Classified contents of The Indexer, 1958-1995 · Classified contents of The Indexer, 1958-1995...


Transcript of Classified contents of The Indexer, 1958-1995 · Classified contents of The Indexer, 1958-1995...

Classified contents of The Indexer,


Compiled by Hazel K Bell

Only major articles are included in this list; not reviews, conference and awards reports, news, or short pieces.

Items in most sections are listed in chronological order of publication. Countries and languages, literary figures and the

subjects of biographies are listed alphabetically.

Article titles are followed by the authors' names; place of appearance is indicated by volume and page numbers.

Volumes are dated as shown below, with page numbers beginning in each issue as shown:

Classified contents: headings

1. Archives and databases

2. Bibliographies and reference works

3. Biographies and literary figures

4. Countries and languages

5. Design and layout

6. History of indexing

7. Indexing systems, standards and methods: Lisa; PRECIS; Standards

8. Information technology application: CD-ROMs; Electronic mss; Hypertext; Multimedia

9. Practice of indexing: Aboutness; Alphabetization; Bias; Evaluation; Humour; Indexer-author-publisher relations;

Legal aspects; Principles and techniques; Training; Users

10. Services

11. Subject specialisms:

12. Types of indexes:

Archaeology; Architecture/ planning; Art; Children's books; Fiction; Geography; History;

Language; Law; Medicine; Music; Names; Philately; Religion and theology;

Science and technology

Bibliographic indexing; Citation indexing; Cumulation; Diaries; Encyclopaedias; Letters;

Museums; Newspapers; Periodicals; Photographs and films; Poetry, hymns and psalms


(see also 12: Museums)

Archive indexing. L C Johnson 4.105-8

Indexing archives. Richard A Storey


Structure in database indexing. James D

Anderson 12.3-13

Computer-assisted production of

bibliographic databases in history. Joyce

Duncan Falk 12.131-9

Computer-assisted database indexing: the

state of the art. Gail M Hodges 19.23-7

The programme index and script library of

the BBC. Joanna Clark 11.149-51

Information systems at the Business

Archives Council. Celia Jackson 14.257-8

The Churchill College Archives Centre.

Marion M Stewart 13.43-7

Indexing the Domesday Project. David Lee


European Research Centres — indexing a

new database. Ann Edwards 13.37-9

Ms Britannia a personality?1: some questions

arising while indexing the Imperial War

Museum's collections. Roger Smither


Chemical and numerical indexing for the

INSPEC database. J C Deaves & J E Pache


Streamlining PRECIS just for laughs!

(Musee... pour rire). C Jacobs & C

Arsenault. 19.88-92

Putting the horse before the cart: rapid

access to data banks by the SIGNPOSTS

method. Audrey M Adams 18.3-9

The Indexer Vol. 20No.3 April 1997 141

Classified contents of The Indexer, 1958-1995

Indexing and cataloguing the Walt Disney

Archives. David R Smith 15.154-6

The archives of the Worshipful Company

of Stationers. Michael Robertson 17.269-70



Indexes and indexing. E F Steiner-Prag and

J M Jacobstein 1.48-9

Indexers' reference books. Bruce S C

Harling 7.151-5; supplementary titles 8.61

Reference books for American indexers.

Ruth M Hines 8.56-60

The role of thesauri in mechanized systems.

Alan Gilchrist 9.146-54

Subject bibliographies in information work.

KBoodson 10.15-23

Indexing Walford. Geoffrey Hamilton


English-language dictionaries, past and

present. Philip Bradley 15.99-107

Reference books for indexers. KGB

Bakewell 15.131-40

Thesauri — their uses for indcxers. Pat F

Booth 15.141-4

A founding father: Frederick Ruffner and

the GALE research Co. Philip Bradley


A bibliometric study of indexing and

abstracting 1876-1976. Ming-Yueh Tsay


The Oxford thesaurus: British and American

editions. Philip Bradley 18.192-4

Current-awareness bibliography: regular

instalments — compiled by Hans H

Wellisch volumes, 15-16(1986-89);

compiled by Jean Wheeler, volumes 18-



Indexing a biography. L E C Hughes 1. 111

No room at the top. G V Carey 2.120-3

Some personalities: Sherlock Holmes;

Mary Petherbridge; Sidney & Beatrice

Webb. Margaret Anderson 7.19-23

Indexing biographies: lives do bring their

problems. Hazel K Bell 16.168-72

Indexing biographies: the main character.

Hazel K Bell 17.43-4

Books without indexes. Samuel Austin

Allibone 5.191

A glossy index (Lady Cynthia Asquith's

Diaries) 18.47

Index makers: Samuel Ayscough 15.157-8

Caliban as indexer (Hilaire Belloc). John A

Vickers 16.205

Indexes past: Marie Antoinette (Hilaire

Belloc) 16.268

Dr Powell's index to Bos well's Life of

Johnson. E S de Beer 5.135-39

Indexes past: Index of 1900 to Boswell's

Life of Johnson. 13.32

A book very much to your credit': the index

to the private edition of Boswell's papers.

Judy Batchelor 14.114

The Burney papers — or, where does an

index begin? Althea Douglas 14.241-8

Indexes past: The anatomy of melancholy

(Robert Burton) 19.192

Indexes past: Alps and sanctuaries of

Piedmont and the Canton Ticino (Samuel

Butler) 13.259

Indexing fiction: a story of complexity

(novels of A S Byatt). Hazel K Bell


The unconventional index and its merits (on

Joachim Camerarius' analysis of Diirer's

'Melancolia I'). William S Heckscher


Clemency Canning. G Norman Knight


Skims, ancient and modern. G V Carey


Indexes past: Latter-Day pamphlets

(Thomas Carlyle) 12.143

Lewis Carroll as indexer. Hans H Wellisch


Indexing the life of Sir Winston Churchill.

G Norman Knight 5.58-63

The making of an index: F Howard Collins.

Michael Robertson 18.237-43

Sir Edward Cook's 'Art of Indexing'

(1918). Michael Robertson 19.31-3

How 1 indexed Dickens's letters. James

Thornton 4.119-22

Distortion and mutilation — it can happen

to us (index to biography of Charles

Dickens). Hazel K Bell 18.40-1

Bias in indexing (on Laurence Echard /

John Oldmixon) 9.27-30

Father of the man (George Fox). John A

Vickers 17.20

Early multilingual and multiscript indexes in

herbals (of Leonhart Fuchs and Conrad

Gessner). Hans H Wellisch 11.81-102

Indexing Gladstone: from 5 x 3" cards to

computer and database. HCG Matthew


The mystery of the indexer's elephants

(Oliver Goldsmith). Anthony Raven


The modern index to Richard Hakluyt's

Principall Navigations. Alison M Quinn


On editing and indexing a series of letters

(of Sir Robert Hart). Katherine Frost

Bruner 14.42-6

A P H (Herbert)'s humorous indexes. G

Norman Knight. 6.108-15

Index makers: Georgette Heyer 17.46

What, no index? Constant Lambert


Leacock on indexing. Peter Greig 8.201-3

A Machiavellian index (to Livy's

Decades). Hans H Wellisch 18.86 (Both also

in Early humanist indexing. 14.58)

Indexes past: The Biglow papers (James

Russell Lowell) 19.290-1

Indexes past: London Labour and the

London poor (Henry Mayhew). 14.53-5

Moreana — after twenty years (Thomas

More). William S Heckscher 14.122

First and last lines (Ogden Nash). John A

Vickers 16.103

Could still do better: the revised index to the

Newman biography. John A Vickers


Nietzsche as indexer. August A Imholtz


Indexing Pepys's diary. Robert & Rosalind

Latham 12.34-5

'The index to the definitive Pepys'. Robert

Latham 14.88-90

Index makers: Samuel Pepys 17.285

Index makers: Mary Petherbridge


'Thankless task' accomplished for Pym.

Hazel Bell 14.189

No thankless task: Barbara Pym as

indexer. Hazel Holt 15.236-7

Cook & Wedderburn's index to Ruskin's

Works. James Thornton 5.154-8

Index for afterthoughts: John Ruskin's Fors

Clavigera. 14.124

A long fiction index (to Walter Scott's

Waverley novels). Philip Bradley 8.153-63

A Shavian index (G B Shaw). 15.26-7

Swift on indexing. John A Vickers 17.32

Fishing for information (Izaac Walton).


The strange affair of the resurrection of

(Evelyn) Waugh. 16.191

Henry Benjamin Wheatley. Evelyn K

Green 4.115-16

Bibliography of works by H B Wheatley. L

MHarrod. 4.116-17; 5.35-7

In memoriam: H B W (Wheatley). E L C

Mullins 8.94-7

Index makers: Charlotte Yonge 17.160



The indexing procedures of the Foreign

Language index. R L Collison 9.154-9

Indexing in Southern Africa. R F Kennedy


Islamic (Arabic) names. E E G L Searight


The alphabetization of Islamic (Arabic)

names 7.123

Islamic (Arabic) filing. W Behn & P Greig.


Languages of Asia, with special reference to

the Islamic world. J D Pearson 11.63-7

Indexing Asian names. Nasreen Akhtar


Room for improvement in Australia. H

Godfrey Green 8.2-5

A survey of Australian indexing. Clyde

Garrow 12.22-6

Indexing in a State Parliamentary Library

(Australia). Josephine McGovern


Indexing in Canada: local indexing and

commercial services. P Greig & J A Tracy


Book indexing in Canada. Peter Greig


Word from Canada. Mary Dykstra 11.202-4

Activities of the Canadian Society. Peter E

Greig 12.36-8

142 The Indexer Vol. 20No.3 April 1997

Classified contents of The Indexer, 1958-1995

Selected linguistic problems in indexing

within the Canadian context. Lisa

Rasmussen 18.87-91

The indexing of Chinese names. H D Talbot


The Chinese are against indexes. H D

Talbot 6.123

Hanyu Pinyin. Mary Piggolt 11.156

An overview of the indexing and abstracting

services in China. Lei Zeng 17.99-107

On indexing the heritage of North Cyprus:

a personal approach. Rosamond Hanworth


Indexing of alternative place-names

(especially in the Near East). H V

Molesworth-Roberts 6.179

Entry word in Ethiopian names. Kebreab W

Giorgis 9.119-21

Indexers in Europe. Hazel K Bel! 17.233-4

Indexing in and for Europe: a user's

perspective. Helen E Chandler 18.92-4

Foreign concepts: indexing and indexes on

the Continent (of Europe). Michael

Robertson 19.160-72

Reverse alphabetical indexing (of French

verbs). PJWexler 18.9

Indexes of German-language biomedical

abstracting journals. Joachim Thuss 14.35-41

One index or two? Some observations on

integrated indexes to classical Greek texts. J

H Bowman 18.225-30

Indexing Irish grammars. M Christine

McLaughlin 19.93-8

Indexing of bilingual directories published

by the National Council for Research and

Development, Israel. Lydia Vilentchuk


Indexing in Israel: encouraging progress. M

Z Barkai 8.6-9

Case history of the compilation of a large

cumulative index (to A Venturi's Storia

dell'arte Italiana). Jacqueline D Sisson


Romanization of Japanese 8.93

Indexing services in Nigeria. S O Oyesola


Researchers' attitudes to newspaper

indexing in Nigeria. L O Aina 16.97-8

Indexing of books in Nigeria: some

observations. C O Nwodo & H C

Otokunefor 16.249-50

Newspaper indexing in Nigerian libraries. E

EOkorafor 17.35-8

Indexing services in Nigeria: problems and

prospects. B U Nwafor 17.185-8

Spanish surnames. A T Hall 5.112-13

Indexing Tibetan names: some suggestions.

E E G L Searight 3.64-6

American Standards Association: Z39

Subcommittee on Indexing 1.42-7

Book indexing in the United States. Robert

J Palmer 5.64-9

Biographical profiles [of American Society

of Indexers officers]. Anne J Richter


An experiment with bilingual subject

headings (US immigrants). Paul E Vesenyi


American indexers in the 1990s. Nancy C

Mulvany 17.91-5

Book indexing in the USSR. Robert J

Palmer 8.99-100

Indexing the Great Soviet Encyclopaedia.


The indexing of Welsh place-names.

Donald Moore 15.3-8

The indexing of Welsh personal names.

Donald Moore 17.12-20


The typography of indexes. S I Wicklen


Page numbers. A symposium. 4.109-14

The typography of indexes. Robin Kinross


Card indexes or printed pages: physical

substrates in index evaluation. E J Coates


Style manual for authors, editors and

printers of Australian government

publications. L M Harrod 11.232-4

Printer and indexer. Hugh Williamson


The design of indexes. Nan Ridehalgh


How the publishers want it to look. Jean

Simpkins 17.41-2


Book indexing in Great Britain: a brief

history. G Norman Knight 6.14-18

Some personalities: Sidney & Beatrice

Webb. Margaret Anderson 7.20-22

The beginnings of indexing and abstracting:

some notes towards a history of indexing

and abstracting in antiquity and the Middle

Ages. Francis J Witty 8.193-8

Early multilingual and multiscript indexes in

herbals. Hans H Wellisch 11.81-102

index'— the word, its history, meanings

and usages. Hans H Wellisch 13.147-51

A history of indexing technology. Martha

Comog 13.152-7

The indexes of 18th and early 19th-century

magazines. Althea Douglas 14.160-3

The oldest printed indexes. Hans H Wellisch


Printed indexes to early British periodicals.

Peter Johnson 16.147-55

Incunabula indexes. Hans H Wellisch




Some ideas on indexing. J Edwin

Holmstrom 1.96-103

Some procedures in indexing. J Edwin

Holmstrom 2.20-30

Let's have an improvement in British book

indexes. John Bryon 5.43-5

An unusual method of making a book index

(thumb-indexed notebook). Symposium.


An unusual method of making a book index

(narrow strips). Lindsay Verrier 6.118-22

Infofair. I Shaman 7.5-12

Some personalities: Sidney & Beatrice

Webb. Margaret Anderson 7.19-23

Infofair/Infoforum. I Shamah 8.53-5

The use of KWIC to index the proceedings

of a public inquiry. Peter A Thomas


Selective indexing. Symposium 9.59-65

Indexing methods used by some abstracting

and indexing services. KGB Bakewell


A curriculum in indexing and abstracting.

Richard A Davis 10.75-7

The Subject Access project. Carolynn E Bett


Evaluating index systems. John J Regazzi


Developing a system of indexing surnames

in the Home Office. John L Rush 12.81-2

Patent classification and information

retrieval services. Andrew Bayer 12.117-24

A history of indexing technology. Martha

Cornog 13.152-7

Information systems at the Business

Archives Council. Celia Jackson 14.257-8

Indexing: old methods, new concepts.

Dwight D Tousignant 15.197-204

Prestel using from the user's point of view,

Robin Yeates 16.7-10

Back-of-the-book indexing with the nested

phrase indexing system. James D Anderson

& Gary Radford 16.79-84

Putting the horse before the cart: rapid

access to data banks by the SIGNPOSTS

method. Audrey M Adams 18.3-9

Why postcoordination fails the searcher.

Bella HassWeinberg 19.155-9

Indexing Gladstone: from 5x3" cards to

computer and database. H C G Matthew


Computer-assisted indexing of loose-leaf

supplements. Elizabeth M Moys. 19.283-6


Indexing LISA: chains, KISS and the bold

approach. Tom Edwards 9.133-45

LISA: anatomy of an abstracting service.

Daphne M Tomlinson 15.83-6

LISA indexing: economic aspects of

controlled indexing. Nicholas Lister Moore



The PRECIS indexing system. KGB

Bakewell 9.160-6

Syntactic and semantic relationships — or: a

review of PRECIS. P F Broxis 10.54-9

A US indexer attends a PRECIS indexing

workshop. Barbara M Preschel 10.111-15

Streamlining PRECIS just for laughs! C

Jacobs & C Arsenault. 19.88-92


American Standards Association: Z39

Subcommittee on Indexing 1.42-7

Standards for indexes to learned and

scientific periodicals 2.63-4

Index to a periodical volume. G J Narayana

and K Ramaswami 4.59-66/89

The Indexer Vol. 20No.3 April 1997 143

Classified contents of The Indexer, 1958-1995

Standards update: ANSI Committee Z39.

Fred Blum 9.113-15

Documentation Standards at BS1. Michael


The British Standards Institution and its

recommendations for indexes. L M Harrod/

MaryPiggott 10.186-91

Documentation standards. Mary Piggott


BS 3700 revision. KGB Bakewcll 16.42-4

News of British Standards. Mary Piggott


Towards a new international standard on

indexing. KGB Bakewell 17.127-8



A computer code for alphabet!ng. Theodore

C Hines 5.23-6

Practical preparation of internal indexes.

Clifford JMaloney 5.81-90

Approaches to library filing by computer.

Jean MPerrcault 5.169-88

Computerized data processing for British

Technology Index. E J Coates 6.97-101

Computers and indexes. Helen M Townley


Computer-aided production of book

indexes. Theodore C Hines and J L Harris


Computer-organized display of subject

information. Michael F Lynch 7.94-100

The moving finger, or: the future of

indexing. RD Gee 7.101-13

A computer-generated index technique.

Brenda Hall 8.130-8

Computer-aided production of the subject

index to the SMRE bibliography. M Belton


The role of thesauri in mechanized systems.

Alan Gilchrist 9.146-54

Computerized indexing need not be

impossible. Colin L Bell & Kevin P Jones


Microcomputer-aided production of indexes.

Theodore C Hines & Lois Winkcl


The preparation of a computer-generated

concordance. Michael G Farringdon


Computer-aid for philatelic indexing.

Roberta Palcn 12.207-9

Microcomputers for home indexing. A

Campbell Purton 13.27-31

Subject indexes — production and use in the

IT age. KGB Bakewell 13.249-51

Microcomputer-based indexing and

abstracting. Mary FTomaselli 14.30-4

Changing technologies: impact on

information: the case of string indexing.

Timothy C Craven 14.235-6

Getting started in computerized indexing.

Kevin P Jones 15.9-13

Natural-language processing and automatic

indexing. C Korycinski and Alan F Newel 1


Software tools for indexing: what we need.

Nancy C Mulvany 17.108-13

Natural-language processing and automatic

indexing — a reply. Kevin P Jones


Limitations of indexing modules in

word-processing software. Cecelia

Wittmann 17.235-8

The practicalities of document conversion.

Ian Galbraith 18.118-19

Technological hominid. Hazel K Bell


Text retrieval '92. C Lavell/K P Jones


Direct electronic access to a large clippings

library. Michael Steemson 19.19-21

Computer-assisted database indexing: the

state of the art. Gail M Hodges 19.23-7

Has the CyberEmperor no clothes? T G

McFadden 19.81-2

Angst and anticipation; how will traditional

information services fit in the new

information age? Ronald G Dunn 19.184-8


CD-ROMs and after. Alexander Macmillan


CD-ROM periodical indexes: better

evaluation necessary. Martin Goldberg.


Electronic mss

Author-printer harmony with SGML. J D

Painter 16.99-100

Submitting work on disks: authors'

stipulations. Jane Dorner 18.35-6


Hit this key to continue: hypertext. M

Roberlson/J Dorncr 18.196-7

Indexing in hypertext environments: the role

of user models. Michael Forrester. 19.249-56


Indexing the Domesday Project. David Lee




Why indexing fails the researcher. Bella

Hass Weinberg 16.3-6

Academic indexing: what's it all about?

RossJTodd 18.101-4

Subject analysis and indexing: from

automated indexing to domain analysis.

Hanne Albrechtsen 18.219-24

Is there anybody there? David Crystal


All in the mind: concept analysis in

indexing. John Farrow 19.243-7


Memorandum on the method of

alphabetization laid down by the Draft

British Standard for Indexes. Neil R Fisk


A computer code for alphabcling. Theodore

C Hines 5.23-6

The origins of the order of the letters. David

Diringcr 6.54-8

The alphabetization of prepositions in

indexes. Hans H Wellisch 12.90-2

Alphabetization in indexes. J Hartley, L

Davies & P Burnhill 12.149-53

Some indexing decisions in the Cambridge

encyclopedia family. David Crystal



(see also Humour)

Bias in indexing (on John

Oldmixon/Laurence Echard) 9.27-30

Bias in indexing (on Bernard Levin) 12.54

Bias in indexing (on book on prisons) 13.106

Indexes past: Alps and sanctuaries of

Piedmont and the Canton Ticino. 13.259

Misrepresentation — passim. 14.56

A Shavian index. 15.26-7

Sisterly indexing (on Dale and Lynne

Spender). 15.167

Bias in indexing and loaded language. Hazel

KBcll 17.173-7

Scholarly search for the truth. M Mallory &

GMoran 19.99-101


Two, B or not 2 B? Lorena A Garloch 1.71 -6

Some requirements of good indexes.

Richard Bancroft 4.17-20

Criteria for awarding the Wheatley Medal


What is a good index? F H C Tatham 8.23-8

The perfect index. John L Thornton 8.206-9

The inadequacies of book indexes.

Symposium 9.1-9

Selective indexing. Symposium 9.57-65

How to recognize a good index. Geoffrey

Hamilton 10.49-53

Evaluating index systems: a review after

Cranfield. John J Regazzi 12.14-21

Saints and indexers. Ernest Rubinstein 12.21

The unconventional index and its merits.

William S Heckscher 13.6-25

Assessing indexes. Jean Simpkins 14.179-80

Index, how not to. John A Vickers 15.163-6

Sic, sic, sic! Jean Simpkins 16.104-5

Subheadings in award-winning book

indexes: a quantitative evaluation. Cecelia

Wittmann 17.3-6

Authors as their own indexers. Mary Piggott


Could still do better: the revised index to the

Newman biography. John A Vickers


Unacademic indexing. John A Vickers


Oh, dear, what can the matter be this time?

John A Vickers 18.155-6


(see also Bias)

Humour in indexing. E M Hatt 3.60-3

Humorous indexes: The stuffed owl. Hazel

K Bell 6.174-5

A P H (Herbert)'s humorous indexes. G

Norman Knight. 6.108-15

Leacock on indexing. Peter Greig 8.201-3

What, no index? Constant Lambert 14.177-8

Sic, sic, sic! Jean Simpkins 16.104-5

144 The Indexer Vol. 20No.3 April 1997

Classified contents of The Indexer, 1958-1995

Caliban as indexer (Hilaire Belloc). John A

Vickers 16.205

Lewis Carroll as indexer. Hans H Wcllisch


Indexer-author-publisher relations

The indexcr as proof corrector. M D

(Margaret) Anderson 3.163

Commissioning the index. James Negus


Skims, ancient and modern. G V Carey


Why I am an indexer. Symposium 6.165-73

The editor and the indexer. Liz Stalcup


The author, the publisher and the indexer.

Oliver Stallybrass 7.156-71

Naming the indexer. G N Knight/F H C


Indexer-publisher relations: a two-way

street. Dee Atkinson 8.172-4

Indexing and indexers from a publisher's

angle. Bruce Wilcock 10.92-4

The book, the book trade and the future.

MartynGoff 10.105-10

Relations between authors and indexcrs. M

D Anderson 10.137-8

The publisher's view of indexing. Archie R

Turnbull 10.203-6

The publisher as centaur. Archie R Turnbull


Indexing in the context of microform

publishing. C E Chadwyck-Healcy 12.73-8

Indexes for analysis and diagnosis. R J

Hyman 13.177-80

Getting the index right — roles and

responsibilities. BrcndaM. Hall 13.166-72

What you make it — freelancing for

beginners. Ann Edwards 13.239-41

Authors' attitudes to indexes. Symposium


An indexer's suggestions to (some)

publishers. M D Anderson 14.190

The business side of indexing. Elizabeth

Wallis 15.205-9

Author-printer harmony with SGML. J D

Painter 16.99-100

How I became an indexer. Symposium


A publisher's view of indcxers and

indexing. Claire Andrews 16.189-91

Publishing in the 1990s in the UK. Elizabeth

Wallis 17.96-8

Authors as their own indcxers. Mary Piggott


How indexers operate. Symposium 17.280-2

Submitting work on disks: authors'

stipulations. Jane Dorner 18.35-6

Self-indexing T P Hutchinson 18.105-6

The author and the index. Nancy C Mulvany


Reflections on authorship and indexing.

Nancy C Mulvany 19.241-2

Index makers of today: Michael Robertson;

Michele Clarke. 19.208-9

Naming the indexer: where credit is due.

Elizabeth Wallis and Cherry Lavell.


Legal aspects

The problem of copyright: an indexcr's

triumph. G Norman Knight 7.17-18

Copyright in indexes 8.81-7

Man bytes index and (maybe) index bites

man — some notes on the Data Protection

Act. J Eric Davics 14.249-53

Copyright for indexcrs. Tamara Eisenschitz


Data protection and the indexer. A Sandison


Submitting work on disks: authors'

stipulations. Jane Dorner 18.35-6

Copyright and the indexer 18.163-4

Principles and techniques

The purpose of indexing. LR McColvin


Some snags in indexing. G Norman Knight


The length of book indexes. M D Anderson


The Society of Indexers as servant of the

world of letters. G V Carey 5.78-80

Practical preparation of internal indexes.

Clifford JMaloney 5.81-90

Indexing hints for beginners. Jessica M Kcrr


Chapter headings. M D Anderson 6.116-18

Introduction to book indexing. M D Law


Making an index to a specified length. M D

Anderson 7.121-2

How long should an index take? Sally Coole


Index traps and pitfalls. Charles L Bcrnier/C

M Flanagan 8.224-9

Index specifications. Charles L Bernier


Ethics and specifications 9.174-7

Emphasis indexing. Marc R D'AUcyrand


Indexing in the mid-seventies. Robert L

Collison 10.88-92

'Official' guidance on book indexes. L M

Harrod 10.124-30

Characteristics of book indexes for subject

retrieval in the humanities and social

science. B Gratch, B Settle & P Athcrton


Lateral thinking and indexing. Edward de

Bono 11.61-3

The human use of human indcxers.

Laurence Urdang 11.125-31

Structure in database indexing. James D

Anderson 12.3-13

'Indexes' and 'Indexing' in encyclopaedias.

Hans H Wellisch 12.113-16

Indexes for analysis and diagnosis. R J

Hyman 13.177-80

The index and the indexer in 'how to write a

book' books. Daniel Uchitelle 14.103-4

Censorship in indexing. Sheila S Intner


Indexing loose-leaf publications. Jean

Simpkins 14.259-60

Repagination: an exercise in creative

thinking. Geraldinc Beare 17.124-6

Bias in indexing and loaded language. Hazel

KBell 17.173-7

Cross-references in back-of-book indexes.

Virgil Diodato 17.178-84

The Ah!-factor. Hazel K Bell 17.191-2

The representation of symbols in an index.

Hans H Wcllisch 17.239-41

Repagination reconsidered. Hazel K Bell


Name of an author! Anne B Piternick


Academic indexing: what's it all about?

Ross JTodd 18.101-4

Research in indexing: more needed? KGB

Bakewell 18.147-51

Subject analysis and indexing: from

automated indexing to domain analysis.

Hanne Albrechtsen 18.219-24

Vive la difference! The survival of the

softest. Hazel K Bell 18.231-6

Duplicate entries vs. see cross-references in

back-of-book indexes. Virgil Diodato


Scholarly search for the truth. M Mallory &

GMoran 19.99-101

Poetry in indexes. Dena N Sher 19.102-4

Indexes: a chapter from The Chicago

manual of style. Bella Hass Weinberg


Indexer — poet or pedant? John A Vickers


On indexingT/ic heritage of North Cyprus: a

personal approach. Rosamond Hanworth


All in the mind: concept analysis in

indexing. John Farrow 19.243-7

Computer-assisted indexing of loose-leaf

supplements. Elizabeth M Moys. 19.283-6


Training for indexing. L M Harrod 8.50-3

The education of indexers. James D

Anderson 10.131-7

Teaching book and periodical indexing at

Liverpool. KGB Bakewell 12.189-94

Training in indexing. John A Gordon


Education in indexing in North America.

James D Anderson 13.92-100

Indexing in UK library schools: a survey.

OlwenTerris 15.89-90

Reflections on education of professional

indexers. John Simkin and Cherryl Schauder



User preferences in technical indexes. John

FDrage 6.151-5

The uses of indexes. John L Thornton


Teaching the young to use indexes. Cecilia

Gordon 13.181-2

Indexes from a user's viewpont. Alan Seal


Why indexing fails the researcher. Bella

HassWcinberg 16.3-6

Prestel using from the user's point of view.

Robin Yeates 16.7-10

The Indexer Vol. 20 No.3 April 1997 145

Classified contents of The Indexer, 1958-1995

User approaches to indexes. Jean Stirk


Researchers' attitudes to newspaper

indexing in Nigeria. L O Aina 16.97-8

The usefulness of indexes. Ben-Ami Lipetz


Indexing in and for Europe: a user's

perspective. Helen E Chandler 18.92-4

Is there anybody there? David Crystal


Why postcoordination fails the searcher.

Bella Hass Weinbcrg 19.155-9

Indexing in hypertext environments: the role

of user models. Michael Forrester. 19.249-56


Indexing in Canada: local indexing and

commercial services. P Greig & J A Tracy


Indexing methods used by some abstracting

and indexing services. KGB Bakcwell


Indexing services in Nigeria. S O Oyesola


Patent classification and information

rclrieval services. Andrew Bayer 12.117-24

LISA: anatomy of an abstracting service.

Daphne M Tomlinson 15.83-6

An overview of the indexing and abstracting

services in China. Lei Zeng 17.99-107

Indexing services in Nigeria: problems and

prospects. B U Nwafor 17.185-8

Angst and anticipation; how will traditional

information services fit in the new

information age? Ronald G Dunn 19.184-8


Fingerprint indexing. J W Godsell 4.41-7

The 1866 catalogue of the Board of Trade

Library: an early Wheatley catalogue. K A

Mallaber 7.42-5

'I copied all the letters in a big, round hand1:

indexing W S Gilbert. Geoffrey Dixon



Problems of archaclogical indexing. Cherry

Lavcll 12.175-84

Indexing of a computerized bibliography for

London's archaeology. Audrey Adams


Compiling a general index to Sussex

Archaeological Collections. Ann Hudson


A database of radiocarbon dates for

archaeology. Cherry Lavell 19.173-6

On indexing The heritage of North Cyprus:

a personal approach. Rosamond Hanworlh


Architecture/ planning

Indexing a local planning enquiry. Alison

Raisin 13.107-10

Indexing a Victorian architectural journal:

The Builder project. Ruth Richardson



The Index of Christian Art. Anna C

Esmeijer and William S Heckscher 3.97-119

Three encyclopaedia indexes (inc.

Encyclopedia of world art). Delight Ansley


Case history of the compilation of a large

cumulative index (to A Vcnturi's Storia

dell'arte Italiana). Jacqueline D Sisson


The unconventional index and its merits (on

a text analysing Diirer's 'Melancolia I').

WilliamS Heckscher 13.5-25

Scholarly search for the truth. M Mallory &

GMoran 19.99-101

Children's books

Indexes to children's books arc essential. H

B King 5.130-1

Indexing children's books. Brenda Miller


A survey of indexes in school library books.

HB King 8.210-13

The Cinderella of indexing: childrens books

and comics. E J Wallis 8.214-15

Reading to learn, and using the index.

Michael Marland 11.68-9

Index to characters in children's literature.

Arthur D Mortimore 11.152-3

Indexes of children's books in Australia.

Brenda Miller 12.29-33


Indexing science fiction. P Schuyler Miller


A long fiction index (to Scott's Waverley

novels). Philip Bradley 8.153-63

Compiling the first Fiction Index. Alan

Glencross 13.86-7

Compiling Cumulated fiction index

1975-1979. M E Hicken 13.88-9

Para-index and anti-index. Judy Batchelor


Indexes to works of fiction: the views of

producers and users on the need for them.

Philip Bradley 16.239-46

Indexing fiction: a story of complexity.

Hazel K Bell 17.251-6

Should fiction be indexed? The indexability

of text. Hazel K Bell 18.83-6

A Marshland index [works of S L

Bensusan]. John A Vickers. 19.276-8


Indexing of alternative place-names

(especially in the Near East). H V

Molesworth-Roberts 6.179

Cartographic indexing. Deborah M Smith


The indexing of Welsh place-names.

Donald Moore 15.3-8

Topographical indexing. J F W Bryon


All over the map. 18.152


Indexing deeds and documents. Robert L

Collison 5.113-23

The British Record Society — eighty years

of an index. Peter Spufford 6.19-23

Indexing Victoria's historic criminal

records. Jean Uhl 10.24-6

Indexing Victoria's shipping records.

Douglas Bishop 10.27-9

Twenty-five years of history indexing. Eric

HBoehm 11.33-42

Computer-assisted production of

bibliographic databases in history. Joyce

Duncan Falk 12.131-9

The indexing work of Family History

Societies. J S W Gibson 13.83-5

Indexes for local and family history. John

Chandler 13.223-7

Indexing ancient history. Robert D

Rodriguez 14.207-8

User approaches to indexes [Family

History]. Jean Stirk 16.75-8

Observations on the indexing of history.

Matthew Benjamin Gilmore 16.159-62


(see also Countries and Languages)

Syntactic and semantic relationships — or: a

review of PRECIS. P F Broxis 10.54-9

Linguistics and indexing. David Crystal


Indexing a reference grammar. David

Crystal 15.67-72

Natural-language processing and automatic

indexing. C Korycinski and Alan F Newell


Natural-language processing and automatic

indexing — a reply. Kevin P Jones


Bias in indexing and loaded language. Hazel

KBell 17.173-7

Selected linguistic problems in indexing

within the Canadian context. Lisa

Rasmussen 18.87-91


Legal indexing. A R Hewitt 3.136-45

Indexes old and new. G Chowdharay-Best


Indexing in a State Parliamentary Library.

Josephine McGovern 10.78-80/86

On citing Acts of Parliament and related

law. Richard Haig-Brown 11.205-8

Legal vocabulary and the indexer. Elizabeth

M Moys 18.75-8

The Consolidated Index to Law Reports.

Brian Symondson 18.79-82


The Journal of Anatomy: index to the first

hundred years 1866-1966. D Blake and R E

M Bowden 6.48-51

The indexing of medical books and journals.

John Gibson 13.173-5

Indexes of German-language biomedical

abstracting journals. Joachim Thuss 14.35-41

Medical abbreviations and acronyms.

Doreen Blake and John Gibson 14.205-6

Indexing medical journals. Doreen Blake


Indexing the British Medical Journal.

Richard Jones 19.13-18

146 The Indexer Vol.20No.3 April 1997

Classified contents of The Indexer, 1958-1995


Indexing gramophone records. E T Bryant


Notes on music indexing. J H Davies


Of music and indexing. Percy Young


Musical bumps: indexing musical terms.

Helga Perry 16.251-3

Where's that tune? Sarah J Crofts 19.189-91

Music: special characteristics for indexing

and cataloguing. Jane A Myers. 19.269-74


Arrangement of entries in Post Office

telephone directories 2.142-3

The hereditary peerage. Hebe Jcrrold 3.130

Indexing peers. M D Anderson 4.51

Post Office filing. M Gorman & G N Knight


Developing a system of indexing surnames

in the Home Office. John L Rush 12.81 -2

An Ordinary of Arms, Vol. II, 1902-1973.

Vivien Wilson 12.195-7

Coping with a title: the indexcr and the

British aristocracy. David Lee 17.155-60

Name of an author! Anne B Piternick



Computer-aid for philatelic indexing.

Roberta Palen 12.207-9

The National Philatelic Society indexing

project. Ian Crane. 18.33-4

Religion and theology

The Index of Christian Art. Anna C

Esmeijerand William S Heckscher 3.97-119

The Jewish Chronicle index 1841-. John M


Three encyclopaedia indexes (inc. New

Catholic encyclopedia). Delight Ansley


The index of the Encyclopaedia Judaica.


Indexing the works of John Wesley. John A

Vickers 10.176-7

On indexing John Wesley. John A Vickcrs


The oldest printed indexes (Si Augustine).

Hans H Wellisch 15.73-82

Father of the man (George Fox). John A

Vickers 17.20

A scriptural index to Hymns and Psalms.

Oliver A Beckerlegge 18.27-9

Science and technology

Technical indexing. L E J Helyar 2.134-7

Aims and methods of the British Technology

Index. E J Coalcs 3.146-52

A scientific examination of codification. F R

Gurney 4.67-80

An analytical index to documents on

aerodynamics. R C Wright 4.81-2

The indexing of scientific books. J Edwin

Holmstrom 4.123-31

Three encyclopaedia indexes (inc.

Encyclopedia of science and technology).

Delight Ansley 5.16-22

Citation indexing (Science Citation Index).

John Martyn5.5-15

Scientific and technical indexing. E J Coates


The World list of scientific periodicals.

Kenneth I Porter 5.70-8

Indexing technical matter. Neil R Fisk 6.42-7

User preferences in technical indexes. John

FDragc 6.151-5

The state of the indexing art in British

Engineering books. Bruce S C Harling


Technical indexing at BTI. Alan Singleton


Computer-based indexing systems:

implications for the book indexer. John J

Eyre 9.53-7

Division of labour in rapid indexing of

technical periodicals. J Edwin Holmstrom


Patent classification and information

retrieval services. Andrew Bayer 12.117-24

Computer-aided indexing of technical

manuals. Paul Hardy 15.22-4

Chemical and numerical indexing for the

INSPEC database. J C Deaves & J E Pache



Bibliographic indexing

Indexing science fiction. P Schuylcr Miller


Computer-aided production of the subject

index to the SMRE bibliography. M Belton


Indexing a bibliographical guide. K

Boodson 9.93-100

Computer-assisted production of

bibliographic databases in history. Joyce

Duncan Falk 12.131-9

Indexing of a computerized bibliography for

London's archaeology. Audrey Adams


Citation indexing

Citation indexing. John Martyn 5.5-15

The World list of scientific periodicals.

Kenneth I Porter 5.70-8

Citation indexing: uses and limitations.

Helen E Chandler and Vincent de P Roper


Name of an author! Anne B Pitcrnick



(see also Periodicals)

Case history of the compilation of a large

cumulative index (to A Venluri's Storia

deliarte Italiana). Jacqueline D Sisson


The cumulative index to the Annual Review

of Information Science and Technology.

Jessica L Harris 11.14-32

Compiling Cumulated fiction index

1975-1979. M E Hicken 13.88-9

The ISIS cumulative bibliography 1931-65.

MagdaWhitrow 13.158-65

New aids to cumulative periodical indexing.

Robert Fraser 13.228-31

Making the consolidated index of The

Oxford History of England. Richard Raper.


Multi-volume indexing of an economics

scries. Gary Hall 18.153-5


Indexing Pepys's diary. Robert & Rosalind

Latham 12.34-5

The index to the definitive Pepys. Robert

Latham 14.88-90

'Thankless task' accomplished for (Barbara)

Pym. Hazel K Bell 14.189

A glossy index (Lady Cynthia Asquith's

Diaries). 18.47


Three encyclopaedia indexes (art; New

Catholic; science and technology). Delight

Ansley 5.16-22

Indexing Chambers's encyclopaedia. M D

(Dorothy) Law 6.13-16

The index of the Encyclopaedia Judaica.

Raphael Posner 8.101-11

Indexing the Great Soviet encyclopaedia.

EmilPocock 9.180-4

Britannia revisited. C D Needham 10.116-23

The encyclopaedia of Islam and its index.

Hilda M Pearson 13.33-5

Indexing The Canadian encyclopedia

second edition. Ron and Eve Gardner


Some indexing decisions in the Cambridge

encyclopedia family. David Crystal



How I indexed Dickens's letters. James

Thornton 4.119-22

On editing and indexing a series of letters

(of Sir Robert Hart). Katherine Frost Bruner


The Burney papers — or, where does an

index begin? Althea Douglas 14.241-8


'Is Britannia a personality?': some questions

arising while indexing the Imperial War

Museum's collections. Roger Smither


The indexing of museum objects. Leonard

Will 18.157-60

Streamlining PRECIS just for laughs

(Musee... pour rire). C Jacobs & C

Arsenault 19.88-92


Preserving the news that's fit to print (New

York Times Index). John Rothman 5.39-42

The Times index. C H J Kyte 5.125-9

Indexing The Times. Barbara James


Producing a local newspaper index. Michael

Knee 13.101-3

Teamwork indexing of The Scotsman. John

Bennett 14.27-9

The Indexer Vol. 20No.3 April 1997 147

Classified contents of The Indexer, 1958-1995

Indexing of smaller-circulation daily

newspapers. L M Sandlin, J H & B S

Schlessinger 14.184-9

Indexing 19th-century North Devon

newspapers. Peter Christie 15.91-3

Researchers' attiiudes to newspaper

indexing in Nigeria. LO Aina 16.97-8

Local newspaper indexing projects and

products. Geraldine Beare 16.227-33

Newspaper indexing in Nigerian libraries. E

EOkorafor 17.35-8

Newspaper indexing: an international

overview. Nazir Ahmad 17.257-66

19th-century Perth newspapers indexed and

abstracted. Marjory M Howat. 18.16-18

Direct electronic access to a large clippings

library. Michael Stcemson 19.19-21


(see also Cumulation; Newspapers)

Standards for indexes to learned and

scientific periodicals 2.63-4

Aims and methods of the British Technology

Index. E J Coates 3.146-53

The Jewish Chronicle index 1841-. John M


The London Gazelle index. Grace Holmes


Indexing of periodicals. Peter Ferriday


Index to a periodical volume. G J Narayana

and K Ramaswami 4.59-66/89

The World list of scientific periodicals.

Kenneth I Poner 5.70-8

The Journal of Anatomy: index to the first

hundred years 1866-1966. D Blake and R E

M Bowden 6.48-51

An index to SLA News, 1950-1967. Brenda

White 6.147-50

Indexing in source. Paul E Vesenyi 6.161-3

Indexing of periodicals. Survey 7.70-9

The indexing of multi-author, multi-volume

and periodical publications. J Edwin

Holmstrom 8.31-43

Journal indexes — for editorial use. G H

Burns 8.62-5

Indexing LISA: chains, KISS and the bold

approach. Tom Edwards 9.133-46

The indexing procedures of the Foreign

Language index. R L Collison 9.154-9

The library journals, 1876-1975. Graham

Jones 10.9-14

Some notes on the indexing of a library

science periodical: the index to Libri, vols.

1-25. LeifKajberg 10.191-4

The International Index to Film Periodicals.

Frances Thorpe 12.83-8

Indexing The Indexer. John A Gordon


Indexing LISA. KGB Bakcwell 13.261-4

Indexing the Strand Magazine. Geraldine

Beare 14.8-13

Author and source indexing and abstracting

of journal articles. Virgil Diodato 14.91-4

The evolution of a serial index. Harris

Shupak 14.99-102

Indexing a government journal (Sun>ey of

Current Affairs). Philip E Found 15.151 -3

Indexing a Victorian architectural journal:

The Builder project. Ruth Richardson


Printed indexes to early British periodicals.

Peter Johnson 16.147-55

Indexing medical journals. Doreen Blake


Indexing The Athenaeum: aims and

difficulties. Micheline Hancock-Beaulieu

and Susan Holland 17.167-72

The Indexed $ indexes: critique and reply.

Kingsley Siebel / Geoffrey Dixon 17.267-8

CD-ROM periodical indexes: better

evaluation necessary. Martin Goldberg.


Indexing the British Medical Journal.

Richard Jones. 19.1.13-18

Indexing a periodical: Verbatim Laurence

Urdang 19.203-4

Photographs and films

The International Index to Film Periodicals.

Frances Thorpe 12.83-8

ISO/TC 46 50th anniversary

ISO7TC 46 is to celebrate its 50th year

during a Plenary meeting at British

Standards Institution (BSI) headquarters in

London, 12-16 May 1997.

ISG7TC46 Information and

Documentation is a Technical Committee

of the International Organization for

Standard- ization (ISO) and produces

International Standards for use in

Librarianship, Information and Document

Management and Publishing. Currently

there are 33 participating and 30 observer

countries and some 60 liaison members.

The work of ISO/TC46 covers well

known features of books as well as

production standards. Here are some


Readers of books and serials worldwide

will be familiar with the international

standard book and serial numbers (ISBN

and ISSN) often found barcoded on the


Developers and users of many systems

and applications world wide with a need

to specify different countries will be

familiar with the 2 and 3 character country

codes found in ISO 3166.

For at least two decades, libraries have

taken advantage of ISO 2709, a format for

bibliographic interchange, implemented in

the MARC format in use worldwide

Beter known to indexers are the standards

for thesauri, document referencing, and of

course the new indexing standard ISO 999.

For the future, ISO/TC 46 has been

actively looking at the need for standards

in the management of the information to

be found on the World Wide Web, and is

exploring ways to help those who wish to

keep track of Intellectual Property Rights.

The cataloguing and indexing of the

photographic collection of the Royal

Commonwealth Society. John Falconer


Animal, vegetable or mineral? Cataloguing

and indexing in the Natural History Unit

Film Library. Rosi Crane 14.23-6

Indexing and cataloguing the Walt Disney

Archives. David R Smith 15.154-6

Poetry, hymns and psalms

Humorous indexes: The stuffed owl. Hazel

K Bell 6.174-5

'I copied all the letters in a big, round hand':

indexing W S Gilbert. Geoffrey Dixon


A scriptural index to Hymns and Psalms.

Oliver A Beckerlegge 18.27-9

Should fiction be indexed? The indexability

of text. Hazel K Bell 18.83-6

Poetry in indexes. Dena N Sher 19.102-4

Indexer — poet or pedant? John A Vickers




This 248 page book edited by Max

McMaster includes 31 papers from

Aussi's first international conference, and

is fully indexed. It is an excellent read,

enlivened by candid snaps of some of the


Contents include:

• Indexing around the world:

international perspective

• Pricing the index

• Computers and knowledge


• Classified or specific indexing

• Indexing for children

• Standards

• Education for indexers: panel

• Law indexing: workshop

• Subject access redefined

• Economics and the future of database


• Language control: workshop

• Multi media: new technology

• Language control: developers forum

• Encyclopaedias/ Newspapers — print/


• Ethics of indexing

• National and internationalindexing

• Indexing and the Internet

Indexers — Partners in Publishing costs

$Au 35.00 and may be ordered from the

Australian Society of Indexers, GPO Box

1251, Melbourne, Victoria 3001,

Australia (email [email protected])

148 The Indexer Vol.20No.3 April 1997