Coding Flyer

C ODE R ITE It’s not always as simple as choosing the right codes for each patient encounter. More importantly, you need to use the best codes that can correctly balance revenue optimization with steadfast compliance. Stop the guesswork, and start increasing your revenue with our CodeRite review service. With CodeRite, a certified coding specialist will personally review each and every claim to make sure you’re getting the maximum reimbursement for every patient encounter. Most coding reviews are returned within 24 hours and results are available in the real-time reporting system, or delivered securely into your current practice management system. Seamless. Designed to fit your workflow. Personal attention that will fully optimize your reimbursement process. On Average, 15% Improvement Stop Under Billing Improve Documentation Real-Time Reports Works Within Your Workflow Certified Coding Specialists 24 Hour Turnaround your reimbursement rates up to IMPROVE 30 % MM# CRT4206 © 2010 ABS, LLC FREE Practice Analysis Contact Us for Your

Transcript of Coding Flyer

CODERITEIt’s not always as simple as choosing the right codes for each

patient encounter. More importantly, you need to use the best

codes that can correctly balance revenue optimization with

steadfast compliance.

Stop the guesswork, and start increasing your revenue with

our CodeRite review service.

With CodeRite, a certi�ed coding specialist will personally

review each and every claim to make sure you’re getting the

maximum reimbursement for every patient encounter.

Most coding reviews are returned within 24 hours and results

are available in the real-time reporting system, or delivered

securely into your current practice management system.

Seamless. Designed to �t your work�ow. Personal attention

that will fully optimize your reimbursement process.

• On Average, 15% Improvement

• Stop Under Billing

• Improve Documentation

• Real-Time Reports

• Works Within Your Workflow

• Certified Coding Specialists

• 24 Hour Turnaround

your reimbursement ratesup to



MM# CRT4206 © 2010 ABS, LLC

FREE Practice AnalysisContact Us for Your