1 Summer Holidays Homework (2019-20) CLASS- VII ENGLISH Q1. Underline the verbs in the following sentences and say whether they are transitive or intransitive. a) My sister is my best friend. b) I have paid the landlady six months’ rent. c) We feel quite worried. d) My father seemed put off. e) The trees have lost all their leaves. f) Why are you so upset? g) Let her decide for herself. h) They showed us the way to the town. Q2. Complete the following sentences by choosing a correct word given in the bracket: a) Worms (eat / eats) these leaves and (ruin / ruins) the plants. b) This market (cater / caters) to the people who (live / lives) in this area. c) My gardener carefully (plant / plants) seasonal varieties of flowers. d) The officer’s chauffeur (drive / drives) the car in style. e) Diana and David (organize / organizes) their parties in their lawn. Q3. A few of the sentences below have errors of subject / verb agreement. Identify these sentences and rewrite them BUD’S PARADISE SECONDARY

Transcript of CLASS- VII ENGLISH -  ·...


Summer Holidays Homework (2019-20)


Q1. Underline the verbs in the following sentences and say whether they are transitive or intransitive.

a) My sister is my best friend.

b) I have paid the landlady six months’ rent.

c) We feel quite worried.

d) My father seemed put off.

e) The trees have lost all their leaves.

f) Why are you so upset?

g) Let her decide for herself.

h) They showed us the way to the town.

Q2. Complete the following sentences by choosing a correct word given in the bracket:

a) Worms (eat / eats) these leaves and (ruin / ruins) the plants.

b) This market (cater / caters) to the people who (live / lives) in this area.

c) My gardener carefully (plant / plants) seasonal varieties of flowers.

d) The officer’s chauffeur (drive / drives) the car in style.

e) Diana and David (organize / organizes) their parties in their lawn.

Q3. A few of the sentences below have errors of subject / verb agreement. Identify these sentences and rewrite them correctly.

a) Either I or he are wrong.

b) Mrs. Wasan, the head of four welfare organizations, were the chief guest.

c) My best friend and most severe critic are my mother.

d) Either the ministers or the administration has to take the decision.

e) I am quite sure that the dog or the cat have eaten up the cookies.


f) Either the police or the citizens has to be on guard.

g) Neither the residents nor the president of the society are bothered.

h) Does Gracie and Daisy walk to school?

Q4. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks in each of the sentences.

a) All the members of the staff (was/were) happy about the decision.

b) A committee (has/have) been formed to elect the new president.

c) This pair of scissors (are/is) too old and blunt.

d) Most of the vegetables in the fridge (is/are) spoiled.

e) Let us replace all the equipments which (are/is) not functioning properly.

f) Where (is/are) my slippers?

g) None of the dresses which she liked (was/were) affordable.

h) Three Men in a Boat (is/are) a humorous book by Jerome K. Jerome.

i) The Internet and the mobile phone (are/is) good examples of how technology has become an important part of our lives.

j) Not only the teachers but also the principal (was/ were) in agreement with the suggestions made by the school captain.

k) The building, along with all the shops and offices, (was/were) destroyed in the fire.

l) My uncle, as well as my cousins, (like/likes) spending the weekends at our house.

m) Either the journalists or the police commissioner (is/are) giving misleading information to the public.

n) Most of the questions (was/ were) discussed by the teacher in the class today.

o) Being honest when dealing with other people (are/is) always the right thing to do.

Q5. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice. The first one has been done for you.

1. The officer questioned the stranger on suspicion.

Ans. The stranger was questioned by the officer on suspicion.

2. They have published a new travelogue.

A new travelogue

3. Everybody envied her victory in the tournament.

Her victory in the tournament

4. The Board will announce the Class XII results today.

The Class XII results

5. The police have finally arrested the owner of the club.

The owner of the club

6. He asked them to write a letter of apology.


7. The principal gave those troublesome boys a warning.

Those troublesome boys

8. They gave the class representatives a copy of the notice.

The class representatives

Q6. The pie chart given below shows the popularity of novels of various genres among children aged 11 to 14. Draw conclusions on the basis of the given data, in a paragraph of 80-100 words.

(4% 33%8%15%)10%

Mystery Fantasy Thriller Graphic Novel Non Fiction Adventure



· All students to do each of the following activities on A4/A3 sheets neatly: Activity 1:

Draw two rectangles of different lengths. Measure the area and perimeter. Record your data in a table as shown below.







Chapter –Forests

Students to prepare the class group presentation on “conservation of forests.

Kindly keep the following parameters in mind while preparing the presentation:

· Content(you may include the additional information from the relevant sources)

· Presentation style

· Props used

· Group coordination

· Confidence


· Select any two states of India and do the research work according to the topic allotted to you. Present it on an A4 size sheet.

Roll No.Topic

1 – 10Art



31- till lastTheatre (Folk)

(प्रश्न 10 निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए –क) वाच्य के कितने भेद होते है? नाम लिखो |ख) समुच्चयबोधक शब्द किसे कहते है? उदहारण सहित लिखो |ग) विराम – चिहन किसे कहते है?घ) वाक्यांशों के लिए एक शब्द का प्रयोग क्यों किया जाता है?ङ) लोकोकित किसे कहते है? उदहारण सहित स्पष्ट करो |)


(Recognized & Affiliated to C.B.S.E.)


Class – 7th (2019-20)

Note: - 1. All writing works to be done in a big size register and other work related activity & project to

be done in activity/project file.

2. Get your Holiday Home Work checked by teachers between 26th June 2019 to 29th June 2019


1.Write the question answer of “Say Aloud” of Ch – 1, 2 (History), Ch – 1, 2 (Geography)

2.Learn and write flow chart of Ch – 1, 2 (History), Ch – 1, 2 (Geography)

3.A few events are being mentioned below. Mark them on a time – line.

a)Two battles of tarain

b)Invasions of Mahmud Ghazni In lab – manual

c)Death of Harsha

d)Rajendra Chola and Rajaraja Chola2`

4.Prepare a chart on the components of the environment. Paste pictures of these components.

5.Draw picture of layers of Earth’s interior [A – 3 size] and write three sentences about each layer.

6.Write about three types of rocks [Tenuous, Sedimentary and metamorphic rock] in lab manual

with picture of different rocks.


1.‘अंतरराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस’ पर अनुच्छेद लिखिए |ीय क्रिकेट टीम के पाँच ऐसे खिलाड़ियों के नाम लिखिए जो टीम के कप्तान रह चुके हैं |

3.‘हाँकी’ हमारा राष्ट्रीय खेल है, परन्तु क्रिकेट खेल को वरियता दी जाती है क्यों? अपना उत्तर

तर्क सहित लिखो |

4.अग्निपथ कविता (A – 3 size sheet) पर लिखनी है | (चित्र सहित)

5.चार्ट पर colour pen द्वारा पूरी वर्णमाला लिखिए | (A – 4 size sheet)

6.महीनों के नाम हिन्दी में लिखने है | (A – 4 size sheet)

7.संविधान द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त 22 भाषाओँ को (A – 4 size sheet) पर लिखिए |

8.20 पेज सुलेख लिखना है तथा कठिन शब्दों को ढूंढ़कर लिखना है | (पाठ 1 से 4 तक)


1.Solve all the taught chapter two times in holiday home work copy.

2.Complete the maths activity file from 1 to 7.


i)Measure the length and breadth of your home and find area and perimer.

ii)Make two model of – 3 D shape like cube, cuboid, prism etc.


1.Learn and write all the taught chapters in holiday home work copy (two times)

2.Complete science activity file from 1 to 7.


Collect the different type of plants like Fungus, Mushroom, Parasitic plant, Desert plant

and Aquatic plant and paste in scrub book on well as write about and five lines about it.

b)Project work:-

Topic:- Find out what vitamins are get the following information.

i)Why are vitamins necessary in the diet?

ii)How many types of vitamins.

iii)Sources of vitamins.


English Literature –

· Do 1 page writing daily.

· Read newpaper daily and write down 5 difficult words and their meaning in H.H.W copy.

· Read and learn the poem ‘The Grasford Disaster’ and make a beautiful chart on it.

· Learn all the taught chapters and write down only ‘Reference to the context’ Question /Answer in H.H.W register.

· Read Ch – 4 ‘Mr. Sherlock Halmes’ and try to find out Ques / Ans of ‘A’ part factual comprehension.

English Grammar:-

· Learn all the taught chapters and their exercises.

· Do exercise of Ch – 1 ‘Revision’ and Ch – 4 ‘Degrees of comparison’ in book.

· Read and find out question / answer of comprehension passage 1, 2 and 3 of Ch – 25.

· You are Abhinav Bindra / Suman Bindra, the head boy / girl of St. Sullivan school, Delhi. Your school is organizing a summer training programme in lawn tennis. Famous coach, Sarla Kumari will conduct the programme for the students of your school. Write the notice in 50 words.