Class 7 Layout

Layout Styles of layouts , Grids , Layout standards and templates , Production issues


Class 7 Powerpoint

Transcript of Class 7 Layout

  • 1. Layout
    Styles of layouts , Grids , Layout standards and templates , Production issues

2. Layout Production
Layout Phase
Questions to ask yourself:
What will be the final size of the layout?
Will colors end at a margin or the edge of the page as bleeds?
How many pages will the finished file have? For a standard book format, page count needs to be divisible by four.
3. Layout Production
How many columns should be included?
How wide will the margins and gutters to be?
Is this task a print or Web project?
The answers to these questions will help the designer determine the file setup and color usage.
4. Styles of Layouts
A variety of layout styles can be used to communicate a message. For instance, the selection of a typeface can convey a mood or tone. A particular layout style can also affect the intended message
5. Styles of Layouts
Aspects to consider when developing a layout include:
The intended message
The audience
The function of the piece, such as a newsletter, poster, or advertisement
6. Styles of Layouts
Asymmetrical orsymmetrical
What are the definitions of these? How are they different?
7. Symmetrical
Is there a sense of hierarchy, rhythm, balance, or any other design principles?
How does the layout influence the mood or tone?
What is the mood of each piece?
8. Symmetrical
Is there a sense of hierarchy, rhythm, balance, or any other design principles?
How does the layout influence the mood or tone?
What is the mood of each piece?
9. Asymmetrical
Is there a sense of hierarchy, rhythm, balance, or any other design principles?
How does the layout influence the mood or tone?
What is the mood of each piece?
10. Asymmetrical
Is there a sense of hierarchy, rhythm, balance, or any other design principles?
How does the layout influence the mood or tone?
What is the mood of each piece?
11. Using Grids
A grid is the underlying visual structure on which a design is based.
A grid is similar to the frame of a house: after the main structure or underlying frame is developed, elements are layered on top in a consistent and harmonious manner
12. Using Grids
A designer can also break the grid to add interest and create a dynamic element in the design
13. Breaking the Grid
Used to add visual interest and variety
Keeping with grid style, change a few elements to be outside the grid
Further: change style or color of some elements to be different than established style
14. Breaking the Grid
15. Breaking the Grid
16. Grids
Help organize information in a clear and easy-to-follow layout
Help create a balanced and proportional layout
Help align the page elements
Are used as markers for placing elements
Are used as markers for creating proportionate elements to break the grid
17. Grids
18. Grids
19. Grids
20. Grids
21. Grids
What did you notice about these grids?
How would this effect your audience?
How can you influence your viewer by using a grid?
22. Group Assignment
3 groups
All groups will create rough sketches for a corporate newsletter. Using a grid system, Group A should take a conservative approach and Group B should take a fun, whimsical approach. Group C need not use a grid.
23. Group Assignment
Which grids work and why?
Which grids are not working? Why?
Which approach is the most realistic for a corporate newsletter?
include any grid samples they admire in their idea-and-image scrapbook
24. Layout standards and templates
Consistency is an important element of good layouts.
Develop the grid at the beginning so the same grid can be applied throughout the design document creating consistency
In a multipage document, often more than one grid system is used for different pages in the same publication
25. Layout standards and templates
Master Pages
These are used in large publications. Especially when different grid systems are used. Example of master pages: page numbers and footers
This is done in InDesign. Name master page specifically to make them easy and fast to use
26. Layout standards and templates
Master Pages
These are used in large publications. Especially when different grid systems are used. Example of master pages: page numbers and footers
This is done in InDesign. Name master page specifically to make them easy and fast to use
27. Grid Assignment
Take out a sheet of paper. Draw a grid onto this.
Imagine how this would be used for a 1 page ad
Keep margins in mind
Grids can comprise any number of columns. No more than four columns both vertically and horizontally for this ad, otherwise confusing
28. Grid Assignment
29. Reading
Graphic Design School: The Principles and Practices of Graphic Design
Unit 5, Tools and Technologies, pp.104125
Unit 7, Web Design Basics, pp. 148163
Teach Yourself Visually Adobe Photoshop CS3
Chapter 5, ManipulateSelections, pp. 7895
30. Writing
Design Article Analysis
Pass out handout
31. Due next class
Writing Assignment
Project 3
Any late labs and papers
32. Graded Assignments
Pass back graded assignments
Reminder: grades class 9
Collect back virtual library assignments
33. Next class
Design Tools
34. LAB7
Layout lab