CoCom Lists - 1969

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  • 8/14/2019 CoCom Lists - 1969


    M.L.7. Toxicological agents, as f o ~ l o w s :(a) B.iological, chemical and r a d i ~ - a c t i v e materials adapted for uwar to- produce casualt ies in men or animals, or to damage c(b) Equipment specifically designed and intended for the disseminof, the materials ' described in sub-item (a);(c) Equipment specifically designed and intended for defence againmaterials described in sub-item (a), and for t h e ~ r detecti9nidentification;(d) Con1ponents and par ts specially des1ined for the items .listed iand (c) above.

    M.L2. Artillery and projectors, as follows:(a) Guns, howitzers. cannon, mortars. tank destroye,rs, rocket launm:ilitary flame throwers. recoilless rifles;(b ) Mil it ary smoke , gas and pyrotechnic projectors;(c) All specifically designed components and parts for the foregoM.L.3. Ammunition and all specifically designed components andthereof, for th e weapons enumerated unde,r Items M.L.1 and M.L.2Target ammunition;Cartridges with an expanding bul let 0/ the type uJ'ed for huntisport;provided that such ammunit ion is /01 ' weapons described in thetoM.L.t.

    8 OCTOBER.' 1969 7

    M.L.t. Small a rms and machine g u n s ~ as follows:fa) Rifles, carb ines , revo lvers , p is to ls , machine p is to ls andmaguns;(b) All specifically designed components and parts therefor.Pistols {non-automatic or serni-automatic)for short range (less25 metres) defence and having a calibre of than 9 In;nparabeSporting or hun ting weapons having at least one smooth-bore bRifled-bore sporting or hunting weapons with manually operatedridge eject ion and reloading, and having a magazine capacity l i i n i5 cartridges; andRif les. carbines or pi$tols designed onLy for sporting or ornampurposes.

    M.L.6. Tanks, and vehicles special ly des igned for mil itary purposfollows:(a) Tanks and self-propelled guns;(b) Militta,ry type a rmed o r a,rmoured vehicles and vehicles fittedmountings for arms;(c) Armoured railway trains;(d) Mil it ary half tracks;(c) Military type recovery vehicles;(f ) Gon carr,iers and tractors s!,ecialIy designed for towing arti(g) Trailers specifically designed to car ry ammunition;(h) Amphibious and deep water fording military vehicles;(i) Military mobile repair shops specifically designed to service;(j) All other specially designed military vehicles;(k) Pneumatic tyre casings (excluding tractor and farm implement tof a kind specially const ruct ed to be bullet proof or to run

    d e f l a t e d ~(1) All spec-ifically designed components and part s for the foreg

    M.L.4. Bombs, torpedoes , rockets and missiles (guided or un-guas follows:(a) Bombs . torpedoes , grenades ( including smoke grenades) , scanisters. rockets . mines , missi les (guided or unguided),charges. fire bonlbs, incendiary bombs; and all specifically descomponents and par ts therefor;(b) Apparatus and devices specifically designed for the handling,trol. activation, launching. laying, sweeping, discha.rging, detonor detection of items enumerated in sub-item (a); and all specifdesigned components and parts therefor;(c) Military fuel thickeners specif ical ly formulated for the p u r p producing materials which, when added to petroleum proprovide a gel-type incendiary mateJrial for use in bombs, projeflame throwers or other implements of war.M.L.5. Fire control equipment and range finders, as follows:(a) Fire control. gun laying, night s ighting, miss ile tracking andance equipment;(b) Range , pos it ion and heigh t finders. and spotting instrumentsally designed for military purpose,s;(c) Aiming devices, e lectronic, gyroscopic, acoustic and optical,ially designed for military purposes;(d) Bomb sights. bombing compute rs , gun sights and periscopes,ally designed for military purposes;(e) Televis ion sighting units special ly des igned for miHtary use;(f ) Components. parts, accessories, and attachments specificallysigned for the a rt ic le s enumerated in sub-i tems (a), (b), (c), (d(e) above.

    export control

    Consolidated list of goods

    THE ATIENTION of manufacturers an d exporters is drawn to th efollowing schedule of goods, which replaces the list appearing inthe Board 0/ Trade Journal fo r August 19, 1966. This scheduledefines goods whi ch a re , or will be,. subject to expor t con tr ol f orreasons of national security. The control appli es to most destina-tions, bu t t he secur ity impli ca tions a ri se princ ipal ly in rel at ion toexports to Albania, Bulgaria, China, Czechoslovakia, t he Eas te rnZone of Germany, Hungary, Mongolia, North Korea, North Viet-nam, Poland, Ruman ia and t he USSR.The cOOltrol does not rep resent a total ban on exports toth e areas named above of all goods in the Schedule. Licenceswill be avai'lable' for many types of goods, but for a num-ber of reasons including the difficuUies of precise definitionand because the circnmstances of particular cases can a ffec t t heposition, i t is not possible to exclude t h ~ e goods from the scopeof licensing control or to say exactly what prospects are open toexporters. The notes in italics following particular items do, how

    ~ v e r , indica'te where the best prQspects lie.Licences may also be available fo r goods covered by certain ofthe unannotated ilteRls, particularly Nos. AE24, 1002, 1092, 1649and 1721. In addition, applications for export licences will be con-sidered for any (lther goods on the Schedule. In these cases it isparticularly important to submiit full supporting information including a precise description of the goods invo lved, the use to whichthey are to be put and the ultimate destination.The purpose of ,this control may be defeated if the above coun-tries are supplied with technology relalting to the nlanufacture ofgoods appearing on the Schedule. Great care should, therefore, betaken to prevent ,this happening, fo r example when technicians orstudents from these countries are v'isiting, or are being tra-ined at ,BdHsh factories. Where manufacturers or exporters wish to conclude an a g r e e m ~ n t involving the supply of technology to one ofthe above countries they should consult the Board of Trade or theHppropriate Production "'Department in any case where i t seems t lt atthe technology invoh:ed I n j ~ b t assist w:i1th the manufacture of goodson the schedule.The Sch edul e is published h ere for general information an dguidance. It does no t in thi s f orm have t he for ce of law, no r doesit include all goods subject to export licensing control. For the com-plete schedule of goods which currently require licensing, reference

    should be made to th e Export of Goods (Contro]) Order 1967,as amended, an d to th e Strategic Goods (Control) Order 1967.Amendments will b e mad e short ly to these Statutory Orders to giveeffect to the changes in th e Schedule.General inquiries about th e schedule should be add re ss ed t o th e

    C?mmercial Relations an d Expor ts Department, Board o f T rade , 1Victoria Street, L o ~ d o n , S.W.l (Tel. 01222 7877, Ext. 2266 or 3381)or to t he app ropr ia te P roduct ion Department. Applications fo re ~ p o r t . or transhipme:J.1t Hcences should be addressed to the ExportLicenSing Branch, Board of Trade, Broadway Buildings, 54 Broad-way, London, S.W.! (01222 7877, Ext. 2628 or 2718), f rom whomfur ther copies of the Schedule may be obt ai ned, an d of whoml ~ q u i r i e s should be made in any case o f d oub t a s to whether exportilcences are required.

    subject to security

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    BOARD OF TRAD'S"16U,R-NAli',aLLL Powders, explosives, propellants and stabiliZs therelor, Hfollows,: ' '(a) Powders and liquid or solid 'propellants, for- the articles enumeratedin Items 3, 4 and 7, and stabilizers therefor; ,(b) Military high explosives and stabilizers therefor;(c) Chemical base high energy solid or liquid fuels specially formulatedfo r military purposes;(d) Fuming nitric acid.Propellants and explosives no rma lly used for civilian or industrial'purposes or made into cartridges or charges of an exclusively civilianor industrial nature.M.L9. Vessels of war, and special naval e'quipment, as follows:( a) Combatan t vessels or vessels designed for offensive or defensiveaction (surface or under-water) whether or no t converted to nonmilitary use and regardless of current state of repair or operatingcondition, and hulls or parts of hulls for such vessels;(b) (i) Diesel engines of 1,500 horse power a nd over with rotaryspeed of 700 revolutions per minute or over, specially designedfor submarines;(ii) Electric motors specially designed for submarines i.e., over1,000 horsepower quick reversing type, l iquid coo led andtotally enclosed;(iii) Non-magnetic d ie se l eng ines , 50 horse power and over , speci ally designed fo r military purposes;An engine shall be p resumed to be specially designed for militarypurposes if:(i) it has non-magnet ic parts other than crankcase, block, head,pistons, covers, end plates, valve facings, gaskets and fuel, lubrication and other supply lines; or(ii) its non-magnetic content exceeds 75 per cent of total weight;(c) Magnetic, pressure, and acoustic underwater detection devicesspecially designed for military purposes; controls and componentsthereof;(d) Submarine and torpedo nets;(e) Compasses a nd equipment the re for a nd ship' s cours e ind icators,specially designed fo r submarines;(f) Components, parts, accessories and attachments for the foregoingsuch as turrets, naval gun mounts, submarine batteries and catapults.M.Lte. Aircraft and helicopters, of the piloted or pilotless types andaero-engines and aircraft or helicopter equipment, associated equipmentand components, specially designed for military purposes as set ou tbelow:(a) Combat aircraft and helicopters and o th er a ir cr af t and helicoptersspecially designed for mil it ary purposes, including military reconnaissance, assault , military tra ining and logistic support, and al laircraft and helicopters having special structural features such asmultiple hatches, special doors , ramps , reinforced floors and thelike, for t ransporting and airdropping troops. mili tary equipment

    and suppl ies; aero-engines special ly designed or adapted for usewith such a,ircraft and helicopters, with the exception of aeroengines excepted under the note to Item 1460 (c) (Group E); andcomponent parts thereof;(b) Airbo rne e q u i p ~ e n t , including airborne refuelling equipment, specially designed for use with the a ircraf t and helicopters and theengines of the types of aircraft and helicopters covered by sub-item(a) and component par ts thereof;(c) Pressure refuellers. pressure refuelling equipment, equipment specially. designed to facilitate o p e ~ a t i o n s in confined a ~ e a s and groundequIpment not elsewhere specified, developed specIally for aircraftand helicopters, aircraft and helicopter engines covered by sub-item(a);(d) Pressurized breathing equipment and partial pressure suits fo r usein aircraft and helicopters; anti-'G' suits; military crash helmets;p a r a c h u t ~ s use.d f.or combat personnel, cargo-dropping. and aircraftdeceleratIon; hquld oxygen converters used fo r aircraft, helicoptersand missiles; catapul ts and cartridge actuated device s u ti li zed inemgergency escape of personnel from aircraft and helicopters.

    MeLtt. Electronic equipment spec,ially designed for military use; andcomponents and p a r t ~ thereforeMeLt%. Photographic equipment, as fol lows:(a ) (i) Air reconnaissance cameras and assochited equipment designedand used fo r military purposes;(ii) Film processing and printing machines designed and used fo rmilitary purposes;(b ) Other cameras ~ n other devices recording on film specially designedand used for m,ilitary ' p u r p o s ~ , and.spec!alized equipment designedto make. the r e c ~ r d e d Information rnflttartly useful;(c) An specIally desIgned components and par ts for th e foregoing.M.Lt3. Special armoured equipment, as follows:(a) Annour plate;(b) Military helmets;(c) Body armour and flak suits;(d) Components and parts specially desilned for equipment in (c).above.

    M.Ll4. Specialized military training equipment; as foHows:'(a) Specialized military training equipment;(b ) Components, parts, attachments and accessories, specially d ~ j g nfo r such equipment.M.LtS. Military infra-red equ ipment and specialized componetherefore(See also i tems I.L.1502 and I.L. 1556.)M.Lt6. Munitions components and materials, as follows:(a ) Brass and bronze fabrications f or p rimer anvils, fabricat ions bullet caps (gil4ing metal clad steel), cartridge link, primer cshell rota ting band; :(b) Copper rota ting bands fefr shells, and other coppec m u n t t i o n ~ coponents;(c) Gilding metal c lad steel;(d) Rough steel forgings, steel and alloy castings for guns and fo r arM.L.t ' . Miscellaneous equipment and materials, as follows:(a) Tear gas and equipment (o r the dissemination thereof;(b) Self-contained diving and underwater swimming apparatusfollows:(i) Closed and semi-closed circuit (rebreathing) apparatus;(ii) Spec.ially d e s i ~ n e d components for use in the conversionopen-circuit apparatus to military use;(iii) Articles exclusively designed fo r military use with self-contaidiving and underwater swimming apparatus;(c) Bayonet s;(d) Fire arms silencers (mufflers);(e) Power control led searchl ights and control units therefor , desigfo r military use;(f) Const ruct ion equipment bui lt t o m il it ar y specifications, specidesigned fo r airborne transport.M.LtB (a) Specialized machinery, equipment, and gear spec ia llysigned for the examination, manufacture, testing and checkingthe arms, ammunition, appliances and machines referred to inGroup;(b) Vibration testing equipment (except mechanical types), capableproviding a thrust greater than 2,000 lb and specialized ancilequipment therefore

    Equipment used to determine the safety data of explosives, as requihy the Internatonal Convent ion on the Transport of Dangerous Go(CIM), articles 3 and 4 in Annex 1 RID, provided that such equipmwill be used only by the railway authorities of current elM memcountries for testing explosives to transport safety standards, as follo(a) Equipnlent for determining the ignit ion and deflagration tempetures,(h) Equipment for steel-shell tests,(c) Drop hammers not exceeding 20 kg in weight /or determiningsensitivity of explosives to shock;(d) Equipment for determining the friction sensi ti vi ty of explosiwhen exposed to charges not exceeding 36 kg in weight.

    M.L.t '. Envi,ronmental chambers capable of pressures of 26 Torrless, those with a pressure capabil ity only and those whalso have a capabil .i ty of simulating other environments, such as radtion and tempe(a,ture a1nd specialized parts, controls and devices therefExplanatory Note: This i tem is not intended to cover equipment fiwith such indus tr ia l machinery as IS not des cribed in this list suchcoating machinery no t elsewhere specified, and equipment forcasting of plastics.M.L.20. Cryogenic equipment, as fol lows:(a) equipment designed for maintaining an ambient temperature be-274 Fahrenheit (-170 centigrade);(i) Designed for use in ma:rine, airborne or space applications;(ii) Ruggedized for mobile g round use; or(Hi) DeSigned to maintain ope ra ting tempera tu re s for -electrimagnetic or electronic equipment or components;(b) e lect rica l, magnetic or electronic equipment or componentselectrical conductors specially designed for operation continuouor discontinuously at ambient temperatures below - 2740 Fahrheit (-170 centigrade);(c ) Special ly designed accessories , sub-assembl ies, parts or componefor sub-items (a) and (b).50 Hert z or 60 Hertz rotating electrical power generating equipnlincluding associated transformers and motor generator sets speciadesigned for fixed ground operation where the coolant is at or abovetemperature at which l iquid nitrogen boi ls at atmospheric pressureis in contact with the surrounding atmosphere .M.L.21. Instruments or devices capable of automa,tically measuringspeed of sound in situ in wailer, and mted for d . i f f e r e J 1 . t i a ~ sensi,tivmeasurements of 1 part in 5,000 parts or better; specialized parts thefor; equipment containing such Instruments or devices.M.L.21. Electrically triggered shutters o f t he car bon injection or phochromic funct ion type havi-ng a shut ter speed of less than 100 micseconds, except shutters which ar e an essential part of a high spcamera.

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    A.E.23. Any plan t spec ially designed for the production o f u rahexafluoride (UF6 ).

    A.E.12. Berylliurn metal .and manufactures wholly thereof,' eberyllium windows for medical X-ray machines; alloys containingthan 50 per cent of beryllium by weight; -oxides and other compounIndividual shipments of t he above products containing up to:500 g of beryllium of a purity of 99 per cent or less; or100 g of beryllium (except single crystals), with a purity greater99 per cent; or5 kg of beryllium contained in compounds with a purity of less99 per cent.

    A.E. 14. Fluorine.Shipments containing up to 25 kg of fluorine.A.E.15. Chlorine trifluoride.Shipments containing up to 5 kg of chlorine trifluoride.

    A.E.29. Gas centrifuges capable of the enrichment or separatioisotopes.Gas centrifltgeJ specially designed to r industrial use and not s ufor atomic energy production use.

    A.E.27. Valves, 3 cm or greater in diameteJr, with bellows, seal, wmade of or lined with aluminium, nickel, or alloy containing 6cent or more nickel. either manual ly or automatically operatedwith o ther than metal t o met al seats.

    ~ . E . 2 4 . Particle accelerators capable of imparting energies of 50electron volts or more, rated for a peak beam power of 500 megaor mo re , and specialized par ts and accessories therefor.

    A.E.3S. Lithium, as follows:(a) l \1etal;(b) Hyd ri de s, i n which lithil:lm, whetber normal, dep le ted oriched in th e ..6 i so tope , i compounded with hydrogen;isotopes or corn P f e x ~ d with other metals or aluminium hydr

    A.E.34. Artificial graphite having a boron content of less t han o rto 1 part per mil lion, the total thermal absorption cross sectionless than or equal to 5 millibarns per atom.(See also Item I.L. 1673).Individual shipmen.ts of up to 100 kg of artificial graphite as spabove;Subsequent shipments of arti fi cial graph it e as speci fi ed aboreactors exported as exceptions to I tem A.E .36 as defined in t hethereto.

    A.E.30. Blowers and compressors ( turbo, centr ifugal and axialtypes), wholly made of or l ined with aluminium, nickel, or alloytaining 60 per cent or more nickel, and havi ng a capacitycubic feet pe r minute (1,700 l it res per minute) or greater.A.E.3l. Electrolytic cells for the product ion of fluorine with aduction capacity greater than 250 g of fluorine per hou r; majo rponents thereof.A.E.33. Heat exchangers sui table for use in gaseous di ffus ion pi.e. heat exchangers made of aluminium, copper, nickel. or alloystaining more than 60 per cent nickel, or combinations of these mas clad tubes, designed t o opera te a t sub -a tmospher ic pressure, wleak rate of less than 10- 4 atmospheres per hour under a pressureential of 1 atmosphere.

    A.E.22. Mass spectrographs and spectrometers, as follows:(a) Ail mul ti -focus types ( inc luding double focus, tandemcyc1oidal);(b ) Single focus types possessing a r adius of curvature of 5 imore;(c) SpeCIally designed assembl ies. components and parts fo rforegoing.Single equipments described ill sub-item (b).

    ~ . E . 1 9 . Machi.nes. m : : t t e r i ~ l s or equipment specially designed foIn the processIng of IrradIated nuclear materials in order to isolar e c o v ~ r fissionable materials, such as nuclear reactor fuel chomachInes. c o ~ n t e r c u r r e n t solvent extractors, and specially designedand acceSSOrIes therefor.

    A.E.18. Equipnlent specifically designed for the separation of isotouranium and/or lithium.

    A.E.17.Trichlorotrifluoroethane;Dichlorotetrafluoroethane.Individual shipments of up to 10,000 kg of the above fluorhydrocarbons.

    8 ocrOBEll'I969'Atomic energy listA.E.l. Source (fert ile) a n d f i s ~ i o ~ a b l e materials, including, but notlimited to, the followIng eight Items:(a) Minerals, raw and treated (including residues and tailings), whichcontain either uranium or thorium or any combination thereof,exceeding 0.05 per cent by weight, as follows:

    (i) Ores containing uranIum including pitchblende;(ii) Monazite and monazite sands;(iii) Ores containing thorium including urano-thorianite;(b) Natural u ranium, unwrought or wrought, including alloys andcompounds of natural uranium, having a uranium content exceeding 0.05 per cent, excepting medicinals;(c) Uranium 233, alloys containing uranium 233 and compounds ofuranium 233;(d) Uranium enr iched in t he i so tope 235, a ll oys containing uraniumenr iched in the i so tope 235, and compounds of uranium enrichedin the i so tope 235;(e) Irradiated uranium containing plutonium;(f ) plutonium, alloys containing plutonium and compounds containing plutonium;(g) Thorium, unwrought or wrought, and alloys and compounds containing thorium excluding alloys containing less than 1.5 per centof th orium by weight and e ~ c e p t medicinals;(h) Irradiated thorium containing uranium 233.(a) Individual shipments of '(i) Up to 100 kg of contained thorium in compounds and up toI kg. of thorium metal;(ii) Up to 1 kg of natural and101' depleted uranium;UiO Up to 1,000 k.g of depleted uranium if contained in shieldingspecial ly des igned for teletherapy, radiography or radioactivethermo-electric generators, and supplied t ogether with such

    apparatlts;(iv) Up to 1/100 micro-curie of materials described in (c), (d), (e), (/)and (h);. (v) Up to 100 mg of materials described in (d) and (f) above in the,form of targets for nuclear research purposes provided that themater ial is sub;ecl to the Safeguards System of the InternationalAtomic Energy Agency.. (vi) Up to 1,000 kg of thorium nitrate (mantle grade) for use in theproduction of thoriated gas mantles.(b) Subsequent shipments of f uel for c iv il research and powe r reactorsexported under t he not e to I tem A.E.36.(c) Depleted uranium fabricated in the f orm of counterweights eitherinstalled as integral parts of or supplied as replacenlent parts for aircraft not descr ibed in this .list.A.E.5. Deuterium and compounds, mixtures and solutions containingdeuter ium, including heavy water and heavy paraffins, in which theratio of deuterium atoms to hydrogen atoms exceeds 1:5,000 by number; (b) Plant and equipment SPecially designed for the product ionand/or concentration of deuterium oxide.Individual shipnlents containing up to 1 kg of deuterium. except aslimited by sub-item A.E.35 (b); .Subsequent shipments of deuterium for use in reactors exported underthe note to I te ln A.E.36.

    A.E ..S. metal , alloys containing more t han 50 per cent zir conium by weI,ght and compounds in which the rat io of hafnium contentto zirconiunl content is less than one part t o 500 par ts by. weight, andmanufactures wholly thereof.I l l d ~ v ~ d l l a l shipments of up to 5 kg of hafnium-free zirconiuln;IndiVidual shipmel11S of lip t o 200 kg of hafnium-free zirconium in theform. of foil or strip having a thickness no t exceeding 0.00095 in. and

    s [ J e c ! a ~ / y fabricated and intended for use -in photo flash hulbs;F ! l l l s h ~ 1 parts of z ir conium metal or its alloys specially designed for{Ill identified civil research or power reactor provided that none of the

    parts c O ' ! t a i ~ 1 fissile materials and the importing country has agreed to( ~ l e appltcation of the safeguards of the International Atomic Energy, gency . ( / A E A ~ to the nuclear reactor facility;Olle-tzme shipments no t exceeding 100 kg of contained zirconiummeTal 0.1' parts made there from when intended for use in or in support( ~ f , an Identi.fied civil research or power reactor facility over which it isu)Iltemplated that IAEA safeguards would be applied.t\.E.ll. Nickel as follows:P ~ ) w ~ ~ r , ~ a v i n g a nickel content of not less than 99 per cent and aPdrtlC e SIze of less than 100 microns; and Porous metal having a~ ~ ~ t n pore size not exceedin.g 25 microns.and a n icke l content of not11" ~ ~ 4 n .99 per cent except SIngle porous nickel metal sheets not exceed-( ~ I ]n2 (930 cm 2 ) for use in batteries with civil applications.' ; s !tem I.L. 1661). . .n' eCFnIcal Note: Porous nIckel as defined above refers to porous metal,lclnu actured from nickel powder as defined above, which has been

  • 8/14/2019 CoCom Lists - 1969


    Industrial list

    A.E.41. Process control instrumentation specially designed or modifiedfo r monitoring or controlling the process ing of i rradiated fissionableor fertile materials or irradiated lithium.(See a lso I tem A.E.19).

    Group A. Metal-Working Mahinery1001. Jig borers and jig grinders with accuracies of better than 3m,i,croos ( 0.00012 in )1016. Grinding heads and spind le assemblies (consisting of spindlesand bearings as a minimal assembly) designed or rated for operat ionat speeds in excess of 120,000 revolut ions per minute and machinesspecially designed for the uti lization of such grinding heads.Explanatory Note: This definition does no t cover hand-held drills.1071. Presses and specialized controls, accessories and parts therefor,as follows:(a) Presses (stabil ized equipment using r ams) for app ly ing h igh impactenergy work forces through use of explosives or compressed gasesincluding air;(b) Presses special ly des igned or redesigned for the working or formingof metals, alloys or o ther mater ia ls with a melting point exceeding1,900 centigrade;(c) Hydraulic presses as follows:(i) Vertical presses havi1ng a total roCllted force of over 10,000 toos;(ii) Horizontal presses havin.g a total ratted force of over 5,000 tons.(d) Isostatic pres s systems as fol lows :(i) ca,pable of aohieving a maximum working pressure of 20,000Ib I in 2 (1,406 kg l an?) or greater a,nd pos sess ing a chambercavity with 3JIl inside diameter in excess of 16 in (40.6 an), or(ii) capable of ach ieving a maximum working pressure of 5,000Ib/io2 (351 k g / c m ~ ) or greater, and haVing a cOOtrolledthermal environment within the c1C6ed cavtity, except those pos. - iog a ch'amber cavity Md! an inside diameter of lea than

    Group B. Chemial and Petroleum Equipment1110. Gas liquefying equipment, as follows:(a) Equipment for the fract ional separat ion of a ir into its various coponents, except helium, which has been specially designed forwithd rawal o f l iquid end-p roduct s t o the total amoun t o f 60 to,o r more pe r 24 hour day, provided t ha t t he withdrawal of liqoxygen or nitrogen exceeds 50 tons per 24 hour day. except plano t capable of producing mQre than 15 per cent of their todaily product as ext ractable gaa in liquid form, provided that t

    5 in (127 mm) and which are also capa'ble of achieving anmaintaining a oootrol led thermal environment only betwee+ 80 centigrade and - 35 centilg rade.Techn.ical Note: lsostatic presses a re t ho se cap ab le of pressurizina closed cavIty through valfious media (gas, l iquid, sol id particles , e tcto create equal force in all directioos within the cavity upon a worpiece or material.(e) Control equipment , accessories and parts which are specialdesigned fo r the above presses.Hydraulic presses described in sub-item (c) not specially designed fouse in forming aircraf t, missile or space vehicle parts, in powder metalurgy or in ceramics product ion where the to ta l rated force is less tha30,000 tons for ver tical presses and 10,000 tons or less for horiz.ontpresses; andParts inc luded in sub-i ten' (e) to 5ervice presses previousl y expor tunder the first part of this note.1075. Spin-forming machines, exept those with a spindle dr ive motof less than 50 horse power.1080. Machines and equ ipment specially designed for makingmeasuring gas turbine blades.1081. Machinery for use in the manufacture of aircraft , as follows(a) Machinery specially des igned for t he working or forming o f aicraft sheet, plate or extrusion;(b) Machinery specially designed f or the mill in g of aircraft skin.1086. Machines specially designed for the manufacture of jet enginethe following: .(a) Jet engine compressor case boring machines;(b) Jet engine compressor or turbine disc turning machines;(c) Jet engine rotor grinders.1088. Gear making and/or finishing machinery, as follows:(a) Gear grinding machines, generating type, capab le o f accepting geblanks of 36 in (914 mm) work di amet er or more;(b) Gear grinding machines, generating type, designed t o g ri nd geato a face-width of 7 in (177 mm) or more, f or t he p roduct io nhelical or herring-bone gears;(c) Capable of the product ion of gears of a module finer than 0.5 m(diametral pitch f ine r than 48) and meeting a quality standabetter than DIN 58405 Cl ass 7.Technical Note: If rated in AGMA or Admiralty standards and nrated in DIN 58405, AGMA 10 or Admiralty Class 11 shall be cosidered to be the equivalent of DIN 58405 Class 7.1091. Numerical control systems, as follows:(a) Numerical control systems specially designed for control ling cordinated simultaneous (contouring and continuous path) machinimovements in a machine tool in two or more axes; and machitools designed for or equipped with such controls;Two-axis systems having normal resolut ions of 0.0004 in (0.0 I mnor coarser, and machine tool des igned for or equipped with such cotrols, including systems of more than two axes providing not more thtwo axes are simultaneously co-ordinated.(b) Nume; ical control servo-driven measuring or gauging machinspecially designed for measuring at any poi nt of the contour tdimens ion al s hape and con tour characteristics of two- or thredimensional objects including objects of revolution.Two-axis measuring or gauging machines-specially designed for measuing at any point of the contour of the objects produced with machinof the type and characteristics described in the Note to sub-item (a).1092. Tracer controlled machine t o o l s ~ as fol lows:(a) Mi ll ing and bor ing machi ne s with an accuracy of 0.001( 0.025 mm) and a repea.tabiJi,ty of 0.0005 in ( 0.0125 mor better;(b) Lathes with an accuracy of 0.0004 in ( O.OJ mm) andrepeatability of 0.0002 in ( 0.005 m:m) or better;(c) Special ized accessories and component s for t he above.Technical Note: Accuracy should be measured by using a twin teplate check: one template is mounted on the templa te s tand andt raced in one p lane with the template s tylus; a second identical templais mounted on the work stand, is traced by an electronic pick-up, athe t racing i s recorded. The machine is embargoed if the recorddeviation between th e two tracings does not exceed the accuracy figusta'ted in sub-i,terns (a) or (b) above.Repeatabili,ty should ab o be measu red by usi ng t he twill t emp lcheck. The m'achine is embargoed if the mean devi,atioo, as recordfrom alt least seven success ive ohecks, does no t exceed the repeatabilf igure in sub-i tems (a) or (b) albove.

    8 ocrOBER 1969OARD OF TRADE 10URNAL) Alloys, as follows:

    (i ) ~ a , n e s i u m - b a s e d alloys containing 10 pe r cent or morehthlum; ,(ii) Containing 50 per cent or more of l it hium either normal ordepleted in the 6 isotope; or(iii) Containing any quant ity of l it hium enr iched in the 6isotope; orAny other mater ial containing l it hi um enri ch ed i n the 6 isotope,including compounds. mixtures and concentrates.Shipments containing up to 1 kg of l i thium metal not enriched in theisotope o r up to 10 kg of lithium hydride, either complexed with otheror not, in which t he lith ium is not enriched in the 6 isotope andnot compounded with the heavier isotopes of hydrogen.

    Nuclear reactors, i.e. reactors capable of operat ion so as toa controlled, self-sustaining fission chain reaction; major comdesigned or intended for use in a nuc lear r eacto r such asvessels, core support structures, coolant pumps , fue l elementequipment, heat exchangers and control rod drive mechanpower generating and/or propulsion equipment no t elsewhereecified, specially designed for use with nuclear reactors.Civi l research and power reactors provided that countr ies 10 whichare des tined support the Interna tiona l Atomic Energy Agencyof safeguards.Hafnium metal, and alloys and compounds of hafnium conmore than 15 per cen t hafnium by weight.Shipments of up to 1 kg of contained hafnium.

    .E.38. Calcium containing both less than one-hundredth (0.0]) per cen tby weight of impurities o ther than magnesium and less than 10 partser million of boron.Shipments containing up to 25 kg of calcium as defined above..E.3!. Tritium, its compounds, and their mixtures in which the ratioof tri.tlium to hydrogen by atoms exceeds one pa,rt in 1,000.Technical Note : The onl y compound s and mix tu re s exc luded by thi sefinition are those where the separation of th e t ri tium f rom its compounds canno t result in the evolution of an i so topic mixture ofhydrogen in wh ich the ratio of tritium to hydrogen by atoms exceedsone par t in 1,000.Individual shipments containing up to lOO curies of tritium, exceptas l im it ed by sub-i tem (b) of A.E.35;Individual shipments containing up to 500 curies of t ri tium when contained in luminous paint, or in a paint constituent; in the form oftritium activated zinc sulphide phosphor in which the trit;ating agent isa compound containing part of its chemically bound hydrogen in t heform of a tritium isotope.

    A.E.40. Neutron generator tubes des igned for opera ti on without anexternal vacuum system, and utilizing electrostatic acceleration to induce a trit ium-deuterium nuclear reaction.

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    (b) specially designed for l iquid fluorine;(c) specially designed for l iquid oxygen, nitrogen or argon, as fo(i ) multi-Iaminar type insulation under vacuum; or(ii) with other types of insulation;(I ) fixed storage t anks hav ing a capacity of 500 tonmore; or(2) mobile equipment having a capacity exceeding 4,542and an evaporation loss rate of less than 1.5 perper day as determined at an ambient temperature oFahrenheit (24 centigrade) and without exposure to

    sunlight.Containers described in sub-item (c).

    1204. Electron beam equipment, as follows:(a) Welding and/or machining equipment, except non-vacuum elebeam welders;Technical Note: The term c n o n - v a c u u m ~ means that t he actua l wetakes place in an atmospheric or a non-vacuum environment, alththe electron beam gun is in a vacuum.(b) Equipment f or th e deposition of thin film t he coating o f t hi nor the working thereof ; (c) Special ized parts fo r the above equipment.Explanatory Note: It is no t intended that this item covers: ( a) ement using the 'sparking technique' , (b) continuous vacuum roll comachines having a voltage i n exces s of 20 kilowatts, having aelectro n b eam gun and no accurate control of the thickness ofdeposited layer.

    Group C . Ele ct ri ca l and Power-Generating Equipment1203. Electric vacuum furnaces as follows:(a) Consumable electrode vacuum a rc furnaces with a capaciexcess of 5 tons;(b) Skull type vacuum arc furnaces;(c) Elect ron beam vacuum furnaces;(d) Induction va'Cuum furnaces, as follows:(i) cold crucible vacuum induction furnaces designed to opat pressures lower than 0.1 mm of mercury and at temtures higher than 2,012 Fahrenheit (1,100 centigrade);(ii) other vacuum induction furnaces designed to ope ra te atperatures higher than 3,002 Fahrenheit (1,650 o ~ n t i ~ r a d excluding furnaces with a workpiece space of no t more than 13',000and designed to operate at temperatures not higher than 3,452 Faheit (1,900 0 centigrade), and furnaces with a workpiece space omore t han 3,200 cm 3 with no single dimension Oength, width, heigdiameter) of that sp ace in excess of 10 in and designed to opat temperatures not higher than 4,172 Fahrenheit (2,300 centigra(e) Res is tance vacuum furnaces designed t o ope ra te at temperahigher than 3,OO2 u Fahrenheit (1,650 centigrade), excluding:(i) f urnaces for hea t treatment:(1) up to 12 in (304 mm) X 12 in X 12 in (28,320designed fo r ternoer1.tures no t higher than 4,172 Faheit (2,300 centigrade);(2) up to 600 cm:! designed for temperatures not h ighe r4,860 (2,700 0 centigrade).(ii) Melting furnaces up to 3,200 cm 3 designed for temperano t higher than 4,172 Fahrenheit (2,300 centigrade).(f) Specialized parts and con tr ol s f or t he above furnaces.


    1205. Electrochemical, semi-conductor and radioactive devices fodirect conversion of chemical, solar or nuclear energy to elecenergy, as follows:(a) Electrochemical devices, as follows:

    (i ) Fuel cells (including regenerative cells), i.e. cells for generelectr ic power, to which all the consumabJe componentssUDplied from outside the ceII;(ii) Primary cells having any of the following characteristics:(1) possess ing a means of activation and having ancircuit storaJ!e life in the unact ivated condit ion. at aperature of 70 0 Fahrenheit (21 0 centigrade) of 10or more;(2) capable of operating at temperatures from below -Fahrenheit (- 25 0 centigrade) to above 131 0 Fahre(+ 55 0 centigrade) . inc luding cel ls and cel l assemot her than d ry cells) possessing self-contained heaters

    (b) Photo-volta!c cells w it h a power utput of 8 milIiwatts o r moresquare centimetre under 100 mllhwat ts per square centimetre tsten (2,800 Kelvin) iHumina.t ion: all gallium arsnilJe photo-vocells. excluding those h a v i n ~ a power output of less than 4 mwat ts measured by the above technique;(See also Item I.L. 1548.)(c) Power sources o th er t han nuclear reactors based on radio-amaterials systems, excluding:(i) t ho se having an outpu t Dower of less than 0.5 watt and aweight of more than 200 Ib ;(ii) th os e specially d e s i ! n ~ and d e v e . ~ o p e d fo r medical use wthe I J . u m a j ~ ; b ( l ( ~ Y .(See also Iterris I.L. 1550 and I.L. 1570).

    1131. Pumps (except vacuum pumps) c apab le of del iver ing liquidsseparately or in combina tion with solids and/or gases and having anyof t he foll ow ing characteristics:(a) Des igned to move molten metals by electromagnetic forces;(b) Special ly des igned for operation at temperatures below -274Fahrenheit (-170 centigrade), except pumps with a flow rateof 379 litres pe r minut e o r less which a re n ot designed for operation at t empera tu res below -328 Fahrenheit (-200 centigrade);(c) Having all flow contact surfaces made of any of the fol lowingmaterials:(i) 90 p er ce nt or more tanta lum, titanium or zirconium, eitherseparately or combined, except material containing more t han97 per c en t and less than 99.7 per cen t ti,tanium;(ii) polytetrafluoroethylene or the oopolymers of tetrafluoroothyleneand hexafluoropropylene.(Sce a lso I tem I.L. 1133).Pumps described ill sub-item (c) Oi).1133. Valves, cocks and pressure regulators, as follows:(a) Special ly des igned to operate at t empera tu res below - 274 0

    F ~ h r e n h e i t (- 170 c e n t i ~ r a d e ) , except those of 2 in (50.8 mm)d1ameter or less specially designed for operation at temperatures from-274 0 Fahrenheit (-170 centigrade) to - 328 0 Fahrenheit(-200 0 centigrade); or(b) h a v i n ~ all flow contact surfaces made of any of the followingmatenals:Listed here should be the mater ia ls listed in the draft. (They are thes ~ m e as those lis ted in I.L . 1131 (c) (i ) and (ii).)(See a lso I tem 27 on the Atomic Energy List and Item I.L. 113 I).Valrcs, cocks and pressure regulators described in sub-ite,n (b) (ii).1142. Pipe, tubing and fittings made of, l in ed w it h or covered withpolytctraftuorethylene, polyvinylidene fluoride, or the copolymers oft ~ t r a l ~ u o r o e t h Y l e . n e and hexafluoropropylene, c h l o r o t r j f 1 u o r o e t h y l ~ n e andvmy I d e ~ e fluonde or hexafluoropropylcne and vinyHdene fluoride.

    U o n - , . e l 1 ~ f o r c e d , nOli-heat shrinkable tubing having an inner d ia lnet ero .125 In Or more"I l ~ ~ , : e i n f o r c e d , ' u ' ~ t shrinkable tubing having an inner diameter 0/. . l / l or Inure hefore s h r i l 1 k a ~ e , w,R(,'IIl!orced tubing des igned fur pres!wres of 500 lbs/ i l l ~ or less,le t l ~ or not equipped with fittings' and

    b e ~ ~ t I ~ . l J 1 g .having an inner diameter ~ greater than 1 in }1'hich has no t. pecwlly processed to make flow surfaces electricall)' conductive.1145. Cont' . . k dliqu fi ,cl (liners. Jac ete only, fo r t he s to rage or transportation ofg r a d ~ ) l: gal s e d ~ at temperatures below - 274 0 Fahrenheit (-170 centi(a) S' J I ~ U uni ts , as fuUows:~ 2 k a l l y deSIgned for liquefied gases boiling at temperatures belowi ' " Fahre.nheit. (- 200 centigrade), as follows:() WIt;!l multt-Iamfnair type insulation under vacuum: or~ l wlhh other types of insulation, having a liquid capacity of3 ore t an 946 litres a nd a n e vapor atio n loss rate of less than75 pepchIlt pe.r dayo as d ~ t e r m i n e d at an ambient temperature ofsunlight;renheIt (24 centIgrade) and w it hout exposure to dir ect

    withdrawal of liquid oxygen or nitrogen does no t exceed 12.5 pe rcent of their to ta l daily PI:oouct;(b) Equipment f,?r the production of l iquid hydrogen, excep t plantswith a capaC it y of less than one-and-a-half tons per 24-hour dayand not designed for, or capable of, th e product ion of hydrogenslush;(c) Liquid fluorine producing equipment;(d) Equipment for helium as follows:(i ) Equ ipment f or t he s epar at ion of hel ium f rom nat ur al gases;and(ii) Equipment for the production of liquid helium, except equipment which has a capacity of no mor e t han 20 l it res per hour.Equipment described in sub-item (a)1118. Equ ipment f or t he p roduct ion of military explosives and solidpropellants, as follows:(a) Complete installations;(b) S ~ c i a l i z e d c o ~ p o n e n t s ;(c) NItrators: contInuous types.1129. Vacuum pumps, as follows:(a) Ion vacuum pumps (i.e. t ho se u si ng t he p ri nc ip le of ionization),except those having pumping speeds of less than 800 litres of hydrogen per second at a pressure of 10. 6 mm of mercury or more (Le.10\ 10-\ etc.);(b) Turbo-molecular pumps having a higher capacity than 2,000 litresof nitrogen pe r second;(c) Diffusion pumps r at ed for unbaffled pumping speeds of more than50,000 litres of nitrogen per second at pressures of 10' mm ofmercury or less;(d) Cryopump systems (i.e. systems in which the circulation of liquefiedgas is used to achieve a vacuum, e it he r static or dynami c, bylowering the temperature of the environment);(c) Specially designed parts, controls and accessories fo r the abovepumps.

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    (d)' -Specialized parts, components and sub-assemblies of t he abovedevices.(See also su'b-items I.L. 1570 (c) and (d).)Equipment described in sub-item (c) having an overall efficiency' of4 per cent or less (obtained by dividing the electrical output, expressedin watts, by the t he rmal input , expressed in wat ts , thi s efjic.!;ency to bemeasured at the. beginning of life).

    12"- Electric arc devices, for generating a flow of ionized gas in whichth e arc column is constricted (except devices wherein the flow of gas isfur isolation 'purposes e-nly and devices of less than 8 0 - k i l o ~ a t t s for,cutting, welding, plating. and/or sprayin:g); .equipment incorporating s u ~ h"devices; ,specially designedparts, .aceessones..and control or test equIP"'ment for such devices.Devices of less than 100 kilowatts for cutting, welding, plating and Ior'spraying.Group D. General Industrial Equipment1305. Metal rolling mills, as follows:(a) Sheet and s tr ip mi ll s more than 3-high ( i ~ c l u d i n ~ d u a l - p ~ r p o s e mi.llswhich can operate a s either 2- or 4-hIgh) which achIeve specIallateral and/or longi tudinal contour control by one or more of thefollowingmeans :. .(i) Work rolls having a rat io of rol l face length to roll diameterwhich exceeds either:6 : 1 for rolls with roll face length up t o and including 30 in(762 mm), or5 : 1 for rolls with roll face length exceeding 30 in. (762 ml!l);(ii) Work roll contour control ac.hieved by concurrent deformIngof back-up rolls. back-up shafts ?r work rolls; .,(iii) Any other feature achieving speCIal lateral and/or longItudinalcontour control s comparable to those achieved by (i) and (ii)above;(b) Mills specially designed or redesigned for the rol ling of metalsand ~ l 1 o y s wi th a melting poin t e x c e e ~ i n g 1,9000 c e n t i g r ~ d e ;(c) Special ized contrpls, parts and accessones for the ~ b o v e mills.Explanatory Note: Sub-item (a) ab.oye r e l a t e ~ to technIcal d e v e l o p m ~ n t swhich materially increase the capablhty of mills to meet the ~ x c e p t l o n -ally close tolerances required for military n e e ~ s . . . . .Hot mills possessing any of the c h a r a c t e f l ~ t l c s descflbed. Ul .sub-ltem(a), if these characteristics do not present an. lmproveme.nt In ~ l n d and Ior Quality on s imilar devices incorporated Into operatIng mIl ls of ~ h same type and size prior to January 1 of the year three years precedIngthe year of the proposed export. . . . . .Cold mills possessing any of the c h a r a c t e ~ l s t l c s d e s c " b ~ d l s u b ~ l t e m(a), if these characteristics do no t present an Improvement "! kInd and I C?rquality on similar devices incorporated into any operatIng cold mIllbefore January 1 of the year three years preceding the year of proposedexport.Al l controls, parts and accessories for the above mills.Explanatory No te: The term ' i m p r o v e m , e ~ t in. kind andlor .quaHty'applies only to technical developments r e s u l ~ I n g In a matenal I n c r e a ~ ein efficiency or r e l i a b i ~ i t y to achieve e ~ c e p t I o n a l l y . ~ l o s e tolerances ]nlateral and/or longitudInal contour reqUIred for mIlItary purposes.1351. Machinery special ly des igned for the extrusion of tetraftuorethylene polymer and copolymer coagulated dispersions or powders or p a s t ~ sderived therefrom, and parts and components t h e ~ e f o r , and other ma.chInery specially designed for the manufacture of WIfe and cable descnbedin sub-item 1754 (c).1353. Equipment specially designed for the manufacture of communication cable described in Item 1526.Equipment specially designed for the manufacture of cable describedin sub-items 1526 (b) and 1526 (c).1355. Maohinery and equipment for the manu fact ur e of electronicequipment, components and m a ~ e r i a l s and related test gear, par ts andsfJeCialized controls and acceSSOrIes, as follows:(a) For tubes (valves) and parts and sub-assemblies thereof:(i) Equipment specially designed for the manufacture of types des..

    cribed in this list, and(ii) equipment for automatic or semi-automatic assembly, testingand/or sorting, except ~ t a n d a r d e q u i p m e ~ t . for ~ h assembly ofentertainment-type receIver tubes or teleVISIon picture tubes notdescribed in Item I.L. 154 t (i).Explanatory Note: The term 'automatic' refers to m a c h i ~ e r y not .requiring the assistance of a human operator to .complete Its functIonor functions during each complete cycle of operations.The term 'semi-automatic' refers to maohinery requiring the assistanceof a human operator to complete part but not all of its funotions duringeach complete cycle of operations. .The term 'functions' above does not include the initial loading or finalunloading of material from the machine.(b) For semi-conductor devices, electronic equipment and componentsdescribed in Item I.L. 1564(a), and parts , materia ls and sub-assemblies thereof:(i) Equipment specially designed for the manufaoture of suchtypes and of any silicon transistor;(ii) Equipment for slicing, dicing. scribing, slice b reaking,polishing, probing, testing and/or sorting;

    BOARD OF TRADE 10URNAL 8 ocrOBER 1969 (iU) Bonders and welden;(iv) Masks; ,(v) Equipment for the manufacture of masks or the creation of aphotosensitive pattern on the surface of a semi-conductor oinsulating substrate; and .(vi) Equipment for purifying or processing semi-conductor materials, except equipment specially designed for the zone purification of germanium.Explanat10ry Note: n is undel'lstood that equipment for purifyin,and processing includes equi.pment which performs one or more othe following operations on semi-conductor materials.(a) purirfying beyond 99.9 pe r cent; .(b) equalizing distributiOll1 of residual i m p u ~ i t i e s ;(c) acbievinlg ooottiotleld in.troduotion of impurities (in one or morstages of ' aperatU,on); "Cd) producing moooorystaUine materlaJ. or forms (e.g. by drawingpulling, deposi'tion) including forming on substrates;(e) for depositing or prinltin.g 00 isulating malterials, or otherwisformi\ng, in situ, componentt pa.l'lts other than basic wiring.Equipment described in sub-i tem (a) (ii).

    1356. Machinery for the working of synthet ic film used as a dielectri(condenser tissue) or as magnetic recording type, as follows:(a) Vacuum metaUizing maohinery special ly designed for the c o ~ . t i n uous coating with metal lized sheathing of synthetic film for dIelectric use in the manufacture of capaoi,tors described in I tem I.L1560 and specially designed parts therefor;(b) Eqwpnlent specially designed for the continuous coating of polyester base miagnetic {]alpe intended for the equipment described iItem I.L. 1572(d).1357 Machines of which the motions for position ing, wrapping anwinding of fibres are coordinated and pro-gr,ammed in three or moraxes, speciaUy designed to fabricate composite structures or laminatefloom fiblious and filamtentIa\fY m'alte,dals, and the mechanioal parts of thmachines, coordinating and progr.amming controls, and specialized partcomponents and accessories therefor.1361. Wind tunnels, as follows:(a) Hypersonic (Mach 5.5 to Mach 15) and hypervelocity (above Mac15) wind tunnels, except wtind tunnels s ~ i a l l y ' - designed for educational purposes and having a test section size (measured internallyof less than 10 in (25 cm);(b) Devices for simulating environments at velocities of Mach 5.5 anabove, including hot shot tunnels, plasma arc tunnels, shock tunnelsshock tubes, gas tunnels and l ight gas guns;(c) Specially designed parts and accessoifies for the above equiplllent.Technical Note: The term ' test section size' refers to the diameter othe circle, the side dimension of the square, or the longer side dimensioof the ,rectangle constituting poss'ible shapes of the test section.Group E. Transportation Equipment1416. Vessels as follows:(a) Fishing vessels, apd hul ls therefor, designed for speed of 17 knotor over when in full load (design) condition;(b) Hydrofoil vessels;Hydrofoil vessels not possessing significant rough water capability oamphibious qualities provided the vessels are for normal civilian use ando not incorporate ad.vanced techniques.(c) Sea-going vessels including coasters' and hulls therefor, designed fospeeds of over 23 knots when in full load (design) condition, takininto consideration hul l form (configurat ion) as well as power planTechnical Note: For passenger-carrying liners having at least 4 deckand whose specifications, as farr as hun construction is concerned, correpond to the Convent ions on the Safety of Human Life alt Sea in f Jrcat the t ime of their cons'truction, this cut-off is 25 knots.(d) Vessels with hulls and propulsion m,achinery made wholly oprimarily of non-magnetic materials;(e) New ships with decks and pla tforms specially designed or strengthened to receive weapons.The Ministry of Technology should be consulted about any vessewhich incorporate any i tem described in thi s l ist or have arrangemenfor demagnetization.(See also I tem M.L. 9).1430. Buoyant electric conducting cable suitable for sweeping magnetmines.1431. Gas turbine engines for marine propulsion, whether originalldesigned as such or adapted for such use from aero-engines .1460. Aircraft and helicopters, aero-engines and aircraft and helicopteequipment, as follows:(a) Helicopters over 10,000 lb (4530 kg) empty weight and powetransm,ission systems therefor;Technical Note: Empty we,ight is understood to include normal instalation and normal mini,mum crew, but does not include fuel or pay-load(b) Aircraft and hel icopters , except those. not containing or incorporaing any Munit ions Lis t i tems and whIch:(i ) are of types and series which have been i n bona fide normacivil use for more than one year, or(ii) are powered by piston engines;

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    (c) A e r o - e n g i n e 8 ~ as follows:(i) Gas turbine eng ines :, .(1) .. je t engines of 5,000 Ib (2265 'kg) thrust or more;(2) t u r b ~ p r o p or turbo-shaft engines of 2,500 horsepower ermore or with a residual thrust of 1,000 Ib (45'3 kg) or more.(ii) Ai,rcraft.and ~ o p t e r engines of other, than gas-turbine types,except pIston engInes;Gas turbine aero-engines fo r us e in civil aircraft and helicoptersnot included in sub-item (b). . .(d) Ground and airborne'equipment developed solely or used mainlyfor aircraft and helicopters excep t g round o r a ir bo rn e ~ q u i p m e n tof types in normal civil use.(See also Items I.L. 1485, I.L. 1501 and M.L.IO).1485. Compasses, gyroscopes, accelerometers and inertial equipment, ufollows:(a) GY,ro. c o m p a s ~ e s possessing one or more of t he fol lowing charac-tenstIcs:(i ) automat ic cor rect ion for the effects on compass accuracy ofchanges in ship's speed, acceleration, or latitude, other thanmanually sot mechanical corrective devices;(ii) provision for accep ti ng ship' s dat a as an electrical input;(iii) provision fo r setting In corrections for current set and dri ft :(iv) utilization of accelerometer , rate gyro, rate integrating gyros,or electrolytic levels as sensing d.evices;(v) provisions fo r determining and electrically transmitt ing ship'slevel reference data (roll, pitch) in addit ion to own ship' s coursedata;(b) Integrated flight instrument systems fo r aircraft which includegyro-stabilizers and/or automatic pilots;Explanatory Note: An integrated flight instrument system is a primary instrument display system of attitude and azimuth with facilities fo rgiving manoeuvre guidance information to the p il ot and oft en int egra tedwith an auto -p il ot t o t he ext en t of embodying a conlmon unit for settingup the required demands.(c) Gyro-astro compasses and o ther devices which derive position and/or orientation by means of automatically tracking celestial bodies:Cd) Gyro-stabilizers used for other purpos es th an aircraft controlexcept those fo r stabilizing an ent ir e 5urface vessel:(e) Automat ic pilots llsed fo r other pur po se s t han a ir cr af t control,except marine types for surface vessels;(f) Accelerometers with a threshold of 0.005 g or less andjor a linearity of less than 0.25 pe r cent of output over the operating range.which are designed fo r use in ine,rtial navigation systems or inguidance systems of all types :(g) Gyros and gyro-compasses. as follows:

    (i) gyros with a rated free dir ec ti onal dri ft r at e ( ra ted fre e p recession) of less than 0.5 degree (I Sigma or r.m.s.) per hourin a I g environment( ii ) gyro compasses which incorporate gyros described in suh-item(g) (i ) above or which. when operated in a gyro COJnpass mode.have a compass error. before comnensat ion, due to gyro driftof less than 1/30 of a radian (6/rr degrees or 1 . 9 1 ~ f degre.esapproximately) at 0 degree latitude;(h) Inertial equipment using accelerometers described. in sub-item (f )above and/or gyros described in sub-item (g) (i) above , and sys-tems incorpor;;lting such equipment;(i) Spec;aUy deSIgned parts. components and test calibration andalignment equipment fo r t he above . except for the specific equipment exported under the note to (b) below.Equipment described il l slIh-itl.'m (h ) provided:(i) They are of types and series uhich hal'c nee'! in normal ch'i/use for more th an tw o years and arc sta1ldard equipment ofaircraft excluded from control under It('111 I .L . 1460.(i n The equipment is 10 he installed in civil a ircraf t.GSfOUP F. Electronic Equipment including ( ~ o l 1 t m u n i c a t i O l J s and Radar. ee also Item M.L.l l .1501. Communication, navigation. direct ion finding and ra dar equ ipment:See also sub-items M.L.20 (b) and M.L.20 (c ) and sub-items I.L.1485 (b)and I.L.1485 (h).(a) Airborne communication equipment and specialized parts and components therefor.Standard commercial a;rhorne equipment needed to Pqu;p civil air

    craft for. s [ ~ e ~ f l / ~ d operat ions or a.' normal standard equiprnent incor~ o r a t . e d In cly,l aircraft heing (Jxported for chil comlnercial use prol'idedlat It contains none of the fo/!o characfer;.H;c,fi:///) D e s ~ g n e d to o l ~ e r a t e a t frequencies greater than 156 megaHertz;Deslr:ned for Sin/de Side Blind Opl.Jratio/l;(c) I n ~ o r p o r a t i n g facilit ies for:.~ l the ~ a , ! ; d selection of more than 200'" channds per equiplnent or

    (ll) p ~ o v l d l n R a mu/lip/kit)' of all(JJ'flatire ou tPllt carrier frequencies controlled hv a leJ.\'er ll11tnher of p j e ~ o e l e c l r i c : cJ'}'sfal.\ and(d) p not. forming multiples of a common cO/ltrol freqllllc);"ressurtzed throughout;(e) Rated for continuous operation oVer a rQtl!?e of anzbient temperatures extending from below - 55() ('eflfigrade 10 above +55 0 centigrade,'(I) ~ e s i g n e ~ for .mod!,laring "'ethods e tnpl uy in g any f orm of di.qitalF odulatlO11 l l. \ ' lI lg tlnle and frequency redundallcy such as 'Qualllized A ; ~ q u ~ l l c . v Modl.dation" (QFM);r: pp lcatlon.\' for bc('nces for equipment operafing in t he f requencyan-,e 108-136 megaHertz incorporating facilities fo r 'the raPid select;oll

    of 560 channels or fewer aJ not less than .so kiloHertz channel spwill be considered if the equipnlent htU bee" in normal civil use tleast two years. .(b) . Navrgat ion and direction finding equipment (and specializedand accessories. specialized testing or calibrating equipmentraining or simulating equipment, no t elsewhere specified theras follows:(i) airborne nav igat ion equ ipnlen t and d irec tion finding ement as follows:

    ( I) Des igned t o m ake use of ~ D o p p l e r ' frequency phenom(2) Utilizing t he const an t velocity a nd /o r t he rectilinearpagation characteristics of electromagnetic waves hfrequency less than 4 x 1011 cycles pe r second (0.75 micStandardconlmerciol airborne equipment of t he k in dcribed in subitenl Cb) (i ) (2) needed t o e qu ip c iv il aifo r scheduled operations or as normal standard equii n c iv il ai rc ra ft being exported for civil conJmerciapror ided that oS'ucll equipment:(a) i..\' ill cunfurmity with ICAO standards and assurefUllctiun exceeding those resulting from s uc h sards;

    (b ) h / lot designed to make use of hyperbolic grids aquencies greater than 3 megaHertz.*;(c) i.s equivalent il l all characteristics an d performanequipment used as standard equipment of aircrasuhjcct to embargo. A pplicatiulls fo r licences 10 e . ~ p o t l standard comma i ~ h o r l l e equipmet;1 designed to make use o f hypegrlds at freqllt'llcles of less than 3megaHertz andinclude co-ordillate CO/H'ersioll equiplnelu will be coered if the equipnleflt:(a) Iw.\ heen in Ilo,., ,,al civil use for Inore than twoand; .(b) doe!} /lot incorporate equipment enlbargoed byI.L. 1545 (a), I.L. 1564 or I.L. 1565.EqllipnuIlt described il l sub-item (b) (i ) (1), norma lstalled ill civil aircrpft or helicopters and destinedfru/al/ed i n c iv il a ircraf t or helkopters.(3) Radio altimeters the following:(a ) Pulse modulated;Cb) F requency modul at ed hav ing an electrical oaccuracy bet ter th,an 3 feet over t he who lebeh\'een () to 100 teel or 3 ~ cent above 100(c) Frequency modulat ed which have been in normause fo r less than fOUf years.Standard cUfnlnercial frequency modulated radio altimneeded tu equip ci ...i/ aircraft for scheduled operat ioa:t IlO; 1'nal .Handart! equipfnellt incorporated in civicraf t heing expur ted fur civil comlnercial lIse. providesuch a lt imet er s have been in normal cil'i/ use forthan two vears.(4) O;rection' finding equipment opera,ting :l't frequegreat er t han 5 megaHertz other than .equipment desfo r search and rescue purposes provided tha,t the reoperates on a crystal controlled fixed frequency of!JlegaH.ertz and that the d e t e ~ i n a t . i o n of the D.F. beIS. not ,ndependent of the head 10 9 of the ai rcraft a nd' :lded that the D.F. antennae array is designed for olloo at a fixed frequency of 121.5 megaHertz(5) Pressurized throughout: '

    (6) Rated for c o n t i n u ( l l ~ s operation over a range of amt en lperatures ext endIng f rom below - 55 centigraabove + 55 centigrade;(ii) ~ r o u n d ~ n m a r i ~ e . ~ q u i p r n e n t for use with airborne nation eqUJ pment uttllzlnl!; the constant velocity and /o r thel inear propagat ion characteristics of clectronlagnetic

    h ~ v i n g frequency less than 4 x JO l4 cycles per secondmIcrons);Ground e q l l i p m ~ n t fo r IIse at chif airports or fo r civil use inciation with a';rhorne equirnn el1t de./fcrihed in the ,Vote 10 sub(h) (i) (2) abore. prol'ided that slIch equipment:;s in conformity with ICAD standards and a.UlIre.f no funct ioceeding those rt:sultin,Cl from SIICIt Jtalldards; andis no t designed to nlake use ot hJ'perbolic grids at frequgreater than 3 II,egallertz. .(iii) ground ~ n marine direction finding equipment operatifrequenCIes greater than 12 megaHertz.Equipment de,"cl"ihed ill (h) (iii). H,"'l?II:(a) t ~ e . e q ~ t i t J m e f l l is to he insfa lfed at civil airpOrt,,, or for u

    CIVI l air foutl'S: .(b) the equipment is de:,.;glled to ope ra te a t frequencies hetwemeg.aHeltz and 157 ,negafJertz. excluding single sideeqUIpmEnt; ,(c) the equipment employs a loop SJsLeln or a systeln emplonumber of spaced vertical aerials unifornlly di.Jpo ..~ e athe circumference of a . cirr:/e, ,excluding electrQnicallymurall'd types.(c l R a d ~ r equipment, and s ~ , i a l i z e d pa'rts a/od accessories.. specitesting or caJbr2lj'ng equipment .afIlQ tra4oJn& ..or simula.trng -meRt thereforl as follows: ' . . .

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    1502. Communication, detection or tracking equipment of a kind usingult ra-violet radiation, infra-red radiation or ultrasonic waves; andspecialized parts thereforeExplaOOJtory Note: This iltem ,is not in/tended to cover industriaJ equipment employing cells not described in Items I.L. 1548 or I.L. 1550, flamedetectors for ndustrial fumaces, nor ultrasonic dev.ices whioh o p e r ~ t e incooitlact with a cooltrolled matefiiai to be inspected.See also Uern M.L.I5.1507. 'Jamming' apparatus (i.e., apparatus specially designed to jam orotherwise interfere with radio reception); and speCialized parts therefore1510. Location apparatus, underwater: apparatus for detecting or locatio.g objects under warter by m a ~ e t i c or acoustic or ultmsonic methods,and specialized components of such apparatus , except mar ine depthsounders of a kind used solely for measuring the depth of water or t hedistance of submerged objects or fish and/or whales vertically belowthe apparatus.Horizontally operating apparatus for fish andIor whale finding.1514. Pulse modulators capable of providing electric impulses of peakpower exceeding 200 kilowatts or of a duration of less than 1/1Othmicro-second, or with a duty cycle in exoess of 0.002; and pulse-transformer, pulse-forming equipment or delay lines being specialized partsof such modulators.Pulse modula tors as described above in which the peak power doesnot exceed 1.5 megawat(s.

    151'. Panoramic radio receivers as follows:(a) Panoramic radio receivers (being receivers which search automatically .a par t ,of the r a d i ~ - f r e q u e n c y spectrum and i n d i c a ~ e the signals, .'reeewed); ,'except aooillary equIpmen.t'for 'commercial receivers,with- which the frequency spectrum searched does not exceed either 20 -per cent of the intermediate frequency of the receiver or , ' 2mepHertz; .';.' ,,(It), Spee;iaiiMd _pads ."for . " .patlOlUDio -radio r-eeei\'C1'S; dcIaibed .. .iII, . this item. ' . ' . -.

    (i) a irborne radar equipment;(ii) ground and marine radar equipment having one or more o f thefollowing features:(1) Opemting a t a f requency not in normal civil use or at af.requency of more than 10.5 gigaHertz;(2) Having a peak output power from the transmitter greaterthan 160 kilowatts;(3) The cumulative probability of det ection for a 20 squa remetre target is 80 per cent at a free space range of 50nautical miles;(4) Uti lizing other than pulse modulation with a constant and!or st.!lggered pulse repetition frequency in which the carrierfrequency of the transmitted signal is not changed delibera te ly between groups of pulses, from pulse to pulse, orwithin a single pulse;(5) Uti li zing a Doppler technique for any purpose other thanM.T.!. systems using a conventional double or triple pulsedelay line cancellation technique;(6) Including signal process ing techniques which have been innormal civil use for a period of less than 4 years ;(7) Havi,pg been in commercial use for a peri od of less thantwo years.Equipment deschibed in sub-item (c) (ii) provided that it is for use incivil aircraft for scheduled opera tions and is normal and reasonableequipment for such aircraft, i t has been in normal commercial service forat least two years and it is specially designed for use as a commerc ia lweather radar.Radar equipment wUh only the characteristics described in sub-items(c) (ii) (1), (c) (ii) (2) and! or (c) (ii) (3) prOVided that it is specially designed for the surveillance and co-ordination of airfield surface traffic.Radar equipment with only the characteristics described in sub-items(c) (ii) (2) and/or (c) (ii) (3), provided that peak output power from thetransmitter does not exceed I megawatt and *cumulative probability ofdetection for a 10 square metre target is 80 per cent at a free space

    r a n g ~ not exceeding 120 nautical miles.Radar equipment with only the characteristics described in sub-items(c) (ii) (2) and!or (c) (ii) (3), provided that operating frequency is lessthan 3.5 gigaHertz, peak power f rom the transmi tt er does not exceed2.5 megawatts, cumulative probability of detection for a 10 squaremetre target is 80 per cent a t a free space range not exceeding 200 nautical miles, pulse repetition frequency exceeds 300 pulses per second andthe equipment is to be ins talled for air traffic control of scheduled international commercial /lights.Secondary radar equipment described in sub-item (c) designed specifically for civil applications.The cumulative probability of detection is determined according to thefollowing parameters:(1) Radial closing velocity of the target: 2,000 feet per second (610metres per second);(2) ProbaJbHi1ty of false aIann: 10-8 ;(3) Operator factor: 3dB;(4) F luctua tion of the targe t in accordance with Rayleigh d i ~ t r i b u t i o n .

    viii B OA R D OF T RA DE J O U RN A L 8 ocrOBER 1969 1 5 1 ~ . Radio transmitters and components (except radio link aneqUIpment) as follows:(a) Transmitters or transmitter amplifiers designed to operate atfrequencies greater than 235 megaHertz, other than( i) televis!on broadcast ing transmitters and amplifiers toperating between 470 and 960 megaHertz;(H) frequency-modulated and amplitude-modulated groundm u n i ~ t i o ~ s equipment for use in the land mobile servoperat ing In the 420 to 470 megaHer tz band, wi th a powpu t of no t more than 25 wat ts for mobil e uni ts and 10for fixed units;(Hi) amplitude-modulated radiotelephone equipment used forand rescue work opera ting on a frequency of 243 megwith a car ri er power not exceeding 100 milliwatts.

    (b) Transmitters or transmitter amplifiers designed to providethe following features:(i) a ny system of pulse modul at ion (this does not includetude, f.requency or phase modulated television or telegtransmitters);(H) rated for opera tion over a range of ambient temperatutending from below -40 0 centigrade to above + 55 0 cent(Hi) designed to provide a mul tipl ic ity of alternative outpquencies controlled by a lesser number of piezo-electric cexcept equipments in which the output frequency is sonly by manual operation either on the equipment oremote control unit and:(1) those f . o r m i n ~ multiples of a com,mon c

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    specialized assemblies, sub-assemblies a n c ~ p o n e n ~ , and. equcontaining components e m ~ a r g o e d by. thiS Item. I t IS ~ o I n t e r ef er t o simple coding deVices or equipment only enSUrIng theof communications.1529. Electronic measuring, calibrating, counting, testing and timeval equipment, whether or no t i ~ c ~ r p o r a t i n g frequency standards,any of the following c h a r a c ~ e ~ l s h c s : ..a) cons isting of , or containing, frequency lueasunng equipmfrequency standalfds designed for: .(i) other than ground la'boratory use, With an accuracy bett1 part in 10 7 ; or(ii) ground laboratory use, with a sta

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    the centre afone anode. The structure is. sealed and contains a mixtureof gases, principally nitrogen under less than atmospheric pressure.Sub-i tem (b) i n c l u d ~ s gas krytron tubes, ~ a c u u m krytron tubes andsimilar tubes.

    1546. Dendr it ic p roduced forms of any semiconductor material. orcombinations thereof. suitable for use in diodes or transistors.T ~ n i c a l Note: The term 'dentritic' signifies a ribbon-like product ofsenll-conductor material wh}ch may be drawn in various widths, thicknessc:a and lengths and WhICh may represent process ing s tages . from arelatively pure form of the mater ial throuah advanced staaes of treatment.

    1544. Semi-conductor diodes and thyristors, except photodiodes (seeItem I.L. J548). as follows:(a) Diodes hav ing a bu lk mat er ial other than silicon, germanium, selenium or copper oxide;(b) Si li con and gennanium diodes (including mixer, detector, frequencychanging and var iable capacitance diodes, and diodes used for thedirect conversion of DC to RF power). designed or rated for use ati nput or output frequencies greater than 300 megaHertz except:(i ) point-contact diodes designed for use at input frequencies no texceeding I gigaHertz;(H) voltage-variable capacitance diodes des igned for tuning andautomat ic ( requency con trol in entertainment-type televisionand radio receivers, having all of the following characteristics:(1) a r at ed power dissipation of less than 0.5 watt at 25centigrade;(2) a series inductance higher than 3 nanoHenries;(3) a typical figure of merit Q of less than 800 measured ata reverse vol tage of 4 volts and a frequency of 50 megaHertz;Cc) Silicon and germanium d iode s hav ing a rated maximum reverse re-covery time of less than 30 nanoseconds;(d) Tunnel diodes;(e) Thyristors having a rated turn-off time of less than 10 microseconds.Poi1lt-contact type diodes. designed for use at input frequencies notexceeding 12.5 gigaHertz. .

    1556. Non-flexible fused fibre optic plates or bundles. having afollowing characteristics:(a) a fibre pi tc h ( cent re t o cent re spa ci ng) of less than 1.5 microns(b) a l ight-absorbing medium surrounding each fibre. or i n t ~ r s t iplaced between fibres:(c) a diameter greater than t in (13 mm).

    1555. I ~ a g e intensifiers, ~ m a g e .converters and specialized compoelectroniC storage tubes Including memory transformers o f rad atures, and ruggedized vidicon-type tubes (except commercial statelevision camera tubes and commercial standard X-ray amplifier t

    1553. Flash-discharge type Xray systems. including tubes. exceptsystems or tubes having all of the following specifications:(a) peak power of 500 megawatts or less;(b) output voltage of 500 kilovolts or less;(c) pu lse width of 0.2 microsecond or more.

    1558. Valves (tubes) electronic, and special ized parts as fol lows:(a) (i) valves rated for continuous-wave operation above 1,000Her tz a t the maximum rated anode dissipation;(i i) valves rated for pulse operation above 300 megaHertzmaximum rated anode dissipation;(iii) valves r ated for continuous-\vave operation over the f reqrange 300 to 1,000 megaHertz and for w h i c h ~ under anytions of cooling, the product of the maxinlum rated anodsipation (expressed in watts ) a nd t he squa re of the maxfrequency (expressed in megaHertz) at the maximumanode dissi pation is grea te r tha n 10 1\ or where appliexternal anode tubes rated only without a radiator. andonly for free ai r c ir cu la tion , the p roduct is greater5x 1011;(iv) valves constructed with cereamic envelopes and r ated foration above 300 megaHertz.Explanatory Note: Sub-item (a) of the definition is not intendinclude any single-ended glass envelope tube which has a standardminiature or 9 p in Noval base and is in s tandard use in civiliantronic equipment.( b) valv es in which the velocity of the electrons is utilized as othe functional parameters. including but not l imited to ktystravelling wave tubes and magnetrons, except fixed frequencymagnetrons designed to operate at frequencies in the range9.5 gigaHertz with a maximum peak power output not exce25 kilowatts;Fixed-frequency continuous-wave magnetrons des igned to opera frequency of 2.45 giga/lertz 0.025 gigaHertz with a maxinZllm

    power output 110t exceedint: 5 kilowatts, or at a frequell cy l owe1 g igaHerzt w ith a maximum rated power output not exceeding 25watts , provided t ha t such t ubes are spec ia ll y des igned for induheating or cooking purposes;reflex klystrons having all the fol lowing character is tics :(a) Operating at frequencies in the range !rum 8.5 to 10.5 gigaH(b) An output power of 200 milliwatts or less;(c) .A metal envelope;(d) A probe output;(e) Mechanical tuning a c c o m p l i s h ~ d by distortion of a diaphsituated at one end of the tubt: and on which the reflector vconnection is mounted.

    Valves describ ed in (a) and Cb) which are spec ia ll y designetelevision purposes and "re to be used in telev is ion transmit terprecise locations of which are known, for civil teIe-casting to CCOIR standards.'Fixed-frequency pulsed ma1!netrons. designtd to operate l o w ~ r than lO.5gigallertz with a maximllm ratedpower not exceeding 1.S me,awatt3.

    rlS4L Photo .cells, as follows:(a) 'Photoelectric cel ls , photo-conductive cells (including pbototrtors. and similar cells) with a peak sensitivity at a wavelength kthan 12,000 Angstrom units or shorter than 3,000 Angstrom un(b) P ~ o t o - t r a n s i s t o r s (photo-conductive cel ls inc luding p h o t o - d i WIth a r e s ~ o n s e time constant of 1 millisecond or less measuthe operatInJ.temperature of the cell fo r which the time coreaches a Th.e time. constant is def ined as t he t ime t ak enthe applIcatIon of a hght stimulus for the cur rent increment toa v a l ~ e .of l !/e t i m ~ the final ~ a l u e , (i.e., 63 p ~ cent of the ~ n a l vThiS I t ~ ~ !S not Intended to Include germanium photo deVices w.peak senSItIVIty at a wavelength shorter than 17,500 Angstrom uni

    1549. Photomultiplier tubes as follows:(a) For which the maximum sensitivity occurs at wavelengths lthan 7,500 Angstrom units or shorter than 3,000 Angstrom uni(b) having an anode pulse r ise t ime of less than 1 nanosecond.1550. Thermal detecting cel ls , i .e . bolometers and thermocoupletectors, radiant energy types only. with a response time constant othan 10 milliseconds measured at the opera ting tempera tu re o f thfor which the time constant reaches a minimum.

    8 O

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    and output impedances of amplifiers, the effect of loading,the effectsof phase shift , and the generating of functions.(2) More t han 75 operational aJl).plifiers; "(3) More than, four integrator tfme scales,switchable during onprogramme;,Cb) Analogue computers desifgned or modified fo r use in airbomvehicles, missiles or space vehicles and rated for continuous o p e r a ~boo. aJt temperaltures :Erom below _45 0 centigrade to ' above +55centigrade; and equipment or systems incorporatiQ.g such computers(c) O t h ~ r ' analogue' ~ o m p u t e t s capable of accepting, 'processing. andputtIng'out data, In the, :form of one or n(O'tecontinuous :variableand capable of incorporating a 'total o f a t- le as t ''1J)summers

    i n t e g r a t o r s ~ mul tipl ie rs or funct ion, generai'lf'ts with' f ~ t i t i e s for e ~ ~ i l y varying :the i - ! 1 t e r - c o n n e c t i o ~ o f these components;(d) ~ 1 ~ l t a l computers WIth one or more of the following characterlsbcs:(1) The CPU i m p l ~ m e n t s floating aoint ope..rations by h a r d w a r e ~(2) The sum of eIther the I ' l / ~ _ b u s rate" o r th e 'to tal effectIvbilt transfe'r ra1te', whi'Cibever i$ less, and the 'CPU bus rateexceeds 10.8 million bits per seCond;(3) The. internal memory has a total connected ca,pacity (excludinparIty, word marker and flag bit s) of more than 0.8 milliobits;(4) The computer is equipped with peripheral memory d e v i ~ s afollows:

    (i ) More than 12;(ii) The 'total effective b it transfer rate' (excluding datchannels not equ ipped wi th p eri ph era l memory unitsexceeds 0.7 ,mi ll ion b it s per second ;(iii) Any magnetic tape transport with;(a) More than 800 b its per inch per track;(b) More than 75 inches per second tape speed;(c) More than 9 t racks per t inch tape width; or(d) More than t inch tape width .(iv) Fo r peripheral memory devices other than magnetic taptransports:(a) Total connected 'net capacity' exceeds 3 mill ion bits;(b) 'Total number of accesses' exceeds 120 per second.

    (5) Computers with cathode ray tube displays as follows:(i) Used to display alpha-numeric and similar data or information, excluding those displays for which circuitry and character-generation devices external to the tube'limit displayto aJpha-numeliic ohaJraoters in fixed ormats or to g,raphcomposed only of the same basic elements as used foalpha-numeric cha ract er compos it io n (this exclusion ilimited t o gr aphi c di spl ays 'for which the sequence osymbols and basic elements of symbols are fixed by thf orma t and character generators in the uni t a nd cannobe generated arbitrarily by the computer).(H) With l ight gun or other graphic input devices, excludinthose which a're par ts of displays for which circuitry ancharacter-generation'devices external to ' the tube l imit displays to alpha-numeric characters in fixed format or tgraphs composed only of the same basic elements as usefor alpha-nuJ!leric character composition.

    (e) Dig it al compu ters and digital differential analyzers (incrementacomputers) designed or modified for use i n a ir bo rne vehiclemissiles or space vehicles and, rated for continuous operation atemperatures from below -45 0 centigrade to above + 55 centg ~ a d e ; and equ ipment or systems incorporating suoh computeor analyzers;(f) Other digital computers. operated by one or more common controunits and capable of all of the following:(1) Accepting storing, processing and producing an output i

    numerical or alphabetical form;(2) Storing more than 512 numerical and/or alphabetical chaacters or having an internal memory o f more t han 2,048 bit(3) Per fo rming a s to red sequence of operations that are modifable by means other than a physica l change in circuitryand(4) Selecting a sequence from a plurality of stored operationbased upon data or an internally computed result;(g) Computers capabJe of operalting in both analogue and digitmodes and related equipment as follows:

    (1) Equipment whose analogue portion meets the conditions of subi tem (c) and whose digital portion meets the conditions of subitem (f ) and which also provides facil it ies for processing in thdigital section numeric data f rorn the analogue section and/ovice versa;(2) Equipment for inter-connecting the analogue and diiital potions of computers as described in sub-item .(g) (1);(3) Digital or analogue c o m p u t ~ r s ;containing i n t e r - c o n n ~ t i equipment as described in slib-itel1 (g) (2);

    (c) indirectly heated valves of a kind thaf can be passed through 11circular hole of 7.2 mm in diameter;(d) valves designed to withstand 'acceleration of short duration (shock)greater than 1,000 g;(e) valves designed for operat ion in ambient temperatures exceeding100 centigrade;(f) vacuum tubes specially designed for use "as pulse modulators forradar or for ~ i m i l a r applications, having a peak anode voltagerating of 100 kilovolts or more; or rat ed for a peak pulse power of,2megawatts or more.

    1559. Hydrogen thyratrons, as fol lows:(a) rated for apea.k pulse p o ~ e r output of" 2 megawatts or m{)re; or(b) of metal-ceramic construction. ' ,"Technical Note: A thyratron is any hot, cathode gas ..filled tube con...taining 3 or more electrodes in which anode current flow is initiated bya control elect rode: . .Equipntent descrtbed In sub-Item (b).1560. Components and par ts used as inducti ve and capacitive elementsin electronic circuits, designed for and/or W\pable of reliable performance in relation t o thei r electrical and mechanical characteristics andmaintaining their design service lifetime while operating:(a) over the whole range of 0 a m b i ~ t temperatures from below-45centigrade to above + 100 centIgrade; or(b) at ambiet temperatures of 200 centigrade or higher.Explanatory Note: Inc luded in thi s definition are such items ascapaci,toIlS, tmnsform'ers, chokes, relays, etc.1561. ~ J a t e r i a l s specially designed and manufactured for use asabsorbers of electromagnetic waves having frequencies greater than 2 x108 cycles per second, and less than 3 x 1012 cycles per second.1562. Tantalum and niobium electrolytic capacitors as follows:(a) All types designed to operate permanent ly at temperatures exceed-ing 85 centi'grade; .(b) Sintered elect rolytic capacitors, except those having a casing madeof epoxy resin or sealed with epoxy resin;(c) Electrolytic capacitors constructed with foils.1564. Electronic components, as follows:(a) Assemblies and sub-assemblies constituting one or more functionalcircuits with a component densi ty greater than 75 pa rt s per cubi c inch(4.575 parts per cubic centimetre);(b) Modular insulator panels ( including wafers) mount ing single or~ _ l ! J . ! . i P l e electronic elements and specialized parts therefor.Technical Note: Circuit boards and panels which do not contain components described in this list and which do not come within the scope ofsub-item (a) above 'are not covered by sub-item (b) unless they are constructed of insulating materials other than paper base phenolics, glasscloth melamine, glass c lo th epoxy resin or of insulating materialswith an an operating temperature range not exceeding that of the abovementioned materials.(c) Integ'I1ated circuits, i.e. assemblies and sub-assemblies con.faiining one?f more functional circuits in which there are both components and~ n t e r - c o n n e c t i o n s formed by the diffusion or deposition of materialsmto or on a common subs tr ate .Devices described in sub-items (a), (b), (c), provided that the deviceshave been designed specifically fo r identifiable civil applications and, byn.ature of design or performance. are substantially restricted to th e par-ticular application f or which they have been designed.Group G.' Scientific Instruments and Apparatus , ServoDtechallismsand Photographic Equipment1565. Electronic computers and re'lated equipment as follows:(a) ~ ~ a l o g u e computers with one or more of the following character

    IstiCS:(1) Rated errors less than(i) Summers, inverters and integrators:(a) Static: 0.02 per cen t.. (b) Total at 1 kiloHertz 0.15 per cen t(11) Multipliers;(a) Sta tic : 0.1 per cen t... (b) Total at 1 kiloHertz 0.25 per cent(Ill) Fixed function generators: Log X and sine/cosine:Static: 0.1 per cent.

    t h ~ e c h n i c a l Note: The percentage for sub-item (a) (i ) (1) (a) applies tois ffactual O l ~ t P U t voltage; all other percentages apply to ful l scale, thatom maXImum negative to maximum positive reference voltages.i n ~ o t a l e r r o r ~ at 1 kiloHertz are to be measu red with those res is tor sleastrporated In the invert er , summer or i nt eg ra to r which provide theerror.f o ; ~ i a l error measurements include all errors of the unit resulting from,ample, tolerances of resistors and capacitors, tolerances of input


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    (b) Specialized 'parts, components , per iphera ls , sub-assembl ies .accessories, and sRare parts for the above , including those whichare also described in Items I. L 1572 and I.L. 1588.Analogue computers covered by sub-items (a) (1) (i ) (a), (a) (i) (ii) (a).(a) (2) and (c), digital computers covered by sub-items (d) (1)-(4) and (nand equipment for such computers covered by sub-item (h), subject tocertain conditions, including:(a) that the equipment is primarily used in non-strategic applications, 'Cb) that the equipment will be used primarily for the specific non-strategic applications for which the export would be approved andthat the number. type and characteristics of such equipment arenormal for the approved use;(c) that if they are analogue computers covered by sub-items (a) (1) (i)(a), (a) (1) (ii) (0) 01 (a) (2), t he static rated error for summers,inverters and integrators are not less than 0.01 per cent and formultipliers are not less than 0.025 per cent and there are not morethan 350 operational amplifiers;(d) that if they are digital compulers covered by sub-item (d) (1)-(4), allof the following additional conditions are met:(1) The slim of either the '' 1/0 bus rate' o r the ' total effective bittransfer rate', whichever is less, and the 'CPU bus rate' doesnot exceed 40 million bits per second,'(2) The 'process ing data rate' for CPUs which implement floatingpoint operat ions by hardware does no t exceed 8 million bitsper second;(3) The internal memory total connected capacity (excluding parity,word marker and flag bits) does not exceed 2.36 million bits,'(4) For peripheral memory devices with which the computer isequipped:

    (i ) No more than 12 magnetic tape transports,'(ii) The 'total effective bit transfer rate' excluding data channelsnot equipped with peripheral memory units does notexceed 8 million bits per second; .(Ui) The 'effective bit transfer rate' of any peripheral mem'ory. or data ~ h a n n e l does not exceed 1.5 million bits per second;(rv) For penpheral memory devices other than magnet ic tapetransports;(a) To ta l connected 'net capacity' does not exceed 305million bits;Cb) For each independent device, 'net capacity' (in millions0/ bits) does not exceed 'average access time (inseconds) raised to the 3/2 power and then mutipJiedby 8,000; and(c) 'Total number 0/ accesses' does not exceed 150 persecond.Interpretative definitions of t he t emrinology used such as 'CPU busrate', 'average seek time' , etc. will be provided, if requi red on applica tion to the Export Licensing Branch. '1568. Equipment, as follows:(a) c l ~ s s e s

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    1579. Ion microscopes having a r esolving power bet te r than 10 Astrom units.

    (e) reels are special ly des igned /OT computeT use and have a diameno t exceeding 10.S in (267 mm) and Q tape length nOI exceed2,450 ft (747.2 mm).


    1585. Photographic equipment, as follows:(a) High speed c inema recording cameras , as follows:(i) Canleras in which the film is continuously advanced throuout the recording per iod, and which a