Claire Evison Manifesto

MANIFESTO Claire Evison


Back up work for my Manifesto Project

Transcript of Claire Evison Manifesto


Claire Evison

Written Manifesto

Initial Ideas/Research

If you open your mind too much, your brain will fall out It is important to keep an open mind, it allows you to experience new things and learn new.methods but remember not to believe everything you read, take it all with a pinch of salt

Your beliefs don’t make you a better person, your behavior does

Adopt, adapt and improve Don’t give up at the first hurdle. Keep going, change your tactic, try again and if it doesn’t work, .change your tactic and try again. The more times you try, the more you’ll learn

Give generously.And don’t expect anything in return

3D is overrated .Just look how stupid you look in your glasses

Learn as much as you can Knowing things, useless or not, is never a bad thing. Learn things outside of what you should, genetics, geography, music and store it all away, you never know when it’ll come in handy. Plus it .makes you good in a pub quiz

Experience .Don’t just say you’ll do things, see it through and do it

Read more.You get more from a book then you could ever get from a film

Learn to laughLearn to accept things as they are, if things are bad, think about how much worse they could be

Health and safety occasionally gets in the way of evolution As someone with a nut allergy I have never needed to refer to the ‘may contain nuts’ sign on the .back of a packet of peanuts to know not to eat it and I worry for those who do

Travel Travel when you can, not necessarily abroad. You’d be amazed what you can learn on a train, and.who you meet

People who think they know everything, usually know nothing Don’t be afraid to ask questions, no matter how stupid they may be. Also different people see things differently, by asking questions you’ll learn things you may never have realized on your .own

You’re your own worst enemy

Initial Ideas/Research

