Clinical Mnemonics

clinical mnemonics A-P-G-A-R: A - appearance (color) P - pulse (heart rate) G - grimmace (reflex, irritability) A - activity (muscle tone) R - respiratory effort --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- Predisposing Conditions for Pulmonary Embolism: TOM SCHREPFER T--trauma O--obesity M--malignancy S--surgery C--cardiac disease H--hospitalization R--rest (bed-bound) E--estrogen, pregnancy, post-partum P--past hx F--fracture E--elderly R--road trip --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- The 4 P's of arterial Occlusion: pain pallor pulselessness paresthesias --------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve: Think of exercising muscle for a rightward shift: Exercising muscle is Hot, Acidic (Lactic Acid), Hypercarbic, Benefits from oxygen unloading and has an increased 2,3 DPG. Also think Bohr effect with a rightward shift(_CO2 = _O2). Realize that the Haldane effect means (O2 =CO2 carried by Hgb). Argyll-Robertson Pupil:

Transcript of Clinical Mnemonics

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clinical mnemonics A-P-G-A-R:A - appearance (color)P - pulse (heart rate)G - grimmace (reflex, irritability)A - activity (muscle tone)R - respiratory effort--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Predisposing Conditions for Pulmonary Embolism: TOM SCHREPFERT--traumaO--obesityM--malignancyS--surgeryC--cardiac diseaseH--hospitalizationR--rest (bed-bound)E--estrogen, pregnancy, post-partumP--past hxF--fractureE--elderlyR--road trip--------------------------------------------------------------------------------The 4 P's of arterial Occlusion: pain pallor pulselessness paresthesias--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve:Think of exercising muscle for a rightward shift: Exercisingmuscle is Hot, Acidic (Lactic Acid), Hypercarbic, Benefits fromoxygen unloading and has an increased 2,3 DPG. Also think Bohreffect with a rightward shift(_CO2 = _O2). Realize that theHaldane effect means (O2 =CO2 carried by Hgb).

Argyll-Robertson Pupil:"Prostitute's Eye" - accommodates but does not react, pathognomonic of 3ry syphilis

Felty's Syndrome: Felty's syndrome is the arthritis in which the spleen can be felty!

classification of hypersensitivity reactions (Gell & Goombs)ACIDType I AnaphylaxisType II Cytotoxic-mediatedType III Immune-complexType IV Delayed hypersensitivity

WBC Count:"Nobody Likes My Educational Background""60, 30, 6, 3, 1"Neutrophils 60%Lymphocytes 30%

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Monocytes 6%Eosinophils 3%Basophils 1:

Causes of pancytopenia:"All my blood has taken some poison"Aplastic anemiasMegaloblastic anemiasBone marrow infiltrationHypersplenismTBSLEParoxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria

Vomiting: non-GIT differential ABCDEFGHI:Acute renal failureBrain [increased ICP]Cardiac [inferior MI]DKAEars [labyrinthitis]Foreign substances [Tylenol, theo, etc.]GlaucomaHyperemesis gravidarumInfection [pyelonephritis, meningitis]

Physical exam for 'lumps and bumps' "6 Students and 3 Teachers go for CAMPFIRE":Site, Size, Shape, Surface, Skin, ScarTenderness, Temperature, TransilluminationConsistencyAttachmentMobilityPulsationFluctuationIrreducibilityRegional lymph nodesEdge

Sign vs. symptom sIgn: something I can detect even if patient is unconscious.sYMptom is something only hYM knows about.

Differential diagnosis checklist "A VITAMIN C"A and C stand for Acquired and Congenital· VITAMIN stands for:VascularInflammatory (Infectious and non-Infectious)

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Trauma/ ToxinsAutoimmuneMetabolicIdiopathicNeoplastic· Example usage: List causes of decreased vision: Central retinal artery occlusion, Retinitis pigmentosa, Perforation to gobe, Chronic Gentamycin use, Ruematoid arthritis, Diabetes, Idiopathic, Any eye tumor, Myopia.

Breast history checklist LMNOP:LumpMammary changesNipple changesOther symptomsPatient risk factors

Pain history checklist SOCRATES:SiteOnsetCharacterRadiationAlleviating factors/ Associated symptomsTiming (duration, frequency)Exacerbating factorsSeverity· Alternatively, Signs and Symptoms with the 'S'.

History: quick EMS medical history checklist SAMPLE:Signs/ SymptomsAllergiesMedicationsPertinent historyLast oral intakeEvents preceding this incident

Glasgow coma scale: components and numbers · Scale types is 3 V's:Visual responseVerbal responseVibratory (motor) response· Scale scores are 4,5,6:Scale of 4: see so much moreScale of 5: talking jiveScale of 6: feels the pricks (if testing motor by pain withdrawl)

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History taking -past medical history ABCDEFGHI:AsthmaBlood pressure (say: 'blood pressure problems')CVA (say: 'stroke')Diabetes mellitus (say: 'diabetes')EpilepsyFever, rheumaticGastrointestinal (jaundice)Heart attackInfection (TB)

Differential diagnosis checklist "I VINDICATE AIDS":IdiopathicVascularInfectiousNeoplasticDegenerativeInflammatoryCongenitalAutoimmuneTraumaticEndocrinal and metabolicAllergicIatrogenicDrugsSocial

Short statue causes RETARD HEIGHT:RicketsEndocrine (cretinism, hypopituitarism, Cushing's)Turner syndromeAchondroplasiaRespiratory(suppurative lung disease)Down syndromeHereditaryEnvironmental (postirradiation, postinfectious)IUGRGI (malabsorption)Heart (congenital heart disease)Tilted backbone (scoliosis)

Abdominal swelling causes 9 F's:

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FatFecesFluidFlatusFetusFull-sized tumorsFull bladderFibroidsFalse pregnancy

For Causes of A-Fib/Flutter:Mnemonic by Chris "Get it? ... A-fib.. occurs in the HEART ?? Ok.. well I'm post-call..." H= cHf, other cardiomyopathiesE= Enlargement of the atriaA= Alcohol binge drinkingR= Rheumatic heart diseaseT= hyperThyroid

Proven MI.. should be met by M.O.N.A.M = morphineO = oxygenN = nitratesA = aspirinCaveat: is suspected right ventricular MI suspected .. hold the Nitrates.

Causes of post op fever Remember the following mnemonic when determining the possible cause(s) of fever in a patient who has recently undergone a surgical procedure: the 5 W's (or 6 W's)Wind: the pulmonary system is the primary source of fever in the first 48 hours.

Wound: there might be an infection at the surgical site.

Water: check intravenous access site for signs of phlebitis.

Walk: deep venous thrombosis can develop due to pelvic pooling or restricted mobility related to pain and fatigue.

Whiz: a urinary tract infection is possible if urinary catheterization was required. Also Wonder drugs - drug fevers.

Treatment of acute pulmonary edema As Easy as 'LMNOP'Remember the mnemonic LMNOP when treating a patient with acute pulmonary edema:

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Lasix® (furosemide) intravenous (IV), one to two times the patient's usual dose, or 40 mg if the patient does not usually take the drug.

Morphine sulfate. Initial dose, 4 to 8 mg IV (subcutaneous administration is effective in milder cases); may repeat in 2 to 4 hours. Avoid respiratory depression. Morphine increases venous capacity, lowering left atrial pressure, and relieves anxiety, which reduces the efficiency of ventilation.

Nitroglycerin IV, 5 to 10 ug/min. Increase by 5 ug/min q 3 to 5 minutes. Reduces left ventricular preload. Caution: may cause hypotension.

Oxygen, 100% given to obtain an arterial PO2>60 mm Hg.

Position patient sitting up with legs dangling over the side of the bed. This facilitates respiration and reduces venous return.

Causes of hematuria Use the mnemonic SITTT as an aid in evaluating the cause of hematuria:S: StoneI: InfectionT: TraumaT: TumorT: Tuberculosis

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism Remember the following mnemonic when evaluating patients for hyperthyroidism: S: SweatingT: Tremor or TachycardiaI: Intolerance to heat, Irregular menstruation, and IrritabilityN: NervousnessG: Goiter and Gastrointestinal (loose stools/diarrhea).

5 T's of early cyanosis: Tetralogy, Transposition, Truncus, Total anomalous, Tricuspid atresia

Strep throat score NO FACE:NO cough: no cough is +1Fever: has fever is +1Age: less than 5 years is -1, 15-45 years is 0, greater than 45 years is +1Cervical nodes: cervical nodes palpable is +1Exudate: tonsillar exudate is +1· Scoring interpretation:Score 0-1: no strep throat.Score 1-3: possible strep throat, do a swab test.Score 4-5: strep throat is likely, so treat empirically.

Allopurinol: indications STORE:

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Stones (history of renal stones)Tophaceous gout (chronic)Over-producers of urateRenal diseaseElderly· Bonus: Probenecid indications are basically the opposite of STORE (no renal stone history, etc.).

Rashes: time of appearance after fever onset "Really Sick Children Must Take No Exercise":· Number of days after fever onset that a rash will appear:1 Day: Rubella2 Days: Scarlet fever/ Smallpox3 Days: Chickenpox4 Days: Measles (and see the Koplik spots one day prior to rash)5 Days: Typhus & rickettsia (this is variable)6 Days: Nothing7 Days: Enteric fever (salmonella)

Eosinophilia: differential NAACP:NeoplasmAllergy/ AsthmaAddison's diseaseCollagen vascular diseasesParasites

SIADH: major signs and symptoms SIADH:SpasmsIsn't any pitting edema (key DDx)AnorexiaDisorientation (and other psychoses)Hyponatremia

Hypoglycaemia: causes "How to EXPLAIN hypoglycemia":EXogenous drugs (insulin, oral hypoglycemics, alcohol, pentamidine, quinine, quinolones)Pituitary insufficency (no GH or cortisol)Liver failure (no glycogen stores)Adrenal failure (no cortisol)Insulinomas/ Immune hypoglycemiaNon-pancreatic neoplasms (retroperitoneal sarcoma)

Pneumonia: risk factors INSPIRATION:

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ImmunosuppressionNeoplasiaSecretion retentionPulmonary oedemaImpaired alveolar macrophagesRTI (prior)Antibiotics and cytotoxics Tracheal instrumentationIV dug abuseOther (general debility, immobility)Neurologic impairment of cough reflex, (eg NMJ disorders)

Left iliac fossa: causes of pain SUPER CLOT:Sigmoid diverticulitisUteric colicPIDEctopic pregnancyRectus sheath haematomaColorectal carcinomaLeft sided lower love pneumoniaOvarian cyst (rupture, torture)Threatened abortion/ Testicular torsion

Anemia: non-megaloblastic causes of macrocytic anemia HAND LAMP:HypothyroidismAplastic anaemiaNeonatesDrugsLiver diseaseAlcoholMyelodyplasiaPregnancy

Thickened nerves: causes HANDS:Hansen's (leprosy)AmyloidosisNeurofibromatosisDiabetes mellitusSarcoidosis

Syncope (fainting) treatment If the face is red, raise the head.If the face is pale, raise the tail.

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Hospice facets HOSPICE:HomeOutpatientSupport groupsPain medication/ Physical needsInpatientCounselingEnd-stage (terminal) illness/ Emotional needs

Clinical essay plan "During Exams Please Say Silently I Must Prepare F***ing Well":DefinitionEpidemiologyPathologySigns and SymptomsInvestigationsManagementPrognosisFurther Work

JVP: raised JVP differential PQRST (EKG waves):Pericardial effusionQuantity of fluid raised (fluid over load)Right heart failureSuperior vena caval obstructionTricuspid stenosis/ Tricuspid regurgitation/ Tamponade (cardiac)

RLQ pain: differential APPENDICITIS:Appendicitis/ AbscessPID/ PeriodPancreatitisEctopic/ EndometriosisNeoplasiaDiverticulitisIntussusceptionCrohns Disease/ Cyst (ovarian)IBDTorsion (ovary)Irritable Bowel SyndromeStones

Atrial fibrillation: causes of new onset THE ATRIAL FIBS:

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ThyroidHypothermiaEmbolism (P.E.)AlcoholTrauma (cardiac contusion)Recent surgery (post CABG)IschemiaAtrial enlargementLone or idiopathicFever, anemia, high-output statesInfarctBad valves (mitral stenosis)Stimulants (cocaine, theo, amphet, caffeine)

Coma and signicantly reduced conscious state causes: causes COMA:CO2 and CO excessOverdose: TCAs, Benzos, EtOH, insulin, paracetamol, etc.Metabolic: BSL, Na+, K+, Mg2+, urea, ammonia, etc.Apoplexy: stroke, SAH, extradural, subdural, Ca, meningitis, encephalitis, cerebral abscess, etc.

Malaria: complications of falciparum malaria CHAPLIN:Cerebral malaria/ ComaHypoglycemiaAnaemiaPulmonary edemaLactic acidosisInfections Necrois of renal tubules (ATN)

Syncope causes, by system HEAD HEART VESSELS:· CNS causes include HEAD:Hypoxia/ HypoglycemiaEpilepsyAnxietyDysfunctional brain stem (basivertebral TIA)· Cardiac causes are HEART:Heart attackEmbolism (PE)Aortic obstruction (IHSS, AS or myxoma)Rhythm disturbance, ventricularTachycardia· Vascular causes are VESSELS:Vasovagal

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Ectopic (reminds one of hypovolemia)SituationalSubclavian stealENT (glossopharyngeal neuralgia)Low systemic vascular resistance (Addison's, diabetic vascular neuropathy)Sensitive carotid sinus

Organophosphates poisoning: symptoms DUMBBELS:DiarrheaUrinationMiosisBradycardiaBronchospasmEmesisLacrimationSalivation

Asthma acute attack: 5 life threatening signs SHOCK:Silent chestHypotensionOne third of best/predicted PFRCyanosisKonfusion

Neurological focal deficits 10 S's:Sugar (hypo, hyper)StrokeSeizure (Todd's paralysis)Subdural hematomaSubarachnoid hemorrhageSpace occupying lesion (tumor, avm, aneurysm, abscess)Spinal cord syndromesSomatoform (conversion reaction)Sclerosis (MS)Some migraines

ICU confusion causes ICU CONFUSION:ICU psychosisCardiac output low [hypotension, post cardiac arrest]Uncontrolled temperature [hypo/hyperthermia]Convulsion [post ictal]Oxygen [hypoxia, hypercarbia]Nociception [pain]

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Full bladderUremiaSugar [hypo/hyperglycemia]InfectionOpiatesNatremia [hypo/hyper]

Asthma: management of acute severe "O S#!T":Oxygen (high dose: >60%)Salbutamol (5mg via oxygen-driven nebuliser)Hydrocortisone (or prednisolone)Ipratropium bromide (if life threatening)Theophylline (or preferably aminophylline-if life threatening)

Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) causes BATS:Berry aneurysmArteriovenous malformation/ Adult polycystic kidney diseaseTrauma (eg being struck with baseball bat)Stroke

Diabetic ketoacidosis management F*¢KING:Fluids (crytalloids)Urea (check it)Creatinine (check it)/ CatheterizeK+ (potassium)Insulin (5u/hour. Note: sliding scale no longer recommended in the UK)Nasogastic tube (if patient comatose)Glucose (once serum levels drop to 12)

Coma: conditions to exclude as cause MIDAS:MeningitisIntoxicationDiabetesAir (respiratory failure)Subdural/ Subarachnoid hemorrhage

Activated charcoal: contraindications CHEMICAL CamP:CyanideHydrocarbons

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EthanolMetalsIronCausticsAirway unprotectedLithiumCAMphorPotassium

ARDS: diagnostic criteria ARDS:Acute onsetRatio (PaO2/FiO2) less than 200Diffuse infiltrationSwan-Ganz Wedge pressure less than 19 mmHg

Dyspnea: differential 3A's: Three Airways: Airway obstruction, Anaphylaxis, Asthma3P's: Three Pulmonary's: Pneumothorax, PE, Pulmonary edema 3C's: Three Cardiacs: Cardiogenic pulmonary edema, Cardiac ischemia, Cardiac tamponade3M's: Three Metabolics: (DOC) DKA, Organophosphates, Carbon monoxide poisoning

Shortness of breath: short differential AAAA PPPP:Airway obstructionAnginaAnxietyAsthmaPneumoniaPneumothoraxPulmonary EdemaPulmonary Embolus

Coma: differential UNCONSCIOUS:Units of insulinNarcoticsConvulsionsOxygenNonorganicStrokeCocktailICPOrganismUrea

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Coma causes checklist AEIOU TIPS:Acidosis/ AlcoholEpilepsyInfectionOverdosedUremiaTrauma to headInsulin: too little or or too muchPyschosis episodeStroke occurred

JVP: raised JVP: extra-cardiac causes FAT PEA:FeverAnaemiaThyrotoxicosisPregnancyExerciseA-V fistula· These are in addition to all the cardiac ones (pericardial effusion, RHF, tricuspid stenosis, SVC obstruction, etc).

Malignant hyperthermia treatment "Some Hot Dude Better Give Iced Fluids Fast!" (Hot dude = hypothermia):Stop triggering agentsHyperventilate/ Hundred percent oxygenDantrolene (2.5mg/kg)BicarbonateGlucose and insulinIV Fluids and cooling blanketFluid output monitoring/ Furosemide/ Fast heart [tachycardia]

Shock: types RN CHAMPS:RespiratoryNeurogenicCardiogenicHemorrhagicAnaphylacticMetabolicPsychogenicSeptic· Alternatively: "MR. C.H. SNAP", or "NH CRAMPS".

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Ventricular fibrillation: treatment "Shock, Shock, Shock, Everybody Shock, Little Shock, Big Shock, Momma Shock, Poppa Shock":Shock= DefibrillateEverybody= EpinephineLittle= LidocaineBig= BretyliumMomma= MgSO4Poppa= Pocainamide

Chest pain: differential CHEST PAIN:Costochondritis/ Cocaine abuseHerpes zoster/ HyperventilationEsophagitis/ Esophageal spasmStenosis (AS)TraumaPE/ Pneumonia/ Pneumothorax/ Pericarditis/ PancreatitisAngina/ Aortic dissection/ Aortic anerusymInfarction/ IV disk disease Neuropsychiatric disorders (e.g. depression, Da Costa's)

Resuscitation: basic steps ABCDE:AirwayBreathingCirculationDrugsEnvironment

Pneumothorax: causes SIT, 3 A's, 3 C's:Spontaneous (often tall thin men)IatrogenicTraumaAsthmaAlveolitisAIDSCOPDCarcinomaCystic fibrosis

ARDS: full differential CARDS? HOPE ITS NOT ARDS:CNS disorders

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Aspiration (gastric)RadiationDrugs (heroin, morphine, barbiturates, etc)Smoke, toxic gas inhalationHypotension, shockOxygen toxicityPancreatitisEmboli Infection, sepsisTransfusion reactionSurgery (esp. cardiac)Near drowningObstetrical emergencies (eg eclampsia, HELLP)Thermal injuries/ burnsAltitude sicknessRenal failureDICSLE

Skin and TissuesI made up a mnemonic for the layers of the epidermis that worked for me. I started on the outside and worked my way in. This one uses the first 3 letters method: Cora Lucille's Granny Spins Baseballs are Corneum, Lucidum, Granulosum, Spinosum, Basele. Of course, you have to know that "Stratum" goes before each of the words. That part is easy.

Using the 3 first letter method for cranial bones: Ethel, the Parakeet, is Temporarily Occupied in Front of the Sphinx. Ethmoid, Parietal, Temporal, Occipital, Frontal, Sphenoid.

Another 3 first letter method for the cranial sutures: Saggy Lambs Squash the Coroner. Sagittal, Lambdoid, Squamous and Coronal.

CancersCollege FoodStudents reciting College Lunch is Best or College boys Love Breasts know that 50% of cancers arise in three organs: Colon, Lungs, Breast.

4 Cancer TypesAn easy way to relate four types of cancer to their cells of origin:

Sarcoma means cancer of the muscle, and is found in Connective and Muscle tissues. (C, M are letters in sarCoMa) Carcinoma is cancer of epithelial tissue, and found in stomach and Intestines Lymphoma & Leukemia are cancers of blood Leukocytes and Lymphocytes

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Miscellaneous Brain FactsGroups of nerve cell bodies are nuclei if they're in the CNS, and ganglia if in the peripheral nervous system. I remember the nuclei are in the CNS because they both have the letter C. Grey matter is central to white matter in the spinal cord, because the white stuff is fat wrapped around and protecting the grey nerves. What's the significance of glial cells? They nourish neurons, keep them from falling down, and provide tunnels for axons to route. In another perspective: Albert Einstein's brain had 30% more glial cells than average. Four types of glial cells are ependymal, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and microglia. The mnemonic phrase is Every Asshole Owes Money.

RENAL1. HUS/TTP HUS/TTP is a CRAFTY syndrome: C : CNS symptoms R : Renal failure A : Anemia (microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, "MAHA") F : Fever T : Thrombocytopenia Y : no one knows "Y" it occurs 2. Normal anion gap acidosis There's the older mnemonic USED CAR: U : uterosigmoidostomy S : saline administration (in the face of renal dysfunction) E : endocrine (Addisons, spironolactone, triamterene, amiloride, primary hyperparathyroidism) D : diarrhea C : carbonic anhydrase inhibitors A : ammonium chloride R : renal tubular acidosis and a newer mnemonic RAGE: R : renal tubular acidosis, respiratory acidosis A : acetazolamide, ammonium chloride G : GI (diarrhea, enteroenteric fistula, ureterosigmoidostomy) E : endocrine (same as above endocrine list) 3. Increased anion gap acidosis The older mnemonic is MUDPIES: M : methanol U : uremia D : diabetes P : paraldehyde I : idiopathic (lactic acidosis) E : ethylene glycol S : salicylates and a newer one called DULSI: D : diabetic ketoacidosis U : uremia L : lactic acidosis

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S : salicylate poisoning I : intoxicants (methanol, ethanol, ethylene glycol)

MISCELLANEOUSClubbing (by Doog)

C : cardiac (R -> L shunt) L : lung (tumor, fibrosis) U : ulcerative colitis (also Crohn's disease less commonly) B : bronchiectasis B : benign mesothelioma I : inherited; idiopathic; IBD N : neurogenic tumors G : GI (cirrhosis, crohn's, UC) also, Hyperplastic Pulmonary Osteoarthropathy, which didn't fit

dominant n recessive disorders....a very easy way to memorise few im. ones...(1)AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT....D= Dystrophicas Myotonic.O= Ostogenesis Imperfecta.M= Marfans syndrome.I= Intermittent Porphyria.N= Noonans Symdrome.A= Adult Polycystic Kidney,Achondroplasia.N= Neurofibromatosis.T= Tuberous sclerosis.(2)AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE :A= Albinism.B= beta thalessemia.C= Cystic Fibrosis.D= Deafness.E= Emphysema(alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency).F= Friedrichs ataxia.G= Gauchers disease.H= Homocystinuria,Hemochromatosis.

I hope u liked this... Posted by dr. hardik at 10:02 AM 0 comments Labels: clinical learning easier basics ANATOMY

BRACHIAL PLEXUS: Roots, Trunks, Divisions, Cords, Branches Randy Travis Drinks Cold Beers. Robert Taylor Drinks Cold Beer.

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CRANIAL NERVES: I-optic, II-olfactory, III-oculomotor, IV-trochlear, V-trigeminal, VI-abducens, VII-facial, VIII-acoustic (vestibulocochlear), IX-glossophrayngeal, X-vagus, XI-spinal accessory, XII-hypoglossal On Old Olympus Towering Tops, A Finn And German Viewed Some Hops You have I nose. You have II eyes. (I - Olfactory; II -- Optic)

Innervation of Extraocularmotor Muscles: LR6 (SO4) 3 LR6--Lateral rectus--> VI abductens SO4--Superior Oblique--> IV Trochlear 3--The remaining 4 eyeball movers = III

Some Say Marry Money, But My Brother Says Big Bras Matter More (what cranial nerve is Motor, Sensory, or Both)

BRANCHES OF FACIAL NERVE: Temporal, Zygomatic, Buccal, Masseteric, Cervical Ten Zebras Bought My Car To Zanzibar By Motor Car

CERVICAL SPINAL NERVES: c345 keeps the phrenic alive (innervation of phrenic nerve) c345 keep the diaphragm alive (innervation of diaphragm) c5-6-7 raise your arms to heaven (nerve roots of long thoracic nerve innervate serratus anterior)

LOCATION OF THORACIC DUCT: The duck is between two gooses (duck = thoracic duct) 2 gooses = azyGOUS and esophaGOUS

ATTACHMENTS OF CHEST MUSCLES: A lady between two majors. Pectoralis major attaches to lateral lip of bicipital groove. Teres major attaches to medial lip of bicipital groove. Latissimus dorsi attaches to the floor of bicipital groove. The "lati" is between two "majors."

INNERVATION OF PENIS: Parasympathetic puts it up; sympathetic spurts it out "S2, 3, 4 keep the penis off the floor" Innervation of the penis by branches of the pudental nerve, derived from spinal cord levels S2-4

"Lateral is less, medial is more." Lateral pectoral nerves goes through pectoralis major while medial p.n. goes though both pec major and minor


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Aortic arch gives off the Bracheiocephalic trunk, the left Common Carotid, and the left Subclavian artery

ORDER OF THINGS IN THIGH: "NAVEL" nerve, artery, vein, empty space, lymphatics

NEUROANATOMYFor the function of the temporal lobes, think of a helmet which covers the side of the head: HELM: H : hearing E : emotion L : learning M : memory

AnatomyBones of the WristSome Lovers Try Positions That They Cannot HandleSlowly Lower Tilly's Pants To The Curly Hairs

Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate


Brachial PlexusRandy Travis Drinks Cold Beers Robert Taylor Drinks Cold Beer

Roots, Trunks, Divisions, Cords, Branches


Branches of the Brachial Plexus (In order from most lateral to most medial)My Aunt Raped My Uncle

Musculocutaneous, Axillary, Radial, Median, Ulnar


Cranial NervesOh Oh Oh To Touch And Feel Virgin Girls Vaginas And HymensYou have 1 nose. You have 2 eyes. (The first "O" is Olfactory, second "O" is Optic)

To remember what cranial nerve is Motor, Sensory, or Both use this ( In order from CN I to CN XII):Some Say Marry Money, But My Brother Says Big Bras Matter Most

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Extraocularmotor muscles LR6 (SO4) LR6: Lateral rectus --> VI abductensSO4: Superior Oblique --> IV TrochlearAll other extraocularmotor muscles are CN III


Branches of the Facial Nerve Ten Zebras Bought My CarTen Zebras Bit My CockTwo Zulus Buggered My CatTo Zanzibar By Motor Car

Temporal, Zygomatic, Buccal, Masseteric, Cervical


Miscelaneous Anatomy Mnemonics

Innervation of phrenic nervec345 keeps the phrenic alive c345 keep the diaphragm alive

Long thoracic nerve innervates serratus anterior c5-6-7 raise your arms to heaven

Relationship of Thorasic duct to Esophagous and AzygousThe duck is between two = thoracic duct 2 gooses = azyGOUS and esophaGOUS

Attachments of Pectoralis Major, Teres Major and Latissimus DrosiA lady between tow majors.Pectoralis major attaches to lateral lip of bicipital groove, the teres major attaches to medial lip of bicipital groove, and the latissimus dorsi attaches to the floor of bicipital groove. The "lati" is between two "majors."

Innervation of the Penis Parasympathetic puts it up; sympathetic spurts it out.Point Shoot ScoreParasympathetic, sympathetic, somatomotor

Lateral and Medial Pectoral NerveLateral is less, medial is more.

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Lateral pectoral nerves goes through pectoralis major while medial pn goes though both pectoral major and minor.

Layers of the epidermisGranpa Shagging Grandma's Love Child.Brent Spiner Gained Lieutenant CommanderGerminativum or Basale, Spinosum, Granulosum, Lucidum, Corneum

Things going through Orbital Fissure Seven French Tarts Sit Naked In Anticipation

BONES Back Trouble? This uses the name of a famous Flemish physician to list off the different factors causing back troubles. It's pretty old, though, as knife and bullet wounds aren't mentioned. :^) OVESALIUS OsteomyelitisVertebral FractureExtraspinal TumourSpondylolisthesisAnkylosing SpondylitisLumbar Disk IncreaseIntraspinal TumourUnhappinessStress

Carpal (Wrist) Bones "Scared Lovers Try Positions That They Can't Handle." Starting from the thumb, the eight carpal bones are Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, and Hamate. To tell the three T's apart... triquetrum has "tri/try" in it, and trapezium and trapezoid are in alphabetical order. CARPenters use their hands. The CARPAL bones are of the hand, and not the foot.

Cranial Bones Annoying, aren't they? The cranial bones are the PEST OF 6... PEST

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ParietalEthmoidSphenoidTemporalOccipitalFrontalthe six? the number of bones!

Try this one as well: Old People From Texas Eat Spiders.

Cranial Sutures Sutures have CLASS... CLASS CoronalLambdoidandSquamousSagittal

Facial Bones "Con Man Max and Pal Ziggy Lack Nasty Voices". Not the most intuitive acrostic in the world, but it works... ConManMaxPalZiggyLackNastyVoices ConchaeMandibleMaxillaPalatineZygomaticLacrimalNasalVomer

Fontanels (Infant Skull) A baby's first words might be "PAPA!"...

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PAPA PosteriorAnteriorPosterio-LateralAnterio-Lateral

Fractures Star Wars fans (hi, Inderpal!) use "Go C3PO" to recall the seven types of bone fractures... GOCCCPO GreenstickOpenCompleteClosedComminutedPartialOther

Lower Leg Bones Can't tell your tib from your fib? The TIBia is the Thick, Inner Bone. The FibuLa is Finer, Fluted, and Lateral.

Orbital Bones This one's a bit silly. It relies on the belief that a species called the FLEZMS are in ORBITaround the earth. FLEZMS FrontalLacrimalEthmoidZygomaticMaxillaSphenoid

Two Zulu's Bruised My Cervix This one is used to remember the branches of the facial nerve...a (Sent to me by [email protected])

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T emporal nerveZ ygomatic nerveB uccal nerveM arginal mandibular nerveC ervical nerve

To Zanzibar By Motorcar

Some Lovers Try Positions That They Can't Handle For the order of the bones in the wrist : Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetral, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate. Some Say Marry Money But My Brother Says Big Breasts Matter Most

For the Cranial Nerves 1 through 12, in determining whether they are Sensory, Motor, or Both (starting with Cranial Nerve 1)

Cranial bones: Old Pygmies From Thailand Eat Skulls Occipital Parietal Frontal Temporal Ethmoid Sphenoid

Cranial bones (alternative): STEP OF 6The 6 skull bones are: Sphenoid Temporal Ethmoid Parietal Occipital Frontal Alternatively: "STEP OFf my skull".

Cranial sutures: Learn Cranial Sutures Lambdoid Coronal Sagittal

Branches of the External Carotid Artery in order starting with the first branch (superior thyroid artery). See plate 29 in Netter's Atlas of Human Anatomy.

Page 26: Clinical Mnemonics

Contributed by Calvin Lee, Surgical Resident, Case Western Reserve on 7/22/98. This is a good "pimp" question/fact when you are in the OR assisting on a thyroid or a carotid case. Know this one!

Sally Superior Thyroid Ann Ascending Pharyngeal Likes Lingual Flirting Facial On Occipital Philidelphia's Posterior auricular Main Maxillary Street Superficial temporal

PHYSIOLOGYMusclesHorny Office TempsSix factors triggering smooth muscle contraction are oxygen, temperature, ions, hormones, stretch, and acid level (pH). The acronym is "SHIP TO" but the mnemonic phrase is much better: Office Temp's Eye On Whore Stretching Ass. Notice ion is encoded as eye on in this example.

Crossbridge CycleThe most basic part of the functional muscle is the cross bridge site where muscular contractions occur. The process of myosin heads attaching to actin, bending, then releasing takes four steps: ready, coupling, bending, letting go. A different chemical triggers each step thusly: hydrolysis makes Ready; Calcium ions cause the Coupling; ADP bends the myosin head; ATP lets go. Sounds like a new dance to me.

Calico Cats' Calm Milk"Calico Cats' Calm Milk" is the pathway of smooth muscle contraction: Calcium Cation attaches to Calmodulin, which binds to Myosin Light Kinase.


Essential Amino AcidsPriVaTe TIM HALLPhe, Val, Thr, Trp, Ile, Met, His, Arg, Leu, Lys

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Urea CycleOrdinarily, Careless Crappers, Are Also Frivolous About Urination.Ornithine, Carbamoyl, Citrulline, Aginosuccinate, Aspartate, Fumarate, Arginine, Urea.

Pyrimidines are CUT from purines.Pyrimidines are Cytosine, Uracil, Thiamine and are one ring structures.Purines are double ring structures

Page 27: Clinical Mnemonics

PATHOLOGYClassification of hypersensitivity reactions

submitted by Jed. "ACID" Type I AnaphylaxisType II Cytotoxic - mediatedType III Immune - complexType IV Delayed hypersensitivity Posted by dr. hardik at 9:57 AM 0 comments Home Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)