Cm28 eBook

 No. 8, 12/2008 02/2009 No. 10 06/2009 08/2009  Exemplarul Dvs. Gratuit | Your Compliment ary Copy No. 28 12/2013 02/2014 Greenwich - The Centre of the Universe and Time Dr ăguş - The Most Beautiful Village in Romania The Magic of the Christmas Markets



Transcript of Cm28 eBook

  • No. 8, 12/2008 - 02/2009No. 10 06/2009 - 08/2009Exemplarul Dvs. Gratuit | Your Complimentary Copy No. 28 12/2013 - 02/2014

    Greenwich - The Centre of the Universe and TimeDrgu - The Most Beautiful Village in RomaniaThe Magic of the Christmas Markets


  • Stimai pasageri,

    Din dorina de a mbunti n mod constant serviciile am lansat o nou versiune a website-ului prin intermediul cruia oferim posibilitatea de a achiziiona online biletele de cltorie la cele mai avantajoase tarife i a v rezerva locul preferat n aeronav. O alt mbuntire a serviciului nostru este c de acum nainte avei la dispoziie check-in online, pentru orice destinaie Carpatair, care poate fi accesat ntre 72 i 3 ore nainte de ora de plecare. Astfel aveti posibilitatea s evitai cozile la ghieele de check-in de la aeroporturi prin efectuarea checkin-ului de acas ori de la birou.

    n prag de srbtoare, cu toii ne dorim s fim alturi de cei dragi, motiv pentru care, ncepnd cu 18 decembrie, am suplimentat zborurile pentru a facilita planurile de vacan n aceast perioad. ncepnd cu 19 decembrie, lansm o nou rut direct Chiinu Londra (Luton), avnd astfel ocazia s luai parte la vestitul spectacol de artificii din capitala britanic de la trecerea dintre ani.

    n paginile ce urmeaz v invit s v bucurai de Magia Srbtorilor de Iarn, cnd marile orae europene mbrac haine de srbtoare i v aduc cea mai mare bucurie de peste an: Trgurile de Crciun. i pentru a nu v aglomera pe ultima sut de metri cu darurile de Srbtori, trgurile i ateapt oaspeii nc de la finalul lui noiembrie i pn n primele zile ale noului an.

    Continum proiectul nceput n ediia trecut, prin intermediul cruia v prezentm tradiiile, portul i farmecul celui mai frumos sat din Romnia, desemnat n urma voturilor dumneavoastr Drgu, judeul Braov. Invitai de ctre Asociaia ROSA (Romanian Open Society Abroad) din Belgia, ansamblul Mugurii Drguului au reprezentat Romnia de 1 decembrie, Ziua Naional a Romniei, printr-un program artistic la Hora Unirii de la Atomium din Bruxelles.

    V urez Srbtori Fericite i zboruri ct mai plcute n anul ce vine, alturi de Carpatair!

    Carpatair Magazine | 3

    Bun venit la bord!Welcome aboard!

    Al dumneavoastr / Yours truly

    Nicolae PetrovPresident & CEO

    Dear passengers,

    Wishing to improve our services we launched a new version of the website which gives you the possibility to purchase online tickets at the best fares and to choose the preferred seat in the aircraft. In addition, from now on, the online check-in is available for all Carpatair destinations between 72 and 3 hours before departure allowing you to avoid queuing at airports check-in counters by checking-in online from the comfort of your home or office.

    For the Holidays Season we all wish to be with our beloved ones, which is why, starting December 18th, we supplemented the number of flights to facilitate your vacation plans during this period. Starting December 19th we are commencing a new direct flight from Chisinau to London (Luton), which opens the opportunity to enjoy the famous fireworks show in the British capital on New Years Eve.

    In the pages that are following I am inviting you to join the magic of the Winter Holidays, the time of the year when all European cities get dressed for the holidays and are hosting the greatest feast of the year: Christmas Fairs. To avoid last-minute cluttering for holiday gifts, Christmas Markets are open from late November till first days of the New Year.

    We continue with the project started in the last edition which presents the traditions and the charm of the most beautiful villages in Romania, which are designated upon your own votes. The winner is Drgu, in Brasov County. Following this distinction, the Association ROSA (Romanian Open Society Abroad) from Belgium, invited the Folk Mugurii Drguului on Romanias National Day, December 1st, to present a traditional folk show at Hora Unirii Event at the Atomium in Brussels.

    I wish you Happy Holiday and pleasant flights in the coming year with Carpatair!

  • 1818DESCOPER ROMNIA | DISCOVER ROMANIARul de fier cu mori de apThe Iron River with Water Mills

    44INTERVIURI | INTERVIEWSAltea Sa, Prinesa Marina SturdzaHer Royal Highness Princess Marina Sturdza44

    2424DESTINAII DE VACAN | HOLIDAY DESTINATIONSGreenwich - Centrul Universului i al timpuluiGreenwich - The centre of the Universe and time

    CUPRINS | CONTENTS NR. 28 / 2013 dECEmbER 2013 - fEbRUaRy 2014dECEmbRIE 2013 - fEbRUaRIE 2014

    64DOCUMENTAR | DOCUMENTARYDou secole de la naterea unui geniu. Srbtorii, la Milano, bicentenarul Giuseppe VerdiTwo centuries from the birth of a genius. Celebrate, in Milan, the Giuseppe Verdi bicentenary

    54DESCOPER ROMNIA | DISCOVER ROMANIADrgu - Braov, cel mai frumos sat din RomniaDrgu - Braov, the most beautiful village in Romania



    40DESCOPER ROMNIA | DISCOVER ROMANIAStatuia lui Decebal, opera de art de pe DunreStatue of Decebal, the artwork on the Danube40


    8DESTINAII DE VACAN | HOLIDAY DESTINATIONSMagia trgurilor de Crciun. Profi First Ice StoreThe Magic of the Christmas Markets. Profi First Ice Store8

  • 7524DESTINAII DE VACAN | HOLIDAY DESTINATIONSGreenwich - Centrul Universului i al timpuluiGreenwich - The centre of the Universe and time




    dECEmbER 2013 - fEbRUaRy 2014

    dECEmbRIE 2013 - fEbRUaRIE 2014 Contributors:Cover: www.dreamstime.comThe Magic of the Christmas Markets

    Photos:, AGERPRES FOTO

    Text: Carpatair

    The Iron River with Water Mills


    Text: Ovidiu Bufnil



    National Maritime Museum, London

    Text: Ina Barbu

    Statue of Decebal, the artwork on the Danube


    Text: - Ecaterina Pop

    Marina Sturdza

    Photos: Marina Sturdza Photo Archive, AGERPRES FOTO

    Text: Damian Bogdan


    Photos: [email protected]

    Text: AFSR and the Centre for local tradition

    preservation in Braov

    Giuseppe Verdi


    Text: Ina Barbu

    Cuisine of Memories and Sensations

    Photos: La cucina di Antonio

    Text: Antonio Passarelli

    Coordinating Editor:

    Alina Blaga

    Maps: Carpatair S.A.

    Advertising, PR and [email protected]

    [email protected]

    Phone: + 40 256 306 933

    Fax: +40 256 306 962

    Carpatair Magazine is published by Carpatair S.A.Reproducerea oricrui material scris sau ilustrativ din aceast publicaie, altfel dect sub form de extrase folosite n scop de prezentare critic, este categoric interzis, fr consimmntul Carpatair S.A.

    ISSN 1842-5372



    99GHIDUL PASAGERULUIPASSENGERS GUIDE100 Carpatair Green Club 100 Call Center | Call Center101 Web Check-in | Web Check-in101 Certificte medicale| Health requirements102 Minor nensoit | Unaccompanied minor102 Femei nsrcinate | Pregnant women103 Noua politic de bagaje | New baggage policy104 Documente de cltorie | Travel Documents104 Articole interzise | Dangerous Good105 Flot | Fleet106 Rute | Routes




  • 8 | Carpatair Magazine

    Destinaii de Vacan | Holiday Destinations

    Magia trgurilor de Crciun

    The Magic of the Christmas Markets

    Stuttgart Christmas Square

  • Carpatair Magazine | 9

    Destinaii de Vacan | Holiday Destinations

  • 10 | Carpatair Magazine

    Destinaii de Vacan | Holiday Destinations

    Srbtoarea Crciunului este o srbtoare Magic, motiv pentru care a umplut sufletele a milioane de oameni din ntreaga lume, mai ales a copiilor, ateptnd Noaptea de Ajun pentru a li se ndeplini toate dorinele de peste an. Aceast srbtoare, este cu att mai special cu ct, ne aduce aminte n fiecare an de clinchetul clopoeilor, de colindele care ne nclzesc sufletul n virtutea ninsorilor de afar i de mpodobirea bradului, n ateptarea darurilor aduse de Mo Crciun.

    The Christmas Holiday is a Magical Holiday, filling with joy the souls of millions of people all over the world, especially childrens hearts, waiting for Christmas Eve to fulfil all the wishes they dreamt of throughout the year. This holiday is even more special as it reminds us every year of the tinkling of the bells, of the carols warming our souls as we watch the snow falling outside and of the Christmas Tree decoration as we are waiting for Santa Claus with his presents.

    Ca orice lucru Magic, i mpodobirea bradului de Crciun are la baz o legend, care spune c n preajma iernii, o mic pasre nu a mai putut s plece spre rile calde, avnd o arip rupt. Tremurnd de frig, srmana pasre a ncercat s se adposteasc n frunziul unui stejar i al unui ulm stufos, ns ambii copaci au refuzat-o, de team c le va mnca fructele. Disperat, aceasta s-a culcat n zpad, ateptnd s moar. Deodat a auzit chemarea unui brad, care i promitea ocrotire. Astfel, pasrea a fost salvat de Bradul cel milostiv. Deoarece era n apropierea Crciunui, un vnt teribil a suflat cu putere peste pdure n acea noapte i toi copacii i-au pierdut frunzele, mai puin bradul cel generos, pe care Dumnezeu l-a rspltit pentru gestul de bunvoin i i-a pstrat frunziul verde, orict de aspre au fost iernile care au umat.n nordul Europei ns, zace o alt legend care spune c n vre-murile de mult uitate, au pornit la drum lung trei surori (Sperana, Iubirea i Credina). Acestea cutau copacul care s le reprezinte fiecreia virtutea cu care erau nzestrate: nalt ca Sperana, mare ca Iubirea i trainic precum Credina. Dup ndelungi cutri, surorile cltoare au gsit Bradul, pe care l-au luminat cu razele stelelor, devenind astfel primul pom sfnt, mpodobit de Crciun.

    As any other Magical thing, the Christmas Tree decoration is based on a legend, saying that once upon time, during winter time, a small bird couldnt fly to warmer countries due to a broken wing. Shivering with cold, the poor little bird tried to find shelter between the leaves of an oak and of a leafy elm, but both trees said no to her, fearing she might eat their fruits. Hopeless, she sat on the snow, waiting to die. But all of a sud-den, she heard the calling of a tree, promising her its shelter. And thus the little bird was saved by the merciful tree. As it was near Christmas time, a terrible wind blew over the forest that night and all the trees lost their leaves, except for the noble tree that God rewarded for its merciful gesture and kept its green leaves, regardless of the harsh winters that came ever since.In Northern Europe there is another legend saying that in very old times, three sisters (Hope, Love and Faith) set out in a journey. They were looking for a tree that could represent the virtues they were endowed with: high like Hope, strong like Love and lasting like Faith. After long lasting queries, the travel-ling sisters found the Tree that they lit with the rays of the stars, and thus it became the first holly tree, decorated for Christmas.

  • Carpatair Magazine | 11

    Destinaii de Vacan | Holiday Destinations

    Mirosuri mbietoare, lumini magice, colinde de Crciun i deli-catese tradiionale acestea sunt ingredientele perfecte cu care trgurile de Crciun v vor rsfa toate simurile.Cu ocazia trgurilor de Crciun, marile orae europene mbrac haine de srbtoare i v invit la cea mai mare bucurie de peste an: cumprturile de Crciun.

    Avnd o tradiie de peste trei secole, Trgul de Crciun de la Stuttgart este cel mai impresionant Trg de Srbtori din Europa. Trgul de Crciun de la Stuttgart va expune i anul acesta peste 200 de standuri cu obiecte specifice srbtorilor. i pentru c ger-manii tiu cum s organizeze evenimente cu stil, la acest Trg nu vei gsi aerul comercial al marilor magazine, ci un loc deosebit. Pe tarabele colorate vei vedea produse unicat, lucrate manual de meteri locali: figurine i jucrii din lemn, marionete, lumnri sau opincue din piele. n Piaa Palatului Schlossplatz, se deschide n fiecare an, lumea copiilor. O roat gigant i ateapt s le arate oraul de sus, n timp ce strzile sunt mpnzite cu personaje de basm. Mirosul de mere cu scorioar, castanele coapte i crnaii pe grill fac deliciul celor mari, n timp ce pentru cei mici oferta este i mai variat: bucele de turt dulce, bomboane de maripan sau dulciuri fcute n cas. Trgurile nemeti i deschid porile, de regul, n ultima sptmn din noiembrie i i nchid tarabele imediat dup seara de Ajun, n 24 decembrie.

    Enticing smells, magical lights, Christmas carols and traditional delicacies the perfect ingredients used by the Christmas markets to touch your senses. During the Christmas Market period, the large European cities wear holiday outfits and are pleased to welcome you to the largest joy of the year: Christmas shopping.

    Trguri care aduc Magia Crciunului n Europa

    Unicitatea Trgului de Crciun din Stuttgart Weihnachtsmarkt

    Markets that bring the Magic of Christmas in Europe

    The uniqueness of the Christmas Market in Stuttgart - Weihnachtsmarkt

    With a tradition that lasts for more than three centuries, the Christmas Market from Stuttgart is the most impressive Holiday Market in Europe. This year will be no exception and the Christ-mas Market in Stuttgart will exhibit more than 200 stands with winter holiday objects. And because the Germans know how to organise stylish events, you wont find the commercial atmo-sphere of great stores in this Market, but a very special place. The colourful stands will host unique products, hand-made by local artists: wooden figurines and toys, puppets, candles or leather peasant sandals. Childrens world is opened every year in the Palace Square Schlossplatz. A giant wheel is waiting for the little ones to show them the town from above, while fairy characters are walking on the streets. The cinnamon apple smell, the roasted chestnuts and the grill sausages are a delight for grownups, while children can choose from an even more varied offer: gingerbread, marzipan candies or home-made cookies. The German markets usually open their gates in the last week of November and close the stalls immediately after Christmas Eve, on December 24th.

  • 12 | Carpatair Magazine

    Destinaii de Vacan | Holiday Destinations

    Ca orice capital care se respect, n Londra vei gsi nu unul, ci zeci de trguri de Crciun, care v vor atepta cu diverse expoziii tematice pentru srbtorile de iarn. Totodat, vei lua parte la un eveniment special pentru londonezi, n Trafalgar Square, unde Londra primete faimosul brad norvegian de Crciun, nalt de cel puin 20 de metri, pe care oraul Oslo l doneaz n fiecare an, nc din 1947, ca semn de recunotin pentru ajutorul primit n perioada celui de-al doilea rzboi mondial. Inclusiv ceremonia de tiere a bradului de ctre norvegieni este una impresionant, la acest eveniment lund parte Ambasadorul Britanic n Norve-gia, Primarul din Oslo i Primarul din Westminster. Crciunul n Trafalgar Square ncepe anul acesta pe 5 decembrie, urmat n 8 decembrie de o procesiune de aprindere a torelor, prin care se binecuvnteaz ieslea pruncului Iisus.Dup ce ai admirat luminiele care mpodobesc Bradul din Trafalgar Square, o putei lua la pas pe Oxford Street, mergei spre Regent Street i ajungei la celebrul magazin Harrods. Cei mici au parte de distracie garantat, n Hyde Park, care se transform ntr-un trm de poveste n perioada Crciunului.Dac vei alege s dai o tur cu London Eye, vei avea parte de o privelite unic, deoarece Londra v va uimi cu haina ei de srbtoare.

    Like any respectful capital, in London you can find not one, but tens of Christmas Markets waiting for you with various thematic exhibits for the winter holidays. You will also take part in a special event for Londoners, in Trafalgar Square, where London receives the famous Norwegian Christmas Tree, high of at least 20 meters, that Oslo has been donating every year since 1947, as a sign of gratitude for the support received during the Second World War. The ceremony where the Tree is cut by the Norwegians is in itself an impressive event, hosting the British Ambassador in Norway, the Oslo Mayor and the Westminster Mayor. This year, Christmas in Trafalgar Square starts December 5th, and on December 8th a torch lighting procession takes place, blessing the manger of baby Jesus.Once you have admired the lights decorating the Trafalgar Square Tree, you can take a walk on Oxford Street, go to Regent Street and finally get to the famous Harrods store. The little ones will have a blast in Hyde Park, as it is transformed into a fairytale land during Christmas holidays. If you choose a ride in London Eye, you will enjoy a unique sight, as London will amaze you with its holiday appearance.

    Grandoarea Pieelor de Crciun din Londra

    The grandeur of Christmas Markets in London

    London - Covent Garden

    London - Christmas Market

  • Carpatair Magazine | 13

    Destinaii de Vacan | Holiday Destinations

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  • 14 | Carpatair Magazine

    Destinaii de Vacan | Holiday Destinations

    An de an, Piaa Navona din Roma, se transform n cel mai mare trg de Crciun din Italia. Catolici adevrai, italienii surprind vizitatorii prin splendoarea trgurilor i a procesiunilor organizate n aceast perioad. Magia Crciunului cuprinde Roma, fiind surprins prin scene cu naterea Mntuitorului, tradiionalele csue din lemn unde se vnd obiecte i bunti tradiionale n ateptarea Epifaniei. Befana, cum era numit de italieni, este o vrjitoarea bun, care sosete clare pe mtur i mparte cadouri copiilor. Cei care au fost cumini primesc biscotti, torrone, precum i alte delicatese. Cei care nu au fost cumini, n schimb, se aleg cu crbuni (dat de obicei sub form de bomboane), ceap sau usturoi.Odat ajuni la Roma, vei pi ntr-un trm de basm i spec-tacol, fiind locul ideal de unde putei cumpra pentru cei dragi jucrii ieftine, haine, dulciuri, vin spumant i delicatese tradiiona-le italieneti.

    Furarii de pe Insula Murano nu puteau lsa Crciunul s treac neobservat n paradisul sticlarilor, astfel c au realizat i expus n decembrie 2006 pe insul, cel mai nalt pom de sticl vzut vre-odat. Un an mai trziu, acest brad a fost inaugurat n faa Pieei San Marco, din Veneia.La fel de multe oportuniti v ofer i Trgul de Crciun de la Mi-lano, care v ateapt cu standuri pline de suveniruri, decoraiuni de Crciun, presepi (statui sau ornamente cu scena naterii Dom-nului), ntreaga atmosfer fiind animat de spectacole folclorice, de jazz, cabaret i muzic uoar.Majoritatea trgurilor din Italia i ateapt vizitatorii ncepnd cu 8 decembrie (ziua n care se srbtorete Pogorrea Sfntului Duh), nchizndu-i porile pe 6 ianuarie (Epifania).

    Every year, the Navona Square in Rome becomes the larg-est Christmas Market in Italy. Real Catholics, Italians surprise their tourists through the splendour of the markets and of the processions organized in this period. The Magic of Christmas takes over Rome, which celebrates this holiday by scenes of the Nativity, the traditional wooden chalets selling traditional objects and food, waiting for the Epiphany. Befana, as the Italians call it, is a good witch, coming on a broom and offering sweets to children. The good ones receive biscotti, torrone and other delicacies. On the other hand, the bad ones receive coals (usually under the form of candies), onion or garlic.Once in Rome, you will step into a fairytale and entertainment land, the perfect place to buy things for your dear ones, afford-able toys, clothing, sweets, champagne or traditional Italian delicacies.

    The smiths from the Murano Island couldnt have left Christ-mas pass by in the glass-worker paradise, so they created and exposed in December 2006, on the island, the highest glass tree ever seen. One year later, this tree was unveiled in front of San Marco Square in Venice.The same attractions are waiting for you in the Christmas Mar-ket in Milano, with stands full of souvenirs, Christmas decora-tions, presepi (statues or ornaments with the Nativity scene), the entire atmosphere being animated by folklore shows, jazz, cabaret and popular music.Most of the Italian Christmas Markets are waiting for their visitors starting with December 8th (the day celebrating the Immaculate Conception), until January 6th (the Epiphany).

    Splendoarea Trgurilor de Crciun din Italia - il Mercatino di Natale

    Bradul de Murano

    Splendour of Christmas Markets in Italy - il Mercatino di Natale

    The Murano Tree

    Rome - Navona Square

  • Carpatair Magazine | 15

    Destinaii de Vacan | Holiday Destinations

    Oraele din Vestul rii i din inima Transilvaniei, locul de batin al contelui Dracula, au preluat modelul faimoaselor Trguri de Crciun nemesti i vieneze, care atrag anual milioane de turiti, transformndu-i pieele n adevrate locuri de poveste.ncepnd cu 22 noiembrie i pn pe 26 decembrie, Piaa Mare din Sibiu va atrage vizitatorii cu miros de castane prjite, migdale pralinate, turt dulce, vin fiert i decoraiuni de Crciun. Progra-mul cultural va aduga o not distinct trgului, prin concerte de colinde, muzic gospel, jazz i rocknroll.La Timioara, cea de-a VII-a ediie a Trgului de Crciun va fi orga-nizat n perioada 1 decembrie 2013 5 ianuarie 2014. Csuele care vor aduce aerul vienez la Timioara, vor fi amplasate n centrul oraului, n Piaa Victoriei. Serile vor fi animate cu diverse concerte susinute de artiti consacrai.

    The cities in the Western part of the country and those from the middle of Transylvania, where count Dracula has his origins, have taken over the model of the German and Wien Christmas Markets that keep bringing millions of tourists every year to these fairytale markets. During November 22nd and December 26th, the Grand Square (Piaa Mare) in Sibiu will wait for its visitors with a smell of roasted chestnuts, crisp almonds, gingerbread, mulled wine and Christmas decorations. The cultural atmosphere will add a distinct note to the market, through Christmas carol concerts, gospel, jazz and rocknroll music. In Timisoara, the VIIth edition of the Christmas Market will take place between December 1st 2013 and January 5th 2014. The wooden chalets that bring the Wien atmosphere in Timisoara will be located in the centre of the town, in Victory Square (Piaa Victoriei). The evenings will be animated by various concerts held by renowned artists.

    Tradiionalismul Trgurilor de Crciun din Romnia

    The Traditionalism of the Romanian Christmas Markets

    Nu este de mirare c marile orae din Romnia mprumut aerul nemesc al celor mai faimoase trguri, avnd n vedere faptul c primul brad care a fost mpodobit la srbtorile Crciunului a fost vzut la palatul principelui Carol I de Hohenzollern. n noaptea de Crciun, prinii i prinesele invitate la palat mpodobeau bradul, cntnd n versiunea german:O, Tannenbaum, o, Tannebaum,Wir grun sind deine Blatter!

    Theres no wonder that the big cities in Romania imitate the German style of the most famous markets, if we think that the first tree to be decorated for the Christmas Holidays in Romania was seen at the palace of Prince Carol I of Hohenzollern. During the Christmas night, the Princes and Princesses invited to the palace were decorating the tree, singing in German: O, Tannenbaum, o, Tannebaum,Wir grun sind deine Blatter!

    Primul brad romnesc de la curtea regelui Carol I

    The first Romanian Christmas Tree at the court of king Carol I

    Murano - Glass Christmas Tree Timisoara

  • 16 | Carpatair Magazine

    Destinaii de Vacan | Holiday Destinations

    Dac ajungei la Bucureti i dorii s pii n spiritul srbtorilor, Piaa Universitii este locul ideal, unde vei gsi cel mai impor-tant trg din inima capitalei, deschis celor dornici, n perioada 5 decembrie 2013 5 ianuarie 2014. Atmosfera din cadrul Trgului de Crciun de la Bucureti este plin de strlucire, dat att de cele 2,6 milioane de luminie aprinse n toat capitala, ct i de bucuria copiilor care vin s l vad pe Mo Crciun.Cu peste 65 de csue din lemn, n care i au lca ornamente de Crciun lucrate manual, obiecte unicat din ceramic, broderii, artizanate din lemn sau piele, mti cu aer veneian, mpletituri din fibre vegetale, costume tradiionale romneti, printre care i vestita ie romneasc.Bradul de Crciun, cu o nlime de 17 metri, completeaz spiritul Crciunului, stnd falnic n Piaa Universitii, n ateptarea co-lindtorilor. Cei doi ngerai din vrful Bradului vegheaz asupra celor mici i celor mari, ndeplinind dorine celor care vin s cnte colinde.Cei mici l pot vizita pe Mo Crciun n casa din centrul Bucuretiului, unde i ateapt alturi de zne i elfi pe cei care au fost cumini tot anul pentru a le ndeplini dorinele.

    If you arrive in Bucharest and want to get into the holiday spirit, the University Square (Piaa Universitii) is the perfect place for that, as you will find the largest market of the capital, open for its visitors during December 5th 2013 - January 5th 2014. The atmosphere of the Bucharest Christmas Market is full of light, given by the 2.6 million lights shining over the entire capital, and animated by the happiness of children who come to see Santa Claus.More than 65 wooden chalets host Christmas hand-made deco-rations, unique ceramic objects, fancywork, wood or leather handicraft articles, Venetian masks, plant fibre knitted articles, Romanian folk costumes, including the famous Romanian blouse. The Christmas Tree, 17-meter high, enriches the Christmas atmosphere, gloriously waiting for the carol singers in the University Square. The two angels on the top of the Christmas Tree watch over the little ones, as well as the big ones, fulfilling wishes to those who come and sing carols.The little ones can visit Santa Claus in his house in the centre of Bucharest, who waits for them together with fairies and elfs, to fulfill their wishes.

    Trgul de Crciun de la Bucureti The Christmas Market in Bucharest

    Acel moment a fost att de marcant pentru poporul romn, nct de atunci, nu i-au mai putut imagina srbtoarea Crciunului fr brad mpodobit. Ritualul legat de srbtoarea Crciunului difer, de la o zon la alta, n funcie de tradiiile strmoeti.

    That moment impressed so much the Romanian people that from then on they could no longer imagine Christmas without a decorated Christmas Tree. The rituals related to the Christmas Holiday differ from one region to another, depending on the ancient traditions.

    By Carpatair for Carpatair Magazine

    Bucharest - Christmas Market

  • Carpatair Magazine | 17

    Destinaii de Vacan | Holiday Destinations

    Bucureti, oraul cu parcuri frumoase i o arhitectur interbelic, datorit creia i-a cptat alintul de Micul Paris, unde zilele de primvar au o prospeime special, vara este torid, toamna este blnd, iar iarna mai degrab capricioas, este poate ultimul loc din lume n care cineva s-ar gndi c poate s vad un magazin construit din ghea. i totui, dac ai visat vreodat s v facei cumprturile la Polul Nord, ei bine, vei putea tri exact aceleai senzaii chiar aici, foarte aproape de Ateneul Romn, cci n perioada 6 24 decembrie v ateapt PROFI Ice Store, primul magazin alimentar din ghea. n lumina filtrat subtil prin pereii si durai din blocuri de ghea transparent se nal rafturi, tot din ghea, pe care stau aranjate cu pricepere ornamente de Crciun, ciocolat, buturi, brnzeturi i cte i mai cte, exact aa cum se gsesc n oricare dintre cele aproape 200 de magazine PROFI, al doilea mare lan de retail alimentar din Romnia. n acest magazin unicat, temperatura nu se ridic niciodat la mai mult de -5 C, ns gerul este compensat din plin de cldura din privirile celor care cu mndrie poart ecusonul PROFI i ateapt s v serveasc. PROFI Ice Store este locul din centrul Bucuretiului, pe care nu trebuie s l ratai, aadar, v invitm la cumprturile de Crciun ntr-un mod inedit!Mai multe detalii:

    PROFI ICE STORE Primul magazin din gheata din lume, la Bucuresti

    PROFI ICE STORE The worlds first food store made of ice, in Bucharest

    Bucharest is a city of beautiful gardens and with inter-war architecture that caused it to be blessed with a not quite undeserved endearment: Little Paris. Spring days here are smoothly fresh, summer is hot, fall is mild and winter is rather capricious. This city is perhaps the last spot in the world where one would expect to run into a store made entirely of ice. And yet, if you ever fantasized about shopping at the North Pole, you will be able to experience the same feeling in the neighborhood of the Romanian Athenaeum between 6 24th December, at PROFI Ice Store, the worlds first food store made of ice. Standing in the subtle light filtered through its walls made of transparent ice are shelves, made of ice, too, that accommodate carefully arranged Christmas adornments, chocolates, cheeses and so many other goodies, just the way they would stand in any of the 200 PROFI stores that make Romanias second largest food retail chain. Temperature in this one-of-a-kind store never goes over -5C but the physical cold is fully compensated by the warmth in the hearts of the people wearing the PROFI badge, who expect to serve you. PROFI Ice Store is the place one should certainly not miss, therefore, we invite you for Christmas Shopping in a unique way! More at:

  • Descoper Romnia | Discover Romania

    18 | Carpatair Magazine

  • Descoper Romnia | Discover Romania

    Carpatair Magazine | 19

    Rul de fier cu mori de apThe Iron River with Water Mills

    Catalin Simion,

  • Descoper Romnia | Discover Romania

    20 | Carpatair Magazine

    Nicieri n Europa de sud-est nu vei gsi un complex de mori de ap mai mare dect cel de la Rudria, din Banat. Nicieri civilizaia uman nu a profitat mai mult de puterea apelor nvolburate ale rurilor: pentru a mcina grunele n fin, pentru a spla haine n volburi adevrate maini de splat ale naturii, pentru a supune apa i a mblnzi natura n modul cel mai simplu cu putin. Morile de aici au primit din partea oamenilor nume de botez, ca i cum ar fi fost surorile lor, prietenele lor, nicidecum simple instrumente care s le asigure traiul.

    Nowhere else in south-eastern Europe will you be able to find a bigger complex of water mills than the one in Rudria, in Banat. Nowhere else has the human civilization taken more advantage of the power of rivers: to grind the flour grains, to wash clothes in whirlwinds natural washing machines, to tame the water and the nature in the mildest possible way. The locals gave names to the mills here, as if they were their sisters, friends, and not just simple instruments which assure their living.

    Morile de ap de la Rudria nu figureaz n niciun ghid turistic de renume, dar cei care ajung aici neleg de ce. Accesul nu este la fel de simplu ca n staiunile de la malul mrii sau ca la vilele care se desprind din drumurile naionale. Localitatea este situat ntre piscurile muntoase din Banatul Montan, n comuna Eftimie Murgu. Acesta este noul nume al satului, nume atribuit dup cel al revoluionarului paoptist care se nscuse aici pe cnd localitatea se numea Rudria. Satul i mprumutase i el numele de la rul care pune n micare zecile de mori de ap, ru numit Rudrica. Lingvitii susin c acest cuvnt vine din limba slavon unde ar nsemna Ru de Fier. Cine ajunge pe Valea Almjului se simte nghesuit de muni. Piscurile din Munii Semenicului, Almjului, Locvei, arcului i Aninei stau i nconjoar zona. Sunt plini de pduri, de verde, de via. Rurile mici i repezi lupt cu piatra i dau natere unor chei spectaculoase la marginea crora se deschid poieni i pajiti alpine. Turitii vin de obicei cu mainile, dinspre Anina. Ca s ajung la Parcul Mulinologic pentru a se bucura de fiecare moar, turitii i las mainile la ieirea din sat, pentru a parcurge pe jos cei trei kilometri pe care se ntind Cheile Rudriei, un loc pe care nu l poate aprecia nimeni din

    Ascunse ntre muni

    The water mills from Rudria do not appear in famous tour-ist guides, but those who arrive here understand why it is so. The access is not that easy as to the sea resorts or to the villas bordering the national roads. The locality is situated between the mountainous peaks from Banatul Montan, in the village Eftimie Murgu. This is the village`s new name, given by the name of the revolutionist in 1848, who was born here while the locality was still called Rudria. The village got its name from the river that puts into function the tens of water mills, called Rudrica. The linguists sustain that this word comes from Slavonic and would mean Iron River. Those who arrive to Valea Almjului feel crowded by the mountains. The peaks of Munii Semenicului, Almjului, Locvei, arcului and Aninei are there, surrounding the area. They are full of green forests, of life. The small and quick rivers fight with the stone and give birth to some spectacular gorges from where you can see open glades and meadows. The tourists usually come by car, from Anina. In order to arrive to the Mulinologic Complex to enjoy every single mill, the tourists leave their cars outside the village, and walk for three kilometers on Cheile Rudriei, a place that can-

    Hidden in the Mountains



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  • Descoper Romnia | Discover Romania

    Carpatair Magazine | 21

    Localitatea Rudria este atestat documentar nc din secolul al XIII-lea, iar morile de aici sunt consemnate nc din anii 1.700. La ora actual, satul mai are circa 2.000 de locuitori, iar ocupaiile de baz ale oamenilor de aici sunt cultivarea cmpului i creterea animalelor. Morile de ap au ajuns s fie deja mai mult dect mori. n timp, au constituit faima satului. Au existat peste 50 de mori, dar numrul lor a nceput s scad. Fie erau prsite de oameni, fie inundaiile puternice luau pe sus construciile care nu erau bine protejate de puterea uvoaielor. De altfel, i acum, acolo unde exist o moar de ap, aceasta este ferit de puterea uvoiului de cte o stnc uria. Pentru rudreni, morile de ap sunt un lucru normal i nu doar un motiv de mndrie. Aici se ntlnesc perechile de ndrgostii s se bucure de singurtate, pe aici trec elevii s scurteze drumul spre locurile de joac, pe aici vin btrnii s se odihneasc la umbra copacilor. Morile de ap sunt o prelungire a comunitii, au ncetat de mult s mai fie privite ca simple obiecte. Rul Rudrica este cel care face morile s se nvrt. Izvorte din Munii Svinecea i se formeaz din doi aflueni: Rudrica Mare i Rudrica Mic. Coboar vijelioas 10 kilometri nainte de a ncepe s nvrt roile de moar ale primei mori nlnite n Rudria Moara de la Tunel i pn la ultima dintre ele, Moara din arin.

    Istoria morilor din Rul de Fier

    The locality Rudria is attested as early as the XIIIth century, and the mills are recorded here since the early 1700. Nowadays, the village has about 2000 inhabitants, and their main occupations are cultivating fields and growing animals. The water mills have now become more than mills. In the meantime they have rep-resented the village`s reputation. There used to be 50 mills, but their number started to decrease. They were either abandoned by the people, or destroyed by the floods (those who were not well protected against the floods). Even to these days, where there is a water mill, it is protected from the floods` power by a huge rock. For the inhabitants from Rudria the water mills are something common and not only something to be proud of. They are a place where the lovers meet to enjoy a moment of intimacy, where children go to their playgrounds, and where the old men come to rest at the shadow of the trees. The water mills are an extension of the community; they have long ago ceased to be mere tools. The river Rudrica is the one which makes the mills spin. It springs from Munii Svinecea and it is formed by two tributaries: Rudrica Mare and Rudrica Mic. It has a stormy descent 10 kilometers before starting to spin the wheels of the first mill met in Rudria Moara de la Tunel and it goes till the last mill, Moara din arin.

    The History of the Mills from the Iron River

    goana cailor putere de la maini. Iar de aici ncepe Complexul Mulinologic care nc mai adpostete 22 de mori de ap din totalul de 51 care au existat aici n anii 1.800. Numrul lor a sczut n funcie de vreme i de vremuri.

    not be appreciated from cars. From here starts the Mulinologic Complex, which still hosts 22 mills out of 51 which used to be here in the years 1800. With time and weather conditions, their number decreased.

  • Descoper Romnia | Discover Romania

    22 | Carpatair Magazine

    La prima vedere, apele repezi ale rului ar trebui s mping cu putere n pietrele de moar care s macine boabele de gru sau de porumb pentru fin. Dar situaia este exact invers. Apele repezi duc la o mcinare molcom a grunelor, dar n acelai timp, o mcinare mult mai bun dect cea a morilor electrice care se gsesc azi n mai toate complexele de panificaie. Oamenii zonei au avut grij de fiecare moar n parte i nu grbesc niciodat procesul de transformare al boabelor n fin. Le place mai mult fina obinut tradiional, pe ndelete, dect cea gata mcinat de mori electrice, pe care o pot cumpra de la magazine. n timp, locuitorii din Rudria au avut grij de mori i au fcut n aa fel nct apa s ajung la fiecare dintre ele, indiferent de sezon i de debitul mai mare sau mai mic al rului. Au spat cu lopeile anturi care s duc apa la fiecare roat de moar, au luptat cu ciocanul i dalta n stnci pentru a face loc apei. La una dintre mori, exist chiar i un tunel spat n stnca muntelui, tunel care msoar doi metri n nlime, un metru i jumtate n lime i este lung aproape ct un teren de handbal, msurnd 30 de metri.

    Ap repede, moar lent

    At first sight, the quick waters should powerfully push the mill stones in order to grind the wheat or maze grains to produce flour. But it is exactly the opposite. The quick waters lead to a slow grain grinding and at the same time to a better one compared to the one produced by the electric mills found nowadays in almost every bakery complexes. The locals took care of each and every mill and never hasted the process of grinding. They prefer the flour produced traditionally, slowly, than the one grinded by the electrical mills, that they can buy from shops. At the same time, the inhabitants of Rudria took care of the mills and did that way as the water arrive at each of them, irrespective of the season and the big or small river debit. They dug digs with the shovels to bring water at every mill, and they fought with the hammer and the chisel in the rocks to let the water pass. At one of the mills there is even a tunnel dug in the rock of the moun-tain, a two meters tunnel in height, one and a half meter in width and almost as long as a handball court, measuring 30 meters.

    Quick Waters, Slow Mill



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  • Descoper Romnia | Discover Romania

    Carpatair Magazine | 23

    Localnicii tiu care este cel mai bun sezon pentru a vizita aest inut: primvara. Apa este puternic, n urma topirii zpezilor de pe versanii de munte, iar rul este mare i coboar nspumat spre fiecare roat de moar. Toi copacii se mbrac n mantia verde crud a noilor frunze, iar ntreaga zon se umple de o mireasm inconfundabil. Chiar nainte ca rul s intre n sat, de o parte i de alta a cursului de ap se gsete o mic pdure de liliac slbatic. n lunile aprilie i mai, nimeni nu se satur de privit apa rului n mijlocul poienelor pline de parfum. Dar morile nu sunt prsite. Ele aparin locuitorilor din sat, i totodat, sunt parte a patrimoniului naional. Oamenii din sat nu sunt de gsit mereu la moar, dar las pietrele s macine grunele i revin la intervale tiute de ei, s preia fina, s adauge noi boabe sau s ia acas fina de gru sau de porumb pe care au fcut-o. La scurt timp, dintr-o gopodrie sau alta va veni mirosul mbietor de pine proaspt, fcut la cuptor, sau de plcinte fierbini. Iar ca morile de aici s continue s bucure orice turist, specialitii de la Muzeul Astra din Sibiu supravegheaz ntregul complex i se ocup de recondiionarea morilor de ap.

    Primvar cu arome i mori de ap

    The locals know which the best season to visit this place is: spring. The water is powerful. After the snow has melted from the mountain slopes, the river becomes big and it descends, foaming at each mill wheel. All the trees have green leaves, and the entire area has an unmistakable aroma. Right before the river enters the village, on its both sides there is a small forest of wild lilac. During April and May, everybody is fascinated by the river`s waters in the middle of the perfumed meadows. But the mills are not abandoned. They belong to the village inhabitants and at the same time they are part of the national patrimony. The locals are not always seen at the mills, but they let the stones grind the grains and they return at intervals known by them, to take the flour, to add new grains, or to take home the wheat or maze flour they have prepared. Within short time, the attiring smell of fresh, baked bread or of hot pies will come from the locals` houses. In order to allow the tourists enjoy the mills here, the specialists from the Astra Museum from Sibiu watch the entire complex and take care of the restoration of the water mills.

    Spring Flavours and Water Mills

    By Ovidiu Bufnil for Carpatair Magazine



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    Destinaii de Vacan | Holiday Destinations

  • Carpatair Magazine | 25

    Destinaii de Vacan | Holiday Destinations

    Centrul Universului i al timpului

    The centre of the Universe and time


    Greenwich Meridian Laser

  • 26 | Carpatair Magazine

    Destinaii de Vacan | Holiday Destinations

    La Greenwhich se spune c Estul ntlnete Vestul, acolo unde o linie marcat n curtea Observatorului Regal din Londra puncteaz Meridianul zero al lumii i locul de unde ceasul ncepe s scurg timpul n jurul globului. Pe lng importana lui planetar, Greenwhich ascunde i alte puncte de reper n istoria britanic i a lumii, priveliti uluitoare i motive pentru care merit s l vizitai.

    It is said that Greenwich is where East meets West, where a line marked in the courtyard of the Royal Observatory in London represents the Prime Meridian of the world and the place where time begins to elapse around the globe. Besides its planetary importance, Greenwich hides also other landmarks in the British and the world history, breathtaking views and reasons why it is worth visiting.

    Greenwhich este un mic orel n sudul Londrei, la fel de frumos ca restul cartierelor celebrei metropole, dar mai important n istoria lumii dect oricare dintre palatele i monumentele capitalei britanice. Acesta acoper doar 46 de kilometri ptrai pe malul sudic al rului Tamisa. Pentru o perioad lung, puini turiti l-au vizitat pentru altceva dect pentru a vedea linia ce marcheaz Merdianul 0, ns tot mai muli au nceput s descopere i restul frumuseilor zonei: cldiri victoriene, palate, un parc imens, muzee i una dintre cele mai renumite cldiri pentru distracie O2 Arena. Au descoperit aici un loc mult mai linitit i mai panic n comparaie cu zona aglomerat, nesat de zgrie-nori de pe malul vestic al Tamisei.

    Greenwich is a small town in south London, as beautiful as the rest of the districts of the famous metropolis, but more important in the history of the world than any other palaces and monuments of the British capital. It covers an area of only 46 square kilometres on the southern bank of the River Thames. For a long time, few tourists visited it for something else than to see the line that marks the Prime Meridian, but more and more tourists have begun to discover also the rest of the beauties of the area: Victorian buildings, palaces, a huge park, museums and one of the most famous buildings for entertainment - O2 Arena. They found here a much more quiet and peaceful place compared to the crowded area, packed with skyscrapers on the western bank of the Thames.

    De la 1884 ncoace, Greenwhich este considerat centrul Universului, unde ncepe numratoarea orelor pe glob. n toate colurile lumii, ora local este dublat, oficial, i de un timp GMT. Adic, Greenwhich Meridian Time sau Timpul Meridianului Greenwhich, care arat cte ore n plus sau n minus sunt adugate fa de ora Londrei.

    Locul de unde pornete cronometrul timpului

    Since 1884, Greenwich has been considered the centre of the Universe, the place where the counting of the hours on the globe starts. In all corners of the world, the local time is doubled officially also by a GMT time. This stands for Greenwich Merid-ian Time, which shows how many hours are ahead or behind the London time.

    The place where the timer starts

    Greenwich Clock



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  • Carpatair Magazine | 27

    Destinaii de Vacan | Holiday Destinations

    Until the end of the 19th century, the cities had their own way of measuring time, using instruments for the observation of the positions of the sun throughout the day, but with the advent and development of railways and communications, like the telegraph, the emergence of an international convention was necessary to determine the exact time. Greenwich had the honour to be chosen the most important point in determin-ing the time in an international conference held in 1884 in Washington DC. However, this was not a random choice. At that time, the United States of America had already established the national time zones based on the reference point of Greenwich. In addition, most of the shipping companies were using maps based on the longitude system established by the Observatory in Greenwich, which they considered to be one of the most accurate in the world. The Royal Observatory in Greenwich is one of the most visited places in London and the world. The place where the Prime Meridian of the planet passes is represented by a visible strip, exactly in the courtyard of the Observatory, and at night it is marked by the green strip of a laser, which can be seen dozens of kilometres away on a clear night. The old building of the Observatory, Flamsteed House, built by Sir Christopher Wren in 1675 at the request of King Charles II (editors note 1630 - 1685), can be visited also nowadays. It was named after the first astronomer who worked there - John Flamsteed - and it houses the Time Galleries, with the most important instruments for measuring time and for drawing maps for navigators, as well as the apartments of the astrono-mers working at the Royal Observatory and the Octagonal Room, where the most important astronomical observations were performed. But the most innovative attraction is the time

    Pn spre finalul secolului XIX oraele aveau propriul mod de msurarea a timpului, folosind instrumente de observare a poziiilor soarelui pe cer pe parcursul zilei, dar odat cu apariia i dezvoltarea cilor ferate i a comunicaiilor, precum telegraful, a fost nevoie de apariia unei convenii internaionale pentru a stabili cu exactitate ora. Greenwhich a fost ales s primeasc onoarea de a deveni cel mai important punct n stabilirea orei n cadrul unei conferine internaionale ce a avut loc n 1884, n Washington DC. Alegerea nu a fost fcut la ntmplare ns. La acea vreme, Statele Unite ale Americii i stabiliser deja fusurile orare naionale innd cont de punctul de referin Greenwhich. n plus, cele mai multe companii de transport naval foloseau hri bazate pe sistemul de longitudine stabilit de Observatorul din Greenwhich, pe care l considerau unul dintre cele mai precise din lume. Observatorul Regal din Greenwhich este unul dintre cele mai vizitate locuri din Londra i din lume. Locul pe unde trece meridianul zero al planetei este reprezentat printr-o dung vizibil, chiar n curtea Observatorului, iar noaptea este marcat printr-o dung verde a unui laser, care n nopile senine se vede de la zeci de kilometri deprtare. Vechea cldire a Observatorului, Flamsteed House, construit de Sir Christopher Wren n 1675 la cererea Regelui Charles II (n.r. 1630 1685), poate fi vizitat i astzi. Poart numele primului astronom care a lucrat acolo - john Flamsteed - i adpostete Galeriile Timpului, n care se gsesc cele mai importante instrumente de msurare a timpului i de desenare a hrilor pentru navigatori, precum i apartamentele astronomilor care lucrau la Observatorul Regal sau Camera Octogonal de unde se fceau unele dintre cele mai importante observaii astronomice. ns, cea mai inedit atracie este bila timpului,

    Greenwich Royal Observator y

  • 28 | Carpatair Magazine

    Destinaii de Vacan | Holiday Destinations

    o sfer roie, poziionat n vrful Flamsteed House, unul dintre cele mai vechi instrumente de semnalizare a timpului, marcnd miezul zilei pentru londonezi i vasele ce trec pe Tamisa. Cu excepia zilelor n care vntul este puternic, bila timpului funcioneaz i acum. La 12:55 bila roie urc pn la jumatatea distanei, la 12:58 parcurge toat distana, pn n vrful barei de susinere, iar la 13:00 fix cade n poziia iniial. Dac ai ratat momentul, el nu se va repeta dect n urmtoarea zi. Observatorul Regal este i casa unuia dintre cele mai impresionante telescoape din lume. Telescopul cu refracie, cu o lentil de 70 de cm, aflat n Onion Dome, este cel mai mare din Marea Britanie i al aptelea din lume. Pn n 1960 a fost folosit pentru studierea stelelor duble (n.r. Unele stele, privite prin instrumentele astronomice, se despart n mai multe stele mici. La putere mic, sau cu ochiul liber, vedem o singur stea, dar la putere mare, apar dou, trei sau patru stele). Acum este utilizat doar ca parte a programelor educaionale. mbuntirile aduse pe parcurs i permit s fie nc folosit pentru observaii astronomice pentru marele public, mai ales n lunile de iarn, cnd orice vizitator poate urmri cerul nstelat de aproape.

    ball, a red ball on top of Flamsteed House, one of the oldest instruments of time signal, marking midday for Londoners and the ships on the Thames. Except for the days when the wind is strong, the time ball is still working. The red ball is hoisted halfway up at 12:55, all the way up the mast at 12:58, and dropped to the initial position at 1:00. If you missed the moment, it wont get repeated until the following day. The Royal Observatory is also the home of one of the most impressive telescopes in the world. The refracting telescope with a lens of 70 cm, located in the Onion Dome, is the largest in the UK and the seventh in the world. Until 1960, it was used to study double stars (editors note Some stars, seen through the astronomical instruments, split into several small stars. At low power or with naked eye, we see a single star, but two, three or four stars become visible at high power). Nowadays, this is used only as part of educational programs. Due to constant improvements, it can still be used for astronomical observations for the general public, especially in the winter months, when any visi-tor can look at the stars up close.

    Greenwich Time Ball

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    Destinaii de Vacan | Holiday Destinations

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    Destinaii de Vacan | Holiday Destinations

    On the same hill where the Royal Observatory is situated, stands proudly the bronze statue of General James Wolfe (editors note 1727-1759), who was praised by the British for the landslide of 1759 against the French at Quebec, during the great expansion of the British colonies across the Atlantic. His bronze statue is the symbol of British pride to cross the borders and to conquer the world at the helm of ships. There is no better place to understand the role that the British navy had in the immense power imposed by the Kingdom on the colonies and the role played by the navy in transforming the United Kingdom in one of the biggest commercial and military powers in the world. Greenwich has been for centuries the home of the Royal Navy, of collection ships and sailors. The Observatory that set up a precise navigation, the National Mari-time Museum and the Old Royal Naval College are situated in the same huge park that covers most of the Greenwich district. These were all included by UNESCO on the World Heritage List in 1997. The National Maritime Museum was opened by King George VI in 1937, with collections comprising about 2.48 million items, many on loan to other museums in the world and the UK. Among the exhibits, there are collections of maritime art, car-tography, manuscripts, models and plans of ships, navigational

    Greenwich, the place where the British navy was born

    Pe acelai deal pe care se nal Observatorul Regal, st mndr statuia de bronz a Generalului james Wolfe (n.r. 1727-1759) preuit de britanici pentru victoria rsuntoare din 1759 mpotriva francezilor, la Quebec, n timpul marii expansiuni a coloniilor bri-tanice peste Atlantic. Statuia sa de bronz este simbolul mndriei britanice de a trece graniele i de a cuceri lumea la crma navelor. Nu exist un loc mai bun pentru a nelege rolul pe care marina britanic l-a avut n puterea imens pe care Regatul o impunea asupra coloniilor i rolul pe care marina l-a jucat n transformarea Marii Britanii ntr-una dintre marile puteri comerciale i armate ale lumii. Greeenwhich este de secole casa marinei regale, a navelor de colecie i a marinarilor. n acelai parc imens care acoper cea mai mare pare a cartierului Greenwhich, se afl Observatorul care a pus bazele unei navigaii exacte, Muzeul Naional de Marin i Vechiul Colegiu Naval Regal. Toate acestea au fost incluse de UNESCO, n 1997, pe lista Patrimoniului Mondial. Muzeul Naional de Marin a fost inaugurat de Regele George VI n 1937, avnd n colecii n jur de 2,48 de milioane de obiecte, multe dintre ele mprumutate altor muzee din lume, precum i din Marea Britanie. Printre exponate, sunt colecii de art maritim, cartografie, manuscrisuri, machete i planuri de nave, instrumente de navigaie i astronomie, ceasuri, dar i cea mai mare bibliotec cu tematic maritim din lume, cu peste 100.000 de volume.

    Greenwhich, locul unde s-a nscut marina britanic

    Cutty Sark Ship



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    Cel mai mare muzeu de marin din lume poate fi vizitat gratuit, invitnd turitii s descopere peste 500 de ani de aventuri i realizri britanice pe mrile i oceanele lumii. Istoria i legendele navigatorilor britanici le gsii n cea mai nou deschis galerie - Voyagers. Aflai povetile marilor lupte duse cu inamici pe mare, admirnd uniforma i medaliile amiralului Horatio Nelson (n.r. 1758 1805, cunoscut n istorie ca nvingtor al flotei franco-spaniole la Trafalgar), descoperii puterea marelui imperiu i a coloniilor sale de unde britanicii aduceau pe mare condimente scumpe, ceaiuri sau mtsuri fine, devenind unul dintre cei mai bogai i respectai comerciani ai lumii. Expediiile la Polul Nord sau marea migrare ctre America de Nord sunt alte dou galerii care invit vizitatorii. Printre cele mai atrgtoare lucruri de aici, putem spune c se afl i marea hart interactiv a lumii, unde nsoii de o tablet cu touch screen putei s descoperii n cteva cuvinte locurile din lume unde marina britanic a ajuns. Muzeul Naional de Marin include ntre cldirile sale i Vechiul Colegiu Naval (The Old Royal Naval College), nchis n 1996. Cole-giul a funcionat ntr-o cldire din secolul XV pe malul rului Tami-sa, iniial palat regal al dinastiei Tudorilor, n care Regele Henric VIII (n.r. 1491 1547) a locuit cu 3 dintre cele 6 soiile ale sale (Catheri-ne of Aragon, Anne Boleyn i Anne of Cleves). n 1694, cldirea a devenit spital pentru marinarii retrai sau aflai n rezerv, iar din 1873 a funcionat Colegiul Naval. Astzi, vechiul palat mpreun cu cldirea Muzeului Naional de Marin compun un ansamblu arhitectural apreciat ca fiind unul dintre cele mai frumoase i mai echilibrate stilistic din ntreaga Londr.

    and astronomy instruments, clocks, but also the worlds largest maritime library, with over 100,000 volumes.The worlds largest maritime museum can be visited free of charge, inviting tourists to discover over 500 years of British ad-ventures and achievements on the worlds seas and oceans. The history and the legends of the British seafarers can be found in the newly opened gallery - Voyagers. Learn about the stories of great battles fought with enemies at sea, admiring the uniform and the medals of Admiral Horatio Nelson (editors note 1758 -1805, known in history as the winner of the battle of Trafalgar against the Franco-Spanish fleet), discover the power of the great empire and its colonies from where the British used to bring by sea expensive spices, tea and fine silks, becoming one of the most wealthy and respected merchant in the world. The expeditions to the North Pole or the great migration to North America are other two galleries that invite visitors. The huge interactive world map is among the most appealing items here, where accompanied by a touch screen tablet you can discover in a few words the places where the British navy arrived in the world. The National Maritime Museum comprises also the Old Royal Naval College, closed in 1996. The College operated in a 15th century building on the bank of the River Thames, initially a royal palace of the Tudor dynasty, where King Henry VIII (edi-tors note 1491-1547) lived with 3 of his 6 wives (Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn and Anne of Cleves). In 1694, the building became a hospital for retired or serving seamen, and in 1873 it

    Cutty Sark hull - dry dock and figureheads N


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    was home for the Naval College. Today, the old palace together with the building of the National Maritime Museum represent an architectural ensemble praised as one of the most beautiful and stylistically balanced in London.You cannot visit Greenwich without admiring the stately ship Cutty Sark. Half at surface, half buried in a tunnel, the great ship of 963 tons has been one of the most popular and fastest carriers of the Royal Navy. It was so fast that it could get from China to the UK in just 99 days, a real performance more than a century ago. Built in 1869, the clipper ship was used for trading until 1922, when it was preserved by Captain Wilfred Dowman. For more than five decades at sea, it anchored in almost all world ports and crossed the seas under the British and Portu-guese flag, bringing tons of expensive tea to Europe from Asia and tons of wool from Australia. It is a living testimony of the glory and power of the British navy. Cutty Sark was closed for restoration in 2006 and reopened to the public in April 2012. Nowadays you can venture out on its deck on the footsteps of famous merchants who sailed it a century ago or you can admire its grandeur from the Thames bank.

    Nu putei s ajungei n Greenwhich fr s v fure privirea i impuntoarea nav Cutty Sark. Pe jumtate la suprafa, pe ju-mtate ngropat ntr-un tunel, marea nav de 963 de tone a fost una dintre cele mai cunoscute i mai rapide transportatoare ale marinei britanice. Era att de rapid nct putea ajunge din China pn n Marea Britanie n doar 99 de zile, o adevrat performan acum mai bine de un secol. Construit n 1869, nava cu pnze a servit comerul pn n 1922, cnd a fost conservat de Capitanul Wilfred Dowman. n cele peste cinci decenii pe mare a ancorat n aproape toate porturile lumii i a brzdat mrile sub pavilion bri-tanic i portughez, aducnd spre Europa tone de ceaiuri scumpe din Asia si tone de ln din Australia. Este o mrturie vie a gloriei i puterii marinei britanice. Cutty Sark a fost nchis pentru restaurri n 2006 i redeschis publicului din aprilie 2012. Acum v putei aventura pe puntea ei pe urmele faimoilor negustori care au plu-tit cu ea pe mare cu un secol n urm sau i putei admira mreia de pe malul Tamisei.

    Cea mai vie perioad din istoria micului cartier Greenwich a fost n timpul dinastiei Tudorilor, n secolele XVI, XVII i XVIII. Regele Henric VII (n.r. 1457 1509) a fost cel care a ales aceast zon drept reedin regal i a construit aici, n 1500, Palatul Placentia. Henric al VIII-lea, nscut n palatul din Greenwich a adugat i mai multe construcii somptuoase i a transformat parcul imens n loc de vntoare pentru anturajul su. Fiecare monarh ce a urmat la tron, a avut grij s i lase amprenta asupra locului, ns niciunul nu a reuit s intre n istorie aa cum a fcut-o Regina Anne, soia Regelui Iacob I (n.r. 1566-1625), care dispreuia palatele din lemn i a cerut s i fie construit o nou reedint ntr-un stil adus de pe continent. n 1616, arhitectul Inigo jones a ridicat pentru ea Queens House (Casa Reginei), o vil renascentist, prima de

    Greenwhich, un loc iubit de regiThe most lively period in the history of the small district of Greenwich was during the Tudor dynasty, in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. King Henry VII (editors note 1457 -1509) was the one who chose this area as a royal residence and built here the Palace of Placentia in 1500. Henry VIII, born at Greenwich Palace, added other palatial buildings and transformed the huge park into a hunting area for his entourage. Each monarch who succeeded to the throne left his mark on the area, but none succeeded to enter history like Queen Anne, wife of King James I (editors note 1566-1625), who despised wooden palaces and asked to be built a new residence in a style brought from the continent. In 1616, the architect Inigo Jones designed the Queens House, a Renaissance villa, the first of its kind built in

    Greenwich, a place loved by kings

    National Maritime Museum



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    acest fel construit n Marea Britanie. Aspectul ei impuntor, prin simplitate, a fost desvrit de Henrietta Maria, soia Regelui Carol I (n.r. 1600-1649), care a completat-o i decorat-o. Din 1937, Queens House este parte a Muzeului Naional de Marin i adpostete colecii de art, dar este deschis i pentru organizarea de evenimente private. Greenwhich este deschis pentru orice fel de vizitatori. Iar dac vizita n vechile palate regale v va deschide apetitul pentru elegan, suntei invitai s mai descoperii un loc unic n lume: Muzeul Evantaielor. Elegante, cochete i seductoare, evantaiele au fascinat de secole privitorii, iar muzeul dedicat acestor delicate accesorii, are peste 4.000 de exponate, cele mai vechi datnd din secolul X. Exponatele sunt prezentate prin rotaie pe parcursul anului, dar exist i o parte permament n care aflai mai multe despre istoria evantaielor, cum sunt folosite, cum se fabric i care sunt diferenele ntre ele. Pentru cei curioi exist cursuri de confecionare a evantaielor, dar i un magazin de suveniruri de unde v putei lua acas cele mai spectaculoase creaii.

    the UK. Its grandiose appearance, by simplicity, was achieved by Henrietta Maria, wife of King Charles I (editors note 1600-1649), who completed it and decorated it. The Queens House has been part of the National Maritime Museum since 1937, being open for art collections, but also private events. Greenwich is open for all visitors. And if your visit to the old royal palaces whets your appetite for elegance, you are invited to discover another unique place in the world: the Fan Museum. The elegant, chic and seductive fans have fascinated viewers for centuries, and the museum dedicated to these delicate accessories has more than 4,000 exhibits, the oldest dating back to the 10th century. The exhibits are presented by rotation throughout the year, but there are some permanent exhibits from which you learn more about the history of the fans, the way they are used and manufactured, and the differ-ences between them. For those who are curious, courses for the manufacturing of fans are organized, but there is also a gift shop for buying the most spectacular creations.

    O zi n Greenwhich poate ncepe cu o plimbare prin uriaul parc, ce se ntinde pe mai bine de 74 de hectare, de la malul Tamisei pn sus pe dealuri.Iarba mereu verde i vegetaia luxuriant sunt moteniri ale conceptului de decorare pe care i l-a dorit Regele Carol I, cu vechi chiparoi, castani cu trunchiuri rsucite i ronduri de trandafiri. Parcul Greenwhich i vegetaia lui au fost refugiu pentru

    Relaxare n parcul Greenwhich

    A day in Greenwich can start with a stroll in the huge park, which spans over 74 hectares, from the Thames bank to the top of the hills.The evergreen grass and the lush vegetation are legacies of the concept of adornment wished by King Charles I, with old cypress trees, chestnut trees with twisted trunks and rose beds. Greenwich Park and its vegetation has been a refuge for

    Relaxing in Greenwich Park

    Greenwich Queens House

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    londonezi nc din 1427, de-a lungul timpului fiind locul favorit pentru picnicuri i jocuri de cricket. Este unul dintre parcurile preferate ale localnicilor i astzi, ns n zilele aglomerate, poate fi un adevrat furnicar. Dac vrei s evitai aglomeraia, retragei-v spre zona din vestul parcului, cunoscut drept The Point, adic punctul de unde vei putea admira cele mai spectaculoase priveliti peste Londra, pn n cele mai ndeprtate cartiere. Lng acest punct de observaie al parcului, se ntinde cartierul Blackheath, unde n 1608, golful a fost introdus printre jocurile nobilimii britanice i unde n 1858 se nfiina primul club de rugby din Anglia. Zona este cunoscut i pentru iubitorii de zmee care vin s i nale aparatele de pe dealul din Greenwhich, n zilele senine.n pajitea din nord-estul parcului se afl un imens loc de joac pentru copii, iar imediat lng, se afl un lac cu brci de agrement. Cu ct naintai mai sus pe deal vei descoperi un iaz, o gradin cu flori, terenuri de tenis i cricket, precum i arborii seculari, plantai de Regele Carol I. Mai presus de toate ns, parcul Greenwhich rmne un loc ideal pentru micare, fie c alegei mersul pe jos, fie cu bicicleta sau rolele. Importana lui n viaa sportiv a londonezilor este marcat n fiecare an, cnd din sudul parcului se d startul la Maratonul Londrei.Pentru turiti, Greenwhich este o adevrat cutie cu comori. Una dintre ele este Palatul Eltham, o bijuterie Art Deco a arhitecturii. Construit n 1930 de bogata familie Courtauld, lng ruinele fostei reedine regale n care a copilrit regele Henric VIII, noul Palat are o intrare somptuoas i o sal n stil medieval. A pstrat din vechiul palat o sal luxuriant, ziduri din fostele cldiri care au rmas la vedere n grdinile acestei vile i un pod din piatr care face intrarea spre domeniu. Decorul interior este dublat de frumuseea grdinilor, care vara mprtie n atmosfer parfumul rozelor.

    Londoners since 1427, being the favourite place for picnics and games of cricket. It has been one of the favourite parks of local people, but it can be a real hive in the crowded days. If you want to avoid the crowd, go to the western area of the park, known as The Point this is the place where you can admire the most spectacular views over London, to the most remote districts. Near this observation point of the park there is the Blackheath district, where golf was introduced among the British nobility games in 1608 and where the first rugby club in England was founded in 1858. The area is also known for kite lovers who come to raise their kites from the Greenwich hill on clear days.On the grassland in the north-eastern area of the park there is a huge playground for children, and right next to it there is a recreational boating lake. As you get further up the hill you will find a pond, a flower garden, tennis courts and cricket pitches and secular trees, planted by King Carol I. Above all, however, Greenwich Park remains an ideal place for movement, whether you choose to walk, ride bicycles or rollers. Its importance in the sporting life of Londoners is marked every year, the southern area of the park being the starting point of the London Mara-thon.For tourists, Greenwich is a real treasure chest. One of them is Eltham Palace, an Art Deco jewellery of architecture. Built in 1930 by the wealthy Courtauld family, next to the remains of the former royal residence where King Henry VIII grew up, the new Palace has a grandiose entrance and a medieval hall. From the old palace it preserved a lush room, walls of the former building, which remained visible around the gardens of the villa and a stone bridge which is the entrance to the property. The interior design is only matched by the beauty of gardens, where the summer roses scent the atmosphere.

    Greenwich Park view from sundial of Olympic crowd

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    Din 2000 ncoace, cartierul a devenit sinonim cu locul pentru cele mai bune concerte, odat cu apariia O2 Arena. Cunoscut iniial sub numele de Millenium Dome (Domul Mileniului), uriaa construcie a fost inaugurat pentru ceremoniile trecerii n noul mileniu. A fost refcut n anii ce au urmat i transformat ntr-o gigantic sal polivalent cu o arhitectur deosebit, care acapareaz privirea pe malul Tamisei. Aici concerteaz cei mai n vog artiti ai lumii, au loc competiii sportive, i exist totodat, nenumrate galerii de expoziii, cinematografe, cafenele i restaurante. n 2008 era declarat cea mai important aren multifuncional din lume, cu vnzri de peste 2 milioane de bilete.O2 Arena i merit renumele. Scaunele din tribune i podeaua arenei pot fi reconfigurate i reaezate n funcie de evenimentul ce urmeaz s aib loc. Este att de apreciat pentru c are i o acustic impecabil n ciuda dimensiunilor sale. Constructorii

    Distracia n faimoasa O2 Arena

    Since 2000, the district has become synonymous with the place for the best concerts, with the advent of O2 Arena. Originally known as the Millennium Dome, the huge building was inaugu-rated for the ceremonies of passage into the new millennium. It was rebuilt in the following years and turned into a giant multi-functional hall with a special architecture which can be admired from the Thames bank. The most famous artists in the world perform here, sports competitions are held in this place, which is the home for countless exhibition galleries, cinemas, cafes and restaurants. In 2008, it was declared the most important multifunctional arena in the world, with sales of over 2 million of tickets.O2 Arena deserves its reputation. The seats and the arena floor can be reconfigured and restored based on the venue that is to take place. It is highly appreciated because it has an excellent acoustic despite its size. The builders used materials which

    Entertainment in the famous O2 Arena

    O2 Arena

    O2 Arena

  • Destinaii de Vacan | Holiday Destinations

    n cutare de suveniruri, putei merge i la Greenwhich Market, care reprezint un punct de reper n comerul din sudul Londrei de peste 300 de ani. Din 1985 a devenit un loc unde se vnd accesorii i decoraiuni fcute de artiti plastici i meteugari. Avei toate ansele s cumprai un cadou unicat: de la cercei din flori presate, pna la huse vintage pentru gadgeturi moderne, dar putei gusta i mncruri delicioase la standurile cu plcinte, tocnie i dulciuri bune de luat la pachet. Tot n Greenwhich, vei descoperi i unul dintre cele mai apreciate magazine de brnzeturi din Londra. The Cheeseboard este raiul celor care ador brnzeturile tradiionale. Pe rafturile sale vei gsi pentru degustare peste 100 de sortimente de brnz din Marea Britanie i vestul Europei.

    Gustul Londrei n suburbiiIf you are looking for souvenirs, you can also go to Greenwich Market, which has been a landmark for trade in South London for over 300 years. Since 1985, it has become a place where accessories and decorations made by plastic artists and crafts-men are sold. You have every chance to buy a unique gift: from pressed flowers earrings to vintage covers for modern gadgets, but you can also taste delicious food at the stands with pies, stews and sweets for takeaway. In Greenwich you will also discover one of the most popular cheese shops in London. The Cheeseboard is the paradise for those who love traditional cheese. On its shelves you will find over 100 varieties of cheese from the UK and Western Europe.

    Taste of London in the suburbs

    au folosit, n acoperiul arenei i n unele scaune, materiale care absorb vibraiile i reduc ecoul. Dac vrei s experimentai senzaiile unui concert susinut n cele mai bune condiii pe O2 Arena, mergei s i ascultai pe cei de la Status Quo - 15 decembrie sau Boyzone - 20 decembrie sau putei alege concertele vestitei Tailor Swift pe 1, 2 sau 4 februarie.Sub influena unui concert bun, cu siguran vei fi tentai s trecei pragul British Music Experience - Muzeul Muzicii britanice contemporane, care se afl n acelai loc. Este o plimbare complet prin muzica pop, blues i jazz din 1945 pn acum. Vei putea admira instrumentele, textele sau partiturile unor piese, dar i costumaiile de scen ale unor artiti britanici faimoi: de la The Beatles i Led Zeppelin, pn la David Bowie, Sex Pistols, Culture Club, Motorhead, The Spice Girls, Coldplay i Amy Winehouse. Pentru cei pasionai de muzic, muzeul este o adevrat experien, iar la ieire putei s v luai acas un suvenir muzical din magazinele din apropiere.

    absorb vibration and reduce the echo for the arena roof and some chairs. If you want to experience the sensations of a con-cert held in the best conditions on the O2 Arena, go and listen to Status Quo - the 15th of December or Boyzone - the 20th of December or you can choose the concerts of the famous singer Tailor Swift on the 1st, 2nd or 4th of February.Under the influence of a good concert, you will surely be tempted to pass the threshold of the British Music Experience - Museum of Contemporary British Music, which is in the same place. It is a complete walk through pop, blues and jazz music from 1945 until now. You can admire instruments, texts and scores of songs, as well as stage costumes of famous British artists: from The Beatles and Led Zeppelin to David Bowie, Sex Pistols, Culture Club, Motorhead, The Spice Girls, Coldplay and Amy Winehouse. For music enthusiasts, the museum is a real experience, and at the exit you can buy a music souvenir from the stores nearby.

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    Dup cele mai bune brnzeturi s-ar putea s v dorii o mas bun, iar locul unde ai putea face o oprire este la Greenwhich Union, berria laudat pentru butura cea mai bun din capitala britanic, dar i pentru meniul gustos oferit la prnz lng o halb de bere. Printre favoritele casei, se numr o lasagna cu vinete.Cei care vor s ncerce i alte gustri n afara celebrelor fish and chips, pot lua masa la Heap`s Sausage Shop. Acesta nu este doar un magazin de unde localnicii vin i cumpr cei mai gustoi crnai de cas, ci i un loc unde crnciorii proaspei i rumenii pot fi servii rapid lng o chifl sau ca parte a unui meniu mai mare, cu un piure de morcovi i pstrnac cu sos de mutar.Pe lng gusturile britanice putei ncerca meniuri autentic franuzeti n restaurantul LArtisan, pe Trafalgar Road, unde vita bourguignon, quiche-urile i tartele cu fructe sunt n meniul zilei. V putei opri apoi, pentru ceai la Royal Teas Caf, un local intim unde vei mai fi tentai i de alte bunti care s v nclzeasc dup-amiaza. Iar cnd ziua se apropie de sfrit, putei face o plimbare pe malul Tamisei, privind luminile mrunte ale Greenwhich-ului, bucurndu-v de linitea imens a parcului i urmrind siluetele marilor cldiri oglindite n apa rului. Pentru c orict de mare i important este Greenwhich pe harta lumii, rmne un loc adorat i cutat de londonezi pentru tihna i tcerea sa.

    After tasting the best cheese, you might want a good meal, and the ideal place is Greenwich Union, the pub commended for the best drink in the British capital, but also for the tasty menu offered at lunch next to a pint of beer. The lasagna with eggplants is one of the most popular dishes.Those who want to try other snacks besides the famous fish and chips can eat at Heap`s Sausage Shop. This is not just a shop where local people come and buy the tastiest homemade sausages, but also a place where fresh and roasted sausages can be served quickly with a bagel or as part of a larger menu with a puree of carrots and parsnip with mustard sauce.Besides the British tastes, you can try authentic French menus in the restaurant LArtisan, on Trafalgar Road, where beef bour-guignon, quiches and fruit tarts are included in the daily menu. You can then stop for tea at Royal Teas Caf, an intimate place where you will be tempted by other goodies that will warm your afternoon. And when the day comes to an end, you can take a stroll along the Thames bank, admiring Greenwichs small lights and enjoy-ing the tranquillity of the park and watching the silhouettes of the big building mirrored in the water of the river. Because no matter how big and important Greenwich is on the world map, it remains an adored and sought place by Londoners for its peace and quiet.

    By Ina Barbu for Carpatair Magazine

  • Oferte ski n Italia

    HOTEL BELLAMONTE 4*, VAL DI FIEMME - n perioada 07.12.13-22.03.14Distana fa de prtia de ski/teleschiuri: 2 km fa de prtiile Bellamonte-Lusia-Val di Femme 6 km fa de SKI Center Latemar, Predazzo. Transportul este asigurat gratuit cu autobuzul.Tariful include: cazare n camer dubl demipensiune; asisten turistic din ianuarie i tichete de ski la

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    Oferte ski n Bulgaria

    Grand Hotel Royal 4*, Banskovde n perioada 10 -17.01.2014

    Hotel Pamporovo 5*, Pamporovo n perioada 10 -17.01.2014

    Tariful include: cazare 7 nopi n camer dubl/studio regim de mas afferent hotelului taxele de staiune asigurare medical

    Oferte ski n Austria

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    Bon Alpina Hotel 3,5* Igls - camer dubl/7 nopi/demipensiune

    342de la







  • Descoper Romnia | Discover Romania

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    Statuia lui Decebal, opera de art de pe Dunre

    Statue of Decebal, the artwork on the Danube

    La grania dintre Romnia i Serbia, ntr-un loc minunat, unde Carpaii ntlnesc Dunrea, natura a format aa numitul La Cazane. Aici, La Cazane, Dunrea se ngusteaz ntre pereii nali de piatr, iar curenii puternici dau senzaia c apa este ntr-o continu fierbere. Peisajului spectaculos i s-a alturat, nu demult, o maiestuoas statu-ie care l nfieaz pe ultimul rege al dacilor, Decebal. Lucrarea a fost fcut, la cererea binecunoscutului istoric amator i om de afaceri, Iosif Constantin Drgan (n.r.: n. 20 iunie 1917, Lugoj, d. 21 august 2008, Palma de Mallorca), el fiind cel care a promovat i finanat ideea acestei sculpturi deosebite. De-a lungul existenei sale, a scris mai multe cri cu tematic istoric, iar n 1967 a pus bazele Fundaiei Europene Drgan, fundaie care are ca scop promovarea valorilor civilizaiei romneti.

    At the border between Romania and Serbia, in a wonderful place where the Carpathians meet the Danube, the nature has formed the so called Cazane. Cazane is where the Danube narrows between the high stone walls and the strong currents give the impression that the water is constantly boiling. The spectacular scenery was enriched, not long ago, by a majestic statue depicting the last king of the Dacians, Decebal. The work was done at the request of the well-known amateur historian and businessman, Iosif Constantin Drgan (editors note: born June 20, 1917, Lugoj, died August 21, 2008, Palma de Mallorca), being the one who promoted and financed the idea of this particu-lar sculpture. Throughout his existence, he wrote several books related to history, and in 1967 he founded Drgan European Foundation, which aims to promote the values of the Romanian civilization.

  • Descoper Romnia | Discover Romania

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    Dakota, nfind patru preedini ai rii, George Washington (ntiul), Thomas jefferson (al treilea), Abraham Lincoln (al aisprezecelea) i Theodore Roosevelt (al douzeci i aselea).nalt de 55 de metri i lat de 25 de metri, Statuia lui Decebal de La Cazane, de departe concureaz cu Statuia Libertii din S.U.A., fiind cu doar ase metri mai mic dect aceasta din urm. Aici, n locul unde slluiete minunata creaie, nfindu-l pe Decebal, Dunrea atinge adncimea cea mai mare, de 120 de metri. Alte dimensiuni fizionomice ale statuii sunt: lungimea ochilor, care este de 4,3 m, lungimea nasului, care atinge 7 m i limea nasu-lui, care are 4 m.Accesul spre zona La Cazane, se face prin oraul Orova, nspre localitile Moldova Nou, Eelnia i Dubova, urmnd ca dup 25 de kilometri de mers cu maina s intrai n defileu. De asemenea, se poate ajunge i cu brcile, care pleac regulat din Orova. Odat ajuni acolo, o frumusee de nedescris v va izbi, dndu-v senzaia c trii ntr-un vis. Panorama v va taia rsuflarea, iar vegetaia mediteranean i privelitea sunt de o mreie, de care, cu greu v vei putea despri.

    the U.S. state of South Dakota depicting the countrys four presidents, George Washington (the first), Thomas Jefferson (the third), Abraham Lincoln (the sixteenth) and Theodore Roosevelt (the twenty sixth).With 55 meters in height and 25 meters in width, the Statue of Decebal from Cazane competes by far with the Statue of Liberty in the U.S., being only six meters smaller than the latter. Here, in the place where the wonderful creation depicting Decebal dwells, the Danube reaches its maximum depth of 120 meters. Other physiognomy dimensions of the statue are: the length of the eyes, which is of 4.3 m, the length of the nose, which reaches 7 m and the width of the nose, which is of 4 m.The access to the area of Cazane is made through the city of Orova, to Moldova Nou, Eelnia and Dubova and after a 25-kilometre drive you will enter the defile. You can also get to this place by boats that leave regularly from Orova. Once you get there, an indescribable beauty will strike you, giving you the sensation that you live in a dream. The panorama is breathtaking, and the splendour of the Mediterranean vegetation and views can hardly be forgotten.

    Statuia lui Decebal se afl ntre localitile Eelnia i Dubova, la aproape 20 de kilometri de oraul Orova. Amplasamentul este deosebit, deoarece se afl ntr-un peisaj natural spectaculos, acolo unde Munii Carpai ntlnesc Dunrea. Sculptat n malul stncos al Dunrii, statuia este cea mai nalt sculptur n piatr din Europa i reprezint chipul lui Decebal, ultimul rege al dacilor. Statuia lui Decebal a fost sculptat dup modelul Monumentului Naional de pe Muntele Rushmore din statul american South

    Cu 6 metri mai mic dect Statuia Libertii 6 meters smaller than the Statue of LibertyThe Statue of Decebal lies between the localities of Eelnia and Dubova, about 20 kilometres from the city of Orova. The location is special, because it is situated in a spectacular natural landscape, where the Carpathians meet the Danube. Carved into the rocky bank of the Danube, the statue is the highest stone sculpture in Europe and represents the face of Decebal, the last king of Dacia. The Statue of Decebal was carved after the model of the Mount Rushmore National Memorial in

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    42 | Carpatair Magazine

    Ideea construirii acestei minunate statui aparine omului de afaceri, i n acelai timp un pasionat al istoriei, Iosif Constantin Drgan, ntreaga lucrare desfurndu-se pe parcursul a zece ani, ntre 1994 i 2000. Un timp destul de scurt pentru o asemenea oper de art, la care au trudit minile a 12 arhiteci. Comparativ cu sculpturile de pe Muntele Rushmore asemntoare cu aceasta, ele au fost realiza-te n 14 ani, la acel proiect lucrnd peste 300 de sculptori alpiniti, n timp ce Statuia lui Decebal de La Cazane a fost realizat ntr-un timp mai scurt i doar 12 persoane au lucrat la realizarea acesteia.A fost o lucrare extrem de periculos de realizat, din cauza nlimii i a viperelor, ns a fost finalizat, n ciuda tuturor pericolelor. Totul a nceput n vara anului 1994, cnd s-au defriat copacii care mpdu-reau stnca, dup care s-a trecut la curarea stncilor i a rocilor, care puneau foarte mult n pericol viaa muncitorilor.Toate uneltele folosite au fost transportate cu barca i cu saci a cte 40-50 de kilograme n spinare, zona fiind destul de greu de explorat cu utilaje grele. Peste o ton de dinamit s-a folosit la rea-lizarea lucrrii sculptate. Cei 12 sculptori care au trudit la realizarea minunatei opere n stnc au lucrat n dou ture a cte ase ore pe zi i doar n perioada martie-octombrie a fiecrui an, cnd natura i vremea le permitea accesul pe stnci. Nu a fost deloc uor ceea ce au fcut aceti oameni aici, toate operaiunile fiind de o dificultate foarte mare, n frunte cu cea de manevrare a schelelor.n perioadele de var, chinul era cu att mai mare, ntruct stnca se ncingea, iar condiiile de lucru erau insuportabile. Din cauza condiiilor dificile de lucru, n cei 10 ani ct a durat lucrarea, au avut loc i incidente neplcute la care au fost supui arhitecii. Cinci din-tre acetia au czut la un moment dat n gol de pe schel, ntruct dou pitoane de susinere au fost smulse dimprejurul stncii, ns, din fericire au trecut cu bine peste acel incident, fr rni grave. Dup cei 10 ani de munc trudit, o mare oper de art a ieit la iveal. Frumuseea sa este impresionant i completeaz un peisaj mirific, acolo unde Dunrea parc fierbe n cazane.

    Lucrare realizat de 12 arhiteci n doar 10 ani Work made by 12 architects in only 10 yearsThe idea of building this wonderful statue belongs to the businessman and historian Iosif Constantin Drgan, all the work being performed over a period of ten years, from 1994 to 2000. A rather short period of time for such a work of art, the creation of 12 architects. Compared to the similar sculptures on Mount Rushmore, which were made over a period of 14 years, for that project working over 300 climbing sculptors, the statue of Decebal from Cazane was made in a shorter period of time and only by 12 people.It was an extremely dangerous work, because of the height and the vipers, but it was completed in spite of all the dangers. It all started in the summer of 1994, when the area was deforested and cleaned of rocks and stones which put the workers lives at risk.All the tools used were transported by boat and bags of 40-50 kg on the back, the area being quite difficult to explore with heavy machinery. More than a ton of dynamite was used for the carved work. The 12 sculptors, who toiled for this wonderful work made in rock, worked in two shifts of six hours per day and only from March to October each year, when the nature and the weather allowed them to access the cliffs. What these people did here was not an easy job, all the operations being of great difficulty, the most difficult being that of handling the scaffolding.In summer, the toil was even greater, because the cliff was heating up, and the working conditions were unbearable. Due to the difficult working conditions during the 10 years of work, there were also unpleasant incidents involving the architects. Five of them fell from the scaffolding, as two support pitons were plucked around the cliff, but fortunately no one was seriously injured.After 10 years of toil, a great work of art was created. Its beauty is impressive and completes a wonderful landscape, in a place where the Danube gives the impression of boiling.

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    Carpatair Magazine | 43

    Text: Author: Ecaterina Pop

    Ca semn de recunotin pentru cel care a pus n practic lucrarea construirii minunatei sculpturi, sub capul lui Decebal se afl o inscripie scris n latin, sculptat i ea n stnc, DECEBAL R