Coffee, fairtrade and rwanda

& global awareness syndicate coffee, fairtrade rwanda



Transcript of Coffee, fairtrade and rwanda


global awareness syndicate

coffee, fairtrade


I strongly recommend

Maraba Bourbon

Rwandan Coffee. I buy it myself. It

is beautiful – very high quality

coffee – and the price paid gives a

better return to coffee growers in

Rwanda, one of the poorest

countries in the world.

This is Fairtrade. You get beautiful

coffee and people in Rwanda

get a better life.

Best wishes,

Clare Short

coffee, fairtrade & rwanda

Written by Jonathan Penson, Sara Edström and Annie Chamberland.

Translation by Annie Chamberland (French) and Ndikubwimana Jean-Baptiste (Kinyarwanda).

Kinyarwanda typed by Anne Savage.

Printing liaison by Sally Donaldson.

Photography by Jonathan Penson, Jeremy Torz, Sara Edström, Annie Chamberland and Julia di Mambro.

Everyone depicted in this booklet gave their permission to be photographed.

Design and Layout by Jonathan Penson.

© Global Awareness Syndicate 2004.

Foreword by

Rt Hon

Clare Short, MP


WHETHER YOU’RE SIPPING A LATTE in an Italian piazza, having a cappuccino in a

break from shopping, or just relaxing with

a coffee at home, you’re consuming the end

product in a chain which touches countless

lives, and which may lead back to some of the world’s poorest

people. This book introduces just a few of those people, the workers

at the Abahuzamugambi Co-operative in the tiny central African

country of Rwanda. Rwanda may be better known for the genocide

which devastated it in 1994, but it is also famous for its coffee,

which accounts for up to three quarters of its exports. For years the

production of coffee kept its growers in the vice-like grip of poverty.

Now, the workers at the Co-operative are finding a way out.

‘Coffee, Fairtrade and Rwanda’ explains how the world coffee system works and

how Fairtrade fits in. It looks at how coffee is produced, and even tells you how to

make the perfect iced coffee. You also meet a few of the people whose lives have

been radically improved as a result of Fairtrade. Written by volunteers working in

Rwanda with Voluntary Service Overseas, it is aimed to be a complete resource

for self-briefing for those interested in global education. We hope it will enable you

to feel confident to run classroom activities or give presentations, including the

ready-prepared PowerPoint which accompanies this booklet -

we’ve also included some ideas for activities at the end – or

just encouraged to promote fairer trade for

the world’s poor. And to enjoy your coffee,

fairly traded of course!

Bon appétit,

The GAS team

coffee, fairtrade & rwanda

4 Abahuzamugambi – A Fairtrade Co-operative

8 How Coffee is Produced

12 The Growers

14 Coffee – the African Drink

16 The World Coffee Market

21 The Roasters

24 Activities

29 Websites Contents





conditions for growing quality coffee: excellent rain; the right

altitude for Arabica beans – between 1,700 and 2,000 m; and its

cool climate encourages the much sought-after denser beans, as

they mature more slowly on the bush. Why then did Rwandan

coffee find itself being penalised on the world coffee markets by

15c/lb because the coffee it produced was considered to be below C


The reasons for this poor quality were manifold. Firstly,

everything was done on a small scale, at homes where farmers

kept a few cash-crop trees to bolster their subsistence livelihoods.

There, conditions were far from perfect for optimum handling of

the beans. There might be little or no clean water to wash the

beans; there might not be a clean and dry place to process and

store them; fermentation of the

beans was not controlled; and

the simple economic need to

make the land used for coffee

growing as productive as

possible meant that damaged

beans might not be weeded out.

Coffee growing is very labour

intensive, and growers, who also

grow their own food, have many

other demands on their time.

Most importantly, taking care

was not rewarded: everyone got the same price from the buyers,

who bought by weight not quality, so there was no incentive to

produce good quality beans.

The second reason was the

system used to market the coffee.

Coffee buyers in the capital, Kigali,

would loan trucks to minor buyers,

who would come to the countryside

to buy prepared beans from

growers at 25c/kg. These small

buyers would then sell the beans

onto the big buyers in Kigali for

30c/kg. The buyers in Kigali would

then grade the beans, de-hull them,

and sell them to the huge

international buyers for 75 – 90c/kg.

So the growers, who had put the

most time and labour in, got least

reward; as you go ‘up’ the ladder

the profit margin grows. The system

works against producing good

quality as there is no incentive

anywhere along the line to produce

better coffee. Being small-scale

producers, the growers had no

power to negotiate higher prices.

Processing, which requires access to

capital to purchase the required

machinery, offers far greater

rewards, but can only be

undertaken by those with money.

This illustrates the ‘value-

addedness’ approach to trading,

where manufacturing gives greater

profits than labour – or, to put it

more bluntly, it takes money to

make money. It is the same with

almost all products: commodities,

abahuzamugambi – a fairtrade co-operative

Collecting from the village

The misty

blue hills of



which tend to be produced by poor

countries, are considered to be less

valuable than manufactured goods,

which tend to be produced by rich

countries. ‚Coffee,‛ it says on a

Rwandan coffee packet, ‚is the main

resource of the country.‛ And the

picture it uses to illustrate its

packaging is testament to just how

vital coffee is to this nation. 500,000

of its 8m population are growers.

The question facing Rwanda was

how it could capitalise on the global

boom in quality coffee. All over the

world, stylish café-bars were

opening; from Kathmandu to

Bangkok, from London to Sydney,

people were ordering lattes and

cappuccinos, doing business and

relaxing over coffee. But coffee

production in Rwanda was no

longer worthwhile. The collapse of

the price of coffee had devastated

farmers. For many, it was no longer

justifiable to use valuable land to

produce coffee when it was needed

to produce food for the family.

Farmers were tearing up their plants

– and their investment in coffee.

Maraba has the reputation of

being one of the poorest districts in

Rwanda, a country where the

average income is around US $220 a

year. Many households are headed

by children, orphaned by AIDS or

the genocide in 1994, or by widows.

However, some farmers had not

abandoned their coffee fields, but

were continuing to look after

their plants: weeding, pruning

and mulching them attentively.

The fragrant white snow of

coffee flowers still dusted the

landscape in August. These

farmers decided to work

together, and so the

Abahuzamugambi Co-operative

was born. It is this Co-op which

produces Maraba Coffee.

‘Abahuzamugambi’ means,

‘together we work for the

common goal.’ Half its members

are women, and half of these

widows. Some of them were also members of AVEGA, an

association of widows, and this brought the interest of Comic

Relief. Other organisations began to get involved, in particular

Project Pearl, a Non-Governmental Organisation working in

agricultural development in the south of Rwanda. Working in

conjunction with Pearl, the Co-operative decided that the best

chance of circumventing the low price of coffee was to enter the

specialist, connoisseur market. This had bucked the trend in recent

years, maintaining a steadier,

higher price.

Rwanda had good base

conditions for entry into the

speciality market as it already

grew the recognised ‘heirloom’

varieties of coffee (e.g. Bourbon)

appreciated by connoisseurs.

Coffee production is the most

complex agricultural process,

more involved even than wine.

But it needs to be treated

correctly, says Pearl’s Tim

Schilling. ‚There was a need to

acquire the best quality cherries

so it was decided that farmers had to have at least 200 trees, to

show they were serious and to make the Co-operative efficient. 110

of the 250 original members did not produce cherries of adequate

quality.‛ So a certification system was implemented, which

awarded status to 400 good farmers in 2001. ‚Now there are 1,500

members of the Co-operative. Pearl has been working on quality

improvement for the last two years.‛


coffee packet

lays bare the


of coffee to



The creamy

bloom of coffee

All checking

is done

by hand


Project Pearl’s

Tim Schilling

The Co-operative was helped

initially with $80,000 in grant aid

from various sources. Local

commitment came in the form of

materials and labour. Pearl is

gradually pulling away from the

project, to allow it to become self-

sufficient. Abahuzamugambi made

a profit of $30,000 in 2002, $20,000 of

which was re-invested in the Co-op

and $10,000 shared among its members. The community has to be

strong financially in order to resist pressure from powerful

interests in the local economic/political scene. Whilst the first year

of the enterprise presented many difficulties, there have been no

major problems in the last year. ‚We envisage being able to move

away completely this year,‛ says Tim. The project has been visited

by Rwandan President Paul Kagame twice, the BBC, CNN, ABC,

just about every minister, and many other agencies. But to many

its greatest distinction came when it became the first Rwandan

coffee co-op to be awarded Fairtrade status.

Research has been undertaken into what has been done with

the extra income generated by the success of the Co-operative.

First on the list is putting the children into school. In Rwanda, only

6% of children can attend secondary school, and Fairtrade gives

the children of the Maraba growers a vital chance to be educated.

Next was health, particularly buying into the government’s health

insurance scheme, which helps with the cost of healthcare. In a

country where life expectancy is less than 40 years, good

healthcare is important. After health came home improvements:

many houses have been improved as a result of the scheme,

providing safer, more comfortable, but still basic accommodation.

Only after these necessities were provided for were the still

important extras bought, typically fabric for the women and beer

for the men. There are also programmes to educate the workers

about AIDS, poverty reduction and gender issues. A canteen has

been built at the washing station to provide cheap food for the


The social impact in the community has been huge. The Co-

operative guarantees the growers that their children’s school fees,

books and uniforms will be paid by providing loans. It provides a

security service which protects its growers’ coffee from theft.

Before the Co-operative started,

there was no local bank, and

villagers had to make the difficult

and expensive journey to Butare, the

nearest city, if they wanted a bank

account. Now, the Co-operative has

organised its own bank branch,

which all the villagers can use. It

opened in March 2003. About 200-

500 financial transactions are

undertaken each day from funds

kept in Kigali. Although some

coffee growers still do not have

accounts, they have shown

themselves to be very well

organised, and those who do have

accounts help out those who don’t.

As well as a valuable service, the

new bank has brought more

employment opportunities to


A company in Butare has started

a business roasting the Co-

operative’s coffee for the domestic

market. It buys the beans for

$1.50/kg, roasts and grinds them in

the owner’s garage, to keep the

quality as high as possible, then

sells them for $3/kg. Current clients

include the Ibis and Faucon Hotels

in Butare, and Chez Lando and

This mural decorates

a wall at Maraba

Habimana François

pays a visit to the

new bank at Maraba


Planet in Kigali. People in the hotels

are trained how to prepare the

coffee properly.

Pearl has the task of increasing

rural incomes, and began working

with four other coffee projects last

year. These are awaiting inspection

visits for Fairtrade status. Pearl

hopes to have another 10 projects

this year. In 2002, Maraba was the

only coffee cooperative in Rwanda

working in this way; by 2003 there

were twelve (but Maraba is still the

only one with Fairtrade status). The

next projects for Pearl are birds-eye

chilli peppers, for the foreign

market (e.g. for Tabasco); essential

oils from geraniums; and cassava

flour for the growing overseas

African market.

There has been some resistance to marketing Maraba as an

individual brand, as Western coffee buyers remain wary of

investing money in building a brand image when quality is not

certain from year to year – an outdated prejudice. Hence, in the

US, there is no Maraba ‘label’. It is this same prejudice which helps

deter Africans from processing coffee before exporting it, as there

remains a perception that they lack the necessary equipment and

expertise – an unjust notion.

However, Union Coffee Roasters, a respected UK company,

was keen to market Maraba as an identifiable brand. Part of the

reason for this was the leverage of the ‘story’ behind the beans,

which, in a highly-competitive environment, is seen as being

marketable. But the principle reasons for their interest are the

benefit their business brings to the people of Maraba – and of

course the exquisite quality of their coffee. Steven Macatonia and

Jeremy Torz from Union Coffee Roasters are viewed as

ambassadors for the coffee, as their opinion is respected and they

have a commitment to ethical trading. Maraba is now seen as a

world-class coffee.

Rwanda Roasters’

Maraba Coffee on sale in

a supermarket in Kigali

The Ibis Hotel in Butare is

just one of the places Maraba

coffee can be enjoyed

Medium roast beans



the Abahuzamugambi Co-operative’s coffee washing station. For

most of the year, the station is quiet. But, when the cherries on the

coffee trees begin to blaze red in the rainy season, it erupts in

activity. This is the story of how those bright, scarlet cherries are

transformed into the coffee in your cup.

When they are ripe, the coffee cherries are hand-picked. But

only those cherries which are the perfect colour can be picked. This

means the bushes need to be tended every day, making the picking

very labour-intensive. Training in the hills about the importance of

the picking time had only limited success, so a quality-control

system was set up at the station.

The cherries are brought to the washing station, carried on the

head in baskets made from woven banana leaves. The station may

be several hours’ walk away. At the

station, only the best cherries are

chosen. Below, the selection

manager, Ahishakiye Olive, right,

and the Co-op President, Manyoni

Oswald, centre, hand-check the

quality of cherries just brought in by

a coffee grower. (Although only the

red cherries are bought by the Co-

op, the others are still saleable

through the old system of buyers.)

Producers wait expectantly while

their cherries are checked. 10c/kg is

paid for the selected cherries: up to

three times the price available

elsewhere. Five kilos of red cherries

give about one kilo of parchment

coffee, which can be sold for 25c/kg.

A second washing station is being

built at the moment. Now there are

over a million coffee plants in

Maraba district, and the first station

cannot cope with the cherries from

even half of these.

The selected cherries are

weighed and their value recorded.

No cash is given at the site, but

payments are allocated to

producers’ accounts every two


Underneath the red skin of a ripe

coffee cherry is a slimy coating to

the seed beneath. This coating has a

how coffee is produced

The Maraba watershed

Not all the coffee cherries

ripen at the same time


washing station

Hand-checking the

quality of cherries


Kabiligi Alexis weighs the cherries

The pulp-removing machines

The coffee flume

Washing the beans

Laying out the beans in the shade

lot of sugar. If this sugar is kept, the flavour is impaired. There are

natural bacteria on the skin of the cherry which, as soon as it is

picked, ferment (i.e. eat the sugar). This means the cherries must

be cleaned as soon as possible, and processed within 12 hours. The

cherries are kept under water. They should sink, and any which

float (due to bugs, genetic imperfections etc) are removed and

processed separately. The cherries, with the water, are channelled

into machines which slough off the skins. There are two manual

devices and one recently-acquired, second-hand machine, which

came from Nairobi. This can process a tonne of cherries an hour.

The densest cherries (the A grade) are the best. First, the

heaviest ones pass through slots as they leave the machine, then

the others are sent down a 1% graduated channel with the water.

The lightest travel the furthest. Dams are used to pull out cherries

in each section. The gracefully curving chute, painted sky-bright-

blue, gives the station the air of an aquatic theme park. With the

pulp off, the beans have a slimy texture. The B grade beans are

separated off in this ingenious way and are processed separately.

The beans are kept in tanks while fermentation removes the

sugar. This takes 15-20 hours. Then they are washed five times in

clean spring water. They are ready when they squeak (‚like a little

tree frog‛) when rubbed in the hand, and when the run-off water

is clean. The beans are then re-graded. The grading system works

according to the buyers’ needs, but is based on the size of the bean.

The A grade beans will be kept in water for a further 24 hours, to

give them a well-deserved rest.

Then the process of drying begins. In order not to shock the

beans, the drying begins with four to six hours in the shade. The

beans are turned by hand and more removal of poor-quality beans

takes place. You need a keen eye, an alert mind and a quick hand

to spot the bad beans. Now the beans have the appearance of

parchment coffee, with the papery pale beige hulls visible. At the

end of this stage, the beans are still 40% water. At times, the station

is extremely busy, with 10,000 to 12,000 kg of coffee being

processed. In this season, the end of the rainy season, everyone

must work through the night. 80-100 people are seasonally

employed by the station. At peak times, 200 extra people, mostly

women, are employed in this checking stage.

The beans are then dried in the sun for 10-14 days, to reduce the

water content to 12%. They are constantly turned by hand and re-

checked by women wearing brightly coloured pagnes. They earn $1

a day, almost twice the national average. It’s hot work, out there in

the sun, but the women chat easily to the sound of parchment

coffee swooshing over nylon nets and the atmosphere is sociable.


The beans are kept on nets so that at night and if rain comes, the

women can dash out and quickly gather them up to protect them

under plastic sheeting.

For the next stage, the coffee beans are relocated to the Co-op’s

nearby office/workshop. Here, the parchment skins are removed

by a modern machine, bought in London for over $13,000,

representing a huge investment for the growing company. Because

it can process two tonnes an hour, it has proved crucial in enabling

them to meet the growing demand for their coffee. As the machine

is switched on, a deep clattering shatters the air, the floor shakes,

and the rumbling machine, fed from a bucket, hungrily ingests the

beans, only to spit them out a few moments later, minus their


A second machine removes any

final shell pieces and any bad beans,

whilst simultaneously shaking the

beans across screens, dividing them

into two sizes. And out they come,

the raw beans, looking like dully

polished shards of the ocean. The

bigger beans – the most prized – are

exported. The smaller beans are

usually sold within Rwanda.

A parchment horizon of sun-dried coffee

The hungry de-huller is fed by

Muramutsa Canisius

Nziranziza Védaste operates

the grading machine


This is not yet the end of the

quality control process. A final

hand-sorting is carried out by

experts among the women. The Co-

op is the first organisation to bring

this employment to the rural areas

of Rwanda. In 2002, 87 women were

employed: this almost doubled in

2003 to 166.

Now the coffee beans, packaged

in large cloth bags, are ready to go

to the roasters. It’s now known as

green coffee, after the nearly

translucent sea-green colour of the

raw bean. Most of the coffee is

exported to the UK and the US, but

some goes to a small roasting

company in Butare. Here, the coffee

is roasted at 200oc for 25 minutes,

during which time the coffee must

be constantly moving. Then it is

ready to be ground, packaged, and

sent out to the shops.

The Maraba coffee began to be

sold in 350 Sainsbury’s stores in

March 2003. It sold out quickly. As

consumers become more aware of

the effects of their purchasing

decisions, Fairtrade’s proportion of

the market is rapidly increasing:

14% of the coffee bought in the UK

is now Fairtrade. It’s also popular in

Rwanda (right): two VSO volunteers

enjoy a cup of Maraba Bourbon in a

café in Butare. Being pure Arabica,

it has half the caffeine of a Robusta-

based coffee; its distinctiveness is

shown by its bright, sweet, clean,

complex flavour (due in part to the

altitude), with positive acidity. And

it can be enjoyed safe in the

knowledge that the money used to

buy it made an essential

contribution to improving the lives

of some of Rwanda’s people.

A final hand-check by

Nyiramana Séraphine

VSO volunteers Sally

Donaldson (left) and Sara

Edström enjoy a cup of

Maraba at a café in Butare

Sacks of coffee

awaiting export



VIANNEY, 43, was one of the

first members of the Co-op,

and is now the second-biggest

producer. Married with seven

children, he used to get about

$50 a year for his coffee. By

2002 he was making

quadruple this from the sale

of his coffee and another $75

from the Co-op’s profit-

sharing scheme.

‚With that money, I’ve

been able to build a house, re-

habilitate my plantation and

purchase a plot of land near

the road where I want to sell

agricultural produce.‛ This

will enable him to

provide a secure livelihood

for his family, including

sending all his children to

secondary school. In addition

to the extra money the Co-op

has brought him, he also finds

he now has extra time for

other enterprises.

How does he enjoy the

fruit of his labours? ‚Sadly, I

don’t have the opportunity to

taste the coffee as I don’t have

access to the equipment

needed to make it.‛ But the

Co-op is planning to get that

so that the growers will

finally be able to discover

how the coffee over which

they take such care tastes.


here proudly showing the

President of Rwanda’s

signature in the Cooperative’s

visitors’ book, has been the

Executive Secretary of the Co-

op since 2001. An energetic

and enthusiastic 40 year-old,

and a coffee grower himself,

he was born in Maraba. He

was one of the founding Co-

op members in 1999. He used

to sell his beans at the local

market. Even with 2,000

plants, his annual income

from coffee used to be less

than $100. The success of the

Co-op has encouraged him to

plant another 600 trees, and

now his total income from

coffee has almost tripled,

enabling him to buy clothes

for his wife and 13 year old

son and to rehabilitate their


‚I have been able to

purchase three cows and to

diversify my crops to include

bananas and sorghum, and,

with my credit at the bank

increased almost twenty-fold,

to invest in the Co-op’s

canteen.‛ To what does he

attribute his increased

standard of living? ‚The Co-

operative.‛ And, with the

elections for the Co-op

President coming up in the

near future, he would like to

stand for the presidency.


the growers

Executive Secretary

Habimana François

Grower Rusangamwa

Jean-Marie Vianney

Growers and employees

Wera Gema and

Mukakarega Vénérande



two of many women who not

only cultivate coffee, but who

also have a job with the Co-

operative. They have

observed numerous changes

in their lifestyle since they

became members of the Co-op

in 1999.

Gema, 52, works at the

washing station, where she is

responsible for the drying

stage. She also does some

hand-sorting at the hulling


‚I was able to pay the

school fees for my eight

children, rehabilitate my

plantation, and buy a cow and

a goat. I even hired some help

to work in my plantation. I

have bought clothes for my

whole family, such as the

pagne I am wearing today.

And now, I drink coffee!‛

Vénérande is 46 years old

and lives alone with her four

children, since her husband

left her in 1994 for exile. She

hand-sorts the beans at the

washing and hulling stations.

‚I have bought five cows, a

pig, and four goats. No need

to say that I eat a lot better! I

have also helped one of my

sons to build his house, and

have provided another one

with secondary education.

And now, I also drink coffee!‛

WITH 67 YEARS and seven

children to his name,

Manyoni Oswald, the

President of the Co-operative,

is well placed to observe the

changes in Rwanda, and

knows a thing or two about

coffee to boot!

His career in the coffee

industry began in 1957, and

by 1990 he was an expert at

OCIR, (l’Office des Cultures

Industrielles Rwandaises) the

national coffee board. He

keeps a watchful but good-

natured eye on the Co-op.

‚Coffee growing has

changed tremendously,‛ he

says. ‚With the Co-op, the

money comes directly to the

people. This brings its own

responsibility and freedom: to

use the money wisely, such as

educating the children; to

manage the business

effectively, to benefit as many

as possible; and to be worthy

of the trust placed in us by the

community. People have seen

that taking pride in their

work, and focussing on

quality, brings a reward

demonstrated in very simple

terms: education, health and



Co-op President

Manyoni Oswald

FOR THE PERFECT CUP, first of all choose your coffee carefully.

Medium roast coffee beans have been slowly roasted to a nutty

chocolate brown colour. The flavour is usually characterised by a

bright acidity, and is a good daytime drink. Dark roast beans have

been roasted for a little longer; the flavour is more complex: fuller,

rounder, with more body and perhaps a hint of smoke. It makes an

excellent after dinner drink or espresso. Arabica beans are generally

considered superior to Robusta; being more vulnerable to frost and

disease, they are also more expensive. Most Robusta ends up in

instant coffee, or even used to supply the caffeine for cola

beverages. Arabica, with its delicate flavour, suits a lighter roast,

while Robusta benefits more from a longer roast.

Next, storage is important. Keep your coffee in the fridge, or at

least in a cool, dry place. Keep it well sealed and away from strong

flavours or aromas. Buy little and often, so that the coffee you use

is as fresh as possible.

To make the perfect cup of coffee, it’s best to grind the beans

each time you brew it. An espresso maker needs a finer grind; use

a coarser grind for a cafétière; a filter or percolator is in-between. A

too-fine grind will lead to over-extraction, and a bitter flavour to

the coffee; too coarse to flat-tasting coffee. Use fresh, clean, cold

water. Allow 7g of coffee per

person. If you don’t use enough

coffee, you will get over-

extraction. Don’t boil the coffee –

it impairs the flavour – and don’t

re-heat it. For a cafétière, pour

hot water onto the grounds and

leave for four minutes. For a

cappuccino effect, you can fluff

milk in a cafétière: put an inch of

hot milk in it and vigorously

push the plunger up and down.

For a voluptuous hot-day

treat, heat one cup of milk per

person, having first added one

teaspoon of brown sugar per

person, one teaspoon of cocoa

powder, and one teaspoon of instant

custard powder. When it is just

boiling, add ground coffee. Leave

for four minutes, then filter the

grounds from the coffee. Leave to

cool, then put in the fridge.

Meanwhile, make some strong,

black coffee, leave to cool, and then

put into ice-cube moulds, and put

into the freezer. Now the difficult

bit: wait. When the cubes are frozen,

put them into the cold coffee. Whisk

for a delicious ice-coffee shake.

It’s popular in the West these

days to add a flavour to your coffee.

Whilst that may appal purists, the

people on the African island of

Zanzibar have been doing it for

centuries. Add a little cinnamon,

cardamom, star anise, ginger and a

hint of clove to your coffee as it

brews for a dash of spice.

The source of your coffee is

important too. Coffee originated in

Ethiopia, and was first cultivated

commercially there in the 15th

Century. The story goes that a

young goat herd named Kaldi

noticed that his goats got a little

coffee – the african drink


friskier after eating the berries from

a certain tree. He tentatively tried a

berry himself, and all his tiredness

evaporated. He told his holy man,

who experimented by brewing the

berries in water. The monk found to

his delight that he could pray all

night. Legend has it that an Arab

prince called Mohammed named

the new drink qahwah, which means

invigorating and stimulating in

Arabic, although it is also claimed

that the word has Amharic origins.

The word in Rwanda is ikawa.

The drink spread to Arabia and

beyond as Suleiman the Magnificent

conquered lands up to the

Mediterranean. The Ottomans

found the drink to their liking too,

and soon coffee houses in Vienna

were sprouting up. Café culture had

finally arrived in Europe. In the 17th Century, the coffee houses of

London and Paris were the places to be seen for intellectuals and

artists alike. Meanwhile, large-scale commercial plantations had

been begun in Yemen. In Uganda the beans, roasted in their hulls,

had acquired a reputation as an

aphrodisiac when chewed, and

had assumed ritualistic

importance. Dipped in blood

from a small cut in the navel,

they became symbols of blood-

brotherhood between friends.

Wrapped in banana-leaf sachets

(left), these beans are still sold

on the streets of Kampala today,

reminding us that coffee is to

Africa what chocolate is to South


Nowadays, coffee is produced all over the tropical world, and

each region has its own distinction. But the most important factors

in choosing coffee are these: it should be what you like, and it

should have been fairly traded.

Ezra Luggya, (left), a coffee

farmer seeking Fairtrade

accreditation, and Michael

Kijjambu, technical manager

of the 1000 Cups Café in

Kampala, discuss business

over cappuccino

Green (top left),

parchment (right)

and roasted beans


Karen Blixen,

’Out of Africa’, 1937.







1997 2003

“At the same time coffee

prices fell: where we had got a

hundred pounds a ton we now

got sixty or seventy. Times

grew hard on the farm. We

could not pay our debts, and

we had no money for the

running of the plantation. My

people at home, who had

shares in the farm, wrote out

to me and told me that I

would have to sell.”

KAREN BLIXEN had the luxury of being able to return to her home

in Denmark when her coffee farm in Kenya failed financially.

Coffee farmers today have no such option, yet remain just as

vulnerable to the world coffee market.

Coffee is the second most widely traded commodity in the

world. It is also one of the few products that cannot be produced in

the Western world. Around 25 million households depend on

growing coffee beans for their livelihoods, and many of them live

in extreme poverty. Coffee is often grown in remote regions where

little else can be done to earn a living.

The world coffee market is dominated by four large companies:

Kraft General Foods, Sara Lee, Procter & Gamble and Nestlé.

These companies own many of the household-name brands which

appear on supermarket shelves. Philip Morris, which owns Kraft,

and Nestlé alone have more than half the world market in

processed coffee. Coffee sells on the world market for about 55

cents a kilo, but a bag of coffee for use in a café costs around 16

times that price, so their profits are high: Nestlé – the world’s

largest food company, whose annual net profits are almost

quadruple the entire yearly income of the country of Rwanda – has

made an estimated 26% profit margin from instant coffee. Sara

Lee’s coffee profits are estimated to be nearly 17%. These are very

high figures compared to other food and drink brands.

Most of the coffee traded in the world is grown by small

producers from developing countries. Between 2000 and 2003 the

price of coffee fell by almost 50% to a 35-year low – an all time low

in real terms – and many farmers now sell their coffee beans for

much less than it costs to produce them. This means that many

communities have had to cut back

on health, education and improving

agricultural methods. Sometimes

farmers are now burning their

coffee for fuel instead of selling it,

and many farmers are leaving their

farms to move to cities in search of

work. The price of coffee in the

shops has not fallen, however.

The coffee industry is changing

from a managed market with some

government control (both nationally

and internationally) to a free market

where anyone can participate and

where the market itself sets the

coffee price – something that has

brought down the raw material

prices for the big coffee companies.

With only four major buyers in the

market, the downward pressure on

price is strong. It hasn’t always been

that way. Not only did there use to

be more coffee buyers, before the

days of large mergers and

acquisitions, but in 1962 an

International Coffee Agreement was

negotiated by the UN. The idea was

to allocate export quotas so that

the world coffee market

In May 1997, coffee traded

on the world market

fetched about $7 a kilo.

That fell to a

low of 99 cents. Price per 100 kg

coffee bag


One cup of coffee sells on average for $2.70 in a rich country.

The farmer in the poor country gets, on average, $0.023.

“In 1997, we produced about 14,500 tonnes of coffee

and got from that $45 million. Last year we produced

19,000 tonnes and got less than half that amount.”

Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda

each coffee-producing country

would be guaranteed a certain share

of the coffee market. In 1989 the

International Coffee Agreement

collapsed when the United States,

under pressure from multinational

companies, refused to renew it.

Since then there have been no

means of controlling coffee supply

and small farmers are left helpless

against falling prices. 10 years ago,

producers worldwide got 40% of the

money spent on coffee. Today, they

get 16%.

The standardised coffee blends

we buy today are sometimes mixed

from up to 20 different coffee types,

which means that the characteristics

and quality of each individual type

are of little importance. This makes

it easy for the big companies to buy

only from the lowest-cost producers

at ‘take it or leave it’ prices on the

free market to mix their blends.

From lack of transport and price

information, most of the small

coffee growers have no choice but to

accept the price offered – if one

grower is unwilling to sell at a

certain price, there is always

someone else who will.

In addition to the lack of price

control, there is also a problem of

oversupply in the world. At the

moment, 8% more coffee is being

produced than consumed. For

instance, Vietnam has recently

entered into the market and now

supplies 10% of the world’s coffee

and Brazil, already the biggest

producer, has increased its


The falling price of coffee takes

place in the context of accelerating

globalisation. Although this

promises a fair and level playing field in the market, some say the

richer countries use their economic and political power to

influence trading rules and conditions (usually set by the World

Trade Organisation or in bilateral agreements between countries).

Developing countries traditionally produce commodities

(unprocessed or raw materials) as a result of their colonial legacy:

the colonial powers were keen to

develop them as suppliers of raw

materials for their own manufacturers.

Developed countries continue to have

strong manufacturing and services

bases. These latter industries tend to

be more profitable. Because

manufacturers and service providers would prefer to face limited

competition, and because governments naturally want to protect

their national industries, obstacles are placed in the path of the

industrialisation of developing countries. These obstacles might

include high tariffs (taxes paid on goods imported into a country)

on manufactured goods from poor countries, or quotas (limits) on

goods allowed into rich country markets. On average, rich

countries charge poor countries tariffs which are four times higher

than they charge other rich countries. The tariff Canada charges

Kenya for processed coffee is 12 times

higher than that it charges for

unprocessed. These policies

discourage poor countries from

diversifying their economies and from

developing their own manufacturing

bases, keeping them reliant on a few commodities, the prices of

which are notoriously low and unstable. This reliance makes the

poor countries very vulnerable.

Poor country farmers face a further difficulty: they must

compete with rich country farmers who benefit from generous

agricultural subsidies from their governments; subsidies which

poor country governments could not hope to match, and which

anyway have been made illegal by conditions on aid set by the

World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

In Rwanda, the falling price of coffee has increased the trade

deficit (i.e. the value of Rwanda’s exports is less than its imports).

This in turn has led to depreciation of its currency, the Rwandan

franc, against the US dollar. Because Rwanda must buy its oil in

dollars, this means that transport costs have become much more

expensive. This causes inflation, and also leads to greater national

debt, as the government must borrow the shortfall. Rwanda’s debt

amounts to $1,292,000,000.

But there are initiatives on coffee that are meeting with success,

albeit a restricted one. One example is Fairtrade. This is a trading


The goals of Fairtrade are:

To improve the livelihoods and wellbeing of producers by

improving market access, strengthening the producer

organisations, paying a better price and providing continuity

in the trading relationship.

To promote development opportunities for disadvantaged

producers, especially women and indigenous people, and to

protect people from exploitation in the production process.

To help consumers exercise their purchasing power positively,

by raising their awareness of the negative effects of

international trade on producers.

To set an example of partnership in trade through

dialogue, transparency and respect.

To campaign for changes in the rules and practice

of conventional international trade.

To protect human rights by promoting social

justice, sound environmental practices and

economic security.

‚The price is very, very low,‛

says Beatrice. ‚People are not

happy. They have taken down

their coffee trees because they no

longer bring any money.‛

Despite trying to stand

together to raise the price, the co-

operative still only succeeds in

getting 18 – 21 cents a kilo for its

Robusta coffee; sometimes the

price can fall to 9 cents if they

have not been able to wash the

coffee properly. ‚Before 1994 the

price was higher. Now the price

is lowering all the time.‛

partnership that works for greater equity in international trade. It

offers better trading conditions (such as a guaranteed minimum

price) to producers in developing countries, thereby contributing

to sustainable development of their local communities.

In January 2003, the Fairtrade minimum price paid to coffee

grower’s associations and co-

operatives was $2.70 a kilo for

Arabica coffee. The agreement is

that 11 cents per kilo of the price is

to be used for social and commercial

development projects in the local

communities where the coffee is

grown. If the price on the world

coffee market exceeds the minimum

price, the Fairtrade price will always

be 11 cents per kilo more. In Italy,

one of the greatest coffee-drinking

countries, 39.2% of the retail price of

Fairtrade coffee goes to the

producer. With non-Fairtrade, the

producer gets only 3.75%.

Although Fairtrade and other

actions, like the production of

speciality coffee, have proved

successful in fighting poverty, they

only affect a few percent of the

world’s coffee producers. In order

to break the current trend of the rich

getting richer and the poor getting

poorer, a more systematic solution

is needed to make the coffee market

work for all.

not only tends the bushes, but

also skins, washes and dries the

beans, an exacting process.

But the health of the trees and

abundance of the cherries is

misleading. Battling against the

continuingly falling price of

coffee, she and nine of her

neighbours have joined forces to

form the Tuzamurane Co-

operative. ‘Tuzamurane’ means

‘let us help each other to develop’.

Together the members have

around 300 trees. They put their

crop together to be sold, and then

divide the price according to the

weight of beans that each person

contributes. Even so, they receive

very little for their beans.


Gisunzu, Kibuye Province. From

her one-room mud house on the

slopes of the Western Rift Valley

the bright blue waters of Lake

Kivu can be seen. Down in the

valley, small children fill 20 litre

bright-yellow jerry-cans of water

in the stream, and haul them up

the hill. Around her house, which

she shares with three generations

of her family, coffee bushes hang

laden with fat, glossy green

cherries. Like all the other small

coffee growers in Rwanda, she


a better deal

for Third World


Mukaruziga Beatrice with her

trees (left) and family (above)



Ntirampaga Sosthène, the biology

teacher from the local school, comes

rushing in carrying a plastic bag.

Wrapped in the bag is a charred

piece of wood. It looks like any

other piece of charcoal, the local fuel

for cooking. ‚But this,‛ he explains

breathlessly, ‚is different. This is

coffee. This is unheard of.‛

Together we

visit the Tuzamu-

rane and Abaku-

mbuye co-opera-

tives. Women old

and young strad-

dle the hillside; hoes flash in the

sunlight as they weed their coffee

plantation; a tight line of colour and

sweat and togetherness traversing

the slope. A baby is strapped to her

mother’s back as she works; older

toddlers play on a blanket under the

trees. Beatrice looks up from her

work and catches my eye and smiles

her beautiful smile. All gently greet

us. Although the work is hard the

women are in good spirits, and I feel

a pang of guilt when the

atmosphere dulls as Sosthène and I

ask about the coffee.

‚It’s true,‛ Beatrice says. ‚We are

leaving the cherries on the trees to

rot. The price is so low. We lose

money if we pick and prepare them.

What else can we do?‛

All the women are subsistence

cultivators. They grow their own

food, but need cash to send their

children to school, buy them

clothes, or get medicine when they

are ill. They have no other source of

income but the coffee. How much

does it bring them, I ask.

‚When we started, before 1994, we used to get 30,000 – 50,000

francs (then $220 – $360) a year. Since then, we have invested in a

far greater area–‚ Beatrice gestures around her at the immaculately

tended plantation ‚–but now we receive much, much less.‛ In fact,

the co-op now receives perhaps $30-50 a year.

All the women have children in primary school; Beatrice has

two in secondary school – no small achievement.

‚We work with all energy to find money. But it is hard to pay

the fees. We buy second-hand uniforms but that means we can’t

afford to buy tiles to repair our roof and the rain gets in.‛

How long is it possible to continue, I ask.

‚We are tending the plants for now, but if things don’t improve

we will have to give up. We have tried intercropping, growing

aubergines and cabbages for the local market, but we just can’t

make it pay. We don’t know what we will do.‛

I know the economics of this, that this is the market adjusting

itself: in a time of oversupply production capacity will be cut. But

that doesn’t help these people. And it doesn’t have to be this way.

Women from the Abakumbuye Co-op

The Tuzamurane Co-op with VSO volunteer

Jonathan Penson and colleague Ntirampaga Sosthène



you recognise? Chances are, the only one available on your

supermarket shelves, if you live in a developed country, is the

Nescafé instant coffee. It’s a common conception that African

countries are only capable of producing raw materials: it is said

that it needs the technology and expertise available in Western

countries to manufacture instant coffee from raw beans. Yet the

other three tins of instant coffee in the picture were all produced in

developing countries: Dormans in Kenya, Africafé in Tanzania,

and Star in Uganda. They’re widely available in East Africa: in

fact, all these tins, including the Swiss Nescafé, were bought in a

Kampala supermarket. Flavoured Rwandan roasted beans; organic

Ugandan Arabica ground coffee – all are available in East Africa.

So how come you can buy Nescafé, a European product, in Africa,

but you can’t buy African products in Europe?

Developed countries’ tariffs on imported, manufactured goods

from developing countries are part of the answer. But there are

other barriers to free and fair trade. The Star coffee company

wanted to export its roasted, ground coffee to Europe. To gain the

necessary licences from the European Union to import it into

Europe, the company was told it would have to change the way it

packaged its coffee to meet stringent European guidelines. The

equipment necessary would have cost the company its entire

earnings for seven years – and would have had to have been

imported from Europe.

Together with the extra taxes developing country companies

must pay to developed countries to get their products into the

affluent Western markets, the costs of these non-tariff barriers eat

into the profitability of the African countries’ companies. Even if

they can get into Western markets in the first place, in order to

keep their prices low enough to compete with the products from

huge Western companies, who benefit from economies of scale, the

African companies cannot afford to be generous in paying their

suppliers or workers – prolonging


In return for aid or debt relief,

poor countries must open their

markets to rich countries’ products,

in the name of free trade. So a tin of

Nescafé exported into Uganda will

not face the same level of import

duty as a tin of Star coffee exported

to Switzerland. So the rich country

government receives more tax from

a poor country company than a

poor country government does from

a rich country company. And the tin

of Nescafé, backed by huge

advertising budgets, can be sold

more cheaply, competing with local

products; often wiping them out


Why is it important that poor

countries should be able to export

instant coffee? Simply because the

profits from processed goods are

higher than those from

unprocessed. Say you go to the

market to buy some soya beans. If

beans in one shop are $1.39 a kilo,

and $1.79 a kilo in the next shop, it’s

easy to see which shop offers the

better value. The supermarkets

must therefore compete with each

other by offering low prices on

products like these. But now let’s

say that in one supermarket you see

a packet of ready-made Quorn Kiev,

complete with a prepared side

salad, which costs $4.50. In another

supermarket is a packet of sweet

and sour Quorn, complete with

prepared vegetables, at $6.50. Which

is the better value? It’s harder to

say. Because of this, the

supermarkets can more easily

charge higher prices; prices which

are higher than the cost of the extra

ingredients and processing. The

same principle – that of ‘value-

addedness’ – applies to almost

everything: manufactured goods –

the products of industry – offer

disproportionately higher returns

than commodities.


the roasters


PARTNERSHIPS between producers,

traders and consumers: trade where

everyone benefits. Steven Macatonia

of Union Coffee Roasters, the UK

importers of Maraba coffee, explains

his company’s relationship with


‚Rwanda Maraba Bourbon is a

very special coffee grown by the

most remarkable people – which we

at Union Coffee Roasters are

immensely proud to include among

our portfolio of exceptional hand

roasted Arabica single estates.

‚Our relationship with the Co-

operative is highly unusual in world

coffee today, but one that we believe

is essential to secure the long term

future of the industry. It is an

example of a mutually beneficial

partnership between roaster and

grower, focused on improving

quality and developing a viable,

sustainable mass market for the

finished produce.

‚We began working with the

Maraba growers back in 2001, when

there were 300 farmers and only a tiny smallholder association. We

had never sourced from Rwanda before – but were intrigued by a

World Bank report which examined how the country's coffee

industry could be restructured after the devastating effects of the

genocide, to ensure maximum return to its people. The report

concluded the best way to achieve this aim was to focus on the

high end, speciality market: upon further investigation we learned

of two development agencies (Pearl and USAID) that had taken

the recommendations on board, and were beginning intensive

crop education for the people of Maraba with the support of the

national coffee board.

‚This development was key.

Working with organised bodies,

we soon learnt of the new

approach by which coffee in

Maraba would be processed in

the future. Instead of growers

having to hull, wash, dry and

sell the coffee cherries to the

local mill after harvesting, they

would bring the ready-picked

fruit to representatives of the

new Co-operative where it

would be graded, sorted and

pulped through a coffee

washing station. Growers

would now be able to focus on

tending and caring for their crop

– harvesting only those cherries

that were ripe – while workers at the Co-operative would be paid

to ensure the quality was exemplary.

‚This was all fantastic news. But the real element that needed to

be introduced was a guarantee of a market, and a fair, sustainable

and long term relationship with a suitable roaster. We had been

working with the growers for some time prior to the introduction

of the washing station – through providing support and feedback

on further improvements that needed to be made to ensure the

quality would be high enough for discerning consumption in the

UK. With its introduction, our involvement increased ten-fold –

suddenly there was a real opportunity, and we established

dialogues with the Fairtrade

Labelling Organisation and

Sainsbury's. It was critical for us

to gain both parties’ support and

involvement. Fairtrade was

needed because consumers had

to recognise quickly and

Steven Macatonia

roasting Maraba

coffee at Union

Roasters in London


efficiently the broader picture

that the growers were part of –

and the immensely positive

nature of this project. A

supermarket of Sainsbury's

stature had to be on board so

that a guaranteed volume market

was open, so that as many

people as possible could share

that story. Happily,

Abahuzamugambi received

Fairtrade accredited status in

2002 – a landmark decision, as it

was the first time a roaster had

made a direct application on

behalf of a producer group – and

Sainsbury's stocked our coffee as part of the Red Nose Day 2003


‚We categorically support Fairtrade and seek to extend the

message in every area of our work today. We not only work with

certified producer co-operatives, but also single family farms that –

despite caring for their workers and environment – are unable to

be a part of the Fairtrade movement because of their estate status.

In specific respect to Rwanda, we are amazed to see how

sustainable trade, and our money specifically, has helped change

the lives of the Maraba growers in just under a year. In 2001,

growers were only receiving 120 Rwandan francs per kilo (around

$0.23), but received 400 on receipt of the 2002 harvest! Our

colleagues in the development agencies estimate that at least one

child per family group was able to go to local school as a direct

result of the Maraba project. Of the 650 Co-operative family

members in 2002, they also estimate that 150 have bought a

grazing animal, 300 have access to healthcare through the mutual

system and all have made some kind of improvement to their

dwellings – from building

additional rooms to even

completely new houses.

‚But the key point here is that

this isn't recent history – it's

happening right before our eyes.

That's the beauty of Fairtrade, it's a

continuum that's developing and

improving people's lives all the

time. We have just recently started

taking delivery of the 2003 – the

second – crop of the

Abahuzamugambi Co-operative.

Now, there are 1,500 members

directly benefiting from Fairtrade

and learning about how Arabica

coffee of exceptional quality should

be produced. Before Fairtrade, there

were just 300. For the first time the

people of Rwanda have a tangible

hold on a brighter future. We're

delighted to be a part of that.‛

Maraba coffee is for sale

in the UK and the US.

Mukashyaka Gemima– the

new face of Union’s Maraba

coffee – receiving a pack

from Union’s Jeremy Torz

at her home in Rwanda

Mukakalisa Venantie–

the face of the first pack

of Union Maraba coffee


FAIRTRADE, then, is one very effective way of challenging the

global trading conditions which disadvantage the poor. Yet it is

successful because of the existence of those conditions, offering as

it does an ethical alternative to them. Abahuzamugambi has learnt

to specialise, but of course, by definition, not every coffee farmer

can do so. For every farmer who benefits from Fairtrade there are

countless others who do not. So, while we should buy Fairtrade

products whenever we can (and not only coffee), never forgetting

the very real difference it makes to people’s lives, we must also

recognise that, by itself, Fairtrade is not a solution to the iniquities

in the global trading system. It is at best a stop-gap measure.

Increasing Fairtrade’s market share is the most effective way to

pressure the multinational companies to sit up and take note of the

fact that consumers do care about the plight of the poor. Faced with

losing out completely or accepting slightly reduced profits, the

companies will change their ways.

But what we really need to advocate is change in the global

trading system itself. We need to press the governments which

constitute the World Trade Organisation to agree to lower tariff

barriers which discriminate against the poor – particularly tariffs

on manufactured goods – and to end the outdated system of

agricultural subsidies. Rich countries recognise that subsidies

prevent true free trade – after all, they condition aid loans on poor

counties removing tariffs and subsidies – yet subsidies are actually

increasing in rich countries. The International Coffee Agreement

needs to be revived. Above all, we need to tell our politicians and

our shops that we do not wish our taxes and our custom to be used

as weapons against the poor.

Rwanda is a small country which has insufficient land to

support its burgeoning population. This means that its people

must grow cash crops not only to educate their children or obtain

clothes, but simply to survive, by buying food which they cannot

produce enough of themselves. It is a precarious balancing act: in

weighing up the different uses of land, for income or for food, cash

crops must justify themselves with a reasonable market price. It is

arguably no coincidence that the escalation of the ethnic crisis in

Rwanda which culminated in the genocide of 1994 only really took

hold when the entire national economy was obliterated with the

collapse of the International Coffee Agreement in 1989. Land

hunger becomes a battle for survival in times of acute destitution,

and every incidence of genocide in the world has followed times of

financial upheaval. Just look at the effects of the 1930’s depression

on Germany.

Fairtrade initiatives prove that trade can be equitable; that

consumers can be guaranteed a high-quality, value-for-money

product whilst at the same time producers are offered a fair return.

Is it so hard to believe that this mutually beneficial arrangement

cannot be applied globally?

Arabica beans, expertly

roasted by Bancafé

in Kampala

‘Coffee eradicates Poverty’:

the slogan of the Ugandan

Coffee Development Board

Espresso beans from Kenya,

roasted to rich, dark

perfection in Nairobi

Look for this logo

when shopping




by VSO volunteers and their

colleagues in Rwanda during a GAS

workshop. We hope you find the

ideas useful as a starting point for

your own activities to raise

awareness about the impact of

consumer decisions on poor

countries and the benefits of

Fairtrade. We’ve also provided

some photos which you can cut out

to use as classroom resources,

perhaps to initiate discussions.

Do please share your experiences

using this booklet on our website – –

where you can also find further

ideas for activities.

Activity: Dole Out the Dosh

Target group: community

groups in the UK/Canada etc;

adults, 20+, coffee drinkers

Objective: to raise awareness of

where the money for a cup of

coffee goes

Action plan:

Sell/serve a cup of coffee and

ask the buyer to play a game.

Provide the buyer with three

saucers labelled ‘grower’,

‘exporter’ and ‘seller’ and

coffee beans representing the

price of a non-Fairtrade cup

of coffee.

Ask buyer to divide the beans

among the saucers to show

how much money they think

each group gets.

Redistribute the beans to

show the real proportion.

Ask them to do the same for

Fairtrade coffee.

Encourage discussion,

distribute copies of this


Activity: Fairtrade for a Fair Future

Target group: community based organisations in Rwanda

Objective: the promotion of Fairtrade co-ops

Action plan:

Using case study material, compare Fairtrade co-ops with non-

Fairtrade co-ops.

Quizzes (asking questions whose answers are in the booklet).

Role-plays – choose characters featured in the book to present

the benefit of work as co-ops.

Dramas, stories (using puppets).

Question and answer sessions using advisors to build interest

and give first-hand accounts.

Brainstorm other possible projects e.g. chilli peppers.

Activity: Card-making activity for coffee production process

Target group: secondary schools, Rwanda or Canada/UK etc

Objective: to learn the coffee-making process

Action plan:

Create cards with pictures depicting stages of the coffee

production process.

Also make cards with written descriptions of the stages.

Put students in groups of approximately five.

Match pictures with written descriptions.

Sequence cards.

Match personal case studies to roles in the production process.

Activity: Price Crash

Target group: secondary school, UK/Canada etc

Objective: to raise awareness of the real effect of trade

Action plan:

Look at the graph on page 16. Work out the percentage decrease

in the price of coffee (i.e. from $550/100kg to $65/100kg). This

percentage is how much the income of coffee farmers has fallen.

In groups, imagine that your families’ incomes suddenly fall by

a similar proportion. How would you cope? Together, write an

action plan for managing on your reduced income. What

would you no longer be able to afford to do? Would you be able

to stay in school, for example? How would your diet change?

Prioritise your spending cuts in the order you would need to

do them.

Present your action plan to the class, explaining why you have

made the cuts you have.



Activity: Anika’s Lesson Plan

Target group: primary school in Canada/UK etc (ages 8-11)

Objective: to introduce and show a clear picture of Fairtrade

Action plan:

Chocolate taste test! Use good, medium and cheap qualities,

and Fairtrade. Which is cheaper? Which tastes better?

Story: coffee growers’ story with two endings. Students choose

which ending is the fairer.

Present information – pictures and facts, reflections and


Extension: students write a letter to their ‘leader’ or

supermarket advocating Fairtrade products; skits; design labels

and products which inform about Fairtrade.

Field trip to a supermarket: students can compare prices and

products; look and see where the products are placed.

Activity: Debate

Target group: senior secondary

school, UK/Canada etc

Objective: to discuss the

importance of coffee production

in a coffee-producing country

e.g. Rwanda

Action plan:

Pre-teach with activities

about Fairtrade, coffee

consumption in Rwanda,

home production, imports

and exports.

Divide class into ‘for’ and

‘against’ teams. You could

assign roles, such as coffee

producers/buyers, or


Debate. Some ideas:

- ‚The current system of

trading is unfair to poor


- ‚Coffee companies should

put profits for their

shareholders before other


- ‚Fairtrade not Aid.‛

Activity: Promotion of

Fairtrade Coffee in

Canadian/UK etc Supermarkets

Target group: everyone who

buys coffee

Objective: to promote Fairtrade


Action plan:

Install kiosks which give

information and tastings of

Fairtrade coffee.

Distribute a résumé of the

contents of this booklet.

Write a letter to your local MP/political representative, explaining

your concern about the effects of trade and asking them what they

are doing to promote a fairer system.

Buy from shops such as Oxfam

and Traidcraft rather than large

supermarkets, as more of the

price you pay will go to benefit

the poor.

Activity: The Grinder of World Trade

Target group: presentation audiences e.g. church groups,

employers, schools, colleagues; all ages

Objective: to demonstrate the unfairness of the trade system

Action plan:

Choose three volunteers from the audience. Give the first a

large badge saying ‘Coffee Consumer’; the second a badge

saying ‘Coffee Retailer’ and the third a badge saying ‘Coffee


Give the Consumer 20 coffee beans. Each bean represents 10

cents. Give the Retailer a cup of coffee. Get the two to act out

buying and selling the cup of coffee, using the beans as money.

Ask the Retailer to pass on some of the beans to the Producer.

Involve the audience, asking if they agree that what the

Retailer gives is fair. Ask the audience to tell you the

approximate percentage that the Producer gets from the price

of the cup of coffee.

Take the beans from the Producer, and put them through a

coffee grinder – the Coffee Grinder of World Trade. Give a tiny

pinch of coffee grounds back to them. Reveal the actual

percentage: 0.05% (see inside back cover). Ask if the audience

thinks that this figure is fair.

This activity makes a great introduction to a session which

explores why this figure is so low, what the effects of the figure

on producers are, and what consumers can do about it.

After explaining about Fairtrade, go on to show what you can

buy: juice, clothes, footballs, Christmas puddings, muesli<

Activity: Ethiopian Coffee


Target group: school or

community groups in the

UK/Canada etc

Objective: to raise cultural


Action plan:

Get the participants to

remove the skins from

parchment coffee by hand.

Show them how to roast the

beans on a charcoal stove.

When they are roasted, show

them how to grind the beans

in a mortar and pestle.

Boil the coffee grounds on the

stove in an earthenware

coffee pot, fanning the flames.

Add only a little water, and

boil until the coffee is

thickening. Then add a

tablespoon of cold water, and

place the coffee pot at an

angle, to allow the grounds

to settle. Then decant the

coffee into small china cups.

Drink and enjoy!


Follow-up Activities: Next time you’re in your supermarket:

Find the coffee shelves. Which brands do you notice? Companies pay the supermarkets to display them

prominently. This means putting their brands at eye-level, and putting several rows of the same brand. Has

the supermarket displayed Fairtrade brands in this way?

Find out who owns the coffee brands. You could use the book ‘Who Owns Whom’ in the reference section of

your local library, or check on the internet. See if you can find out what other products these companies make.

Make a table, showing which companies own which brands.

See how many other Fairtrade products you can find. What countries do they come from? What do you know

about these countries? Are they rich or poor?

What Fairtrade products do you feel are missing? What would you like the supermarket to stock? Write a

letter or talk to the manager of your local supermarket, asking them about their Fairtrade policy, and

requesting them to stock these products.

Carry out a survey of your family and friends. Find out if they buy Fairtrade products, and what they know

about Fairtrade. (If necessary, you can explain to them!) Find out how much extra they would be prepared to

pay for Fairtrade products. Then check the prices of a range of products in a shop. Are Fairtrade products

more or less expensive than your friends are willing to pay?

Buy Fairtrade whenever you can. Encourage your friends and family to do the same.

PowerPoint Presentations: Ready-made self-learning and facilitator’s presentations are available at





Guardian Weekly; International Federation for Alternative Trade;

Cafédirect; Oxfam, Make Trade Fair; Fair Trade Foundation; Fairtrade Labelling Organisation

International; International Coffee Organisation; The Globe and Mail, 17/6/02; Mariagrazia Bonollo,

9/11/03 (; Philippe Legrain, Open World, Abacus;

Sabata Sera, 27/12/03; The Ladybird Book of Coffee.

The Global Awareness Syndicate would like to thank the following for their invaluable assistance:

Habimana François, Abahuzamugambi Producers’ Co-operative; Tim Schilling, Project Pearl;

Adam Komorowski and Yvonne da Silva, VSO; Musa Hadzimehmedi; Rt Hon Clare Short, MP;

Steven Macatonia and Dominic Lowdell, Union Coffee Roasters;

Harula Ladd; Ian Philpott; Ntirampaga Sosthène.

‘Coffee, Fairtrade and Rwanda’ was produced with the financial assistance of

Voluntary Service Overseas and Union Coffee Roasters.

A Rwandan coffee grower gets 17 cents for a kilo of green Robusta coffee.

She sells the beans to an agent for an international exporter.

A roaster buys the beans, which shrink in the roasting

– so it takes 1¼ kg of green to make 1 kg of roasted.

The roasted beans are sold wholesale.

A café buys the beans, and, using 7g a cup, sells the coffee for $2.70 a cup.

So each kilo of coffee now fetches $385 – for which the grower got 20.25

cents. That’s $0.001 per cup. Or 0.05%.

Is that fair?

We would like to suggest the following for more information:

‘Coffee, Fairtrade and Rwanda’ is downloadable in English, French and Kinyarwanda at:

For more information about Global Awareness Syndicate publications and activities, including the

PowerPoint presentation which accompanies this booklet, please contact

[email protected]

Do you know where the coffee you drink

comes from?

Do you know how coffee is produced?

What do you know about Fairtrade?

Coffee, Fairtrade and Rwanda explores the

mechanisms of world commerce and Fairtrade,

using an example we can all relate to: coffee. In

this booklet you will learn how coffee is

produced, bought and sold and you will meet

the people involved in different steps of the

chain: the growers, the processors, the roasters,

the sellers and the buyers.

Coffee, Fairtrade and Rwanda has been produced

by the Global Awareness Syndicate – a group of

VSO volunteers in Rwanda – to help people in

their global education work both overseas and in

their home countries. Included is a list of

suggested activities to use when working with

the booklet in classrooms or communities. A

PowerPoint presentation to accompany the

booklet is available from

[email protected]