Cold Weather Working

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Transcript of Cold Weather Working

  • 8/22/2019 Cold Weather Working


    Fhc` wgotmgr whrklnj9 o survlvoc jul`g

    Fmlz Morwor`

    Vh aor tmg wlntgr mgrg ln Jchufgstgrsmlrg mos bggn dhstcy dlc` on` wgt on` vgrywln`y rotmgr tmon fhc` on` snhwy, but L tmhujmt lt whrtmwmlcg th rgphst tmls plgfg Lwrhtg ahr tmg @ljjgrs' Ahrudo agw ygors ojh. Zlntgr ls ocwoys o fmoccgnjlnj tldg ahrtmhsg whrlnj hn sltg, on` wltm tmg furrgnt jocgs on` wgt wgotmgr tmls ygor ls nh`laagrgnt on` lts nht clgcy th jgt o cht bgttgr ahr o aolr wmlcg ygt. Zg'vg put thjgtmgr oagw tlps ahr bhtm `ljjgrs on` supgrvlshrs th mgcp yhu survlvg tmg wlntgr !oatgr occ, ltdoy ggp fhdlnj tlc "prlc#

    $rgtty slgs, but fon yhu sgg wmot yhu org `ljjlnj%

    Alrst haa, la tmg wgotmgr ahrgfost ls rgoccy bo` `h yhu movg th bg hn sltg8Vmhuc` tmgwhr bg `gcoyg` tlc dhrg fcgdgnt wgotmgr orrlvgs% Ls tmg wgotmgr &ust sh bo` tmotgvgn cgovlnj mhdg ls phlntcgss% "rg tmg htmgr fhntrofthrs jhlnj th bg tmgrg on` lstmg sltg hpgn% hur gdpchygr smhuc` movg fhntlnjgnfy pcons ahr fhc` wgotmgr on`tmgy smhuc` cgt yhu nhw wmot tmgsg org on` wmot ls g(pgftg` ha yhu os wgcc os wmotth `h la yhu jgt stuf ln tmg snhw owoy arhd mhdg. )oc th yhur $rh&gft *onojgrobhut wmgtmgr tmg sltg dust jh hn on` wmgtmgr ony o`optotlhns fon bg do`g sufmos stoylnj ln offhddh`otlhn ngor sltg rotmgr tmon `rlvlnj ln gvgry `oy.

    Fmgfk tmg ahrgfosts rgjucorcy, tmgrg org rho`,dhthrwoy,achh` on`wgotmgrwornlnjs ovolcobcg hnclng, os wgcc os clvg troaalf up`otgs, clstgn th chfoc ro`lh on`ovhl` nhwn bcofsphts.

    Fhddunlfotgwltm gofm htmgr on` dog surg gvgryhng nhws wmot ls g(pgftg` hatmgd on` shdghng ot tmg haalfg nhws wmgrg yhu org on` wmgrg yhu org mgo`lnj.
  • 8/22/2019 Cold Weather Working


    "s o supgrvlshr, dog surg yhu nhw mhw yhur fhccgojugs org jgttlnj th sltg, on`dog surg gvgryhng mos gofm htmgrs' pmhng nudbgrs ln fosg shdgtmlnj jhgswrhnj.

    Ls tmot ihurngy rgoccy ngfgssory8)mgsg `oys yhu smhuc`n't movg th rgshrt th tgo+

    cljmts un`gr tmg gnjlng th `gwo( arhgn `lgsgc, but `h dog surg yhur vgmlfcgs orgwlntgr rgo`y. La yhu movg th `rlvg, tmgn `rlvg soag on` `rlvg schw on` wotfm hut ahrbcof lfg gvgn oatgr tmg snhw ls jhng.

    @rlvlnj th whrk9 -mgf tmot tmg rho`s org hpgn on` `rlvg forgauccy, clstgn th troaalfon` wgotmgr up`otgs. *og surg bhtm yhur hwn vgmlfcg on` ony whr vgmlfcgs org altth `rlvg on` prhpgrcy `g+lfg` on` `g+dlstg`, yhu'vg jht o survlvoc lt lnfcu`lnjsmhvgc, A" lt, whrlnj thrfm, bcongt, ahh` on` `rln, ml+vl &ofgt on` o auccyfmorjg` dhblcg. "ntlflpotg tmot tmgrg doy bg brgo`hwns on` mhw yhu wlcc `goc wltmtmgd. *og surg yhu movg tmg pmhng nudbgr ahr yhur brgo`hwn fhdpony.

    *og surg tmot yhu org prhvl`g` wltmrhgr wgcaorg aoflcltlgs9 )mls smhuc` lnfcu`gshdgwmgrg th word up on` jgt hut ha tmg wgotmgr. n dony urbon sltgs wotgr plpgswlcc movg arhgn hr bggn `rolng`, dog surg tmgrg org octgrnotlvg aoflcltlgs ahr mon`wosmlnj on` thlcgts on` mht `rlnksorg ovolcobcg. Zltm !osls foblns on`"rhun`mhj unlts ovolcobcg yhu smhuc`n't movg th suaagr hut ln tmg fhc`, yhu org ocshgntltcg` th 'rgoshnobcg' tgdpgroturgs ln thlcgts on` fmonjlnj rhhds. Zotfm hut ahralrg rlsks arhd fchtmgs put th `ry ng(t th mgotgrs on` ahr forbhn dhnh(l`g hr audgsarhd jos mgotgrs hr g(mousts.

    "s o supgrvlshr dog surg yhur fhccgojugs ggp word on` orgn't suaagrlnj, tmlnobhut movlnj g#tro rgst brgoksth occhw stoaa th tmow hut. )mg prgssurg doy bg hnyhu th forry hn, but tmg fhdpony wlcc chsg aor dhrg dhngy la gvgryhng jhgs haa slfwltm g(moustlhn. *og surg rls ossgssdgnts org up`otg` on` jlvg o thhcbh( toc thstoaa th gnsurg tmot gvgryhng nhws wmgrg tmgy ston`.

    $gdgdbgr lt jgts `ork% hu'cc prhbobcy bg `rlvlnj th on` arhd sltg ln tmg `or, on`ot tmls tldg ha ygor tmg whrlnj `oy sggds th bg dhstcy ln tmg jchhd. *og surg yhualnlsm ony soagty frltlfoc whr bgahrg yhu ngg` o thrfm, on` rgdgdbgr th togpmhthjropms bgahrg sunsgt.

    Vhdg dg`lfoc fhn`ltlhns sufm os mgort fhn`ltlhns on` rgsplrothry `lsgosgs doy

    bg g(ofgrbotg` by fhc` wgotmgr sh bg oworg la ony stoaa org hn dg`lfotlhn. Zotfmhut ahr fmlcbcolns on` arhstnlp os wgcc os sgvgrg smlvgrlnj wmlfm doy cgo` thmyphtmgrdlo +jgt tmg fosuocty ln`hhrs on` word tmgd schwcy on` sgg dg`lfoc mgcp.-hc` fon ocsh cgo` th lnfrgosg` offl`gnts os lt ls aor mor`gr th fhnfgntrotg on` yhudoy bg gnfudbgrg` by bucy fchtmlnj.

    &gg word9 Jgt shdg chnj &hmns on` usg tmg coygr prlnflpcg th ggp word/ tog ocoygr haa la yhu org thh word wmlcst moflnj hut tmot `ltfm, but put lt bof hn stroljmtowoy oatgr. 5sg wlflnj thps la phsslbcg th `row swgot owoy arhd yhur sln, fhtthn lsnht jhh` os lt bgfhdgs fhc` on` fcoddy. Zgor o mot hr bocofcovo !octmhujm dogsurg yhur mor` mot stlcc alts, doybg dog shdg wrlst fhvgrs on` jgt shdg gor duaas

    th ggp yhur g(trgdltlgs word on` prgvgnt mgot chss.

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    'otfm hut ahr wln` fmlcc9 )mg wln` ls wmot wlcc dog lt aggc rgoccy fhc`, on` fonfousg wln`+burn by ltsgca. La tmgrg ls o jocg ahrgfost dog surg gvgrytmlnj chhsg lsaostgng` `hwn +yhu `hn't wont th spgn` ojgs rgsfulnj sodpcg tub cl`s arhd tmgmg`jg.

    (rhgr jchvgs9 jor`gnlnj?rljjgr stycg jchvgs &ust `hn't fut tmg dustor` ln rgoccy fhc`wgotmgr. Jgt o ronjg ha jchvgs lnfcu`lnj tmln jchvgs tmot yhu fon wgor wmlcst wrltlnjhr uslnj survgy lt/ slc clngr jchvgs alt un`gr mgovy whr jchvgs. La yhu org dofmlngwotfmlnj fhnsl`gr blj hvgrdltts os tmgy ggp yhur mon`s word wmlcst lnoftlvg, yhufon ggp o polr ha tmlnngr jchvgs hn un`grngotm. )hhcs org fhc`, gspgfloccy stggcmon`cg` smhvgcs, sh dog surg yhur mon`s org word on` stoy word.

    hur mhdg ahr tmg ng(t agw `oys% hu fon't bgot o jhh` pu``cg+sufgr

    )olclnj hutachh`g` agoturgs ls dhrg `laalfuct tmls tldg ha ygor, wmgrg wlcc tmg wotgrjh% @h yhu ngg` th `lj o sudp% Ls gvgrytmlnj rgo`y th tog tmg pmhth?rgfhr` tmg

    agoturg bgahrg lt alccs up ojoln% -on yhu jgt o pudp hn sltg th fcgor corjg agoturgs+wmgrg wlcc lt pudp tmg wotgr th# Zltm occ tmot wotgr orhun` tmlnjs org sclppy on``ggp agoturgs org dhrg prhng th fhccopsg. $rhpgr wotgrprhha jchvgs org gssgntloc layhu org movlnj th bolc hut achh`g` agoturgs, on` oatgr bolclnj hut dog surg yhu wosmyhur mon`s bgahrg gotlnj.

    Mon` frgod9 5sg o `gfgnt frgod th sthp yhur mon`s `rylnj hut on` froflnj up.-rofg` sln ls g(trgdgcy polnauc on` la tmg spclts org `ggp tmgy whn't mgoc tlc tmgsuddgr. 2gutrhjgno 2hrwgjlon Ahrduco ls jhh`.

    *hhk oatgr yhur aggt9 ggp tmgd word, usg twh polrs ha shfs la ngg` bg, tmln clngrshfs o`` wordtm ahr clttcg buc. $ut argsm shfs hn wmgn yhu jgt haa sltg +yhu `hn't

  • 8/22/2019 Cold Weather Working


    wont trgnfm ahht. Zosm on` podpgr yhur aggt gvgry `oy, yhu'rg hn tmgd occ `oy shjlvg tmgd shdg )6- on` o nlfg word sho.

    +ln` hut ahr lfg on` snhw,lfg9 Vclps on` trlps, gspgfloccy wmgn tmg jrhun` lsfhvgrg` ln snhw, org o do&hr fousg ha offl`gnts. 0ggp tmg sltg tl`y on` jrlt hr fcgor


    Fhvgr tmg sltg9La tmg sltg ls sdocc gnhujm yhu doy bg obcg th usg torpouclns hrpcostlf smggtlnj. ')grrod' jghtg(tlcg ls gspgfloccy jhh`. )mg smggtlnj wlcc occhw yhu thrgdhvg snhwaocc 7ulfcy, on` wlcc lnsucotg tmg jrhun`. La yhu fon't fhvgr lt, tmgnswggp up snhw bgahrg ony tmow.

    "nyhng jht 1:p ahr tmg dgtgr% )mowlnj hut tmg strot ln +=

  • 8/22/2019 Cold Weather Working


    "h th tmg foaa% La yhu org ln o thwn tmgn movlnj o slt+`hwn brgoaost ls wordlnj,jhh` ahr dhrocg, on` wlcc ggp yhu jhlnj tmrhujm tmg `oy. hu ngg` th got dhrg lnfhc` wgotmgr, gspgfloccy wmgn whrlnj mor`, sh tuf ln#

    .sg o monklg% Ln fhnjgstg` wgcaorg muts jgrds sprgo` odhnjst tmg agtl` dossgs

    mu``cg` rhun` tmg mgotgr. La yhu movg tmg ph(, tmgn `hn't jlvg lt th gvgryhng gcsg.)mgy whn't tmon yhu ahr lt.

    )yplfoc sltg fhn`ltlhns ln Agbruory%

    @hn/t bg oarol` th ofk lt ln9 hu'rg orfmoghchjlsts `ljjlnj o sltg, nht tmg Jron`g"rd>g rgtrgotlnj arhd *hsfhw. La tmg wgotmgr ls sldpcy thh otrhflhus tmgn jgt hut halt. hu whn't jgt o dg`oc ahr jgttlnj myphtmgrdlo.

    Vtoy word#

    8VE o`vlfg/mttp/??www.msg.jhv.u?tgdpgroturg?hut`hhr.mtd mttp/??www.msg.jhv.u?tgdpgroturg?hut`hhr.mtd