City Places

COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH NAMES OF PLACES IN THE CITY SUCH AS SHOPS AND MATCH THEM WITH THE PICTURES 1.My washing machine is out of order, I must go to the-------------------------to do the washing. 2. There’s a great exhibition of Monet’s paintings at the -----------------------------. Let’s go to see it !. "hat do you want for #unch$ I thin% they ha&e &ery tasty beef at the -------------------- down the street '. I want to buy earrings for my niece’s birthday, I’## go to the -----------------------tomorrow. (. I’m fed up with eating meat and I )m cra&ing for some fresh sa#mon. "hat about going to the------------ *. +ou shou#dn’t forget to go to the ---------------------to buy a nice bunch of roses for your wife’s birthday. . I want to read the #ast tephen ing which is in the shop window of the -------------------, it #oo%s great /. "hat a shame My car refused to start this morning, I wi## ha&e to go to the-----------------, so that they #end me one whi#e they repair mine 0. ur house was bro%en into and the insurance as%ed us to go to the ----------------------------to comp#ain. 1 .3ewer and fewer peop#e go to -----------------for mass these days. 11. "hat about ha&ing a nice drin% at the -------------- next door after wor% 12. I rea##y en4oy going to the ---------------------e&ery unday to get nice fruit and &egetab#es. 1!. There’s the #ast fi#m directed by 5a&id 6ameron on at the ---------------------.3ancy going $ 1'. I rea##y must practise some sports but before I’ d better go to the --------------------to get new trainers. 1(. 7a&e you seen that gorgeous dress at the -----------------------------.It wou#d be great for the party 1*. +ou hair a## #oo%s scruffy, you’ d better go to the ----------------------------before your 4ob inter&iew 1 . 6hristmas is coming, why not go to the -----------------------to see what we can buy for the %ids$ 1/. "e mustn’t forget to &isit unc#e 8ob at the--------- 5octors says he is better now after the operation. 10. 5ear me, what a shopping #istI wi## go to the -------------------------instead of the sma## shops in town. 2 . "e need some biscuits for the cats and I ha&e seen they ha&e nice cat trees at the ------------------. 21. 9## my winter shoes are worn out, I thin% I wi## pop in that new --------------------------that opened #ast wee% 22. +ou shou#d go to the ---------------------to comp#ete your co##ection of stamps. 8a%er’s-art ga##ery-#aunderette-c# shop-pet shop- fishmonger’s-sports cinema-hairdresser’s-f#orist’s- to 4ewe##er’s-garage-mar%et-church-po station-hospita#-chemist’s-shoe sh boo%shop-post office-



Transcript of City Places



MATCH THEM WITH THE PICTURESBakers-art gallery-launderette-clothes shop-pet shop- fishmongers-sports shop-cinema-hairdressers-florists- toy shop-jewellers-garage-market-church-police station-hospital-chemists-shoe shop-pub-bookshop-post office-

1.My washing machine is out of order, I must go to the-------------------------to do the washing.

2. Theres a great exhibition of Monets paintings at the -----------------------------. Lets go to see it!

3. What do you want for lunch? I think they have very tasty beef at the -------------------- down the street!

4. I want to buy earrings for my nieces birthday, Ill go to the -----------------------tomorrow.

5. Im fed up with eating meat and I m craving for some fresh salmon. What about going to the------------

6. You shouldnt forget to go to the ---------------------to buy a nice bunch of roses for your wifes birthday.

7. I want to read the last Stephen King which is in the shop window of the -------------------, it looks great!

8. What a shame! My car refused to start this morning, I will have to go to the-----------------, so that they lend me one while they repair mine!

9. Our house was broken into and the insurance asked us to go to the ----------------------------to complain.

10.Fewer and fewer people go to -----------------for mass these days.

11. What about having a nice drink at the -------------- next door after work!

12. I really enjoy going to the ---------------------every Sunday to get nice fruit and vegetables.

13. Theres the last film directed by David Cameron on at the ---------------------.Fancy going ?

14. I really must practise some sports but before I d better go to the --------------------to get new trainers.

15. Have you seen that gorgeous dress at the -----------------------------.It would be great for the party!

16. You hair all looks scruffy, you d better go to the ----------------------------before your job interview!!!

17. Christmas is coming, why not go to the -----------------------to see what we can buy for the kids?

18. We mustnt forget to visit uncle Bob at the---------Doctors says he is better now after the operation.

19. Dear me, what a shopping list!!I will go to the -------------------------instead of the small shops in town.

20. We need some biscuits for the cats and I have seen they have nice cat trees at the ------------------.

21. All my winter shoes are worn out, I think I will pop in that new --------------------------that opened last week!

22. You should go to the ---------------------to complete your collection of stamps.

23. I still have that terrible headache, can you go to the --------------------- to get some aspirin for me?

24. Oh! I forgot to go to the -----------------to buy some bread for dinner!