Cognitive Planning and Learning for Mobile Platforms

모바일 플랫폼 기 계획 학습 인지 모델 프레임워크 계획 학습 인지 모델 프레임워크 2010.7.26. 영택 숭실대학교



Transcript of Cognitive Planning and Learning for Mobile Platforms

  • 1. 2010.7.26.

2. 01 Research Goal 02 ScenarioAgenda 03 Overall System Structure 04 Mobile Task Manager 05 Mobile Activity Aware 06 Mobile Context Log 07 Mobile Social Service 08 Android Environment 3. Mobile AwarenessSocial Datamining Social LearningSocial Dynamics Local Ad-hoc Social ServiceActivity Log LearningIncremental LearningPersonal Activity ProfilePersonalized Reasoning Automated Planning Robust AgentPersonalizedContextual ActivityServiceLearningDelegation3 / 29 4. Research Scopes Ad-hoc SmartAssistant 4 / 29 5. Research Goal cognitive load 5 / 29 6. Machine Reasoning&SocialLearning PlanningServiceText Mining Context Log Ad-hoc 6 / 29 7. Related Works7 / 29 8. ModulesApplicationSmart Agent Social Agent AnnoySmart SocialFree Calendar RecommenderSmart SocialSocialThemis Call Ad-hoc MagazineContext Text Scene TextSocialBrokerMiner Analyzer Engine RDFSContext UserPlanning InferenceLoggerModelEngineEngine Infra8 / 29 9. ModulesApplicationSmart AgentSocial Agent Annoy Social CalendarFree RecommenderServer SocialSocialThemis Call Ad-hoc MagazineSmart AgentUser Model RDFS IE. Learner PlanningEngineContext TextContext Scene TextSocialBrokerMiner Logger Analyzer ContextEngineDBContext UserInference PanningLoggerModelEngineEngine Infra 9 / 29 10. Modules SA RDFS IE PE CLServerSmart AgentUser SAModel SA RDFS IEIE.RDFSLearner IE RDFSSocial Ad-hocPE Planning PEEngineCLCL ContextLoggerContextDB SA RDFS IE PE CL 10 / 29 11. Context Logger Sensor AbstractionContextContext ContextGPSLocation Home OfficeSchoolAccelerometerMobilitySlowStationary Fast Illuminometer Brightness DarkBrightBrightSocialFamily ColleaguesFriends Bluetooth Device Smartphone Smartphone Computer Object Yes No NoProximityActivityDrinking-Watching POI Starbucks -CGVtime 1 time 2time 3Time 11 / 29 12. Learning Personal User ModelHOMEFamily 1 Family 2Family 3 COMPANYColleague 1 Colleague 2 Colleague 312 / 29 13. Learning Activity Aware ModelFriday Tuesday 17:00 17:00 Rainy Sunny Sunday Coffee ShopShopping Mall100%2090%80% S ple C un (T tal)15o t o70%NOT60% SEE50% 10DO SaturdaySaturdaySaturday40% EAT OUTSHOPam30% 20%100%52510:0020:0010%90% 0% 0 Sunny Any Weather80% 20 tal)Central Park Cinema S p C u (To70% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0003000 00 :3 :0 :3 :0 :3 :0 :3 :0 :3NOT6:7:9: 0: 10 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 2260% 15am le o ntSEE50%Time of DayDO40%30%Friday10EAT OUTSHOP100% 20%52090%10%80% 0% 0 tal)Sunday Sunday Mobile15 S p C u (To70% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0003000 00 Activity :3 :0 :3 :0 :3 :0 :3 :0 :3NOT6:7:9: 0: 10 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 2260%am le o nt18:3010:00SEE50%Time of DayDO10 Mon-Thu Sunny Cloudy User40% EAT OUTLearning30% SHOP100% 20%580 RestaurantHomeModel10%90%7080% 0% 0 tal)60 S p C u (To70% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0003000 00 :3 :0 :3 :0 :3 :0 :3 :0 :3NOT6:7:9: 0: 10 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 2260% 50am le o ntSEE50%Time of DayDO4040% EAT OUT30SHOP30%2020%10% 10 MondayMonday 0% 020:00 09:00Cloudy Any Weather 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0003000 00 :3 :0 :3 :0 :3 :0 :3 :0 :36:7:9: 0: 10 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 22 Time of DayHome Meeting Room 13 / 29 14. Learning Activity PredictionActivity Prediction Model ModelPrediction Ranking01 Coffee ShopFriday17:0002 CinemaRainy03Prediction Restaurant14 / 29 15. Smart Assistance RDFS Calendar with EmailInboxCalendarTime 2010 JUNE 12 SAT 09:42 AM From [email protected] . 13 14151617 18 19 4 2 Text Mining 2 4 601 601 . . 2010 6 14 () 2:00 ~ 4:00 p.m. 601 15 / 29 16. Smart Assistance Smart CallText Mining - 4567123 - 4567 123 GPSRegular 123 - 4568123 - 456802Smart Call123 - 4569123 - 4567~9 Expression Calling 16 / 29 17. Context Aware !! 17 / 29 18. Smart Assistance RDFS AnnoyFree Calendar 2010 JULY 06 Tue 08:30 09:00 Daily Meeting at Office AnnoyFree 10:00 17:00 Workshop at COEXActivated 19:00 21:00 Dinner with Friends 10:00 17:00 Time 10:15 Time 09:55 10:00 Workshop at COEXLocation COEX Location 480m from COEX150m Bluetooth 5 Colleagues 18 / 29 19. Planning I think you saidSpeak now... Thinking... Say it! . ? Tap text to editRestaurants Movies Thats right!GoConcerts 19 / 29 20. Planning Restaurants you said I think by location, rating . , 500m Call OK! 154-10 B1Restaurants by . rating : location, La pizza text to edit Tap , 450mCall , 500mCall Thats right! Call , 820m Go 20 / 29 21. Planning Restaurants you said I think by location, rating Speak now...Thinking... Call , 500m 154-10 B1 7 2 .Tap text to editSay it!Thats right!Go 21 / 29 22. Planning 7 2 . Reservation 7 2 .Confirm Reservation Reservation Details 7:00 pm 2 154-10 B1 22 / 29 23. Birds Eye View of Proposed System Server Application Application ... Application MiningAI Module Interface Context Web TextBrokerPlannerMining RDFSML Inference Web InterfaceEngineLoggerContext Service Interface Generator SmartPhone Sensor Sensor 23 / 29 24. Overall Structure Android Task ManagerLocal ad-hocMachine LearningMobile Task ManagerSocial User Model ServiceActivity AwareMobile RDFS InferenceEngine ContextServerPlannerContextLog Text Miner Sensor, Map, Web, PIMS24 / 29 25. Client-Server Architecture Intelligent ApplicationAnnoy Smart Smart SmartSocial Free ScriptReservationMagazine Service Web AI EngineTwitter Facebook RDFSRankingSocialInference PlannerLearnerEngineEngine Knowledge Representation FOPCTRIPLE Machine Learning ServiceAndroid Application Framework PIMS Data Activity ActivitySocial SocialContext-Aware Profile Profile Learner LearnerCalendarContactsContext Logger Activity History Android Mobile Platform 25 / 29 26. Integrated System View Smart Smart Smart Smart SocialSocialSocial MatchCallPIMGuiderReservation CasterRecommender Finder Maker 3rd Party Ad-hoc (Android) 26 / 29 27. Smart Assistant in Android EnvironmentIntelligent ApplicationsAndroid Android ApplicationService AI EnginesRDFSSocial Inference PlannerLearnerEngine Engine LegendContextRuleProfile a Activity Content Provider a ServiceAndroid Application Framework a Content Provider27 / 29 28. System Integration.apk Services AIDLApplicationAnother.jar RDFS I.E. Planner Services Mobile Artificial Intelligence Framework Context Information Server InterfaceInterfaceLearnedMetaUserRDFS ContextActivityDataModel Axiom Rule ModelServer28 / 29 29. Thank you!!