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Canterbury News – Term 4 Week 2, 2020 Click on an article below to jump to that section, or scroll down to read the entire newsletter. Deputy Principal Chaplaincy Junior School Secondary School Teaching and Learning Junior Sport Secondary Sport Performing Arts Wellbeing

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Canterbury News – Term 4 Week 2, 2020

Click on an article below to jump to that section, or scroll down to read the entire newsletter.

Deputy Principal


Junior School

Secondary School

Teaching and Learning

Junior Sport

Secondary Sport

Performing Arts


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Deputy Principal

Performance is wonderful in of itself

As our Year 12 cohort of 2020 edge closer to completing their ‘final time I do this’ list I cannot help but think about the times we get to watch our children and students ‘do things’. In the last few weeks, I have had the pleasure of watching our Vicki Wilson Cup and Shield teams ply their trade for Canterbury at their state-wide tournament, have revelled in the skill and enthusiasm of many of our musicians at Symphonic Splendour, have hopefully supported our Year 8 Girls Division 2 volleyball team at Junior Schools Cup, have certainly shown my gastronomic support for the Wednesday morning café team as Mr Lane’s busking brigade belt out the early morning tunes and even simplistically watched Mr Brown’s Year 4 class learn about angles and almost ‘perform’ for me in their explaining of the concepts.

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Each of these performances of course can lead to outcomes or results and sometimes recognition. I am sure as parents, coaches, staff and Deputy Principals, we love to see a perfect performance, a win or a podium place and we definitely strive to recognise this both informally and formally, at home and at school. There is nothing wrong with wanting to win or be seen to be ‘great’ and there is nothing wrong with appreciating that as well; however, I must say that I find as a spectator or audience member, I smile the most when I forget about the outcome and just be mindful of the performance and experience. At Symphonic Splendour I found myself mesmerised by the faces of the students as they both focussed but enjoyed and actually started my own inventory of the different types of lip positions for and between the different brass (apparently this is a thing, according to Liam Greenaway). In watching the ultimately

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victorious Vicki Wilson Shield team in their first game I was lost in watching not where the ball was but trying to track players in their anticipation of where the ball will be; a game I almost always lost.

But in all of the above, I love seeing our students perform and at Canterbury, even in the year of COVID-19, we have tried to allow our students as much opportunity to perform as possible. Yes, we may have diminished crowds or flexible schedules at some events but it has been important for the students to be able to play their sports and their instruments, be in their teams and groups, strut their stuff on stages large and small, sing and swim and run and dance.

Alas though, for our Year 12’s all of these times to perform are drawing to a close. I am sure that in the coming weeks we will rightly place a focus on certain dates and days for our Year 12’s such as the Year 12 Retreat, Valedictory Dinner and Graduation Ceremony. On these occasions, our students will not necessarily perform but in some instances will be recognised for their performances. Most notably the major leadership awards such as Caltex Best All Rounder, Long Tan Leadership Award and the Hayden Pryor Memorial Prize will be awarded at Valedictory Dinner along with the major awards for each sport and, then, all Year 12 students and families will be invited back to Canterbury early next year for our Scholar's Assembly where we will recognise academic achievements for 2020 including subject prize winners, Proxime Ducem Accessit (second to the Dux) and of course, Dux of Canterbury College. None of these students will have performed, studied or competed with solely recognition in mind but we should acknowledge their achievements all the same.

Mr Paul Diete

Deputy Principal

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Welcome back to school for Term 4 2020. I hope everyone was able to rest and are now looking forward to finishing this year strong. I want to encourage you all this term to think about ‘Challenges’ from a God perspective. Life is a set of challenges. We sometimes imagine that if we could just deal with the immediate challenge that we are facing, all our problems would be over. But life is not like that. If we settle one challenge, others will find their way to us sooner or later.

The Bible is true to life. Mary was afraid of the challenge that she was going to birth The Son of God. Paul faced false accusation and the frustration of being kept in prison on trumped up charges and the kings in the Old Testament faced battles and a massive building project challenge. I am reminded that the relatively minor challenges that I face are nothing compared to what the people of God have faced in the past, and still face around the world today. Challenges are inevitable. God shows us that challenges are natural, they build in us endurance, resilience and hope. In those times when it is hard or seems difficult, He will never leave us.

“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” - 2 Corinthians 4:8

Let us pray


at the start of the new term,

we remember the love of our families

and the companionship and support of our friends.

We rejoice that you have entrusted us

with the education and care of young people,

and have called us to help others to grow

in your image and likeness.

Remind us that challenges are of God,

and that his plan for us is to prosper.

Empower us to bring out the best in others

and express appreciation to all who encourage us

and bring us new life.

Inspire us to be positive in attitude, encouraging in words,

and loving in actions.

In Jesus name we pray - Amen.

Mrs Nia Vivian


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Junior School

Lunch Clubs

Our Lunch Clubs for Term 4 began this week and produced a lot of excitement for our students. Lunch Clubs provide opportunities for students to engage and participate in activities they enjoy and are passionate about. They also provide opportunities for students to socialise with students of varying ages and they give students an opportunity to ‘take a break’ from the playground and try something new.

Our staff dedicate their lunchtimes to run clubs for our students, to provide places where they can feel connected and part of a group who share similar interests.

There are several clubs available to students this term including Structured and Supported Play, Yoga, Running Club, Gardening Club, Mindful Colouring, Crossword Club and Puzzle Club. We also have Art Club and Writing Club which encourage students to explore their imagination and creativity.

Writing Club is a great way for students to explore and pursue their love of writing. Students may enjoy telling a story through pictures or writing the story they want to read. It is a co-operative activity where students share, edit, and present their work to their peers. This term in Writing Club students are looking at micro fiction stories, which are told in 8 words, and flash fiction stories, which are told in up to 100 words.

In Art Club, students develop their artistic skills and strengthen their drawing techniques. Students in Art Club have been learning about the use of colour, lines, shapes and shading and adding effect to their creations. Students have had the opportunity to sketch numerous creations throughout the year, some of which are completed over numerous sessions.

Lunch Clubs are a wonderful opportunity for students to try something new or further develop their interests. Different Lunch Clubs run every day of the week and students can find information about location and type of Lunch Clubs on offer around the Junior School.

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This week our Year 6 students worked with Mr Van Leuveren, Mrs Adamson, Mr Kopelke, Mrs Wishart and Mr Jenkins on the Learner’s Toolkit. The Learner’s Toolkit equips our students with the study skills they require in a VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) world. Students worked with Mr Kopelke to create a brain dump, Mr Jenkins to create a mind map and Mrs Wishart to create flash cards. These activities are all examples of retrieval practice, a strategy in which bringing information to mind enhances and boosts learning. Deliberately recalling information forces us to pull our knowledge “out” and examine what we know. Retrieval practice makes learning a lot of effort and challenging. As retrieving information requires mental effort, we often think we are doing poorly if we can’t remember something. We may feel like progress is slow, but that is when our best learning takes place. The more difficult the retrieval practice, the better it is for long-term learning.

The Learner’s Toolkit is a new initiative that will have impact for our students. It is something that students across the College will work through and we believe it will enhance our students’ ability to develop their study skills and therefore their learning. We look forward to sharing more information on this as we launch it next year.

Mr Bill Garland

Head of Junior School

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Secondary School

Year 12 News

Congratulations to Sahitya Aragonda, Olivia DiPasquale, John Nalcioglu, Paige Van Dijk, Aaron Hsu, Alexier Pacheco, Sophie Carnarvon and Grace Hamilton who were successful in early offer rounds. These students have been reserved a place in diploma and bachelor courses at Griffith College and University, University of New England, Bond University, JMC Academy and Australian National University.

Congratulations also to Daniella Spink who was awarded the Sir Samuel Griffith Scholarship. Daniella’s compassion, work in the community and excellent academic results make her a very worthy recipient. Daniella has applied to Griffith University to study medicine. The scholarship is worth up to $24,000 for her studies at Griffith. Daniella is also being considered for the Dean’s Scholarship worth up to $60,000. This scholarship is awarded in December once results and placements have been finalised. We wish Daniella every success.

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Red Frogs - Top tips for preparing you teens for Schoolies

During the Year 12 Wellbeing lesson on Monday, the students were visited by Red Frogs Australia. Red Frogs is synonymous with supporting, serving and safeguarding young people, especially those celebrating Schoolies. Schoolies for 2020 has not turned out the way many young people would have hoped. However, Red Frogs is still educating students on the choices and challenges they will face in life, helping them to understand the consequences of their actions, and instead build healthy ways to stay true to themselves both physically and mentally.

The presentation on Monday focused on tips and strategies around Safe Partying, with a view in preparing for Schoolies celebrations.

Below is a flyer from Red Frogs outlining the top 5 tips for preparing your teen for Schoolies.

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Health Sciences Department News

In Term 3 the Year 10 Psychology students were introduced to the fundamentals of the Psychology subject, and this included learning about the brain and nervous system. To help them understand how a neuron – the basic working unit of the brain – is structured, students created 3D models in class using plasticine and pipe cleaners and labelled the key parts of the neuron.

In Term 3, Anatomy students explored the musculoskeletal system through interactive activities with the VR headset, giving students a 3-Dimensional visual immersion to explore key structures of the body.

Mrs Tracey Clarke Head of Health Sciences Faculty Wheelie Bin Art project

Late in Term 2 the Year 12 Visual Art students were approached by Mr Chris Nield about the possibility of painting several new wheelie bins for the College. The plan was for these decorated bins to be allocated to House areas and to promote student use of the different types of recycling bins that we now have at Canterbury. After much experimentation to find a suitable paint for such a surface, work began with the sanding, priming and painting of students’ ideas onto the bins early in Term 3. Groups were able

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to choose their own subject matter. As students were not able to complete their practical IA3 task due to COVID, this task became a fun and engaging process for students to showcase their artistic skills and to leave a visual legacy to enhance the grounds of Canterbury.

Legal Studies Special Guest

On Thursday our 2000 Canterbury Captain William Boyd returned to campus and provided a Year 10 Legal Studies class and a Year 11 Legal Studies class with fascinating insights about the legal profession in South East Queensland.

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William is currently a partner at RiverLegal, with offices in Beenleigh, Robina and Brisbane CBD. The students asked a diverse range of sophisticated and probing questions about the nature of tertiary studies in law and potential career avenues in specialist legal fields. William entertainingly documented his personal journey from Secondary School student at Canterbury, to university graduate, to partnership in a rewarding law firm. Many amusing legal anecdotes were also included in these engaging presentations.

Thank you William for sharing your passion for Australian law with our Legal Studies students.

Mrs Rebecca Adamson

Dean of Studies

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Teaching and Learning

The Canterbury 1-1 Device Program

The effective use of digital technology in the modern classroom is apparent when you walk into lessons at Canterbury. Students use their devices for research, taking notes, assignment writing, creating multimedia presentations, interacting with simulations, creating and viewing 3D objects, engaging in augmented and virtual reality experiences and much more.

As Canterbury phases out the BYOD program and transitions in the new 1-1 device program, many students are seeing the benefits of using the Surface Pro devices in their learning.

In 2021 the Year 4 and 7 students will join the Year 8 cohort in the 1-1 device program.

In a recent survey of students currently in the program, the far majority indicated that they were very happy with the performance of the device and supported the statement that it was meeting their educational needs. Many sighting the stylus and digital inking as a major factor in this. They also rated the service that the IT department can provide as part of the program very highly.

The 1-1 device program is also open to any students from other year levels that wish to join. If your child’s BYOD device is nearing its end of life, you may wish to consider opting into the 1-1 device program.

The yearly fee for the 1-1 program is $730.00 and forms part of the Single Resource Charge (SRC) in 2021. The fee will cover the Surface Pro 7 device on a 3-year cycle, with fresh devices in Years 7 and 10, and includes keyboard, all required software, stylus, insurance, cyber-protection, device screen protector, carry-bag, and support.

Students with our 1-1 device will in the event of accidental damage bring their device to the IT Department and in most cases be issued with a ‘hot-swap’ device (a new device to replace the damaged one). This will ensure students have minimal time without a device in class or at home. Our school-based management of data will allow all documents and school required software to be transferred across to these devices. As with all insurance claims on goods and services, there will be an Accidental Damage excess. In this instance the cost is $99.00 for each instance and over the course of a 3-year cycle each student will have three opportunities to receive a fully repaired or in many instances,

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new device, for this low excess. On the fourth occasion, full repair costs will be charged. Our research and experience indicate that very few students reach the 4th point of damage. The screen protector and carry-bag we are supplying as part of the fee should also work towards minimising accidental damage.

For any malfunctions that are the responsibility of Microsoft, replacement or repair will be free of charge.

If you would like to opt into the 1-1 device program, please add your details to the online form below by 30/10/2020.

Access the online form here.

The IT Department will then email you with an agreement form to sign on 30 October, once all requests are in.

If you have any questions about opting into the 1-1 device program, feel free to contact me at: [email protected]

Mr James Jenkins

Director of Learning and Innovation

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Junior Sport

Junior TAS Swimming

Last week the Junior TAS Swimming team travelled to Brisbane Aquatic Centre for the Junior TAS Swimming Championships. All swimmers who competed did an excellent job, with many students receiving ribbons in their events. A special mention goes to the 12 Years Boys who finished second overall and the 10 Years Girls finishing fourth overall.

Junior School Sport and Activities Update

Over the past two weeks, we have had 13 programs commencing for Term 4. It has been great to see so many Canterbury students giving different activities a go. Highlights have been: the Mini Kickers program where 70 students ranging from Kindy to Year 3 have signed up; over 50 students have been working on their running endurance with Mrs King, Mr Gorry and our 2020 and 2021 TAS Athletics and Cross Country captains at Running Club; Chess has had 45 students ranging from Prep – Year 6 looking to improve their chess skills; and Code Camp has 19 registered students learning how to code and create games.

Please note, if you are unable to pick your child up from any Junior School Cocurricular program, a staff member will wait at the Junior School Bus Bay for 10 minutes before they will be taken to OSHC and there is a fee for this service.

This weekend is the first round of Junior TAS Tennis. Good luck to the three teams travelling out to West Moreton Anglican College. Please be aware that only 2 spectators per student will be allowed to attend.

Mr Ben Maxfield

Director of Sport and Activities (Kindy-Year 6)

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Secondary Sport

Vicki Wilson Cup Success

Run by Netball Queensland and endorsed by Queensland School Sport, the Vicki Wilson Championship (VWC) is a premier netball competition open to all high schools across Queensland. The VWC Shield involves Queensland’s best junior teams with athletes in Year 7 to 9 eligible to play. Canterbury have medalled every year since the inception of Shield – our back to back gold medals in 2019 and 2020 capping off several years of dedicated player development.

Our girls played 11 games over 3 days. A dominant 34 goal win over St Peters Lutheran in the top 16 playoff landed the girls in a quarter final against Southport SHS. The game was a goal for goal until the last quarter with our girls securing a 1 goal win and sending us into the semi final against the tournament favourites Brisbane State High. The girls remained composed and stuck to the game plan to win by 4 points. The Grand Final against Helensvale SHS was an arm wrestle in the first half however the girls dominated the second half and ran out winners 39 -22. The Canterbury coaching team Deanne Hamilton, Erin Byrnes and Amy Sommerville were extremely pleased with the teams ability to follow game instructions and remain composed throughout the competition.

Our Senior girls were in a highly competitive pool in the Cup competition. They made a strong start with a convincing win over Cavendish Road. High shooting percentages and sustained defensive pressure allowed the girls to dictate the game. All Hallows, a consistent top 10 finisher in the competition, overpowered the girls, securing a 4 goal win. Our game against Marymount was an intense encounter with the score changing several times across the first three quarters. Marymount took a 4 goal lead early in the final quarter however the girls staged a strong comeback shooting 10 goals straight. Marymount were unable to respond in time and the team won the game by 7 goals. This key fixture secured a third placing in our pool and a top 16 finish. Unfortunately for the team, a first round final against South Coast Netball powerhouse Somerset College meant that they did not make it through to round two. An overall 12th position in the competition a significant improvement from 17th place in 2019.

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TAS Swimming The TAS Swimming Championships were held at Brisbane Aquatic Centre on Wednesday 7 October. Congratulations to all Canterbury swimmers who put in some wonderful performances on the day, with a number of personal bests being swum. With the pool coming online soon, our performances are sure to improve even further.

All Saints Rugby 7s Tournament

The 2020 Rugby 7’s season kicked off this week, with a group of nervous but excited girls competing in the All Saints Anglican School Rugby 7’s tournament. With 10 debutantes to the sport, the girls played with courage and skill throughout the day, recording 2 wins from 4 games. Barnstorming runs and bone crunching hits by seniors Lisa Barnett Keresoma and Tahni Evenis set the tone early for the day and quashed any nerves that the team might have had at the start of the tournament. Elenoa North and Miah Ward showed skill and speed throughout to score long range tries. The day was very worthwhile as lots of lessons were learnt and enjoyment was had throughout.

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Equestrian News

Over the holidays the Canterbury Equestrian team competed at the Queensland Interschool State Championship held at Toowoomba Showgrounds. Over 4 days of tough competition against over 500 riders from around Queensland, the team showed excellent sportsmanship and perseverance which showed in their results.

Elanah Flegman and her horse Garnet Ranger placed 6th overall in both of her Prelim and Novice classes and 7th overall in the 60cm Combined Training.

Maddie Mackenzie and her horse Lucinderalla placed 3rd in both the Prix St George & Intermediate I. Maddie placed her 3rd overall in the Small Tour Championship, this is a fantastic result at this level of competition.

Tianna Smith and her horse Windhill Wisdom placed 3rd overall in Medium Championship and 2nd in the Medium Freestyle.

Due to the challenging circumstances of 2020, the Interschool Nationals were cancelled this year. The QLD Merit team was established for those who received top four placings at the State Championships and who would have gone on to represent the state at Nationals. Tianna and Maddie were honoured and privileged to be acknowledged members of the QLD Merit team.

It was a privilege to captain this fantastic team throughout 2020 and I applaud them for their commitment throughout this challenging year. I wish them all the best for the 2021 season.

Tianna Smith - Captain of Equestrian

Mr Glen Walker

Director of Sport and Activities (Years 7-12)

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Performing Arts

Spring Arts Festival

The first of the Spring Arts Festival concerts, Symphonic Splendour, was held on Wednesday 14 October. Congratulations to all students and conductors of Percussion Company, Wind Symphony, Trio Bellissimo, Sinfonia and Ritornello for their outstanding performances....

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Dr Katrina Peddell

Acting Director of Performing Arts

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School TV - Raising Boys

Many parents will attest to the fact that most boys are active, loud, rambunctious and prone to rough play, but this should not affect how a parent acts towards their son. Be careful not to pigeon-hole your son into sex specific behaviours or gender roles. The male brain is distinctly differently in its development. A boy’s physical maturity is often at odds with his mental and brain development. Societal beliefs about how to raise boys can sometimes influence their adult carers. Although we are not determined by our biology, it is a factor. It is important to support boys in their natural tendencies and nurture their strengths and abilities. Teach them the skills they need for their future and to develop a healthy identity. It is important for boys to have a role model they can connect with and acknowledge who they are. One of the most important determinants for a boy’s development is how secure they feel growing up. In this edition of SchoolTV, adult carers will gain a better understanding into some of the more complex issues relating to raising boys. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month’s edition, and we always welcome your feedback. If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help. Here is the link to this month's edition