Cognition and learning in education

COGNITION Highly evolved functions of brain different from animals. Different meanings in different sciences. Ability to know.

Transcript of Cognition and learning in education


COGNITIONHighly evolved functions of brain different from animals.Different meanings in different sciences.Ability to know.

COMPONENTS1. Conscious status.2. Attention3. Orientation4. Speech and Language5. Memory

NON COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS1. Appearance and Behaviour2. Mood and thought process3. Perceptions4. Abstracting ability5. Judgment and Insight

CONSCIOUSNESSMeans remaining awake and being interested in what is happening. Major brain and brain stem maintain arousal and consciousness.

ATTENTIONCapacity to direct and maintain ones focus on matters of particular interest. Sustained attention Concentration.

ORIENTATION1. Understanding oneself.2. Time3. Place4. Person5. Situation

SPEECH AND LANGUAGE1. COMPREHENSION - Understanding2. REPETITION Repeating what others say3. EXPRESSION Spontaneously writing and speaking


DOMINANCE OF BRAIN1. Language functions in left hemisphere2. Very rarely in right hemisphere3. Language hemisphere Dominant hemisphere

AUDIO VISUAL1. Language and learning are inter related2. Audio visual Verbal and Visual3. All 3 components share A & V

LEXICONWord dictionary.


1. Understanding Lecture.2. Understanding books3. Reading silently4. Reading aloud5. Writing spontaneously6. Writing to dictations7. Speaking spontaneously8. Answering specific questions

NON DOMINANT LANGUAGE1. Stress on a word2. Contextual meaning3. Prosody of speech4. Emotional aspects of speech

MEMORYCapacity to acquire, store and retrieve information.

Multiple systems and processes with different functional roles and anatomical substrates.


TYPES OF MEMORY1. Short term2. Long term

TYPES OF MEMORY1. Procedural memory2. Declarative Memory a) Semantic b) Episodic


SHORT TERM MEMORY1. Learnt form of memory2. Limited amount of information3. Brief period of time4. Working memory

WORKING MEMORYHigh functional role in every day lifeWriting under dictation Understanding and producing speech.Manipulating mental images

WORKING MEMORY1. Activates and manipulates information stored in long term memory.2. Updates information

WORKING MEMORY1. Inhibition of unwanted information2. Selective attention to desired information

WORKING MEMORY1. Does complex processing tasks.2. Coordinate verbal and visuospatial stores.

WORKING MEMORYIndependent verbal system 2. Independent visuospatial system3. Integrating system called central executive

EPISODIC MEMORY1. Memory linked to time and period2. Memory related to events.3. Buying a new dress, from a particular store for a particular function.

PROCESSING OF MEMORY1. Encoding2. Storing3. Retrieving

ENCODINGThe process that converts a stimulus or an event into mnesic trace.

ENCODINGStrength of Encoding depends on depth of processing performed.Semantic processing and cognitive elaboration of information reinforces its strength.Positively influences subsequent retrieval.Then consolidated and stored in long term memory.

STORAGEThe process of keeping the encoded information secure in brain for future use.

RETRIEVALThe process of reactivating information from long term memory.

RETRIEVALFree recallCued recallRecognition

FREE RECALLAbility to retrieve information actively from memoryEg. What is the capital of Maharastra - Mumbai

CUED RECALLRetrieval of information facilitated by cues.Who is the PM assasinated by Body guards?She is daughter of Nehru, Mrs.Indira Gandhi.

RECOGNITION1. The capacity to acknowledge that an information has previous been encountered.2. What is Joules constant3. I know there is a Joules constant but not able to re- collect what is it

SITE OF MEMORYDominant VerbalNon dominant Visuospatial

NONDOMINANT HEMISPHERE1. Musical Memory2. Visuospatial Memory3. Geographical Memory

IMPROVING MEMORYUsing mnemonics.Using tricks.Improving life styles--sleep

INTELLIGENCEAggregate of global capacity of an individual, to act purposefully, think rationaly and to deal effectively with his environment.

INTELLIGENCEDepends on many cognitive functions and the activity of whole brain.


Depends on multiple modality based intelligence Non dominant hemisphere Over development of highly evolved associative areas of brain




Poor inherited intelligence Disorder of Brain

Identify noncognitive skills Use procedural memory


RIGHT HEMISPHERE Dominant in perception and identification of environmental and non verbal sounds. Analysis of geometric and visual space Depth perception 3 D

RIGHT HEMISPHERE Comprehension and expression of prosodic, melodic, visual, facial and verbal emotion.


Creativity ImaginationHolistic activityArts(motor skills) Rhythm of Music

RIGHT HEMISPHERE Thinks nonverbaly Feelings VisualisationTones of songsDay dreaming

LEFT HEMISPHERE Logic Analysis SequentialLinear Maths

LEFT HEMISPHERELanguageFactsThinks in words Words of songsCompetitive

LEFT VS RIGHTLeft hemispherical speech unempathetic and mechanical; right shows emotion.Left synthesizes over time; right over space.Left concentrates on conceptual similarities; right over visual similarities.Left codes in terms of language; right in terms of images.Left shows selective and sequential attention;right shows sustained attention.


Left analyses in sequential way focusing on words like solving a maths problem step by step.Right focuses on whole image and processes information in imaginative and simultaneous way.Left is like a serial processor of a computer; right is like a parallel processor.



LEFT RIGHTLogical RandomRational HolisticAnalytical ImaginativeObjective SubjectiveLooks parts Looks detailsSerial Parallel

RIGHT & LEFT Digital brain LeftReading, writing, calculating and analysis

Right Analogue Brain3D size, creativity, arts

IDENTIFICATION Left hemisphere dominant student like to work alone Finds interest in research and analysisWriting Paper Interested in details.Studies object part by part.

RIGHT HEMISPHERE STUDENT Work in company Students in class room Enjoy art projects Interested in hands on activity

GIVING DIRECTION Left hemisphere

Go straight 2kms turn to right and then left, go straight for 2kms, turn right and then right and go straight.

GIVING DIRECTION Right hemisphere

Go straight, identify Nellaiappar temple, cross RMKV, Tower and VOC ground.

LEFT TEACHINGWrite an outline on board. SequencesConduct lectures Verbal dependentVocabulary crosswords VerbalDiscuss in detail Likes conceptsIndividual assignments Likes to work aloneResearch paper Likes analysisQuite room Dislike distraction

RIGHT TEACHINGNo outlinesNot analyticalStudy guideVisual cluesOHPS, slidesVisual comprehensionGroup discussionLearns in companyProject workGood at artsMaps & graphsVisuospatial skillsA picture worth thousand words.

Whole brain teaching better than stereotyped one.

Incorporating right hemispherical skills which are less utilized may help studentS learn better.

Working memory is essential for new learning.

Learned matter needs to be retained for longtime to improve performance.

This needs deeper encoding.

Deeper encoding and stronger consolidation needs repetitive reading.

Semantic processing and cognitive eloboration i e eloborate reading and understanding of factual knowledge improves encoding and thus learning.

Repeatedly doing a thing or reading makes the recall easier one and makes it reflexive like a number table.

Cognitive skills become basics of learning and proper utilization of them leads to success.