COiMIMON COUNCIL.- -JANUARY 5, 1920. 237 Street Fund Chris...

COiMIMON COUNCIL.- Council Chamber, Ann Arbor, Mich., Jan. 5, 1920. Regular Session. Meeting called to order by Pres. Lewis. Present: Aid Heusel, Sug- den, Prochnow, Donnelly, Spa- thelf, Moore, MacGregor, Freeman Lutz, Reichert, Pres. Lewis, 11. Absent: Aid Mayer, Ehnis, Hen- derson, o. Minutes of Dec. 15, 1919, approved. Dec. 29, 1919. From Mayor. To the Honorable, the Common Council, Gentlemen: I hereby an- nounce the appointment of Ernest Casterline as special patrolman for State Street business district to succeed special Officer DeVine, re- signed. I also wish to announce the ap- pointment of Geo. Place and Geo. Eberly for special police service at the Univt^r? ty and without pay from the city. Respectfully yours, Ernst M. Wurster, Mayor. Ordered on file, and on motion of Aid. Donnelly the appointment of Ernest Casterline was confirm- ed by unanimous vote of those present, 11. Communication from Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce, asking Council to provide funds in next budget for public drinking foun- tains at convenient places in busi- ness districts, received and on mo- tion of Aid. Lutz, referred to bud- get committee. Petition of Machine Specialty Co., for fire hydrant near their plant on N. Main St., received and referred to Fire Committee. *»etition of G. Maulbetsch, et al for grading and paving of W. Washington st,, between Ashley st. and Crest ave., and First st, be- tween Huron and Liberty sts.. re- ceived and referred to Street com- mittee and City Engineer. Claims of William and Thomas Bast, George and Lydia Lavender and James A. Steere lor alleged damage by reason of the pumping of water at Station No. 3 received and on motion of Aid. Lutz refer- red to City Attorney and water commission. Committee Reports FINANCE REPORT Contin^eiit Fund Engineer Dept. Lee Garricb, services $ 6.25 Emanuel Holzapfel, services .... 14.75 R. Langoraft, services G.2^ Martin Walsh, services 14.75 Total Engineer Dept $ 42.00 -JANUARY 5, 1920. 237 Street Fund Chris Allmendinger, labor $18.30 L. G. Bird, labor 43.73 Alfred Brown, labor 40.50 Ohas. Douglas, labor 13.50 Lee Gtrrick, labor 2,75 Emanuel Holzapfel, labor 12.25 Sam. Horniiig, labor , 12.15 Hilly Hughbanks, labor 45.00 Ferd Kalmbach, labor 13.50 Matt. Koch, labor 3.50 K. Langcraft, labor 11.75 Chas. Mason, labor 13.50 James Mason, labor 43.00 W. H. Romig, labor 15.90 B. J. Sanppee, labor 3.60 Fred Walkg^ labor 45.00 Martin Waiah, labor 32.25 Geo. Weisner, labor 31.50 Geo. Zeifle, labor 2.70 Fred G. Hausleman, team 4.89 Street Fund total $409.27 Recapitulation— Cjiitingent $ 42.00 Street 409.27 Total J451.27 The foregoing warrants were drawn Dec .22, 1919, as per resolution of Ccipi- mon Council Dec. 15, 1919. Conting-ent Fund Ernst M. Wurster, salary $41.66 I. G. Reynolds, salary 166.66 Ross Granger, salary 166.66 Herbert W. Crippen 160.66 Geo. H. Sandenburgh, salary ... 200.00 Alfred J. Paul, salary 150.00 Frank B. DeVine, salary 125.00 John A. Wesinger, salary 100.00 Julius Lohrke, salary 100.00 R. M. Caughey, salary 80.00 Marcia M. Minnis. salary 83.00 T, P. Stowe, salary 85.00 Hazel M. Woodward, salary .... 75.00 Douglas Bycraft, salary 80.00 M. E. Easterly, salary 75.00 Ned R. Smith, salary 50.00 Edwin Ganzhorn, salary 50.00 M. C Ryan, salary, ^^ month .. 58.91 Contingent Fund total salar- i^'^ Dec $1,855,R5 Fire Fund Chas. Andrews, salary 76.65 Eugene Williams, salary 64.83 Ralph Edwards, salary 64.83 Henry McLaren, salary 61.50 Jacob Gwinner. salary 61.50 Harley Wise, salary 58.91 Frank Markey, salary 58.91 Herman Kruse salary 58.91 Emil Danimin, salary 58.91 Mat. Heinlnger, salary 58.91 Raymond Gillespie, salary 58.91 Floyd Naylor, salary 58.91 Earl Arnold, salary 58.91 Claud Cobb, salary 58.91 Frfd Nordham, salary 58.91 Benj. Zahn, salary 58.91 Henry Nevroth, salary 54.68 Charles Carroll, salary 38.74 Frank Kapp, salary 38.74 Fire Fund total salaries ^ month, Dor' ¥1,10J1.48

Transcript of COiMIMON COUNCIL.- -JANUARY 5, 1920. 237 Street Fund Chris...

Page 1: COiMIMON COUNCIL.- -JANUARY 5, 1920. 237 Street Fund Chris · CO-MMON COUNCIL—JANUARY 5239 , 1920. Dog: Lfcense


Counc i l C h a m b e r , A n n Arbo r , Mich. , J a n . 5, 1920. R e g u l a r Session. M e e t i n g ca l led to o r d e r by P r e s .

Lewis . P r e s e n t : Aid Heuse l , S u g -den , P r o c h n o w , Donne l ly , Spa -thelf, Moore , M a c G r e g o r , F r e e m a n Lutz , R e i c h e r t , P r e s . Lewis , 11 . A b s e n t : Aid Mayer , E h n i s , H e n ­de r son , o. M i n u t e s of Dec. 15, 1919, a p p r o v e d .

Dec . 29, 1919. F r o m M a y o r .

To t h e H o n o r a b l e , t h e C o m m o n Counci l , G e n t l e m e n : I h e r e b y a n ­n o u n c e t h e a p p o i n t m e n t of E r n e s t Cas t e r l i ne a s spec ia l p a t r o l m a n for S t a t e S t r e e t bus ines s d i s t r i c t to succeed spec ia l Officer DeVine , r e ­s igned .

I a l so w i sh to a n n o u n c e t h e a p ­p o i n t m e n t of Geo. P l a c e a n d Geo. E b e r l y for spec ia l pol ice se rv ice a t t h e Univt^r? ty a n d w i t h o u t p a y f rom t h e city. Respec t fu l ly your s , E r n s t M.

W u r s t e r , Mayor . O r d e r e d on file, a n d on m o t i o n

of Aid. D o n n e l l y t h e a p p o i n t m e n t of E r n e s t C a s t e r l i n e w a s c o n f i r m ­ed by u n a n i m o u s vote of t h o s e p resen t , 11 .

C o m m u n i c a t i o n f r o m A n n A r b o r C h a m b e r of C o m m e r c e , a s k i n g Counci l to p rov ide funds in n e x t b u d g e t for p u b l i c d r i n k i n g foun­t a i n s a t c o n v e n i e n t p l aces in bus i ­ness d is t r ic t s , r ece ived a n d on m o ­t ion of Aid. Lutz , r e f e r r e d to b u d ­ge t c o m m i t t e e .

P e t i t i o n of M a c h i n e Spec ia l ty Co., for fire h y d r a n t n e a r t h e i r p l a n t on N. Main St., r ece ived a n d r e f e r r e d to F i r e C o m m i t t e e .

*»etition of G. M a u l b e t s c h , e t a l for g r a d i n g a n d p a v i n g of W . W a s h i n g t o n st,, b e t w e e n Ash ley st. a n d Cres t ave . , a n d F i r s t s t , b e ­tween H u r o n a n d L i b e r t y s ts . . r e ­ceived a n d r e f e r r e d to S t r e e t c o m ­m i t t e e a n d Ci ty E n g i n e e r .

C l a ims of W i l l i a m a n d T h o m a s Bas t , G e o r g e a n d L y d i a L a v e n d e r a n d J a m e s A. S tee re l o r a l leged d a m a g e by r e a s o n of t h e p u m p i n g of w a t e r a t S t a t i o n No. 3 r ece ived a n d on m o t i o n of Aid. L u t z r e f e r ­red to City A t t o r n e y a n d w a t e r commiss ion .

C o m m i t t e e R e p o r t s FINANCE REPORT

Contin^eiit Fund Engineer Dept.

Lee Garricb, services $ 6.25 Emanuel Holzapfel, services . . . . 14.75 R. Langoraft, services G.2^ Martin Walsh, services 14.75

Total Engineer Dept $ 42.00

- J A N U A R Y 5, 1920. 237

Street Fund Chris Allmendinger, labor $18.30 L. G. Bird, labor 43.73 Alfred Brown, labor 40.50 Ohas. Douglas, labor 13.50 Lee Gtrrick, labor 2,75 Emanuel Holzapfel, labor 12.25 Sam. Horniiig, labor , 12.15 Hilly Hughbanks, labor 45.00 Ferd Kalmbach, labor 13.50 Matt. Koch, labor 3.50 K. Langcraft, labor 11.75 Chas. Mason, labor 13.50 James Mason, labor 43.00 W. H. Romig, labor 15.90 B. J . Sanppee, labor 3.60 Fred Walkg^ labor 45.00 Martin Waiah, labor 32.25 Geo. Weisner, labor 31.50 Geo. Zeifle, labor 2.70 Fred G. Hausleman, team 4.89

Street Fund total $409.27 Recapitulation—

Cjiitingent $ 42.00 Street 409.27

Total J451.27 The foregoing warrants were drawn

Dec .22, 1919, as per resolution of Ccipi-mon Council Dec. 15, 1919.

Conting-ent Fund Ernst M. Wurster, salary $41.66 I. G. Reynolds, salary 166.66 Ross Granger, salary 166.66 Herbert W. Crippen 160.66 Geo. H. Sandenburgh, salary . . . 200.00 Alfred J. Paul, salary 150.00 Frank B. DeVine, salary 125.00 John A. Wesinger, salary 100.00 Julius Lohrke, salary 100.00 R. M. Caughey, salary 80.00 Marcia M. Minnis. salary 83.00 T, P. Stowe, salary 85.00 Hazel M. Woodward, salary . . . . 75.00 Douglas Bycraft, salary 80.00 M. E. Easterly, salary 75.00 Ned R. Smith, salary 50.00 Edwin Ganzhorn, salary 50.00 M. C Ryan, salary, ^^ month . . 58.91

Contingent Fund total salar-i^'^ Dec $1,855,R5

F i re Fund Chas. Andrews, salary 76.65 Eugene Williams, salary 64.83 Ralph Edwards, salary 64.83 Henry McLaren, salary 61.50 Jacob Gwinner. salary 61.50 Harley Wise, salary 58.91 Frank Markey, salary 58.91 Herman Kruse salary 58.91 Emil Danimin, salary 58.91 Mat. Heinlnger, salary 58.91 Raymond Gillespie, salary 58.91 Floyd Naylor, salary 58.91 Earl Arnold, salary 58.91 Claud Cobb, salary 58.91

Frfd Nordham, salary 58.91 Benj. Zahn, salary 58.91 Henry Nevroth, salary 54.68 Charles Carroll, salary 38.74 Frank Kapp, salary 38.74

Fire Fund total salaries ^ month, Dor' ¥1,10J1.48

Page 2: COiMIMON COUNCIL.- -JANUARY 5, 1920. 237 Street Fund Chris · CO-MMON COUNCIL—JANUARY 5239 , 1920. Dog: Lfcense

238 C O M M O N C O U N C I L . — J A N U A R Y 5. 1920 .

76.65 58.91

Police Fund T h o s . O'Brien, s a l a r y

W m . Apr i l l , sa la ry Ed. B l u m h a r d t , s a l a ry 5»-yi F r a n k Keihl , sa l i . 'y oHm M a r l a n d H o w a r d , s a l a r y oS.yi Rober t Clark, s a l a ry o8.yi F r a d Sodt. sa la ry Jg-yl Clyde Bennet t , sa la ry 5«.91 Chas . Spl i t t , s a l a ry oH.Jl

sa l a ry oS.yi s a l a r y 58.91 s a l a r y 58.91

J o s e p h Gas t , F r a n k Marz, Geo. R a n d e l ,

Po l ice F u n d t o t a l s a l a r i e s V2 month Dec $724.66

Poor Fund J o h n H . Shadford , s a l a r y 35.00

Cemete ry Fund H e r m a n Zulz, s a l a ry 85.00

Park F u n d E, A. Gal lup , s a l a ry $125.00

"Water "Works Fund Geo. S. V a u d a w a r k e r , s a l a r y $166.6*j R. Spokes , si i lary 166.66 Dr . H. Emerson , s a l a ry 50.U0 A. W. Cochran , s a l a ry 10.00 Geo. Mann, sa la ry 20.00 J o h n L indenschmi t t , s a l a r y 20.00 W i r t Cornwel l , s a l a r y 20.00

Tota l mon th ly sa la r ies $453.32 H a r r y Wi l l sher , s a l a r y 50.00 H e n r v Wal l e r s , s a l a ry 42,50 \Vm. Wal t e r s , sa la ry 37.50 E m a n u e l Sodt , s a l a ry 60.00 F r e d Linde , s a l a r y 50.00 J o h n YoUand, s a l a r y 37.50 J o h n Schwika r t , s a l a ry 37.50 Lesl ie Rush , s a l a ry 50.00 N o r m a n Rowe , sa l a ry 40.00 Rob t . Young, s a l a r y 37.50 A. E. H a w k e s , sa la ry 42.50 Cliff She t t e r ly , s a l a ry 60.00 Lou i se Malloy, sa la ry 42.50 R u s s e l l P ryce , s a l a r y 42.50

T o t a l s emi -mon th ly sa la r ies ..$630.00


.$ 3.2d

W a t e r W o r k s F u n d to ta l Saliiri'^s

Coutingrent F u n d Eng inee r Dept .

Thos . J . Donahue , se rv ices . G. W, F r a n c i s , services 10.5C V e r n o r W . McAdam, s e n ' i c e s . . . 30.00 Stanley Pinei , services l.SO

services 75.00 services 8.0(1 services 75.00

H . R. H.

R. Scovill, B. Tay lo r . C. Worf t l ,

To ta l E n g i n e e r Dep t $203.50 The Det ro i t Ed i son Co., c i ty ha l l $ 22.30 H e n r y H. W a g o n e r , co l lec t ing

g a r o a g e 497.J5 J . H. Wickliffe, col lect ing g a r b -

f̂ g:e L'.7r, Emily Zceb, servicer 12.00 Jess ie Cr ippin , services 22.50 U. J . Abbot t , P. M., pos t age 11.28 F r e d T. McOmber, i n s u r a n c e . . . 24.00 Boston & Lookpor t Block Co.

supp l ies 2.02 S t a n d a r d Oil Co, coupon b o o k ' ! " lo!on "̂ ' ! M<-ri]!ioiiirii Co., supp l i e s . 154.05 'I'be Goodyear D r u g Co., supp l i e s 11.50

O. I . B u t l e r & Sons, suppl ies . . . . 2.00 G. E. W a s h i n g t o n , supp l ies 18.75 S taeb le r & Co., coupon books . . . 20.00 S taebler &. Son, coal 182.8S T h e Athens P re s s , p r i n t i ng 7.50 Clyde C. K e r r & Sous, p r i n t i ng . 9.00 C. H. K i t t r e d g e . r e p a i r s 10.69 The Machine Specia l ty Co, re­

p a i r s 75 A. C. M a r q u a r d t Garage , repa i rs

and S to rage 9.97 C. E. Godfrey, c a r t a g e 50

To ta l Suppl ies , etc $1,032.59

Con t ingen t F u n d to ta l , includ­ing sa l a r i e s $3,091.64

Fire Fund T h e De t ro i t Ed i son Co., l ight .. . .$ 6.19 W h i t e Swan L a u n d r y Co., L td .

l a u n d r y 7 . 13.88 A m e r i c a n L a F r a n c e F i r e Engine

Co., supp l i e s 41.10 T h e Uni ted S t a t e s Chemical Co.,

supp l i e s 10.60 Denn & Co., L td , suppl ies 92.45 E b e r b a c h & Son Co., suppl ies . . 1.92 C. H . K i t t r e d g e , suppl ies 4.20 The Ci ty Ice Co., wa te r and ice 6 32.55 S. C. Andres , l abor and suppl ies . 13.08 Chas . A n d r e w s , exp re s s pa i4 . . . 1.50

To ta l suppl ies , e tc $217.47

F i r e F u n d to ta l , inc luding sal­a r i e s $1,326

Police Fund E r n e s t Caster l ine , special police . 30 W m . DeVine, special police . . . . 33 The WesterTi Union Te leg raph Co

T e l e g r a m s 1 Mich. S^ate Te l . Co., tolls 4 A. C. M a r q u a r d t Garage , re­

p a i r s a n d supp l ies 28 ^fce Mayer -Scha i r e r Co., supplies 2 H e n r y S. P i a t t , suppl ies 1 S c h u m a c h e r H a r d w a r e Co., sup­

pl ies T Geo. YVahr. supp l ies P r o d u c t i o n s F o u n d r i e s Co., s igns 32 H. J . R i cha rds , s igns 33 Clyde C. K e r r & Sons , p r i n t i n g . . 12 City G a r a g e , r e p a i r s E b e r b a c h & Son Co, repa i r s . . . . Thos . O'Brien, suppl ies paid . . . .


00 00

,08 ,65

93 ,00 .75

35 ,60

m ,00 ,50 .56 ,50 .50

To la l suppl ies «tc $15^8.36 Pol ice F u n d to ta l inc luding

sa l a r i e s $913.02 Poor Fund

Mrs. Mabel Lloyd, Treas . Old L a d i e s Home $12.00

Schultte Bros, supp l i e s 6.00 G. F red Staebler , suppl ies 17.51 Ann Arbor T a x i & Trans fe r Co

a m b u l a n c e cal ls 9.0<l

Tota l supp l i es , etc S 44.J51

Poor F u n d t o t a l inc luding s a l a r y $ 79.51

Cemetery Fund J a c o b Ki rn , l abor 2.00

Cemetery F u n d total inc luding sa la ry $ ^.C*0

Page 3: COiMIMON COUNCIL.- -JANUARY 5, 1920. 237 Street Fund Chris · CO-MMON COUNCIL—JANUARY 5239 , 1920. Dog: Lfcense

CO-MMON C O U N C I L — J A N U A R Y 5, 1920. 239

Dog: Lfcense Fund Joe Wickliffe, burial.^ 1.00

Sfre^t Lighting: Fund Wm. Gerstner, services $25.00

Water Works Fund Crane Co.» supplies ? 2.90 J a s K. Clow (& Sons, supplies . . . . 13.96 Schumacher Hardware Co., sup­

plies 1.20 C. H. Kittredge, supplies 2.21 The Koch BMjj; & Supply Co.

supplies 156.60 Staebler Oil Co , supplies 12.U Clancy & McMillau Coal Co.,

suppl ies 290.98 F l o w e r Valve Mfg. Co, s u p p l i e s . . 59.18 B i n g h a m & Taylor , suppl ies 97.38 Pos t Office, supp l i e s 43.44 J o h n E. Herbs t , services 7.30 J o h n R. Miner, a u d i t i n g boolis , , 70.00 Letchfield & S tewar t , se rv ices . 175.97 Amer ican E x p r e s s Co., express , . 3.00' W m . R. Schne ide r , s e t t ing me t ­

ers 175.00 G. Ra i se r , s e t t i n g me te r s 175.00 Cit izens Mutua l Auto. Ins . , Co.

insurance 6.50 Mich. Cei i tn i l R. R. Co., f r e igh t 136.8^ Ann A r b o r Uailroad, f re ight 106.80 The Det ro i t i .dison Co., l i gh t

and power 1122.48 C. E. Godfrey, ca r t age , etc 26.58 W a t e r W o r k s Dept , e x p e n s e s . . 9.51

Tota l suppl ies , etc $2,695.13 F . Khodenbecker , l abor 13.20 J . Nimz, laltor 9.00 W. Grove?, l abor 60.00

To ta l l abo r ' $ 82.20

W a t e r W o r k s fund to ta l , i nc lud ing sa l a r i e s §3,860.65

Special W a t e r w o r k s F u n d S. C. Andres , c o n t r a c t $853.02 Letchfield & S t ewar t , c o n t r a c t . . 427.08 A. R. Cole Co.. con t rac t 136.94

Special to tn l

John Davis , l4yle I ' av i s F j r a Moore. E. A. Gal lup

W a t e r W o r k s fund $1 117.02

P a r k F u n d labor $ 56.20

14.80 labor 16.40 t e a m renta l 4.00

Tota l labor, etc $ 91.40 Hazel W o o d w a r d , /ei-vices $ 10.00 S t a n d a r d Oil Co., coupon book . . 10.00 Waver W o r k s Dept . w a t e r . . . . 1.25 <'lydo 1̂ '. R h e a d , Chi iP tmas t ree . 5.0ii S. C. Andres , l abor and suppl ies 49.48 E. A. W i s d o m , roDairs 4.80

Matt . Koch, lab^f 8.93 W m . L. K u e h n , l abor 3.60 F r e d Malke, l abor 27.00 J a m e s Mason, l abor 16.00 W. H. Romig, l abor 9.30 B. J . Sauppee , l abor 6.4^4 Mar t in W a l s h , l abor 26.23 F r e d G. Hanse lman , team 22.67 J n o , E. H e r r s t , t eam 18.67 J a c o b Young, t eam 21.7.'i

Tota l supp l i es , ore .$ 80.53

Pnrk Fund to ta l inc luding sa lar ies : $296.93

Street F u n d Chri':^ Allmendinsrer, l abor 16.5(.' L. G. Bird, l abor 29.15 Alfred Brown, l abor . 29.50 J o h n Gross labor 13.50 Emanue l Holzapfel , l a b o r 3.00 Sam. H o r n i n g , l abor 2.25 Hil ly H n g h b a n k s . l abor . . . 29.50

To ta l l abor r284.0i} S t a n d a r d Oil Co., gaso l ine $ 7.85 Elgin Street Sweeper Co.

supp l i e r 5.38 Schumache r H a r d w a r e Co., s u p

plies 25.14 Geo. Spathel f gravel 33.00 J n o . F . Weidman , hay 22.3S The Machine Special ty Co., re­

pa i r s 5.75 W a s h t e n a w Elec t rc Shop;

r e p a r s 2.3r) E. A. Wisdom, r epa i r s 2.50

T o t a l supp l i e s , etc $104.35

Street F u n d t o t a l $388,35 Recap tulatiin

Contingent $ 3,091.64 Fire 1,326.95 Police 91.3.0^ Poor 79.51 Cemetery 87.00 Dog License 1.00 Street Lighting 25.00 Water Works 3,860.65 Special Water Works 1,417.02 Park 296.93 Street 388.3o

Total City Funds $11,487.07 Ann Arbor, Mich., Jan. 5, 1920.

To the Finance Committee of the Com­mon Council, Gentlemen: I have examined the

foregoing accounts against the City of Ann Arbor and I hereby certify that they are correct to the best of my knowledge.

ISAAC G. REYNOLDS. City Clerk. To the Honorable, the Common Coun­

cil, Gentlemen: Your finance committee

has reviewed the foregoing report, Warrnnts for salaries were drawn Jan. 2, 1920. We recommend tha t same be anproved and that warrants be order­ed drawn for the foregoing accounts.


Finance Com. Aid. L u t z m o v e d t h e a d o p t i o n of

r epo r t , w h i c h w a s a d o p t e d by t h e fo l lowing vo te : Y'eas, Aid. H e u -sel, Sugden , P r o c h n o w , Donnel ly , Spathelf , Moore , M a c G r e g o r , F r e e ­m a n , Lutz , R e i c h e r t , P r e s . Lewis . 11. Nays , n o n e . ^

Aid. L u t z p r e s e n t e d bill of R o s s G r a n g e r for $25.00 for e x t r a h e l p in City T r e a s u r e r ' s office d u r i n g D e c e m b e r .

Aloved by Aid. Lu tz t h a t bill be

Page 4: COiMIMON COUNCIL.- -JANUARY 5, 1920. 237 Street Fund Chris · CO-MMON COUNCIL—JANUARY 5239 , 1920. Dog: Lfcense


allowed and City Clerk instructed to d raw w a r r a n t for same.

Adopted by the following vote: Yeas, Aid. Heusel, Sugden, Proch-now, Donnelly, Spathelf, Moore, MacGregor, Freeman, Lutz, Reich-ert, Pres. Lewis, 11. Nays, none.

Aid. Lutz presented the follow­ing est imate:

To the Honorable Common Council, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Gentlemen: I submit herewi th the third est imate of the cost of prepar ing a comprehensive plan for a system of s torm water dra in­age for the City of Ann Arbor, and recommend the payment of the amount due Hoad and Decker, Consulting Engineers, contractors . Amount due^ $1,000.00. Respect­fully submitted, George H. San-denburgh, City Engineer.

Moved by Aid. Lutz, * t h a t esti­ma te be allowed and City Clerk in­structed to draw war ran t in pay­ment of same.

Adopted by following vote : Yeas. Aid. Keusel, Sugden, Proch-now, Donnelly, Spathelf, Moore, MacGregor, Freeman, Lutz, Reich-ert. Pres. Lewis, 11. Nays none.

Ordinance Committee Aid F reeman presented the f'>l-

lowing ordinance which was g i \en its second and third readings:

"An ordinance relative to a san­itary sewer on South Seventh street ."

Whereas , a sani tary sewer has been constructed on South Sev­enth street for a distance of 145 feet nor th of the intersection of said South Seventh street and West Washington St., and

Whereas , most of' the proper ty in the vicinity of said sewer has been previously assessed for a sani tary sewor and therefore could not again be assessed for such a. sewer, and

Whereas , it would be unfair to the remainder of the property own­ers in said sewer district to asset^s the entir.> cost of .̂ aicl pewer against their property.

Now therefore. The Comm-Oti Council of the City of Ann Arbor ordain:

Sec. 1.—The Common Council having deemed it expedient to construct a sani tary sewer on South Seventh street for a distance of 145 feet nor th of the intersec­tion of South Seventh street and W. Washington Street and prooee fl­

ings having been had as provided in an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance relative to Sewers, pro­viding for a system of lateral and connecting sewers in the City of Ann Arbor," the Common Coun­cil may appropr ia te for the costs of construt^tion of said sanitary sewer work, such an amount of the costs thereof as the Common Council shall deem just for the City to pay in addition to the cost of street crossings, and may make such appropriat ions by suitable resolutions.

Sec- 2 The proceedings relative to the construction of said sanitary sewers have been in accordance with an ordinance entitled,. "An Ordinance relative to sewers and proceedings for the constriction of ;( .'y.=?tem of lateral and connecting sewers in the City of Ann Arbor, passed May 24, 1894; approved May 23, lRr4; amended Jan. 3, 1899; amended Aug. 17, 1903; amended March 12, 1906; amend­ed Mar. 18, 1907; in all respects except as herein otherwise provid­ed and expressed.

Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and af­ter legal publication.

The chair put the question: "Shall this ordinance pas^?"

Passed by the following vote: Yeas Aid. Heusel. Sugden, Proch-now, Donnelly, Spathelf, Moore, ? acGregor, Freeman, Lutz, Reich-ert. Pres . Lewis, 11. Nays none.

Sewer and Street Committee To the Honorable the Common

Council, Gentle '. n: Your Sewer and S'reet Committees met with the Board of Public Works Dec. 30, 1919, and after careful consid­eration of the ma t t e r we respect-fuUy recomnjend:

That Hill st. from State St.. to Wash tenaw ave., Packard st., from Granger ave. to the city limits, and S ta ' e St., from Huron st., to Full­er s^., be graded and paved in 1921, and that the necessary storm water sewers be ronstrnoted and all service connections be made in said .streets, within the limits aforesaid, a.s early in 1920 as pos­sible.

That Huron st. between Main and Ashley sts., including intersec­tion a t Ashley st., be repaved and the Board of Public Works pre­pare plans, specifications and es­t imates of cost for same, and also

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for proposed storm water sewera herein recommended. Respectfully submitted, Sam Heu-

sel, Cyiris. D« nnelly, Geo. Spa-thelf, M. B. Sugden, Sewer and Street Committees. Aid. Heusel moved the adoption

of report, which was adopted by the following vote: Yeas, Aid. Heusel, Sugden, Prochnow, Don­nelly. Spathelf, Moore, MacGreg-or, Freeman, Lutz, Reichert Pres. Lewis, 11. Nays, none.

Ann Arbor, Mich., Jan . 5, 1920 To the Honorable, the Common

Council, Gent lemen: The under­signed City Clerk submits the fol­lowing report of the proceedings of the Common Council having un­der consideration the mat te r of closing the streets or highways known as Hamlin or South street. Center street and Oak street, be­tween the oa-'torly line of N. Main St., and t>i , \/' .= !̂:erly line of Mich­igan Central r ight of way: ^

The Council, sitting in pursu­ance to .'ts order and appointment for tha t i>urpose, met at the coun­cil chamber on Monday, J anua ry 5th. 1920. at " o'clock p. m., and due proof of notice having been given to the owners, • ccupants or persons inti^restt-d in sa i l proposed improvenrient was filed.

The roll was called and the fol­lowing members of Council were found present: Aid. Heusel, Sug­den, Prochnow, Donnelly, Spathelf Moore, Freeman, Lutz, Reichert . Pres. L e w s , 10. ^ After hear ing all persons desir­

ing to be heard, the following res­olution was ofiored:

By Aid. Sugden, Whereas, the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor was on the 1st day of December, 1919, petitioned by ten freeholders to lOgally close certain streets or highways known as Hamlin or South street, Center Street and Oak Street between the easterly line of N. Main st. and the westerly line of Michigan Central r ight of way, s^id streets being in Davids-;n and Guiteau's Addition and

Whei^eas tho said Common Coun­cil a t a regular meeting held Dec. 15, 1919, did declare by a resolu­tion said public improvement to be necessary and in accordance with said resolution notice has been given to the owners, occu­pants or persons interested, as re­quired by the charier , therefore be it ^

Resolved, tha t the following streets or highways be ordered va­cated, discontinued and closed as petitioned: That par t of Hamlin or South street. Center street and Oak street between the easterly line of N. Ma'n street and the west­erly line of ^Michigan Central r ight of way.

Resolved, further, tha t the City Clerk do report the proceedings relative to the closing of said streets to the Common Council at its next regular meeting.

Adopted by following vote-Yeas, Aid. Heusel, Sugden, Proch­now, Donnelly, Spathelf, Moore, Freeman, Lutz, Reichert , Pres Lewis, 10. Nays, none. The meeting adjourned. Isaac G.

Reynolds, City Clerk. Moved by Aid Sugden, tha t

City Clerk's repor t be accepted and adopted.

Adopted by the following vote. Yeas, Aid. Heusel, Sugden, Proch­now, Donnelly, Spathelf, Moore MacGregor, Freeman, Lutz, Reich­ert, Pres . Lewis, 11. Nays, none.

Officers Report Renor t of Acting Marshal for

month of Dec. received and order­ed on file.

By Aid. Lutz: Resolved, that the following war ran t s be cancel­led: No. 17700 for $4.75, Con­tingent fund, in favor of W. H. Ahrens, drawn Dec. 16, 1918; No. 21221 for $29.25, Police fund, in favor of Reule, Conlin, Fiegel Co. drawn Sept. 1, 1919; No. 21079 for $84.^6, Street fund, in favor of The Ohio & Michigan Sand & Gravel Co., drawn August 18, 1919

Resolved further tha t the City Clerk is hereby ordered to draw war ran t for $84.36 in favor of the Ohio & Michigan Sand & Gravel Co., in lieu of war ran t No. 21079 which hag been lost.

Adopted by the following vote: Yeas: Aid Heusel, Sugden, Proch­now, Donnelly, Spathelf, Moore, MacGregor, Freeman, Lutz, Reich­ert Pros. Lewis, l l . Nays, none.

Aid. Lutz gave notice tha t he had requested the Water Com­missioners and City Attorney to furnish him with an est imate of the cost of obtaining such land as the water commissioners deemed necessary for the city to own in connection with pumping station Number 3 at the so-called "Steere F a r m " and ho also informed the Council that

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he would a t some later meeting, after receiving this information, introduce a resolution calling a special election to be held at the time of the general election in the spring, a t which time the ma t t e r of bonding the city for such an amount as the Commissioners deem necessary in order tha t the City might have the money avail­able and could p : oceed with the condemnation proceedings to ob­

tain the lands desired by the Water Coiiimissioners would be submitted to the electors.

Moved by Aid. Lutz that the City Clerk notify che heads of all depar tments to make their an­nual repor ts as brief a s possible. Adopted.

On motion of Aid, Reichert, Council adjourned.

