Colonization of India Timeline! Created By Sarah Dye.

Colonization of India Timeline! Created By Sarah Dye

Transcript of Colonization of India Timeline! Created By Sarah Dye.

Page 1: Colonization of India Timeline! Created By Sarah Dye.

Colonization of India Timeline!

Created By

Sarah Dye

Page 2: Colonization of India Timeline! Created By Sarah Dye.

The British East India Company gained control of all Indian trade

When: June 1757The British East India Company defeated the Nawab of Bengal and installed a puppet ruler, which enabled British business to begin in the region and allowed the Company to control trade.

Page 3: Colonization of India Timeline! Created By Sarah Dye.

The British Government establishes rule over India

When: August 2, 1858

Since the Company controlled most of India by 1858, British Parliament passes India Act. The India Act gave British crown control of India.

Page 4: Colonization of India Timeline! Created By Sarah Dye.

Indian National Congress founded

When: 1885

The Indian National Congress, most of the time, was able to govern by consensus.The years before independence, the Indian National Congress was split by factionalism.

Page 5: Colonization of India Timeline! Created By Sarah Dye.

Muslim League wants a separate Pakistani state

• 1930• Muslim League

propose a separate Pakistani state, but found little support.

Page 6: Colonization of India Timeline! Created By Sarah Dye.

Ghandi’s Salt Marches

When: March 12, 1931

In an act of non-violent protest, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi led his followers over 200 miles to the ocean to extract salt from the sea. This resistance against the British Salt Tax attracted international press coverage.

Page 7: Colonization of India Timeline! Created By Sarah Dye.

Pakistan and India Declare Independence

When: August 15, 1947After many struggles by the Indian National Congress and acts led by Mahatma Gandhi, India finally gained independence from British rule. Areas with a high density of muslims were partioned into a second state which came to be called Pakistan.

Page 8: Colonization of India Timeline! Created By Sarah Dye.

First Battle Over Kashmir

When: August 26, 1947The conflict of Kashmir between the Pakistans and India was first formed when Pakistanis believed it was rightfully theirs since it was populated by more Muslims but India said it was rightfully theirs since a Sikh ruler had signed the land over to them.

Page 9: Colonization of India Timeline! Created By Sarah Dye.

Ghandi Assassinated

When: January 30, 1948Ghandi was shot and killed while walking the grounds of the Birla Bhavan by a Hindu radical, who was against everything Ghandi was nonviolently fighting for.

Page 10: Colonization of India Timeline! Created By Sarah Dye.

India becomes a Democracy

When: January 1, 1950

India became a Democratic Republic in 1950 after earning independence from the British in 1947. India is now a parliamentary democracy.