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The Class of 2018’s Ninth Grade Guide For Success “The academic habits you learn in ninth grade will help you in any career you choose.” Sumner Hill Junior High School

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The Class of 2018’s Ninth Grade Guide

For Success

“The academic habits you learn in ninth grade will help you in any

career you choose.”

Sumner Hill Junior High School

Clinton Public Schools

Heather Norton, Ed. S., NBCC, NBSC

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Chapter 1: Organization and Time Management

Ninth grade is a real balancing act, so learning how to be organized is one of the most important lessons students can learn. Even the slightest amount of time spent organizing makes a difference in your academic success. A smart way to start is by using a calendar or a planner and making checklists. Planners are helpful for academic reminders such as homework, tests, and quizzes. A helpful quote from a great secondary teacher is “Use planners; study for tests in advance instead of the night before; get involved in at least one extra-curricular activity and work harder than you did in middle school.” Even though organization is a difficult task to master, it makes life easier by relieving stress and improving grades.


Organized binders are useful for many reasons. It is easier to maintain handouts, worksheets, homework, assignments, handwritten notes, and projects if you keep them in an orderly binder. Organized binders make your work and assignments easy to find. It is important to take a few minutes to systematize your binder at the beginning of the school year so you will be more organized throughout the school year. A wise teacher once said “Come with a plan to stay organized right away.”

There are a few ways to start and keep an organized binder. First, throw out any papers that you will not use again. Save old, valuable papers for future references by having a separate binder or folder at home. These papers might consist of graded papers, previous quizzes, tests, notes, handouts, and any work that could help you in the future. Remember, if they are worth keeping, they are too important to risk losing. Second, to save time, keep dividers in each binder to prevent papers from getting messy. Label the dividers into sections such as homework, class work, graded papers, and notes. Even though some of your teachers may not require dividers, using them anyway is a successful way to stay organized.

Studying and Homework

In ninth grade, the extent and difficulty of your homework will change according to the different classes you will take. You might have put off assignments until the last minute in the past, but it is not going to be that simple this year. Procrastinating in ninth grade and in high school is not an enjoyable experience-especially when your grades decline as your workload grows. An effective study tip is to prioritize your homework in order of difficulty and/or necessity. For example, if you have an A in Biology and a C in Algebra, do the homework in Algebra first. Also, try to avoid outside distractions such as cell phone use or television. These entertainments can detract from the attention you should be giving to your work and may negatively affect your grades. If you need a little break while studying, get up and relax for a few minutes then return to your homework. A teacher once said, “Study a little bit every night and do your homework; study more for tests than you did in middle school.”

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If you procrastinate, it will be very challenging to survive your ninth grade year. Procrastination leads to the worst feelings you can possibly feel the day before a test: stress, disorganization, anxiety, incompetence, depression, anger, and eventually failure. Your life will be much easier when you take your academic responsibilities in small steps and plan them out on a daily basis. A sophomore student quotes, “Do not procrastinate; it causes unnecessary stress.” One way to stay ahead is to begin projects or papers as soon as they are assigned. Setting a certain work time during the week and using your spare time is a good way to complete any task. It is easy to keep putting things off, but before you know it, the project is due tomorrow. Leaving a paper or project until the last minute almost always leads to a disaster. Try to make the night before a deadline for touchups only. This will reduce unwanted stress and you will be glad that you are prepared to turn in your project on time. You know what to do, so get it done. It is truly that simple. Remember the 5 P’s: Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance.

Pointers for Time Management

There are 1, 440 minutes in a day. Use them wisely. Ninth grade and high school students are some of the busiest people in the world. At this point, it is important to learn how to balance social and academic activities and responsibilities. High school success depends on time and organization skills. Use the list of tips below to help you manage your time and organize effectively.

Begin the semester by filling in a master schedule. This should consist of all the “scheduled” events in your life like soccer practices, church on Wednesday afternoons, or band after school. Then, look at the “blanks” in your calendar and fill them as the days come along.

Establish a regular time and place for studying. This helps you “program” your mind that “this is the time and place to study.”

If you have a study hall during school, USE IT! Write down your daily assignments and weekly goals.

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Hopefully, after reading this chapter, you understand the importance and purpose of organization. Even though time management takes practice, it is worth the effort in the end when you have extra time for your interests and hobbies.

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Chapter 2: Academic Success


Sooner or later, the fact remains that we all need to know how to be academically successful. Why not go ahead and learn now? Every student knows that studying is important; not every student knows how to study properly, however. Here are some techniques that are effective.

Make note cards: They are quick to make and you can take them anywhere. You can pull them out when you have a few minutes to spare to quiz yourself.Also, making separate stacks for the ones you are having trouble with is a good way to put your focus on them.

Review notes: The material in your notes is crucial. Go over your notes again and again until you are confident that you understand everything. Reviewing your notes every day is a good way to be prepared for your quizzes and tests. Try to reread your notes before class so you can review yourself from the previous day. Read your notes after class so you can teach yourself new information. If you have questions about your notes, always ask your teacher so you will understand them, especially the challenging concepts.

Have a study buddy: Having a friend to study with is a great way to learn your material. When you review the course work with someone, it helps you to understand the material better. Research proves that when you are teaching the material to someone else, you are more likely to remember it. Sometimes, however, studying with friends turns into a social hour, so make sure you pick a study buddy who will stay on task and not distract you.

Do not cram for tests and exams: Although you might get away with this concept at times, learning a whole group of sections at one time or at the last minute is not a good idea. You will forget most of the information for long-term purposes, which keeps you from really learning.

Academic Dishonesty

The first thing that comes to a person’s mind regarding academic dishonesty is cheating, which could be in the form of looking at someone else’s test paper, copying homework, letting someone copy your homework, or using cheat sheets on tests and

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quizzes. Most teachers are able to tell what is and what is not your work. Cheating is definitely part of it, but academic dishonesty also involves plagiarism, which is using someone’s work without acknowledging that person. Not citing a source when writing papers is plagiarism. The consequences of these two topics are very severe in high school. Whether students will be given 0’s, sent to the principal’s office, or suspended, teachers will never trust those who have been caught cheating. Even though students have been told many times not to cheat, it still occurs frequently. However, this does not make it right and it is never acceptable.

Tutoring Opportunities

A former ninth grade student shares the following advice, “Ninth grade is a transition year, so when it gets tough, hang in there!” Ninth grade is when inexperienced students make most of their academic mistakes. Students must have a desire to achieve to receive help from other peers and teachers. Sumner Hill has an excellent learning environment so all students can be successful. Peer tutoring is offered after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the cafeteria. This is helpful for students to hear another person’s explanation of academic information besides their teacher. Students will find that teachers at Sumner Hill are glad to help because they have a genuine interest in students’ needs. When you ask for help, you will almost always understand the material better, which increases your possibilities for academic success.

Taking Good Notes

To take effective notes, students need to create their own personal formula. The first step in taking thorough notes is developing a standard method of abbreviations and making your notes legible. Try to make your words and phrases to the point so that excess garbage will not clutter your notes and slow you down. Phrases like “this means,” or “this person” or “because of this” usually signal that important information is coming. Use a large notebook so you can store as many papers as possible or keep your information stored on your computer. It is also helpful to leave extra spaces as you write your notes so you can add extra points later. Make sure that you write down or key any notes your teacher writes down because you will most likely see it again on a test. Using colored high lighters can help you form a visual picture of your notes. Research has proven that taking notes helps you remember information and keeps you focused during class time. Taking good notes will be helpful in studying, and your grades will most likely improve.

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Test Taking

Bad study habits will result in low test grades. However, when you use specific study techniques and test-taking strategies, you will be proud of your grades. Here are some quick pointers to help with the differences between quizzes and tests:

Quizzes will focus on specifics while test questions will address broader topics. Difficult questions might be answered in other questions on a test. A partly false answer is a false answer, but a partly true answer is not always a

true answer. Answer the easy matching questions first so you can use elimination to solve

harder questions. Stay on topic and concentrate on the facts while writing an essay. There are usually three types of quizzes: “pop” quizzes, “vocabulary” style

quizzes, and regular section review quizzes. Prepare for pop quizzes by reviewing your notes daily. Vocabulary-style quizzes are short quizzes that usually involve memorization of

vocabulary words or term definitions; using your note cards or highlighters are helpful when studying.

Regular section review quizzes are mini-tests that cover specifics.

Studying for math tests requires mostly application of working math problems, while history and vocabulary are almost all memorization.

Following these tips will help you have a positive mindset when taking tests and quizzes. A science teacher has quoted, “Don’t let your GPA drop during your ninth grade year because it makes it harder for your next three years in high school.”

Clinton High School Graduation Requirements:For students to earn a high school diploma from Clinton High School, they must have at

least 25 credits and pass 4 subject areas tests: Algebra I, Biology, English II, and US History. For students to pass the ninth grade, they must have at least 6 credits, with one

math credit and pass English I.

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Chapter 3: Getting Involved

Being a Part of the Group

A high school sophomore shares the following advice: “Get involved in at least one club or extra-curricular activity so you can participate in fun activities and meet new people”. You may develop an unexpected friendship with someone you barely knew before joining the activity. Getting involved is also one of the requirements colleges look for regarding scholarships. Whatever your interests are, Sumner Hill has the club or group for you. Please refer to the school handbook or web site for all the clubs that are available. If you are the academic type, you might enjoy such clubs as Science Olympiad, History Club, Foreign Language Club, Biology Club, National Junior Honor Society, or planning the yearbook. For students interested in leadership, we offer Student Counsel, Safety Club, Model United Nations Club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Future Educators of America, S.A.D.D. and the Peer Guidance Committee. We also offer clubs and extra curricular activities for creative students such as the Art club, band, and choir.

Clubs and extracurricular activities not only provide a source of fun and interest, but they also teach values and skills that can last a lifetime. Another benefit of being involved is that it displays your dedication, well roundedness, and ability to manage time wisely. Several of these clubs offer opportunities to serve in our community too.

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College applications decorated with extra curricular activities and clubs gain more attention from college admission representatives than do applications without them.

Getting Overbooked

Teenagers must be careful not to get overbooked with school activities, sports teams, and clubs. Problems will occur if you try to join every club possible, leaving no time for schoolwork. Studying and homework time should be your top priorities, as teachers give more tests, larger amounts of homework, and more advanced projects than they did in middle school. If you do not make time for schoolwork, your grades will begin to slip. Once you run out of time for studying, you become overbooked. Also, you must be able to dedicate yourself to the clubs you plan on joining. Club sponsors do not want students who are unwilling to dedicate their personal time to the club. If you join too many clubs, you cannot pay attention to all of them. Make sure you also set aside time to spend with your friends; this will provide you time to relax and socialize. Overall, the best way to prevent a schedule overload is through careful planning of your day-to-day schedule and careful consideration of what activities and clubs that interest you the most. Don’t be too enthusiastic; choosing too many activities could impact your performance in all of them.

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Chapter 4: Personal Well-Being

In a stereotypical ninth grade world, you’ll see teenage girls with perfect white smiles, athletes escorting their cheerleader girlfriends to class, and the “smart” students carrying too many books. The reality is that if you were to look beyond, deep into the darkest places of the students’ hearts and souls, you could fill books and books with jaw-dropping stories of what really goes on in our world today.

Everyday, students are dealing with mental and emotional stress, eating disorders, and substance abuse. Alarmingly, many are having suicidal thoughts or are depressed and using alcohol and drugs to escape the problems that torment their minds. Open your mind and let yourself be educated on some of the toughest issues that teenagers face today.


Stress: Everyone has heard of it, but who really knows what stress is? Stress is the reaction of the body to anything that is surprising or unexpected. There are many ways to deal with stress in your life. First, however, you must understand the basic concepts.

Not all stress is bad. Positive stress will not hurt you; it is good for your body. Think of it this way: If you went through life with everything planned and without surprises or twists, it would be very boring. Stress is like an alarm clock that goes off when something out of the ordinary happens.

The wrong kind of stress can cause problems. “Bad stress” is called negative stress. It has many harmful effects such as high blood pressure, depression, sleep loss,

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etc. There are many ways to deal with bad stress, such as reading a book, listening to music, hanging out with friends, screaming into a pillow, exercising, or just relaxing.


Depression is not just having a bad hair day or the blues. It is a broad term that describes prolonged feelings of despair and hopelessness. Every part of your life is affected when you have depression; your thoughts become negative, and your behavior is careless. What are some signs of depression? Since there are so many different types of depression, it is very hard to diagnose. Some things to look for include:

A persistent sad or “empty” mood Unconfirmed feelings of hopelessness and sadness Feelings of helplessness or worthlessness A pessimistic or guilty attitude Fatigue or loss of interest in ordinary activities Disturbance in eating and sleeping patterns Lack of energy Irritability, increased crying, anxiety, and panic attacks Nervous behavior, heaving breathing, or stomach aches when stressed A difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions Thoughts of suicide; suicide plans or attempts

Only a doctor or psychiatrist can diagnose depression, but if you or someone you know is experiencing some of these symptoms, seek help immediately. Getting help is especially important if you or your friend is thinking about suicide. Depression can be treated with therapy and medications. If you are worried about a friend, ask straight out if he or she is depressed. Then, talk to a parent or trusted adult who will seek the necessary help for your friend.


Self-injury is when one inflicts harm upon oneself. There are varying degrees of harm, but all are dangerous. Cutting, burning, and bruising are examples of self-injury. Self-injury is a coping device for some people. Self-mutilation is often used to externalize the pain people are feeling inside because the pain is too much to keep in. If you or someone that you know cuts, you need to tell a trusted adult right away. Help is available for self-injury, and with time and patience a person can overcome it.

Substance Abuse

Substance abuse, also known as chemical abuse, is the overindulgence in and dependence on an addictive substance. Commonly abused substances are alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, speed, and prescription drugs. Substance abuse is a serious problem that affects a large number of teens. If you or anyone you know has a problem with

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drugs or alcohol, there are several places you can go. At and, you can find information on drugs and their effects. You can also call the National Substance Abuse Hotline at 1-800-DRUG-HELP or the National Drug Hotline at 1-800 662-4357 for confidential help. The best step you can take is to talk to a parent, teacher, coach, or counselor. They have been your age before and can help with any problems you are facing.

Eating Disorders

As students face challenges and try to maintain control of their lives, some begin to develop eating disorders. The two most common eating disorders are anorexia and bulimia. Eating disorders are most common in teenage girls, but they also affect teenage boys. People with anorexia starve themselves, avoid high calorie foods, and exercise constantly. Anorexics are always hungry; by being hungry, they gain a sense of control over their otherwise out-of-control lives. Those with bulimia eat huge amounts of food and later throw it up.

The media is a huge influence on today’s younger generation. Teenage minds are bombarded with images of unnaturally perfect figures of models and movie stars. While dieting and exercising right are good, obsessions with faultless bodies along with low self-esteem, troubled relationships, and sexual or emotional abuse can lead to eating disorders. It is important that sufferers of an eating disorder and their families realize how very dangerous eating disorders can be. Warning signs include deliberate self-starvation and weight loss, refusal to eat, denial of hunger, and a self-perception of being fat when in reality the individual is much too thin.

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Chapter 5: Peer Pressure

Matt Damon once quoted, “It’s just better to be yourself than try to be some version of what you think the other person wants”. Peer pressure is everywhere isn’t it? It’s at parties, school, in public places, in the media, and even in private places. At some point or another, every teen is going to encounter something that makes him or her feel uncomfortable. Ranging anywhere from profanity to stealing to drugs, it’s going to happen.


When someone pressures you to do something, ask yourself a few questions: “Do I feel comfortable? Could this get me in trouble? Would I possibly hurt anyone physically or emotionally? Will a higher authority disapprove?” The safest choice is to bail out if any of the answers are yes. It may not be the easiest or “coolest” choice to make in the minds of your friends, but avoiding a situation that you may regret will pay off in the end. Stick to your own personal morals and values, and you’ll do just fine. A high school junior gives this advice, “Something that seems like fun now may not be so much fun when you’re still paying the consequences years from now”.

Sometimes, a person who wants to belong to a specific group will change the way he or she looks and acts just to “fit in”. Acceptance in some groups might mean dressing a certain way, smoking, drinking, or participating in harmful activities that can make you feel uncomfortable. You should not have to change who you are to fit into a group. In the end, you are only going to lose your individuality or your self-respect. As you already know, high school students tend to put labels on people; even if you try drugs once, you could be labeled a “druggie”. Once you have a label, it is extremely difficult to shake. When in a situation where people are participating in questionable activities, you need to stop and think. If you do feel uneasy, then try to talk to the person who is

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pressuring you, or if this fails, find a way out of the situation. When leaving is not an option, say “no” firmly. A high school sophomore quoted, “Just get away from people who pressure you”.


Stealing is also one of the many things students can be pressured into doing. Some teenagers who steal aren’t even planning on it at first; they see an opportunity and go for it. Some students who steal do it even though they can afford to purchase the item. They do it for fun, or for the rush they get from getting away with it. Stealing even small items will lead to larger and more dangerous crimes.


Friends can be supportive and help you when you need them or sometimes they can be the source of all your frustrations. Statistics show that teenager’s closest peers and friends pressure them into drinking, doing drugs, smoking, and having sex. Sometimes, if your close group of friends has one member who takes the first step into a pit of no return, everyone feels the need to jump in head first after him to keep up with the changing times and to be accepted by the crowd. The ever present need to feel accepted often fuels first sexual, alcohol-related, and drug-related experiences.

Avoiding Pressure

Knowing what to say once you are in a pressured situation is important to everyday life as a teenager. Sometimes it is best just to tell your friends flat out that you don’t want to be a part of something that may be going on. Remember that you cannot control others’ actions, but only those of yourself. However, you can suggest alternative activities in an attempt to steer your friends away from trouble. A high school English teachers gives the following advice: “If you’re firm and sincere about what you believe in, people will be less likely to try to pressure you”. True friends are aware of the kinds of situations their friends are getting into. Watch out for them, and if you are truly their friend, you won’t watch them drown in something harmful. Use your best judgment, and you will probably avoid any harmful situations.

Everyone wants to fit in somewhere. Students tend to think they need to pretend to be someone they are not to gain a friendship, not knowing that true friendships are based on genuine traits. Forcing yourself to behave in a certain way in order to impress someone else will only make you miserable. Wouldn’t it be better to have friends who are willing to accept who you really are then friends who are only accepting when you change your personality? Eventually, wearing a lifestyle mask 24/7 will wear you out! Those who will hang out with you only if you conform to their standards are not worth

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your time; don’t give them the satisfaction of having control over who you are. The most important thing is always to stay true to yourself and be the kind of friend that is open-minded, trustworthy, and thoughtful.