City uni1

A splat today, but tomorrow who knows…? Rick Waghorn, ceo Addiply, founder MFW May 13, 2011


'A Splat Today, But Tomorrow Who Knows...' Presentation by Addiply ceo Rick Waghorn to City University, 13/05/11... Sustaining Local Journalism.

Transcript of City uni1

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A splat today, but tomorrow who knows…?

Rick Waghorn, ceo Addiply, founder MFWMay 13, 2011

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Hyper-local: A splat of

pure Green… Nothing works, but

everything might… ‘Here’s the problem:

Journalists just don’t understand their business…’ (Randall Rothenburg]

GuardianLocal; combined ‘audience’ of 100,000-plus.


LP: Oh, Edmund can it be true? That I hold here, in my mortal hand, a nugget of purest Green?BA: Yes indeed, Percy, except that it's not really a nugget. More of a splat. LP: Yes, my Lord. A splat today, but tomorrow, who knows…

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"We've got a fantastic group of lads here that want to win every week for each other… When you've got a good team spirit and a group of lads who enjoy playing as much as they do, it's fantastic… (Grant Holt)."

Journalist as ‘brand’, ie ’06

Networks, MFW/Yeovil, MyBaseballWriter/RedSox

“What will the newsreading experience be years from now? … it will be personalised… (E Schmidt]

400,000 pages = $140, ’07.

Show me the money…

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The World Turned

Upside Down

“This book deals with… the attempts of various groups of the common people to impose their own solutions to the problems of their time… (Christopher Hill)

Years of tumult and revolution 1643-1660

Cost Charles I his head

Freedom of Movement

Liberty of Printing ‘Those that come out

of the North are the greatest pests of the nation…’ (Southwark


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From the Lancashire

hills he came Richard Jones Population: 24,351

(2001) 17,549 ‘unique visits’

in April 11. Engagement.

Oldham Evening Chron Population:217,273

(2001] Circ:15,273 (ABC, July’10-

Jan ’11]

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The Batavian: It’s a P2P


“Some of my advertisers took eight visits to sign. “It’s worth it to invest the time to build the relationship… “You’re selling yourself as much as you’re selling the site…” (Howard Owens)

B2B, B2C, why not P2P?

Person to Person… ‘I don’t want to put a

computer between me and a business…’

6,000 unique visitors a day and turns a profit.

I’m a local business too…

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The Dawn of the new ‘Age of Participation’?

“Outlets should move away from the editorial models of the ‘Age of Representation’, where news organisations published what they thought readers should know to an ‘Age of Participation’ and a better understanding of who the audience is... (Emily Bell)

News orgs publishing ads they think readers should see…?

Age of Participation in ad selling? Gathering news and ads from that local community…

Via better understanding of who the advertiser is.

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Community to ‘participate’ in

ad sales…

‘Scaling local sales is the key opportunity… establishing new, independent, entrepreneurial sales forces… (Jeff Jarvis, April ‘11)

Google + Places; Facebook + Deals.

‘Each will use distant sales…’ (Jarvis)

‘Groupon and Patch will attack with the brute force of local sales staff…’

‘Crowd selling’ tool…

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Can’t all be Hyper-

Local Supermen …or Superwomen Batman needs

Robin. Or Robins. 90% revenue

return; sell me an ad, I’ll give you 25%...

Keep pre-approval Keep it local, keep

it simple…

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And finally… ‘Revolutions create a

curious inversion of perception…’ (C Shirky)

Ie witnessing a world turning upside down

‘Top down… not to Jeremy’s taste…’

Media to be re-built from ‘EveryBlock’ up.

Re-launched in P2P format. Data relegated.

It’s a people thang…

“The importance of any given experiment isn’t apparent at the moment it appears… Even the revolutionaries can’t predict what will happen… “ (Clay Shirky)

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And thank you…

• Rick Waghorn, May 2010