Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

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Transcript of Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Page 1: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture

Jon Crowcroft,

Page 2: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Give it to me, I have 1G bytes phone flash.

I have 100M bytes of data, who can carry for me?

I can also carry for you!

Thank you but you are in the opposite direction!

Don’t give to me! I am running out of storage. Reach an access



Finally, it arrive…

Search La Bonheme.mp3 for me

Search La Bonheme.mp3 for me

Search La Bonheme.mp3 for me

There is one in my pocket…

Page 3: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

System Architecture

Radical Device Stuff +Cloud StuffResearch:


Page 4: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Motivation #1

Mobile users currently have a very bad experience with networking Applications do not work without networking infrastructure such as 802.11 access points or cell phone data coverage

Local connectivity is plentiful (WiFi, Bluetooth, etc), but very hard for end users to configure and use

Example: Train/plane on the way to London How to send a colleague sitting opposite some slides to review?

How to get information on restaurants in London? (Clue: someone else is bound to have it cached on their device)

Page 5: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Underlying Problem

Applications tied to network details and operations via use of IP-based socks interface What interface to use How to route to destination When to connect

Apps survive by using directory services Address book maps names to email addresses Google maps search keywords to URLs DNS maps domain names to IP addresses

Directory services mean infrastructure

Page 6: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Phase transitions and networks

Solid networks: wired, or fixed wireless mesh Long lived end-to-end routes

Liquid networks: Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking (MANET) Short lived end-to-gateway routes

Gaseous networks: Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN), Pocket Switched Networking (PSN) No routes at all! Opportunistic, store and forward networking One way paths, asymmetry, node mobility carries data

Haggle targets all three, so must work in most general case, i.e. “gaseous”

Page 7: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Haggle Overview Clean-slate redesign of mobile

node Spans MAC to application layers

(inclusive), but is itself layerless – uses six “managers”

Key Features: Store-and-forward architecture

with data persisting inside Haggle not separate file sys

App-layer protocols (SMTP, HTTP, etc) moved into Haggle rather than apps themselves

Forwarding decisions made on “name graphs” allowing just-in-time binding

Resource management integrated API is asynchronous and data-


Page 8: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Overview of D3N Architecture


// Registering a proximity event listenerEvent.register( Event.OnEncounter, fun d:device -> if d.nID = “B” && distance(self,d) < 3 then dispatch NodeEncountered(d);)

Each node is responsible for storing, indexing, searching, and delivering data

Primitive functions associated with core D3N calculus syntax are part of the runtime system

Prototype on MS Mobile .Net + Haggle Runtime

Page 9: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

How to program distributed computation? Declarative is new idea in networking

Ex. P2: Building overlay: Network properties specified declaratively

Use of Functional Programming: Functions are first class values and can be both the input and the result of other functions

FP: Simple/clean semantics, expressive, inherent parallelism

Queries/Filer etc. can be expressed as higher-order functions that are applied in a distributed setting

Runtime system provides the necessary native library functions that are specific to each device Prototype: F# + .NET for mobile devices

Similar approach as LINQ project Extends .NET Framework with language integrated operations for querying, storing and transforming data (target to .NET)

Data-Driven Declarative Networking (D3N)

Page 10: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Queries are part of source level syntax Distributed execution (single node programmer model)

Familiar syntax

Example: Query to Networks

select name from poll() where institute = “Computer Laboratory”


|> filter (fun r -> = “Computer Laboratory”)

|> map (fun r ->



Message: (code, nodeid, TTL, data)





Page 11: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Trust, the Cloud Society:-Cloud Atlas…

Anil Madhavapeddy (Cambridge/Imperial) and Daniele Quercia (UCL/MIT)…

Page 12: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Who do you trust?

Your phone lost/stolen/broken/hacked

The cloud Unreachable, goes broke, spy on you

Solution spaces Migrate cloud state on/off fone Need encapsulation of this (social vm)? P2P soln too (nearby devices) Resource (sensor) pooling

Social Sign on Scales/Usability?

Page 13: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Empirical Stuff…

Page 14: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Why measure human mobility?

Mobility increases capacity of dense mobile network [tse/grossglauser]

Also create dis-connectivities Human mobility patterns determine communication opportunities

And discover social groupings - see later for resource allocation (e.g. spectrum)

Page 15: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Experimental setup

iMotes ARM processor Bluetooth radio 64k flash memory

Bluetooth Inquiries 5 seconds every 2 minutes Log {MAC address, start time, end time} tuple of each contact

Page 16: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Experimental devices

Page 17: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Contact and Inter-contact time

Inter-contact is important Affect the feasibility of opportunistic network Nature of distribution affects choice of forwarding algorithm

Rarely studied

Page 18: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Infocom 2005 experiment

54 iMotes distributed Experiment duration: 3 days 41 yielded useful data 11 with battery or packaging problem 2 not returned

[data on crawdad, have several other datasets from Hong Kong, Barcelona, Cambridge, Lisbon, and of course other people have done this too:-]

Page 19: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Brief summary of data

41 iMotes 182 external devices 22459 contacts between iMotes 5791 contacts between iMote/external device

External devices are non-iMote devices in the environment, e.g. BT mobile phone, Laptop.

Page 20: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Contacts seen by an iMoteiMoites External Devices

Page 21: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Analysis of Conference Mobility Patterns

Page 22: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Contact and Inter-contact Distribution

Contacts Inter-contacts

Page 23: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

What do we see?

Power law distribution for contact and Inter-contact time

Both iMotes and external nodes Does not agree with currently used mobility model, e.g. random way point

Power law coefficient < 1

Page 24: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

K-clique Communities in Cambridge Dataset

Page 25: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

K-clique Communities in Infocom06 Dataset

Barcelona Group

Paris Group A

Paris Group B

Lausanne Group

Paris Groups Barcelona Group

Lausanne Group


Page 26: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Backup Architecture

Page 27: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Data Objects (DOs)

DO = set of attributes = {type, value} pairs Exposing metadata facilitates search

Can link to other DOs To structure data that should be kept together

To allow apps to categorise/organise

Apps/Haggle managers can “claim” DOs to assert ownership

DO-Type Data



From James Scott

To Richard Gass

Subject Check this photo out!

Body [text]

DO-Type Data



Keywords Sunset, London

Creation time

05/06/06 2015 GMT

Data [binary]



Page 28: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

DO Filters

Queries on fields of data objects E.g. “content-type” EQUALS “text/html” AND “keywords” INCLUDES “news” AND “timestamp” >= (now() – 1 hour)

DO filters are also a special case of DOs

Haggle itself can match DOFilters to DOs – apps don’t have to be involved

Can be persistent or be sent remotely…

Page 29: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

DO Filter is a powerful mechanism

One-Off Persistent

Local “Desktop” Search(find mp3s with artist “U2”)

Listen (wants to receive webpages)

Remote “Web” Search(find “london restaurants”)

Subscribe(send all photos created by user X to X’s PC)

Page 30: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Layerless Naming

Haggle needs just-in-time binding of user level names to destinations

Q: when messaging a user, should you send to their email server or look in the neighbourhood for their laptop’s MAC address? A: Both, even if you already reached one. E.g. you can send email to a server and later pass them in the corridor, or you could see their laptop directly, but they aren’t carrying it today so you’d better email it too…

Current layered model requires ahead-of-time resolution by the user themselves in the choice of application (e.g. email vs SMS)

Page 31: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Name Graphs comprised of Name Objects

Name Graph represents full variety of ways to reach a user-level name

NO = special class of DO Used as destinations for

data in transit Names and links between

names obtained from Applications Network interfaces Neighbours Data passing through Directories



Name James Scott

DO-Type Name

Name [email protected]

DO-Type Name

Name 00:0E:F6:23:91:34

Page 32: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Forwarding Objects Special class of DO used for storing metadata about forwarding TTL,expiry, etc

Since full structure of naming and data is sent, “intermediate” nodes are empowered to: Use data as they see fit Use up-to-date state and whole name graph to make best forwarding decision







Page 33: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Connectivities and Protocols

Connectivities (network interfaces) say which “neighbours” are available (including “Internet”)

Protocols use this to determine which NOs they can deliver to, on a per-FO basis P2P protocol says it can deliver any FO to neighbour-derived NOs if corresponding neighbour is visible

HTTP protocol can deliver FOs which contain a DOFilter asking for a URL, if “Internet” neighbour is present

Protocols can also perform tasks directly POP protocol creates EmailReceiveTask when Internet neighbour is visible

Page 34: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Forwarding Algorithms

{Protocol, Name, Neighbour}

FOsx x

x x



algorithm 1algorithm 2x = scalar“benefit” of

forwarding task Forwarding algorithms create Forwarding Tasks to send data to suitable next-hops

Can also create Tasks to perform signalling

Many forwarding algs can run simultaneously

Page 35: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Resource Management – Tasks and Cost/Benefit

Task( Benefit getBenefit(), Cost getCost() )

Cost = {Energy, Time on network X, Money} Benefit = {App, User, Forwarding}

Resource manager does cost/benefit comparison using some utility function

Owners preferences must also be applied E.g. don’t spend my money on others’ traffic

Page 36: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Implications of using Tasks

Tasks can come from all managers – http fetch, email receive, neighbour discovery, etc

Key illustration of “layerless” architecture Tasks are executed at dynamic times/intervals (or not done at all) based on

Current resource costs Other tasks User priorities/preferences

“Too many” tasks is fine, even encouraged – unlike with IP where network operations are queued

E.g. it is hard for a current web client to express “predictively download these pages, if energy and bandwidth are plentiful and free”

Page 37: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.


Connectivities have responsibility for neighbour discovery

Protocols use neighbours to “mark” NOs “nearby”

Resource management controls frequency of neighbour discovery

Haggle Application Interface

Applications (messaging, web, etc)










Connectivities (WiFi, BT, GPRS, etc)

1. Set task

2. Execute

5. In





3: Discovery

4. Neighbour list

Page 38: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

SendingData Haggle Application Interface

Applications (messaging, web, etc)










Connectivities (WiFi, BT, GPRS, etc)

5. Set task “send via X”

6. Execute (when worth it)

1. In




7. Send!

2. In




3. C

all “



9. Raw data10

. Co


ct &



8. G

et &




4. Decide next hop X

API for send split into three (sets of) calls

FO can be sent to many nodes using many protocols

Asynchronous Benefits of send change with time and context

Page 39: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.


Incoming data is still processed using tasks

Eventually inserted into Data Manager

Apps “listen” by registering interests (DOFilters)

Haggle Application Interface

Applications (messaging, web, etc)










Connectivities (WiFi, BT, GPRS, etc)

7. Notify interested apps

6. Insert data objects

8. Mine names

2. Incomin

g connection

1. Bind to networks

3. Connection

5. Incoming data

4. Query


urce use

Page 40: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Aside on security etc

Security was “left out” for version 1 in this 4-year EU project, but threats were considered

Data security can reuse existing solutions of authentication/encryption With proviso that it is not possible to rely on a synchronously available trusted third party

Some new threats to privacy Neighbourhood visibility means trackability Name graphs could include quite private information

Incentives to cooperate an issue Why should I spend any bandwidth/energy on your stuff?

Page 41: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Implementation Status

Implemented in Java for XP and Linux Ported to Windows Mobile using C# (Java also runs)

Code at Connectivity: WiFi, GPRS, (Bluetooth, SMS) Protocol: P2P, SMTP, POP, HTTP, (Search) Data: SQL, In-Memory, (SQLite) Name, Resource, Forwarding: “Good defaults”

Forwarding Algs: Direct, Epidemic, (…) Apps: Email, Web (both via proxies)

Page 42: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Eiko Yoneki, Ioannis

Baltopoulos and Jon Crowcroft

University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory

Systems Research Group

D3N* Programming Distributed

Computation in Pocket Switched Networks

Extra slides…

* Data Driven Declarative Networking

Page 43: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Declarative is new idea in networkinge.g. Search: ‘what to look for’ rather than ‘how to look for’

Abstract complexity in networking/data processing

P2: Building overlay using OverlogNetwork properties specified declaratively

LINQ: extend .NET with language integrated operations for query/store/transform data

DryadLINQ: extends LINQ similar to Google’s Map-ReduceAutomatic parallelization from sequential declarative code

Opis: Functional-reactive approach in OCaml

Declarative Networking

Page 44: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

How to program distributed computation? Use Declarative Networking

Use of Functional Programming Simple/clean semantics, expressive, inherent parallelism

Queries/Filer etc. can be expressed as higher-order functions that are applied in a distributed setting

Runtime system provides the necessary native library functions that are specific to each device

Prototype: F# + .NET for mobile devices

D3N Data-Driven Declarative Networking

Page 45: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Functions are first-class values They can be both input and output of other functions

They can be shared between different nodes (code mobility)

Not only data but also functions flow Language syntax does not have state

Variables are only ever assigned once; hence reasoning about programs becomes easier

(of course message passing and threads encode states)

Strongly typed Static assurance that the program does not ‘go wrong’ at runtime unlike script languages

Type inference Types are not declared explicitly, hence programs are less verbose

D3N and Functional Programming I

Page 46: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Integrated features from query languageAssurance as in logical programming

Appropriate level of abstractionImperative languages closely specify the implementation details (how); declarative languages abstract too much (what)

Imperative – predictable result about performance

Declarative language – abstract away many implementation issues

D3N and Functional Programming II

Page 47: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Overview of D3N Architecture


Each node is responsible for storing, indexing, searching, and delivering data

Primitive functions associated with core D3N calculus syntax are part of the runtime system

Prototype on MS Mobile .NET

Page 48: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

D3N Syntax and Semantics I

Very few primitives Integer, strings, lists, floating point numbers and other primitives are recovered through constructor application

Standard FP features Declaring and naming functions through let-bindings

Calling primitive and user-defined functions (function application)

Pattern matching (similar to switch statement) Standard features as ordinary programming languages (e.g. ML or Haskell)


Page 49: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

D3N Syntax and Semantics II

Advanced features Concurrency (fork) Communication (send/receive primitives)

Query expressions (local and distributed select)


Page 50: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

D3N Language (Core Calculus Syntax)


// Registering a proximity event listenerEvent.register( Event.OnEncounter, fun d:device -> if d.nID = “B” && distance(self,d) < 3 then dispatch NodeEncountered(d);)

Page 51: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Runtime System Language relies on a small runtime system

Operations implemented in the runtime system written in F#

Each node is responsible on data: Storing Indexing Searching Delivering Data has Time-To-Live (TTL) Each node propagates data to the other nodes. A search query w/TTL travels within the network until it expires

When the node has the matching data, it forwards the data Each node gossips its own metadata when it meets other nodes


Page 52: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Kernel Event Handler Kernel maintains

An event queue (queue) A list of functions for each event (fenc, fdep)

Kernel processes It removes an event from the front of the queue (e)

Pattern matches against the event type Calls all the registered functions for the particular event


Page 53: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Queries are part of source level syntax Distributed execution (single node programmer model)

Familiar syntax

Example: Query to Networks

select name from poll() where institute = “Computer Laboratory”


|> filter (fun r -> = “Computer Laboratory”)

|> map (fun r ->



Message: (code, nodeid, TTL, data)





Page 54: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Example: Vote among Nodes


// Registering a proximity event listenerEvent.register( Event.OnEncounter, fun d:device -> if d.nID = “B” && distance(self,d) < 3 then dispatch NodeEncountered(d);)

Voting application: implements a distributed voting protocol of choosing location for dinner

Rules Each node votes once A single node initiates the application Ballots should not be counted twice No infrastructure-base communication is available or it is too expensive

Top-level expression Node A sends the code to all nodes Nodes map in parallel (pmap) the function voteOfNode to their local data, and send back the result to A

Node A aggregates (reduce) the results from all nodes and produces a final tally

Page 55: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Sequential Map function (smap)


// Registering a proximity event listenerEvent.register( Event.OnEncounter, fun d:device -> if d.nID = “B” && distance(self,d) < 3 then dispatch NodeEncountered(d);)

Inner working It sends the code to execute on the remote node

It blocks waiting for a response waiting from the node

Continues mapping the function to the rest of the nodes in a sequential fashion

An unavailable node blocks the entire computation

Page 56: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Parallel Map Function (pmap)


Inner working Similar to the sequential case The send/receive for each node happen in a separate thread

An unavailable node does not block the entire computation




Page 57: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Reduce Function


// Registering a proximity event listenerEvent.register( Event.OnEncounter, fun d:device -> if d.nID = “B” && distance(self,d) < 3 then dispatch NodeEncountered(d);)

Inner working The reduce function aggregates the results from a map

The reduce gets executed on the initiator node All results must have been received before the reduce can proceed

Page 58: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Voting Application Code


Page 59: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Cascaded Map Function


// Registering a proximity event listenerEvent.register( Event.OnEncounter, fun d:device -> if d.nID = “B” && distance(self,d) < 3 then dispatch NodeEncountered(d);)

Social Graph can be exploited for map function Logical topology extracted from social networks

Construct a minimum spanning tree with node A

Use tree as navigation of task












(a) Social Graph

(b) Nodes for Map at A



(c) Nodes for Map at B

Page 60: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Outlook and Future Work

// Registering a proximity event listenerEvent.register( Event.OnEncounter, fun d:device -> if d.nID = “B” && distance(self,d) < 3 then dispatch NodeEncountered(d);)

Current reference implementation: F# targeting .NET platform taking advantage of a vast collection of .NET libraries for implementing D3N primitives

Future work: Security issues are currently out of the scope of this paper. Executable code migrating from node to node

Validate and verify the correctness of the design by implementing a compiler targeting various mobile devices

Disclose code in public domain Email: [email protected]

Page 61: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Prototype Application: Email



Email client on Haggle




Email client on Haggle


Haggle DOs

Haggle Data Objectencapsulated in email

Standard email client Haggle provides

localhost SMTP and POP servers

Emails become FO/DO/NOs

Protocols SMTP marks email

addrs “nearby” when Internet is available

P2P marks MAC addrs “nearby” when visible

POP creates “task” to receive email when Internet visible (allows dynamic email check interval…)

Page 62: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Prototype Application: Web



Web client

Web server




Object request


http http

HTTP request becomes DO filter for URL Standard web clients used Haggle acts as web proxy

Handled via: Local DOs (including data

being routed for others) HTTP protocol to Internet P2P protocol to

neighbours Extension: search

Search page translated into DO filter on content not URL

Search protocol indirects via search engine and gets top N links

Page 63: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Email Performance

Haggle/both is in between, with more variability

Due to neighbour sensing, email checking, etc causing 802.11 to switch between AP and adhoc mode often

Being addressed with MultiNet approach [Chandra,Bahl2]

Also exploring >1 network type (e.g. add GPRS)





W/out HaggleHaggle/infraHaggle/ad hoc


End-to-end email time (s)






Haggle/infrastructure and w/out-Haggle are comparable (i.e. proxying etc adds acceptably low overhead)

Haggle/ad hoc wins – not just in elapsed time but also because email account would not accept >5Mb attachments

Page 64: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Future work idea:Resource-aware media sharing

Devices could do a lot of media sharing proactively

Downloading public content predictively (e.g. webpages)

Backing up/keeping multiple caches of personal content (e.g. photos, media)

Sharing media with friends/family/public But resource management is crucial

Contrast laptop in docking station to laptop on plane

Proactive tasks can exhaust battery life easily Current architecture does not suffice

IP stack is difficult to configure with user priorities (e.g. when should smart phone use GPRS and when WiFi?)

Current file system makes it hard for apps to fill disk with “predictive” content

Page 65: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Using Haggle forresource-aware media sharing

Haggle can store application data predictively and evict it if “more important” data comes along Keep your photo albums in empty laptop space Keep “public” media in TiVo-like fashion

Haggle makes forwarding decisions with knowledge of resource consumption and application priorities Doesn’t ship holiday snaps over GPRS from Australia

Haggle can share data with neighbours, facilitating use of free fast local connectivity wherever possible Syncing without ActiveSync

Page 66: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Backup Empirical Stuff…

Page 67: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Implication of Power Law Coefficient

Large coefficient => Smaller delay Consider 2-hops relaying [tse/grossglauser]

analysis [TechRep] Denote power law coefficient as For > 2

Any stateless algorithm achieves a finite expected delay. For > (m+1)/m and #{nodes} ≥2m :

There exist a forwarding algorithm with m copies and a finite expected delay.

For < 1No stateless algorithm (even flooding) achieve a bounded delay (Orey’s theorem).

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Frequency of sightings and pairwise contact

Page 69: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

What do we see?

Nodes are not equal, some active and some not Does not agree with current mobility model, equally distributed.

iMotes are seen more often than external address

More iMotes pair contact Identify Sharing Communities to improve forwarding algorithm

Page 70: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Influence of time of day

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What do we see?

Still a power law distribution for any three-hour period of the day

Different power law coefficient for different time Maybe different forwarding algorithm for different time of the day

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Consequences for mobile networking

Mobility models needs to be redesigned Exponential decay of inter contact is wrong

Mechanisms tested with that model need to be analyzed with new mobility assumptions

Stateless forwarding does not work Can we benefit from heterogeneity to forward by communities ?

Should we consider different algorithm for different time of the day?

Page 73: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Human Hubs: PopularityReality


Infocom06 HK

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Forwarding Scheme Design SpaceExplicit Social Structure

Structure in Degree

Structure in Cohesive Group


Rank, Degree

Clique Label


Network Plane






Page 75: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Social Structure Based Forwarding in DTNs & MANETs

Social Structure Based Forwarding in DTNs & MANETs


Majority of DTN routing based on epidemic, optimized flooding algorithms:• Limited number of copies• Context-based [PROPHET] • Use of mobility [FERRY]

Social Structure Based Forwarding:

RANK: Centrality based forwarding. Each node has global and local ranking of popularity

LABEL: Community based forwarding

BUBBLE RAP: Combination of centrality and community

BUBBLE RAP: Use of social hubs (e.g. celebrities and postman) as betweenness centrality and combining community structure for improved forwarding efficiency.

Implementation as a forwarding component of Haggle ( framework. Haggle provides data centric opportunistic networking with persistence of search, delay tolerance and opportunism.Metrics and Forwarding:

Preferred neighbors can be •clique based on distributed detection, or explicit label (e.g. same squad).•based on centrality in detected graph.

Bubble combines both.


Page 76: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Social Structure Based Forwarding in DTNs & MANETs (Cont)

Social Structure Based Forwarding in DTNs & MANETs (Cont)

BUBBLE will be effective for hierarchical community structure. To be evaluated.

Scaled Haggle experiments (up to 200 devices) in the university campus is in plan. This will demonstrate BUBBLE-LABEL performance in real world.

76Social Based Forwarding (e.g. use of community structure and centrality) shows

significant improvement for forwarding efficiency

BUBBLE performance versus flood or wait or pure LABEL: Cost reduction in BUBBLE is significant.

Page 77: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

Use affiliation+hubs to fwd inter+intra cliques

Page 78: Clean Slate Ubicomp Device System Architecture Jon Crowcroft, jac22.

The End!

Some NOs for you: [email protected]

Thanks for listening Any questions?