Cofl I lt A - University of his...

T- js n t THE GAINESVILLE SUN 26 t I ARCH 190ft I 3l NEWS OF CITY AND COUNTY CONDENSED Katten rf 0 B ni lateral Oatkf- cy Omr teprtmPC- ftSOMAl Alto SOCIAL ITEMS to H B sm In tosvt ParBcnHahs- ft Tfetf H Who Rune May Jfcasn JH4jr Deify Jftaa Jabs Kite W C Dampier were ta the city fraas ffogae yesterday Kefrsit Ertsts eg Ettestea was eirea- tsvgBb fri adi here W A ftriekl a4 of Paradise has re fiMB a ktsaiaeas trip ta Jack Pal M MfB J S Ellis af Alachut- fea Braera He M- Hy ymlMiiy Saa aa BaH M Tad Mitftcopy ik ftrasiBtes tetcan to tbto J H HaUjr tka at Arre ft vsiB w ttoiter ta taw H M4 W T Z tr tr af Roekcllat- fcaaa wit Mate ta Gaiaw- vfMc aai ss yrstsrday E C retained frasa ft alsMBBt ta eke family ef WB DmlntB Mr awl Mr 8 L AraUicftd and MtM Qatetea of High w rr- kaffiaflki tk city yecttntay E B Lswto af Alacaaa of It4iaK firmer thtt Meiioa wa ant tka visitors to tats city jester 4y O L F tr of Mleaaopy OB of the ajMNt sfM ly known cif lxns of ty WM those who i itdC- ratocsT jeturda- yCiaia H M Patterson J E Par ker awl W K Joiner of aaMx these who paid Game ft visit yesterday- Dr C C Barre f High Springs p as 8 thrrogb yesterday ru teats free JacasoBville where ka ha been en ft visit to rrlatires McRse af Mel rot one of the JeftdJM atereiisat mm- af tie ElK Bad WM IB the city yrs tetawjr umi wed The Saa aa agree Ma Mil B L Casassaa lets yesterday for Jaaa harlBR Mea called on account f Harts ef his little ion It I to be Loped that he will find eoadi- tioa of the a lient EClattice J A J Strickland of Hague was IB the city yesterday rise The San aa agrabe tall Jadfe Strickland is one of the most roicineat eiliseni of his section I and HORSES We boy Biorr we more We u i hay the BEST and tell CHEAPEST W ieh for the arrival of oar freak ear Crawford AI vis- L C MeCleaay of Aslor in the city jeterd Mr MeCleaoy is jualor meaiber of the firm of the Me Oleany Compinf loftKngenntrictor- wko a large COL tract at that peiftt 8 II Benjamin formerly of Mic- aiiopy but no residing ia Patenon K J where he is in holiness ia the city for a few hours y ter slay Mr Beajamio was ea route to Mleinopf wbtr will pond a days ith family who are still Krv J Martin of Doom uuf of the tfflsient tnembrr c f the school boar hi announcement In thus taut of The Sun for reel Hon Mr Mania his been a faithful represent- ative of the interest of the county Bad will BO doubt returned to the odee by a unanimous lie ham say friends throughout the county who will be glad to learn that be well gala the rue Mr aid Mrs Parker of Oaineirille- fonaefly residents of city tp at- 0ftt rdcyaad Sunday in Oeala with Mrs Parkers sister Mrs J A Pitt saa Mrs Parker who is familiarly kaowa here as Mrs Ankle Green Parker has a very flee mania class ia- tka Calversity City and is doing splendidly She is in better health and look yoaager than she did ten years ago tad Mr Parker was also looking aaufaally well It wa a regret that their viilt in Oeala was ijeaessarily such a brief one Bianer WIt Is TeN Jef ere Jr I L III 1M 1 f e tIn ban I all ri I r IBO R r AA bale I i improved ell hue hi there w maker be a tater mat- ter Oea xN firAN Hq Happer r apt liGsg luir- k W Tlsa Sure acid iag 0 ttaatialt wMa ee4 as f N1- o alga d Limas was M sell was aag rat dam was airy yesterday wee p M Caaasa kit owe eke q i the x w LaCrosse wens rill tb oily hens sad S n s h s the the and- y h ICS was the s engage was lie few r a cute e this of d a < ¬ > > ¬ + = + + p iari from Aiur 4y J M Ski uf Br in ih city ji rO j Wiiidm Fjtc- icticc b r tlIf r 5 j nrl y C W ViLt f A Hh a n it city t rtcrdat and a de Th 5ou an agr cil- Cspfai B W Foaian cf at tvsnac icK in ttriar jr t y Jobs BTle of Arrrtordo a aaaosg those who paid Gar rt a i visit yesterday James Hopkiasoo asuc truck jer of th M canopy cucc was in he city je t rdaj Mrs C E DvLacd is rdire a few days in WiJ icon where is ruiticg bet daughter Mrs Japer Willis Mrs Sarah Freelacd ad dacghtsr of Terra Alta W Va have returc d to their home after ipcdrg a few weeks Mr and Mrs Van Allen are over tt arrival of a Ore boy at their borne fri sds heartiest eongratuUtioiis James F Daren who has ten m clojed t re as a foundrymL fur th few ha xob to Waldo where he h accented a poUiot in the shops cf the Seaboard Air LR J A Hall end Arnold Eofle who hare for the put few months have to rhir home in Wooraoot Conn Thy are well pleased with the city and it people and ipct to rrtorn next itasoa trnite in the of the- E racoa Lutrb r Company have made their fln I rp irt thowina a balance on hurd of I SISM for diriion amuo- gt err itor and ni tint will r ted at the office of Attorney W H Palmer fur that furp if on April 9h H n T Oe nut ar 1 dn ish ter Mi who tit Kanaptha f r O p t fw jar Lave remortrd to ci y when well b pleasing info nutiin to their numrr r u frienJ hire pls nntly located in the i fli iu Fast G in trle Mr and Mr M J WrJ and d icK- trr Mi Ethel who l tn l r fnr r t few Wfk made their dr pmrtur for hun Tnnr d y It un dcr d that Mr Ward taut pure ad riiratl hom In E t Gtin ct2e and will come here to r i1e n iKn can wind up hi hffiiri in th North The family will be rl idly welcomed- C Y Crawford of the firm of Craw flt C l it ir j a trsa t Ii lir errs rda I I rej pat mon t twn returned The Ellen have cots the S ate Ire r HKh- wa rht p the eis c ter2s- yJst of tla tat veil rate t tide tradi- ng she Let icing wed trod her matter a Ira resided this Trey are hate ri s as- h < > > < > > >> < > > < >< > < + + + + I 3 Jef j trJy f r- r for th pr- cf ti nsw a nt ot- to 2uari t r rif ra nt un allc o tracts ilher A C L or A L r l d WifJittof bra aitjnnic C Wl Fa B stunder istD triob lxaufe of th fact that hr Las a duller of loioebody money which to h m three ago Mr b und r states tbat some person on SatoTdaj night jut three weeks ago gave him thr and requested him to pay u to another party He has forgotten who gave hm the money or to whom it ws to be paid and would like to- te rnlighenrd In the matter From Sunday t Dally Sun Prof J H Core was in city from Wad yesterday Cook wanted foe mall family or call at this office James B D ll of Haga wa trans acting b Jt be4 in this city yrtttrdfcy Wade Thorns and tvr 3Ii4 Kt zit w r in the city from Monteocb- aet rday J S Bnl y and OD Tim of Nw READ THIS Lxiogton Trnn June 4 1WI- TM it to certify that I hav uJ the l xa Woudcr Mali I i for kidney trouble auc hurt been greatly brn rtt fd and 1 cn cheerfully recommend it to pub lie J O CIRLTOV KiShcriff A TEXAS WONDER small botti of th I XM Uicovrj cures all kidney and blidr tnabts removes cores dlahete mianl emis uou Treat ar if lame rheuma t rc aii Jail irr c of the kid ney and bladder in both men and women raulav bnJiirr in- ch Ken If a oiJ Jj 70 ir lirucpit will nt Of rn i in r IHT of 1 and M tn t i pr r a erne Dr hrr V Hi of trhn- facturr 1 r j N t I Tit M n 5 for t n o bj J W MeColiira I t DUI t 1 to uoar1 of uE H to t I Crab at t Jd u- ftJrh 6 in the hat 00 ste tLa lit t wli fW firt- ei i m r rt raratj 1 pro t S anon I given weeks I I I at ort ira Hari h tit mj I I m lt C wLrr rat rf iurchssnra fire lt Rrrh Mr d i rrerdtd One a ate d Se it ac- a h2 rr 1e- g errn ar tt f sere s te neo r aed ettac a eaboaj std tauit teas promiiy mt prlcea tip we 1 dot ar the Ad- dress in corer tier Won- der Halls Great tuck trouble f Unr totlr tr turth trtat hit ti tire e k > > > < > > < ¬ < > > > > > > + + + econtj capital i trdiy That CHAW FORD A I VIs i J M C x Jf Al sk P nnt nd trading ID thv cj yeS iy j o Brkhiia of Windsor iu j the cJj with h- lfrirdCsFtrn W D UclctiJion C Kan and Jo Arch re in the Calf jr terUj and T Gsuin of atlas at The- ir otEc y and hid hu name urllrdopjnthe ub cription book- J W Eogli h of Taoma and F II C tact of Clyatt Stion on the Ganwiil mod Gulf trading in y teriay I G T Krnnard representing the machine hi returaed- fwrn a nec Mful buii e s trip to in the West End P A J C Harrfi of Hague and Hagu Hthcklaal of Parse di formed trio of well known vii tor to GaiBWvill yesterday Ho ert Barton on of th u f fu- ltruckenof Rocky Point eras in city yesterday and mid the publisher of glad by the renewal of his P r r George B ck George Gleuon- tnJ MO of Kjcky Point atd Hff of Erin toa wr among th who came to triin irule on bj m i- j trJay Mr and Mr Grieves of F r are niw located at spring Park farm the former acI- KJO kt per Mr tad Mr J M HJ of NK w r anionr the rirtur to I iainePTill rlsy Mr Holt at Trr sun oHe ami renewed luf Mr J E Tiira ir f Mevioi in city Suturlny accompanied by hrrffesd Mr L M Trrma i At ante Ga and railed at The S n uf Mr and Watrn Ooa ff rnld niJdniehter Mtoiii of iflsn If W Va have lo i tl eir horn iftrr er j iy b Viit fur the winter Iere W B HuJon CronI I E lr A M C i rn aid I M T m- kie wrest j tdAy to Mirn where th yn ied the Maonic Jflue J t- niclit in ne work J L MiininR returned horn to LftkeUnd after a brief ri t here I H wa aecomao d by hi mother Uintaeltn bps nut in i A fAX of of yesterday din I of mj The an urtCabe I gor lUriD poll Sun J I Harry na din II I erooraphr and bUff tttcrpl the nn returned At b t hit berry were the 1 XOlTH PI tti term Jot n CktetUl was i was and ton eph rr Son call- A called Jret l4t were the eity Parrish and a the The end r gee where hat ceped poCiti a t till- ed r wee fine bps r4 Mrs eon Mina < < > < > > > + + + B wUfy Hour JL THE UNfcQAc f A 1p1d- I 4a Cofl ae tr t- 1l D N v L A iau r1 C r giuraac an moony ruriJ if it fails to rrnov fmflot tn tUljwtua i cclla- decohratiotu didigurinj cnta tats etc ia twenty days Laves th win clear soft ba by and rcUor t fatty of youth Endorsed by thouunit Price 50 cents and 1J at all l iita drug stores or by mail Prepared by National Toilet Co Paris IB Alfte f Illr ky J K Bed ford At eBi aay W B Jeka ea and J W MrCallaai A oBipaay- MM P A Mmurutjtf who expect to with for a few week Warranty and mortgage blank for at thi oft the form u ed ia AlsLhua county which money in recording I1 per hundred ur 5C per dozen by man CiK murt accompany order dnwtf- Dr JM and da thter lit tl Mi Cljile to tie ot from Wal t y irdiji Ir Horuk return fd ia the sfteriiiKHi t t th c rl will rtrnaii for n tri f v rr i r uiiO i I Morri M Jul a MeCr Ji of M c sy the rlKctit teaoher fT the ja t of Pine Ctta n ir Hr i e- fi d ttrnuph the city j tr y en- riotH ni Tr f i c Ffi- Trie fjrriture fr the F rt National H ns hi arr v J un t win tie a ii ut once wii n t wll- 0upy II form r hum Tht tu lag ta i ii nrt rr wi i inn rivetl RaJ wi i jax f r 1 ii t irol rn tdnkirc t l tn II o tar HEMS PAVE 5 r IOLA is Ida 1 Tea- Se remain stn t C Wh hit it t I term hunt I rt t p t trm I J d- ill I lit to j t liver baek head the i w her r Bred t sale i saves gar 1 F t 1 a r t e e des afar a c f I ht r tic al era ly urt t r the rru t ti irHFK Fat tip < < < < > > > > < > = ± + + o Wednesday and Thursday March 28th and 29th Will occur our Special Showing of Fasliioimblo Millinery depicting the correct styles for Spring and Summer wear Every creation on exhibit delineates an individual style characteristic of the very highest expression of the Milliners Art Modes from the best known American designers as well as creations from our own york room which you will fur their We Most Cordially Invite You OPENING HIGH CLASS MILLINERY I i I I lJUU1 exclusive elegance I i e 1 k OPENING EXHIBITIONW- aists and We Skir- tst added in connection with our Mil lisery Iepartrrent an entire new lint Isdi1R- eadytoWear Garments It s our intention to make thi one of the most ap toditt depart- ments m Florida At present we are showing a great line of Wash Waists 59cto 348 Silk Waists 298 to 1000 Wash Skirts 98c to 1000 Wool Skirts 398 to 1500 I t I t > ¬ OPENING EXHIBITIONW- hite Goods and Wash Goods We ftel fae in saying we I ave O airiest and bn aborted nwk cf Whit tod and Vah tVer brought to fain We call fpecial uttenioti tu ourX Persian Lawns India Batiste French Lawns Silk Organdies Chiffon Batistes Handker chief Plaids Etc SEE THEM AT OUR OPENING God ¬ OPENING EXHIBITION Laces and A Embroideries- A ei l uf rW acre Em t rujerir ea aee i the NTehie in these OPENING EXHIBITION KKMS ULi VES NECKWEAR SILKS IUIES3 GOODS J inr Collars Handkerchief K t and 11r Ihudwk on mOI O w w aloe I t r- end > > = r THE HYDE COMPANY J i OW fl tl

Transcript of Cofl I lt A - University of his...

Page 1: Cofl I lt A - University of his been a faithful represent-ative of the interest of the county Bad will BO doubt


js n t






Katten rf 0 Bni lateral Oatkf-

cy Omr teprtmPC-


to H B sm In tosvt ParBcnHahs-ft Tfetf H Who Rune May

Jfcasn JH4jr Deify JftaaJabs Kite W C Dampier were

ta the city fraas ffogae yesterdayKefrsit Ertsts eg Ettestea was eirea-

tsvgBb friadi here

W A ftriekl a4 of Paradise has refiMB a ktsaiaeas trip ta Jack

Pal M MfB J S Ellis af Alachut-fea Braera He M-

Hy ymlMiiy Saa aa

BaH M Tad Mitftcopyik ftrasiBtes tetcan to tbto

J H HaUjr tka at Arreft vsiB w ttoiter ta taw

H M4 W T Z tr tr af Roekcllat-fcaaa wit Mate ta Gaiaw-

vfMc aai ss yrstsrdayE C retained

frasa ft alsMBBt ta eke family efW B DmlntB

Mr awl Mr 8 L AraUicftd andMtM Qatetea of High w rr-

kaffiaflki tk city yecttntayE B Lswto af Alacaaa of

It4iaK firmer thtt Meiioa waant tka visitors to tats city jester

4yO L F tr of Mleaaopy OB of

the ajMNt sfM ly known cif lxns ofty WM those who i itdC-

ratocsT jeturda-yCiaia H M Patterson J E Par

ker awl W K Joiner ofaaMx these who paid Game

ft visit yesterday-

Dr C C Barre f High Springsp as 8 thrrogb yesterday ruteats free JacasoBville whereka ha been en ft visit to rrlatires

McRse af Mel rot one of theJeftdJM atereiisat mm-af tie ElK Bad WM IB the city yrstetawjr umi wed The Saa aa agree

Ma MilB L Casassaa lets yesterday for

Jaaa harlBR Mea called on accountf Harts ef his little ion It I to

be Loped that he will find eoadi-tioa of the a lient

EClattice J A J Strickland ofHague was IB the city yesterdayrise The San aa agrabe tallJadfe Strickland is one of the most

roicineat eiliseni of his section

I and HORSES We boyBiorr we more

We u i hay the BEST and tellCHEAPEST W ieh for the arrivalof oar freak ear Crawford A I vis-

L C MeCleaay of Aslor in thecity jeterd Mr MeCleaoy isjualor meaiber of the firm of the MeOleany Compinf loftKngenntrictor-wko a large COL tract at thatpeiftt

8 II Benjamin formerly of Mic-

aiiopy but no residing ia PatenonK J where he is in holiness

ia the city for a few hours y terslay Mr Beajamio was ea route toMleinopf wbtr will pond adays ith family who are still

Krv J Martin of Doom uuf ofthe tfflsient tnembrr c f the schoolboar hi announcement In thustaut of The Sun for reel Hon MrMania his been a faithful represent-ative of the interest of the countyBad will BO doubt returned to theodee by a unanimous lie ham

say friends throughout the countywho will be glad to learn that be well

gala the rueMr aid Mrs Parker of Oaineirille-

fonaefly residents of city tp at-

0ftt rdcyaad Sunday in Oeala withMrs Parkers sister Mrs J A Pittsaa Mrs Parker who is familiarlykaowa here as Mrs Ankle GreenParker has a very flee mania class ia-

tka Calversity City and is doingsplendidly She is in better healthand look yoaager than she did tenyears ago tad Mr Parker was alsolooking aaufaally well It wa a

regret that their viilt in Oealawas ijeaessarily such a brief one


WIt Is


Jef ere

Jr I





tIn ban

I all

ri I




I i








a tater





firAN Hq Happer rapt liGsg

luir-k W Tlsa Sure




wMa ee4 as

f N1-o alga d Limas was

M sellwas

aagratdam was

airy yesterday

wee pM


owe ekeq

i thex



tb oilyhens





s thethe








lie few

r a















p iari

from Aiur 4yJ M Ski uf Br

in ih city ji rO jWiiidm Fjtc-

icticc b r tlIf r 5 j nrl y

C W ViLt f A Hh a n itcity t rtcrdat and a de Th 5ou anagr cil-

Cspfai B W Foaian cfat tvsnac icK in ttriar

jr t y

Jobs BTle of Arrrtordo aaaaosg those who paid Gar rt a

i visit yesterdayJames Hopkiasoo asuc truck

jer of th M canopy cucc wasin he city je t rdaj

Mrs C E DvLacd is rdire a fewdays in WiJ icon where is ruiticgbet daughter Mrs Japer Willis

Mrs Sarah Freelacd ad dacghtsrof Terra Alta W Va have returc dto their home after ipcdrg a fewweeks

Mr and Mrs Van Allen areover tt arrival of a Ore boy at theirborne fri sds heartiesteongratuUtioiis

James F Daren who has ten mclojed t re as a foundrymL fur th

few ha xob to Waldowhere he h accented a poUiot inthe shops cf the Seaboard Air LR

J A Hall end Arnold Eofle whohare for the put fewmonths have to rhir homein Wooraoot Conn Thy are wellpleased with the city and it peopleand ipct to rrtorn next itasoa

trnite in the of the-E racoa Lutrb r Company have madetheir fln I rp irt thowina a balance onhurd of I SISM for diriion amuo-gt err itor and ni tint will rted at the office of Attorney W HPalmer fur that furp if on April 9h

H n T Oe nut ar 1 dn ishter Mi who titKanaptha f r O p t fw jar Laveremortrd to ci y when well bpleasing info nutiin to their numrrr u frienJ hire pls nntlylocated in the i fli iu FastG in trle

Mr and Mr M J WrJ and d icK-

trr Mi Ethel who l tn l rfnr r t few Wfk made their drpmrtur for hun Tnnr d y It undcr d that Mr Ward taut puread riiratl hom In E t Gtin ct2eand will come here to r i1e n iKn

can wind up hi hffiiri in th NorthThe family will be rl idly welcomed-

C Y Crawford of the firm of Craw

flt C l

it ir ja trsa


Ii lirerrsrda




pat mon t



Ellen have




Ire r HKh-wa rht p the eis c ter2s-

yJst of tla tatveil







wed trod






Trey are





< >


< >






< > < > <

+ +



I 3

Jef j trJy f r-

r for th pr-

cf ti nsw

a nt ot-


2uari t r rif ra nt un allc o

tracts ilher A C L or A L

r l d WifJittof bra aitjnnicC Wl Fa

B stunder istD triob lxaufeof th fact that hr Las a duller of

loioebody money which toh m three ago Mr b und r

states tbat some person on SatoTdajnight jut three weeks ago gave him

thr and requested him to pay uto another party He has forgottenwho gave hm the money or to whomit ws to be paid and would like to-

te rnlighenrd In the matterFrom Sunday t Dally Sun

Prof J H Core was in cityfrom Wad yesterday

Cook wanted foe mall familyor call at this office

James B D ll of Haga wa transacting b Jt be4 in this city yrtttrdfcy

Wade Thorns and tvr 3Ii4 Ktzit w r in the city from Monteocb-

aet rdayJ S Bnl y and OD Tim of Nw

READ THISLxiogton Trnn June 4 1WI-

TM it to certify that I hav uJthe l xa Woudcr Mali I i

for kidney trouble auc hurtbeen greatly brn rtt fd and 1 cncheerfully recommend it to publie J O CIRLTOV KiShcriff


small botti of th I XMUicovrj cures all

kidney and blidr tnabts removescores dlahete mianl emis

uou Treat ar if lame rheumat rc aii Jail irr c of the kidney and bladder in both men andwomen raulav bnJiirr in-

ch Ken If a oiJ Jj 70 ir lirucpitwill nt Of rn i in r IHT of 1

and M tn t i pr r aerne Dr hrr V Hi of trhn-

facturr 1 r j N t I Tit M

n 5 for t n o bj J WMeColiira

I t DUI t

1 to

uoar1 of uEH to t I

Crab att Jd u-

ftJrh 6 in the hat00 ste tLa lit t wli


ei i m r

rtraratj 1

pro tS










Hari h

titmj I I

m lt


wLrr ratrf iurchssnra fireltRrrh Mr d i rrerdtdOne a ate

d Se it ac-

a h2 rr 1e-


errn ar tt f sere

s te neo r aed ettaca eaboaj std tauit teaspromiiy mt prlcea



1 dot ar







der Halls Great



fUnr totlr tr turth trtat


ti tire e



> >








> >







econtj capital i trdiyThat CHAW


J M C x Jf Al sk P nnt nd

trading ID thv cj yeS iy

j o Brkhiia of Windsor iu j

the cJj with h-

lfrirdCsFtrn W D UclctiJion

C Kan and Jo Arch

re in the Calf jr terUj and

T Gsuin of atlas at The-

ir otEc y and hid hu name

urllrdopjnthe ub cription book-

J W Eogli h of Taoma and F II

C tact of Clyatt Stion on the

Ganwiil mod Gulf trading in

y teriay I

G T Krnnard representing themachine hi returaed-

fwrn a nec Mful buii e s trip to

in the West End

P A J C Harrfi of

Hague and Hagu Hthcklaal of Parse

di formed trio of well known viitor to GaiBWvill yesterday

Ho ert Barton on of th u f fu-

ltruckenof Rocky Point eras in

city yesterday and mid the publisherof glad by the renewal of his

P r rGeorge B ck George Gleuon-

tnJ MO of Kjcky Point atdHff of Erin toa wr among thwho came to triin irule on bj m i-

j trJayMr and Mr Grieves of F r

are niw located at springPark farm the former acI-

KJO kt perMr tad Mr J M HJ of NK

w r anionr the rirtur toI iainePTill rlsy Mr Holt

at Trr sun oHe ami renewed luf

Mr J E Tiira ir f Mevioiin city Suturlny accompanied by

hrrffesd Mr L M Trrma i At

ante Ga and railed at The S n uf

Mr and Watrn Ooaff rnld niJdniehter Mtoiii of

iflsn If W Va have loi tl eir horn iftrr er j iy b Viit furthe winter Iere

W B HuJon CronI I E

lr A M C i rn aid I M T m-

kie wrest j tdAy to Mirn whereth y n ied the Maonic Jflue J t-

niclit in ne work

J L MiininR returned hornto LftkeUnd after a brief ri t here

I H wa aecomao d by hi mother

Uintaeltn bps nut in



of of

yesterday dinI


mj The an urtCabe


gor lUriD




Harryna din

II I erooraphr and







berry werethe


PI tti term Jot n CktetUl wasi



ton eph

rrSon call-

A called

Jret l4t


the eity

Parrish and






where hatceped poCiti a

t till-ed



fine bps r4Mrs eon



< >







B wUfy Hour





Cofl aetr t-

1l D N v L Aiau r1 C r

giuraac an moony

ruriJ if it fails to rrnovfmflot tn tUljwtua i cclla-decohratiotu didigurinj cntatats etc ia twenty days Laves thwin clear soft ba by and rcUor tfatty of youth Endorsed by thouunit

Price 50 cents and 1J at all l iitadrug stores or by mail Prepared by

National Toilet Co ParisIB Alfte fIllr ky J K Bed ford

At eBi aay W B Jeka ea and JW MrCallaai A oBipaay-

MM P A Mmurutjtf who expect towith for a few week

Warranty and mortgage blankfor at thi oft the form u ed iaAlsLhua county which money inrecording I1 per hundred ur 5C perdozen by man CiK murt accompanyorder dnwtf-

Dr JM and da thter littl Mi Cljile to tie ot fromWal t y irdiji Ir Horuk returnfd ia the sfteriiiKHi t t th c rlwill rtrnaii for n tri f v rr i ruiiO i I Morri

M Jul a MeCr Ji of M c sythe rlKctit teaoher fT the ja t

of Pine Ctta n ir Hr i e-

fi d ttrnuph the city j tr y en-

riotH ni Tr f i c Ffi-

Trie fjrriture fr the F rt NationalH ns hi arr v J un t win tie a

ii ut once wii n t wll-0upy II form r hum Tht tu lag

ta i ii nrt rrwi i inn rivetl RaJ wi i jax f

r 1 ii t irol rntdnkirc t l tn II o tar


r IOLA isIda



remain stn


C Wh

hit itt I



rt t p t


I J d-

ill I lit

to j t

liverbaek head

the iw

her rBred t

sale i


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o Wednesday and Thursday March 28th and 29thWill occur our Special Showing of Fasliioimblo Millinery depicting the correct

styles for Spring and Summer wearEvery creation on exhibit delineates an individual style characteristic of the very

highest expression of the Milliners ArtModes from the best known American designers as well as creations from

our own york room which you will fur theirWe Most Cordially Invite You







exclusive eleganceI






aists and



tst added in connection with our Millisery Iepartrrent an entire new lint Isdi1R-eadytoWear Garments It s our intentionto make thi one of the most ap toditt depart-ments m Florida At present we are showing a

great line of

Wash Waists 59cto 348Silk Waists 298 to 1000

Wash Skirts 98c to 1000Wool Skirts 398 to 1500





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hite Goods and Wash Goods

We ftel fae in saying we I ave O airiestand bn aborted nwk cf Whit tod andVah tVer brought to fain We

call fpecial uttenioti tu ourX

Persian Lawns India BatisteFrench Lawns Silk Organdies

Chiffon Batistes Handkerchief Plaids Etc





Laces and



A ei l uf rW acre Emt rujerir ea aee i the NTehie in these



J inr Collars HandkerchiefK

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