Co-ordination and Co-operation Between CGF Agents

Co-ordination and Co-operation Between CGF Agents Dr Jeremy Baxter Parallel and Distributed Simulation Group S&P Sector, Malvern


Co-ordination and Co-operation Between CGF Agents. Dr Jeremy Baxter Parallel and Distributed Simulation Group S&P Sector, Malvern. Overview of Presentation. Background Co-ordination and Co-operation problems Techniques from Multi-Agent Systems Joint Intentions theory. Four step model - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Co-ordination and Co-operation Between CGF Agents

Page 1: Co-ordination and Co-operation Between CGF Agents

Co-ordination and Co-operation Between CGF Agents

Dr Jeremy Baxter

Parallel and Distributed Simulation GroupS&P Sector, Malvern

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Overview of Presentation


Co-ordination and Co-operation problems

Techniques from Multi-Agent Systems– Joint Intentions theory.

– Four step model

Example implementation– Squadron (Company) assault

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“Broad Agents” based CGF system

– Military command and control structure

– Independent Agents and behaviours for each level

– Breaks up responsibilities and behaviours


Command and ControlIntelligence

Higher Level Objective




Tank TankTank Lower Level Objectives

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Initial Co-ordination Problems

Complex composite behaviours

– Initial timing by message passing

– Prone to programming bugs

– Context lost if commander died

Weak model of group context

– produced separately from orders to subordinates

– developer responsible for linking group and sub-group states

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Generic Problems and Solutions

Existing CGF systems have problems

– Lack of co-operative group behaviour

– Co-ordination is inflexible and prone to failure

– Composite behaviours are therefore weak and brittle

Solutions from Multi Agent Systems literature

– Provide a framework for group behaviour

– Model the context for re-planning decisions

– Model agents’ responsibilities to their group and the operator

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Joint Intentions Theory

A logic based model of what it means to co-operate on a task

– Explicitly represents roles and commitments

– Improves robustness

Key elements

– Mutual belief (I know he knows I know …..)

– Mutual goals and plans

– Commitment to informing other agents

Example:- Traffic convoys

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Weak GoalEITHER Goal to achieve POR P has been achieved AND Goal to inform group P is

achievedOR P is unachievable AND Goal to inform group P unachievable

Weak Mutual GoalMutual belief that everyone has a Weak Goal to achieve P

Joint Persistent GoalMutual belief that P has not yet been achieved ANDMutual goal to achieve P ANDUNTIL Mutual belief that P is achieved, unachievable or irrelevant

A Weak Mutual Goal to achieve P will persist

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Definitions 2

Joint IntentionTo have a Joint Persistent Goal to do an action while mutually

believing that all involved are doing the action

– A ‘Group State’ committing all involved both to the goal, a to a way of achieving it and conventions on how to deal with problems

Key elements

– Establishing mutual belief in an action

– Commitment to informing others

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Using Joint Intentions

Attack Helicopter CGF (Tambe et al in STOW)

– Preventing teamwork failures, e.g. loss of Scout Helicopter

Co-ordinating independently designed behaviours– generic support for composite actions

Further Issues– Need to establish approximation to mutual belief

– Ways of establishing team goals, e.g. roles and capabilities

– Building up and representing shared goals and plans

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Four Step Model


Team Formation

– Identifying a group capable of performing the task

Plan Formation

– Forming and agreeing on the steps to take. Identifying co-ordination

Team Action

– Forming individual, co-ordinated, plans and failure recovery

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Example Composite Behaviour Tank Squadron Assault Involves:

– Finding a Fire Support Position to Pin down the Enemy

– Finding a Concealed Approach for the Assault Group


Fire SupportPosition

Fire Support


Assault Approach

Assault GroupForm Up Point

Cover Break Point

Fire SupportForm Up Point

Squadron Current Position

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Example Implementation

Explicit Group plans

– Templated plans with roles

– Clear co-ordination statements

Shared Group state

– Used for co-ordination and recovery if commander dies

Individual plans derived from group template

– Assigned based on roles and capabilities

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A Composite Assault Behaviour




Form Up Wait forsupport

Assault Re-group

End Assault


Form Up


Supportby Fire



Form Up Assault

No task


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Co-ordination and co-operation is an important aspect of CGF systems

Without good representations co-ordination becomes hidden and prone to failures

Composite, composable behaviours will need reliable, generic co-ordination and co-operation techniques

Formal techniques from Multi Agent Systems research can help

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Further Work

Adjusting the theory to align with military practice

General solutions to execution problems

– e.g. role replacement

Operator involvement

– visualisation of co-ordination

– commitments to the operator by CGF agents