TORRANCE HERALD. To THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1>89 Our Classified Want Ads Assist Readers to Spend and Save! RETAINS HOME; TIES Give your college son or daugh- ter a subscription to The Herald. OUR CONVENIENT Time Payment Plan GLIDDEN "TIME-TESTED" PAINTS B. & B. PAINT & DECORATING CO. H.nry B.y. Increase In State Aid to Schools Noted SACRAMENTO (U.P.l^An In- crease of 21,829 students in av- erage daily attendance at public schools in the state requires the state to increase its aid to coun- ties for school purposes by 2.8 percent to a total of $76,784,056 ! for the 1939-40 fiscal year Su- perintendent of Public instruction Walter F. Dexter reported this week. The increase Is caused entirely by increases In attendance at high schools and Junior colleges, Dexter said. The average dally attendance in elementary grades decreased from 687,859 in 1937- 38 to 685,362 in 1938-39, a de- crease of 2497 or 0.4 percent. State apportionments for elemen- tary schools show a correspond- ing decrease. The 1939-40 distribution to Los Angeles county will total $28,- 551,413.44 on the basis of aver- age daily attendance for the past year of 254,770 In elementary SEVEN BABIES BORN HERE Seven babies were born at Torrance Memorial hoslptal dur- ing the past week. Sons arrived to Mr. and Mrs. Nat Colllns of Redondo Beach last Thursday and to Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Curtis, also of Re- dondo, last Friday. Daughters were born to: Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Chalker, Wll- mington, Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Griggs, Hermosa Beach, last Friday; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Johnson, also of Hermosa, Tues- day, and to Mr. and Mrs. Lang- don Rose, of Los Angeles, Tues- day, and to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rubenstine of Redondo Beach, on Sunday. BUMPER DATE CROP SEEN INDIO Date growers reported prospects for a bumper crop this year. Mrs. Selby Has Data On Needlecraf t Entries for Fair Local needlecraf ters who would like to enter some of their work In the Los Angeles County Fair at Pomona should see Mrs. Selby at the El Prado Yarn shop. She has complete details as to the classifications, prizes and other data pertaining to the fair dis- plays of such handicraft. There are many different groups of exhibits and Mrs. Sel- by will be glad to advise any woman about participating in the fair. schools, 134,611 in high schools and 17.242 in junior colleges. Mrs. Miller Plans Benefit Tea Party A benefit silver tea will be held at the home of Mrs. Helen Mil- ler,. 1317 Beech street, Monday afternoon, Aug. 14, from 1:30 to 4:30 o'clock. AH women of the city are invited to attend and the proceeds will be given to charity. For Your Convenience OPEN NIGHTS SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS! PHONE 777 FREE DELIVERY Our Business Has Increased The First Six Months There Must Be A Reason! Just six months ago we opened the D & D Market. Every day since then has shown a steady and rapid increase in business which has by far exceeded even our wildest expectations! We, Ralph and Frank Dominguez, are both grateful for this business. And we are also grateful to the people of this community for their appreciation of our sincere efforts to serve them with quality foods, at right prices and in a friendly, courteous manner. Meadow Park Raw Milk qt. S Cgal. N. B. C Shredded WHEAT 11 RITZ CRACKERS 2 pkgs................ 25 C 5-Rite Beverages ,9 full quarts BANNER COFFEE Always the Same Always Good Ib. 12! Can MILK Tall A for «| « c Recognized for Quality Since 1906 LARGE 1-LB. Loaf 6c IPabst-ette CHEESE 2 for 25< TANG Perfect Dressing Quarts Pints Class 29c 19c 13c FRESH E^TRA (Small) EGGS 2doz.29c DINNER' «ELLb.1?c Margarine COFFEE HILL BROS. Red Can ib. 26c 2 Ibs. 50c Folger's Ib. 25c 2 Ibs. 49c Hill Bros. Ib. Blue Can 194C Sanka Ib. 32c S & W Ib. 25'/*c 2 Ibs. 49c LOCAL SOLID RIPE Tomatoes 4 Ibs. IQc - I Northern FREESTONE HALE JPEACHES4ibs. IQc ~ I SWEET Thompson Seedless I GRAPES 4 Ibs. IQc 1 SWEET JUICY Oranges 4 doz, lOc SWEET Ripe Hardy PEARS 4lbs. 10c FRESH Long Green Cucumbers 7 for 5c SWEET SPANISH ONIONS 7lb$.5c U. S. No. t WHITEROSE Potatoes lOlbs.lOc FRESH BELL PEPPERS^ CELERY 6r Head 7 for 5c LETTUCE 3 for lOc BUTTER CHALLENGE GOLDEN STATE. DANISH ............. GOLDEN ROD ..... MOUNT LOWE ,». 32 .............. 33c .:....... Ib. 29c ...... Ib. 27C SHORTENINGS FORMAY SPRY CRISCO 1-lb. 19c 1-lb. 19c 1-lb. 19c 3 Ibs. 49c 3 Ibs. 51 c 3 Ibs. 51 c NORTON SALT 2 boxes 15c Soaring Serpent BALLOON FREE!! Western Todd & Co. Full Cream LONG HORN CHEESE Ib. 17 White King Granulated Quick Dissolves Large pkg. White King SOAP 5 ba"I5 SCOTCHTSan. Soap Economy for the dishes « ) ^ Heavy Laundry lg. pkg. Jll^f "SUPER SUDS " RED CONCENTRATED P A CTEAR SOAP ......... pkg. 8 Ige. pkg. 19 3 foT9< U. S. Government INSPECTED MEATS LUER'S Tender HAMS whole or half Ib. LUER'S Kosher SALAMI LIVERWURST Ib. 15c EASTERN SUGAR CURED BACON... ..Ib. 175 3y the Piece 6 to 8 Ib. average' CUDAHY'S COLD COIN PICNICS.... Ib. 181 EASTERN Salt Pork .Ib. 11> enuine 1939 Milk Fed LAMB Ib. 13c MOULDER ROAST LEG O' LAMB ..................... Ib. 25c LAMB CHOPS .................. Ib. 27c LAMB STEW.......................... .Ib. 7'/ 2c Fancy, Lean, Eastern Grain Fed Steer Beef Boiling Beef Ib. 9c Cut to Order Swiss or Round STEAK .................................... Ib. 25c Center Cut 7-BONE ROAST Ib. 19c RIB STEAK .......... ea. 15c Eastern Corn Fed LEAN PORK Steak Ib. 175 LOIN PORK ROAST SHOULDER ROAST Ib. 20c Ib. 14c VEAL STEW Ib.9! Veal Chops or Shoulder Steak lb.19c BLACK SWAN TUNA FLAKES V2 's Your Choice SLICED PINEAPPLE V 4 Each 04 CATSUP 14 01. tic Fey. PINK BEANS or extra Fey. RICE Ibs. THRIFTEE SALAD DRESSING Sandwich SPREAD quarts San-dor BLEACH Quarto 9c_________V2 gal.J Apple Cider *m qt«. « VINEGAR *5- Bring Own Container Bulk gal. 10c Challenge SALAD OIL Sweet Nip PICKLES -Lge. 25 or jar f* each 1639 CARSON 1 Wfc. E. of Western HOLIDAY . . . The Duke and Duchess of Windsor pictured strolling on promenade at Cannes, France, on a recent holiday trip. Boatmen in the vicinity had organized trips at $2 a person to view the famous couple in swim- ming. Complaints of the Duke to French authorities had a neg- ative result as "Mediterranean belongs to everybody!" The :ouple now have canvas screens 'or protection from inquisitive mlookers. The Herald 3 months, 60 cents. CLASSIFIED ADS BUY IT HERE 1. Announcements TORRANCE LODGE NO. 447 F. & A. H. Jess M. Kcddlngton Worshipful Master; Jesse H. Sprout, Secy. Meets Every Friday Night Masonic Temple 132J Sartorl Ave. All visiting Masons welcome. forrance Upholstering Co., 1327 Cabrillo Ave. Ovcrstuffcd fur- niture repaired and remod^ion Rugs cleaned and sized. Free estimate Snti«fnctlon guaran- teed. Phone 228. WE are now serving fried chick- en sandwiches. Attebery Ranch House, 4010 W. Sepulveda Blvd. Torrance. Open daily 11:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. 2 Professional Directory PENN1NGTON-SWANSON. , Tax Consultants, Public Account- ants, Monthly Bookkeeping. Torrance phone 108. Los An- geles, Van Dike 2650. 6 Business Directory Old varnish can now be re- moved rapidly and Inexpensively with our Hilco "Handy Sandy" Floor Sander. It is easy to op- erate do the work yourself. Torrance Paint Store, Phone 884. Your Silent Salesman that never sleeps a Herald want ad. FOR EVERY KIND OF INSUR- ANCE, including Life Insur- ance In the A. O. U. W. with membership In Torrancc Lodge No. S3. Call Wallace H. Gilbert, phone 420. INFORMATION PLEASE TORRANCE WELCOMES These New Residents This Weeft M. M. HOPDY CHARLES ROSE KENNARD L. BILLINGTON J. C. BARTLETT MRS. JACK MILLER A. H. BROWN C. E. MOSES MRS. H. A. MULDOON RUSSELL LOWREY H. L. McNABB MRS. HOWARD HILTON W. BUNZ MRS. C. BROOKS C. W. BURNAMAN ALFRED BUNJE MRS. I. R. LEWIS NOLAND BEADLE 1927 Carton 2164 Blvd. Ni Apti. No. 210 1817 D C.briMo 2047 "235th St. 2213 Maricopa 1872 218lh St. 1915 220th St. 616 Sartori 1021 Craven. No. 6 2203 Maricop. 930 Arlington F 133JI i Arlington 716 Portola 1876 218th St. 2207 Maricop. 80ey 2 Portola EMERY rest home special care given sick ft convalescent pa- tients. Mrs. Mary Emery man- ager. Rates reasonable- 1026 Gardena Blvd., Gardena, Calif. APPLIANCES-ELECTRICAL WORK Repairing, Wiring. Fixtures, Alterations. Call us for all kind of Electrical Work and Supplies. Costs Reasonable. Service- Prompt. 1421 Marcellna. TOBRANCE ELECTRIC SHOP PH. 667 ELECTRICAL WORK - TEL 238 e Contracting e Lighting e Repairing Fixtures Advice and Consultation Gladly Given On Home Moderniza- tion and New Home Wiring on FHA Financing Plan. El Prado at Sartorl. J .C. GRUENDLER SERVICE ELECTRIC CO. INSURANCE - AUTO - FIRE Years of service to thousands of lattcRed metorteta and home owners qualifies us to take cam of all your Automobile and Fire Insurance. Howard O. Loeke. 1405 Marcellna Phone 135-M. PLUMBING - REPAIRS - TEL. Immediate MW|C« . . . S tracks to MTVC you. Estimate* on new plumbing gladly given without obligation. Call us for all Ida* plumbing work. Distributor for famous HOYT Beaten. DAVID JACOBS Year Plumber" ISM *W St. SHELLUBRICATION - SERVICE Goodyear Tim Hobb's Batteries Complete Line Shell Product*. Factory Trained Lubrication Experts. Shell Credit Cards Honored. AKT SULLIVAN, BOKDEB * CARSON- NEXT TO LAUNDRY. SHEET METAL iv» eawBfete . . m orn . J«H We her* workshop capable of taming out the Industrial . . . and Private Dwelling flhet* Metal Wet*. Cofambht-niade sheeto IUMQ exonulvely kwl Bob*. T. MiCaHmii, 14l» Msrnlfcis Ave. TORUANCE SHEET METAL SHOP TAILOR - J. LEPKIN - TEL. 102 In Torranre Star* 1923. Suite and Overcoats Tailor Hade. Craning ft Pressing and Alterations. 13ZO Sartorl Ave. Tornooe TYPEWRITER SERVICE -REPAIR Repairs, Rentals. Ribbons, Supplies, Service. New * Ufed Portable. * Standard*. 1 Ho. S2JMI, it Ho. $3. Ace Type- writer Service Co. Agency at Flztt Shop. Ph. 88S-J. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES... DATA Bates Qooted en Per baue Basis (1-ltne minimum) I Time (per line).... ........lie Z Times (per Due).... .......... 14c S Times (per line)...._._.... Be 4 Times (per Hne) ....... ...... Sc II Times (per line)............ «c Multiple Time Rates effec- tive ONLY If no change of copy ordered otherwise open rate of 1S« per Une win be charged. Ads may be cancelled after any Insertion. Rate earned will charged and money refunded for spare not used. Not responsible for more than ONE Incorrect Insertion of any ad ordered for morf Uinn one dme. SELL IT MERE For Rent: Apartments and Flats, Furnished 6 Business Directory Are Your Light Bills Too High? It may be your refrigerator or radio, not operating effi- ciently. Phone 78 for C. Alexander "Result* or No Charge" with the NATIONAL HOME APPLIANCE CO. 1318 Sartorl Ave. Torrance We repair any home appliance 7 Personal VOT responsible for debts con- tracted by any person except myself. Evelyn Klee. WE, or cither of us, will not be responsible for debts contract- ed after July 27,1939, by George Arnette in the name of the Gilmore Service Station, 2172 Torrance Blvd. Ben Stcwart, E. A. McBrlde. UBLIC NOTICE: We, or either of us, will not be responsible for debts or any obligations In- curred in the name of tl Grand theatre by Gore Bro: their agents, or any person a soclated with them. ALBERT MELLINKOFF HARRY MILLSTEIN 8 Transportation SINGLE and double apartments, utilities paid. 16438H South Western. SINGLES * doubles, $18 month, up. Gas, light, phone, private bath all Included. ' 1221 El Prado "Heart of Torrance" DOUBLE apartments, partly fur- nished. Cool and clean. Water paid. Rent reasonable. 802 Sartor!. 15 For Rent: Rooms, Furnished LARGE room, private oath; also single garage. 1443 Post ave. 20 Board and Room ROOM and board, private homo, (7 wk. including laundry. 618 Amapola. I For Sale: Automobiles and Accessories HAVE your automobile uphol- stering ana tops Installed by local man: expert workman- ship; no overnead charge. Chas. F. Cox. 2153 240th St., Lomlta. phone B08. 1931 Chevrolet Coupe, a good car. Real bargain to Immediate buyer. 1911 Plaza del Amo. 22 For Sale: Furniture and Household Good* SAVE money on Used Furniture 9x12 rugs, beds, mattresses, springs, dressers, overstaffed pieces, odds A ends. We also buy anything. What have you? Highest prices paid. Call us for appraisal. El Prado Fur- niture, 1216 El Prado. Ph. 1067. THREE Washing Machines, $10.00 up. Electric Thor Ironer. $15.00. Combination Ironer, gas and electric, $10.00. Moneta Furni- ture Co., 16229 S. Western Ave. 24 For Sale: Poultry and Pet Stock CORN fat red fryers. 1738 Bor- der Ave., Torrance. 25 For Sale: Miscellaneous > TO BE MOVED 6 room house 21841 S. Avalon boulevard, Wllmlngton; 5 room house 22925 Narbonnr avenue. 1 room house 788 -West JOth San Pedro. IMPERIAL COMMUNITY AUC- TION-3938 W. Imperial High- way. Every Monday 1 p. m. and 7 p. m. Bring anything you have to sell. J. W. Won- derly, auctioneer, 29 yrs. ex- perience. 26 Help Wanted: Male WANT transportation to and from L. A., arrive before 9 a. m., leave 6 p. m. Phone 631-W WANTED Transportation to West Los Angeles daily. Phone 569-J. TEA and Coffee route, big reli- able national company. Need man immediately. Previous ex- perience unnecessary, but rnunt be physically able and willing to service 194 steady curtom- ers on protected route and work eight hours daily. Routes pay up to $32.50 at start. Ap- ply 628 East Anahctm, Long Beach. 9 to 11 a. m. 29 Employment Wanted U For Rent: Houses, Furnished TWO and 3-room bungalows, $13 to $15 per mo. including hot and cold water and electricity. El Prado Court, 1100 El Prado. COOL 3-room bungalow, garage, only $20 mo. Baby O. K. 927 Arlington. FOR RENT: 5 rim., new fum. Fireplaco. dbl.enr. Lawn, flow- ers, garden. $37.50. Gene Ham- ilton, 1B32 W. 218th St. $28.00 S rms., garage, coops, large yard, trees. 1425 221st. East Torrance. FURNISHED HOUSE. Call 1753 Andreo Ave. 12 For Rent: Houses, Unfurnished MODERN house and garage $26. Newly decorated. For rent or for sale. 1*11 Plaza del Amo. Six-room house, $18 mo. 2030 E. 231st So. Torrance. Inquire 2131 Redondo-Wtlm. Blvd. FOR RENT: 3 rooms and on acre near Torr, Reasonable. Call 1423 PC bath 13 For Rent Apartments and Flats, Furnished NICE apt. with screen porch, eltc. ref., new stove, central location. 1417 '.i Marceltna. VAN'S WINDOW CLEANING House Cleaning Floor Waxing Window Clans Replaced 2.104 GKAMKIICY . Phone 667 WANTED papo- hanging. 2350 227th at. or Gen. Del. Torrance. CAPABLE woman will care for children, sewing, reference. Mary L. Conner, Norman Arms Apt. K. Phone 588. 33 Real Estate: Improved FOR In Redondo with garages. Lots 40x150. Large yards. $100 down. $20 Mo. each from owner. 5128 Emerald St. Route 1^ Box 132-A, Torranct. FOR SALE- New 5-room house, $2960; $25 a month, b percent interest. 1538 W. 158th St. Call 1203 Compton Blvd., Gar- dena. a* Real Estatsl'unlmprovid FOR SALE ^"desirable" lot on 220th st. Lot 11. Small pay- ment down, balance monthly. By owner, C. R. Lewis, 644 Mayne St., Belltlower. 40 Swaps WILL trade lot and llfp~rnem* bcrship in Lake Elslnore Coun- try club, valued at $600, for tot near Torrance. or what k have you? 9U-B Poitola


Page 1: CLASSIFIED ADS · Plan GLIDDEN PAINTS"TIME-TESTED" B. & B. PAINT & DECORATING CO. H.nry B.y. Increase In State Aid to Schools Noted SACRAMENTO (U.P.l^An In crease of 21,829 students


Our Classified Want Ads Assist Readers to Spend and Save!RETAINS HOME; TIES

Give your college son or daugh­ ter a subscription to The Herald.





H.nry B.y.

Increase In State Aid to Schools Noted

SACRAMENTO (U.P.l^An In­ crease of 21,829 students in av­ erage daily attendance at public schools in the state requires the state to increase its aid to coun­ ties for school purposes by 2.8 percent to a total of $76,784,056

! for the 1939-40 fiscal year Su­ perintendent of Public instruction Walter F. Dexter reported this week.

The increase Is caused entirely by increases In attendance at high schools and Junior colleges, Dexter said. The average dally attendance in elementary grades decreased from 687,859 in 1937- 38 to 685,362 in 1938-39, a de­ crease of 2497 or 0.4 percent. State apportionments for elemen­ tary schools show a correspond­ ing decrease.

The 1939-40 distribution to Los Angeles county will total $28,- 551,413.44 on the basis of aver­ age daily attendance for the past year of 254,770 In elementary


Seven babies were born at Torrance Memorial hoslptal dur­ ing the past week.

Sons arrived to Mr. and Mrs. Nat Colllns of Redondo Beach last Thursday and to Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Curtis, also of Re­ dondo, last Friday.

Daughters were born to: Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Chalker, Wll- mington, Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Griggs, Hermosa Beach, last Friday; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Johnson, also of Hermosa, Tues­ day, and to Mr. and Mrs. Lang- don Rose, of Los Angeles, Tues­ day, and to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rubenstine of Redondo Beach, on Sunday.

BUMPER DATE CROP SEEN INDIO Date growers reported

prospects for a bumper crop this year.

Mrs. Selby Has Data On Needlecraf t Entries for Fair

Local needlecraf ters who would like to enter some of their work In the Los Angeles County Fair at Pomona should see Mrs. Selby at the El Prado Yarn shop. She has complete details as to the classifications, prizes and other data pertaining to the fair dis­ plays of such handicraft.

There are many different groups of exhibits and Mrs. Sel­ by will be glad to advise any woman about participating in the fair.

schools, 134,611 in high schools and 17.242 in junior colleges.

Mrs. Miller Plans Benefit Tea Party

A benefit silver tea will be held at the home of Mrs. Helen Mil­ ler,. 1317 Beech street, Monday afternoon, Aug. 14, from 1:30 to 4:30 o'clock. AH women of the city are invited to attend and the proceeds will be given to charity.

For Your ConvenienceOPEN NIGHTSSUNDAYS and



Our Business Has IncreasedThe First Six Months

There Must Be A Reason!• Just six months ago we opened the D & D Market. Every day since then has shown a steady and rapid increase in business which has by far exceeded even our wildest expectations! We, Ralph and Frank Dominguez, are both grateful for this business. And we are also grateful to the people of this community for their appreciation of our sincere efforts to serve them with quality foods, at right prices and in a friendly, courteous manner. Meadow Park

Raw Milkqt. SCgal.

N. B. C Shredded WHEAT 11


2 pkgs................ 25C5-Rite Beverages,9 full quarts


COFFEEAlways the SameAlways Good Ib. 12!Can MILK

Tall A for «| « c

Recognized for Quality

Since 1906


Loaf 6c

IPabst-ette CHEESE 2 for 25<TANG Perfect DressingQuartsPintsClass

29c 19c 13c


EGGS 2doz.29c

DINNER' «ELLb.1?cMargarine


Red Can ib. 26c 2 Ibs. 50c Folger's Ib. 25c 2 Ibs. 49c Hill Bros. Ib. Blue Can 194C Sanka Ib. 32c S & W Ib. 25'/*c 2 Ibs. 49c


Tomatoes 4 Ibs. IQc- I Northern FREESTONE HALE

JPEACHES4ibs. IQc~ I SWEET Thompson Seedless


Oranges 4 doz, lOcSWEET Ripe Hardy

PEARS 4lbs. 10cFRESH Long Green

Cucumbers 7 for 5cSWEET SPANISH


Potatoes lOlbs.lOcFRESH BELL


7 for 5c

LETTUCE 3 for lOc


,». 32.............. 33c.:....... Ib. 29c...... Ib. 27C


1-lb. 19c 1-lb. 19c 1-lb. 19c

3 Ibs. 49c 3 Ibs. 51 c 3 Ibs. 51 c


SALT 2 boxes 15cSoaring Serpent BALLOON FREE!!Western Todd & Co. Full CreamLONG HORNCHEESE Ib. 17White King GranulatedQuick Dissolves Large pkg.

White KingSOAP 5 ba"I5

SCOTCHTSan. SoapEconomy for the dishes « ) ^ Heavy Laundry lg. pkg. Jll^f


......... pkg. 8Ige. pkg. 19

3 foT9<


LUER'S Tender

HAMSwhole or half Ib.




BACON... ..Ib. 1753y the Piece 6 to 8 Ib. average'



Salt Pork .Ib. 11>enuine 1939 Milk Fed


LEG O' LAMB ..................... Ib. 25cLAMB CHOPS .................. Ib. 27cLAMB STEW.......................... .Ib. 7'/2cFancy, Lean, Eastern Grain Fed Steer Beef

Boiling Beef Ib. 9cCut to Order Swiss or Round STEAK .................................... Ib. 25cCenter Cut 7-BONE ROAST Ib. 19cRIB STEAK .......... ea. 15cEastern Corn Fed LEAN


Ib. 20c Ib. 14c

VEAL STEW Ib.9!Veal Chops or Shoulder Steak lb.19c

BLACK SWANTUNA FLAKES V2 's Your Choice SLICED PINEAPPLE V 4 Each 04 CATSUP 14 01. ticFey. PINK BEANS or extra Fey. RICE



San-dor BLEACHQuarto 9c_________V2 gal.J Apple Cider *m qt«. « VINEGAR J» *5- Bring Own Container Bulk gal. 10cChallenge SALAD OILSweet Nip PICKLES

-Lge. 25 or jar f*each

1639 CARSON 1 Wfc. E. of Western

HOLIDAY . . . The Duke and Duchess of Windsor pictured strolling on promenade at Cannes, France, on a recent holiday trip. Boatmen in the vicinity had organized trips at $2 a person to view the famous couple in swim­ ming. Complaints of the Duke to French authorities had a neg­ ative result as "Mediterranean belongs to everybody!" The :ouple now have canvas screens 'or protection from inquisitive mlookers.

The Herald 3 months, 60 cents.


1. Announcements

TORRANCE LODGE NO. 447 F. & A. H.Jess M. KcddlngtonWorshipful Master;

Jesse H. Sprout, Secy.Meets Every Friday Night

Masonic Temple132J Sartorl Ave.

All visiting Masons welcome.

forrance Upholstering Co., 1327 Cabrillo Ave. Ovcrstuffcd fur­ niture repaired and remod^ion Rugs cleaned and sized. Free estimate Snti«fnctlon guaran­ teed. Phone 228.

WE are now serving fried chick­ en sandwiches. Attebery Ranch House, 4010 W. Sepulveda Blvd. Torrance. Open daily 11:30 a. m. to 8 p. m.

2 Professional Directory

PENN1NGTON-SWANSON. , Tax Consultants, Public Account­ ants, Monthly Bookkeeping. Torrance phone 108. Los An­ geles, Van Dike 2650.

6 Business Directory

Old varnish can now be re­ moved rapidly and Inexpensively with our Hilco "Handy Sandy" Floor Sander. It is easy to op­ erate do the work yourself. Torrance Paint Store, Phone 884.

Your Silent Salesman that never sleeps a Herald want ad.

FOR EVERY KIND OF INSUR­ ANCE, including Life Insur­ ance In the A. O. U. W. with membership In Torrancc Lodge No. S3. Call Wallace H. Gilbert, phone 420.




1927 Carton2164 Blvd. Ni Apti. No. 2101817 D C.briMo2047 "235th St.2213 Maricopa1872 218lh St.1915 220th St.616 Sartori1021 Craven. No. 62203 Maricop.930 Arlington F133JI i Arlington716 Portola1876 218th St.2207 Maricop.

80ey2 Portola

EMERY rest home special care given sick ft convalescent pa­ tients. Mrs. Mary Emery man­ ager. Rates reasonable- 1026 Gardena Blvd., Gardena, Calif.

APPLIANCES-ELECTRICAL WORKRepairing, Wiring. Fixtures, Alterations. Call us for all kind of Electrical Work and Supplies. Costs Reasonable. Service- Prompt. 1421 Marcellna.


ELECTRICAL WORK - TEL 238e Contracting e Lighting e Repairing Fixtures Advice and Consultation Gladly Given On Home Moderniza­ tion and New Home Wiring on FHA Financing Plan. El Prado at Sartorl. J .C. GRUENDLER


INSURANCE - AUTO - FIREYears of service to thousands of lattcRed metorteta and home owners qualifies us to take cam of all your Automobile and Fire Insurance. Howard O. Loeke. 1405 Marcellna Phone 135-M.

PLUMBING - REPAIRS - TEL.Immediate MW|C« . . . S tracks to MTVC you. Estimate* on new plumbing gladly given without obligation. Call us for all Ida* plumbing work. Distributor for famous HOYT Beaten. DAVID JACOBS Year Plumber" ISM *W St.

SHELLUBRICATION - SERVICEGoodyear Tim Hobb's Batteries Complete Line Shell Product*. Factory Trained Lubrication Experts. Shell Credit Cards Honored. AKT SULLIVAN, BOKDEB * CARSON- NEXT TO LAUNDRY.


m orn . J«H We her* workshop capable of taming out the

Industrial . . . and Private Dwelling flhet* Metal Wet*. Cofambht-niade sheeto IUMQ exonulvely

kwl Bob*. T. MiCaHmii, 14l» Msrnlfcis Ave. TORUANCE SHEET METAL SHOP

TAILOR - J. LEPKIN - TEL. 102In Torranre Star* 1923. Suite and Overcoats Tailor Hade. Craning ft Pressing and Alterations. 13ZO Sartorl Ave. Tornooe

TYPEWRITER SERVICE -REPAIRRepairs, Rentals. Ribbons, Supplies, Service. New * Ufed Portable. * Standard*. 1 Ho. S2JMI, it Ho. $3. Ace Type­ writer Service Co. Agency at Flztt Shop. Ph. 88S-J.


RATES... DATABates Qooted en Per baue

Basis (1-ltne minimum)

I Time (per line).... ........lieZ Times (per Due).... ..........14cS Times (per line)...._._.... Be4 Times (per Hne) ....... ...... ScII Times (per line)............ «c

Multiple Time Rates effec­ tive ONLY If no change of copy ordered otherwise open rate of 1S« per Une win be charged.

Ads may be cancelled after any Insertion. Rate earned will h« charged and money refunded for spare not used.

Not responsible for more than ONE Incorrect Insertion of any ad ordered for morf Uinn one dme.


For Rent: Apartments and Flats, Furnished

6 Business Directory

Are Your Light Bills Too High?

It may be your refrigerator or radio, not operating effi­ ciently.

Phone 78 forC. Alexander

"Result* or No Charge"with the


Torrance We repair any home appliance

7 Personal

VOT responsible for debts con­ tracted by any person except myself. Evelyn Klee.

WE, or cither of us, will not be responsible for debts contract­ ed after July 27,1939, by George Arnette in the name of the Gilmore Service Station, 2172 Torrance Blvd. Ben Stcwart, E. A. McBrlde.

UBLIC NOTICE: We, or either of us, will not be responsible for debts or any obligations In­ curred in the name of tl Grand theatre by Gore Bro: their agents, or any person a soclated with them.


8 Transportation

SINGLE and double apartments, utilities paid. 16438H South Western.

SINGLES * doubles, $18 month, up. Gas, light, phone, private bath all Included. '

1221 El Prado "Heart of Torrance"

DOUBLE apartments, partly fur­ nished. Cool and clean. Water paid. Rent reasonable. 802 Sartor!.

15 For Rent: Rooms, Furnished

LARGE room, private oath; also single garage. 1443 Post ave.

20 Board and Room

ROOM and board, private homo, (7 wk. including laundry. 618 Amapola.

I For Sale: Automobiles and Accessories

HAVE your automobile uphol­ stering ana tops Installed by local man: expert workman­ ship; no overnead charge. Chas. F. Cox. 2153 240th St., Lomlta. phone B08.

1931 Chevrolet Coupe, a good car. Real bargain to Immediate buyer. 1911 Plaza del Amo.

22 For Sale: Furniture and Household Good*

SAVE money on Used Furniture 9x12 rugs, beds, mattresses, springs, dressers, overstaffed pieces, odds A ends. We also buy anything. What have you? Highest prices paid. Call us for appraisal. El Prado Fur­ niture, 1216 El Prado. Ph. 1067.

THREE Washing Machines, $10.00 up. Electric Thor Ironer. $15.00. Combination Ironer, gas and electric, $10.00. Moneta Furni­ ture Co., 16229 S. Western Ave.

24 For Sale: Poultry and Pet Stock

CORN fat red fryers. 1738 Bor­ der Ave., Torrance.

25 For Sale: Miscellaneous >

TO BE MOVED 6 room house 21841 S. Avalon boulevard, Wllmlngton; 5 room house 22925 Narbonnr avenue. 1 room house 788 -West JOth San Pedro.

IMPERIAL COMMUNITY AUC­ TION-3938 W. Imperial High­ way. Every Monday 1 p. m. and 7 p. m. Bring anything you have to sell. J. W. Won- derly, auctioneer, 29 yrs. ex­ perience.

26 Help Wanted: Male

WANT transportation to and from L. A., arrive before 9 a. m., leave 6 p. m. Phone 631-W

WANTED Transportation to West Los Angeles daily. Phone 569-J.

TEA and Coffee route, big reli­ able national company. Need man immediately. Previous ex­ perience unnecessary, but rnunt be physically able and willing to service 194 steady curtom- ers on protected route and work eight hours daily. Routes pay up to $32.50 at start. Ap­ ply 628 East Anahctm, Long Beach. 9 to 11 a. m.

29 Employment Wanted

U For Rent: Houses, Furnished

TWO and 3-room bungalows, $13 to $15 per mo. including hot and cold water and electricity. El Prado Court, 1100 El Prado.

COOL 3-room bungalow, garage, only $20 mo. Baby O. K. 927 Arlington.

FOR RENT: 5 rim., new fum. Fireplaco. dbl.enr. Lawn, flow­ ers, garden. $37.50. Gene Ham­ ilton, 1B32 W. 218th St.

$28.00 S rms., garage, coops, large yard, trees. 1425 221st. East Torrance.

FURNISHED HOUSE. Call 1753 Andreo Ave.

12 For Rent: Houses, Unfurnished

MODERN house and garage $26. Newly decorated. For rent or for sale. 1*11 Plaza del Amo.

Six-room house, $18 mo. 2030 E. 231st So. Torrance. Inquire 2131 Redondo-Wtlm. Blvd.

FOR RENT: 3 rooms and on '« acre near Torr, Reasonable. Call 1423 PC


13 For Rent Apartments and Flats, Furnished

NICE apt. with screen porch, eltc. ref., new stove, central location. 1417 '.i Marceltna.

VAN'S WINDOW CLEANINGHouse CleaningFloor Waxing

Window Clans Replaced2.104 GKAMKIICY . Phone 667

WANTED papo-hanging. 2350 227th at. or Gen. Del. Torrance.

CAPABLE woman will care for children, sewing, reference. Mary L. Conner, Norman Arms Apt. K. Phone 588.

33 Real Estate: Improved

FORIn Redondo with garages. Lots 40x150. Large yards. $100 down. $20 Mo. each from owner. 5128 Emerald St. Route 1^ Box 132-A, Torranct.

FOR SALE- New 5-room house, $2960; $25 a month, b percent interest. 1538 W. 158th St. Call 1203 Compton Blvd., Gar­ dena.

a* Real Estatsl'unlmprovidFOR SALE ^"desirable" lot on

220th st. Lot 11. Small pay­ ment down, balance monthly. By owner, C. R. Lewis, 644 Mayne St., Belltlower.

40 Swaps

WILL trade lot and llfp~rnem* bcrship in Lake Elslnore Coun­ try club, valued at $600, for tot near Torrance. or what k have you? 9U-B Poitola