CLASS REUNION Family News & Notes - · • Jerry Frederick is home doing well. ......

Family News & Notes YOUTH NEWS LOCK-IN Our lock-in will be this Thursday Night, December 31. You will need approximately $20 for ice skang and a movie. Bring a finger food to share. Be at the building at 6:30PM Thursday night. We end at 7:00AM sharp Friday morning. If you have quesons please see Jared. HOCKEY GAME Today, December 27, the youth group and all College students are invited to go to the River Kings hockey game. The game starts at 3PM The ckets are $2. We will meet at the building at 2PM. If you are interested in going please let Jared know. FONDUE PARTY Sunday, January 3, all High School Seniors and College Students, are invited to a Fondue Party at the Butler’s home. This event will take place immediate- ly following evening services. We will end at 9PM. Please see Jared for what you will need to bring. Sunday Conference call: To listen to our Sunday morning service live, call 1-877-380-7755 followed by 4651356 YOU MUST MUTE YOUR PHONE Marie Gray is in Trinity Rehab. Jerry Frederick is home doing well. Eric Walker is recovering well a8er surgery. REMEMBER IN PRAYER SHUT-INS: Ann Estes, Valeria Canada, Reatha Crews, Evelyn Fowler, Billy Garre=, Carol Golden, Marie Gray, Irmagene Hall, Lloyd Jones, Dot McEwen, Catherine Parker, Ann Woodson HEALTH ISSUES: Robert Benne=, Cindy Caldwell, Lorene Edge, Tim Edge, Harvey Geeding, Searcy & Peggy McGowen, Carolyn Miller, Bill Newport, Banks Ready, Chris Rogers, Ki=y Ussery, FAMILY: Sue Archer, Jeane=e Barnes, Kae Culley, Bubba Davis, Jerry Frederick, Charles Hester, Madie Hunsucker, Jesse Jones, Allyson Kelly, Martha Macintosh, Martha Pounders, Bill Pyrdam, Willie Pyrdam, Terrance Simmons, Mike Wolbright. TLC FIRST FRIDAY FELLOWSHIP The TLC First Friday Fellowship will be Friday, January 8, due to the holiday on Friday, January 1. In February we will return to the first Friday. The me of 6:00PM remains the same. AUTISM WORKSHOP On Sunday, January 10, we will have a Workshop on Ausm. Following morning worship, lunch will be provided for our teachers and their families. Then, from 12:30 – 3:30PM all our members are invited to parcipate in the workshop. Hear from those who know the medical, educaonal, and praccal sides of ausm. Hear from nurses, school administrators, teachers, and parents who have first-hand experience in helping those with ausm. BRANSON TRIP Everyone is invited on a trip to Branson being planned for Wednesday, April 13, through Saturday, April 16, 2016. The cost will be $134.71, which includes, 3 nights hotel stay and ckets to see “Moses” at Sight and Sound Theatre. The deadline for reserving a spot is Friday, January 15. Please see Beth Ramsey or Nancy Herron for quesons and reservaons. CONTRIBUTION ENVELOPES The contribuon envelopes for the 2016 fiscal year are on the informaon desks in the visitor Center. Please stop by and pick up the box with your name on it. If there are any new members or families that would like to be assigned a contribuon number please call the office. This is the only way you can receive a le=er for income tax purposes. December 27 10:00 (0-24 mos) Ginger MacMillan, Crystal Haney, Nancy Cole (2 years) Amanda Massey, Marci Shumway January 3 10:00 (0-24 mos) Emily Beard, Lisa Eddlemon, Laurie Hammer (2 years) Pa=y Rasco, Maranda Bunker 5:00PM: Debbie & Rebecca DeanCoker NURSERY WORKERS HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Sunday, December, 27 — No evening service Tuesday, December, 29 — Office reopens Tuesday, December 29, — No Encouragers Class Wednesday, December 30, — Mid Week Services Thursday, December 31, — Office closes at noon Friday, January 1, — Happy New Year Tuesday, January 5, — Office reopens CLASS REUNION Dale Thomas was asked back to his forty-year high school reunion. For months he saved to take his wife back to the place and the people he le8 four decades before. The closer the me came for the reunion, the more excited he became, thinking of all the wonderful stories he would hear about the changes and the accomplishments these old friends would tell him. One night before he le8 he pulled out his old yearbooks, read the silly statements and the good wishes for the future that students wrote to each other. He wondered what old Number 86 from his football team had done. He wondered if any others had encountered Jesus, who had changed him so pro- foundly. He even tried to guess what some of his friends would look like, and what kind of jobs and families some of these special friends had. The day came to leave and his best friend Alan, drove them to the airport. Dale’s energy was almost contagious. “I’ll pick you up on Sunday evening, and you can tell me all about it,” Alan said. “Have a great me.” Sunday evening arrived. Alan watched them get off the plane, but Dale seemed almost despondent. Alan almost didn’t want to ask, but finally he said, “Well, how was the reunion?” “Alan,” Dale replied, “it was one of the saddest experiences of my life.” “What happened?” “It wasn’t what happened but what didn’t happen. It has been forty years, forty years—and they haven’t changed. They had simply gained weight, changed clothes, go=en jobs…but they hadn’t really changed. And what I experienced was maybe one of the most tragic things I could ever imagine about life. For reasons I can’t fully understand, it seems as though some people choose not to change.” There was a long silence as we walked back to the car. On the drive home, Dale turned to Alan and said, “I never, never want that to be said of me, Alan. Life is too precious, too sacred, too important. If you ever see me go stagnant like that, I hope you give me a quick, swi8 kick where I need it. I hope you’ll love me enough to challenge me to keep growing in Jesus.” Let’s love each other enough to challenge each other to keep growing in Jesus in 2016. In Jesus, Love Derek

Transcript of CLASS REUNION Family News & Notes - · • Jerry Frederick is home doing well. ......




Our lock-in will be this Thursday Night, December 31. You will need

approximately $20 for ice ska�ng and a movie. Bring a finger food to

share. Be at the building at 6:30PM Thursday night. We end at 7:00AM

sharp Friday morning. If you have ques�ons please see Jared.


Today, December 27, the youth group and all College students are invited to

go to the River Kings hockey game. The game starts at 3PM The �ckets are

$2. We will meet at the building at 2PM. If you are interested in going please

let Jared know.


Sunday, January 3, all High School Seniors and College Students, are invited

to a Fondue Party at the Butler’s home. This event will take place immediate-

ly following evening services. We will end at 9PM. Please see Jared for what

you will need to bring.

Sunday Conference call:

To listen to our Sunday morning service live,

call 1-877-380-7755 followed by 4651356 YOU MUST MUTE YOUR PHONE

• Marie Gray is in Trinity Rehab.

• Jerry Frederick is home doing well.

• Eric Walker is recovering well a8er surgery.

REMEMBER IN PRAYER SHUT-INS: Ann Estes, Valeria Canada, Reatha Crews, Evelyn Fowler, Billy Garre=, Carol

Golden, Marie Gray, Irmagene Hall, Lloyd Jones, Dot McEwen, Catherine Parker, Ann

Woodson HEALTH ISSUES: Robert Benne=, Cindy Caldwell, Lorene Edge, Tim Edge, Harvey

Geeding, Searcy & Peggy McGowen, Carolyn Miller, Bill Newport, Banks Ready, Chris Rogers,

Ki=y Ussery, FAMILY: Sue Archer, Jeane=e Barnes, Ka�e Culley, Bubba Davis, Jerry Frederick,

Charles Hester, Madie Hunsucker, Jesse Jones, Allyson Kelly, Martha Macintosh, Martha

Pounders, Bill Pyrdam, Willie Pyrdam, Terrance Simmons, Mike Wolbright.


The TLC First Friday Fellowship will be Friday, January 8, due to the holiday on

Friday, January 1. In February we will return to the first Friday. The �me of

6:00PM remains the same.


On Sunday, January 10, we will have a Workshop on Au�sm. Following

morning worship, lunch will be provided for our teachers and their families.

Then, from 12:30 – 3:30PM all our members are invited to par�cipate in the

workshop. Hear from those who know the medical, educa�onal, and prac�cal

sides of au�sm. Hear from nurses, school administrators, teachers, and parents

who have first-hand experience in helping those with au�sm.


Everyone is invited on a trip to Branson being planned for Wednesday, April 13,

through Saturday, April 16, 2016. The cost will be $134.71, which includes, 3

nights hotel stay and �ckets to see “Moses” at Sight and Sound Theatre. The

deadline for reserving a spot is Friday, January 15. Please see Beth Ramsey or

Nancy Herron for ques�ons and reserva�ons.


The contribu�on envelopes for the 2016 fiscal year are on the informa�on desks

in the visitor Center. Please stop by and pick up the box with your name on it. If

there are any new members or families that would like to be assigned a

contribu�on number please call the office. This is the only way you can receive

a le=er for income tax purposes.

December 27 10:00 (0-24 mos) Ginger MacMillan,

Crystal Haney, Nancy Cole

(2 years) Amanda Massey,

Marci Shumway

January 3 10:00 (0-24 mos) Emily Beard,

Lisa Eddlemon, Laurie Hammer

(2 years) Pa=y Rasco, Maranda Bunker

5:00PM: Debbie & Rebecca DeanCoker



Sunday, December, 27 — No evening service

Tuesday, December, 29 — Office reopens

Tuesday, December 29, — No Encouragers Class

Wednesday, December 30, — Mid Week Services

Thursday, December 31, — Office closes at noon

Friday, January 1, — Happy New Year

Tuesday, January 5, — Office reopens


Dale Thomas was asked back to his forty-year high school reunion. For

months he saved to take his wife back to the place and the people he le8 four

decades before. The closer the �me came for the reunion, the more excited

he became, thinking of all the wonderful stories he would hear about the

changes and the accomplishments these old friends would tell him.

One night before he le8 he pulled out his old yearbooks, read the silly

statements and the good wishes for the future that students wrote to each

other. He wondered what old Number 86 from his football team had done. He

wondered if any others had encountered Jesus, who had changed him so pro-

foundly. He even tried to guess what some of his friends would look like, and

what kind of jobs and families some of these special friends had.

The day came to leave and his best friend Alan, drove them to the

airport. Dale’s energy was almost contagious. “I’ll pick you up on Sunday

evening, and you can tell me all about it,” Alan said. “Have a great �me.”

Sunday evening arrived. Alan watched them get off the plane, but Dale

seemed almost despondent. Alan almost didn’t want to ask, but finally he

said, “Well, how was the reunion?”

“Alan,” Dale replied, “it was one of the saddest experiences of my life.”

“What happened?”

“It wasn’t what happened but what didn’t happen. It has been forty

years, forty years—and they haven’t changed. They had simply gained weight,

changed clothes, go=en jobs…but they hadn’t really changed. And what I

experienced was maybe one of the most tragic things I could ever imagine

about life. For reasons I can’t fully understand, it seems as though some

people choose not to change.”

There was a long silence as we walked back to the car. On the drive

home, Dale turned to Alan and said, “I never, never want that to be said of

me, Alan. Life is too precious, too sacred, too important. If you ever see me go

stagnant like that, I hope you give me a quick, swi8 kick where I need it. I

hope you’ll love me enough to challenge me to keep growing in Jesus.”

Let’s love each other enough to challenge each other

to keep growing in Jesus in 2016.

In Jesus, Love Derek

WELCOME, GUESTS! We are honored with your presence and your willingness to join us in worship-

ping God today. An a=ended nursery for 0-24 months is available in the foyer and 2

year olds meet in room 5. Children ages 3-5 will be dismissed a8er the Lord’s Supper

for Children’s Church. Hearing assistance is available at the sound booth.

If you are a member of the Church of Christ and are looking for a place to wor-

ship and serve, please consider placing yourself under the oversight of our shepherds

and becoming part of our family in serving the Lord.

If you are not a member of a church and would like to learn more about the

Church of Christ, we would be honored to answer any ques�ons you may have. Please

fill out an ivory visitor’s card and drop it in the offering plate. If you would be interest-

ed in a home Bible study please call Derek McNamara at 662-349-3600.

Today’s Sermon by Dr. Derek McNamara

Learning From Jesus In 2016





























03/15/2015 Vol. 4 No. 11

Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone

with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.

~Colossians 1:28


December 27, 2015December 27, 2015December 27, 2015

Singing - Todd CoArell

238 “You Are The Song That I Sing”

1012 “Go Tell It On The Mountain”

Welcome - Dr. Derek McNamara

535 “The Glory-Land Way”

895 “I’ll Live In Glory”

Prayer - Jared McCormick

76 “How Great Thou Art”

The Lord’s Supper and Offering

David Kopf

“Here I Am To Worship”

Message - Dr. Derek McNamara

Learning From Jesus In 2016

InvitaGon Song:

429 “Oh, To Be Like Thee”

Shepherd’s Prayer - David Butler




Sunday Offering $28,504

Weekly Budget $22,900


Bible Class 391

Morning Assembly 638

Midweek Class 217

Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone

with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.

~Colossians 1:28


Phil Anderson Marty Brownfield David Butler

Randy Denton Jimmy Eddlemon Tim Mobley

Gordon SchmiAou Jerry Winstead [email protected]


Dr. Derek McNamara

Senior Minister [email protected]

MaAhew Crowe

Associate Minister [email protected]

Alan Underwood

Minister of Children’s EducaGon [email protected]

Jared McCormick

Youth Minister

[email protected]


[email protected]

AntoineAe Jones

[email protected]

Raynee Randolph

[email protected]

Office Hours:

Mon-Thurs: 8AM-12PM

and 1-5 PM

Fri: 8AM-12PM and 1-4PM

Phone: (662) 349-3600

1700 Goodman Rd. E • Southaven, MS 38671


Bible Class 9:00AM

Morning Assembly 10:00AM

Evening Assembly 5:00PM


Bible Class 7:00PM

12/27/2015 Vol. 4 No. 52