City of Portage Community Development Authority Annual ......City of Portage . Community Development...

City of Portage Community Development Authority Annual Meeting Thursday, March 14, 2019, 5:45 p.m. City Municipal Building, 115 West Pleasant Street Conference Room Two Agenda Members: Nita Bortz, Kyle Dumbleton, Ken Griep, James Grothman, David Gunderson, Mark Hahn, Marty Havlovic 1. Roll call 2. Approval of minutes of previous meeting 3. Discussion and possible action on Façade Loan Program application for The Flower Company. 4. Adjournment. The meeting location is handicap accessible. If you need reasonable accommodations due to a disability, please contact the City Clerk at 608- 742-2176 no later than 48 hours prior to the meeting.

Transcript of City of Portage Community Development Authority Annual ......City of Portage . Community Development...

City of Portage Community Development Authority Annual Meeting

Thursday, March 14, 2019, 5:45 p.m. City Municipal Building, 115 West Pleasant Street

Conference Room Two Agenda

Members: Nita Bortz, Kyle Dumbleton, Ken Griep, James Grothman, David

Gunderson, Mark Hahn, Marty Havlovic 1. Roll call 2. Approval of minutes of previous meeting 3. Discussion and possible action on Façade Loan Program application for

The Flower Company. 4. Adjournment.

The meeting location is handicap accessible. If you need reasonable accommodations due to a disability, please contact the City Clerk at 608-742-2176 no later than 48 hours prior to the meeting.

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City of Portage Community Development Authority Meeting

Thursday, June 14, 2018 – 5:00pm City Municipal Building, 115 W. Pleasant Street

Conference Room One

Members present: Marty Havlovic, Nita Bortz , David Gunderson, and Mark Hahn

Excused: Jim Grothman, Kyle Dumbleton, and Ken Griep

Also present: Business Development and Planning Director Steve Sobiek, and Finance Director Jean Mohr

Roll Call

Members present as indicated above.

Approval of Minutes from April 24, 2018.

MOTION by Hahn, second by Bortz, to approve the minutes from the April 24, 2018 meeting as presented. Motion passed 3-0 on a call of the roll with Bortz, Gunderson, and Hahn voting yes. Havlovic abstained.

Discussion and possible action on block grant short sale and conversion to promissory note

Mohr reported that the individual with a block grant home rehabilitation program loan is selling her home and still owes an outstanding balance of $19, 188. on the loan. Mohr and Administrator Murphy met with the individual, as well as her new husband. The couple indicated that they would sign a promissory note for the amount owed. They would pay $200 a month at a 0 percent interest rate.

Bortz indicated a promissory note is similar to a signature guarantee on a loan.

Mohr indicated the loan recipient is not making a profit on selling her home.

Mohr indicated that if the individual and her husband default on the promissory note, the spouse’s wages could be garnished. In addition, the defaulted promissory note would likely be turned over the to the State Collection Agency, contracted with by the City, for debt collection, including wage and bank account garnishment.

MOTION by Bortz, second by Gunderson, to approve conversion of the outstanding block grant housing rehabilitation loan amount of $19,188 , owed by said applicant, to a promissory note

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for the same amount, no interest. Motion passed 4-0 on a call of the roll with all members present voting yes.

Next Meeting Date.

Consensus of the members present to hold the next meeting when a loan application needs to be approved, or taken action on.

Sobiek indicated that changes in the ED-RLF program may necessitate a future meeting, as well.


Motion by Grothman, second by Hahn to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed 4-0 vote on a call of the roll with all members present voting yes. Meeting adjourned at 5:19 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Steve Sobiek, Secretary /Business Development and Planning Director

Date Approved: