Cluster headache and intracranial aneurysm Luciana P.A ... · DOI 10.1007/s10194-007-0412-9...

Cluster headache and intracranial aneurysm ORIGINAL Marcelo Moraes Valença Luciana P.A. Andrade-Valença Carolina Martins Maria de Fátima Vasco Aragão Laécio Leitão Batista Mario Fernando Prieto Peres Wilson Farias da Silva J Headache Pain (2007) 8:277-282 DOI 10.1007/s10194-007-0412-9 Introduction The pathophysiology of the cluster headache (CH) remains unknown. Neuroimaging studies demonstrated an activation of central areas located in the posterior hypothalamus [1]. Pain and vasodilatation appear secondary to an activation of the trigeminal vascular system and the periodicity of the attacks is thought to be due to a dysfunction of the hypothal- amic biologic clock mechanisms. Although CH is considered a primary entity , secondary cases have been described [2–15]. In approximately 3%–5% of patients with CH, the syndrome is secondary to diverse cranial structural abnor- malities [8], such as: fistula of the superficial temporal artery and occipital horn ventricular xanthoma [8]; arteriovenous malformation [11]; brain metastases [7]; injury to the verte- bral artery [5]; sphenoidal sinus aspergilloma [6]; post-trau- matic subdural haematoma [4]; brain trauma [4, 14]; lighten- ing strike [3] and dental extraction [10]. Atypical features Abstract In the present study we describe the cases of two patients with cluster-like headache related to intracranial carotid artery aneurysm. One of these patients responded to verapamil prescrip- tion with headache resolution. In both cases the surgical clipping of the aneurysm resolved the cluster pain. These findings strongly sug- gest a pathophysiological link between the two conditions. The authors discuss the potential patho- physiological mechanisms underly- ing cluster-like headache due to intracranial carotid artery aneurysm. Keywords Cerebral aneurysm Cluster headache • Parasympathetic Third cranial nerve • Internal carotid artery • Pathophysiology Received: 27 December 2006 Accepted in revised form: 14 September 2007 Published online: 25 October 2007 M.M. Valença () C. Martins • M.F.V. Aragão • L.L. Batista • W.F. da Silva Division of Neurology and Neurosurgery , Department of Neuropsychiatry , Federal University of Pernambuco, 50670-420 Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil e-mail: Fax: +55-81-21268539 L.P .A. Andrade-Valença P P Service of Neurology , University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil M.F .P . Peres Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo, Brazil

Transcript of Cluster headache and intracranial aneurysm Luciana P.A ... · DOI 10.1007/s10194-007-0412-9...

Page 1: Cluster headache and intracranial aneurysm Luciana P.A ... · DOI 10.1007/s10194-007-0412-9 Introduction The pathophysiology of the cluster headache (CH) remains unknown. Neuroimaging

Cluster headache and intracranial aneurysm


Marcelo Moraes ValençaLuciana P.A. Andrade-ValençaCarolina MartinsMaria de Fátima Vasco AragãoLaécio Leitão BatistaMario Fernando Prieto PeresWilson Farias da Silva

J Headache Pain (2007) 8:277-282DOI 10.1007/s10194-007-0412-9


The pathophysiology of the cluster headache (CH) remainsunknown. Neuroimaging studies demonstrated an activationof central areas located in the posterior hypothalamus [1].Pain and vasodilatation appear secondary to an activation ofthe trigeminal vascular system and the periodicity of theattacks is thought to be due to a dysfunction of the hypothal-amic biologic clock mechanisms. Although CH is considered

a primary entity, secondary cases have been described[2–15]. In approximately 3%–5% of patients with CH, thesyndrome is secondary to diverse cranial structural abnor-malities [8], such as: fistula of the superficial temporal arteryand occipital horn ventricular xanthoma [8]; arteriovenousmalformation [11]; brain metastases [7]; injury to the verte-bral artery [5]; sphenoidal sinus aspergilloma [6]; post-trau-matic subdural haematoma [4]; brain trauma [4, 14]; lighten-ing strike [3] and dental extraction [10]. Atypical features

Abstract In the present study wedescribe the cases of two patientswith cluster-like headache relatedto intracranial carotid arteryaneurysm. One of these patientsresponded to verapamil prescrip-tion with headache resolution. Inboth cases the surgical clipping ofthe aneurysm resolved the clusterpain. These findings strongly sug-gest a pathophysiological linkbetween the two conditions. Theauthors discuss the potential patho-physiological mechanisms underly-ing cluster-like headache due tointracranial carotid arteryaneurysm.

Keywords Cerebral aneurysm •Cluster headache • Parasympathetic •Third cranial nerve • Internalcarotid artery • Pathophysiology

Received: 27 December 2006Accepted in revised form: 14 September 2007Published online: 25 October 2007

M.M. Valença (�) • C. Martins • M.F.V.Aragão • L.L. Batista • W.F. da SilvaDivision of Neurology and Neurosurgery,Department of Neuropsychiatry,Federal University of Pernambuco,50670-420 Recife, Pernambuco, Brazile-mail: [email protected]: +55-81-21268539

L.P.A. Andrade-ValençaPPService of Neurology,University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil

M.F.P. PeresHospital Israelita Albert Einstein,São Paulo, Brazil

Page 2: Cluster headache and intracranial aneurysm Luciana P.A ... · DOI 10.1007/s10194-007-0412-9 Introduction The pathophysiology of the cluster headache (CH) remains unknown. Neuroimaging


which suggest a secondary or symptomatic origin includeabsence of periodicity and regular hourly recurrence, persis-tence of background pain between attacks, unsatisfactoryresponse to treatment and the presence of neurological signsother than ptosis or miosis.

Dysfunction of both parasympathetic and sympatheticnervous systems is involved in the pathophysiology of CH[16]. Kudrow [17] reviewed the pathogenesis of CH as hav-ing three distinct and continuous clinical phases: (a) the clus-ter period – characterised by chronobiological aberration andimpaired sympathetic nervous system activity; (b) chemore-ceptor dysfunction; and (c) the painful period – the attack’ssymptoms and signs would be the result of parasympatheticand trigeminal nerve stimulation.

In the present study we describe the cases of two patientswith cluster-like headache and partial third cranial nervepalsy related to intracranial carotid artery aneurysm.

Case report

Case 1

A 47-year-old man with a 3-month history of spontaneous30–40-min intense attacks of pulsatile headache in the lefttemporal region – several (5–8) during the day – was admit-ted in the surgery ward. The pain was described as irradiat-ing to the homolateral parieto-occipital region and some-times triggered by getting up from the bed at night.Concomitantly with the headache crisis, a left eye tearingand conjunctival injection appeared. A partial and progres-sive left lid ptosis occurred with diplopia. Mydriasis on theleft side was present, characterising a partial impairment ofthe left third cranial nerve.

Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and then acerebral angiography were carried out. A large intracranialaneurysm located on the left internal carotid artery at the

level of the posterior communicating artery was disclosed(Fig. 1). With the successful clipping of the aneurysm andthe third cranial nerve decompression, the headache com-pletely disappeared at least during the post-operative 2-yearfollow-up period.

Case 2

A 57-year-old man with a 6-month history of 30-min crisesof intense pain in the left eye – 5–6 episodes per day – wasseen in the outpatient clinic. A left eye tearing with conjunc-tival injection, photophobia and partial eyelid ptosisappeared concomitantly with the headache crisis. Verapamil(240 mg/day) was prescribed with gradual relief of the pain.Brain MRI was requested but, because of headache disap-pearance, it was not carried out, as later reported by thepatient. Three months later, after the suspension of vera-pamil, the headache re-appeared, this time with a crescentprogression until it became continuous, losing its cluster-likecharacteristics. Even so, the patient did not seek medicalassistance. In parallel, a gradual left lid ptosis occurred withdiplopia and mydriasis, suggesting a partial impairment ofthe left third cranial nerve. A few days later (12 months afterthe beginning of the cluster-like headache) the patient pre-sented a sudden explosive headache (thunderclap headache)with a transient (a few minutes) decreased level of con-sciousness, associated with vomiting, dysphasia and righthemiparesis. A computed tomography scan of the headrevealed a subarachnoid haemorrhage.

An angio-MRI and a cerebral angiography disclosed alarge intracranial aneurysm located on the left internalcarotid artery (Fig. 2). After the microsurgery with success-ful clipping of the aneurysm and third cranial nerve decom-pression, the cluster-like headache or other type of headachedid not reappear, at least during the 5-month post-operativeperiod. Neurological signs indicative of subarachnoid haem-orrhage (i.e., headache, vomiting, meningismus) disappeared

Fig. 1 The arrows indicate the paraclinoid position of the left intracranial carotid artery aneurysm on the cerebral angiogram (a) and magnet-ic resonance image: axial (b) and sagittal (c) planes

a b c

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a few days after the microsurgical intervention. Five monthslater, the patient still presented a very discrete motor dyspha-sia and mild right hemiparesis.

Signs of parasympathetic involvement disappeared inboth patients together with the cluster-like headache.


In this paper we have reported the cases of two patients whosuffered from otherwise typical CH attacks. In both cases thesurgical approach resolved the cluster pain. These stronglysuggest a pathophysiological link between the two condi-tions – intracranial aneurysm and CH. After reviewing theliterature, only one report was found associating CH-likesymptoms with intracranial aneurysm [2]. Todo and Inoya[2] described the case of a man with an acute cavernous sinussyndrome who experienced symptoms resembling CH for 3weeks. The cause was believed to have been the suddenappearance of a large saccular aneurysm of the intracav-ernous portion of the left carotid artery, with the involvementof the third cranial nerve.

In addition, lung cancer-related CH has also beendescribed, and compression of the vagus nerve (a mixed,main nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system) wasassumed to be implicated in its pathophysiology [9]. In ourtwo patients the parasympathetic portion of the oculomotorcranial nerve was involved. Again, this suggests a possibleassociation of the parasympathetic nervous system with the

pathophysiology of the syndrome. Patients with CH presenta lower threshold of pain sensation on the symptomatic side(i.e., nociceptive flexion reflex, corneal reflex and pain pres-sure threshold), suggestive of a secondary central sensitisa-tion in the pain pathways [18]. Thus, an external compres-sion of the parasympathetic component of the third cranialnerve by an aneurysm could elicit cluster-like symptoms, atleast in some predisposed individuals.

Cases of secondary CH due to lesions in and around thecavernous portion of the internal carotid artery and in thehypothalamic–hypophyseal region have been reported previ-ously [19, 20]. This confers an anatomic relationshipbetween peripheral lesions located in the parasellar/sellarregion and the appearance of CH.

In the anatomic region where the supraclinoidal internalcarotid artery is located, three important peripheral nervesystems are encountered: (a) the sympathetic nervous sys-tem, (b) the trigeminal nervous system and (c) the parasym-pathetic nervous system.

The sympathetic nerves, which innervate targets in theorbit, originate from the superior cervical ganglion and takean upward direction, by the side of the internal carotid artery,in order to reach the parasellar region via the internal carotidnerve, which divides into two branches: the lateral branch,which distributes filaments to the internal carotid artery(internal carotid plexus), and the medial branch, which alsodistributes filaments to the internal carotid artery and, con-tinuing onward, forms the cavernous plexus. Even thoughthe involvement of the autonomic nervous system in the gen-eration of pain is still a matter of debate, clinical and exper-

Fig. 2 Cerebral angiography (right panel) and angio-MRI (left panel) showing a large intracranial aneurysm (arrows) located at the left inter-nal carotid artery

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imental observations suggest that the sympathetic nervoussystem may be involved in pain following trauma, such as incomplex regional pain syndrome.

In addition, trigeminal nerve fibres are diffusely distrib-uted all over the parasellar structures including vessels anddura mater. As the internal carotid artery is surrounded bytrigeminal and sympathetic fibres, aneurysmal formationwith gradual saccular growth may stretch and stimulate thenerve endings and this, in turn, might cause pain in the peri-orbital and/or temporal regions.

Additionally, the oculomotor nerve on its way to the cav-ernous sinus assumes a very close position in relation to thecarotid artery, distancing itself from the latter by a few mil-limetres, in such a way that just the cerebrospinal fluid andarachnoid membrane in the subarachnoid space separates thetwo [21, 22]. Large aneurysms of the supraclinoid internalcarotid segment, which grow downwards, might compressthe parasympathetic fibres which run in the dorso-medialaspect of the oculomotor nerve. The estimated incidence ofthird cranial nerve palsy in patients with aneurysm in the areaof internal carotid artery and posterior communicating arteryis 30%–40% [23]. It was found that 10%–15% of patientswith ruptured aneurysms had symptoms related to theiraneurysm prior to rupture [24]. Orbital pain was present in7% of these [24]. Patients with posterior communicatingartery aneurysm occasionally present third-nerve palsy alone,in the absence of subarachnoid symptoms, which should alertthe physician to a possible aneurysmal rupture due to acuteaneurysmal expansion. Thus, oculomotor palsy, when inassociation with ipsilateral orbitofacial pain, strongly indi-cates impending aneurysmal rupture. Compression of painsensory afferent fibres of the ophthalmic division of thefftrigeminal nerve present in the third cranial nerve by theaneurysm is alleged by some as the cause of the orbitalheadache [25]. In this regard, Berardinelli et al. [26] identi-fied unmyelinated fibres in the oculomotor, trochlear andabducens nerves, and suggested that they are sensory innature and are involved in the transport of pain signals aris-ing from the trigeminal territory. Bortolami et al. [27] demon-strated that trigeminal neurons send their process centrallythrough the oculomotor nerve, which supplies the extra-ocu-lar muscles, the cornea, and the superior eyelid, and containsneuropeptides (substance P, calcitonin gene-related peptideand cholecystokinin) that are usually associated with painsensation.

Another interesting point to be discussed is the fact thatboth patients refer the left side as the location of the pain. Ina series of 18 patients with secondary CH, we found differff -ent possible events that could be involved in the precipitationof the CH; among them, head/face trauma was the mostprevalent one (56%) [28]. The left side of the head wasinvolved in 81% of the secondary CH cases. Manzoni et al.[14] reported that 41 out of 180 patients with CH had had

previous head injury, with loss of consciousness occurring in20 of them. Interestingly, a close correspondence was notedbetween the region of the head injury and the side on whichCH later occurred, with a mean latency of nine years. Thepathophysiology of the CH latent period is discussed else-where [3].

It is conceivable that pain is lateralised to the side ofintracranial lesions or traumatic injury but there is no reasonthat justifies the preferential left location, unless there is ahigher susceptibility of brain and/or peripheral tissues locat-ed on this side. In other words, precipitating injuries, such astrauma, which occur on the left side of the head, appear toeasily foster symptoms resembling CH, when compared tothe opposing side. Regarding this, Havelius [29] identifiedevident sympathetic dysfunction years before CH sympto-matology appearance in six patients. That fact suggests ananatomo-functional preexisting condition predisposing theoccurrence of CH-like phenomenology.

Two important characteristics can be observed in the sec-ond case report: (a) the headache was relieved by the use ofverapamil and (b) the classical presentation of the CH fea-tures had occurred several months before the third nerve dys-function and the aneurysm rupture. Recently, a case of a manwith cluster-tic syndrome secondary to a pituitary adenomawas reported to have responded to verapamil [30] with com-plete pain relief. The response to verapamil in the secondarycases of CH suggests a common pathophysiology of bothforms – primary and secondary – of CH.

Verapamil is a drug that acts as an L-type calcium chanVV -nel blocker [31]. It has a vasodilating action on the intracra-nial vascular system and decreases peripheral vascular andcoronary resistance. The mean elimination half-life follow-ing single oral doses is 3–7 h and after repeated or chronicdoses the half-life increases to 5–12 h. Verapamil slows thespontaneous firing of pacemaker cells in the sinus node invitro. In vivo, this effect is partially abolished by an increasein the sympathetic activity due to arterial dilatation. Thatdual action indicates the complexity of the pharmacologicaleffects exerted by verapamil with both direct efff fect on theffcells and indirect action via haemodynamic or autonomicalterations (i.e., enhancement of sympathetic activity). Inaddition, the blood–brain barrier is a major impediment tothe entry of many therapeutic drugs into the brain. P-Glycoprotein is an ATP-dependent drug transport proteinthat is predominantly found in the luminal membrane of thebrain capillary endothelial cells that make up theblood–brain barrier [32]. As P-glycoprotein can activelytransport a vast variety of hydrophobic amphipathic sub-stances out of the cell, it was hypothesised that it might beresponsible for the very poor penetration of many relativelylarge (>400 Da) hydrophobic drugs in the nervous parenchy-ma, by performing active back-transport of these substancesto the blood. As verapamil may affect the P-glycoprotein, it

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can be hypothesised that, at least in part, the pain reliefinduced by it is likely to be somehow linked to theblood–brain barrier permeability [32, 33]. Anticonvulsantactivity of verapamil has also been described [33]. The brainNa, K-ATPase, an integral membrane enzyme, is inhibitedby verapamil [34]. That enzyme pumps Na+ out and K+ intothe cell to regulate several physiological functions such ascell proliferation, volume regulation and maintenance ofelectrogenic potential required for the function of excitabletissue. Interestingly, propranolol, another pharmacologicalagent used as a prophylactic drug to treat migraine, alsoinhibits the Na, K-ATPase [34].

We should mention that other neurological entities oughtto be remembered in the differential diagnosis of painfulophthalmoplegia such as: Tolosa-Hunt orbito-cavernoussinus syndrome with oculomotor palsies, Brown syndromedue to entrapment of the superior oblique tendon (diplopiaplus focal pain at the corner of the orbit), Raeder paratrigem-

inal syndrome (tic douloureux ptosis and miosis with preser-vation of sweating) and the so-called ophthalmoplegic“migraine”, to cite a few.

The present report shows the association of third cranialnerve involvement and concomitant appearance of symp-toms resembling CH, which may suggest the unilateralparasympathetic dysfunction as a putative cause of intermit-tent pain and autonomic symptomatology that occur duringCH attacks. Or rather, the aneurysm provokes a local com-pression of the anatomic structures responsive to pain (i.e.,trigeminal and autonomic fibres), which, by themselves, donot explain the intermittent character of the headache or theappearance of other signs and symptoms.

Cluster-like headache, like migraine-like headache, canbe secondary to structural abnormalities in the head, includ-ing carotid aneurysms. They need appropriate investigationsto be identified, such as neuroimaging assessment and cere-bral angiography [35].


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