Clash magazine audience investigation

1.) The magazine cover suggests that the magazine is primarily aimed at females. This is shown through the main image, a mid-shot of Lana Del Rey. She is positioned lying down with her hands either side of her face, this portrays her as quite guarded as well as innocent and angelic. This is reinforced with the bright lighting creating emphasis on her face, showing her eyes closed with minimal expression. It could suggests that she uses her music to escape which would attract a primarily female audience who listen to her music and use it as a form of escapism. The magazine cover also uses quite a feminine colour scheme consisting of mainly pastel colours. Lana Del Rey is shown wearing a pink top a big pale blue fur hood which would attract a female audience. The fur hood also has a white tint to it which adds a consistent colour scheme to the magazine as the text is also white. White has connotations of peace and innocence, further reinforcing the angelic theme. 2.) The magazine has the names of featured artists instead of straplines showing featured articles. The artists are all new and upcoming artists from America as it is ‘the American dream issue’. These artists are all quite young therefore appealing to the target age group of 18-25 year olds who will be more aware of new artists. The font used in the masthead ‘Clash’ and the anchorage text ‘Lana Del Rey’ are both bold and modern which would appeal to 3.) The target audience would be university students/still in education (socio economic demographic). This is shown through the bright colour scheme that would appeal to younger people. At the top of the 4.) In the top right hand corner the contents of the magazine are shown ‘music/fashion/film’ this shows that the target audience would be interested in music, fashion and films. They’d regularly listen to and buy music, as well as attend concerts and festivals. They’d like to keep up to date with the latest fashion trends and would go to the cinema at least once 5.) The ‘main representation’ of the magazine is the representation of Lana Del Rey. She’s represented as both angelic and innocent through her facial expression and body positioning and quite bold and strong through the black outline on the anchorage text and bold choice of colours in her clothing. Her red nails also have connotations of power and love. The anchorage text ‘Lana Del Rey’, ‘ready to bloom again’ suggests that Lana Del Rey is ready to embarking on the next step of her music. This would appeal to students as they’d be able to identify with new challenges in their lives as they’re now at university and having to be more independent. 6.) Although the target audience would be females for this particular issue, the secondary audience of male student s wouldn’t be as attracted to the cover of the magazine and would have different reaction than females. They might feel it’s too feminine and might’ve been more interested an influential male artist as the main image.

Transcript of Clash magazine audience investigation

Page 1: Clash magazine audience investigation

1.) The magazine cover suggests that the magazine is primarily aimed at females. This is shown through the main image, a mid-shot of Lana Del Rey. She is positioned lying down with her hands either side of her face, this portrays her as quite guarded as well as innocent and angelic. This is reinforced with the bright lighting creating emphasis on her face, showing her eyes closed with minimal expression. It could suggests that she uses her music to escape which would attract a primarily female audience who listen to her music and use it as a form of escapism. The magazine cover also uses quite a feminine colour scheme consisting of mainly pastel colours. Lana Del Rey is shown wearing a pink top a big pale blue fur hood which would attract a female audience. The fur hood also has a white tint to it which adds a consistent colour scheme to the magazine as the text is also white. White has connotations of peace and innocence, further reinforcing the angelic theme. The grass in the background of the image is off focus and has been manipulated in order to have a pale green tint. This is to keep the focus on Lana Del Rey, it could also be for the audience to identity with as it could represent that when listening to music everything else is out of focus.

2.) The magazine has the names of featured artists instead of straplines showing featured articles. The artists are all new and upcoming artists from America as it is ‘the American dream issue’. These artists are all quite young therefore appealing to the target age group of 18-25 year olds who will be more aware of new artists. The font used in the masthead ‘Clash’ and the anchorage text ‘Lana Del Rey’ are both bold and modern which would appeal to students. ‘Lana Del Rey’ is outlined in black which gives it an edgier look which could show that although she’s been portrayed as angelic in the main image she’s also strong and powerful which is shown in her music, further appealing to the audience.

3.) The target audience would be university students/still in education (socio economic demographic). This is shown through the bright colour scheme that would appeal to younger people. At the top of the magazine it shows the contents ‘music/fashion/film’ which would appeal to creative students.

4.) In the top right hand corner the contents of the magazine are shown ‘music/fashion/film’ this shows that the target audience would be interested in music, fashion and films. They’d regularly listen to and buy music, as well as attend concerts and festivals. They’d like to keep up to date with the latest fashion trends and would go to the cinema at least once a month to see films they’re interested in.

5.) The ‘main representation’ of the magazine is the representation of Lana Del Rey. She’s represented as both angelic and innocent through her facial expression and body positioning and quite bold and strong through the black outline on the anchorage text and bold choice of colours in her clothing. Her red nails also have connotations of power and love.The anchorage text ‘Lana Del Rey’, ‘ready to bloom again’ suggests that Lana Del Rey is ready to embarking on the next step of her music. This would appeal to students as they’d be able to identify with new challenges in their lives as they’re now at university and having to be more independent. ‘Ready to bloom again’ also relates to the main image as her positioning also mimics a flower as she’s led on the grass with the sun shining on her with the hood around her face representing petals suggesting that she’s ready to ‘bloom.’ The audience would be able to identity with wanting to fit in to society as well as being strong and ready for the next steps in their lives.

6.) Although the target audience would be females for this particular issue, the secondary audience of male student s wouldn’t be as attracted to the cover of the magazine and would have different reaction than females. They might feel it’s too feminine and might’ve been more interested an influential male artist as the main image.