Collaborative design tools in engineering education ...

Original article Collaborative design tools in engineering education: Insight to choose the appropriate PLM software Nicolas Maranzana 1 , Fre ´de ´ ric Segonds 1 and Ste ´ phanie Buisine 1,2 Abstract The shift from sequential to concurrent engineering has led to changes in the way design projects are managed. In order to assist designers, many effective tools have been developed to support collaborative engineering. Nowadays, industrial scenarios encourage companies to adopt product lifecycle management solutions, even if they may not be able to understand their benefits. Indeed, product lifecycle management roadmap is quite difficult to implement and return on invest can take time. Moreover, many free solutions with comparable functionalities are developed, which have been increasingly successful. In this article, we test different configurations of software to make a comparison between free software and market solutions. In this experiment, 72 students in a Master’s degree course aimed to design mechanical products by using dedicated software to assist collaborative distributed design, using two different configurations: free and commercial solutions. The research question to be solved is: as engineering educators, what is the most efficient way to train our students to collaborative distributed design? This experiment allowed us to compare design func- tionalities between the two configurations, in order to determine ways to improve efficiency in a collaborative distributed design situation. Finally, the feedback generated in this experiment allowed us to adapt training practices in engineering education. 1 Arts et Me ´tiers ParisTech, LCPI, Paris, France 2 Ei.Cesi, Irise, Nanterre, France Corresponding author: Nicolas Maranzana, Arts et Me ´tiers ParisTech, LCPI, 151 Boulevard de l’Ho ˆ pital, 75013 Paris, France. Email: [email protected] International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 2020, Vol. 48(2) 162–177 ! The Author(s) 2018 Article reuse guidelines: DOI: 10.1177/0306419018808746

Transcript of Collaborative design tools in engineering education ...

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Original article

Collaborative designtools in engineeringeducation: Insight tochoose the appropriatePLM software

Nicolas Maranzana1 ,Frederic Segonds1 andStephanie Buisine1,2


The shift from sequential to concurrent engineering has led to changes in the way

design projects are managed. In order to assist designers, many effective tools have

been developed to support collaborative engineering. Nowadays, industrial scenarios

encourage companies to adopt product lifecycle management solutions, even if they

may not be able to understand their benefits. Indeed, product lifecycle management

roadmap is quite difficult to implement and return on invest can take time. Moreover,

many free solutions with comparable functionalities are developed, which have been

increasingly successful. In this article, we test different configurations of software to

make a comparison between free software and market solutions. In this experiment,

72 students in a Master’s degree course aimed to design mechanical products by using

dedicated software to assist collaborative distributed design, using two different

configurations: free and commercial solutions. The research question to be solved is:

as engineering educators, what is the most efficient way to train our students to

collaborative distributed design? This experiment allowed us to compare design func-

tionalities between the two configurations, in order to determine ways to improve

efficiency in a collaborative distributed design situation. Finally, the feedback generated

in this experiment allowed us to adapt training practices in engineering education.

1Arts et Metiers ParisTech, LCPI, Paris, France2Ei.Cesi, Irise, Nanterre, France

Corresponding author:

Nicolas Maranzana, Arts et Metiers ParisTech, LCPI, 151 Boulevard de l’Hopital, 75013 Paris, France.

Email: [email protected]

International Journal of Mechanical

Engineering Education

2020, Vol. 48(2) 162–177

! The Author(s) 2018

Article reuse guidelines:

DOI: 10.1177/0306419018808746

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Engineering education, product lifecycle management, mechanical product,

free software


With the globalization of design and the massive development of Business ProcessOutsourcing in various professions,1 one of the major stakes in design today is tofacilitate efficient collaboration between project stakeholders regardless of theirgeographical location. The development of Information and CommunicationTechnologies has made it possible to provide tools intended to facilitate distributedcollaborative design.2 Regarding the management of technical data, product datamanagement (PDM) tools have evolved to take into account this new situation.These evolutions have created the need for new skilled professionals, and univer-sities should adapt their curricula in response.3 There is an increased need foracademia to work with industry and, therefore, an increased need to teach ourstudents how to design a product in a collaborative way. However, some of thesetools, originating from the industrial domain, are difficult to implement and tohandle: this reduces their accessibility to users, who often require a long trainingperiod. Furthermore, current industrial situations force some businesses to adoptproduct lifecycle management (PLM) solutions, even though these businesses areoften unable to understand the possible benefits of such tools.4 Additionally, sev-eral free solutions have been developed with comparable functions, which have metincreasing success.

In the matter of engineering education, training programs have evolved to takethese changes into account.5–9 Design projects carried out in schools of engineeringby Master’s degree students simulate real-world situations of distributed collabo-rative design. The software tools used include CatiaTM v5 for Computer-AidedDesign and SmarTeam


for PDM. However, users’ difficulties in mastering thesoftware may hinder the progression of these projects. PLM is a key factor ofsuccess for industrial companies: it is therefore crucial for us to train our studentsin PDM/PLM manipulation and to make them understand the working principlesof these systems. It brings to them skills in collaborative design in a globalizedworld. Thus, Gandhi10 notices that PLM in education is the key to innovation andsuccess in organizations in the engineering and technology sector. All companies,and even students, may need to commit to mastering distributed design tools,especially in the context of globalization and business process outsourcing.1

Based on these points, the research question of this paper is: As engineeringeducators, what is the most efficient way to train our students to collaborativedistributed design?. In the case of education for distributed mechanical engineer-ing, the available free tools are most of the time easy to master and are widelybroadcast on multimedia platforms. This is not the case for commercially available

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solutions, although these have other merits. Thus, our contribution in this study isto test the usability11 of these free tools for engineering education and to compareit to commercial solutions. To do so, Nielsen define four indicators for the usabil-ity: user satisfaction (i.e. the system should be pleasant to use, so that users aresubjectively satisfied when using it; they like it), software learnability (i.e. thesystem should be easy to learn so that the user can rapidly start getting somework done with the system), efficiency (i.e. the system should be efficient to use,so that once the user has learned the system, a high level of productivity is possi-ble), and lack of errors (i.e. the system should have a low error rate, so that usersmake few errors during the use of the system, and so that if they do make errorsthey can easily recover from them).

Literature review

Evolutions in design methodology over the past 25 years

Starting in the late 1980s and continuing to the present day, methodologies forproduct design have evolved greatly. Towards the end of the 1980s and the early1990s, two forms of design organization emerged as distinct alternatives: sequen-tial design, which involves carrying out design tasks one after the other and con-current engineering,12–14 also known as integrated design.15 Two aspects ofconcurrent engineering that distinguish it from conventional approaches for prod-uct development are cross-functional integration (degree of overlapping of thetasks) and concurrency (multiple stakeholders integration during the design pro-cess). By carrying out all these tasks in a parallel fashion, it becomes possible toreduce the time and costs associated with design, but also to improve the quality ofproducts. With the development of Information Technology, concurrent engineer-ing methods evolved gradually towards collaborative engineering, which emergedin the 1990s. As it is the case for concurrent engineering, overlapping tasks are stillpresent in collaborative engineering, but project stakeholders are requested towork together and interact in order to reach an agreement and make shareddecisions.16 In the early 2000s, PLM emerged as a solution to better adapt indus-trial design to the demands of globalization (current period). With the develop-ment of PDM, PLM and associated workflows, software firms proposed solutionsto the everyday problems of engineering design departments (versioning of docu-ments, naming conventions, etc.). PLM aims to cover all the stages of productdevelopment by integrating the processes and the people taking part in the proj-ect.17 This concept is generally used for industrial products. The PLM approachcan be viewed as a trend towards complete integration of all the software toolsinvolved in design and operational activities during the product lifecycle.18,19

These evolutions in design methodology have all been made possible by thedevelopment of specific software tools. These were initially developed as a responseto the needs of the industry. However, in recent years, tools with similar function-alities have also been developed for the general public.

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Existing solutions and related functionalities in the professionaland the consumer markets

Editors of PLM solutions mainly originate from the CAD sector. For example,Dassault Systems includes MatrixOne within its Enovia v6 software. SolidworksVR

offers the Enterprise-PDM, Workgroup-PDM and n!Fuze products. Other editorssuch as PTCVR offer WindchillVR and SiemensVR with TeamCenterVR . One should alsopoint out the existence of editors exclusively geared towards PLM, such asAudrosVR Technology and Lascom, as well as of other editors more closely relatedto frameworks of standards, such as ProStep and OpenPDM.

Current PLM tools offer functionalities that can be found in most of thesesoftware solutions.20 These can be classified into three main categories: PDM,configuration management, and distributed design tools.

The main functionalities found in PLM tools are as follows:

• PDM-related functionalities• Access rights management: Depending on the user’s clearance level, he or she

is given access to information contained within the PLM system. Dependingon this clearance, the actions available to users may be restricted (regardingreading, writing, and modification of documents). Concepts of roles and groupsare often present in such systems. Roles refer to predefined access rightsthat administrators may ascribe to users. Groups are sets of users with similarrights.

• Vaults: Datasets and related documents are stored onto a server called a vault,as opposed to being stored locally on the user’s computer. Data are stored in anobject or a relational database. Hence, information is structured according tothe data model implemented within the database. Documents are stored on theserver. When a document is opened, it is replicated onto the user’s workstation,for a duration that depends on the software considered.

• Document visualization: Users are able to visualize quickly documents in variousformats, without owning the application that corresponds to a particularfile format.

• Checkout and check-in: This functionality allows users to check out a documentin order to ensure that no other user working on the document at the same timemay alter it. Once the document has been edited, the user checks the documentback in to make it accessible to other users once again.

• Document versioning: Several versions of the same document may be archived.Two levels are used for versioning. The terms used are “version” (the higherlevel, generally indicated with a letter such as A, B, etc.) and “revision” (thelower level, usually indicated with a number, 1, 2, etc.). This system is used todistinguish major alterations from minor alterations.

• States: Various states are associated with each document. These help define theirlevel of maturity: creation, validation, obsolescence, etc. Changes in these statesmay be decided based on the workflow, e.g. “awaiting validation”: project

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members will await the project manager’s authorization to carry out subse-

quent operations.• Workflows: These systems make it possible to model processes and to automate

actions. These systems are mostly used in validation processes for documents

and technical data.

Configuration management. It consists in controlling information related to product

structure, especially breaking it down into elementary parts and adding informa-

tion related to their functional and physical characteristics.21 The standard (ISO

10007:2003)22 includes recommendations for using configuration management in

the industry. It provides the detailed process, organization, and procedures for

management. According to this standard, configuration management is an integral

part of PLM; it provides a clear vision of the configuration state associated with a

product or project, as well as their evolutions by guaranteeing total traceability.

• Distributed design tools: These allow users to share a screen, to remotely gain

control over another user’s workstation, and to exchange instant messages.

They also allow the use of a webcam to visualize a colleague or of VoIP in

order to talk with him/her. Usually, these collaborative functions are taken on

by other software programs, which may or may not belong to the consumer

market, such as SkypeTM

or IBMVR Lotus SametimeTM


PLM is currently evolving towards PLM 2.0, which takes advantage of the

intelligence that is collectively generated by online communities. In this view, all

users may imagine, share, and experiment with 3D products.Current software editors follow a holistic approach when designing information

systems in companies. This poses the question of adapting their software to the

company’s organizational context, as well as the question of the compatibility of

information systems within the company. Implementing an integrated information

system – or more simply, a shared information system – should never hinder the

development of a company.23 One possible solution to avert this risk is to integrate

software solutions from the consumer market, which allow users to access some of

the functionalities associated with PLM applications.Figure 1 presents the software tools used in our study.In addition, new approaches have been developed to unify design tools and

facilitate software interoperability.24 A federative approach allows exchanges

between the various product models generated by different business tools, in an

independent and progressive fashion.25 Several distinct product models are dynam-

ically linked following one (or more) correspondence maps, based on several con-

cepts which are related at the semantic level through relationships of similarity or


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A challenge for engineering education

In the field of mechanical engineering education, PLM is a means for students tostructure their design methodology. From an educational point of view, a PLM

method can be viewed as a sophisticated tool for analysis and visualization,enabling students to improve their problem-solving and design skills, but moreimportantly to improve their understanding of the behavior of engineer-ing systems.

In our current, globalized world, products are typically designed and manufac-

tured in several locations worldwide. It is therefore essential to train students tocomputer-supported collaborative work.26 In the field of engineering, companiesand professional organizations expect students to have a basic understanding ofengineering practices, and to be able to carry out tasks effectively, in a self-sufficient manner, as well as in a team environment.27 Traditional design projects(i.e. involving co-located teams and synchronous work) were able to achieve thesegoals until a few decades ago, but they are no longer sufficient nowadays.16,28

Furthermore, today’s students have access to many tools for collaboration,which they often use outside of their studies. Tools such as Skype


, DropboxTM



or SlackTM

have become standards for remote collaboration. These toolsare available on a wide range of interfaces (desktop computers, tablets, smart-phones, laptops, etc.) and data are increasingly stored in the cloud for an accessfrom anywhere. They are equipped with interesting functionalities and might, pro-vided adequate support is available for education, be part of a program to trainengineering students in the principles of distributed collaborative design.29,30

Figure 1. Software tools and functionalities used in our study.

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Over the past few years, our teaching experience can be summarized in the follow-ing points:

• Little time is allocated to collaborative engineering design: in our case, 12 h in atwo-year syllabus;

• Over this time, students are unable to understand the operation of complexsoftware in any depth, because the typical user of such systems works on indus-trial tasks, involving millions of components to manage, several hundred users,etc. The student panel which we studied preferred free and easy-to-use software.For this reason, we propose in this paper, a measurement of software usability11

for the various software tools used, to compare their relevance in design work.

The experiment presented in the section below aims to compare the collabora-tive tools available in the Arts et Metiers ParisTech School of Engineering withfree solutions intended to carry out the same functions. This allows us to identifysome pathways to educate our students in distributed collaborative design usingthe most appropriate tools, taking into account the scale of the design projectsinvolved, and based on a concept of optimal support for user needs.


The work described here is an experimental study based on scenarios.31,32 Theexperiment was carried out as part of a training program in collaborative engi-neering for Master’s degree students at Arts et Metiers ParisTech. Our goal was toassess the usability of two different kinds of software solutions: (a) solutions thatwere readily available at Arts et Metiers ParisTech and (b) free software programsthat are thought to be functionally equivalent.


Seventy-two students (22–24 years, average: 22.75 years, 20 women, 52 men) tookpart in this project. Because the use of CE tools involves collaboration betweengroups of people, participants were randomly distributed into 22 teams of two tofour members. Each team had to collaborate remotely from two fictitious sites,named A and B (for e.g. Amsterdam and Basel). Any Participant belonged to oneteam only and one site only.


Teams of students used the available workstations. Each team was assigned one ofthe following software configurations:

• The blue configuration included the collaboration tools available within Arts etMetiers ParisTech, i.e. SmarTeam


for PDM and IBMVR Lotus SametimeTM

forchat, whiteboard, and screen-sharing capabilities;

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• The green configuration included free software programs that are thought to be

equivalent: DropboxTM

, SkypeTM

(for chat, A/V communication, file sharing and

screen-sharing capabilities), and Bonita Studio (workflow management).

Both configurations also included CatiaTM

v5 software.Each team had to achieve successively two scenarios aiming to simulate product

redesign projects through collaborative engineering: redesigning a reduction gear

following new specifications (Figure 2, left) and redesigning a tensioner to satisfy

new conditions of use (Figure 2, right).


Upon arrival, each team was given a text describing a linear sequence of 49 tasks to

be carried out within the duration of the work session (4.5 h). The overall task

sequence is described in Figure 3. In order to stimulate collaboration, Project

management responsibilities and Design responsibilities were always distributed

between A and B sites. All in all, project, team role, and software configuration were

fully counterbalanced: half of teams worked in blue configuration, and the other

half in green configuration. The A site was responsible for project management in

the reduction gear project and for design in the tensioner project, whereas the B

site was responsible for project management for the tensioner and design for the

reduction gear. Therefore, during the experiment, each participant worked on

different products (reduction gear and tensioner) and took on different roles (proj-

ect managers and designers).Over the course of the experiment, participants were asked to fill in a GoogleVR

Form Survey meant to assess three aspects of their work: (a) their knowledge of the

software tools used in the work session; (b) the usability of these tools; and (c) their

progress—number of tasks completed—after 1.5, 3, and 4.5 h of work. Software

usability was assessed based on four of the criteria proposed by Nielsen:11 user

satisfaction (i.e. the system should be pleasant to use, so that users are subjectively

Figure 2. The reduction gear (left) and tensioner (right) in the redesign tasks.

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satisfied when using it; they like it), software learnability (i.e. the system should beeasy to learn so that the user can rapidly start getting some work done with thesystem), efficiency (i.e. the system should be efficient to use, so that once the userhas learned the system, a high level of productivity is possible), and lack of errors(i.e. the system should have a low error rate, so that users make few errors duringthe use of the system, and so that if they do make errors they can easily recoverfrom them). Participants assessed each of these criteria, as well as their knowledgeof the software programs used, using five-point Likert scales so that high scoresalways represent high usability (i.e. high satisfaction, high learnability, high effi-ciency, and low error rate).


In this section, we present the participants’ knowledge of the tools, we analyzetheir usability, and finally, we report on project completion over time.

Users’ knowledge of the tools

Figure 4 shows the results obtained, depending on the software configuration. Thestudent panel was 72 people: 36 in each configuration (blue and green).

Users’ level of knowledge of the software tools in the blue and green configu-rations was broadly similar. This may be because the population of students wastrained in the same school of engineering.


v5, DropboxTM

, and SkypeTM

were relatively well known, and the stu-dents viewed themselves as relatively experienced in using them. The students had

Figure 3. Overall structure of the work session. Gray: teams worked as project managers.White: teams worked as designers.

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some basic notions in the use of SmarTeamTM

. However, none of them had anyexperience of Sametime


or Bonita Studio prior to the project. This suggests thatthe students have a fairly homogeneous level of expertise for the proposed tools.

Usability of the software

In this section, we report on the analysis of usability of the five software tools(SmarTeam and Sametime for blue configuration, Dropbox, Skype and BonitaStudio for green configuration). The software tool was processed as a between-subject independent variable and each usability criteria (satisfaction, learnability,efficiency, errors) as dependent variables. Each team provided 2 ratings of thesoftware used (1 rating by members in site A, and 1 by members in site B),which resulted in 22 ratings for each one of the five software tools (110 ratingsin total). Univariate analysis of variance was performed on each usability criterionwith H0 stating the absence of difference between the tools (i.e. the five tools aresimilarly satisfying, learnable, efficient, and error-free) and H1 hypothesizing thatthe level of usability (satisfaction, learnability, efficiency, and errors) depends onthe tool. Previous experience with the tool was inserted in the analysis as a covar-iate. Finally, Fisher’s LSD post-hoc test was used for pairwise comparisonsbetween the five software programs. The analysis was run on SPSS PASW v21.

Table 1 displays all means and standard deviations for usability criteria.Means for Nielsen’s criteria of satisfaction and learnability are presented in

Figure 5 along with the corresponding standard errors. Participants’ level of sat-isfaction (Figure 5, left) differed significantly according to which tool was used (F(4/104)=6,43; p¼ 0.001). Skype


had the highest satisfaction score and was sig-nificantly better rated than Smarteam


(p¼ 0.039). Bonita was rated as signifi-cantly less satisfying than all other tools (p< 0.006). Other pairwise comparisonsshowed no significant differences.

Figure 4. Participants’ average level of knowledge of the software tools (1¼ novice users;5¼ expert users).

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Learnability ratings were also significantly influenced by the tools used (F(4/

104)=10,16; p< 0.001). SmarteamTM

and Bonita were rated as significantly less

learnable than the three other tools (p< 0.001), while SkypeTM

and DropboxTM


rated as significantly more learnable than the others (p< 0.001). Figure 5 (right)

clearly shows the students’ difficulty in learning how to use SmarTeamTM

, as

opposed to DropboxTM

. Indeed, SmarTeamTM

was graded significantly lower

than DropboxTM

. SkypeTM

was viewed as very easy to learn, even considering the

fact that all participants thought of themselves as expert users prior to the exper-

iment. SametimeTM

was viewed as fairly easy to learn, considering none of the

participants had used it before working on the project. In terms of learnability,

the freeware programs used (DropboxTM

and SkypeTM

) were clearly viewed as easier

to learn than the tools proposed at the school, i.e. SmarTeamTM

and SametimeTM



and Bonita Studio were viewed as complex products and probably

require prior training.Efficiency ratings (Figure 6, left) also produced significant differences (F(4/104)

=6.24; p¼ 0.002), with Bonita obtaining lower results than the four other tools

(p< 0.041) and DropboxTM

lower results than SkypeTM

(p¼ 0.011). Other pairwise

comparisons showed no further significant differences.

Table 1. Mean and standard deviation of each usability criterion for the five software toolsanalyzed, as rated by participants.

Satisfaction Learnability Efficiency Error-free


SmarTeam 3.62 0.81 2.67 1.07 3.81 0.93 3/86 0.86

Dropbox 3.86 0.83 4.64 0.73 3.5 0.86 3.45 1.22

Bonita Studio 2.11 1.27 2.11 1.17 2.33 1.41 3 1.66

Sametime 3.72 0.85 3.78 1.12 3.56 0.84 3.97 1.06

Skype 4.09 0.92 4.64 0.58 4.23 0.69 3.68 1.04

Figure 5. User satisfaction (1¼ very low, 5¼ very high) and learnability (1¼ very difficult,5¼ very easy) scores for each of the software programs used.

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For the last criterion, i.e. error prevention (Figure 6, right), pairwise compar-

isons revealed no significant differences between any of the software programs

(F(4/104)=1.55; NS). Error rates were relatively low, probably because all thesoftware solutions used were either commercial solutions or freely available sol-

utions but were never products in development.

Project completion over time

Let us now examine the final criterion addressed in our study, also measured in the

survey: number of stages completed in the project over time depending on theconfiguration used (Figure 7).

We performed a repeated measurement analysis of variance on the number of

tasks achieved, with the three project Steps (1.5, 3, and 4.5 h into the work session)as a within-subject factor and the Configuration (blue, green) as well as the group

(A, B) as a between-subject factors. Each team provided two answers for each of

these steps (1 answer from members in site A, 1 from members in site B), resultingin 44 answers for each one of the three steps in project achievement. We tested two

hypotheses: Regarding the effect of project Step, H0 stated a stagnation of the

number of tasks achieved through time, while H1 hypothesized an increase of the

number of tasks with time. We also tested the Step�Configuration interaction withH0 stating the same progress over time in the two configurations and H1 a differ-

ential progress as a function of the software configuration (green vs. blue).We observed a main effect of the project Step (F(2/80)=255.5; p< 0.001), which

showed a significant progress of the students during time. Besides, a main effect of

the configuration (F(1/40)=12.4; p¼ 0.001) showed that students in the green

configuration completed on average more tasks per step (M¼ 19.5; SE¼ 0.85)than students in the blue configuration (M¼ 15.3; SE¼ 0.85). Moreover, our

results showed a Step�Configuration interaction (F(2/80)=7.67; p¼ 0.001): stu-

dents in the green configuration progressed faster than students in the blue con-

figuration did (Figure 7). On average, these students carried out eight additionalsteps by the time they reached the 4.5-h mark, corresponding to a 25% increase in

Figure 6. Efficiency (1¼ very low, 5¼ very high) and error (1¼many errors, 5¼ no errors)scores for each of the software programs used.

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completion rate. The other results showed no significant main or interaction

effects. In particular, the main effect of the Group was not significant (F(1/40)

=0.47; NS), confirming that there was no bias introduced by the scenario or the

artifact to redesign (reduction gear vs. tensioner) in terms of complexity.Therefore, in the context of two remote sites in a project to redesign mechanical

components, the project completion rate would be improved by using freeware

programs. However, these conclusions apply to a simple redesign project, involv-

ing less than 20 components and less than 20 alterations. Further experiments

would be necessary to know whether our results also apply to larger scale projects,

involving more components and/or longer durations.These results must also be put into perspective. File access rights (i.e. the use of

a vault with check-in/checkout functions), versioning, and file-naming conven-

tions, all need to be taken into account when choosing a tool for work.

Furthermore, data security must be taken into account, as this cannot be guaran-

teed today to companies who would consider using freeware solutions.

Figure 7. Number of tasks completed over time.

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Conclusions and research prospects

In this paper, we have tested the effects of different associations of design software,focusing on a comparison between freeware and commercial software solutions ina particular context. Indeed, the academic constraints (software solutions purchasedepends on strategic choices at the university or school level; the choice is notnecessarily possible at the teacher level), the educational context (with students andnot under the industry pressure), and the short time allowed for the study (the timeof the course) represent the limits of this study. The experiment was carried out aspart of a 4.5-h educational exercise, with teams of students working in a synchro-nous manner.

Our research question was: as engineering educators, what is the most efficientway to train our students to collaborative distributed design? Analyzing the resultsof the survey conducted during this experimentation allowed us to study two mainaspects. First, the usability of the software used by the students was quantifiedfollowing four prevalent criteria in the literature (user satisfaction, learnability,efficiency, and error prevention). Second, we measured project task completionrate at three set times. Finally, in this particular context, we observed that theresults seemed to be improved by using a configuration with freeware programs.

The difference between usability levels of commercial and free tools may havebeen influenced by prior knowledge participants had of these software: for example,after only 4.5 h working with Bonita, they may have underestimated its efficiencyand rated it accordingly low. For this reason, usability ratings, and particularlysatisfaction and efficiency components, may evolve over time and further advantagesof tools specific for mechanical engineering may arise with advanced use.

This study suggests some evolutions that could perhaps be implemented tofreeware solutions, allowing users to access tools, which complement (and competewith) existing market solutions. Following this approach, one might imagine light-weight tools for rapid implementation. This would allow designers to respondmore efficiently to the requirements of short design projects and of companiesbased on small structures.

As a short-term perspective for our engineering education program, we plan tomodify the structure of the work session proposed in Figure 3, in order to allowour students to master workflow management skills (stages 35–49). Indeed, thisnotion seems very important in a distributed collaborative design environment.

Another perspective would be to carry out a longer project (few months) aimedat designing a new product in partnership with a company in a synchronous orasynchronous manner. Other software could also be tested as 3DExperience,Trello, Slack, etc. between students and engineers in order to get even closer toreal design conditions.

Declaration of conflicting interests

The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, author-

ship, and/or publication of this article.

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The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication

of this article.


Nicolas Maranzana


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