Citizen (Berea, Ky.). (Berea, KY) 1905-01-05 [p ]

THE CITIZEN 1 11 11 1 1 l HIlI 1 11 1 111 1 1 1 1 J 1 IIa + tfttltt I Berea and Vicinity GATHERED FROM A VARIETY OF SOURCES 1 I +H 111 1 J 1111111 HJ IJ IJ1 11 1 11111 J 11 J1 111 1 1 11 1 J I 1 1 Dr Wm 0 Best is visiting friends in town t Chas Hanson leaves for Jellico to ¬ night on a business trip Miss Amy Smith of Greenville Term is a Berea visitor Mrs GT Spencer was n visitor in Terrill tho past few days Mr and Mrs C F Hanson spent New Year at Mrs Hansons home at AltamontBert left Sunday to re slime his studies in medicine at Louisville Frank L Gay loft Sunday for Louisville where ho will tako up the study of medicine Misses Etta Lewis Sarah Dowden nnd Mnfry Bicknoll spent Monday with Mn Joe Lewis Born to Mr and Mrs L 0 Lester on the 31st day of December a baby girl Emily Margaret Mr C F Boggs of Alexis Ill came Monday for a short visit with Mr and Mrs Gamble Mrs Bettie Samuels Jones of Hamilton Ohio is renewing old acquaintances in Berea G M Ballard School Superin tciulout of Rockcastlo county was hero at the opening of term The firm of Gabbard Hill are now operating a grocery in the rooms formerly occupied by T R jPettus Wolcott one of tho teachers in tho Mt Vernon School has been visiting Berea College for the last few days Dr S S Turner of Irvine called on this office Tuesday He entered his daughter Maude for the winter term of school i Mrs G M Patterson and daugh ¬ 1 ter Helon of Lancaster were guests of Prof and Mrs Dodge from Satur ¬ day to Tuesday Sheridan Baker left Tuesday for Louisville after sending the holidays at homo He finishes the dental course in the spring Miss Mary Minnich of Charles town W Va spent a very enjoyable ton days with her sister Mrs Jennie L Howard She left for her home 1Wduesday Little of Bristol Tenu a worker in the American Sunday school Union is visiting Berea stop- s ¬ ping at Pres Frosts He will be hero over Sunday Mr H Burnam Baker of Paint Lick and Miss Claudie Williams of Indianapolis ledwere married- Decemoor 28th at the brides home They will locate at Paint Lick Miss Nancio Ames of Crooksville spout a pleasant Christmas with friends in Berea returning home i Saturday accompanied by Miss Myrtle Lewis and Everett Todd Mr F B Spencer returned home tdHalloway Ontario Tuesday He knot leon tho guest the past three weeks of his brother G T Bptb made a trip to Cumberland Gap last week Married on December 20 Mr A S Worthen and Miss Henrietta Jkyant at the home of the bride Princeton Ill The happy couple will return to Berea after a visit of a week or more in and about Prince ¬ ton Miss Rosa Ballard of Kingston SaturdayI 12 A pleasant eveningwas spent The party was given in honor of Misses Myrtle Louis and Nnncie Ames and Mr Everett Todd Social Events of Vacation Tho Misses Todd and Lindley Friday evening gave n Mothar Goose party attended by twentyeight young folks Each one of the guests appeared in the novel costume of a Mother Goose character reciting the rhyme going with it Refreshments and a pleasant time were enjoyed by allFriday evening December 30 Miss Myrtle Lewis gave aparty in I honor of Miss Nancio Ames who hail been visiting her About thirty young people were present The following night there were at least four New Years affairs Pres Frost entertained teachers and stu ¬ dents A splendid time was hail in roasting chestnuts and trying their in the shooting gallery Presi ¬ dent Frost gave n reading and punch was served Miss Etta Gay held a tfatch party about eighteen guests being present Games and refreshments kept all busy tlntilmidnight The Misses Ethel and Ruth Put ¬ i nam entertained fourteen of their friends with a leap proposal party Now Years night the guests staying long enough to see the new year in r Mr and Mrs C D Lewis and I Mr and Mrs L C Hinman jointly gave a New Years watch party from guestsI were present Progressive flinch and refreshments- Mr nnd Mrs T J Osborne en- tertained ¬ Wednesday evening iu honor of their son Raymond who is spending his vacation at homo Quite a number of friends were present andafter games refreshments were served It was an enjoyable evening to I I 111 I I I 1 I I HII- t allCollege Items HERE AND THERE Miss Sallie Chrisman returned Monday She will finish her course in June The YW C A held an at home Saturday afternoon from 3 to 5 which was well nttendedI Mondayfrom has been during vacation nightdid ing new students with each other Gilbert Cottage will be in opera- tion ¬ this winter cord spring with Misses Schumaker and Horne in chargeDr Cowley returned from his mouths work in a Cleveland Hospi ¬ tal Thursday noon He reports a most successful and pleasant time Mr W A Mills a new worker in the printing oflico left Melbourne Australia Nov 20 arriving in this country after a 30day water journey Teachers returning from their vaca atiotis report a lovely time Those who were thus fortunate were Misses Douglass Hollister Bearinger and Leer There are thirtyone tables in the dining room and Annox of Ladies Hall seating 310 people Tho baker uses a barrel of flour daily 200 loaves of bread to supply them Frank Livengood returned Tues ¬ day from St Augustine Fin where he has been in railroad work the past three months and will resume his college course finishing in June Three new teachers will take up their work in the Model Schools Miss Hendricks Crystal Lake Ill Miss Kate Coddington well known to Bereans as the teacher of the public school several years ago Miss Sypherd Xeuia Ohio and n former teacher Miss Haagen teaching in Wnllaceton during summer and fall FOR SALE perhundred than ton is purchased Also 28 tons of nice Timothy baled hay 00 cents pjr hundred under similar condition SHELBT 0 Tooon Berea Ky SUMMONSES ISSUED Are After W S Taylor and Other AI leged Conspirators i Frankfort Ky Jan 4ln the cir- cuit court Tuesday the Indictments against W S Taylor Charles Finley John L Powers Zack Steele and the others Indicted for the Goebe murder were caned and continued and alias summonses Issued for the refugees E E Hogg the attorney tad bonds man for W H Culton Is here endeav ¬ cling to secure a release of Gallons bondsmen on the grounds that Culton was to be used only as a witness and having testified frequently his bonds men should not suffer THE MARCUM TRIAL Attorney Byrd Made the First Speech For the Plaintiff Winchester Ky Jan 4 Speaking In the Marcum caso was resumed on Tuesday morning by A F Byrd who- le making the first speech for the I plaintiff His arraignment of the de t t fendants Is terrific and ho declares- that the desperate efforts of tho de ¬ tense to break down the testimony of Capt Ewen and Henry Noble Is not so much to avoid paying damages as in this case to avoid criminal prosecu tlon for the murder of Marcum if this testimony Is not discredited I James Mitchell on Trial Lexington Ky Jan 4Jae Mitch ¬ ell the Negro who confessed he at tempted to poison the family of Judge James Mulligan exconsul to Samoa here several months ago was placed on trial la tha circuit court The tea t Umony developed tact along Ute line of h A RIVER DISASTER ISTOESSELS ARMY Boilers of the Towboat Defen ¬ der Blew Up at Huntington W Va Tuesday Night REPORT WAS HEARD FOR MILES JII1eI Of tho Crew of 28 Only 10 or 12 Been Accounted For and They Are All Injured The Steamer Burned For Over An Hour and the Smoldering Hulk Settled Down Just Above the City Wharf Huntington W Va Jan 4At 11 oclock Tuesday night the towboats Defender and Victor were passing this city on their return from Cincinnati where they had delivered largo fleets of coal boats The steamers ore own ¬ ed by the Pitts burg Towboat Co As the Defender was near tho wharf hero her boilers blew up The report way heard for miles around In a short time the big steamer was a mass of flames tho fire even spreading to tho 20 barges In tow The report awak- ened ¬ the Inhabitants of tho city and soon every available craft was route to the scene to aid In the enI The number of dead Is not known out of tho crow of 28 only 10 or have been accounted for and they are all seriously Injured The Captain Hurled Into the River The boat was In charge of Capt James Woodruff of Plttsburg and ho was hurled into the river by tho ex ¬ plosion but was later picked up by a rescuing party and taken to tho Ohio shore Ills Injuries are not consid ¬ ered serious Tho only dead body yet recovered and Identified Is that of Thomas Duffy of Plttsburg a fireman Another dead body that of a fireman I from Corryopolls Pa name unknown Itobert Holland of Pittsbucg and Joseph Moore of Oakland Pa wero picked up by tho rescuing party and are now in tho city hospital They are horribly Injured and can give no de- tails of the accident An engineers I young son Is said to have been killed and one woman was aboard name un ¬ known was horribly Injured The steamer burned for over an hour and the smouldering hulk settled down Just above the city wharfboat Injured Being Taken Care Of The victims recovered from the din aster were taken to different hospl tats and private houses and see In such a condition that nothing of ¬ telligible naturo retarding the rence can be bad from them occurI Woodruff was taken across the by some bop who picked him up and I Is now in a private house at Dradrlok and Is said not to be critically Injur- ed The steamer Victor was so far ahead of the Defender that her crow knew nothing of tho awful disaster that has befallen her and Is now push Ing on under full head of steam for Plttsburg Tho steamer Chevalier ly- ing at the local wharf when the explo- sion occurred rendered valuable aid HORRIBLE SUICIDE Woman Drenched Her Clothing With 011 and Set Herself on Fire Des Moines la Jan41Irs T C Alexander a pioneer resident burned herself to death In an outhouse She arose early secured possession of a can of kerosene with which she drenched her night dress and going to the outhouse set herself on fire The body charred was afterward dis ¬ covered In a corner Worry over the health of her two daughters Is sup ¬ posed to bo the cause of her action Price of Diamonds Advanced New York Jan 4LocnJ diamond dealers have been advised of an ad- vance ¬ of 5 per cent In the cost of rough stones making a total of 45 per cent Increase since 1901 Tho ralso has been made by the selling syndi ¬ cate with headquarters In London Receipts and Expenditures Washington Jan 4Tho compara- tive monthly statement of the govern ¬ ment receipts and expenditures shows the total receipts for December 1904 to have been 145047905 and the ex ¬ penditures 41497698 leaving a sup plus for tho month of 3550207 Nine Lose Their Llvea In a Fire Elmira N Y Jan 4Flre consum ¬ ed the home of Prank Noweskl a Pol- Ish ¬ miner In Morris Run Pa at an early hour Tuesday and the entire family of ten except the oldest son aged 18 was either burned to death or smothered Warehouses and Tobacco Burned Raleigh N C Jan 4A fire which broke out In the tobacco district of- f Greenville N C destroyed two ware- houses five prlzerles and several small buildings besides a million pounds of tobacco Losses 60000 Insurance 40000 Cold Wave In the East Boston Jan 9Rain snow and sleet blown by a high northeast gale swept tho entire section from East port Me to New York Tuesday and at 8 oclock the cold wave from tho lakes was beginning to mako Itself I felt Killed Two and Himself Portland Ore Jan 4 Enraged by Jealousy of Frank Dunne whom he be- lIeved ¬ to have alienated htlf wifes af fection Henry K Lopmls Tuesday killed Dunno and Mrs Loomis and j thiu committed suicldo I Some Interesting Statistics Con celling the Heroic Defense of Port Arthur KILLEDI and 0000 Remained In Forts 2000 of Whom Were Disabled The Text of the Articles of Capltula tlon of the Garrison Signed By the Commissioners of Gens Nogl and Stoessel Chefoo Jan 4Somo Interesting statistics concerning the defense of Port Arthur were brought hero by the flotilla of Russian torpedo boat de stroyers which carried numerous1 chests containing complete records of don Stocssols army Originally the army numbered 35 000 Eleven thousand have been kill ¬ ed 16000 are wounded or sick and 8000 remained In tho forts of which however 2000 were unablo to fight It is learned that when Gen Stoos eel wrote to Gen Nogl regarding the surrender of tno fortress ho sal I have 8000 men In this fort and 6000 of those are ablo to fight If you do not accept my proposal these men will die fighting but It will cost you three times their number to kill them During tho siege 265 per cent garrisons wero put out of action ThisI remarkable fact was duo to wounded men returning to tho front Cnsos j havo been recorded where teen have gone to hospitals four times returning convalescent to tho forts Many Officers Were Killed The number of officers killed was proportionately greater than In baltlo known In history This wasI duo to the frequent lethargic condition of the men who without food and without sleep moved only when or dared by their officers i The Russians estimate that the aka ing of the fortress has cost Japan 100000000 New York Jan 4The text of the articles of capitulation of the Port Ar ¬ thur garrison signed by the commis- sioners representing Gen Stoeesol and Gen Nogi has been made public All Russian soldiers marine and civil of ficials of the garr1lOn and harbor are made prisoners all forts batteries I vessels munitions etc are transfer- red to the Japanoso In tho condition I in which they existed at noon of Jan nary 3 violation of this clause to opor I ato as an annulment of the negotia ¬ lions giving the Japanese army war- rant I to take free action the Russian I military and naval authorities are to furnish to tho Japanese army an ex hlblt of all fortifications underground j and submarine mines a lIst bf military i officers of ships and the numbers of their crews and of civilians of both cupatlonsjand the present position pending arrange- ment for their tracsforrcnce SwordsI such of tholr personal property as Is directly necessary for the mainten ¬ I ance of life and with one servant j each may upon signing their parolo I nusslnlNoncommlRslonel1 the benefit of tho sick and wounded Russians tho sanitary corps and tho accountants belonging to tho Russian army and navy will bo required to servo under the Japanese sanitary corps and accountants for such period of tlmo as may be deemed necessary United States Pacific Squadron Santiago do Chile Jan iHr Adm Goodrich commanding the United changoJllnia to tho Chicago Tho Marblebead and Chicago and gunboat Bennlngton havo left for Call no Civil Service System In Porto Rico j Washington Jan 4A civil servo ice system similar to that in In the Philippines Is operatloraI Instituted shortly In Porto Service Commissioner Cooley will leave New York next Saturday for Porto Rico Death of American Explorer Confirmed Now York Jan 4Unlted Status States Minister Conger Tuesday en bled from Pckln to the Christian lien aId Inthis city confirmation of tho death of Francis II Nichols the Am ¬ erican explorer and correspondent In Thibet There Will Be No Armistice St Petersburg Jan 4TIe report circulated hero tq tho effect that an armistice Is assured before the end of tho week Is not confirmed In official circles where there is no Intimation that such a thing Is contemplated Relief For Sick Russian Soldiers OiVel Hat Wei Jan 4Ihe British steamer Andromeda sailed for Port Arthur Wednesday morning carrying a largo quantity of medical supplies appliances and comforts for tho Rims ¬ sign sick and wounded Gov Utter Inaugurated Providence R J Jan 4oov Geo II Utter was Inaugurated and the oth ¬ NovemI governor a brief address WHY IS ITI That nearly everybody trades at WELCHS It is because you can fcuy X Obelisk orGold Medal Flour par bag 76 Corn Meal per bushel 66 Arbucklcs Coffee two pounds for 25 Granulated Sugar per lb O53i Clarctt or Lenox Soap 3 burs for 10 Candy per pound 05 f Elephant Corn 3 cans for 25 Tomatoes 2 cans for 15 Green Gage or Egg Plums par can 10 They keep fine dried fruits best lard and high grade Coffee largest stock of Dry Goods Shoes and Carpets in the County and the cheapest Drug store on earth As wo turn the new loaf in lifes history our thoughts dwell in grateful appreciation for tho most successful year in our career We otTer our sincere thanks to our friends for contributing by your confidence nnd good will no generously to the ineastirn of our II II CC8IIS I wad VTR trust that our satisfactory dealings of the past may bo perpetuated and increased for many Tears to come Will something worth watching next wook > RespectfullyI S E Welch ti 1 + + + s + + + + ooss + If you want a first c1811I Haircut pI stop in the r Across from Industrial f No Waiting Qn Dulldrngt r k I H M RACER jt Proprietor i + h he For Sale About ton or twelve build lug lots on tho Loutavlllo sad Nashville railroad one half mile from Boron near Berea brick and tiling fee tory in a line IOC anel- good neighborhood Can bo bollRbright For further particular call on L B MOORE Bores Kr HANGED MIDST SNOW STORM Jockey John Hathaway Paid the Pen ¬ alty For Murder Winchester Ky Jan 4Jlllt a year from the time that John Hathaway colored murdered his mistress Etta Thomas ho expiated his crime on the scaffold hero at 866 Tuesday morn ¬ lug Ho awoke at 5 oclock drank i cup of coffee but ate no breakfast At his request he was taken to the lower part of the Jqll whero ho mao an address to tho prisoners urging them to forsake tho error of their ways In the midst of a Winding snow storm tho procession marched to the scaffold In tho jail yard with the pris ¬ oner In tho lead lie showed superb courage and never for an Instant fal tered or trembled Tho noose was spocdlly adjusted Sheriff MoCord touched the lover and the soul of Hathaway was launched Into eternity His neck was broken and In nine min utes ho was pronounced dead ills relations declined to take charge of the body and It will be burled In the potters Hold Hathaway 15 years ago ranked high as a jockey Mercantile Store Robbed Paducah Ky Jan 4The merchan ¬ dise store of Sam T Hubbard was rob ¬ bed at Water Valley Tho post office Is located In the same building A lot of razors merchandise and clamps were taken The police are on tho lookout for tho burglars Will Open New Line Owlngsvllle Ky Jan 4Jt is ex- pected that the first train on the now division of the Chesapeake Ohio railway system will run Into Ilkovlllo county seat of Pike county this week For months tho company has been rushing the work Escaped Prisoner Caught Fort Thomas Ky Jan 4Rolla rtntllff a general prisoner who escap- ed from the guard house January 12 1904 was apprehended by the police of Greenville Ql and will be returned S McGuire lnrolmrilto uxiiiuined by tho very fowl niiil latent optical instruments His work give satisfaction for prices on nil his work are right LVIIWH rtfiUod within n few days after taking the order If you have nay defect of vision it will pay you to look over liis stock end receive correct treatme- ntOPTICIAN Berea K- yCoal At bin near depot 12c to 13c Delivered for 13c to 14c Phone H- rChas L Hanson If you want a goad second hand square I PianoOR AN Organ You can Rot a bargain In them nt the fnruiuura store in Berea Ky lOppoelto Chrisman Welchs Phone 26

Transcript of Citizen (Berea, Ky.). (Berea, KY) 1905-01-05 [p ]

Page 1: Citizen (Berea, Ky.). (Berea, KY) 1905-01-05 [p ] CITIZEN 1 11 11 l HIlI 1 11 111 J I Ia+tfttltt I Berea and Vicinity GATHERED FROM A


1 11 11 1 1 l HIlI 1 11 1 111 1 1 1 1 J 1 I Ia+tfttlttI

Berea and Vicinity


1 I+H 111 1 J 1111111 HJ IJ IJ1 11 1 11111 J 11 J1 111 1 1 11 1 J I 1 1

Dr Wm 0 Best is visiting friendsin town

t Chas Hanson leaves for Jellico to ¬

night on a business tripMiss Amy Smith of Greenville

Term is a Berea visitorMrs GT Spencer was n visitor

in Terrill tho past few daysMr and Mrs C F Hanson spent

New Year at Mrs Hansons home at

AltamontBertleft Sunday to re

slime his studies in medicine atLouisville

Frank L Gay loft Sunday forLouisville where ho will tako up thestudy of medicine

Misses Etta Lewis Sarah Dowdennnd Mnfry Bicknoll spent Mondaywith Mn Joe Lewis

Born to Mr and Mrs L 0 Lesteron the 31st day of December a babygirl Emily Margaret

Mr C F Boggs of Alexis Illcame Monday for a short visit withMr and Mrs Gamble

Mrs Bettie Samuels Jones ofHamilton Ohio is renewing oldacquaintances in Berea

G M Ballard School Superintciulout of Rockcastlo county washero at the opening of term

The firm of Gabbard Hill arenow operating a grocery in therooms formerly occupied by T RjPettus Wolcott one of tho teachersin tho Mt Vernon School has beenvisiting Berea College for the lastfew days

Dr S S Turner of Irvine calledon this office Tuesday He enteredhis daughter Maude for the winterterm of school

i Mrs G M Patterson and daugh ¬

1 ter Helon of Lancaster were guestsof Prof and Mrs Dodge from Satur¬

day to TuesdaySheridan Baker left Tuesday for

Louisville after sending the holidaysat homo He finishes the dentalcourse in the spring

Miss Mary Minnich of Charlestown W Va spent a very enjoyableton days with her sister Mrs JennieL Howard She left for her home

1Wduesday Little of Bristol Tenua worker in the American Sundayschool Union is visiting Berea stop-



ping at Pres Frosts He will behero over Sunday

Mr H Burnam Baker of PaintLick and Miss Claudie Williams ofIndianapolis ledwere married-Decemoor 28th at the brides homeThey will locate at Paint Lick

Miss Nancio Ames of Crooksvillespout a pleasant Christmas withfriends in Berea returning home

i Saturday accompanied by MissMyrtle Lewis and Everett Todd

Mr F B Spencer returned hometdHalloway Ontario Tuesday Heknot leon tho guest the past threeweeks of his brother G TBptb made a trip to CumberlandGap last week

Married on December 20 Mr A

S Worthen and Miss HenriettaJkyant at the home of the bridePrinceton Ill The happy couplewill return to Berea after a visit of aweek or more in and about Prince ¬

tonMiss Rosa Ballard of KingstonSaturdayI

12 A pleasant eveningwas spentThe party was given in honor ofMisses Myrtle Louis and NnncieAmes and Mr Everett Todd

Social Events of VacationTho Misses Todd and Lindley

Friday evening gave n Mothar Gooseparty attended by twentyeightyoung folks Each one of the guestsappeared in the novel costume of aMother Goose character reciting therhyme going with it Refreshmentsand a pleasant time were enjoyed by

allFriday evening December 30Miss Myrtle Lewis gave aparty in I

honor of Miss Nancio Ames whohail been visiting her About thirtyyoung people were present

The following night there were atleast four New Years affairs PresFrost entertained teachers and stu ¬

dents A splendid time was hail inroasting chestnuts and trying their

in the shooting gallery Presi ¬

dent Frost gave n reading and punchwas served

Miss Etta Gay held a tfatch partyabout eighteen guests being presentGames and refreshments kept allbusy tlntilmidnight

The Misses Ethel and Ruth Put ¬

i nam entertained fourteen of theirfriends with a leap proposalparty Now Years night the guestsstaying long enough to see the newyear in


Mr and Mrs C D Lewis andI

Mr and Mrs L C Hinman jointlygave a New Years watch party fromguestsIwere present Progressive flinchand refreshments-

Mr nnd Mrs T J Osborne en-


Wednesday evening iuhonor of their son Raymond who isspending his vacation at homo Quitea number of friends were presentandafter games refreshments wereserved It was an enjoyable eveningto

I I 111 I I I 1 I I HII-t allCollege



Miss Sallie Chrisman returnedMonday She will finish her coursein June

The YW C A held an at homeSaturday afternoon from 3 to 5which was well nttendedIMondayfromhas been during vacationnightdiding new students with each other

Gilbert Cottage will be in opera-tion


this winter cord spring withMisses Schumaker and Horne in

chargeDrCowley returned from his

mouths work in a Cleveland Hospi ¬

tal Thursday noon He reports amost successful and pleasant time

Mr W A Mills a new worker inthe printing oflico left MelbourneAustralia Nov 20 arriving in thiscountry after a 30day water journey

Teachers returning from their vacaatiotis report a lovely time Those whowere thus fortunate were MissesDouglass Hollister Bearinger andLeer

There are thirtyone tables in thedining room and Annox of LadiesHall seating 310 people Tho bakeruses a barrel of flour daily 200loaves of bread to supply them

Frank Livengood returned Tues ¬

day from St Augustine Fin wherehe has been in railroad work the pastthree months and will resume hiscollege course finishing in June

Three new teachers will take uptheir work in the Model SchoolsMiss Hendricks Crystal Lake IllMiss Kate Coddington well knownto Bereans as the teacher of thepublic school several years ago MissSypherd Xeuia Ohio and n formerteacher Miss Haagen teaching inWnllaceton during summer and fall


perhundredthan ton is purchased Also 28 tonsof nice Timothy baled hay 00 centspjr hundred under similar condition

SHELBT 0 TooonBerea Ky


Are After W S Taylor and Other AI

leged Conspiratorsi

Frankfort Ky Jan 4ln the cir-cuit court Tuesday the Indictmentsagainst W S Taylor Charles FinleyJohn L Powers Zack Steele and theothers Indicted for the Goebe murderwere caned and continued and aliassummonses Issued for the refugeesE E Hogg the attorney tad bondsman for W H Culton Is here endeav ¬

cling to secure a release of Gallonsbondsmen on the grounds that Cultonwas to be used only as a witness andhaving testified frequently his bondsmen should not suffer


Attorney Byrd Made the First SpeechFor the Plaintiff

Winchester Ky Jan 4 SpeakingIn the Marcum caso was resumed onTuesday morning by A F Byrd who-le making the first speech for the


plaintiff His arraignment of the de tt

fendants Is terrific and ho declares-that the desperate efforts of tho de ¬

tense to break down the testimony ofCapt Ewen and Henry Noble Is notso much to avoid paying damages asin this case to avoid criminal prosecutlon for the murder of Marcum if thistestimony Is not discredited


James Mitchell on TrialLexington Ky Jan 4Jae Mitch ¬

ell the Negro who confessed he attempted to poison the family of JudgeJames Mulligan exconsul to Samoahere several months ago was placedon trial la tha circuit court The tea t

Umony developed tact along Ute lineof



Boilers of the Towboat Defen¬

der Blew Up at HuntingtonW Va Tuesday Night


JII1eIOf tho Crew of 28 Only 10 or 12

Been Accounted For and TheyAre All Injured

The Steamer Burned For Over AnHour and the Smoldering Hulk

Settled Down Just Abovethe City Wharf

Huntington W Va Jan 4At 11oclock Tuesday night the towboatsDefender and Victor were passing thiscity on their return from Cincinnatiwhere they had delivered largo fleetsof coal boats The steamers ore own ¬

ed by the Pittsburg Towboat Co Asthe Defender was near tho wharf heroher boilers blew up The report wayheard for miles around In a shorttime the big steamer was a mass offlames tho fire even spreading to tho20 barges In tow The report awak-ened


the Inhabitants of tho city andsoon every available craft wasroute to the scene to aid In the enIThe number of dead Is not knownout of tho crow of 28 only 10 orhave been accounted for and they areall seriously InjuredThe Captain Hurled Into the River

The boat was In charge of CaptJames Woodruff of Plttsburg and howas hurled into the river by tho ex ¬

plosion but was later picked up by arescuing party and taken to tho Ohioshore Ills Injuries are not consid ¬

ered serious Tho only dead body yetrecovered and Identified Is that ofThomas Duffy of Plttsburg a firemanAnother dead body that of a fireman

Ifrom Corryopolls Pa name unknown

Itobert Holland of Pittsbucg andJoseph Moore of Oakland Pa weropicked up by tho rescuing party andare now in tho city hospital They arehorribly Injured and can give no de-tails of the accident An engineers

Iyoung son Is said to have been killedand one woman was aboard name un ¬

known was horribly InjuredThe steamer burned for over an

hour and the smouldering hulk settleddown Just above the city wharfboat

Injured Being Taken Care OfThe victims recovered from the din

aster were taken to different hospltats and private houses and see Insuch a condition that nothing of ¬

telligible naturo retarding therence can be bad from them occurIWoodruff was taken across theby some bop who picked him up and I

Is now in a private house at Dradrlokand Is said not to be critically Injur-ed The steamer Victor was so farahead of the Defender that her crowknew nothing of tho awful disasterthat has befallen her and Is now pushIng on under full head of steam forPlttsburg Tho steamer Chevalier ly-ing at the local wharf when the explo-sion occurred rendered valuable aid


Woman Drenched Her Clothing With011 and Set Herself on Fire

Des Moines la Jan41Irs T CAlexander a pioneer resident burnedherself to death In an outhouse Shearose early secured possession of acan of kerosene with which shedrenched her night dress and goingto the outhouse set herself on fireThe body charred was afterward dis ¬

covered In a corner Worry over thehealth of her two daughters Is sup ¬

posed to bo the cause of her action

Price of Diamonds AdvancedNew York Jan 4LocnJ diamond

dealers have been advised of an ad-vance


of 5 per cent In the cost ofrough stones making a total of 45 percent Increase since 1901 Tho ralsohas been made by the selling syndi ¬

cate with headquarters In London

Receipts and ExpendituresWashington Jan 4Tho compara-

tive monthly statement of the govern ¬

ment receipts and expenditures showsthe total receipts for December 1904to have been 145047905 and the ex ¬

penditures 41497698 leaving a supplus for tho month of 3550207

Nine Lose Their Llvea In a FireElmira N Y Jan 4Flre consum ¬

ed the home of Prank Noweskl a Pol-Ish


miner In Morris Run Pa at anearly hour Tuesday and the entirefamily of ten except the oldest sonaged 18 was either burned to deathor smothered

Warehouses and Tobacco BurnedRaleigh N C Jan 4A fire which

broke out In the tobacco district of-

fGreenville N C destroyed two ware-houses five prlzerles and several smallbuildings besides a million pounds oftobacco Losses 60000 Insurance


Cold Wave In the EastBoston Jan 9Rain snow and

sleet blown by a high northeast galeswept tho entire section from Eastport Me to New York Tuesday andat 8 oclock the cold wave from tholakes was beginning to mako Itself I


Killed Two and HimselfPortland Ore Jan 4 Enraged by

Jealousy of Frank Dunne whom he be-


to have alienated htlf wifes affection Henry K Lopmls Tuesdaykilled Dunno and Mrs Loomis and jthiu committed suicldo


Some Interesting Statistics Con

celling the Heroic Defenseof Port Arthur

KILLEDIand 0000 Remained In Forts 2000

of Whom Were Disabled

The Text of the Articles of Capltulatlon of the Garrison Signed By

the Commissioners of GensNogl and Stoessel

Chefoo Jan 4Somo Interestingstatistics concerning the defense ofPort Arthur were brought hero by theflotilla of Russian torpedo boat destroyers which carried numerous1chests containing complete records ofdon Stocssols army

Originally the army numbered 35000 Eleven thousand have been kill ¬

ed 16000 are wounded or sick and8000 remained In tho forts of whichhowever 2000 were unablo to fight

It is learned that when Gen Stooseel wrote to Gen Nogl regarding thesurrender of tno fortress ho sal Ihave 8000 men In this fort and 6000of those are ablo to fight If you donot accept my proposal these men willdie fighting but It will cost you threetimes their number to kill them

During tho siege 265 per centgarrisons wero put out of action ThisIremarkable fact was duo to woundedmen returning to tho front Cnsos j

havo been recorded where teen havegone to hospitals four times returningconvalescent to tho forts

Many Officers Were KilledThe number of officers killed was

proportionately greater than Inbaltlo known In history This wasIduo to the frequent lethargic conditionof the men who without food andwithout sleep moved only when ordared by their officers i

The Russians estimate that the akaing of the fortress has cost Japan

100000000New York Jan 4The text of the

articles of capitulation of the Port Ar ¬

thur garrison signed by the commis-sioners representing Gen Stoeesol andGen Nogi has been made public AllRussian soldiers marine and civil officials of the garr1lOn and harbor aremade prisoners all forts batteries I

vessels munitions etc are transfer-red to the Japanoso In tho condition I

in which they existed at noon of Jannary 3 violation of this clause to opor


ato as an annulment of the negotia ¬

lions giving the Japanese army war-rant


to take free action the Russian I

military and naval authorities are tofurnish to tho Japanese army an exhlblt of all fortifications underground j

and submarine mines a lIst bf military i

officers of ships and the numbers oftheir crews and of civilians of both

cupatlonsjandthe present position pending arrange-ment for their tracsforrcnce

SwordsIsuch of tholr personal property as Isdirectly necessary for the mainten ¬ I

ance of life and with one servant j

each may upon signing their paroloI

nusslnlNoncommlRslonel1the benefit of tho sick and woundedRussians tho sanitary corps and thoaccountants belonging to tho Russianarmy and navy will bo required toservo under the Japanese sanitarycorps and accountants for such periodof tlmo as may be deemed necessary

United States Pacific SquadronSantiago do Chile Jan iHr Adm

Goodrich commanding the United

changoJllniato tho Chicago Tho Marblebead andChicago and gunboat Bennlngton havoleft for Call no

Civil Service System In Porto Rico j

Washington Jan 4A civil servoice system similar to that inIn the Philippines Is operatloraI

Instituted shortly In PortoService Commissioner Cooley willleave New York next Saturday forPorto Rico

Death of American Explorer ConfirmedNow York Jan 4Unlted Status

States Minister Conger Tuesday enbled from Pckln to the Christian lienaId Inthis city confirmation of thodeath of Francis II Nichols the Am ¬

erican explorer and correspondent InThibet

There Will Be No ArmisticeSt Petersburg Jan 4TIe report

circulated hero tq tho effect that anarmistice Is assured before the end oftho week Is not confirmed In officialcircles where there is no Intimationthat such a thing Is contemplated

Relief For Sick Russian SoldiersOiVel Hat Wei Jan 4Ihe British

steamer Andromeda sailed for PortArthur Wednesday morning carryinga largo quantity of medical suppliesappliances and comforts for tho Rims ¬

sign sick and woundedGov Utter Inaugurated

Providence R J Jan 4oov GeoII Utter was Inaugurated and the oth ¬

NovemIgovernor abrief address

WHY IS ITIThat nearly everybody trades at

WELCHSIt is because you can fcuy

XObelisk orGold Medal Flour par bag 76Corn Meal per bushel 66Arbucklcs Coffee two pounds for 25Granulated Sugar per lb O53iClarctt or Lenox Soap 3 burs for 10Candy per pound 05 f

Elephant Corn 3 cans for 25Tomatoes 2 cans for 15Green Gage or Egg Plums par can 10

They keep fine dried fruits best lard andhigh grade Coffee largest stock of Dry GoodsShoes and Carpets in the County and thecheapest Drug store on earth

As wo turn the new loaf in lifes history our thoughts dwell in gratefulappreciation for tho most successful year in our career

We otTer our sincere thanks to our friends for contributing by yourconfidence nnd good will no generously to the ineastirn of our II II CC8IIS I wadVTR trust that our satisfactory dealings of the past may bo perpetuated andincreased for many Tears to come

Will something worth watching next wook >

RespectfullyIS E Welch ti


+++ s + + + + ooss +

If you want a firstc1811IHaircut pI

stop in the rAcross from Industrial f

No Waiting Qn Dulldrngtrk



Proprietor i+ h he

For SaleAbout ton or twelve build

lug lots on tho Loutavlllosad Nashville railroad onehalf mile from Boron nearBerea brick and tiling feetory in a line IOC anel-

good neighborhood Can bobollRbright

For further particular call on



Jockey John Hathaway Paid the Pen ¬

alty For Murder

Winchester Ky Jan 4Jlllt a yearfrom the time that John Hathawaycolored murdered his mistress EttaThomas ho expiated his crime on thescaffold hero at 866 Tuesday morn ¬

lug Ho awoke at 5 oclock drank icup of coffee but ate no breakfastAt his request he was taken to thelower part of the Jqll whero ho maoan address to tho prisoners urgingthem to forsake tho error of theirways In the midst of a Winding snowstorm tho procession marched to thescaffold In tho jail yard with the pris ¬

oner In tho lead lie showed superbcourage and never for an Instant faltered or trembled Tho noose wasspocdlly adjusted Sheriff MoCordtouched the lover and the soul ofHathaway was launched Into eternityHis neck was broken and In nine minutes ho was pronounced dead illsrelations declined to take charge ofthe body and It will be burled In thepotters Hold Hathaway 15 years agoranked high as a jockey

Mercantile Store RobbedPaducah Ky Jan 4The merchan ¬

dise store of Sam T Hubbard was rob ¬

bed at Water Valley Tho post officeIs located In the same building A lotof razors merchandise and clampswere taken The police are on tholookout for tho burglars

Will Open New LineOwlngsvllle Ky Jan 4Jt is ex-

pected that the first train on the nowdivision of the Chesapeake Ohiorailway system will run Into Ilkovlllocounty seat of Pike county this weekFor months tho company has beenrushing the work

Escaped Prisoner CaughtFort Thomas Ky Jan 4Rolla

rtntllff a general prisoner who escap-ed from the guard house January 121904 was apprehended by the police ofGreenville Ql and will be returned

S McGuire

lnrolmriltouxiiiuined by tho very fowl niiil latentoptical instruments His work givesatisfaction for prices on nil his workare right LVIIWH rtfiUod within nfew days after taking the order Ifyou have nay defect of vision it willpay you to look over liis stock endreceive correct treatme-


yCoalAt bin near depot

12c to 13cDelivered for

13c to 14cPhone H-

rChas L Hanson

If you want a goad second handsquare


PianoORAN Organ

You can Rot a bargain In them ntthe fnruiuura store in Berea Ky


Welchs Phone 26