Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falsene Stop smoking ; it’s bad.


Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness. Stop smoking; it’s bad. Hypocrisy (noun). Hypocritical (adj) Hypocritically (adv) Hypocrite (noun). To understand, to comprehend. Fathom (verb). Understood, but not clearly stated or written. Implicit (adj). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Page 1: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Claiming beliefs

that one does not

really possess or follow; falseness

Stop smoking; it’s bad.

Page 2: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Hypocrisy (noun)Hypocritical (adj)Hypocritically (adv)Hypocrite (noun)

Page 3: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

• To understand, to comprehend

Page 4: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Fathom (verb)

Page 5: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Understood, but not clearly

stated or written

Page 6: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Implicit (adj)Implicitly

Page 7: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Someone blamed for the faults of others

Page 8: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Scapegoat (noun)

Page 9: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Stubbornly unyielding; won’t surrender to begging.

Standing firm. Determined.

Page 10: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Adamant (adj)Adamantly (adv)

Page 11: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Occurring at just the right time

Page 12: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Opportune (adj)Opportunely (adv)Opportunity (noun)

Page 13: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Guilt and regret

Page 14: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Remorse (noun) Remorseful (adj) Remorsefully (adv)

Page 15: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Unable to be fixed

Page 16: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Irreparable (adj)

Irreparably (adv)

Page 17: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

To banish or exclude someone from a group

Page 18: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Ostracize (verb)Ostracism (noun)ostracizing (adj)

Page 19: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Doubting, distrustful, pessimistic

Page 20: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Cynical (adj)• Cynically (adv)

Page 21: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Someone or something that takes and takes without giving in return

Page 22: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Parasite (noun)

Parasitic (adj)Parasitically (adv)

Page 23: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Directly stated, spelled out clear

I want to break up.

I love you with all my heart,


Page 24: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Explicit (adj)Explicitly (adv)

Page 25: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

To slowly weaken by wearing away at something or someone

Page 26: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Undermine (verb)undermining (adj)

Page 27: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Easily tricked

Page 28: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Gullible (adj)Gullibly (adv)

Page 29: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Short, but clearly understandableTo brief, vote for me; I’m great!

Page 30: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Succinct (adj)Succinctly (adv)

Page 31: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

The direct opposite of what a character, audience or person


Page 32: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Irony (noun)Ironic (adj)Ironically (adv)

Page 33: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

To feel a deep, brewing anger

Page 34: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Seethe (verb)

Page 35: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Sadness, gloom, depression

Page 36: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Melancholy (noun)Melancholy (adj)

Page 37: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Based on morals/values; acting on what is right

Page 38: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Ethical (adj)Ethically (adv)Ethics (noun)

Page 39: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Recklessly ignoring what is right; immoral, cruel or excessive


Page 40: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Wanton (adj.)Wantonly (adverb)Wantonness (noun)

Page 41: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

• To agree with

Page 42: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Concur (verb)

Page 43: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Deliberate, on purpose,

without hiding, obvious

Page 44: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Blatant (adj)Blatantly (adv)

Page 45: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

The one working against the protagonist; the one

we want to fail

Page 46: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Antagonist (noun)Antagonistic (adj)Antagonistically(adv)

Page 47: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Foreshadows something bad is going to happen

Page 48: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Ominous (adj)ominously (adv)

Page 49: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Firmly sticking to moral beliefs

or values

Page 50: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Integrity (noun)

Page 51: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

What matters to a person regardless of consequences or what others think

Page 52: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Prerogative (noun)

Page 53: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Who the story is about;

the one we want to win

Page 54: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Protagonist (noun)

Page 55: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Super freaked out; upset

Page 56: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Distraught (adj)Distraughtly(adv)

Page 57: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or

follow; falseness

Page 58: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Hypocrisy (noun)Hypocritical (adj)Hypocritically (adv)Hypocrite (noun)

Page 59: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

• To understand, to comprehend

Page 60: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Fathom (verb)

Page 61: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Understood, but not clearly stated or written

Page 62: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Implicit (adj)Implicitly

Page 63: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Deliberate, on purpose,

without hiding, obvious

Page 64: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Blatant (adj)Blatantly (adv)

Page 65: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

The one working against the protagonist; the one

we want to fail

Page 66: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Antagonist (noun)Antagonistic (adj)Antagonistically(adv)

Page 67: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Unable to be fixed

Page 68: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Irreparable (adj)

Irreparably (adv)

Page 69: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

To banish or exclude someone from a group

Page 70: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Ostracize (verb)Ostracism (noun)ostracizing (adj)

Page 71: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Foreshadows something bad is going to happen

Page 72: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Ominous (adj)ominously (adv)

Page 73: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Firmly sticking to moral beliefs or values

Page 74: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Integrity (noun)

Page 75: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Someone blamed for the faults of others

Page 76: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Scapegoat (noun)

Page 77: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Stubbornly unyielding; won’t surrender to begging.

Standing firm. Determined.

Page 78: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Adamant (adj)Adamantly (adv)

Page 79: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Occurring at just the right time

Page 80: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Opportune (adj)Opportunely (adv)Opportunity (noun)

Page 81: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Guilt and regret

Page 82: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Remorse (noun) Remorseful (adj) Remorsefully (adv)

Page 83: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Doubting, distrustful, pessimistic

Page 84: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Cynical (adj)• Cynically (adv)

Page 85: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Someone or something that takes and takes without giving in return

Page 86: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Parasite (noun)

Parasitic (adj)Parasitically (adv)

Page 87: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Undermine (verb)undermining (adj)

Page 88: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Easily tricked

Page 89: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Gullible (adj)Gullibly (adv)

Page 90: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Short, but clearly understandable

Page 91: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Succinct (adj)Succinctly (adv)

Page 92: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

The direct opposite of what a character, audience or person


Page 93: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Irony (noun)Ironic (adj)Ironically (adv)

Page 94: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

To feel a deep, brewing anger

Page 95: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Seethe (verb)

Page 96: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Sadness, gloom, depression

Page 97: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Melancholy (noun)Melancholy (adj)

Page 98: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Directly stated, spelled out clear

Page 99: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Explicit (adj)Explicitly (adv)

Page 100: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Based on morals/values; acting on what is right

Page 101: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Ethical (adj)Ethically (adv)Ethics (noun)

Page 102: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Recklessly ignoring what is right; immoral, cruel or excessive

Page 103: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Wanton (adj.)Wantonly (adverb)Wantonness (noun)

Page 104: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

• To agree with

Page 105: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Concur (verb)

Page 106: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

What matters to a person regardless of consequences

or what others think

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Prerogative (noun)

Page 108: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Who the story is about; the one we want to win

Page 109: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Protagonist (noun)

Page 110: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Super freaked out; upset

Page 111: Claiming beliefs that one does not really possess or follow; falseness

Distraught (adj)Distraughtly(adv)