Cloud Computing and its usefulness in Rural India.doc

Cloud Computing and its opportunities in Rural India Deepak Mitra Department of Computer Applications( MCA) Gaya College Gaya, Gaya-8!""# $%& '#-"*++!8" mail-id & dmitra#!.ya%oo/com What is Cloud Computing? Clo ud comput ing is a ne0 comput ing tec%nology refers to t%e on-demand pro1ision of com put at ional resour ces 1i a a comput er  net0ork, rat%er t%an from a local computer/ 2sers or clients can su3mit a task to t%e ser1i ce pro1id er, 0it%out actually posse ssin g t%e soft 0are or %ard0a re/ 4%e consumer5s comput er may contai n 1ery littl e soft 0are or data (a minim al operat ing system and 0e3  3ro0ser only), ser1ing as a 3asic display terminal connected to t%e Internet/ 6ince t%e cloud is t%e underlying deli1ery mec%anis m, cloud- 3ased applicat ions and ser1i ces may suppor t any type of sof t0are appl ica ti on or ser 1ic e in use today/ Clo ud comput ing ser1ice in s%ort is called 74%e Cloud7/ $r e1iously 3ot% dat a and soft 0ar e %ad to 3e st or ed and pr ocess ed on t%e computer/ 4%e de1elopment of ocal Area 9et0orks allo0ed for a system could 3e organi:ed to increase t%e performance of t%e entire system/ In an e;tension to t%a t concept, clo ud comput ing fundament all y all o0s for a functional separation 3et0een t%e resour ces used and t%e user5 s computer, usually residing outsi de t%e local net0ork Consumers no0 routinely use data-int ensi1 e appli catio ns dri1en 3y cl oud te c%nology t%at 0ere pre1i ousl y una1ai la 3l e due to cost and dep loyment comple;ity/ In cloud computing, any computer connected to t%e Internet is connected to t%e same pool of computing po0er, applic ations, and files/ 2se rs can sto re and access  personal files suc% as music, pictures, 1ideos, and 3ookmarks or play games on a remote ser1er rat%e r t%an p%ysical ly carryi ng around a storage medium suc% as a, pen dri1e or D<D 1en t %ose using 0e3-3a sed email suc% as Gm ail, , = a% oo> or ?utlo ok are #

Transcript of Cloud Computing and its usefulness in Rural India.doc

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Cloud Computing and its opportunities in Rural India

Deepak MitraDepartment of Computer Applications(MCA)

Gaya College Gaya, Gaya-8!""#

$%& '#-"*++!8"mail-id & dmitra#!.ya%oo/com

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is a ne0 computing

tec%nology refers to t%e on-demand pro1ision of 

computational resources 1ia a computer 

net0ork, rat%er t%an from a local computer/ 2sers or clients can su3mit a task to t%eser1ice pro1ider, 0it%out actually possessing t%e soft0are or %ard0are/ 4%e consumer5s

computer may contain 1ery little soft0are or data (a minimal operating system and 0e3

 3ro0ser only), ser1ing as a 3asic display terminal connected to t%e Internet/ 6ince t%e

cloud is t%e underlying deli1ery mec%anism, cloud-3ased applications and ser1ices may

support any type of soft0are application or ser1ice in use today/ Cloud computing

ser1ice in s%ort is called 74%e Cloud7/

$re1iously 3ot% data and soft0are %ad to 3e stored and processed on t%e

computer/ 4%e de1elopment of ocal Area 9et0orks allo0ed for a system could 3e

organi:ed to increase t%e performance of t%e entire system/ In an

e;tension to t%at concept, cloud computing fundamentally allo0s for a functional

separation 3et0een t%e resources used and t%e user5s computer, usually residing outside

t%e local net0ork Consumers no0 routinely use data-intensi1e applications dri1en 3y

cloud tec%nology t%at 0ere pre1iously una1aila3le due to cost and deployment


In cloud computing, any computer connected to t%e Internet is connected to t%e

same pool of computing po0er, applications, and files/ 2sers can store and access

 personal files suc% as music, pictures, 1ideos, and 3ookmarks or play games on a remote

ser1er rat%er t%an p%ysically carrying around a storage medium suc% as a, pen dri1e or

D<D 1en t%ose using 0e3-3ased email suc% as Gmail, , =a%oo> or ?utlook are


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making use of cloud email ser1ers/ @ence, desktop applications t%at connect to internet-

%ost email pro1iders can also 3e considered cloud applications/

4%e 9ational Institute of 6tandards and 4ec%nology (9I64 )pro1ides a concise

and specific definition& Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-

demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g.,

networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned 

and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. “. Cloud

computing pro1ides computation, soft0are, data access, and storage ser1ices t%at do not

reBuire end-user kno0ledge of t%e p%ysical location and configuration of t%e system t%at

deli1ers t%e ser1ices

Cloud computing is a general term for anyt%ing t%at in1ol1es deli1ering %osted

ser1ices o1er t%e Internet/ 4%ese ser1ices are 3roadly di1ided into t%ree categories&

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-

Service (SaaS). 4%e name cloud computing 0as inspired 3y t%e cloud sym3ol t%at5s often

used to represent t%e Internet in flo0c%arts and diagrams/

A cloud ser1ice %as t%ree distinct c%aracteristics t%at differentiate it from

traditional %osting/ It is sold on demand, typically 3y t%e minute or t%e %our it is elastic

-- a user can %a1e as muc% or as little of a ser1ice as t%ey 0ant at any gi1en time and t%e

ser1ice is fully managed 3y t%e pro1ider (t%e consumer needs not%ing 3ut a personal

computer and Internet access)/ 6ignificant inno1ations in 1irtuali:ation and distri3uted

computing, as 0ell as impro1ed access to %ig%-speed Internet and a 0eak economy, %a1e

accelerated interest in cloud computing/

A cloud can 3e pri1ate or pu3lic/ A pulic cloud sells ser1ices to anyone on t%e

Internet/ (Currently, Ama:on e3 6er1ices is t%e largest pu3lic cloud pro1ider/)

A private cloud is a proprietary net0ork or a data center t%at supplies %osted ser1ices to

a limited num3er of people/ %en a ser1ice pro1ider uses pu3lic cloud resources to create

t%eir pri1ate cloud, t%e result is called a 1irtual pri1ate cloud/ $ri1ate or pu3lic, t%e goal

of cloud computing is to pro1ide easy, scala3le access to computing resources and I4


Infrastructure-as-a-6er1ice like Ama:on e3 6er1ices pro1ides 1irtual ser1er 

instance A$I) to start, stop, access and configure t%eir 1irtual ser1ers and storage/ In t%e

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enterprise, cloud computing allo0s a company to pay for only as muc% capacity as is

needed, and 3ring more online as soon as reBuired/ Eecause t%is pay-for-0%at-you-use

model resem3les t%e 0ay electricity, fuel and 0ater are consumed, it5s sometimes referred

to as utility computing/

$latform-as-a-ser1ice in t%e cloud is defined as a set of soft0are and product

de1elopment tools %osted on t%e pro1ider5s infrastructure/ De1elopers create applications

on t%e pro1ider5s platform o1er t%e Internet/ $aa6 pro1iders may use A$Is,

0e3site portals or gate0ay soft0are installed on t%e customer5s computer/ Force/com, (an

outgro0t% of 6alesforce/com) and GoogleApps are e;amples of $aa6/ De1elopers need to

kno0 t%at currently, t%ere are not standards for interopera3ility or data porta3ility in t%e

cloud/ 6ome pro1iders 0ill not allo0 soft0are created 3y t%eir customers to 3e mo1ed off 

t%e pro1ider5s platform/

In t%e soft0are-as-a-ser1ice cloud model, t%e 1endor supplies t%e %ard0are

infrastructure, t%e soft0are product and interacts 0it% t%e user t%roug% a front-end portal/

6aa6 is a 1ery 3road market/ 6er1ices can 3e anyt%ing from e3-3ased email to

in1entory control and data3ase processing/ Eecause t%e ser1ice pro1ider %osts 3ot% t%e

application and t%e data, t%e end user is free to use t%e ser1ice from any0%ere/

!"rid Cloud

A %y3rid cloud is a composition of at least one pri1ate cloud and at least

one pu3lic cloud/ A %y3rid cloud is typically offered in one of t0o 0ays& a 1endor %as a

 pri1ate cloud and forms a partners%ip 0it% a pu3lic cloud pro1ider, or a pu3lic cloud

 pro1ider forms a partners%ip 0it% a 1endor t%at pro1ides pri1ate cloud platforms/

A %y3rid cloud is a cloud computing en1ironment in 0%ic% an organi:ation

 pro1ides and manages some resources in-%ouse and %as ot%ers pro1ided e;ternally/ For 

e;ample, an organi:ation mig%t use a pu3lic cloud ser1ice, suc% as Ama:on 6imple

6torage 6er1ice (Ama:on 6!) for arc%i1ed data 3ut continue to maintain in-%ouse storage

for operational customer data/ Ideally, t%e %y3rid approac% allo0s a 3usiness to take

ad1antage of t%e scala3ility and cost-effecti1eness t%at a pu3lic cloud computing

en1ironment offers 0it%out e;posing mission-critical applications and data to t%ird-party

1ulnera3ilities/ 4%is type of %y3rid cloud is also referred to as h"rid I#/

Cloud $ac%up (&nline $ac%up)

• -mail• $rint• A• AA• AAA• inkedIn• Face3ook • 40itter • 6%are 4%is• R66• Re prints


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Cloud 3ackup, also kno0n as online 3ackup, is a strategy for 3acking up data t%at

in1ol1es sending a copy of t%e data o1er a proprietary or pu3lic net0ork to an off-site

ser1er/ 4%e ser1er is usually %osted 3y a t%ird-party ser1ice pro1ider, 0%o c%arges t%e

 3ackup customer a fee 3ased on capacity, 3and0idt% or num3er of users/ In t%e

enterprise, t%e off-site ser1er mig%t 3e proprietary, 3ut t%e c%arge3ack  met%od 0ould 3e


?nline 3ackup systems are typically 3uilt around a client soft0are application t%at

runs on a sc%edule determined 3y t%e le1el of ser1ice t%e customer %as purc%ased/ If t%e

customer %as contracted for daily 3ackups, for instance, t%en t%e application collects,

compresses, encrypts and transfers data to t%e ser1ice pro1ider5s ser1ers e1ery %ours/

4o reduce t%e amount of 3and0idt% consumed and t%e time it takes to transfer files, t%e

ser1ice pro1ider mig%t only pro1ide incremental 3ackups after t%e initial full 3ackup/

4%ird-party cloud 3ackup %as gained popularity 0it% small offices and %ome users

 3ecause of its con1enience/ Capital e;penditures for additional %ard0are are not reBuired

and 3ackups can 3e run dark , 0%ic% means t%ey can 3e run automatically 0it%out manual


In t%e enterprise, cloud 3ackup ser1ices are primarily 3eing used

for arc%i1ing non-critical data only/ 4raditional 3ackup is a 3etter solution for critical data

t%at reBuires a s%ort reco1ery time o3ecti1e (R4?) 3ecause t%ere are p%ysical limits for 

%o0 muc% data can 3e mo1ed in a gi1en amount of time o1er a net0ork/ %en a large

amount of data needs to 3e reco1ered, it may need to 3e s%ipped on tape or some ot%er 

 porta3le storage media/

Russ Fello0s, 6enior Analyst 0it% t%e 1aluator Group, %as put toget%er t%e

follo0ing c%art to illustrate 0%en cloud 3ackups s%ould 3e considered as a 1ia3le option/



Cloud storage #raditional ac%up

Amountof data

Eest 0%en t%e total amount to protect isless t%an #"" GE per # M3 of net0ork

For large amounts of data, or foren1ironments 0it% limited net0ork

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 3and0idt%/ For e;ample, #"" GE can 3esupported 3y a # M3 A9 connection(suc% as D6)

connecti1ity, traditional 3ackuptec%niBues are more appropriate/

Rate of


Eest 0%en t%e rate of c%ange is less t%an

#"H of t%e total data per mont%/

For data t%at c%anges freBuently,

traditional 3ackup met%ods t%at uselocal disk and tape, 0it% tapetransport off-site are moreappropriate

Cloud 'rive

• -mail• $rint• A• AA• AAA• inkedIn• Face3ook • 40itter • 6%are 4%is• R66• ReprintsA cloud dri1e is a e3-3ased ser1ice t%at pro1ides storage space on a remote


Cloud dri1es, 0%ic% are accessed o1er t%e Internet 0it% client-side soft0are, are

useful for 3acking up files/ A cloud dri1e pro1ider may offer a limited amount of online

storage space for free and additional storage space for a mont%ly or yearly fee/

Cloud dri1es make it possi3le for a small 3usiness or indi1idual to store and sync

documents and ot%er electronic media 0it%out %a1ing to purc%ase or maintain e;ternal

%ard dri1es or file ser1ers/ Cloud dri1e ser1ices are recommended for 3ackups of #

tera3yte (4E) or less/ 4%e ser1ice pro1ider is responsi3le for maintaining t%e ser1ers,

ensuring a1aila3ility and pro1iding easy access to t%e stored data/ederated Cloud (Cloud ederation)

•••• in6%are• mail• Comment• R66• $rint• A• AA• AAAA federated cloud (also called cloud federation) is t%e deployment and

management of multiple e;ternal and internal cloud computing ser1ices to matc%

 3usiness needs/ A federation is t%e union of se1eral smaller parts t%at perform a common



Cloud Computing rchitecture

%en talking a3out a cloud

computing system, it5s %elpful to

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di1ide it into t0o sections& t%e front endand t%e ac% end/ 4%ey connect to eac% ot%er 

t%roug% a net0ork , usually t%e Internet/ 4%e front end is t%e side t%e computer user, or 

client, sees/ 4%e 3ack end is t%e 7cloud7 section of t%e system/

4%e front end includes t%e client5s computer  (or computer net0ork) and t%e

application reBuired to access t%e cloud computing system/ 9ot all cloud computing

systems %a1e t%e same user interface/ 6er1ices like e3-3ased e-mail  programs le1erage

e;isting e3 3ro0sers like Internet ;plorer or  Firefo;/ ?t%er systems %a1e uniBue

applications t%at pro1ide net0ork access to clients/

?n t%e 3ack end of t%e system are t%e 1arious computers, ser1ers and data storage

systems t%at create t%e 7cloud7 of computing ser1ices/ In t%eory, a cloud computing

system could include practically any computer program you can imagine, from data

 processing to 1ideo games/ 2sually, eac% application 0ill %a1e its o0n dedicated ser1er /

A central ser1er administers t%e system, monitoring traffic and client demands to

ensure e1eryt%ing runs smoot%ly/ It follo0s a set of rules called  protocols and uses a

special kind of soft0are called middleware/ Middle0are allo0s net0orked computers to

communicate 0it% eac% ot%er/ Most of t%e time, ser1ers don5t run at full capacity/ 4%at

means t%ere5s unused processing po0er going to 0aste/ It5s possi3le to fool a p%ysical

ser1er into t%inking it5s actually multiple ser1ers, eac% running 0it% its o0n independent

operating system/ 4%e tec%niBue is called ser1er 1irtuali:ation/ Ey ma;imi:ing t%e output

of indi1idual ser1ers, ser1er 1irtuali:ation reduces t%e need for more p%ysical mac%ines/

If a cloud computing company %as a lot of clients, t%ere5s likely to 3e a %ig%

demand for a lot of storage space/ 6ome companies reBuire %undreds of digital storage

de1ices/ Cloud computing systems need at least t0ice t%e num3er of storage de1ices it

reBuires to keep all its clients5 information stored/ 4%at5s 3ecause t%ese de1ices, like all

computers, occasionally 3reak do0n/ A cloud computing system must make a copy of all

its clients5 information and store it on ot%er de1ices/ 4%e copies ena3le t%e central ser1er 

to access 3ackup mac%ines to retrie1e data t%at ot%er0ise 0ould 3e unreac%a3le/ Making

copies of data as a 3ackup is called redundanc"/

Cloud Computing pplications

4%e applications of cloud computing are practically limitless/ it% t%e rig%t

middle0are, a cloud computing system could e;ecute all t%e programs a


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normal computer  could run/ $otentially, e1eryt%ing from generic 0ord processing

soft0are to customi:ed computer programs designed for a specific company could 0ork 

on a cloud computing system/

Clients 0ould 3e a3le to access t%eir applications and data from any0%ere at any

time/ 4%ey could access t%e cloud computing system using any computer linked to

t%e Internet/ Data 0ouldn5t 3e confined to a %ard dri1e on one user5s computer or e1en a

corporation5s internal net0ork/

It could 3ring %ard0are costs do0n/ Cloud computing systems 0ould reduce t%e

need for ad1anced %ard0are on t%e client side/ 4%ere in no need to 3uy t%e  fastest

computer  0it% t%e most memory, 3ecause t%e cloud system 0ould take care of t%ose

needs/ An ine;pensi1e computer terminal 0ould ser1e t%e full computing need/ 4%e

terminal could include a monitor , input de1ices like a key3oard and mouse and ust

enoug% processing po0er to run t%e middle0are necessary to connect to t%e cloud

system/ 9o reBuirement of a large %ard dri1e 3ecause all information s%all 3e stored on a

remote computer/

Corporations t%at rely on computers %a1e to make sure t%ey %a1e t%e rig%t

soft0are in place to ac%ie1e goals/ Cloud computing systems gi1e t%ese organi:ations

company-0ide access to computer applications/ 4%e companies don5t %a1e to 3uy a set of 

soft0are or soft0are licenses for e1ery employee/ Instead, t%e company could pay a

metered fee to a cloud computing company/

6er1ers and digital storage de1ices take up space/ 6ome companies rent p%ysical

space to store ser1ers and data3ases 3ecause t%ey don5t %a1e it a1aila3le on site/ Cloud

computing gi1es t%ese companies t%e option of storing data on someone else5s %ard0are,

remo1ing t%e need for p%ysical space on t%e front end/

Corporations mig%t sa1e money on I4 support/ 6treamlined %ard0are 0ould, in

t%eory, %a1e fe0er pro3lems t%an a net0ork of  %eterogeneous mac%ines and operating


If t%e cloud computing system5s 3ack end is a grid computing system, t%en t%e

client could take ad1antage of t%e entire net0ork5s processing po0er/ ?ften, scientists and

researc%ers 0ork 0it% calculations so comple; t%at it 0ould take years for indi1idual

computers to complete t%em/ ?n a grid computing system, t%e client could send t%e


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calculation to t%e cloud for processing/ 4%e cloud system 0ould tap into t%e processing

 po0er of all a1aila3le computers on t%e 3ack end, significantly speeding up t%e


Cloud Computing Concerns

$er%aps t%e 3iggest concerns a3out cloud computing are securit" and privac"/

4%e idea of %anding o1er important data to anot%er company 0orries some people/

Corporate e;ecuti1es mig%t %esitate to take ad1antage of a cloud computing system

 3ecause t%ey can5t keep t%eir company5s information under lock  and key/

4%e counter argument to t%is position is t%at t%e companies offering cloud

computing ser1ices li1e and die 3y t%eir reputations/ It 3enefits t%ese companies to %a1e

relia3le security measures in place/ ?t%er0ise, t%e ser1ice 0ould lose all its clients/ It5s in

t%eir interest to employ t%e most ad1anced tec%niBues to protect t%eir clients5 data/

$ri1acy is anot%er matter/ If a client can log in from any location to access data

and applications, it5s possi3le t%e client5s pri1acy could 3e compromised/ Cloud

computing companies 0ill need to find 0ays to protect client pri1acy/ ?ne 0ay is to

use authentication tec%niBues suc% as user names and pass0ords/ Anot%er is to employ

an authori*ation format -- eac% user can access only t%e data and applications rele1ant to

%is or %er o3/

6ome Buestions regarding cloud computing are more p%ilosop%ical/ Does t%e user 

or company su3scri3ing to t%e cloud computing ser1ice o0n t%e dataJ Does t%e cloud

computing system, 0%ic% pro1ides t%e actual storage space, o0n itJ Is it possi3le for a

cloud computing company to deny a client access to t%at client5s dataJ 6e1eral

companies, la0 firms and uni1ersities are de3ating t%ese and ot%er Buestions a3out t%e

nature of cloud computing/

@o0 0ill cloud computing affect ot%er industriesJ 4%ere5s a gro0ing concern in

t%e I4 industry a3out %o0 cloud computing could impact t%e 3usiness of computer 

maintenance and repair/ If companies s0itc% to using streamlined computer systems,

t%ey5ll %a1e fe0er I4 needs/ 6ome industry e;perts 3elie1e t%at t%e need for I4 o3s 0ill

migrate to t%e 3ack end of t%e cloud computing system/

Anot%er area of researc% in t%e computer science community is autonomic

computing/ An autonomic computing system is self-managing, 0%ic% means t%e system


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monitors itself and takes measures to pre1ent or repair pro3lems/ Currently, autonomic

computing is mostly t%eoretical/ Eut, if autonomic computing 3ecomes a reality, it could

eliminate t%e need for many I4 maintenance o3s/

Cloud Computing Issues

Cloud computing issues span models (Iaa6, $aa6, or 6aa6) and types (pu3lic,

 pri1ate, or %y3rid)/ Computing on t%e cloud reBuires 1igilance a3out security,

managea3ility, standards, go1ernance, and compliance&

• Cloud securit"/ 4%e same security principles t%at apply to on-site computing apply to

cloud computing security/

• Identit" management/ Managing personal identity information so t%at access to

computer resources, applications, data, and ser1ices is controlled properly/

• 'etection and forensics/ 6eparating legitimate from illegitimate acti1ity/

• +ncr"ption/ Coding to protect your information assets/

• Cloud manageailit"/ Consistent 1ie0 across 3ot% on-premises and cloud-3ased

en1ironments are needed/ 4%is includes managing t%e assets pro1isioning as 0ell as

t%e Buality of ser1ice (K?6) recei1ed from t%e ser1ice pro1ider/

• Cloud standards/ A standard is an agreed-upon approac% for doing somet%ing/ Cloud

standards ensure interopera3ility, so tools, applications, 1irtual images, and more can

 3e taken and use t%em in anot%er cloud en1ironment 0it%out %a1ing to do any

re0ork/ $orta3ility lets take one application or instance running on one 1endorLs

implementation and deploy it on anot%er 1endorLs implementation/

• Cloud governance and compliance. Go1ernance defines 0%oLs responsi3le for 0%at

and t%e policies and procedures t%at your people or groups need to follo0/ Cloud

go1ernance reBuires go1erning o0n infrastructure as 0ell as infrastructure t%at is not

totally control/ Cloud go1ernance %as t0o key components& understanding

compliance and risk and 3usiness performance goals/

• 'ata in the cloud. Managing data in t%e cloud reBuires data security and pri1acy,

including controls for mo1ing data from point A to point E/ It also includes managing

data storage and t%e resources for large-scale data processing/

errill "nch +stimates Cloud Computing #o $e /011 $illion ar%et

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%at do t%e follo0ing companies all %a1e in common& Ama:on, Microsoft,

Google, MC, <M0are, IEM, 6un, Dell, Akamai, 6alesForce/com, 9et6uite, and

Acti1ision/ Ans0er& Cloud Computing/ Merrill ync% analysts reckon t%at 3y "# t%e

1olume of cloud computing market opportunity 0ill amount to more t%an #+"E9,

including 9 in 3usiness and producti1ity apps (e-mail, office, CRM, etc/) and +E9

in online ad1ertising/

Is India the emerging cloud computing capital of the world?

For a country like India, t%e importance of a tec%nology like cloud computing is

manifold as a maority of small and medium enterprises 0%o cannot afford tec%nology in

t%e current form can no0 afford to adopt t%e latest tec%nologiesEy 6rikant% R$,

Informationeek, April !, "#

Consider t%ese statistics& A study 3y 9asscom and Deloitte estimates t%e Indian

cloud computing market 0ill reac% 26D #+ 3illion 3y ""/ 6imilarly, a report 3y

consulting firm Ninno1 Management Consulting estimates t%at t%e cloud computing

market 0ill gro0 from 26D "" million (currently) to 26D / 3illion 3y "#/ A recent

Microsoft-IDC study says t%at cloud computing 0ill generate o1er million o3s in India

 3y "#/

%ile t%ese num3ers are impressi1e, t%ey indicate ust a glimpse of t%e immense potential and transformation t%at is possi3le from adoption of cloud computing

tec%nologies/ For a country like India, t%e importance of a tec%nology like cloud

computing is manifold as a maority of small and medium enterprises 0%o cannot afford

tec%nology in t%e current form can no0 afford to adopt t%e latest tec%nologies and


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compete effecti1ely in t%e marketplace O similar to %o0 most Indians skipped t%e landline

to adopt t%e cellp%one a decade 3ack/

Cloud computing mar%et in India

4%e pu3lic cloud computing market in India is estimated to touc% Rs ,! crore

 3y "# after gro0ing at a CAGR of !H 3et0een "#"-"# according to market

intelligence and ad1isory firm Cy3erMedia Researc%5s India/ 4%e o1erall Indian soft0are

as ser1ice market is e;pected to touc% Rs + crore 3y end "##, a gro0t% of " per cent

o1er "#"/ Cy3erMedia Researc%5s India Cloud Computing Market Re1ie0 "##, a

sur1ey of 5users5 and 5non-users5 of cloud computing s%o0ed t%at penetration amongst

Indian enterprises 0as H in "#"/ 4%is is e;pected to rise to +/8H for all large and mid-

si:e enterprises in t%e country 3y "#/

Indian cloud mar%et to grow " 213 this "ear4 I'CPress #rust &f India 5 6ew 'elhi ug 78, 7107, 11408 IS#

4%e Indian cloud computing market, 0%ic% 0as estimated at ! million in

"##, is likely to gro0 3y more t%an *" per cent in t%e current year, according to researc%

firm IDC/

IDC estimates t%e Indian cloud market to 3e in t%e region of ! million in

"##, 0it% a gro0t% of more t%an *" per cent e;pected for "# and almost " per cent

gro0t% forecast for t%e ne;t t%ree years,P IDC said in its India Cloud Market ?1er1ie0,


Cloud computing refers to pay-per-use model of computing 0%ere applications

and soft0ares are accessed o1er t%e internet and not o0ned 3y users/ Companies can sa1e

%uge costs on t%ese products as t%ey 0ould not %a1e to in1est in purc%asing t%em,

resulting in reduced I4 costs/

e %a1e definitely seen cloud cross t%e infle;ion point in end "##/ it% proper 

messaging from key 1endors and due diligence of opportunities 0%ic% e;ist in t%e cloud

deli1ery models, t%e market 0ill gro0 muc% faster in t%e coming years,P IDC IndiaResearc% Manager (6oft0are and I4 6er1ices) 9irupam C%aud%uri said in a statement/

IDC said for seamless integration of t%e I4 infrastructure into t%e cloud

en1ironment, it is essential t%at cloud pro1iders %elp organisations in assessing t%eir 

cloud readiness, and recommend a cloud adoption roadmap accordingly/


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4%is 0ould pro1ide a 3oost to cloud consulting ser1ices in t%e coming #-

mont%s/ A direct corollary is t%at 1endors need to %a1e ro3ust cloud consulting

capa3ilities in place for making a foray into t%is space,P IDC India 6enior Market Analyst

(I4 6er1ices) 6andeep Qumar 6%arma said/

!ow ig cloud computing?

$roected cloud spending

Worldwide I# Cloud Spending 7107

Cloud reaches rural India

IndiaLs *!H of population li1es in t%e rural areas and 1illages/ 4%is rural segment,

commonly referred to as t%e 3ottom of t%e pyramidL s%o0ing a %uge opportunity for 

companies/ 1en for t%e people, 0%o can afford a computer 3ecome a %eadac%e to

maintain, upgrade and 3uy licenses for t%e soft0are on regular 3asis/ Also, t%ey need to

carry t%eir computer e1ery0%ere t%ey go/ If a personal computerP can 3e made a1aila3le


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on cloud, accessi3le from any 0%ere, t%at too free or minimal c%arges (pay-as-you-use)

rural people can afford and gro0 t%eir personnel life/ 4%e Cloud Computing can %elp t%e

rural population in o1ercoming t%e %uge costs incurred on infrastructure, soft0are etc/,

%urdles and it can lead to rural area de1elopment and an o1erall economic progress of t%e

nation/ 2sing cloud computing to reduce price 0ill create a 0orld 0it%out po1erty/

#he space etween rural sectors

Rural India %as seen impressi1e gro0t% in t%e past fe0 years/ 6u3stantial

impro1ement in purc%asing po0er, increasing 3rand consciousness, c%anging

consumption patterns and rapid spread of communication net0orks in rural areas %as

 presented a gro0ing potential for t%e corporate sector/

According to a 9ational Council of Applied conomic Researc% (9CAR) study,

t%e consuming class %ouse%olds in rural areas eBuals t%e num3er in ur3an/ For a num3er 

of Fast mo1ing consumer goods (FMCG) companies and ser1ice industry in t%e country,

more t%an %alf t%eir annual sales come from t%e rural market/

A rising trend %as also 3een o3ser1ed in terms of rural net0orking/ For instance

t%e rural s%are 0as only around per cent of t%e total market in t%e #8"s %as 3een

gro0ing rapidly and e;ceeds " per cent today/

#he gaps to develop rural sector

Rural areas are small pockets 0%ic% %inder maor companies to operate efficiently

alone/ $ro1iding single ser1ices in rural areas cost more for t%e companies or t%e

consumers/ In case of ur3an areas 0%ere more consumers are present t%e companies can

 pro1ide cost effecti1e ser1ices/ 4%ere is a need to create a platform to pro1ide ser1ices

cost effecti1ely at rural areas/

4%e rising importance of t%e rural markets reflects not only t%e saturation in ur3an

markets, 3ut also t%e %uge potential, 0%ic% rural markets %a1e to offer, 3ot% in terms of 

t%e emerging middle class and t%e impressi1e gro0t% rates of t%e rural consumer market/

9ural &pportunities

India %as more t%an "/+ million 1illages, %ousing t0o t%ird of its people, earning

one-t%ird of t%e national income/ 4%e steep rise in si:e of t%e rural market %as 3een t%e

most important marketing p%enomenon of t%e nineties, pro1iding 1olume gro0t% to all

t%e leading consumer goods, ser1ices as 0ell as agro-input companies/ @ig%er rural


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incomes and increasing penetration of tele1ision and ot%er mass media, %a1e induced

 propensity to consume 3randed and 1alue added products and ser1ices in rural areas/

According to 9CAR t%e rural consumers represent more t%an " percent of 

IndiaLs Consuming ClassesL and %a1e 3ecome t%e prime target market for consumer 

dura3le and non-dura3le, food, construction, electrical, electronics, automo3iles, 3anks

and ot%er sectors/

According to t%e 9CAR Indian Market Demograp%ics Report ""#, t%e

consuming class %ouse%olds (annual income 3et0een Rs ,""# and Rs #,""") in rural

areas eBual t%e num3er in ur3an areas, 0%ic% means more disposa3le incomes in rural

areas, as t%e cost of food, s%elter, primary education and %ealt% is muc% lo0er/

Researc% also s%o0s t%at today around +8H of t%e rural market lies untapped due

to 1arious reasons ranging from inaccessi3ility to lack of a0areness to %ig% cost of reac%/

 9e0-age tec%nologies like cloud are no0 3eing deployed in t%e rural %interland of 

India too/ German enterprise soft0are maker 6A$ lays a lot of emp%asis on t%e pu3lic

sector glo3ally and 0ants to do t%e same in India/ A couple of mont%s ago, it launc%ed a

uniBue proect in a small desert 1illage called 6oda in 4onk district, Raast%an/ 4%e

 proect seeks to link residents 0it% t%e 3est t%at tec%nology %as to offer& faster access to

records and ser1ices, a stronger system of go1ernance, and a 1irtual classroom in t%e

centre of to0n/ 4%e German soft0are maor %as no0 deployed a cloud 3ased go1ernance

solution for a 1illage panc%ayat in 6%illong, Meg%alaya/

it%out computerised records, leaders of IndiaLs rural 1illages must rely on a

 3ureaucracy t%at can 3e slo0, onerous and lacking in transparency/ In addition, 0it% little

access to education and training, many residentsSincluding t%e young people 0%o are

needed to fuel a %ealt%y local economySare unemployed or una3le to read and 0rite/

In t%is 3ackdrop, t%e German soft0are 1endorLs efforts to take e-go1ernance to

Indian 1illages and its 1arious initiati1es to impro1e efficiencies in t%e countryLs

go1ernment agencies are praise 0ort%y/

$eter Garten3erg, managing director, 6A$ India says, Cloud is still starting to

de1elop in t%e pu3lic sector and is a relati1ely ne0 t%ing for t%e go1ernment to adopt/ e

are trying to sol1e e;treme cases in t%e rural areas of India 3y pro1iding t%em cloud

solutions/ ?ne suc% e;ample is t%e 0ork t%at 0e do for panc%ayats in %andling land


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records/ I agree t%at it is easier to reac% a 1illage in $una3 pro3a3ly, 3ut 0e 0ant to reac%

t%e rural areas 0%ic% are difficult to approac% and 0ant to %elp t%e panc%ayats

administrate 3etter/P Going for0ard, %e stresses t%at 6A$ 0ill 3e going to e1en smaller 

and 3ack0ard 1illages and 0ill 3e %elping t%em to go1ern 3etter/

First, a look at t%e 0ork so far/ 6A$ %as partnered 0it% 6oda 1illage in Raast%an

to %elp it mars%al tec%nology to support its #",""" residents/ 6pecifically, 6A$ %as

0orked 0it% t%e sarpanc%, or leader, of t%e 1illage to create an intranet and internet

 portal, as 0ell as a tec%nology education la3/ Company e;ecuti1es reckon t%e portals

make ans0ers to critical Buestions accessi3le 0it% only a fe0 clicksSleaders can no0

see %o0 muc% funding is allocated to t%e 1illage for suc% ser1ices as a community center 

or eye care/ and records are posted online, and 3irt% and deat% certificates %a1e 3ecome

computeri:ed/ %atLs more, t%e 1illage portal is linked to state go1ernment 0e3sites,

connecting residents to 1ital information/

Eeyond t%is access, t%e e-la3Slocated in t%e centre of t%e 1illage 0%ere people

can easily 0alkSoffers 3asic computer training and e1entually 0ill e;pand to offer 

courses in a range of su3ects/ 4%e goal& a 1irtual education system t%at is accessi3le to


4%e impact& 6oda 1illage %as 3ecome a model for a 3lending of t%e old and t%e

ne0/ 4%e 1illageLs sarpanc%, C%%a1i Raa0at, aims to make go1ernment more

accounta3le and seeks to tackle %er regionLs unemployment and illiteracy rates/

Computerisation, s%e says, is really a3out creating opportunity and eBuity/ For 6A$, suc%

opportunities translate to a more educated 0orkforce, as 0ell as %ealt%ier local economies

t%at may dri1e demand for t%e companyLs soft0are ser1ices/

Moot point is t%at 6A$ is stri1ing to make 1illage administration more effecti1e,

transparent and accounta3le in deli1ering citi:en ser1ices/ In t%e near future, 6A$ intends

to effecti1ely use its e;pertise in t%e 9ort% ast region and create a scala3le model to go

to +"",""" similar 1illages across India/ As a part of t%e proect, 6A$ 0ill automate

se1eral operational areas in t%e 1illage administration including tracking and control of 

funds, 3udget and e;pense management, accounting, management of local assets, proect

and sc%eme implementation and citi:en ser1ices/ 6A$ 0ill also facilitate trained

resources to operate t%e solution, and pro1ide its e;pertise during t%e course of t%e


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 proect/ As a partner, Rai1 Gand%i Indian Institute of Management-6%illong (RGIIM-6)

0ill pro1ide 6A$ 0it% t%e necessary ad1isory support to gain understanding of t%e local

en1ironment, %elp identify proect sites and liaison 0it% local administration 3odies

0%ere reBuired/

Ma0lai is a census to0n in ast Q%asi @ills district in t%e state of Meg%alaya and

t%is destination is t%e initial step of 6A$ to penetrate into t%e 9ort% ast region/ 6A$Ls

 proect for t%e Ma0lai area 0ill pro1ide t%e local %eadman and citi:ens relia3le access to

records and ser1ices, 3etter insig%t into 3udgeting and spending, and support Buicker 

decision making, 0it%out a comple; and cum3ersome I4 infrastructureP, says Qeya

6engupta, director, RGIIM-6/

;plains Mat%e0 4%omas,1ice presidentSstrategic industries, 6A$ India, e

need to de1elop citi:en facing tec%nology in rural India and mo3iles 0ill %elp us do so/P

6A$ India MD agrees t%at t%ere is a necessity for e1ery citi:en in t%e rural areas to %a1e a

 3ack account and t%e 9ational e-Go1ernance $lan (9eG$) of India 0ill %elp in doing


 9eG$ takes a %olistic 1ie0 of e-go1ernance initiati1es across t%e country,

integrating t%em into a collecti1e 1ision, a s%ared cause/ Around t%is idea, a massi1e

country0ide infrastructure reac%ing do0n to t%e remotest of 1illages is e1ol1ing and

large-scale digitisation of records is taking place to ena3le easy, relia3le access o1er t%e

internet/ 4%e ultimate o3ecti1e is to 3ring pu3lic ser1ices closer %ome to citi:ens, as

articulated in t%e 1ision statement of 9eG$/ 4%e go1ernment appro1ed t%e 9ational e-

Go1ernance $lan (9eG$), comprising of * mission mode proects (MM$s) and 8

components, on May #8, ""+/

4%e opportunity Mat%e0 claims t%at 6A$ is one of t%e 1ery fe0 glo3al companies

t%at is doing 0ork specifically for India 0it% localised solutions/ In India, t%ere is %uge

interest 3y t%e go1ernment to adopt tec%nology/ ?ur solutions in @indi are an in1ention

 particularly for t%is market 3ecause H of t%e population in India is @indi speaking/

4%ere is a need in t%e market for localised solutions/P

6A$ recently announced t%e a1aila3ility of its flags%ip R$ product in @indi/

6A$ R$ in @indi 0ill address areas suc% as logistics including India ta;ation,

accounting, employee data, pro1ident fund payroll including pay-slip, loans, claims and


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employee self ser1ices/ 4%e localised solution 0ill %elp unlock t%e %uge domain

kno0ledge and e;pertise t%at e;ists at different employee and management le1els in

go1ernment organisations/

6A$ India e;ecuti1es 3elie1e t%at t%e file management in t%e Indian go1ernment

too needs to automated for 3etter functioning/ For t%e same, t%e company %as come 0it%

a solution in @indi for file procurement system/ e 0ill 3e reac%ing out to different

ministries 0it% t%is solution and 0ill 3e %elping t%em in automation/ 4%is is a part of t%e

 3igger e-go1ernance plan,P informs $eter/

In t%e larger picture too, pu3lic sector is an important segment for 6A$Sglo3ally

and in India/ 4alking of $62s in India, $eter says t%at oil and po0er companies are

esta3lis%ed and large clients of 6A$/ 4%en comes mining and utilities sectors/

$ro3ed on 0%at 6A$ 0ill 3e 3etting on in t%e coming future, $eter says, 4%e

dairy industry is a potential market and 0e 0ant to %elp companies 0it% a 3etter supply

c%ain management so t%at less food is 0asted/ 4%oug% 0e are 1ery strong in %ealt%care

glo3ally, 0e %a1e not done t%at muc% 0ork in India for %ealt%care/ e realise t%at t%ere

are key issues like 1accination 0%ic% need attention in t%is country/P

Going for0ard, 6A$ is keen to replicate t%e 6oda and 9ort% ast model in ot%er 

1illages/ it% t%e cloud %o1ering, t%e German tec% giant is geared up to transform Indian


6i:otin; Cloud ased +9P solution for Indian 9ural mar%et

C%ennai 3ased 9iBotin is a cloud 3ased R$ solutiuon targeted to0ards rural

market O rig%t from R$ solutions to 6CMTCRM, @RM etc/ 4%e products target 1arious

1erticals like manufacturing, ser1ices, real estate, education, pu3lis%ing, soft0are U

%ard0are, FMCG etc and can 3e integrated 0it% e;isting systems in any Indian


C9+W4 Cloud ased 9evenue model for 9ural +ntrepreneurial Women in India

4%e ne0 paradigm Cloud Computing is t%e ne;t logical step in distri3uted

systems, 0%ic% supports t%e s%aring and coordinated use of resources, independent of its

location and type/ Cloud computing allo0s you to unite pools of ser1ers, storage systems


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and net0orks into a single enormous 1irtual resource pool so t%at you can use it for single

resource-intensi1e task/ 4%is tec%nology %as t%e potential to address t%e unmet needs of 

Indian 1illagers from education to market access/ In India, 6elf @elp Groups (6@Gs)

represents a uniBue group of poor 0omen 0%o %a1e 1olunteered to organi:e t%emsel1es

into a group for eradication of po1erty of its mem3ers/ 4%e main o3ecti1e of t%is

researc% paper is to e;ploit t%e Cloud tec%nology as a profit making model for t%e 6@Gs

of t%e country/ 4%is paper e;plores and discusses in detail t%e need for t%e proposed

model, its 3enefits, its 1arious components, t%eir responsi3ilities, t%e trading process,

reBuirements for feasi3ility and ot%er initiati1es t%at 0ork to0ards t%e economic gro0t%

of entrepreneurial rural 0omen in India/ 4%e proposed model CR 0ill certainly

 pro1ide a strong sustaina3le economical grip to transform t%e economically

disad1antaged 0omen to 3e 6elf O Reliant/

Cloud computing in Indian education s"stem

4%e Indian sc%ool system is t%e 0orldLs largest sc%ool system 0it% o1er #/#

million sc%ools and t%e second largest sector glo3ally/ Cloud computing and related

 3usiness models pro1ide ans0ers to many of t%e c%allenges faced 3y t%e Indian

educational sector/ I4 in general %as pro1en to 3e a catalyst in making t%e e;perience of 

learning more enoya3le and effecti1e and cloud computing could pro1ide ans0ers to

many of t%e c%allenges faced 3y t%e education sector in India/ 4%e cloud refers to 0ide-

area net0orks, generally t%e internet, from 0%ic% remote computing resources are s%ared/

Google and ot%ers, already offer 1arious producti1ity applications, and Microsoft %as

announced t%at it 0ill offer Microsoft ?ffice "#" online ne;t year/

4%e cloud computing reduces costs and comple;ity and pro1ides scala3ility/ 4%e

 3iggest ad1antage t%at t%e cloud 3rings is to reduce costs and impro1e efficiency/ An

institution can rely on t%e t%e pay-as-you-goL c%aracteristic of t%e t%ree pillars of cloud&

Iaa6, $aa6 and 6aas//

Cloud computing solutions can 3e used for teac%er-training courses and rapidly

train a larger num3er of teac%ers/ In t%e rural areas, 0%ere career c%oices are limited,

cloud online tutoring can play a maor role in %elping a person earn %is 3read and 3utter/

At peak times, online tutoring 1endors like 4utor <istaLs teac%ers coac% ,"" American

students in one to-one sessions/ Cloud can %elp 3ring mass a0areness among t%e rural


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 population t%roug% interacti1e applications deli1ered using ne0er means of deli1ering

education t%roug% mo3ile p%ones and tele1isions/

ighter parts of Cloud Computing


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• Eogatin, Donna/ 7Google C?5s ne0 paradigm& 5cloud computing and ad1ertising go %and-in-%and/57

• Erodkin, Von/ 7IEM un1eils 5cloud computing/57 9et0ork orld

• Carr, 9ic%olas/ 75orld ide Computer5 is on %ori:on/7

• @ickins, Mic%ael/ 7Cloud Computing Gets Do0n to art%/7

• 7IEM Introduces Ready-to-2se Cloud Computing/7

•  9aone, rica/ 7Computer in t%e Cloud/7 4ec%nology Re1ie0

• ;amining and Defining Cloud Computing From Daniel 9ations


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• Cloud Computing Vournal

• 4%e 4%ree e1els of Cloud Computing

• P4%orsten 1on icken5s Rig%t6cale Elog

• Cloud Computing& It5s t%e Future of nterprise I4 E=  6AM2 C@ARRI9G4?9

• 000/cloudcomputinge;po/com

• CI? 6ur1ey& Cloud Computing in India Ignores 6elf 6er1ice, C%arge3ack Added t% Vul "# <arsha


• 000/microsoft/com