Cioffi-Revilla 2010

Overview Computational social science Claudio Ciof-Revilla The social sciences investigate human and social dynamics and organization at all levels of analysis (consilience), including cognition, decision making, behavior, group s, organ izations , socie ties , and the worl d syst em. Comp utational socia l science is the integrated, interdisciplinary pursuit of social inquiry with emphasis on information processing and through the medium of advanced computation. The main computational social science areas are automated information extraction systems, social network analysis, social geographic information systems (GIS), complexity modeling, and social simulation models. Just like Galileo exploited the tel esc ope as the key instr ume nt for obs erv ing and gai ni ng a dee pe r and emp iri cal ly truthful understanding of the physical universe, computational social scientists are learning to exploit the advanced and increasingly powerful instruments of computation to see beyond the visible spectrum of more traditional disciplinary analyses. 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. WIREs Comp Stat 2010 2 259–271 C omputational social science is a edging inter- disciplinary eld at the intersection of the social sciences, computa tional sci enc e, and comple xity science. The pur pos e of this ar ti cl e is to provide a br ief overview of the eld, including its scope and re latio n to the soci al sc iences, and the main areas of the ory and re sear ch. Al tho ugh young by his torica l sta ndar ds, computa tion al soc ial science al re ady covers many area s and topic s that were previously beyond the realm of scientic investigation in huma n and soci al dy namics, as the gr owing literature illustrates. 1 Given the range of topics and spa ce constr aints, this sur vey focuses on some of the main recent developments, with due attention to earlier foundations, with a view toward orienting the reader, not to provide in-depth technical details on each area of computational science. The next section begins wi th a background introduction for readers who may be unfamiliar with the soci al sciences in general, in or der to situate computa tion al soc ial scienc e wit hin the broade r family of human sciences . The se ct ions cover the main clusters of compu tational social science methods and models. A summary concludes this overview. Correspondence to: Cente r for Socia l Comp lexit y, Kras now Institute for Adva nced Study , Geor ge Maso n Unive rsity , 4400 Univ ersit y Dr., Fair fax, Virginia 22030, USA DOI: 10.1002/wics.95 BACKGROUND The social sciences or social science discipli nes inves- tigate all forms of human and social dynamics and org ani zat ion at all lev els of ana lys is (or ‘consi lie nce,’ 2 ), including cogni ti on, deci sion maki ng, behavi or, gro ups, org ani zati ons, societ ies , and the world sys tem. The traditional social sci enc e dis ciplines are ve: soc ial psych ology, anthropology, economics, politic al sci- ence, and sociology, each of which comprises several spe cia liz ed bra nches. For exa mpl e, ant hropolo gy com- prises physical anthropology, cultural anthropology, and archaeology. Political science comprises compar- ative politics, internationa l relati ons, public policy and adminis tra tion , and res ear ch met hods . Statis- ti cs as a scienti c me tho d pl ays a prominent role across all the social sciences and their specialties, 3,4 as well as in geography (human and social geogra- phy), history (social science history and cliometrics), linguistics, management science, communication, and other human sciences disciplines. Over the past two centuries—since the Enlight- enment initiated the scientic study of society—the social sciences have acquired the three main method- ol ogies that characterize contemporary sc ience: statis tics, mathematics, and comput ation. Moreo ver, the se sci ent ic met hods hav e been acquir ed for simila r rea sons as in the phys ical and biol ogi cal sciences: primarily for purposes of description and induction (statistics); analyt ic theore tical develo pment (math- ematics); and simulation of complex systems (com- putatio n). Social statistics and mathematical social science are by far the oldest of the three approaches Volume 2, May/June 2010 2010 John Wi ley & Sons, Inc. 259

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Computational social scienceClaudio Cioffi-Revilla∗

The social sciences investigate human and social dynamics and organization at alllevels of analysis (consilience), including cognition, decision making, behavior,groups, organizations, societies, and the world system. Computational socialscience is the integrated, interdisciplinary pursuit of social inquiry with emphasison information processing and through the medium of advanced computation.The main computational social science areas are automated information extractionsystems, social network analysis, social geographic information systems (GIS),complexity modeling, and social simulation models. Just like Galileo exploited thetelescope as the key instrument for observing and gaining a deeper and empiricallytruthful understanding of the physical universe, computational social scientistsare learning to exploit the advanced and increasingly powerful instruments of computation to see beyond the visible spectrum of more traditional disciplinary

analyses. 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. WIREs Comp Stat 2010 2 259–271

Computational social science is a fledging inter-disciplinary field at the intersection of the social

sciences, computational science, and complexityscience. The purpose of this article is to providea brief overview of the field, including its scopeand relation to the social sciences, and the mainareas of theory and research. Although young byhistorical standards, computational social sciencealready covers many areas and topics that were

previously beyond the realm of scientific investigationin human and social dynamics, as the growingliterature illustrates.1 Given the range of topics andspace constraints, this survey focuses on some of the main recent developments, with due attention toearlier foundations, with a view toward orienting thereader, not to provide in-depth technical details oneach area of computational science.

The next section begins with a backgroundintroduction for readers who may be unfamiliar withthe social sciences in general, in order to situatecomputational social science within the broader familyof human sciences. The sections cover the mainclusters of computational social science methods andmodels. A summary concludes this overview.

∗Correspondence to: [email protected]

Center for Social Complexity, Krasnow Institute for AdvancedStudy, George Mason University, 4400 University Dr., Fairfax,Virginia 22030, USA

DOI: 10.1002/wics.95


The social sciences or social science disciplines inves-tigate all forms of human and social dynamics andorganization at all levels of analysis (or ‘consilience,’2),including cognition, decision making, behavior,groups, organizations, societies, and the world system.The traditional social science disciplines are five: socialpsychology, anthropology, economics, political sci-ence, and sociology, each of which comprises severalspecialized branches. For example, anthropology com-prises physical anthropology, cultural anthropology,and archaeology. Political science comprises compar-ative politics, international relations, public policyand administration, and research methods. Statis-tics as a scientific method plays a prominent roleacross all the social sciences and their specialties,3,4

as well as in geography (human and social geogra-phy), history (social science history and cliometrics),linguistics, management science, communication, andother human sciences disciplines.

Over the past two centuries—since the Enlight-

enment initiated the scientific study of society—thesocial sciences have acquired the three main method-ologies that characterize contemporary science:statistics, mathematics, and computation. Moreover,these scientific methods have been acquired for similarreasons as in the physical and biological sciences:primarily for purposes of description and induction(statistics); analytic theoretical development (math-ematics); and simulation of complex systems (com-putation). Social statistics and mathematical socialscience are by far the oldest of the three approaches

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and have long traditions with roots in ‘politicalarithmetic’5 and probability theory.6,7. Interestingly,‘statistics’ was the original name of political science,as the science of the state,8 similar to economics as thescience of the economy and linguistics as the science of language.

Computational social science is a more recentdevelopment that can be dated to the second half of the 20th century and the invention of electroniccomputers. During the 1960s social scientists beganusing computers for conducting statistical dataanalysis—those were the early days of SPSS, SAS,and punched-card jobs.9 The founders of the moretheoretical orientation in computational social scienceduring the first generation included Herbert A. Simon(1916–2001), Karl W. Deutsch (1912–1992), HaroldGuetzkow (1915–2008), and Thomas C. Schelling(1921). Computational social science is the integrated,

interdisciplinary investigation of social systems asinformation-processing organizations and through themedium of advanced computational systems. There-fore, the computational paradigm in social sciencehas dual foundations: substantive (as a theoreticalperspective) and instrumental (as a methodologicalapproach). The former information processingand cybernetic orientation is grounded on earlierfoundations by Ross Ashby, Norbert Wiener, ClaudeShannon, and Ludwig von Bertalanffy. The emphasishere is on the latter (methods in computational socialscience), given the purpose of this overview.

  Just like Galileo exploited the telescope as

the key instrument for observing and gaining adeeper and empirically truthful understanding of thephysical universe, computational social scientists arelearning to exploit the advanced and increasinglypowerful instruments of computation to see beyondthe visible spectrum of more traditional disciplinaryanalyses. Accordingly, computational social scienceis an instrument-enabled scientific discipline, in thisrespect scientifically similar to microbiology, radioastronomy, or nanoscience—new scientific fields of investigation that were enabled by the microscope,radar, and electron microscope, respectively. In each

of these instrument-enabled disciplines—includingcomputational social science—it is the instrument of investigation that drives the development of theoryand understanding.

The main computational social science methodsin use today can be classified in five areas:

• Automated information extraction

• Social network analysis (SNA)

• Geospatial analysis [socio-GIS (geographicinformation systems) or social GIS]

• Complexity modeling

• Social simulations models

In turn, each of these has several specializedbranches. For example, computational social sim-ulations (see subsection below) comprise a varietyof models that include system dynamics, microan-alytical models, queuing models, cellular automata,multi-agent models, and learning and evolutionarymodels, including some hybrids [e.g., combiningsystem dynamics and agent-based models (ABMs)].Several combinations among the main five methodsare also common, as in power law models of socialcomplexity when simulated by ABMs; others haveyet to be explored. As the field is so young, not allsynergies have been tried.

In the future, data visualization10–12 and

‘sonification’13–15 will also likely become distinctspecializations of computational social science. Whatmatters most is that each computational methodcontributes new and distinct scientific insights forseeing beyond the visible spectrum of traditional socialscience methods, or even beyond earlier statistical andmathematical approaches.

Computational social science is currentlyorganized in an internationally distributed and activecommunity of learned societies, including the NorthAmerican Association for Computational Social andOrganizational Sciences (NAACSOS), the EuropeanSocial Simulation Association (ESSA), and the PacificAsia Association for Agent-Based Social SystemsSciences (PAAA). Each of these regional associationsholds annual conferences, publishes proceedings(and post-proceedings in some cases), and a jointworld congress of regional associations is heldevery few years (Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan, 2004; George Mason University, USA, 2006;University of Kassel, Germany, 2010). The mainpeer-reviewed specialized periodicals include the Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulations( JASSS, available free and online), Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory (CMOT ,

published by Springer), Social Science ComputerReview (SSCR, published by Sage), Advances in Com-  plex Systems (published by World Scientific), and  Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination(published by Springer). Computational social scienceresearch is also increasingly visible in many socialscience journals (e.g., American Journal of Sociol-ogy, American Political Science Review, and othermainstream journals), as well as interdisciplinaryjournals (IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics).

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Content analysis—the unobtrusive method of parsingand coding documents to extract information fromdata16,17—has recently evolved into the computa-tional analysis of multiple all-source media (text,audio, images, video), in both academia and govern-mental domains (e.g., the online OpenSource Center).A quantum improvement in the efficiency of thesemethods occurred in academia—but not yet in otherapplication areas—with the introduction of compu-tational methods from artificial intelligence (AI) andother computational algorithms,18 an effort that con-tinues today19,20 and is likely to yield significantbreakthroughs in the future.

One of the primary uses of automated informa-tion extraction methods is the production of  events

data21–23 which can then be analyzed through var-ious methodologies (time series analysis, semanticanalysis,24,25 hidden Markov models, wavelet anal-ysis, and event life-cycle modeling.26) These methodsoften interact with others, such as the complexity-theoretic methods mentioned in the subsection below.In addition, many applications of automated textmining27 produce network data structures, makingmethods from graph theory or SNA a natural combi-nation. However, data from automated informationextraction algorithms and systems are used by socialscientists for developing a broad variety of models.28

In the area of applied analysis, methods of automated information extraction should be used notonly for anomaly detection and early warning, butalso for monitoring trends and evaluating interventionor program performance. This is because automatedinformation extraction can sometimes be used formining real-time data streams, such as in newsbroadcasts or other electronic reports. Ideally, theexploitation of automated information extractionsystems should take place in specialized facilities, orat least be part of an upgraded operations center orsituation room supported by specialized visualizationand sonification functionality.

Automated information extraction and textmining is also a promising computational strategyin areas of social science that are, so to speak,text-rich and numbers-poor. For example, ethnog-raphy is a field of social anthropology that reliesprimarily on the production of written recordsthrough ‘qualitative research.’29 Large depositoriesof ethnographic records are now available online(e.g., the Human Relations Area Files, HRAF,Yale University) and increasingly available for textmining and other methods of automated information

extraction. Combining object-oriented algorithmsbased on encapsulated objects and operations mightone day accomplish significant breakthroughs in thecomputational investigation of social relations.


The foundations of modern SNA are found inthe much earlier and pure mathematical theoryof graphs.30,31 A network consists of a set of nodes and a set of relations, each defined by aset of attributes. Alliances, terrorist organizations,trade regimes, cognitive belief systems, and theinternational system itself are common examples(instances) of networks of interest to social scientists.The ‘small world’ model was pioneered by StanleyMilgram through his famous experiment.32 (see also

Refs 33,34).SNA has many computational applications

across the social science disciplines—not just for visu-alizing network structures—and is supported by alarge family of metrics and exact methods.35–39 Forexample, SNA can provide insightful information andinferences on the functionality of an organization,given its structural pattern of nodes and relations.Properties such as resilience, vulnerability, decompos-ability, functionality, and others provide insightfulinformation and knowledge not available throughplain observation or through more traditional meth-ods. In addition, SNA can be applied to the designof more robust and sustainable networks relevant topublic policy (e.g., transportation, homeland security,and public health).

An operational principle of networks is thatthe structure S of a given network N —the way therelations among nodes are organized or connectedin N —is related to the main mission or functionF  of the network in question, such that ideallythere is a unique one-to-one correspondence betweenfunction F  and structure S.40 For instance, thestructure of a terrorist organization (cellular network),or that of a human trafficking organization (chain

network) will differ from that of an alliance(clique network)—because their functionality differs.Whereas terrorist and trafficking networks operateas clandestine organizations, an alliance must beovert to produce deterrence. Observation, research,distribution, communication, lobbying, transporting,protection, and innovation are examples of specificfunctions that require different types of organizationalstructures. A challenging goal is to identify eachorganizational functional structure in terms of well-defined statistics and distributions.

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SNA has numerous applications across the socialsciences by providing a deeper understanding of:

• Belief systems, including extremist ideologies andprocesses such as radicalization;

• Alliance and treaty systems, including theirhistorical evolution in time;

• International and transnational organizations,including terrorist networks41–43; and

• Network games, for instance among proliferatorsversus counter- proliferators, and illicit traffickersversus government agents.

SNA can also leverage other computationalsocial science methods (e.g.,visualization and data-mining from events data) to exploit synergies. It isdifficult to imagine scientific investigations of social

systems or processes of any significance that do notinclude networks—they are ubiquitous in the socialworld and a constituent feature of many policy issues.

In addition to professional organizations andjournals in computational social science mentionedearlier (Section on Background), the SNA communityalso counts with its own organization, the Interna-tional Network of Social Network Analysis (INSNA),as well as several peer-reviewed journals, such as Con-nections and Social Networks. The INSNA website isrecommended for useful information on theory andmethods of SNA.


GIS pertaining to specifically social phenomenawere first introduced by social geographers andcartographers as tools for visualizing and analyzingspatially referenced data about the social world.44

Social GIS has found many social science applicationsof interest across the social sciences and relateddisciplines, such as through criminology45,46 andregional economics.47,48 Applications of social GIS toquantitative conflict analysis have also been combined

with other quantitative techniques to produce uniquenew insights about spatial patterns that are otherwiseunavailable through other statistical or mathematicalmodels.49–51

Social GIS is also closely related to the vast fieldof spatial statistical analysis,52,53 but with a greateremphasis on visualization of layers of social data.54

A significant trend in this area has been themove-ment toward geospatial science,48,55 concomitant withthe development of Google Earth and other compu-tational resources. Another significant institutional

development in this area of computational socialscience has been the establishment of the NationalCenter for Geographic Information and Analysis asan independent research consortium dedicated to basicresearch and education in geographic information sci-ence and its related technologies, including GIS.

The analysis of many forms of social phenomenacould leverage much more from social GIS modelingand analysis, by developing additional cartographicprojections and transformations that are moresuitable for social data.49,56 For example, thecapability of social GIS for rendering complex Booleanexpressions with many data layers is an advancedcomputational method that awaits exploitation. Inaddition to cartographic developments, historicalGIS57,58) is another important area of significantcomputational developments, thanks to increasedcomputational power and spatio-temporal data sets.

The development of Google Earth and its data facilitiesadd yet another dimension to social GIS, offering newmethods of investigation.


Complexity-theoretic models provide mathematicalsystems based on concepts and principles for theanalysis of nonequilibrium dynamics.59–66 Such con-ditions that are far from equilibrium (in general,non-Gaussian distributions) are quite often found inthe most challenging research problems across thesocial sciences.67–74 Observed patterns in terrorist

attacks, wealth and poverty in developing societies,political instability, foreign aid distributions, andaspects of domestic and international conflicts areinstances of nonequilibrium dynamics. By contrast,equilibrium systems are characterized by state vari-ables that approximate a Gaussian or ‘normal’ (i.e.,‘bell-shaped’) distribution, with infrequent departuresfrom their central tendency (see Figure 1a).

• Power laws are among the best knowncomplexity-theoretic models in ComputationalSocial Science (CSS), having first been discov-

ered in economics by Pareto.75 A power lawdescribes the probability density function (p.d.f.)of a given variable X as p(x) ∼ 1/xa, where a > 0is the so-called Pareto exponent.

For example, computational social scienceexamines how the distribution of several conflictvariables of interest follows a power law (Fig. 1b),rather than a normal distribution (Fig. 1a): warfatalities in both interstate and civil wars76–79

insurgency fatalities80; and terrorism fatalities.81 By

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0−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5










Bell-shaped distribution

µ = 0, σ2 = 0.2

µ = 0, σ2 = 1.0

µ = 0, σ2 = 5.0

µ = −2, σ2 = 0.5



0 1 2 3 4 50.0






Power-law distribution

k = 3k = 2k = 1



F I G U R E 1 | A normal (bell-shaped) distribution (a) and a power law (b). Besides differing in the lower range (left tail), the power law (b) also

produces much more likely extreme events (right tail), such as severe terrorist events, political collapse, or other extreme social events. Source for the

graphs: Wikipedia.

contrast, earlier statistical approaches attempted totransform the data to obtain Gaussian distributionssuitable for regression models. However, from acomplexity perspective transforming data represents aloss in information by eliminating skewness, kurtosis,and other natural and informative features.

Importantly, the difference between bell-shaped(Figure 1a) and fat-tailed (Figure 1b) distributionsmeans that extreme values of these variables (e.g.,large fatalities) are to be expected with signifi-

cantly greater frequency, so policy makers shouldplan accordingly—both for prevention and mitiga-tion—when dealing with social (or natural) nonequi-librium phenomena susceptible to the realization of extreme values. (Policy planning would differ signifi-cantly if the upper tail of these distributions followeda normal distribution). Data transformations obscuresuch properties and can facilitate misunderstanding.

Besides conflict, other patterns of interest tosocial scientists also obey power laws and related‘fat-tailed’ distributions74,82,83:

• Extremist religious opinions84

• market fluctuations85,86

• Size of organizations87–89

• Foreign and military aid programs

• Natural disasters, including earthquakes, flood,and landslides90

Important inferences that researchers can drawfrom power law analyses and related complexity-theoretic models include, but are not limited to: the

risk of extreme events, the fragility of unstable con-ditions, or the early-warning indicators of impendingabrupt change. Such inferences are neither availablenor reliable on the basis of data or plain observa-tion unassisted by complexity-theoretic models.64 Forinstance, computing the exponent of a given powerlaw (say, of terrorism fatalities in a given region)provides potentially insightful information on thecriticality of social conditions in terms of expect-ing extreme events. This is because the mean value

(first moment) of a power law distribution is propor-tional to 1/(1—a), so as a → 1 the mean value ‘blowsup’ [E(X) → ∞]. In sum, given a policy issue domain(e.g., climate change, terrorism, insurgency, politi-cal instability, illicit trafficking, counter-proliferationinspection violations), monitoring and computing thepower law parameters of relevant state variables inreal-time or near-real-time can provide actionableinformation that is unavailable by other researchmethods.

Although significant foundations already existfor complexity-oriented investigations in social sci-ence, much more of the extant concepts, models,

and methods are yet to be explored. Moreover, com-binations of complexity, networks, and simulationsprovide a rich potential for further scientific discovery.


Some of the earliest simulations in computationalsocial science originated in the domains of nationalsecurity and domestic social policies91–103 However,simulation models appeared across the social sciences

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− −



Innovators (early






adopters New adopters



Word of mouth

Lmitators (adoptionfrom word-of-mouth)






− Probability that

contact has not yet





Desired time toremove



Propensity tocommit violence

Relative strengthof violent incidents


Effect of incidentson anti-regime




Perceived intensityof anti-regime


Effect of anti-regimemessages onrecruitment

Propensity toprotest





Avg time asdissident



PopulationBirths Becoming


Recruits throughsocial network

Normal propensityto be recruited

Propensity to be







Effect of regimeresilience onrecruitment



Violent incidentintensity

dX  / dt 

dY  / dt 

F I G U R E 2 | System dynamics models of (a) innovation processes, (b) strategic rivalry, and (c) the MIT model of polity dynamics. Sources:

(a) System Dynamics Society website, (b) prepared by the author based on the Richardson’s 124 arms race model, and (c) Choucri et al.125

Warfare, political unity and disintegra-tion, ethno-sectarian segregation, competition forresources, land-use patterns, environmental change,and other domestic and international issues havebeen of central interest since the first ABMs weredeveloped.100,115,134–137 Today, more realistic ABMsare becoming increasingly feasible and valuable forpolicy analysis. Some examples include:

• The Nomad-Darfur regional model138

• An Islamic terrorism model139,140

• A Rwandan genocide model141

• A cyberwarfare model (DeJong and Hunt, inLawlor142)

• An irregular warfare model.117

Examples of the potential contribution of ABMsimulations to policy analysis and production includethe following:

• Unlike econometric models, ABMs are renderedprimarily in terms of the main social entities

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F I G U R E 3 | Agent-based models.

(a) Cooperative target observation;

(b) group dynamics in a changing

environment; (c) ethno-sectarian

integration in a bicultural society; and

(d) emergence of segregation caused by

violence. Sources: (a) Sullivan et al.131;

(b) Cioffi et al.132; and (c)-(d) Luke et al.,133

based on Schelling.100

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(actors, beliefs, goals, groups of various sizes,or composition) and relations of interest, ratherthan starting immediately with variables andequations (these are added later), so they areeasier to develop in collaboration with analysts,planners, and subject matter experts (SMEs)that know the social entities well but areunderstandably less versant with computationalmodels;

• In an ABM, the attributes and behaviors of actors are ‘encapsulated’ in the actors themselves,

not added later ‘as an afterthought,’143 so afteridentifying relevant actors attention can then turnto attributes and eventually to behaviors;

• ABMs are modular, in the sense that they arecomposed of parts that can be used in othermodels or projects, thus ensuring progress andefficiency in terms of model development andanalysis;

• Several free software toolkits exist for build-ing ABMs,144 including MASON,133 RePast,

and NetLogo, so these can be installeddirectly without purchasing additional soft-ware. MASON is also open source (available at ∼eclab/projects/mason/).

Finally, although agent-based modeling is expe-riencing major advances in terms of modeling andanalysis of puzzles that once where well beyondthe frontiers of feasible investigation, the field mustnonetheless manage expectations while investigatorsgain more confidence in fast growing tools while con-

tinuing to pay attention to theoretical foundations andbasic science.


Analysis of the most complex issues confrontingthe social scientific and policy analysis communitytoday and in the future could be boosted byadvanced social science methods that are increasinglypowerful and relevant for understanding social andhuman dynamics. This brief overview identified and

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described the main methods of computational socialscience: automated information extraction systems,SNA, social GIS, complexity modeling, and socialsimulation models. Just like Galileo exploited thetelescope as the enabling instrument for observingand gaining a far deeper and empirically truthful

understanding of the physical universe, social scien-tists and policy analysts should exploit the advancedand increasingly powerful instruments of computationto see beyond the visible spectrum available throughthe traditional disciplines.

NOTESaOther types of social simulations include queuingmodels, micro-simulations, neural nets, and cellular

automata. These and other simulations are surveyedin Gilbert and Troitzsch.113 GLOBUS,145 IFS,146 andsimilar econometric models provided initial stimulusto the current generation of system dynamics andagent-based models.bTranslation: The modeling and simulation (M&S)

community, especially in defense analysis and mil-itary operations research (MORS), uses the terms‘validation and verification’ (V&V) to denote inter-nal (i.e., formal) and external (empirical) validation,respectively. External validity includes calibration.Another distinction that is common in computationalsocial science is between model ‘fitting’ (estimation,calibration) and model ‘testing’ (e.g., out-of-sampleforecasting). On these and related issues of modelvalidation, see, Refs 113 and 147.


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