irrevers-ibly altered most phases of drug seeking thatbenefits from the attention of chemists. Thesuccessful contemporary medicinal chemistmust be aware of the strengths and weak-nesses of these exciting new methods and beable to apply them cunningly. In the properhands combining medicinal chemical insightwith enhanced speed of synthesis is very pow-erful.

Libraries are constructed both in solutionand on solid supports and the choice between

these techniques is often a matter of personalpreference, and they are performed side byside in most laboratories. For very large li-braries, however, construction on resins ismore practical, whereas for smaller, focusedlibraries, solution phase chemistry is morepractical. Solid phase methods are also spe-cially advantageous for multistep iterativeprocesses and are notable for the comparativeease of purification by simple filtration and theability to drive reactions to completion by theuse of excess reagents. Throughout the previ-ous decade, solid phase organic synthesis(SPOS) has dominated combinatorial chemis-try, and many novel methods have been devel-oped as a result.

The main concepts in this field can be sum-marized in Figs. 1.1 and 1.2. In Fig. 1.1, thereis a hypothetical combinatorial compound li-brary of condensation products produced byreacting every possible combination of fivestarting materials. This results in a librarycontaining 25 (5 � 5) products. The librarycould be constructed by 25 individual reac-tions, with each product separate from all ofthe others. It could also be constructed by run-




































Figure 1.1. A combinatorial library constructedfrom five reacting components.












Figure 1.2. A multiple parallel synthesis libraryconstructed from six participants.

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ning reactions simultaneously so that a singlemixture of all 25 substances would be ob-tained.

In this specific example, it is presumed thatthe reactions were run in a single step so thatall compounds were produced simultaneouslyin a big mixture. Furthermore, it is assumedthat the ideal was achieved. That is, all reac-tions proceeded quantitatively, and that eachcompound is present in the final compoundcollection in equal molar concentration. (Thisideal is rarely achieved.) It is also assumedthat BC is the only active constituent and so itis marked off with an asterisk. If the wholelibrary were tested as a mixture, then it wouldbe seen that it contained an active component,but one would not know which one it was. Forthis to happen, it is necessary that the compo-nents do not interfere with one another sofalse positives and false negatives are not seen.Many clever means of finding the active com-ponent expeditiously have been developed anda number of these will be illustrated later. It isclear that if the components were preparedand tested individually, 25 separate reactionswould be required and the identification prob-lem would disappear, but great strain wouldbe placed on the bioassay and the speed of syn-thesis would be compromised. A perfect com-binatorial library for drug discovery wouldonly contain BC, and only a single reactionwould be required, but this level of efficiency israrely achieved by any contemporary medici-nal chemical method. The real problem is toconstruct a compound library that is suffi-ciently diverse and sufficiently large thatthere is a high possibility that at least onecomponent will be active in the chosen testsystem. This example assumes that this hasbeen done. The reader will also readily seethat with the library in Fig. 1.1, that instead oftesting all of the compounds simultaneously, ifone prepared and tested 10 mixtures resultingfrom combining the five products in each col-umn and each row, then BC would reliablyemerge as the active component because onlythe row C mixture and the column B mixturewould be active, and the active componentmust be the one where the rows and columnsintersect. When more than one active compo-nent is present then the problem becomesmore complex.

Figure 1.2 illustrates a related multipleparallel library. This is much smaller andstarts with the assumption that one knows orsuspects that the best compound will termi-nate in component C. Five reactants are cho-sen to condense with C and the resultant li-brary consists of five components. Each ofthese products is tested singly and BC* isquickly identified.

The greater efficiency of this library com-pared with that of Fig. 1.1 for the purpose isobvious. Clearly, the smaller the library thatsucceeds in solving the problem, the more ef-fective the process is. A perfectly efficient li-brary would only contain BC*. The size of thelibrary produced by either method is the prod-uct of the number of variables introduced andthe number of steps involved raised exponen-tially. For example, starting with a givenstarting material (often called a centroid) andattaching four different groups of 10 side-chains to each product would produce 1 �10 � 10 � 10 � 10 or 10,000 members. Theprimary advantage of either method is speed,because the products are prepared simulta-neously at each step. The efficiency is also en-hanced when the condensation steps involvethe same conditions.

The use of the library depends on the spe-cific structures included and the purposes forwhich the library is to be tested. The relevanceof speed to drug discovery is easy to explicate.If one knew in advance the particular struc-ture that would satisfy the perceived need, asuccessful compound library would only needto have one substance in it. If one has a generalidea of the type of structure that would be use-ful, the library will have many promising com-pounds but still be finite in number. Quanti-tative bioassay of pure substances would allowone to select the most nearly perfect embodi-ment. If one has no idea of the type of struc-ture that would give satisfaction, then a suc-cessful library must have a larger and morediverse number of compounds in it.

Contemporary drug seeking is a complex,time consuming, and expensive process be-cause a successful drug must not only haveoutstanding potency and selectivity, but itmust also satisfy an increasingly long list ofother structure-dependent criteria as well.The elapsed time from initial synthesis to

1 Introduction 3

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marketing is estimated to lie on average be-tween 10 and 15 years and to require the prep-aration and evaluation of a few thousand ana-logs. The costs are estimated to lie between$300 and $800 million per agent. Most largefirms now target the introduction of 1–3 noveldrugs per year and target sales at a billiondollars or more from each. This indicates thateach day of delay in the drug seeking processnot only deprives patients of the putative ben-efits of the new drug but also represents theloss of a million dollars or more of sales for thefirm! Added to this is the intense competitionamong big pharmaceutical companies for awinning place in the race and among smallpharmaceutical companies for survival. Firstto market in an unserved therapeutic area canreturn a great profit if a sufficient number ofsufferers exist who have access to the funds topay for their treatment. The next two entriescompeting with this agent can also be expectedto do well. After this, success is rather moreproblematic because the market grows moreand more fragmented. Being first to finish therace, therefore, conveys very real survivalvalue. From an economic standpoint, it is es-timated that less than 10% of products intro-duced repay their development costs. Thosefew that do must return a sufficient surplus toamortize the costs of the rest and sufficientadditional funds to cover the costs of futureprojects and to gratify the shareholders. Theseimperatives have placed a premium on speedof discovery and development. The portion ofthis time devoted to synthesis and screening inthe drug-seeking campaign is usually about3–5 years. The enhanced speed of constructioncan be expected to decrease the time to marketby perhaps as much as 1 year in favorablecases. While this is less than was originallyhoped for when these methods were intro-duced, it is not trivial.

Combinatorial chemistry is now such a per-vasive phenomenon that comprehensive re-view of its medicinal chemical features is nolonger possible in less than book length. Fullcoverage would require treatment of its im-pact on all of the phases of drug discovery andwould exceed the space available. Thus, theremainder of this chapter will illustrate itsmain features and applications.


Combinatorial chemistry grew out of peptidechemistry and initially served the needs of bio-chemists and the subset of medicinal chemistswho specialized in peptide science. Its first de-cade or so concentrated on oligopeptides andrelated molecules. It continued to evolve, how-ever, and now permeates virtually every cor-ner of medicinal chemistry and a major effortis underway to discover new, orally active,pharmaceuticals using these methods.

Many will agree that the path leading to thepresent state of combinatorial chemistry es-sentially started with the solid phase syntheticexperiments on peptides by Bruce Merrifieldin 1962 (1, 2). This work had immediate im-pact, facilitated in large part because of theessentially iterative reactions, to completionby use of reagents in excess, its susceptibilityto automation, and the ease of removing detri-tus from the products by simple washing andfiltration away from the resins. At first thisextremely useful technology was employed ina linear fashion. It was probably Furka inHungary a decade or so later who realized thatthe methodology could lead to simultaneoussynthesis of large collections of peptides andconceived of the mix and split methods (3).Geyson made the whole process technicallysimpler in 1984 and produced large scale com-pound collections of peptides (4) and Hough-ton introduced “tea bag” methodologies in1985 in which porous bags of resins were sus-pended in reagents (5). Comparatively few or-ganic chemists undertook the preparation ofordinary organic substances on solid phasesbecause the work is rather more complexwhen applied to non-oligomeric substancescaused by greater variety of reactants and con-ditions required, and this work at first failed todevelop a significant following. Solid phase or-ganic chemistry was also comparatively un-derdeveloped and this held back the field. Thischanged in dramatic fashion after the publica-tion of Bunin and Ellman’s seminal work onsolid phase organic synthesis (SPOS) of arraysof 1,4-benzodiazepine-2-ones in 1992 (6). Soonother laboratories published related work onthis ring system, and work on other drug-likemolecules followed in rapid order and the racewas on. In the initial phases, solid phase or-

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ganic synthesis predominated, and this per-sisted until about 1995, when solution phasecombinatorial chemistry began to make seri-ous inroads. Until about 1997, roughly one-half of the libraries reported were either ofpeptides or peptidomimetics. Subsequently li-braries of drug-like small molecules have be-come increasingly popular.

The work on combinatorial libraries has in-spired the rapid development of a wide varietyof auxiliary techniques including the use ofreagents on solid support, capture resins,chemical and biological analysis of compoundtethered to resins, informatics to deal with thehuge volume of structural and biological datagenerated, the synthesis of a wide variety ofpeptide-like and heterocyclic systems hithertoprepared solely in solution, photolithographictechniques allowing the production of geo-graphically addressed arrays on a “creditcard,” preparation of gene array chips, attach-ment of coding sequences, use of robotics, andthe preparation of oligonucleotides by Lets-inger in 1975 (7) and of oligosaccharides byHindsgaul in the 1990s (8). At this momentseveral thousand papers are appearing eachyear describing the preparation and proper-ties of compound libraries either in mixturesor as individual substances. Several books (9–35) and reviews (36–49) are available for theinterested reader. Those of Dolle are particu-larly recommended because he has under-taken the heroic task of organizing and sum-marizing each year the world’s literature onthe topic. That of Thompson and Ellman isespecially thorough in reviewing the literatureup until 1996 from a chemical viewpoint. Agreat many other reviews are available, in-cluding many in slick-cover free journals thatarrive on our desks weekly. In addition tothese, at least three specialist journals havebeen established in the area. These are theJournal of Combinatorial Chemistry, Molecu-lar Diversity, and Combinatorial Chemistryand High Throughput Screening.

Another important factor leading to the ex-plosion of interest in combinatorial chemicaltechniques was the development of smallfirms devoted to the exploitation of geneticdiscoveries through development of high-throughput screening methods. These firmsby and large did not have libraries of com-

pounds to put through these screens and wereseeking collections of molecules. Combinato-rial chemistry addressed these needs. Whenthese methods were taken up by big pharma-ceutical companies, existing libraries quicklyproved inadequate for the need and combina-torial methodologies clearly addressed thisneed as well. Just about 10 years after theseseminal events, the face of medicinal chemis-try has been irretrievably altered. While com-binatorial chemistry has in some respects notlived up to the initial hopes, its value is firmlyestablished and no serious firm today fails touse these methods. By the year 2002, well over1000 libraries have been reported. Many ofthese include reports of the biological activityof their contents. This is remarkable consider-ing that the field is scarcely more than a de-cade old!


That the solid phase synthesis of collections ofpeptides launched this field is not intrinsicallysurprising. The basic methodology existed be-cause of Merrifield and many others. The pep-tide linkage has notable advantages for thiswork because it is relatively chemically stable,non-chiral, constructible by iterative pro-cesses amenable to automation, the productsare rarely branched, possess a variety of inter-esting biological properties, and can be con-structed in great variety. The counterbalanc-ing defects of these compounds are that theyare not easily delivered orally unless they areend capped and rather small in molecularweight, are readily destroyed by enzymatic ac-tion, and fail to penetrate into cells. The phys-iological reason for this is readily understood.Peptides, and other informational macromol-ecules, function in the body to provide specificstructure or to generate signals for cells to re-spond to according to their sequence and ar-chitecture. It would be dangerous if they wereabsorbed intact from ingestion of other lifeforms. To prevent cellular disruption they arefirst digested in the gastrointestinal tract, ab-sorbed as monomers, and then reassembledafter our own genetic pattern so that they join

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or supplement those already present withoutcausing disruption in cellular architecture orfunction.

Nucleic acids have many of the same ad-vantages and disadvantages, and their com-pound libraries came into being soon after thepeptides. Oligosaccharides, on the other hand,have lagged considerably behind. They pos-sess chiral linkages whose construction mustbe carefully controlled, often are branched,are fragile in the presence of acid conditions,are often highly polar, and are readily di-gested. Controlling these processes is muchmore difficult and it has taken longer to con-quer these problems.

3.1 Peptide Arrays

Peptides are prominent among the com-pounds of interest to biochemists but less so tomost medicinal chemists for reasons expli-cated above. Construction of peptides of spec-ified sequence is an iterative process whosecomplications largely consist of protection-deprotection steps to ensure that side-chainfunctionality does not interfere with orderlyamide bond formation. When made on resinbeads, there are limits to the quantities thatcan be made in part because of the geometricrestrictions caused by bead size and the needto avoid adjacent molecules from interactingwith each other, and the comparative labilityof the beads to aggressive reagents places lim-itations on the chemical conditions that can beemployed. Porous beads obviously can beloaded more heavily than those whose surfaceonly is accessible after wetting by the re-agents. Many different kinds of resins andother solid supports are now available, includ-ing some that are solvent soluble dependingon the solvent and the temperature.

With their balance of advantages and dis-advantages and the present gold standard be-ing oral activity, peptide libraries are cur-rently of primary value in lead seeking, inbasic studies on cellular processes, or for thepreparation of parenteral medications. De-spite intensive study spanning several decadesby some of the best minds of this generation,means of delivering thereputically significantblood levels of peptides through the oral routeremain elusive. Translating the therapeuticmessage in peptide leads into oral non-peptide

drugs through generally applicable systematictechniques has also been elusive. The severalsuccesses that have been achieved have beenprimarily the result of screening campaigns orserendipitous observations, and the resultshave so far not revealed an underlying tacticalcommonality that can be exploited in newcases. Perhaps the best known of these studieshas been the translation of snake venom pep-tides, whose injection by serpents leads to aprecipitous fall in blood pressure, into trun-cated pseudodipeptides like captopril, andthen on to enalaprilat and lysinopril, whichare pseudotripeptides. The basic lessonlearned from all of these studies has been thatthe resulting agent should be as little peptide-like as possible and not exceed the equivalentof at most four amino acid-like residues. Ex-amination of peptide structures in light of thewell-known Lipinski rules provides a rationalefor what experience has shown. Beyond aboutfour residues, the molecular weight is becom-ing too high, the polarity is weighted too muchtoward water solubility, and the hydrogen-bonding inventory is excessive. Further, thecompounds are excessively water soluble sothat they do not pass through cellular mem-branes efficiently by passive diffusion.

An added feature to bear in mind is that thepreparation of certain medically importantpolypeptide drugs, such as human insulin andgrowth hormone, through genetic engineeringmethodologies, is well developed and conve-nient so these substances can be used in par-enteral replacement therapy. Their prepara-tion through synthetic peptide chemistryrepresents important achievements in peptideintellectual technology but does not satisfy acommercial need.

Nonetheless, peptide compound librariesare very convenient for uncovering leadsquickly for receptors where natural ligands orserendipitous drugs have not previously beenfound and large libraries of peptides continueto be made (50–65).

The number of peptides that could in prin-ciple be made is stupefying. For example,given that there are approximately 20 com-mon amino acids, and allowing five post-trans-lational modifications (and ignoring the factthat there are more of these and that there aremany wholly synthetic amino acids), the avail-

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able synthons are at least approximately equalto the number of letters in the Western alpha-bet. By analogy with the number of languagesthat have been generated using this system,the potential number of peptides that could bemade is clearly astronomical. It would requirean incredible effort to make a library contain-ing even only one molecule of each, and Furkahas estimated that the mass of such a librarywould exceed that of the universe by morethan 200 orders of magnitude (3)!

Were one to use just the common aminoacids, the progression of peptides possible isenormous, as is shown in Table 1.1.

The simplest and least ambiguous methodfor constructing peptide libraries is the spa-tially separate or spatially addressed method.Here a single peptide is constructed on a singletype of resin, and the resin/products are keptseparate. No decoding sequence needs to beattached to the beads in this kind of library.This method was introduced by Geysen in1984. To make 96 peptides at a time and tokeep track of the products and facilitate theirscreening, the reactions were run on resinsattached to individual pins so constructed thatthey fit into individual wells of 96-well plates.(Fig. 1.3) (66). A convenient variation was de-veloped for parallel synthesis in which beadswere contained in porous bags and dipped intoreagent solutions. These are called “tea bags.”The identity of the peptide or peptides con-tained is recorded on the attached label. Sub-sequently Fodor et al. developed a very diverselibrary on silicon wafers using photolitho-

graphic chemistry for forming the peptidesand controlled the specific place along an x–yaxis, where each peptide would be locatedthrough use of variously configured masks(Fig. 1.4.) Photolytic protecting groups wereemployed followed by coupling the newly re-vealed “hot spots” with a suitable reactant.After this, the masks are moved as often asdesired and the process repeated. In principlethis method could produce thousands of indi-vidual peptides on a credit card–like surface.Although somewhat laborious, the synthesiscan readily be automated. The method re-quires photosensitive protecting groups andtesting methodologies compatible with sup-port-bound assay methods and the librariesare geographically coded by the position ofproducts on the x–y axis (67). These tech-niques are now widely employed for gene ar-ray amplification and identification experi-ments.

Synthesis of mixtures of peptides furtherenhanced the speed and convenience of libraryconstruction but required development of dev-olution methods so that active components inthe mixtures could be identified. Direct meth-ods of sequence analysis are available. Massspectrometry is popular as are NMR methods(involving magic angle methods on singlebeads). Edman degradation of peptides canalso be performed. These methods are popularwhen iterative methods result in linear poly-mers.

A further complication of simultaneouspreparation of peptide mixtures is that indi-vidual amino acids differ greatly in their reac-tivity, so if one simply placed all of the poten-tial reactants in a flask under bond formingconditions, they would not react at the samerate. With each iteration, the disparity be-tween readily formed and poorly formed bondswould widen. One way to deal with this prob-lem is to use less than fully equivalent

Table 1.1. Number of Possible Peptide Products as a Function of the Amino Acids Used

Dipeptides (20 � 20) � 400Tripeptides (20 � 20 � 20) � 8000Tetrapeptides (20 � 20 � 20 � 20) � 160,000Pentapeptides (20 � 20 � 20 � 20 � 20) � 3,200,000Hexapeptides (20 � 20 � 20 � 20 � 20 � 20) � 64,000,000Heptapeptides (20 � 20 � 20 � 20 � 20 � 20 � 20) � 1,380,000,000

Geysen pins and wells

Figure 1.3. Geysen pins and wells.

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amounts of each component and to allow thereactions to go to completion. For example, iftwo components are employed, each should beadded in about one-half molar quantities. Atthe end of the reaction, one should haveequimolar amounts of both products. Thiswould allow the subsequent testing results tobe quantitatively comparable (68). Alterna-tively, split synthesis methods were developedcontemporaneously by Houghton (69), Furka(70), and Lam (71). In split and pool synthesis(Fig. 1.5), an initial reaction is run on a beadsupport to attach an amino acid as before, andthe resulting beads are then split into equalportions and each of these groups of beads isdeprotected and reacted with one of a group ofdifferent second amino acids to form dipep-tides. These are pooled again and thoroughlymixed. This pool is again separated into equalportions and each is reacted with one of a dif-ferent group of other amino acids to produce agroup of tripeptide mixtures. This is contin-ued until satisfied, and the last group of resinpiles is usually not mixed. Although each indi-vidual bead will contain a single peptide, thefinal products from this methodology consistof groups of related materials. By illustration,if run in the manner described, one could startwith the same amino acid attached to a bead. Ifthis resulted in 20 piles of beads, each with adifferent amino acid attached, then each pile

could be reacted in parallel subpiles with adifferent one of the 20 amino acids and re-pooled. Continuation would lead to 20 collec-tions of all of the possible tripeptides. Detach-ing and testing would reveal which was thebest amino acid to start with (XXB in the ex-ample shown in Fig. 1.6). Keeping this oneconstant in the next series, repeating the pro-cess with the remaining 19 would reveal thebest second amino acid (XEB in the example).Iteration would lead, after significant labor, tothe optimal sequence at all positions and pro-duce a structure-activity relationship based onthose other substances approaching its po-tency (GEB � IEB � HEB in the example).This method of deconvolution is known as po-sitional scanning.

A great diversity of peptides can be con-structed in short order using these methods,and very large libraries have been produced.Such collections would be truly combinatorial.Many subvariations of this process can be en-visioned. In general it is found that more thanone active peptide is obtained. Synthesis of allof these actives as individual pure chemicals(often called “discretes”) will allow the devel-opment of a structure-activity relationship.No assumptions are made in pursuing thestudy in this manner. If one has, however, alead peptide already or wishes to define a re-

Fodor photolithographic method






mask mask mask



Figure 1.4. Fodor photolithographic method.


B, C, D



Figure 1.5. Pool and split method.

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gion in a lead peptide, then one can perform amore limited study by systematically varyingall of the individual positions in the region inquestion in this manner. The general experi-ence is that potency and selectivity increasesas each position is optimized and the knownsequence grows (72). Although this method issomewhat wasteful, it has no preconceptions,and the residual sequences not of interest inthis test series can be archived and examinedin future test systems. Another advantage ofthe method is that the final products are nottethered so are able to assume the solutionconformation dictated by their sequence or bythe receptor interaction and also to interactwith insoluble receptors.

In the substitution/omission method (Fig.1.7), one starts with a lead sequence whoseactivity is known and replaces sequentiallyeach amino acid with all possible 20 analogs,keeping the remainder the same. This is sim-ilar to the divide-couple-recombine methodjust described, but it evaluates only a singlespecific residue at a time. Testing the 20 li-braries reveals which amino acid is optimal atthat position. This is repeated until all of theamino acids in the sequence being examinedhave been evaluated and an optimized se-quence is at hand. In the illustration, onestarts with known sequence A-B-C-D and dis-covers enhanced potency in the modified se-quence of E-F-C-D.





Step 1. Cleave and test each pool separately.


PoolX-X-A X-X-B X-X-C

Identify pool X-X-B as the more potent

Step 2. Repeat sequence with pool X-X-B howevervarying the second position.




PoolIdentify pool X-E-B as the more potent

Identify G-E-B as the most potent analog.

Step 3. Repeat the sequence with pool X-E-B howevervarying the first position.


Figure 1.6. Split and mix method with positional scanning.

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In the omission method, one deletes one ofthe amino acids from a given position (mostoften at the end) or replaces an amino acidresidue at any chosen position by an alanine orglycine and finds which omission decreases ac-tivity. This is done at each position until theoptimal sequence is detected and the relativecontribution of each amino acid side-chain isclear.

Devolution by positional scanning is facili-tated through testing groups of resins ar-ranged in checkerboard rows and columns asillustrated earlier in Fig. 1.1. Subsequent li-braries are much smaller so the process be-comes progressively less laborious.

Another popular method of identifying res-idues is to attach a non-peptide signaling mol-ecule orthogonally to a different attachmentarm whose reactivity differs from the firsteach time an amino acid is attached to its arm(Fig. 1.8). The signaling or coding moleculeneeds to be attached to its arm using chemis-try that does not interfere with the growingpeptide on the other arm and does not detacheither molecule prematurely. There are a va-riety of strategies employed in detaching thesequences from the arms (Fig. 1.9). Strategy arepresents an internal displacement reactionand leaves no trace behind in the product ofthe original point of attachment. Strategy buses an external nucleophile for attachment.

This completes the product structure and usu-ally does not leave a linker trace. Strategy c isa reductive or hydrolytic strategy and some-times leaves a linker trace in the product butneed not do so. The signal sequence carries thehistory of the bead and therefore codes for thehistory of the steps involved in the synthesisand thus for the identity of the peptide thatone believes one has attached to the bead. Theease of identification of oligonucleotide se-quences (by PCR methods) has made thesepopular for such coding. Various halogenatedaromatic residues have also been used for thispurpose. Another popular method is to embedan rf generator tuned to individual frequen-cies in the resin itself so that the substance onthe bead can be identified by tuning to theproper frequency. One can also place bar codeson the beads for convenient reading. Much in-genuity has been expended on ingeniousmethods of deconvolution.

The development of these methods pre-sents the medicinal chemist with the ability toperform a chemical evolution. This wouldseem to parallel nature’s use of biological evo-lution to produce chemical libraries suitablefor particular biological purposes. Chemicalevolution of this type is more congenial to theimpatient chemist.

Clearly with very large libraries, it is tech-nically not possible to analyze each product, so

Lead substance = A-B-C-D

Step 1. Vary position A with all 20 amino acids. Detach and test.

Xn-B-C-D E-B-C-D

Detaching from the resin and testing reveals E-B-C-Dto be more active than A-B-C-D.

Step 2. Vary position B with all 20 amino acids. Detach and test.

E-Xn-C-D E-F-C-D

Detaching from the resin and testing reveals E-F-C-Dto be more active than A-B-C-D.

Step 3. Repeat this process with positions C and D

Detaching from the resin and testing reveals E-F-C-Dto be the most active sequence in this illustration.

Figure 1.7. Substitution/omission method.

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one must resort to statistical sampling insteador take it as an article of faith that each com-pound has been successfully prepared. Muchwork has been devoted to dealing with thisproblem but a comprehensive treatment ofthis complex topic is unfortunately too vast tocover here. Clearly careful rehearsal and fa-natic attention to detail in the construction ofthe library helps, but this is conjecture notscience. There are relatively few instances inthe literature where a careful census has beenperformed from which to form an opinion onthis topic. In one important recent example, astatistical sampling of 7.5% of the contents ofa library of 25,200 statin-containing pseu-dopeptides showed that 85% had the antici-pated structure. This is reasonably good for

such complex work, but leaves one with asense of unease in that about 3800 wrong sub-stances were available. It is important also tonote that the wrong structures were not sta-tistically distributed among all of the targetedcompounds but rather showed a bias towardcertain structures. This is not particularlysurprising but underscores the importance ofthe topic when interpreting the results ofscreening (73).

Another method of devolution uses amethod descended from early work of Pasteurfor this work. Here, the resins are poured ontoa solid surface previously seeded with a micro-organism lawn or a substrate that generates acolor. Those resins that contain an active ma-terial give a zone of inhibition or a color re-sponse. Both of these endpoints can be de-tected visually and the active resins taken offof the surface with tweezers. The active com-ponent can then be detached for analysis andidentification.

Initially, combinatorial libraries of pep-tides consisted primarily of products madefrom linear combinations of naturally occur-ring amino acids. Subsequently just about ev-ery devise employed in ordinary peptide workhas been applied to combinatorial studies,leading to a persistent evolutionary drift awayfrom collections of natural peptides. For ex-ample, to enhance the metabolic stability ofsuch libraries, end capping of the amino endand the carboxy end and also cyclization havebeen employed to stabilize these substances.Before long, the incorporation of unusualamino acids also began (Fig. 1.10). Thesesubstances can be termed pseudopeptides






1. Selectively detach analog and test.2. Selectively detach signal sequence andanalyze.


Figure 1.8. Resin with arms containing an analogand a signal sequence.




b c






Product of a




Product of b

Product of ca = internal displacementb = hydrolysis or reductionc = external displacement





Figure 1.9. Some detachment strategies for detachment of compounds from resins.

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(74–101). More specifically, such residues asbenzamidines (102, 103), phosphinates (104–106), methyleneketones, hydroxyketones, flu-oroamides (107), ketoamides, hydroxamates(108, 109), glycols, coumarins (110), borona-tes, oxazoles (111), nitriles, aldehydes, haloge-nated ketone hydrates, sulfonamides, and thelike progressively appeared. These unusualresidues were predominantly incorporated ei-ther at the end or at a point where the naturalpeptides would be cleaved by enzymatic ac-tion. These moieties are of special value whenthe substitution takes place at a site where theprocessing enzyme must act and employsmechanism-based inhibitory mechanisms.More recent libraries have appeared in whichthe overall conformation of the peptide hasbeen mimicked so that the resulting heterocy-cle resembles topographically a �-turn, for ex-

ample, but may not incorporate any commonamino acid components (112, 113). The figureillustrates some of the groups so employed.

Later, the peptide linkage itself began to bemodified (Fig. 1.11). For example, the classicalmode of stabilization against peptidase cleav-age by conversion of the peptide bond NH intoN-methyl subsequently evolved into the prep-aration of peptoids (polyglycine chains witheach NH replaced by a variety of N-alkylgroups of the type that resemble the side-chains found in normal amino acids). Librar-ies of these compounds were very popular for awhile but interest has decreased as timepasses (114, 115).

Flirtation with other substitutes for nor-mal peptide bonds includes preparation of li-braries of polycarbamates (116), vinylogousamides, incorporation of a pepstatin residue






Incorporation of a pepstatinresidue

Incorporation of a hydroxyketone residue







































Vinylogous polyamide








Figure 1.10. Some peptide surrogates employed in libraries.

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(117), and ureas (118) as well. In these librar-ies, the side-chains project from each fourthrather than each third atom in the chains sothese are not close models of amino acids.Such libraries, not surprisingly, are more of-ten antagonist rather than agonist.

In Fig. 1.11, one sees the insertion of un-usual peptide bond surrogates for lead seek-ing. Such residues include peptide boronates,peptide hydroxamates, peptide aldehydes,peptide trifluoromethylketone hydrates, pep-tide nitriles, peptide phosphonates, and so on.One could also add to this list inclusion of�-turn mimics, �-sheet analogs, and so on.This is at present a very active subfield of me-dicinal chemistry.

These peptide and pseudopeptide librarieshave been replaced progressively by collec-tions containing smaller and more drug-likemolecules. These will be covered in their ownsection below.

3.2 Nucleoside Arrays

The minimum fully realized library of naturalpeptides would consist of 2020 components. Ananalogous library of nucleic acids would con-sist of 55 components (double this if one used

both ribose and deoxyribose units) and be sub-stantially smaller (Fig. 1.12a). Once again, theuse of post-translationally modified bases orwholly unnatural analogs increases the attain-able diversity. Conformational effects andself-associations further enhance the diver-sity. Once again, construction is iterative andbead-based automated procedures are avail-able. Libraries of significant size have beenconstructed and evaluated (119).

3.3 Oligosaccharide Arrays

Construction of diverse oligosaccharide librar-ies is much more difficult. The linkage is chiraland relatively hard to control, the bonds areacid fragile, and there are many potentiallycompeting functional groups that can bepoints of attachment (Fig. 1.12b). Despitethese complicating factors, such libraries arebeginning to appear. Clearly progress is beingmade.

3.4 Lipid Arrays

Lipid libraries have largely been neglected.For saturated fatty acids, the construction ofcarbon–carbon bonds is more difficult. Ste-
















Peptide boronate






Peptide hydroxamate






Peptide aldehyde






Peptide trifluoro- methyl hydrate




Peptide nitrile









Peptide phosphonate

Figure 1.11. Peptides substituted with unusual carboxyl surrogate residues.

3 Solid Phase Organic Synthesis of Informational Macromolecules of Interest to Medicinal Chemists 13

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roids and other polyisoprenoids are also com-plex to construct. Mixed triglycerides wouldseem accessible, and one anticipates develop-ments in this area.


As noted above, the field of combinatorialchemistry and multiple parallel synthesisstarted with libraries of peptides. In time, un-usual residues crept into the products. Whilethis evolution is still ongoing, it is now accom-panied by a major effort to produce libraries ofsmall, drug-like molecules in library form.Many of the methods used for large moleculescarry over but the largely non-iterative natureof small molecule synthesis is a significantcomplication.

The current “gold standard” in small mol-ecule drug seeking is oral activity accompa-

nied by one-a-day dosing. This is a high hur-dle. The majority of molecules that havepassed have molecular weights of about 500 orso. It has been calculated that the number ofsmall molecules that would fall into this cate-gory is approximately 10 raised to the 62ndpower! Clearly preparing all of these in rea-sonable time is beyond the capacity of the en-tire population of the earth even if theyworked tirelessly. The number of compoundsthat can become satisfactory drugs encom-passed in this impossible collection is probablyin the range of a few thousand, so most of theeffort would be wasted. Hence medicinalchemical skills are still at a premium.

Obviously construction one at a time in theusual iterative or non-iterative fashion resultsin single molecules of a defined nature. Com-bination of reactants A and B produces a sin-gle product A-B. Reaction of this with anothersubstance produces product A-B-C. In eachcase, a single reaction produces a single prod-uct. The change brought about by combinato-rial or multiple parallel synthesis methods isthat the reactants are usually linear, but theproducts can be logarithmic. For example, re-acting A with 10 different Bs produces 10products (A-B1–10), and the reaction with 10different Cs on each of these results in 100products (A-B1–10C1–10), either in mixtures oras discrete compounds. Rather large com-pound collections can be assembled quicklyusing this scheme.

With non-linear products a different vari-ant is seen than experienced with large mole-cules (Fig. 1.13). Here a starting material (of-ten called a centroid) with a number offunctional groups (preferably with differentdegrees of reactivity—known as orthogonal-ity) can be reacted with a variety of substitu-ents (often called adornments) to produce alarge number of analogs. In the figure, onesees illustrated centroids with two, three, orfour such functional groups and given thenumber of possible variants, this can lead to avery large library of analogs in a brief time(two functional groups with 10 variant adorn-ments quickly results in 100 analogs, three in1000, and four in 10,000). If the reaction con-ditions allow, these variations can be run inmixture or in parallel effecting a very signifi-cant time savings. It can, however, put a sig-























Figure 1.12. (a) Oligonucleotide libraries. (b) Oli-gosaccharide libraries.

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nificant strain on purification, analysis, recordkeeping, budgets, etc. Much work has been ex-pended in addressing these potential limita-tions.

With 500 as the normal practical upper mo-lecular weight limit, it can be seen that cen-troid A should be chosen to have the smallestpractical molecular weight. It is also helpful if,when fully adorned, it has functional groupsremaining that can interact productively witha receptor so the weight devoted to this part ofthe molecule is not net loss. The molecularweight of the centroid places practical limitson the net weight that the adornments cancollectively have. If one adornment is ratherlarge, then this requires one or more of theother adornments to be made compensatinglysmaller. The more functional groups presentin the centroid, the smaller each adornmentcan be.

It is particularly helpful if the adornmentsproject into space into quadrants that fit pre-cisely the needs of the receptor if one is opti-mizing a lead. Alternately, if one is hit seeking,they should project into various quadrantsabout the centroid so as to allow a fruitful ex-ploration of potential receptor needs. In hitseeking, one often wants molecular flexibility,whereas in lead optimization progressive ri-gidification is often more effective.

In addition, the adornments must have theusual medicinal chemical characteristics.They should not be chemically reactive, con-vey toxicity, or be inordinately polar. The

product should fit the modified Lipinski rulesto allow for the usual molecular weight andlipophilicity creep that often accompaniesanaloging. The net hydrogen bonding invento-ries, log P, water solubility, and cell penetra-bility features set constraints on the individ-ual and the collective nature of theadornments. If one is rather polar, for exam-ple, the polarity of another usually must bedecreased. Whether the centroid should betethered to a solid support or free in solutionmust be considered carefully. If tethered, it isimportant to consider whether the point of at-tachment will remain in the final analog, andif so, what affect this may have on its biologicalproperties. One also should consider whetherthis attachment will prevent the use of one ofthe potential adornment points.

Just as in one at a time synthesis, linearsyntheses are the most risky and produce thelowest yields. Converging methodologies ad-dress these limitations successfully, and incombinatorial work, Ugi (four-component)and Passerini (three-component) reactionsare very flexible and popular. Generally onehas less control over the specific products be-ing produced by such reactions but this islargely compensated for by the molecular di-versity available in this way.

Clearly a great deal of thought should gointo library design before the work begins.

The first libraries containing heterocyclesrecognizable as orally active drugs were the1,4-benzodiazepine-2-ones prepared on resinsby Bunin and Ellman in 1992 (Fig. 1.14) (6). Anotable chemical feature is the use of aminoacid fluorides to drive the amide formation tocompletion. The choice of benzodiazepineswas inspired because of the medicinal impor-tance of these materials and their resem-blance to peptides. Here the library was con-structed by a combination of three reactants.If each were represented by 10 variations, thelibrary could easily reach 1000 members (10 �10 � 10) in short order. This would fit thecommonly accepted meaning of combinatorialin that all of the possible variants would beconstructed. Being selective in the variationsactually incorporated, a smaller (“focused”) li-brary could be made that answered specificpharmacological questions but at the risk ofmissing an unexpected discovery. Such a li-

A + a Aab

Aa b

Two substitutable groups

Three substitutable groups

Aa b


Four substitutable groups

Aa b



Figure 1.13. Centroid adornment.

4 Solid and Solution Phase Libraries of Small, Drugable Molecules 15

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brary would fit the commonly accepted defini-tion of multiple parallel synthesis. Such fo-cused libraries are often more intellectuallysatisfying to the practitioner. In this librarythe attached groups project into space atwidely separated compass points around themolecule allowing a systematic exploration ofreceptor requirements. The centroid has a mo-lecular weight of 160 when all of the availablesubstitution points are occupied by hydrogenatoms. If one accepts an upper molecularweight limit of approximately 500, then fourvariations can occupy 340 atomic mass units(500–160) so each adornment can have an av-erage of about 85 amu, if the weight is evenlydistributed. This gives significant latitude forsubstitution. When chosen with care to conveydrug-like properties and not to exceed collec-tively the guidelines that Lipinski has devel-oped, the library can contain primarily sub-stances that have a chance to be drug. Theyalso can be so chosen that they allow for sub-

stitution independently of each other and alsoto be installed without premature separationfrom the beads. It will also be noted that thecentroid chosen has amide and amine linkagesthat are not involved in adornment attach-ment and are capable in principle of interact-ing successfully with a receptor so the molec-ular weight sacrificed to the centroid mayperform pharmacodynamic work. Centroidsderived from molecular series that are knownto be associated with good pharmacokineticsare often referred to as privileged molecules.Thus, the choice of benzodiazepines to demon-strate the potential power of combinatorialchemistry and multiple parallel synthesis wasinspired.

In this pioneering library, the final prod-ucts were attached to the bead supportthrough a phenolic hydroxyl group that re-mained as such in the products before testing.Varying the point of attachment of the hy-droxyl group would lead to additional multiple

FmocHN R













Cl N






i. N-alkylationii. Detach

Cl N







Figure 1.14. Synthesis of benzodiazepine libraries—1.

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analogs. Indeed, a variant of this process re-sulted in a traceable linker in the other aro-matic ring (Fig. 1.15).

A somewhat more versatile synthesis ofthis type using stannanes and palladium acy-lations (Stille coupling) appeared subse-quently (Fig. 1.16) (120). While precedent es-tablishing, this was pharmacologically less

than completely satisfying because agents in-tended to penetrate well into the CNS shouldnot usually contain such a polar substituent.Despite this, several components in these li-braries were bioactive, and the work drewwidespread attention to the promise of themethodology and was soon followed by a floodof applications to the preparation of drug-likemolecules. In this sequence, attachment to theresin was by an amino acid ester bond. Subse-quently this bound intermediate was con-verted to an imine that cyclized to the benzo-diazepine moiety on acid cleavage from theresin (Fig. 1.18) (121). The “traceless linker”technology so introduced has now becomestandard. One of the additional advantages ofthis application is that incomplete reaction oc-curring during the synthesis would lead toproducts that would not cleave from the resinand could be removed by simple filtration.Furthermore, the products were now indistin-guishable from benzodiazepines prepared byusual speed analoging (USA) methods.

Ellman’s group also developed a tracelesslinker sequence of a different type based onHF release of an aryl silicon link to the resin(Fig. 1.17) (122).

As it happens, somewhat gratifyingly, test-ing of these agents revealed no structural sur-prises. The intense study of the benzodiaz-epines in the empirical earlier years hadapparently not missed much of significance.Nonetheless, these studies resulted in con-






Similar toFigure 1.14








Figure 1.15. Synthesis of benzodiazepinelibraries—2.


arm O SnMe3

i. Pd(0), RCOCl

ii. H+


arm OO


Similar toFigure 1.14







Figure 1.16. Synthesis of benzodiazepine libraries—3.

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vincing proof that combinatorial chemicalmethods would be of dramatic use in prepar-ing agents likely to become orally active drugs.

Benzodiazepine libraries (123) and closeanalogs such as 1,4-benzodiazepin-2,5-diones(124, 125) continue to be popular. For exam-ple, one such library is prepared by a sequenceinvolving a Borch reduction and an internalester-amide exchange to form the seven-mem-bered ring and then cleavage from the resin.The reaction conditions are mild enough topreserve the optical activity in this library(Fig. 1.19) (126). Use of peptoid starting ma-terials and reductive traceless linker technol-ogy are features of the work of Zuckermann etal. (Fig. 1.20) (125).

Representative of another important classof drugs is the 1,4-dihydropyridines. Hantzsch

methodology (without the oxidative step)works efficiently on resins for this purpose.The conditions are mild in this synthesis andthe yields are good (Fig. 1.21) (127).

Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitorsare million dollar molecules. An interesting li-brary of captopril analogs were prepared onresin using a split-mix iterative resynthesisdeconvolution procedure. From a collection ofabout 500 analogs, an analog emerged thatwas threefold more potent than captopril itselfand possessed a Ki of 160 pM (Fig. 1.22) (128)!

Another important class of contemporarydrugs that have been made in library form, inthis case both in solution and in solid state, arethe fluoroquinolone antimicrobial agents (Fig.1.23) (129, 130). The solution-based yieldswere superior to those obtained on the resins.


arm Si SnMe3








Similar toFigure 1.16











Figure 1.17. Synthesis of benzodiazepine libraries—4.





H2N R2















Figure 1.18. Synthesis of benzodiazepine libraries—5.

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i. Borch reductive alkylation with aminoacid esterii. Anthranilic acid amidation

i. Baseii. R1Xiii. H+

Figure 1.19. Synthesis of benzodiazepine libraries—6.





















R1 CO2Me
















i. BrCH2CO2Hii. Amino acid ester

i. [H]ii. ∆iii. H+

Figure 1.20. Synthesis of benzodiazepine libraries—7.

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Many more examples could be covered, butthis gives a representative flavor of the field.By now most of the heterocyclic ring systemshave been produced in library form. Particularemphasis has been placed on libraries of mol-ecules with interesting pharmacological prop-erties. Rather extensive reviews of this workexist for the interested reader to consult. [The

reviews of Dolle (36–40) and of Thompson andEllman (41) are particularly useful in this con-text.]

Recently, focused libraries explore the SARproperties of series of contemporary interestwhere no drugs have yet emerged or where thefirst of a promising series has been marketed.An example of this is the oxazolidinones. Oneexample of this class, linezolid, has recentlybeen marketed as an orally effective anti-in-fective, and most large firms have extensiveanalog programs in progress in attempts toimprove on its properties (Fig. 1.24). Combi-natorial chemistry plays a significant role inthis work. A Pharmacia group has shown thatalteration of the morpholine function to amethylated pyrazole moiety produces a broadspectrum analog with oral activity. Palladiumcoupling of the iodoaromatic moiety of thestarting material allows construction of thetrimethylsilylacetylene side-chain. Hydrolysisof this group with formic acid produces amethyl ketone, which after a mixed aldol reac-tion to the dimethylenamine, reacts withmethylhydrazine to produce a mixture of thetwo possible methylated pyrazole isomers.These are separated by chromatography toproduce the best of a large series of analogsproduced by these and other reaction se-







O R3





arm H+








Figure 1.21. Synthesis of dihydropyridine libraries.









Ph CO2Me

Ki ∼ 160 pM


Figure 1.22. Captopril library results.

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quences. The product illustrated in Fig. 1.24has the best combination of in vitro and in vivoproperties in this grouping (131). Reports ofrelated studies have also appeared (132, 133).

A library of cephalosporin antibiotic ana-logs was made on a solid support (basic alu-mina) without requiring protection-deprotec-tion. The compounds were prepared in highyield (82–93%) and purity in about 2 min withthe aid of microwave irradiation (Fig. 1.25)(134). Microwave acceleration in combinato-rial chemistry is a powerful technology for en-hancing reactions on solid phases.

The small molecule libraries just exempli-fied belong to the class called focused. That is,in each case a discrete molecular target wasavailable at the outset and chemical routeswere generally available. After some adapta-tion to the needs of the method and rehearsalof the chemistry, libraries could be generatedrelatively quickly. Many analogs were thenavailable by comparatively simple variationsin the reactants employed. Clearly, in drugseeking, one can operate in much the samemanner after identification of a suitable hitmolecule.

The strategy required in hit seeking, how-ever, is rather different. Here the initial li-braries are usually bigger and more diverse.After the library is screened, and useful mole-cules are uncovered, subsequent refining li-braries are employed that are progressivelysmaller and more focused. Each succeeding li-brary benefits from the information gained inthe previous work so this can be considered

the chemist’s equivalent of biological evolu-tion. As the work progresses, the needs forquantities of material for evaluation becomemore and more so the work usually proceedsback into the larger scale one at a time moderesembling the BC (before combichem) era.

A couple of examples represent the verylarge amount of work carried out in this man-ner. First, consider the discovery and progres-sion of OC 144–093, an orally active modula-tor of P-glycoprotein–mediated multiple drugresistance that has entered clinical studies.First, a 500-membered library of variouslysubstituted imidazoles was prepared on a mix-ture of aldehyde and amine beads (Fig. 1.26).The choice of materials was based on priorknowledge of the structures of other P-glyco-protein modulators. Screening this library inwhole cells led to the identification of twomain leads, A, possessing an IC50 of 600 nM,and B, possessing an IC50 of 80 nM. In addi-tion, B possessed an oral bioavailability indogs of about 35%. These results were veryencouraging.

The third stage involved making a solution-based library based on the structures of A andB. Screening produced leads C, possessing anIC50 of 300 nM, and D, with an IC50 of 150 nM.Interestingly, D was an unexpected by-prod-uct. The chemistry in libraries does not alwaysgo as intended. In addition to reasonable po-tency, D showed enhanced metabolic stability,so it was chosen as the lead for the next phase.Analoging around structure D lead ultimatelyto OC 144–093, with an IC50 of 50 nM and an



















Figure 1.23. Fluoroquinolone libraries.

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estimated 60% bioavailability after oral ad-ministration in humans (135, 136).

Later biological studies in vitro and in vivohave shown that the agent enhances the activ-ity of paclitaxel by interfering with its exportby P-glycoprotein. It is not a substrate forCYP3A and interferes with paclitaxel metabo-lism only at comparatively high doses. AfterIV administration, OC 144–093 does not in-terfere with paclitaxel’s pharmacokinetic pro-file but elevates its area under the curve whengiven orally. The results are interpreted as

meaning that OC 144–093 interferes with gutP-glycoprotein, enhancing oral bioavailability.Further studies are in progress and it is hopedthat a marketed anticancer adjunct willemerge in due course as a result of combinato-rial chemistry (137).

In a different study, a search through acompany compound collection was made in anattempt to find an inhibitor of the Erm familyof methyltransferases. These bacterial en-zymes produce resistance to the widely usedmacrolide-lincosaminide-streptogramin B an-


































Linezolid Strong gram +veModerate gram −vePotent in vivo

Pd coupling

i. MeNHNH2

ii. Chromat.

Figure 1.24. Oxazolidinone libraries.

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tibiotics by catalyzing S-adenosylmethionine–based methylation of a specific adenine resi-due in 23S bacterial ribosomes. This interfereswith the binding of the antibiotics and conveysresistance to them. Using NMR (SAR by NMR)screening, a series of compounds including 1,3-diamino-5-thiomethyltriazine were found tobind to the active site of the enzyme, albeitweakly (1.0 mM for the triazine named) (Fig.1.27). Analogs were retrieved from the collec-tion, and analogs A, B, and C identified aspromising for further work. A solution phaseparallel synthesis study was performed fromwhich compound D emerged as being signifi-cantly potent. Next a 232-compound librarywas prepared to discover the best R group onthe left side of compound D. From this, com-pounds E and F emerged. These were now po-tent in the low micromolar range. The left sideof analog E was fixed and the right side wasinvestigated through a 411-membered library.From this, E emerged as the best substancewith a Ki of 4 �M against Erm-AM and 10 �Magainst ErmC. Thus, starting with a veryweak lead with a malleable structure, succes-sive libraries produced analogs with quite sig-nificant potency for further exploration (138).

It is just a decade after this field becamegenerally active, yet already most of the com-mon drug series and hundreds of different het-erocyclic classes have been prepared in libraryform. Originally the emphasis was on bead-

based chemistry, and this actually slowed gen-eral acceptance of the method because few or-ganic and medicinal chemists were familiarwith the techniques needed to make smallmolecules on beads through non-iterativemethods, and indeed, much of the neededtechnology had yet to be developed and dis-seminated. These problems have largely beenovercome, and today the choice of beads or nobeads is partly a matter of taste, the size of thelibraries being made, and the length of thereaction sequences required.

The remainder of this chapter deals withselected examples that illustrates particularconcepts and methodologies.

4.1 Purification

In communicating their results, chemists ex-plicate the route with formulae and often dis-cuss the relative strengths and weaknesses ofkey reagents but almost never devote time toworkup. Even so, the details of the workuprequire attention to detail in the performanceand are sometimes quite challenging. This fac-tor becomes even more demanding in combi-natorial work where the need for rapid, effec-tive workup is intensified. Little is gained ifone saves much time in construction only tohave to give this back by tedious and repeti-tious purification schemes. Performing chem-istry on beads addresses this in that simplefiltration and washing often suffices. This isnot as useful if the reactions do not go to com-pletion, so considerable excess of reagents andmore lengthy times are often employed todrive the reactions further to completion. Sep-aration from solution in solid form or simpleevaporation is very convenient, and manifoldsfor filtration and for solvent removal are com-mercially available. From a drugability stand-point, there is a danger in this. Compoundsthat separate readily from polar solvents areoften of very low water solubility and presentdifficulties in testing. A number of commer-cially available combinatorial screening li-braries are peppered with such substances.

Column chromatography is powerful butoften labor intensive and solvent consuming.Separation of hundreds of analogs by columnchromatography would be a nightmare. Withsmaller, focused libraries, this is often moremanageable.















Figure 1.25. Cephalosporin libraries.

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Phase 1.

Phase 2.

A, R = CO2Me

B, R = CH2OEt


Phase 3.



Phase 4. Analoging

OC 144-093

C, R = MeD, R = H

Figure 1.26. Library-based discovery of clinical candidate C 144–093.

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Step 1.

A, X =

B, X = H ;

KD = 1.0 mM

Step 2. Screen in house analogs

; Y = OH KD = 0.31 mM

Y = OH KD = 12 mM

C, X = H ; NY = KD = 5 mM

Step 3. Analoging







KD = < 0.1 mMKi = 75 µM

Step 4. Library synthesis and screening













E, X = H; Ki = 8 µM


F, X = F; K i = 3 µM

Step 5. Second library and screening












G, Ki = 4 µM; 10 µM


Figure 1.27. A library of Erm inhibitors using SAR by NMR.

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More frequently automated chromato-graphic reverse phase methods are employedin which round the clock separations not re-quiring constant human supervision are avail-able.

Chromofiltration methods are powerfuland rapid but often require study for optimi-zation. We have found, for example, thatchoice of the appropriate solvent for solution-based multiple parallel synthesis can occa-sionally result in reaction mixtures fromwhich the desired product can be isolated inpure form by suitable choice of absorbent andconcentration or evaporation from the eluent(139). However this is generally exceptional.One can sometimes doctor silica gel, for exam-ple, to enhance its use for these purposes. Af-ter amide formation, when the acid compo-nent is used in excess, adding 1% of sodiumbicarbonate to silica gel and mixing thor-oughly provides a convenient way to removereaction debris so that filtration producespure amide on evaporation (139).

More generally applicable has been the de-velopment of many reagents tethered to solidsupports. These reagents perform their in-tended role and then the excess reagent and

the exhausted reactants can be filtered andwashed away for easy product isolation. In thiscase, the compounds are in solution and thereagents are on the solids. A great many re-agents have been prepared for use in thismanner and the area has been reviewed exten-sively (140–142). Whereas ion exchange appli-cations have been around a long time in themedicinal chemist’s laboratory, the require-ments of combinatorial chemistry have engen-dered a flowering of additional resins and uses.These are particularly useful in solution-based MPS but clearly find wide applicationsin other types of chemistry as well. An exhaus-tive treatment is beyond the scope of this sum-mary, but a few examples help clarify themany uses to which this exciting technologycan be put. In Fig. 1.28a, resin bound diphe-nylphosphine is used to reduce benzamide tobenzonitrile. The diphenylphosphine oxideproduct is often troublesome to remove fromnontethered reactions, but here is readily sep-arated leaving the clean product behind. InFig. 1.28b, tethered chromate cleanly oxidizesbenzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde. In Fig. 1.28c,tethered bromine dimethylamino hydrobro-mide cleanly �-brominates acetophenone.



HNMe2 Br3















Some Examples :

+ +

+ Base+







Figure 1.28. Resin tethered reagents used in combichem.

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An illustrative example of the power of thismethod is the resin-assisted synthesis of theadrenergic �-blocking agent, propranolol, out-lined in Fig. 1.29 (143). In the six chemicalsteps required for this preparation, three in-volved the use of resin-based reagents. It isobvious that many possible variants leading toa library of related molecules could be pre-pared by simple modifications of the reagentsand substrates.

Another important and powerful method-ology employs capture or scavenger resins.Here resin-tethered bases, for example, areemployed to remove acidic reaction productsfrom reaction mixtures, and these can be re-generated for further use. Likewise, these ma-terials can be used to remove acidic reagentsor byproducts leaving the desired reactionproduct in the solution. Isocyanate resins areused to remove primary and secondary aminesand alcohols, benzaldehyde tethered to a resinis used to remove primary amines and hy-drazines, carbonate resins remove carboxylicacids and phenols, diphenylphosphine resinsremove alkyl halides, and tethered trisamineremoves acid chlorides, sulfonyl chlorides, andisocyanates. This methodology is similar inconcept to the well-established ion exchangemethodologies. The use of acid and base resinsto remove ionizable products and byproductsfrom reaction mixtures is familiar. The use oftethered isocyanates to remove excess amineis less familiar but readily comprehended.These and analogous reagents have been

widely employed and reviewed (140–142,144). An example of the preparation of a li-brary of drug-like molecules in solution em-ploying resin capture methodology is illus-trated in Fig. 1.30 wherein tamoxifen analogsare efficiently and cleanly prepared (145). Thesequence starts with Suzuki-type couplingwith a series of aryl halides. The desired inter-mediate is present in the product mixture witha variety of reaction detritus including diary-lated material. The desired product is cap-tured out of this stew by use of a resin boundaryl iodide which reacts exclusively with it.This device is sometimes called phase switch-ing. The resin bound product is purified byrinsing and the reaction sequence is com-pleted by acid release from the capture resin.

Highly fluorinated organic molecules areoften insoluble at room temperature in bothwater and in organic solvents. At higher tem-peratures, however, they are soluble. Thus,heating a reaction mixture involving such amolecule to speed the reaction and then cool-ing on completion often allows the product toseparate in pure or at least purified form byphase switching into the fluorinated solvent.This is very convenient for rapid work-up ofcombinatorial libraries. Recently, silica gelcolumns with a fluorous phase have been in-troduced to facilitate separations. Compoundselute from these columns in the order of theirdecreasing fluorine content. This can be illus-trated (Fig. 1.31) by application to a library of100 mappicine alkaloid analogs. In this case,





NMe3 CO3





NMe3 ArO−






∆NMe3 AcO−



i. K2CO3

ii. MsCl Et3N


ii. KOH,

(Ar = -Naphthyl)



Figure 1.29. Illustration of tethered reagents in preparing propranolol.

4 Solid and Solution Phase Libraries of Small, Drugable Molecules 27

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each analog was tagged with an arm contain-ing one of a series of a perfluorinated hydro-carbons (CnFn�1). Syntheses could then beperformed in mixtures and at the end theproducts were separated based on the numberof fluorines in their tags. Detagging producedthe individual pure products. The method isnot general but is very convenient when usedappropriately (146, 147).

It is also possible to remove desired reac-tion products, if aggressive by-products andreagents are not present, by chromatographyover immobilized receptor preparations. Gelfiltration is also helpful in sorting out a bind-ing component from a mixture library con-taining analogs with little affinity for thepharmacological target.

Because of the impact of these newer meth-ods, today one rarely sees a separatory funnelin a combichem laboratory. This chemistry isalso comparatively “green” in that solventneeds can be greatly reduced and disposal ofunwanted materials is simplified.

4.2 Synthetic Success and Product Purity

Only a relatively few census reports assessingthe success rate of combinatorial library con-

struction are available (148), but the consen-sus is that 85% success is fine. The level ofdesired purity of the components is also a mat-ter of debate. Actionable quantitative biologi-cal data can be obtained from pure samplesand uncertainties into selecting the most ac-tive constituents to pursue are increasingly in-troduced by assaying less pure material. Threegrades of products can be distinguished. Pureusually means greater than 95% in combina-torial work. A lower but generally acceptablegrade of purity is arbitrarily chosen at about80%, and such compounds can be labeled as“practical grade.” Less than this level of pu-rity is generally unacceptable and is some-times, disparagingly, called “practically.” Invery large libraries where purity analysis ofeach component is rarely available, inevitablyone has some components in this poor state.Indeed, chemists occasionally report anecdot-ally finding that an active component in a li-brary has none of the intended compound in itat all. This complicates analoging but is moresatisfactory than basing SAR-based design onnegative activity data wherein one can be sig-nificantly mislead in such cases.




















Suzuki rn.


Figure 1.30. Illustration of resin capture use in a library of tamoxiphen analogs.

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One is disturbed to note also that in a fewcases where a census has been taken of verylarge libraries, the wrong or missing struc-tures are not statistically distributed (149).Thus, such libraries have a structural bias.For example, the chemistry may selectively fa-vor production of more lipophilic substancesso that hydrophilic examples are underrepre-sented. It is hard to see how to get around thisconveniently.

4.3 Resins and Solid Supports

A great variety of resins and solid supports areavailable for combinatorial work (151). Gel-type supports are popular and consist of a flex-ible polymeric matrix to which is attachedfunctional groups capable of binding small

molecules. The particular advantage of this in-ert support is that the whole volume of the gelis available for use rather than just the sur-face. Generally these consist of cross-linkedpolystyrene resins, cross-linked polyacryl-amide resins, polyethylene glycol (PEG)grafted resins, and PEG-based resins. Surfacefunctionalized supports have a lower loadingcapacity and many types are available. Theseinclude cellulose fibers, sintered polyethylene,glass, and silica gels. Composite gels are alsoused. These include treated Teflon mem-branes, kieselguhr, and the like. Brush poly-mers consist of polystyrene or the like graftedonto a polyethylene film or tube.

The linking functionality varies. Com-monly employed resins are the Merrifield,













R1 CH2Br














Pri Pri

















i. Asym. redn.ii. Tag

i. IClii. BBr3

i. Chromat.ii. Detag


Figure 1.31. Illustration of fluorous phase methods in the synthesis of a mappacine library.

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Wang, Rink, and Ellman types. These are il-lustrated in Fig. 1.32, and the reader canreadily appreciate the kinds of chemistry thatthey allow.

4.4 Microwave Accelerations

Molecules possessing a permanent dipole alignthemselves in a microwave apparatus and os-cillate as the field oscillates. This rapid motiongenerates intense homogeneous internal heatgreatly facilitating organic reactions, espe-cially in the solid state. For example, heat-de-manding Diels-Alder reactions can take dayson solid support, hours in solution, and onlyminutes under microwave. This has beenadapted to combinatorial methods and is evencompatible with a 96-well plate format (150).

4.5 Analytical Considerations

Analysis of the degree of completeness and theidentity of the product is simpler than thatseen in solid phase work. This closely parallelsgeneral experience in the pre-combichem dayswith the exception that the work load isgreatly magnified. Automation is called forand hplc/tof mass spectrometry is of particularvalue. Even so, with very large libraries, one isusually restricted by necessity to statisticalsampling and compound identification rarelygoes beyond ascertaining whether the producthas the correct molecular weight. If activity isfound then more detailed examination takesplace.

With solid-state libraries, the problem ismuch more complex. An enormous effort has

been put into working out analysis of singlebeads with mass spectrometry, Raman spec-troscopy, magic angle NMR, and chemilumines-cence techniques being particularly popular.

4.6 Informetrics

Combinatorial synthesis and high-throughputscreening generate an enormous amount ofdata. Keeping track of this is a job for high-speed computers. Many firms have developedtheir own programs for the data handling, andthere are commercial packages that may beuseful as well. The best of these have structuredrawing capacity also.

4.7 Patents

Patent considerations are complex in combi-natorial chemistry. The mass of potential datais hard to compress into a suitable format forthis purpose. Commonly, patenting takesplace comparatively late in a drug-seekingcampaign and so differs little from traditionalpatenting. One notes however that the com-parative speed and ease of molecule construc-tion makes it possible to reduce to practicerather more examples that would have beenpossible in the one-at-a-time days.

Rather more disturbing is the increasingtendency to patent various means of makingand evaluating libraries rather than focusingon their content. The fundamental purpose ofpatenting is to promote the useful arts and toprovide protection for innovative discoveriesfor a period and then to share them with soci-ety in general. Patenting of means of produc-








Merrifield resin

Wang resin

Rink resin

Ellman resin

Figure 1.32. Some common resin types.

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ing libraries, if carried to an extreme, wouldhave a dampening effect on the developmentof the field and so would inhibit the develop-ment of the useful arts. This should beguarded against.


Combinatorial chemistry and multiple paral-lel syntheses have transformed the field of me-dicinal chemistry for the better. The last de-cade has seen a revitalization and muchdramatically useful technology has been dis-covered. No laboratory seriously involved inthe search for new therapeutic agents can af-ford not to employ this technology.

From the vantage point of 2002, one cannow look back at what has been done in theamazingly short time that this technique hasbeen widely explored and one can see somethings more clearly now and use the method-ology more cunningly.

In the heady early days of combinatorialchemistry one frequently heard the opinionthat existing drugs were only those to whichnature or good fortune had laid a clear path.Some believed that there were large numbersof underexplored structural types that couldbe drugs if only they were prepared andscreened. Combichem promised to make this areality. It would be nice, indeed, if this hadturned out to be true! It cannot be denied thatthere is some justice in this belief; speculativesynthesis continues to reveal important drugs.Nonetheless, the cruel restraints that ADMEand toxicity considerations place on our chem-ical imagination have ruined this dream ofeasy and unlimited progress. The present wed-ding of combichem with medicinal chemicalknowledge is extremely powerful, and we nolonger in the main waste time on collections ofmolecules that have no chance of becomingdrugs. Clearly space for chemical diversity islarger than space for medicinal diversity.

BC (before combichem) there was littlemotivation for enhanced speed of synthesis.Generally, synthesis could be accomplishedmuch more quickly than screening and evalu-ation of the products. Enhanced speed of con-struction simply produced a greater backlog ofwork to be done. The advent of high-through-

put screening in the 1980s changed all this.The backlogs emptied rapidly, and there was ademand for more compounds. In addition, newfirms were founded to take advantage ofnewer screening methodologies. These firmshad no retained chemical libraries to screenand larger firms were reluctant to allow theirlibraries to be screened by outsiders. A signif-icant part of these needs were met by themethods in this chapter. With synthesis andscreening back in phase, the next choke pointin the pipeline has become animal testing,pharmacokinetics, toxicity, solubility, andpenetrability. These factors are presently un-der intensive examination in attempts to elu-cidate these properties in a similarly rapidfashion or to predict them so that favorablecharacteristics can be designed into chemicallibrary members from the outset and thuslargely avoid having to deal with them. It canreadily be seen that further choke points liedistally in the pipeline and these will have tobe dealt with in turn. Some time can be savedby speeding things along the way and also bydealing with the remaining constrictions inparallel rather than simultaneously, but it isdifficult to see how they can all be resolved in arapid manner. Fortunately the flow throughthe pipeline diminishes through increasingfailure of leads to qualify for further advance-ment and this is helpful in reducing the mag-nitude of the job but the problems remainingwill still be vexing. Part of the difficulty is thatcertain biological phenomena cannot be hur-ried. For example, no matter how much moneyand effort one is willing to throw at the prob-lem, producing a baby requires essentially 9months from conception. Hiring nine womenwill not result in producing a baby in 1 month.The problem in shortening drug seeking is fur-ther compounded in that the problem is notakin to brick laying. To produce a brick wall ofa given dimensions more quickly is largely amatter of buying the bricks and hiring andmotivating enough skilled labor. In drug seek-ing, one has to design the bricks first and de-velop the technology. Combichem does speedthe process along but does not remove the el-ements of uncertainty that must be overcome.Given the strictures placed on clinical studiesand their solidification in law and custom, it is

5 Summary and Conclusions 31

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hard to see how this phase of the drug seekingsequence can be shortened through chemicaleffort.

High-throughput screening can be likenedto hastening the process of finding a needle ina haystack. Combinatorial chemistry can belikened to the preparation of needles. Ideallyone should strive to make a few more usefulneedles embedded in progressively smallerhaystacks. This involves mating as well as ispossible productive chemical characteristicswith productive biological properties. Combi-natorial chemistry and multiple parallel syn-thesis in the hands of the skillful and luckychemist rapidly zeros in on the best combina-tion of atoms for a given purpose. This chemistreceives approbation for his/her efforts. Thosewho consistently come up with useless com-pounds will eventually be encouraged to findother work.

There has been a dramatic increase in in-vestment in drug discovery during the last de-cade (estimated at 10% annually). Unfortu-nately this has yet to result in a burst of newintroductions. Certainly chemical novelty haslargely given way to potential use. Diversityno longer rules. This is perhaps the combina-torial chemist’s equivalent of the business-man’s mantra that whereas efficiency is doingthings properly, effectiveness is doing properthings. As with much of the points being dis-cussed, achieving a proper balance is essential.

It is interesting to note also that a 100-foldincrease in screening activity has not yet re-sulted in a corresponding increase in the intro-duction of new pharmaceuticals. Part of theexplanation for this is that ease of synthesisdoes not necessarily equate to equivalentvalue of the products. If each compound inchemical libraries was carefully designed andthe data therefrom carefully analyzed, thenthe disparity would be smaller than thepresent experience produces. Another excul-patory factor is that much of the low hangingfruit has already been harvested and the re-maining diseases are more chronic than acuteand are much more complex in their etiology.

Despite all of these considerations, drugseeking is an exciting enterprise calling for thebest of our talents and the appropriate use ofhigh speed synthetic methods gives us a pow-erful new tool to use.

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