City of Long Beach Youth and Gang Violence Prevention Task Force

City of Long Beach Youth and Gang Violence Prevention Task Force Western Justice Center Pasadena, California Presented by Lydia A. Hollie, J.D., M.A.Ed. Chair May 28, 2008


Presentation by Lydia A. Hollie, JD/MAED, regarding comprehensive approach to violence prevention and intervention strategic efforts initiated by the City of Long Beach Youth and Gang Violence Prevention Task Force at the Western Justice Center on May 27, 2008 in Pasadena, CA.

Transcript of City of Long Beach Youth and Gang Violence Prevention Task Force

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City of Long Beach

Youth and Gang

Violence Prevention

Task Force

Western Justice Center

Pasadena, California

Presented by

Lydia A. Hollie, J.D., M.A.Ed.


May 28, 2008

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City of Long Beach Youth & Gang

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“Reducing Violence, Saving Lives”

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City of Long Beach Youth & Gang

Violence Prevention Task Force

Vision Statement

The Youth and Gang Violence Prevention

Task Force envisions a community where

youth are highly valued, well educated,

skilled for the 21st century workplace,

healthy, law abiding, and contributing

members of society who respect the

rights of others and themselves.

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City of Long Beach Youth & Gang

Violence Prevention Task Force

Learning from the Past

On November 4, 2003, the City of Long Beach Human Relations Commission (HRC) presented an Interim Report and Re-examination of the Problems of Youth and Gang Violence in the City of Long Beach.

The report reflected the impacts that youth violence has on the quality of life for youth and human relations in the city. The report noted that 40% of the city’s population is children and youth.

The report was approved by the community leadership, the Long Beach Police Department, unanimously adopted by the City Council, and implemented.

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City of Long Beach Youth & Gang

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Key HRC Recommendations

Convene a task force representative of the major leadership sectors of the community to develop a citywide comprehensive approach to implement recommendations from the HRC report over a three-year period.

Train gang conflict mediators as a resource to the Human Dignity Program’s Hate Crimes Response and Inter-group Conflict Resolution Teams.

Develop a public awareness campaign to communicate relevant anti-gang messages and reinforce positive community norms.

Strengthen relationships with ethnic specific community based organizations.

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City of Long Beach Youth & Gang

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Youth and Gang Violence

Prevention Task Force

The Long Beach Youth and Gang Violence Prevention Task Force is a 40-member group charged with pursuing solutions to wide-ranging issues that significantly affect the quality of life for our youth.

It represents every major leadership sector of the community and it reflects the demographic diversity of the community.

Task Force members were selected specifically for their expertise and interest in youth as well as youth violence prevention and intervention

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City of Long Beach Youth & Gang

Violence Prevention Task Force

Structural Framework

The structural framework of the citywide Task Force includes two other elements, which strengthens its capacity to be effective:

Executive Committee: Represents the highest leadership of the city to reflect the diverse interests impacted by youth violence, provides oversight of the implementation process, as well as direct support for resource allocation.

Resource Team: City and Long Beach Unified School District staff is responsible for providing staff support, reviewing the City’s current youth-serving policies and programs, identifying programs by goals and targeted population and activities, and benchmarking programs from other cities.

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City of Long Beach Youth & Gang

Violence Prevention Task Force

Key Objective

To inform, consult, and work in

collaboration with civic leadership, the faith

based community, neighborhood

associations, educational, and youth

leaders to identify the appropriate

preventative measures, responses and

strategies related to issues of delinquency,

conflict, violence and gang-related activity.

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City of Long Beach Youth & Gang

Violence Prevention Task Force

Key Purpose

To inform the City of Long Beach and the Long Beach Unified School District as to the appropriate preventative measures, responses and strategies related to issues of violence and gang-related activity.

To consult and work in collaboration with Long Beach City College, California State University Long Beach and other community partners to research and review programs that serve at-risk youth and young adults.

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City of Long Beach Youth & Gang

Violence Prevention Task Force

Key Duties

Conduct needs assessment of at-risk youth and young adults, evaluate available resources and propose ways to address unmet needs.

Review the performance of such services and programs in the community, including the evaluation of each funded program.

Increase public awareness of the resources available to combat youth violence and gang involvement, and of strategies to reduce the problem.

Research and report to the City of Long Beach, LBUSD and/or community partners funding the appropriate risk assessment instruments to respond to and treat the juveniles and young adults at risk of violence and/or gang involvement.

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City of Long Beach Youth & Gang

Violence Prevention Task Force

Developmental Phases I & II

Phase I

Identify the overarching objectives from the Human Relations Commission report;

Phase II

Identify possible approaches to addressing youth and gang violence in the City of Long Beach;

Recommend strategies to implement the recommendations from the HRC Report;

Provide a “big picture” approach to planning.

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City of Long Beach Youth & Gang

Violence Prevention Task Force

Developmental Phase III

Develop a multi-year Violence Prevention Plan for the City.

Connect and promote resources in the community.

Support the hiring of a Violence Prevention Coordinator.

Develop a Task Force Strategic Plan.

Develop a public educational awareness campaign.

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City of Long Beach Youth & Gang

Violence Prevention Task Force

Youth Engagement & Violence

Prevention Subcommittee

HRC Report stated: 184,800 minors and young adults 0-24 years of age reside in Long Beach, representing 40% of the total Long Beach population.

Possible objectives: Find ways to engage youth in the process to reduce youth violence.

Explore and implement ways to involve reformed gang members in a meaningful way.

Increase youth participation in anti-gang and community programs; identify youth role models and stakeholders.

Target Police Beats 4, 5, and 7 youth-serving agencies to identify youth to participate on the Task Force.

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Violence Prevention Task Force

Early Childhood Education & Parenting


HRC Report stated: There is a need for more parent and/or adult involvement in youth’s lives. There needs to be ongoing communication to get parents involved so that they become more aware of the issues youth face everyday which includes sometimes just simply getting from home to school and back safely.

Possible objectives: Identify resources for specialized parenting education.

Put together a parenting resource guide and make it available online and in print; bring resource programs to the area; launch a media campaign to promote parenting support groups; and look into linking parenting classes to take advantage of certain social services.

Focus on early intervention in the pre-school age range.

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City of Long Beach Youth & Gang

Violence Prevention Task Force

Workforce Development & Reentry


HRC Report stated: An antidote to gangs and criminal activity is meaningful workplace skill development and gainful employment.

Possible objectives:

Find ways to increase job opportunities for all youth as well as address housing, mental health, substance abuse treatment, education, and life management skills for reentering youth.

Continue to collaborate with the Workforce Development Board’s Youth Council to implement strategies to increase youth employment services through grant and program development, and through increased outreach of services available to youth through the Youth Opportunities Council, Commission on Children and Youth, other youth-serving organizations, and the local business community.

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Media & Community Education


HRC Report stated: Develop a public awareness campaign modeled after the anti-tobacco initiative campaign to communicate anti-gang messages which de-glorifies and de-glamorizes violence through the promotion of positive character and community and social values, e.g., integrity, responsibility, accountability, and respect.

Possible objectives: Develop a multi-dimensional media plan that gives a relevant voice

to the targeted populations in Long Beach and convey a positive message of role models for youth and families.

Establish the general public service message for the anti-violence media campaign.

Develop Task Force brochures for youth and adult audiences.

Develop Task Force web site and include useful resource links.

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City of Long Beach Youth & Gang

Violence Prevention Task Force

Research & Resource Development


HRC Report stated: That the City Council allow the Human Relations Commission to research and forward suggestions for the application of funding to offset the cost of some of the recommendations contained in this report.

Possible objectives:

Analyze high crime neighborhoods and identify needs and resources; analyze additional neighborhoods where crime is rising.

Create a cross directory of resources in key target Police Beats.

Research best-practices for prevention across the country for possible implementation in the city.

Research grant opportunities for funding prevention initiatives in the city.

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City of Long Beach Youth & Gang

Violence Prevention Task Force

Key Accomplishments

Completed citywide criminal activity analysis and identified Police Beats 4, 5 and 7 as the initial point of focus.

LBPD and Department of Parks Recreations and Marine worked together collaboratively to place Mobile Rec. sites within the targeted area.

Held Focus Groups (youth & adult) in target area to gain in-depth knowledge of community needs and advice from the residents.

Endorsed the 64-Day Season for Nonviolence.

Delivered summer Police/Youth Dialogue.

Developed Website ( and Logo.

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City of Long Beach Youth & Gang

Violence Prevention Task Force

Key Accomplishments (Cont’d)

Completed two Enough is Enough Community Telethon campaigns (an unprecedented 41 hours (2005) and 9 hours (2007) to change perception about crime reduction, neighborhood restoration, and violence prevention, collaboration the Long Beach Press Telegram, Charter Communications, and Leadership Long Beach organization.

Delivered citywide Conflict Resolution Workshops and Community Forums on Parenting, Education, Conflict Resolution, Employment Opportunities.

Awarded Weed & Seed Communities Grant, totaling $1 million over five years in the address challenges in area of greatest need.

Collaborated with other city agencies to secure Cal GRIP funding, totaling $400,000.

Collaborated with city agencies, faith based and community based organizations, and the business and education sectors to develop comprehensive Anti-Gang Initiatives citywide.

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City of Long Beach Youth & Gang

Violence Prevention Task Force

Envisioning a Promising Future

“News Alert!

Among City’s Youth: Conflict, Death,

Injury, and Incarceration Declines to

Zero. Peaceful Co-Existence, Positive

Human Relations, and Neighborhood

Improvements are Steadily on the Rise

in the city of Long Beach.”

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Youth and Gang Violence Prevention

Task Force

Task Force Officers and City Staff

Dr. Lydia Hollie, Chair City of Long Beach Youth & Gang Violence Prevention Task Force

[email protected]

(562) 714-7473

Marc Rothenberg, Esq., Vice Chair

Hilary Rivers, Secretary 333 West Ocean Boulevard

13th Floor

Long Beach, California 90802

(562) 570-6958

Melissa Morgan, Human Dignity Officer City of Long Beach Human Dignity Program

[email protected]

Task Force Website: