日本でのCLIL の進展 [Japan CLIL Development] 2013 volume 1

日本での CLIL の進展 — 2013 (第1版) 監修 松本茂 池田真 笹島茂 著者 松本茂 笹島茂 山崎勝 鈴木誠 佐藤ひな子 三上正弘 永末温子 関田信生 山野有紀 (長沼君主) 池田真


本冊子は、日本でのCLIL の発展を期して、2012 年12月に上智大学で行わ れたCLIL 懇談会に出席した人を中心に、CLIL の実践をまとめたものである。 この懇談会をもとに、『英語教育6月号』(2013)(大修館書店)に特集を組んだ。 しかし、紙面の都合もあり、CLIL の実態を詳細に記述することはできなかった。 ここにはそこには書かれていない内容を盛り込んである。 日本でCLIL が少しずつ注目されるにつれて、「CLIL とは何か?」という声が さらに聞かれるようになってきている。そのような質問は発祥の地であるヨー ロッパでもいまだにあり、CLIL に対して懐疑的な見方もある。理論的な枠組み は多少明確ではないが、事実CLIL はヨーロッパではすっかり定着したと言って よいだろう。実態は様々であるが、CLIL の一つ魅力はその点にある。日本では、 これまで同様の指導法、指導形態は取られてきた。バイリンガル教育、イマー ジョン教育、内容重視の指導などがそうである。ヨーロッパでCLIL を展開して いる指導者によれば、そのような指導もCLIL の一部となる。では、「CLIL とは 何か?」とさらに尋ねられるのである。 本冊子は、そのような状況に対して事例を示すことで回答したいと意図した。 理論をこねくり回しても実践のない教育は意味がない。また、実践だけであっ っても柱のない教育はやはり不十分である。現時点でのCLIL 教育(CLIL pedagogy)を理解してもらい、また、課題を示すことで、今後の日本における CLIL の発展を期待したい。CLIL は、ヨーロッパでも起きているように言語学 習と科目学習に新しい視点を与え、学習を活性化する要素があり、これまでの コミュニケーションを意識した言語学習の観点を大きく変える可能性がある。 また、科目の学習に対しても言語や思考とどう関連させるかという観点を示し ている。教室という「学び」というコミュニティに対する考え方も変えつつあ る。その意味から、CLIL は内容と言語を統合する指導法(methodology)の可能 性を追求している。本冊子はその一つの重要な資料となると考える。 なお、ここに示した各学校現場の事例は2012 年度実施の内容となっているの で、所属も当時のままにしてあることをことわっておく。

Transcript of 日本でのCLIL の進展 [Japan CLIL Development] 2013 volume 1

  • 1. CLIL 2013 ()
  • 2. 1 CLIL 2012 CLIL CLIL (2013) CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL (CLIL pedagogy) CLIL CLIL CLIL (methodology) 2012 2014
  • 3. 2 1 CLIL CLIL CLIL 3.1 CLIL 3.2 CLIL 3.3 CLIL SSH CLIL 2010 2013 3.4 SH Post-SELHi CLIL CLIL Can-Do 3.5 CBL CLIL 3.6 CLIL 4 5 CLIL
  • 4. 3 1. CLIL 1 1.1 2006 2007 2 3 CLIL 1.2 4 2013 1 2013 12 13 1 [email protected] 2 http://www.mext.go.jp/b_menu/shingi/chousa/shotou/036/shiryo /07081717/004.htm: 2014 4 30 3 http://www.mext.go.jp/component/a_menu/education/micro_detail/__icsFiles/ afieldfile/2011/01/19/1282000_7.pdf#search='+': 2014 4 30 4 http://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/shotou/new-cs/youryou/kou/ kou.pdf#search=''
  • 5. 4 5 teaching learning CLIL 2 L (Learning) 1.3 6 2014 SGH 7 56 SGH SSH 8 5 http://www.mext.go.jp/b_menu/houdou/25/12/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2013/12/17/ 1342458_01_1.pdf#search='': 2014 4 30 6 http://www.mext.go.jp/b_menu/houdou/25/12/1342458.htm: 2014 4 30 7 http://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/kokusai/sgh/index.htm: 2014 4 30 8 http://ssh.jst.go.jp: 2014 4 30
  • 6. 5 1.4 Content-based Instruction Content-based Instruction: CBI CBI III 9 CBI 1.5 CBI CLIL CBI CBI CBI CLIL 1 3 1 3 9 http://www.kandagaigo.ac.jp/kuis/subject/department/english/: 2014 4 30
  • 7. 6 Overseas EAP EAP 1 1 2 3 Content-based Instruction 100% International Business 2 ESPInternational Business 2 3 100% Oversea EAP Business Project34 CLIL 4C 10 4 12 4 TOEIC 200 10 4C 2011CLIL 49
  • 8. 7 1.6 CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL CBI 2014 Academic Communication 1 Academic Communication 2 CLIL 11 2014 12 2 TOEIC 11 http://www.sophia-cler.jp: 2014 4 30 12 CLIL 2011CLIL 113128
  • 10. 9 2. CLIL 2.1 2012 12 CLIL 2013 CLIL CLIL (language teacher cognition)(Borg, 2003) JACET CLIL CLIL (discourse analysis)SLA CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL 2005 CILT (the National Centre for Languages)CLIL LSP (Languages for Specific Purposes)
  • 11. 10 CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL 2.2 CLIL Marsh (2002) John Trim Function and form, action and knowledge are mutually dependent. Action without knowledge is blind, vacuous. Knowledge without action is sterile. Finding the correct balance is the key to successful learning and teaching. CLIL Content and Language Integrated Learning EMILE (Enseignement d une Matire par l Intgration d une Langue Etrangre) Trim CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL CLT (Communicative Language Teaching)
  • 12. 11 CLIL EU CEFR CLIL CLIL CLIL 2.3 CLIL CLIL AILA IATEFL CLIL CLIL ECML (European Centre for Modern Languages) CLIL CLIL (method) (methodology) (pedagogy)
  • 13. 12 CLIL CLIL CLIL 2.4 Lesson Study reflection(Schn, 1983 Lesson Study Lewis (2002: 1) Lesson study provides an ongoing method to improve instruction based on careful observation of students and their work. (classroom research)
  • 14. 13 Lesson Study Lesson Study 2.5 CLIL Lesson Study Lesson Study (research lesson) CLIL CLIL Coyle(2008) CLIL
  • 15. 14 Lesson Study Lesson Study CLIL CLIL Lesson Study 2.6 CLIL (2012)PLT: Practical Language Teacher PLT 1. CEFR(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) CRL (Common Reference Levels) RLD (Reference Level Descriptor) 2. CEFR ELP (learner autonomy) 3. CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) 4. LSP
  • 16. 15 CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL (2012) 10 CLIL CLIL Lesson Study CLIL 1 2Why did the industrial revolution happen in Britain?
  • 17. 16 CLIL l l l l l l (http://library.thinkquest.org/26026/History/results_of_the_industrial_revo.html)
  • 19. 18 Pisker(2012) Collaborative Lesson Study Network (http://lessonstudybihjapan. blogspot.jp) Lesson Study Sanela Halac Sanela Halac Lesson Study CLIL 2.8 CLIL CLIL (CBI) C (Content, Communication, Cognition, Culture/Community) (context) C CLIL CLIL Lesson Study
  • 20. 19 Borg, S. (2003). Teacher cognition in language teaching: A review of research on what language teachers think, know, believe, and do. Language Teaching, 36 (2). pp. 81-109. Marsh, D. (2002). CLIL/EMILE The European Dimension: Actions, Trends and Foresight Potential. Bruxelles: The European Union. Schn, D. (1983). The reflective practitioner. New York: Basic Books. Lewis, D. (2002). Lesson Study: A Handbook for Teacher-Led Improvement of Instruction. Philadelphia: Research for Better Schools. . (2012). . JACET 2012. Language Teacher Cognition Research Bulletin 2012. i ix. (2013 7 21 ) https://www.box.com/shared/static/sjdt44nma9l67 x5rljxz.pdf. , Lydia Pisker, , , . (2012). Lesson Study in INSET between BiH and Japan The Japan Foundation Project of Human Resources Development for Implementing International Exchange 2012. (2013 7 21 ) https://www.box.com/shared/static/ 4wdwlr8k9mvaq8w5qqjx.pdf.
  • 22. 21 3.1 CLIL 3.1.1 global issues CLIL 2011 CLIL 3.1.2 C CContentCommunicationCognition CommunityCLIL (1) Content Content CLIL YouTube CLIL Content
  • 23. 22 (2) Communication Communication CLIL CLIL C CLIL CLIL CLIL Oral Method CLIL Content and Language Integrated Learning Content Oral Method Oral Introduction Story Retelling Oral Introduction interactive dialogic teacher talk interaction CLIL dialogic Focus on form CLIL (3) Cognition Story Retelling Summary Writing Cognition CLIL Cognition
  • 24. 23 (4) Community CLIL Community C CLIL Community (5) C C Community CLIL scaffolding interaction interaction fluency interaction fluency paraphrasing interaction
  • 25. 24 3.1.3 CLIL CLIL CLILStrong CLIL CLILWeak CLIL (1) CLILStrong CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL global issues global issues (2) CLILWeak CLIL CLIL global issues global issues global warming global warming
  • 26. 25 CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL 3.1.4 CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL C Cognition Community (1) Content YouTube (2) Communication (3) Cognition (4) Community C
  • 27. 26 CLIL
  • 28. 27 3.2 CLIL 3.2.1 SSH SSH SSH
  • 29. 28 SSH 2012 130 2012 1 9 12 1 1 1 5 SS 9
  • 30. 29 3.2.2 CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL 4 (Surface area and volume)(Diffusion) diffusion Senior Biology and 1 Student Workbook 2008 BIOZONE p.123-124 Surface area and volume m m
  • 31. 30 * glucose / goldibody / ribosome / nucleus / size cell / red blood cell / surface area / volume / multi cellar organism (creature) / diffusion / 2 times 2 times 2 makes 8 cubic centimeters * * 1) Greeting & Attendance check 2) Introduction 3) Presentation of today s main topic 4) Pair work 5) Explanation & discussion 6) Wrap up 1) Hello, everyone. Hello. I was not good at science at school, but today I will start over biology with you. Are you ready? Yes! 2) Small Talk Do you remember what you learned last time? What did you learn? What was the topic? Cell What is cell in Japanese?
  • 32. 31 We looked at the cell structure- how ribosome, goldibody, and nucleus work inside the body of an animal. How does goldibody work in the cell? How does mitchondorion work in the cell? Yes. A mitchondorion can make energy to live by using oxygen and glucose. So, mitchondorion is waiting for oxygen and glucose. glucose oxygen 3) O.K. You have learned what the function of cell is. Now today s topic is the size of cell. Visual Aids I believe you already know about the size of some kinds of cells. Let me give you an example. How large is red blood cell? 5 meters How large is a mouth cell? How large is an amoeba? 4) : O.K. what about this? How large is a cell in an elephant? : I ll give you five choices. Guess which is correct. Choices are: A. 5 B. 50 C. 500 D. 5 mm E. 5 cm :The answer is B. Remember that cell size is very small. Multi cellar organism including us human beings have as small cells as single cellar organisms such as amoeba. cm
  • 33. 32 small talk Now look at this. They look like cubes. : Yes, they are. This cube shows a model of cell. : O.K. I understand this is just an example of cells of different sizes. This area shows surface area or and this whole thing is volume or . Is that right, Hinako sensei? : That s right. Why don t we say the words? : O.K. Now, class, repeat after me. Surface area . Volume . : Good. Once again, let s look at the surface area and volume. 5) 2 times 2 times 2 makes eight. How big is each cube? : Let s calculate how big each one is. First, let s look at the surface area of this cube. 2cm times 2 cm times 6cm makes 24 . Repeat Cube size Surface area volume Surface area to volume ration 2cm cube 2 2 6=24 2 2 2=8 24 to 8 = 3:1 3cm cube 4cm cube 5cm cube
  • 34. 33 after me. () For the volume of this cube, 2 times 2 times 2 makes 8 . Repeat. (). : The volume of both one large cube and eight small cubes is exactly the same. But what about the surface area? Now, let s try to complete the table in your worksheet and compare it with your friends. 6) diffusion() diffusion You have learned from the chart that when the cell is smaller, the surface area is bigger compared to the bigger cells. And if the cell is smaller and the surface is smaller, diffusion will be effective. 7) Small Talk diffusion() Hinako sensei, I have learned that the size of cell of multi cellar organisms have small in size no matter how large the bodies are. : Yes. That s the mystery of cells. Inside our body as well, many kinds of cells function well so that diffusion will work efficiently. CLIL
  • 35. 34 50 15 20 CLIL CLIL 3.2.3 CLIL CLIL Mars Seed bank small talk CLIL CLIL Seed Bank
  • 36. 35 B= Biology teacher E=English teacher Introduction B: Now, class. There are many different species in and around this school. Take a moment in a pair to talk about what you see and have seen. E: Has anybody seen this?Ms. Sato, what is this bird called? Have you seen it? B: Yes. I have seen all of these birds, animals, reptiles This is mukudori or starling. This is hiyodori or bulbul. This is crow nesting on fir trees. Some are very rare species that happened to get into this school. I have even seen Japanese rat snakes. I hear from other biology teachers a raccoon dog took to the basement of the lecture hall. Presentation of today s main topic B: O.K. Next slide. This is a very interesting experiment conducted on the seashore in the U.S.A. You see many different seashells like hizaragai, kasagai, makigai, and fujitsubo and their predator, starfish. Starfish is their greatest predator that eats most seashells on the rocks. What would happen if we cleared all the starfish on the rocks? E: I guess there would be a peaceful environment for seashells without the predators. Class, what do you think? Discuss in pair. B: Do you think the seashells are all safe and their population would
  • 37. 36 increase? Raise your hands if you think so. E: Most of you feel the same way as I do. B: The truth is these two kinds hizaragai and kasagai all disappeared. Why is that? After starfish were cleared, fujitsubo and kamenote propagated. The balance of biodiversity that involves starfish collapsed, and resulted in the number of species decreasing. Fujitsubo and kamenote settle down on the rocks without moving like other seashells. On the other hand, Hizaragai and Kasagai, which move from place to place couldn t find their places to settle. This led to their disappearance. Like this example the balance of species is complicated and hard to imagine what would survive and what would disappear when one species increases or decreases. E: This slide shows how the interaction works between species including us humans. B: Yes. I want you to think about what would happen if you cleared cockroaches from the earth? E: Who don t like cockroaches? B: As you may imagine, the balance of biodiversity will collapse like the example I showed above. B: Next, let s think about evolution. Let s stand up. Imagine you are all my daughters. That s too many, though. There are many different people who have unique characters. You have grown up and had a comfortable life so far. But, all of a sudden the environment has shifted to the one where only green peas grow on earth. Among those of you who cannot eat green peas, you won t survive. Sit down. E: Wow. The number has shrunk. It s such a big decrease. B: After a while dinosaurs like T-Rex have appeared. They are all flesh eaters. You have to run and escape. Now, who has little confidence in
  • 38. 37 running fast? Raise your hands. Sit down. E: Oh, it s a shame. Only five of you have survived. B: Now what do you think if these five girls who have survived give birth to children under this environment? There may be a group of humans who can run fast. They may be new different types. Wrap up E: I have learned a lot today. I hope you did, too. Now I want you to write about what you learned today. On your notebook, write down what the biodiversity on earth will be like in 100 years. How and to what extent do you think it will be changed? 3.2.4 CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL 2 CLIL
  • 39. 38 CLIL Team teaching Team teaching 65 TT CLIL 65 10 15 CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL TT CLIL 65 TT 15 15
  • 40. 39
  • 41. 40
  • 42. 41
  • 44. 43 CLIL 2012 2012 CLIL (1)CLIL Math English 1 2 (2)Math English Text Content and support series Mathematics (Oxford University Press) (3)Science English Chemistry 3.01 Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures 3.02 Solids, Liquids, and Gases General General 1.01 Doing an investigation 1.02 Investigating further Physics 4.13 Balanced and unbalanced force 4.17 Energy 4.18 Energy on the move 4.19 More energy on the move 4.20 Supplying the energy 4.21 How the world gets its energy 2007 2008 2008 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011
  • 45. 44 Presentation SpeechExplanation Debate Communication Presentation
  • 46. 45 2011 Video Conference System (Internet) Armidale High 2011 ( LithanHigh APU Smart School)( Tankang APU )
  • 47. 46 CLIL 3.3.2 SSCIIIIII CLIL A Concise Course Science to GCSE (Oxford University Press) Content and Language Support Series Mathematics (Oxford University Press) CLIL CLIL CLIL SSH SSH SSH CLIL CLIL
  • 48. 47 CLIL a. I Chemistry 3.02 Solids, Liquids, and Gases Solids, Liquids, and Gases TEXT Lesson Plan (Super Science Communication I) Teacher Mr.MIKAMI Masahiro Students 1- H (20) Date Sat 10. 27, 2012 Text Science to GCSE 3.05: Atoms and isotopes (OUP) Theme The structure of atoms Protons, Neutrons, Electrons and Isotopes (Chemistry) Learning Objectives The students will be able to: 1) understand the structure of atoms and describe it. 2) explain about mass number, relative atomic mass, and isotopes. 3) answer the questions on isotopes, including Ar, radioactive isotopes, and carbon dating. # FOCUS MAIN ACTIVITIES LANGUAGE HOMEWORK 1 Introducing science vocabulary Understanding the structure of atoms and isotopes Explaining key points on the topic 1) To describe the structure of an atom. 2) To explain the Features of parts of an atom and the atomic number of the element. 3) To explain the difference between Carbon-12 & Carbon-14. Vocabulary Basic words related to atoms and Isotopes Nucleus, Orbitals, Proton, Neutron Electron, Ar, Charge Expressions Be concentrated in To review the structure of atoms and isotopes. To research carbon dating on the Internet.
  • 49. 48 Answering some questions on the theme 4) To answer the questions on atoms and isotopes. Group Work be made up of = consist of be defined as TODAYS TEACHING PLAN (1/1) PROCEDURE MAIN ACTIVITIES LANGUAGE HOMEWORK 1 READING & EXPLAINING The Structures of atoms and their atomic number(15 min) 1) To read the text and understand the structures of atoms 2) To describe the structure of a carbon atom and its mass number 3) To complete the picture of an carbon atom Group Work Vocabulary Basic words related to atoms and Isotopes Nucleus, Orbitals, Proton, Neutron Electron, Ar, Charge To check the new science words and Expressions in the text. To review the structure of an atom and isotopes. 2 READING & EXPLAINING Isotopes and Ar (20mins) 1) To read the text and get the main points of isotopes and the difference among them 2) To explain the points of isotopes and Ar with notes 3) To answer questions on isotopes of Carbon, Chlorine, and Hydrogen Group Work Expressions be concentrated in be made up of = consist of 3 ANSWERING QUESTIONS (10 min) 1) To answer the questions with Expressions be defined as To research carbon
  • 50. 49 regard to the structure of an atom and Isotopes 2) To discuss and check the answers of the questions Group Work dating on the Internet. Evaluation 1) The students will be able to describe the structure of an atom. 2) The students will be able to explain the atomic number of the element and the difference of isotopes of Chlorine and Hydrogen. 3) The students will be able to answer the questions on atoms and isotopes. b. I Chemistry 3.02 Solids, Liquids, and Gases Worksheet Solids, Liquids, and Gases TEXT Worksheet Super Science Communication I Science English Lesson 2 3.02:Solid, liquids, and gases 1. Listen to the explanations of the followings and take a note (1) Particle theory particle
  • 51. 50 of matter (2) Solid particle (3) Liquid particle (4) Gas particle 2. Explain the above with notes in English. 3. Read the text and take a note to explain the followings. (1) Diffusion (2) Temperature (3) Changing State 4. Answer the following questions in English (1) Q What is the equation of Density? A Density = (2) Q In what are the followings measured? A Mass = Volume = Density = (3) Q What is the density of the following? a. air b. water c. steel mass = 15,600kg volume =2m3 (4) Q If a block of steel has a mass of 18,600kg and a volume of 3m3, its density is c. I Math Quadratic Equations Lesson Plan (Super Science Communication I) Teacher Mr.MIKAMI Masahiro Students 1-H (20) Date Wed 10. 17, 2012
  • 52. 51 Text Content and Language Support Series Mathematics(OUP) Theme Quadratic Equations (Math) Learning Objectives The students will be able to: 1) understand the terms of Quadratic equations. 2) solve the questions of Quadratic equations. 3) explain the process of solving Quadratic equations. isotopes, and carbon dating. # FOCUS MAIN ACTIVITIES LANGUAGE HOMEWORK 1 Introducing Math vocabulary Understanding Quadratic equation Explaining the main points of Quadratic equation Answering some Questions on Quadratic equation 1)To understand the terms of Quadratic equation in English 2)To explain about transforming equations and isolating variables in English 3)To be able to solve some given quadratic equations and present solutions in English Vocabulary Basic words related to quadratic equation Polynomial, Degree, Parabola, Root, Linear/Quadratic/Cubic Variable, Coefficient, Implies, Transform, Isolate, Factoring, Solutions To solve questions involving quadratic equations TODAYS TEACHING PLAN (1/1) PROCEDURE MAIN ACTIVITIES LANGUAGE HOMEWORK 1 Introduction (15min) 1) To learn the quadratic formula in English using Mathematics vocabulary. 2) To understand Vocabulary Basic words related to the quadratic equation Polynomial, To review the new math terms about quadratic equations.
  • 53. 52 questions posed about quadratic questions in English. 3) To show how to read and solve problems. Pair Work quadratic, variable, coefficient, degree (linear/cubic), parabola 2 Solving & Explaining (20min) 1) To read the text on the board and explain each part as a class. 2) To explain the main points thoroughly while taking notes. 3) To discuss problem -solving with others in the class. Group Work implies, transform standard form, factoring, root To check for understanding about the explanations presented. 3 Solving Questions (10min) 1) To solve answers to written and spoken questions. 2) To check the answers. Group Work isolate, solutions To practice solving quadratic equations by oral and written means in English Evaluation 1) The students will be able to understand solving quadratic equations in English. 2) The students will be able to solve quadratic equations using different methods of solution. 3) The students will be able to discuss the process of solving quadratic equations in English.
  • 54. 53 d. I Math Quadratic Equations Worksheet Worksheet Super Science Communication I Math English Chapter 1 Quadratic Equation 1. Quadratic Equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 cf. Quadratic Expression ax2 + bx + c Quadratic Formula X = 2. Questions Answer the following questions in English. (1) Q Which is a quadratic equation? A.(X+1)(X+2) = 6 B.X2+X+2 =X3 C.X21 = X24X A (2) Q How many real solutions are there for X22X24 = 0? A (3) Q Solve 5X210 = 0 A (4) Q Solve X2+4X = 5 A completing the square (5) Q Find a quadratic equation whose solutions are 2 and 3. (6) Q Solve X23X12 = 0, using any appropriate method. In general, try Factoring first. Then use the quadratic formula if factoring is not possible. A e. II Physics 4.13 Balanced and unbalanced forces Balanced and Unbalanced Force terminal velocity TEXT
  • 55. 54 2012 Disk CLIL 3.3.3 All English CLIL All English CLIL TOEFLTOEIC CLIL SSH CLIL N Sodium Linear, Quadratic, Cubic Expression/Equation All English CLIL All English SSH CLIL
  • 56. 55 SSH SSH GTEC 3.3.4 2013 CLIL 2012 12 CLIL Japan CLIL CLIL 2013 CLIL CLIL Team-teaching CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL
  • 57. 56 3.4 SSH Post-SELHi CLIL CLIL Can-Do () 2003 SELHi Can-Do 2011 SSH(Super Science High School) CLIL 11 3.4.1 SSH SELHiPost SELHi 2003 2010 SELHiPost SELHi (Can-Do)Statements CDS CAN-DO (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, CEFR) CDS CEFR Can-Do Can-Do Can-Do
  • 58. 57 Can-Do Can-Do Can-Do Can-Do 2 Can-Do Can-Do CDS Can-Do 4 Scaffolding Can-Do Can-Do 4 4 SSH (,2012) Can-Do (http://kasumigaoka.fku.ed.jp/) 3.4.2 SSH CLIL SSH CLIL SSH SS SS
  • 59. 58 SS SS 4 1 SS INPUT SS OUTPUT () SSH2011-2015 r INPUT OUTPUT 4
  • 60. 59 SSH CLIL Can-Do 4 SSH (Content) Science Works CLIL Oxford Read & Discover SSH SELHi
  • 61. 60 CEFR Footprint Reading Library A1 B1 Communication Cognition Critical thinking Community LOTS HOTS LOTS HOTS Content SSH CAN-DO
  • 62. 61 CLIL Scaffolding Can-Do SELHi 1 2 1 2 1
  • 63. 62 Can-Do SSH (Cognition) Can-Do () Can-Do SSH Can-Do Can-Do Can-Do 2006 Post-SELHi 4 4 7 12 2011 2012
  • 64. 63 5 8Pre-SSH 5 8 SSH A1 A2) A3) A4) () A5) SPEAKING CDS Can-Do 2011-2012 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 A 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 A 5 2006( 1 1 2 2
  • 65. 64 LISTENING CDS B1) B2) B3) B4) B5) 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 Can-Do 2011-2012 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 2006 1 1 2 2 READING CDS C 1) C 2) C 3) C 4) C 5) 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 C 1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 2006( 1 1 2 2 Can-Do 2011-2012
  • 66. 65 WRITING CDS D1) D2) D3) D4) D5) 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 Can-Do 2011-2012 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 2006( 1 1 2 2 SELHi 11 7 12 2 2011 SSH
  • 67. 66 3.4.3 CLIL 3 SSH SSH CLILHard CLIL Soft CLIL SSH Soft CLIL Q&A Comprehension Communication CDS ,2013 Can-Do Q&A A1.
  • 68. 67 Comprehension B2a. Communication C1c. CLIL 4 Can-Do CLIL
  • 69. 68 Can-Do SELHiPost SELHi Can-Do Can-Do 10 CLILCan-Do Can-Do Can-Do Can-Do Can-Do CLIL Hard CLIL) (Soft CLIL): Can-Do (2012). 10 ,10 (pp.53-55) (2013). Teacher s Manual LANDMARK English Communication Can-Do Can-Do 2011CLILL 1
  • 70. 69 3.5 CBL CLIL CBLContent Based Learning 2003200420102012 4 1 1 I CLILContent and Language Integrated Learning 2012 12 22 CLIL 3.5.1 CBL CLIL CBL CLIL 2011 CBL III task-based 1 CBL CLIL CBL CLIL CLIL 4 CContent, Communication, Cognition, Community 1. CBL
  • 71. 70 Content extra-reading Communication language of learning CBL incidental extended activity target grammar community Cognition LOTS: Lower Order Thinking Skills HOTS: Higher Order Thinking Skills 3.5.2 1 5 I 21 24 45 80 I 4 IOCI 2 OCI 2 22 23 I
  • 72. 71 4050 Prominence English I Lesson 1Lesson 6Lesson 4 Lesson 5 1 1. Lesson Title Goal 1 High School Life around the World Writing Japanese high school life 2 You Can Change the World! Understanding Severns messages and making her speech 5 The Future Is In Your Hand... Or Is It? Creating their own birth month fortune-telling 3 Meister Kanda Writing about their own future dream Lesson 3Lesson 6Lesson 3 1 Lesson introduction 4 PowerPoint vocabulary sheetworksheet Lesson 1 Lesson 1 4 4 1 productive words receptive words
  • 73. 72 vocabulary sheet 2 an extended activity 3OCI OCI Lesson 2 Lesson 2 1992 6 11 12 Severn Suzuki key words Lesson 1 productive/receptive 4Lesson Introduction PowerPoint Severn Suzuki 5 extra reading 6 VTR 2.
  • 74. 73 2 3.5.3 2 2 2. 2 Lesson Title Goal 7 Lefties Have Rights! Clarifying the reason why some people are left-handed 8 Japans Goodwill Ambassadors to the world Clarifying what manga is and why manga became popular with people Lesson 7 extra-reading Lesson 8 Lesson 8 I Oral Communication I Lesson 8 1 I Oral Communication I 7 Lesson 6 The Future Is In Your Hand... Or Is It? 3 Lesson 6 20022000 2 Lesson 3 Meister
  • 75. 74 Kanda 1 Lesson 3 LHR I I I Lesson 3 Meister Kanda Lesson Introduction pre-reading Lesson 6 The Future Is In Your Hand... Or Is It? Content authentic 1 authentic
  • 76. 75 authentic reciprocal learning2006 2002 2000 2006 2003 11 2004 12 2010 18 2011CLILL 1
  • 77. 76 1. Lesson 1
  • 78. 77 2. Lesson 1 vocabulary sheet
  • 79. 78 3. Lesson 1
  • 80. 79 4. Lesson 2 vocabulary sheet
  • 81. 80 5. Lesson 2 Lesson Introduction- PowerPoint slides
  • 82. 81 6. Lesson 2 extra reading (Source: http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/stories/spacescience/ozone/)
  • 83. 82
  • 84. 83 7.
  • 85. 84 3.6 CLIL 3.6.1 2011 (2010) (p. 1) 2011 2011 4 2012 (p. 30) 90 (2005) 2005p.151
  • 86. 85 ContentCommunication Cognition/Communication/Culture 4 CLILCoyle, 2007; Coyle, Hood & Marsh, 2010; , 2011; 2011 CLIL Yamano, 2012, 2013a, 2013b, 2013c 3.6.2 CLIL 2010 Hi, Friends! CLIL CLIL CLIL 3 Hi, Friends! CLIL CLIL CLIL How is the weather today? What is the temperature today?
  • 87. 86 It thirteen degrees.It s sunny.It s windy. Why? How is the weather today? It s windy! CLIL CLIL Hi, Friends! 2 Lesson3 I can swim! 2 Hi, Friends! CLIL Hi, Friends! 1 Lesson4 CLIL Language through learning Hi, Friends! 2 Lesson3 Who am I? I am Japanese. I can swim very fast. I have two gold medals of the Olympic Games. I will swim in the London Olympic Game this summer. 2012
  • 88. 87 I can swim. Here we go! It s in! It s out! You can do it! Do your best! Don t worry! So next lesson, we can play soft volleyball in English! 1 2 Let s start! 3
  • 89. 88 You can do it. I can do it! ALT ALT We don t have Yoroshiku onegai-shimasu in English. We only shake hands when we start the game. Today, I was very impressed by you and Japanese spirit. You are wonderful! ALT Hi, Friends! CLIL CLIL CLIL 1 CLIL (Yamano, 2012, 2013a, 2013b) 5 3
  • 90. 89 () Language of learning Communication Cognition What animal do you like? What color do you like? What color do you want? 5 5 What are you making? What s this? Is it a pig? No. interaction 2 () ocean, forest, savanna 1 What animals live in the ocean? 1
  • 91. 90 3 3 CLIL 4 There are no trees. I m very hungry. WWF Are you happy? Are you sad? CLIL CLIL 3.6.3 CLIL 2 CLIL fun sad interesting CLIL
  • 92. 91 CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL 4 C Communication , 2010, p.1 CLIL 3 (Coyle, 2007; Coyle et al., 2010; , 2011) Content CLIL Cognition Community Culture CLIL 4 C
  • 93. 92 CLIL (Authentic materials ) CLIL (Yamano, 2012, 2013a) CLIL , 2013; Yamano, 2012, 2013a, 2013b , 2013c CLIL Japan CLIL (2005). Coyle, D. (2007). Content and language integrated learning: Towards a connected research agenda for CLIL pedagogies. The International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 10, 543-562. Coyle, D., Hood, P., & Marsh, D. (2010). CLIL: Content and language integrated learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • 94. 93 (2011). 1 CLIL CLIL() (pp. 1-13) (2010) (2010)Hi, friends! 1 (2010)Hi, friends! 2 (2013). JES Journal 13 pp. 84-99 (2012). Retrieved from http://www.eiken.or.jp/news/kyoukai/120518r01.html (2011) CLIL Yamano, Y. (2012). Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) in a Japanese elementary school: A comparative study of a CLIL program in early EFL education (Master s thesis). Sophia University, Tokyo. Yamano, Y. (2013a). Exploring the use of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) in foreing language activiteds. JES Journal, 13. 20-25. Yamano, Y. (forthcoming, 2013b). Utilizing the CLIL approach in a Japanese primary school: A comparative study of CLIL and EFL lessons. The Asian EFL Journal. 15 (4), 70-92. (2013c) CLIL STEP BULLETIN. Vol. 25
  • 95. 94 . CLIL Activity & aim Teachers (Ts) Pupils (Ps) community & time Warming up (Familiarize the pupils with the expression about their feelings) Greeting in English Good morning, everyone! How are you today? Greet each other and answer the teachers questions. Class (3 min) Introduction to the vocabulary about colors & animals. (Provide the pupils with the input while using visual aids) 1.Show the pupils color picture cards 2. Ask them the names and catch the pupils answer. 3. Provide the pupils with feedback depending on their responses. 1.Listen to the English teachers 2. Try to answer the questions as much as possible. Class (8 min) Task 1: Distribute the colored clay (provide the pupils with the opportunity for output by using the target vocabulary) Ask the pupils their required colors and distribute the colored clay. Answer the teachers question to obtain the colored clay in order to make a favorite animal. Pair (T-P) (8 min) Task 2: Lets make your favorite animal! (Familiarize the pupils with the vocabulary and provide them with an enjoyable experience) Have as much interaction as possible with the pupils by asking them questions, such as What color is this? What animal are you making? or Whats this? Make a favorite animal in the lunch group while having interaction with teachers and their peers. Also ask teachers if they need a help or have a question. Solo Pair Group (26 min)
  • 96. 95 .CLIL
  • 97. 96 4 CEFR CLIL
  • 98. 97 5 CLIL 12/22/2012 13:0017:15 CLIL CLIL 4 C Content Communication Cognition Community CLIL Cognition Community CLIL CLIL 21 CLIL
  • 100. 99 Global Issues 2 50 90 ALT TT40 Global Issues CLIL C You, Me and the world 2011 Input Process Output C Content Global Issues Communication Retelling LOTS (Lower Order Thinking Skills) Cognition Community
  • 101. 100 scaffolding : : SSH 2009 TT HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)
  • 102. 101 15 50 NZ Small talk 50 3 3
  • 103. 102 CLIL CLIL 15 50 CLIL CLIL
  • 104. 103 SSH 3 SSH OC SSH Science to GCSE
  • 107. 106 SSH 1 show and tell Can Do
  • 108. 107 CLIL CLIL CLIL Can Do CLIL Can Do Can Do CEFR CEFR CLIL ELP (European Language Portfolio) CEFR Can Do Can Do CLIL PresentationProcessingProduction scaffolding Dynamic testing LOTS (Lower Order Thinking Skills) HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)
  • 109. 108 Can Do Scaffolding Can Do Q&A SSH CBL (Content-based Learning) CBL CLIL CBL CBL CLIL
  • 110. 109 2012 45 CLIL CBL CLIL CBL CLIL LHR CBL CLIL CLIL Focus on Form
  • 111. 110 CLIL (Hard CLIL) CLIL (Soft CLIL) CLIL CLIL CLIL : : : Lexical approach CLIL
  • 112. 111 CLIL CLIL 2007 35 Hi Friends
  • 113. 112 How is the weather today? UNICEF CLIL CLIL CLIL CLIL
  • 117. 116 CLIL CLIL CLIL C CLIL CLIL CLIL Japan CLIL CLIL 2014 CLIL CLIL International CLIL Journal CLILJapan CLIL
  • 118. 117 CLIL 2013 CLIL JAPAN 2014
  • 119. 118 CLIL 2013