Colchester Christ Church News May...

Colchester Christ Church News – May 2018 Christ Church Anglican Congregation Vision Statement “Through our worship, mission, nurture and service we want to enable all people to enter into a living relationship with Jesus Christ”

Transcript of Colchester Christ Church News May...

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Colchester Christ Church News – May 2018

Christ Church Anglican Congregation Vision Statement “Through our worship, mission, nurture and service we want to enable all

people to enter into a living relationship with Jesus Christ”

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In this month’s news:

• The Rector writes – May 2018 – The bridge of faith

• Rock Solid Faith

• Prayer of the month

• A Reflection

• Memories

• Thy Kingdom Come

• Would you Adam and Eve it?

• Knights’ Quest Holiday Club

• Café Church

• Messy Church

• May Walk

• Christian Aid Week

• Big Brekkie

• Fairtrade Banana Cake

• CYO Let’s Party

• Pentecost Celebration

• What’s on

• May diary

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The Rector Writes May 2018 “The bridge of faith”

"Do you understand what you are reading?" Philip asked. “How can I," he (the Ethiopian)

said, "unless someone explains it to me?" Acts 8.30-31 ‘‘I have seen the Lord!’

I wonder if you have ever had a Eureka moment – the reputed exclamation of Archimedes on making a surprising discovery. This is not a case of ‘Doh’ I should have known ‘that’ but something quite wonderful and a moment of elevated surprise and joy. On the 5th Sunday of April, we shared together the wonderful story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch. It is a story full of surprises and encouragement for us all as we seek to develop our personal and corporate life of faith, mission and ministry. The story comes from Acts chapter 8 verse 26 to the end. Surprise! Philip the apostle and now evangelist is met by an angel and directed by the Holy Spirit to travel a certain road. Surprise! On that road, he meets an official from Ethiopia travelling home from Jerusalem who is reading from the prophet Isaiah. Surprise! For the Ethiopian as Philip comes alongside and asks the man, “Do you understand what you are reading?" "How can I," the man said, "unless someone explains it to me?"

Surprise! Philip shares with the Ethiopian the meaning of the passage, Isaiah 53 and the promise of one who would through suffering and rejection carrying the sin of the world would bring new life to all. This is the Eureka moment for the Ethiopian! Surprise! As they came to a river the Ethiopian said, "Look, here is water. Why shouldn't I be baptised?" Phillip said, "If you believe with all your heart, you may." The eunuch answered, "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God." And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptised him. The Ethiopian is a traveller from a far-off land, a pious man prohibited from entering the Temple courtyards as a Gentile, and unable to become a Jew because he is a eunuch. He is an outsider, not one of the people, has no place in society, yet has made some connections with the God to whom the people worship. He has in his hands the prophecy of Isaiah open at chapter 53 but is confused and desires to understand. This is one of those moments when someone is attracted by a simple truth.

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Something starts to stir and open up in him and help is needed to understand; to bridge that place of seeking to believing. Faith comes to the Ethiopian in a way that should not surprise us and indeed this is a story that should encourage us to understand our role in helping those ‘outsiders’ to make a step to come into God’s Kingdom realm. Philip helps him make the connection between Isaiah’s suffering servant and the crucified and resurrected Christ. He is the bridge bringing the meaning and purpose of Jesus into the life of this stranger on the road. Many years ago as I made my first steps towards exploring ordination, I came across Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Complete Bible. I opened it at Isaiah 6 verses 1 to 8. Eureka! This was for me just like the encounter between Philip and the Ethiopian. Matthew Henry as it were had come alongside to help me understand the significance of the passage for me. It was a personal revelation and encouragement to know that even I could be chosen by God for his purposes. This was a bridge into another world bringing scripture to life; I have never forgotten my personal Eureka moment.

Many people in our community, families and even some in the church may be grappling with the idea of God, faith and the meaning of life. Perhaps something heard, seen or experienced that has raised questions to which there seems no answer. Yet as we know, there is an answer and in fact, as with Philip, we are the answer. We are the testimony of God’s love and power in us and although often a tough call, we need to be ready to get along side those who have such questions. The most obvious way at present is the Alpha course where no question is a wrong question! We also have many other opportunities across the week at Time Together, Messy Crafts and Breakfast Café. We might not have considered our role as a bridge enabling people to experience a ‘Jesus Eureka’ moment. And as the question finds an answer or at least a journey towards an answer, life will never be the same again. It was for Philip and the Ethiopian on a dusty road - Eureka – God saves! Let us be encouraged to know that we are individually and corporately bridges into faith and hope. Let us then be open to God’s nudge, His direction and be obedient to his call. Yours ever Paul

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May 2018 - Rock Solid Faith One of the views we appreciate from our house, is the historic castle of Salobrena, which is built on a massive rock about a km inland from the coastline of southern Spain. It is majestic, and has significant historical heritage for this region of Andalucia. The Moor Kings who once ruled Andalucia, had their summer residence here, to escape the heat of the city of Granada about 40mins drive inland. This castle and the Alhambra Palace in Granada, is one of the most famous heritage sites in Spain/Europe. It is a unique place where one can stand on the beach and enjoy both the sand and sea and look up to the impressive Sierra Nevada snowy mountains. “A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” (Matt 5v.14NIV) It is hard to miss a city on a hill, especially one as big as Colchester or Granada. They draw ones attention when driving and journeying around. A fortified city inspires and encourages, for many reasons. It’s position, it’s architecture, and also standing the test of time of weathering and defence over the centuries. Each city has a unique story which inspires, encourages and teaches future generations. So I can see why Jesus wanted his family on

earth, to be like a city on a hill. For the world to realise the kingdom of God is here and now on earth, it needs to see it, to be inspired, blessed and learn from. These cities have one thing in common, they are built on solid rock foundations. Jesus also wants his people to build our lives on him, our rock and cornerstone (Ephesians 2v20). Jesus gave a parable/story to illustrate this truth in Matt 7v24-27, the wise and foolish builders. In verse 25 (NIV version) he said “The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” Jesus was encouraging people to trust him as “the way the truth and the life.” (John 14v6 NIV) It even says later on in verse 28 that this made a difference as the bible says the crowds listening “were amazed at his teaching. (NIV). I know this personally to be true for myself and family, that in times of difficulty and even tragedy, Jesus has definitely made the difference and been our rock to stand on in the storm. I love verse 4 in Psalm 91 “He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His

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faithful promises are your armour and protection” (New Living Translation). It is a personal protection and promise open to everyone who wants to take hold of and stand on. In Matt 5v14 (NIV) Jesus also says “You are the light of the world.” Jesus was saying, “In your daily lives you are my lighthouses, as well as collectively, a city on a hill” (my words). One of our family’s favourite worship songs is “My Lighthouse” by Rend Collective. The purpose of a lighthouse, is to warn sailors of potential dangers, but also I am sure for many far out at sea, it gives them hope and direction. I

love this picture to encourage us in our journey daily with Christ. Jesus calls us as Christians, but also collectively, to inspire, give hope and direction to many who feel lost and confused in our broken world. Many families and young people today are struggling and feel lost in dark situations. Let us find creative ways to shine our light and share our personal story of hope, to encourage people today. Let’s remember we have a solid rock in Jesus to build our lives on, then on this sure foundation, we together, can weather the storms of life. God Bless you all from Emma Jarratt

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Prayer of the month The Reverend John Stott (1921-2011) has been described as one of the most influential Anglican clergymen of the 20th century. It is believed that he began each day with this prayer to each person in the Holy Trinity. As Trinity Sunday falls in May this year I thought this an appropriate prayer for the month.

Sheila Godwin

John Stott’s Morning Trinitarian Prayer.

Good morning, heavenly Father. Good morning, Lord Jesus.

Good morning, Holy Spirit.

Heavenly Father, I worship You as the creator and sustainer of the


Lord Jesus, I worship You as Saviour and Lord of the world.

Holy Spirit, I worship you as sanctifier of the people of God.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Heavenly Father, I pray that I may live this day in Your presence and please

You more and more.

Lord Jesus, I pray that this day I may take up my cross and follow You.

Holy Spirit, I pray that this day You will fill me with Yourself and cause Your

fruit to ripen in my life: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,

faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity, three Persons in one God, have mercy

upon me. Amen.

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A Reflection A friend shared this reflection with me recently – I have found it very helpful and pray that you may find it to be a blessing too. Sheila Godwin

The Womb of Silence Not in the whirlwind, not in the lightning, not in the strife of tongues, or in the jangling of subtle reasoning is He to be found, but in the still small voice speaking in the womb of silence Therefore be silent. Let the past be silent. Let there be no vain regrets, no brooding on past failures, no bitterness, no judgment of oneself or of others. Let all be silent. Be still and know. Be still and look. Let the eyes of the mind be closed, that you may hear what otherwise you would not hear, that you may know what otherwise you would not know.

Abandon yourself to Him in longing love, simply, holding on to nothing but Him. So you may enter the silence of eternity and know the union of yourself with Him. And if in the silence he does not answer, He is still there. His silence is the silence of love. Wait then in patience and in submission. It is good to wait in silence for His coming. Anon

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Memories On 9th February we celebrated the life of Bob Joyce and then on 27th April we celebrated the life of Joy Joyce. During the services the family shared some treasured memories of these two special people. The following are two poems which were shared during the respective services.


A leaf has fallen from our family tree, And here is what that leaf meant to me.

Robert Walter Joyce, or Rob- Amongst good friends sometimes Bob!

Devoted husband to his adored wife Joy; Extremely proud dad to Clive, his boy;

Beloved Grandad to Claire and I; To numerous others just a really good guy.

Later on, Great Grandad to my two, But whatever his ‘role’, loved by all he knew.

So to keep the thoughts alive, make them remain there, These are my memories, with you all I will share.

When I look back, so many reasons to be fond!

He let us play on his drums, feed the fish in his pond; He made us toy shops in his garden shed;

Created us sheet storms in his and Nanna’s bed! He would fix things in a jiffy from a bike to a socket;

Had a really annoying habit of jangling coins in his pocket! The minute he saw a problem, someone in strife,

He’d be there to sort it out with his swiss army knife. Loved broken biscuits and bought unwanted oranges in a net,

Some of his ways we are still to work out, as yet! A pint of shrimps from the hut in Mersea,

He’d patiently peel them to eat for our tea. Growing fruit and veg, helping us dig up with a spade-

All of these recalls too precious to let fade.

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Years move on and age makes it mark, Sadly I watched as he lost his old spark.

I loved our visits which were more often quick As he ushered us out, waving his stick!

His mind was a muddle, he was thinning of hair, But the Grandad I knew was still somewhere there.

That’s why he was cherished right to the end,

My final words to him I will send………

I’m certain you wouldn’t have wanted a fuss, Just as long as you know you’re so loved by all of us.

I will hold on to the happy which helps numb the sad, I love you, I’ll miss you, my perfect Grandad.

(Belinda Phillips- January 2018)

Nanna So a new shining star we have now seen appear,

But with shiny new stars comes a price much too dear. For the brighter sky, earth has paid the cost

Of the wonderful person we all here have lost.

She has to be mentioned for her stand out name- It isn’t too usual to have two the same!

Of course, the lady in question my Nanna, Joyce Joyce. One to slip under the radar if she had her choice!

Fair to say she got most out of her life

By being a devoted mother and a dutiful wife. Whether a generational thing or a personality mark,

This could often mean she slipped into the dark! But there was much more, if you knew her, you could find-

She was gentle and mild, caring and kind,

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Her role was traditional – she tended the house, Did so to perfection with not a grumble or grouse.

Never a smeary sideboard or a speck of dust, To hoover twice daily for her was a must!

Dinners were prepared, two veg and meat, Fully laid table, always sat in the same seat.

Her appearance just so, not a hair out of place; Powder applied to her delicate face,

She loved her family that much was clear,

Immediate and extended she held us all dear. Although my Grandad may have voiced it louder

It was clear that of Dad she could not have been prouder!

Maybe sounds strange but growing older set her free, Or at least that’s the impression given to me.

In the years leading up to her turning 91 She seemed to relax and find her sense of fun.

Two strokes took her voice, so she had not much to say, But was vibrant and content in her own little way.

Would greet us with a wave, squeezing our hands tight- For the most part she was nothing short of cheery and bright,

Her rapid decline so hard to comprehend,

Yet so dignified and poised, right to the end. I had questions unanswered; the how and the why?

I was in no way ready to bid her goodbye. None of us were, hit us all with a shock,

But sadly there’s no power to pause the clock.

So the best we can take from the loss that we feel, Are the memories we have so untarnished and real.

To never forget is the hardest part, So always a space for her in my heart.

To my lovely Nanna, now sleeping tight, Sending all my love, sleep well, good night.

(Belinda Phillips – April 2018)

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Christian Aid Week

Marcelin's story Marcelin lost his home, livestock and possessions when Hurricane Matthew struck.

Now his family live in a disused shower block. Will you help build disaster-proof

homes for vulnerable people like Marcelin in Haiti?

'If another hurricane comes, we’d just die'

Marcelin lost his home and livelihood when Hurricane Matthew hit Haiti in September 2016. ‘I lost pigs, goats, everything in the house. I have nothing left,’ he says.

He now lives in an old concrete shower block, a tiny space he shares with his teenage daughters. There are no windows or doors, and the only furniture is a single bed that the girls sleep on.

Marcelin has shown incredible resilience in the face of such hardships and is working hard to raise his children alone.

Every day he gets up at dawn to work the land but he’s struggling to support his family. The changing weather frequently destroys the food he grows and his family often go hungry.

He can no longer afford to send all his children to school and is unable to save any money for a new home.

So, this Christian Aid Week, will you build hope in Haiti?

We know how to make it happen – of the 700 houses we built after the 2010 earthquake, just one needed to be repaired after Hurricane Matthew. But we’re relying on the kindness of people like you to be able to do more, and reach more of our global neighbours in their hour of need.

Marcelin's story Marcelin lost his home, livestock and possessions when Hurricane Matthew struck. Now his family live in a disused shower block. Will you help build disaster-proof homes for vulnerable people like Marcelin in Haiti?

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Fairtrade Banana Cake Cake ingredients 500g extra-ripe, soft Fairtrade bananas 400g plain flour 280g unsalted butter at room temperature 350g Fairtrade golden caster sugar 2 tsp baking soda A pinch of salt 200ml sour cream 3 tsp Fairtrade vanilla extract 4 large free-range eggs Chocolate icing ingredients 40g unsalted butter at room temperature 230g Fairtrade icing sugar 30g Fairtrade cocoa 2 tbsp milk Directions

• Preheat your oven to 180 °C/350 °F/ Gas Mark 4.

• Sift the baking soda and flour in a large bowl. Stir together.

• Using an electric hand mixer, add in the butter until the mixture has a creamy consistency.

• Using another bowl, mix the vanilla extract and the sour cream together by hand. Blend this into the flour mixture above.

• Add in the eggs one at a time to the mixture, beating well after each egg. Mix in the sugar.

• Mash the bananas and add to the overall mixture until combined.

• Pour the mixture into the greased cake tin and bake in the preheated oven for 25 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.

• Allow the cake to cool in the tin for 10 minutes, then remove from its case and place on a rack to cool.

• Serve your cake warm or without icing.

• For the optional chocolate icing, sift the icing sugar and combine with butter, sugar, cocoa and milk. Beat until smooth. Once the cake has cooled, spread evenly and serve.

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May 2018 Diary Sunday 6th May 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Morning Worship 4.30 pm Messy Church Tuesday 8th 9.00 am Morning prayer 10.00 am Time Together 3.15 pm Messy Crafts Wednesday 9th 10.00 am Holy Communion Friday 11th 7.30 pm Splodgy Youth Sunday 13th 9.30 am Holy Communion Traidcraft 6.30 pm Spirit Space Monday 14th 10.00 am Coffee + 7.00 pm Alpha Tuesday 15th 9.00 am Morning prayer 10.00 am Time Together 3.15 pm Messy Crafts Wednesday 16th 10.00 am Holy Communion 7.30 pm PCC meeting Thursday 17th 9.00 am Breakfast Café Friday 18th 7.30 pm Splodgy Youth Sunday 20th

9.30 am Café Church 6.30 pm Holy Communion Monday 21st 10.00 am Coffee + 7.00 pm Alpha Tuesday 22nd 9.00 am Morning prayer 10.00 am Time Together 3.15 pm Messy Crafts

Wednesday 23rd 10.00 am Holy Communion Thursday 24th 9.00 am Breakfast Café Friday 25th 7.30 pm Splodgy Youth Sunday 27th 9.30 am Holy Communion Tuesday 29th 9.00 am Morning prayer Wednesday 30th 10.00 am Holy Communion Thursday 31st 9.00 am Breakfast Café Friday 1st June 10.00 am Support in Loss Sunday 3rd June 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Morning Worship 4.30 pm Messy Church

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[email protected]

Rector: Associate Priest:

Revd Canon Paul Norrington Revd Canon Pat Prestney

(01206) 563478 07825 222780

Church Wardens: Church Treasurer:

Rod Green Brian Taylor

(01206) 768242 (01206) 827207

Judith Cronshaw Church Office:

(01206) 543178 Liz Bird

(01206) 542307

[email protected]