Cleaning of different areas


Transcript of Cleaning of different areas

1) Hygiene :

Hygiene is very much important in every cleaning procedure

It guarantees safety from bacteria, micro organisms & presents them

Personal hygiene :

We should keep our hands clean every time

Take shower daily and also in between shifts of work if required

Wearing clean uniform , socks , shoes , staying well groomed is important

After cleaning procedure , we should wash our hands properly

Method of work :

We should always follow the steps while cleaning eg we should know to use the dusters properly & use of mops etc

Proper use of equipments:

For eg W.C brush should used for W.C only hard brooms shouldn’t be used in lobby , appropriate dusters for every place should be used

Proper cleaning agent :

Is most important as they as chemicals R3 should be use for glass cleaning , R2 should be used on hard surfaces

Proper use of linen :

Red dusters for toilet cleaning, blue dusters for dusting , green dusters for glass cleaning

2) Safety :

Safety is necessary for preventing accidents or ill effects.

While cleaning , gloves , masks and safety gears should be worn

Use of equipment:

We should know the proper use of equipments to prevents the accidents

Eg proper use of machines like vacuum cleaners , taski vento 22 , high pressure machines should be known

Method of working:

The SOP’S should be followed while working eg different types of dusters for different tasks to perform

Proper precaution :

Eg if high level dusting is done, ladder should be used helmets , safety belts , safety gear n , in WC cleaning , mask should be worn

Scrubbing is the best way to physically remove the dirt, debris and micro organisms

Cleaning is required prior to any disinfection process.

Cleaning products should be selected on the basis of their use , efficiency , safety and cost ( use of proper cleaning agents)

Cleaning should always progress from least soiled area to the most soiled areas and debris that fall on floor will be cleaned up last.

Dry sweeping , mopping and dusting should be avoided to prevent debris and ,micro organism from getting into air and clean surface.

Dilution instruction should be followed when using disinfectants

Cleaning methods and written cleaning schedules (work cards) should be based on types of surfaces and surface area.

Routine cleaning is necessary to maintain a standard of cleanliness

It has to be clean all the time

Cleaning activities includes sweeping with hard broom , water wash to prevent dust form entering into lobby

They are mostly of glass and have automatic sensors

The glass is cleaned with R3 and lint free dusters and squeeze

Guests frequency is high , so we need to clean the lobby at most every shift

Sweep the entire area and mop it through the day

Dusting of statues ,art material ,piano etc

Restrooms has to be cleaned on guest basis after every guest

Deep cleaning is done at night shift

Cleaning takes place every day

Cleaning of printers , scanners is also done (if the guest are present at reception then don’t do cleaning at that time )

Clean from top to bottom

Clean the spotlight with feather brush

Mirrors with R3

Steel doors with D7

Sweep and mop frequently

Clean the cobweb , railings etc

There are cabinets for equipments wooden walls , pictures frames , carpets which should be cleaned periodically

In lobby , banquets , restaurant

It is cleaned on every shift

There are chamber maids – female attendant clean washrooms

Cleaning is done in 3 stages – before function , during function and after function

We shouldn’t touch any clearance

The equipments artwork , washroom are cleaned

We shouldn’t use any cleaning agent here

Do only dry dusting

Scrub the marble ( in night ) or else waster wash

Umbrella seats also should be cleaned here