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CIDESCO LINK C O M I T É I N T E R N A T I O N A L D E S T H É T I Q U E E T D E C O S M É T O L O G I E C I D E S C O May 2007 [email protected] Pollution and environmental damage and eventually destruction Walking the Pamper Floor Understanding water management 56th CIDESCO World Congress

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May [email protected]

Pollution and environmental damage and eventually destruction

Walking the Pamper Floor

Understanding water management

56th CIDESCOWorld Congress

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This issueA message from the President


Recently I came across two articles in the New York Times, and few similar editorials caught my eye... the predictions of yesteryear have become a reality. The introduction of Laser, Intense Pulse Light Therapy, varying radio frequencies or electromagnetic energy, Mesotherapy etc. has presented a cornucopia of treatment selections available to enhance skins, manage acne, sun damage, diminish wrinkles, improving collagen, remove hair, cellulite, capillaries, remove blemishes and pigmentation and so on and so on. As a young therapist I always predicted that the day would come that we would be able to put a client into a capsule programming the effect needed and “Voila” it would all happen... we are certainly getting very close to being able to offer this “all over therapy” by a flick of a switch. Speak to me in 10 years. Question is… How to make a choice?Do we have the necessary expertise? Are we confident with the service, back-up and training from suppliers - many are only too delighted to sell equipment but fall short in the after sale support – these are aspects which need careful investigation and consideration before a commitment is made. We all need to expand our therapies; we have a responsibility to offer treatments with the best possible results, within the parameters of our expertise and knowledge, safely and effectively. We need to embrace new techniques responsibly and carefully. With our theoretical background in Skin assessment, anatomy, physiology and expertise in regards to treatments including electrical equipment, strong foundations have been laid and we need to build on these foundations with dedication, qualifying us to perform these treatments competently.Even if you choose not to introduce these treatments to your clients, you do need to know the theory behind the treatment so that you can inform and support your client with pre and post-care therapies. Most of us do not cater to the “one off” clientele, generally, we build our relationships to encourage clients to return for further therapies so we need to keep up to date with what’s available. Offering treatments such as mentioned is of course not mandatory, what is mandatory is the knowledge and the ability to ensure that your client is familiar with the procedure and that you prescribe the right products with the necessary ingredients such as Vit. A, Vit. C and niacinamides. Ingredients which are appropriate for the conditions being treated.As a professional Skincare therapist you need to ensure that you invest in your profession, in education and in your clientele. Everyone wants instant results yesterday! Yes, of course, we do have those wonderful clients who are happy to come in for their regular treatments, enjoy the experience and look forward to the next couple of hours they spend in your nurturing hands – thank goodness for these dear people… but there are those that want more – what to do? Refer them to another clinic where these therapies are offered? – good idea as long as you prescribe pre-and post operative therapies and products. Be equipped to be able to give your clients advice which is useful - this way they will return for their follow-up therapies, without hesitation. One way to make sure you don’t lose your clienteleWith the 56th CIDESCO World Congress & Exhibition being hosted in Kuala Lumpur in October between the 27th – 29th October, 2007, this may be the opportunity you have been waiting for to exercise those brain cells for the benefit of your clients. Be involved with your national CIDESCO Section encourage them to be pro-active and lobby for seminars so that everyone benefits. Protect your profession, there are many out there who would like to stop us from using some of the equipment available - don’t let anyone inhibit our growth – or put obstacles in our way. Be master of your own profession – don’t be a passenger… get involved


Helene Weber Bramwell

1 A message from the President

3 Pollution and environmental damage and eventually destruction

4 Understanding water management

6 Walking the Pamper Floor

8 News from CIDESCO Sections

9 Around the world with CIDESCO schools

10 Calendar of Events

16 56th CIDESCO World Congress information 2007

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Our atmospheres are heavily contaminated due to uncontrolled chemical pollution caused by unethical “industrialists”; I often wonder if they are realistic and understand that THEY are also subjected and exposed to the same air we inhale and the contaminates in that air.

The amount of Sulphurous Acid found in the Air in Africa is gaining ground and a simple

test of blue litmus paper (dampened) will prove this point conclusively.

It has taken FAR TOO LONG for UNLEADED fuel to be introduced, and this type of ruling must NOW find its way into logic and Sane Health decision working for the benefit of ALL on this depleted planet.

In this last decade, we have identified an additional SKIN problem which the medical Profession have rightly or wrongly labelled “ADULT ACNE”.

I am not convinced and would rather give this problem the title of “Facial Environmental Degradation” (FED). Not all of these conditions are caused by food chemicals, we in the Southern Africa have “Ozone – Hole” above our countries and this means reduced filtration of the sun’s rays (UVA and UVB) and this has resulted in a HUGE increase of SKIN CANCER; we have the original Aerosol and refrigeration Industry to thank for this depletion of the ozone layer which could be brought back to Normality by 2037, all being well (but that is another question).

What is more disturbing is that “Adult Acne” is difficult to treat successfully i.e. if you don’t know the exact cause of the problem, how the hell do you know how to treat or rectify this growing and nagging problem anatomical problem.

To make matters worse, Western P h a r m a c e u t i c a l s don’t function that effectively anymore and this means that the problem deteriorates daily and this is complicated by the

growth of heavy industries ( and this will not cease) i.e. the World’s population grows, and that means more industries to cater for the consumers demands and requirements. Here we are sitting on a time bomb; are we aware that 1 X Billion people on our planet (out of 1 X Billion) go to bed every day STARVED and HUNGRY; therein lies a SERIOUS MESSAGE for all of us.

To hopefully partially remedy the atmosphere Pollution and Skin problems that prevails; there are major research taking place via Botanical-Plant extracts which I firmly believe will greatly assist and heal “Adult - Acne”; my concern is directed at the availability and on-going sustainability of these Plant extracts; in other words, will GREED once gain predominate and Botanics will be demanded and we will produce another Sahara Desert.

The choice is OURS, all of US and that must NOW, tomorrow is too late.

I met W.H.O colleagues in France 5 weeks ago, and was told that our planet is in poor shape and continues to degenerate. Water quality is probably now requiring more MICROBIAL scientific attentions than ever before.

MNY World authorities have attempted to establish STATISTICS regarding global deterioration which is leading to irreparable damage; factored Numbers are difficult to identify and obtain and confirm; however I recently read that the Continent of AFRICA and its respective ATMOSPHERE have degraded level of 12 to 20%, and these figures are mainly aimed at URBAN areas; however, as the WIND blows, so the RURAL areas will be rapidly and sadly affected by FED.

A friend recently said to me, “I am FED-UP will the leaders of our planet” and rightly so.

Pollution and environmental damage and eventually destructiondestructionBy Dr. Aubrey Parsons


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UnderstandingWater ManagementWater ManagementAs I sit pondering as to what the message should be to all Spa operators, Spa goers and general householders - or indeed whoever reads this article – I am somewhat irritated and certainly frustrated as it has all been said before! I am tempted to try and deliver the same messages again but with a different slant or angle that might wake people up to the important water issues that face us in this Country - and more importantly, make them take action. But again, I feel that it has all been said in numerous ways and that it makes very little difference no matter how it is presented. Therefore I thought I would simply share some of my experiences, thoughts and figures on the subject of water management.

Just last week I was assisting a potential client in the selection of hydrotherapy equipment that was to be installed in a new Spa in a region of Australia that was experiencing drought. After spending several hours educating this person on equipment and water management I felt that we both shared the same concern. You could imagine my surprise when, several days later, the same client stated that it ‘did not matter about how much water the equipment used, as they were not having to pay for the water as it was covered in the lease’. I just cannot get my head around this because - in my opinion - it is an ignorant, selfish and unacceptable way of thinking. No matter how much information or shock statistics you deliver, it always seems to come back to a monetary assessment.

My business recently introduced a revolutionary re-circulating shower system that can save around 200,000 litres of the 300,000 litres of water used in the average 4 person Australian home. Now given that the shower is one of the most water-consuming products in the home, and that virtually everybody showers at least once a day and in many cases twice a day (which incidentally represents 60 showers per month for just 1 person). You would think that we would have something very interesting and should grab the attention of the media and general public – WRONG! One of Australia’s largest daily newspapers, that even has an environmental section that is headed by an environmental editor, told us that it was simply not ‘news worthy’. We pointed out the facts and the figures and reminded them we were in a crisis, (not my word, it is the word used by many politicians when describing our Country’s drought position) and that we needed to create awareness in the general public that a product that can have such an impact on water use exists! Still no interest.

We tried a different approach and went to the ‘home section’ editor of the same newspaper, and managed to get a small editorial piece printed. The environmental editor was right-it was not newsworthy, as we did not

receive one phone call or expression of interest for a shower system that was promoted as a ‘WORLD FIRST, AUSTRALIAN DESIGNED, RE-CIRCULATING SHOWER SYSTEM THAT COULD SAVE AROUND 82% WATER USED IN THE HOME!

We also opened up discussion with the appropriate governing body that manages the rebate scheme for water-saving products and services; but were astonished when we were told that it may prove difficult to establish a rebate scheme for our shower system, as we were the only manufacturer that had this unique product and that we would basically have a monopoly in the market - and this would create an unfair trading advantage!

A well known breakfast TV show that promotes environmental responsibility still have not responded to the 30 plus emails sent to them over a 3 month period advising them of this incredible water-saving shower system – nor have A Current Affair, Today Tonight, Neil Mitchell, John Fayne and numerous other media persons and outlets- none of these even replied! Some of the Politicians do respond, even if it is a template letter stating how they cannot endorse private enterprise-oh yeah - they also wish me good luck with such a great product! Would you not think that they would find a way to have someone in the media report such an incredible advancement to save water?

Did you know that one thousand (1,000) litres of water costs around one dollar ($1.00) - that’s right - one dollar! How on earth can we expect people to take the water issue seriously when it does not effect them financially? WE CANNOT!

For people to respect water and it’s use, it has to hit their pocket. It is amazing how quick people can change habits when it costs! Country folk who rely upon tank water know how quickly the tank can empty. They know that when it reaches a low level they have to make a phone call and have a water truck come and re-fill it, and in turn, they get a direct charge. This reminds them of the quantity and frequency they are consuming water. City folk on town water simply turn the tap on and it flows. They have no reminder or check points to assess how much water they are using. Sure they get a bill but it is generally glanced over as it is an insignificant cost. So what if they used an extra 3,000 litres of water compared to last quarter, they pay an extra $3.00 or so and a modest service fee.

I am interested when I hear people do not want to drink recycled water. I wonder if the same people ever think about drinking rain water. Water evaporates off the land (and this includes evaporation from sewerage) it then pours back down onto the land and guess what - we drink

By Brian Gay, Hydroco


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it! Natures UV sanitizing process that takes place up in the sky (thanks to the Sun), can also be reproduced here on the land to make the same source of water safe to drink. We catch the falling rain in our water catchments (This water contacts many contaminants), we process it, sanitize it, and it is then supplied to our homes. So what is the difference if the water source is from the sky or from the local sewerage plant? Provided it goes through a regulated water treatment process-it is safe to drink.

In Australia right now ‘ASPA’ has taken the initiative to secure a Grant that will enable a water audit to be carried out on our Spa industry - to my knowledge a ‘world first’ Spa audit, and I have the greatest pleasure to be on the advisory committee. People hear the word Spa and suddenly get this image of vast amounts of water flowing down the drain. You might be surprised to learn that the average 4 person home in Australia could well consume more water than the average day Spa that is operating a popular piece of hydrotherapy equipment, such as a Body treatment capsule or even a well managed Vichy Shower. Of course, like everything in life, this depends on the education and discipline of the equipment operator. It’s like using a hose to wash the car. Without a trigger nozzle, around 400 litres could be used in a 20 minute session as opposed to 60 litres to do the same job with a trigger nozzle fitted to the hose. It’s the same with a Vichy Shower. In the wrong hands it can be responsible for consuming as much as 700 litres in a 10 minute session as opposed to 150 litres in the right hands-and without compromising the treatment.

A public, Olympic size swimming pool can use around 15 million litres per annum for back-washing and topping up. This equates to 41,000 litres per day. 41,000 litres per day represents around 400 Thermal body treatments in the right choice of hydrotherapy capsule per day! So your local public pool could be using the same amount of water per day as one hundred Day Spa’s, performing 4 capsule treatments, per day!

And here is one more thought, pregnant women are still encouraged to stand under a hot flowing shower to relieve pain during labour. 60 minutes of showering time could well consume 600 to 800 litres down the drain! Imagine a shower that could perform the same relief, but consume around 25 litres in the same given time. Well such showers do exist and it only takes an informed decision to make the difference and save hundreds of millions of litres of water a year in this area alone. I just hope that the person who I mentioned earlier in this article (who does not care how much water is used because it is included in the lease agreement) is not running hospitals! The point I am hopefully making is that we have the answers, we can all make a huge difference to our water position if only we educate ourselves and take action.

To sum up, we simply need to pay attention to the seriousness of water management. Education and basic awareness campaigns need to be implemented in every aspect of our lives. The products, equipment, knowledge and warning signs are all out there and it is up to every individual to pay attention and make a difference. We do not need to stop using water, we simply need to manage what we use responsibly.

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Kuala Lumpur’s iconic ‘Gallery of Rich Experiences’, the Starhill Gallery is at the heart of the Golden Triangle and the shopping district. There is a floor dedicated to each and every pleasures... you name it, they will tell you to which floor! Feast, Indulge, Adorn, Explore, Pamper, Relish, Muse. Each themed floor makes the city’s exquisite statement of epicurean delights, fashion, living, beauty, wellness and art with a capital ‘L’ for luxurious comfort and indulgence. Bringing the world-class five star experience to life, the ever gracious Customer Service Ambassadors and Concierge are on hand to cater to your every whim and fancy. The entire Pamper Zone floor represents one of the world’s largest urban sanctuary. An entire floor spanning 50,000 square feet and 93 treatment rooms, it is dedicated to the hedonistic art of pampering, beauty and wellness.

Walk the floor to pick your pleasures. There’s bound to be one or more that wait(s) to indulge you head to toe. From hair spas, massages, facials, aesthetics surgery, foot reflexology to dentistry, this sure brings the meaning of retail therapy to a whole new level!


Indrani’s second urban oasis is uniquely designed for aesthetic comfort and elegance. A 5,000-square-feet of pampering space that consists of a steam room, a hot tub and a cold dip, a relaxation bar and lounging space that faces the vibrant street scenes of Bukit Bintang.

On the Menu:

A combo of Asian and Western spa delicacy – massages • body exfoliation • body masque • facials • eye treatments • baths & balneotherapy • freshly made Jamu • customized treatments for men.

Signature Treatment:

Anggur Indrani – This vinotherapy treatment consists of Indrani’s secret recipe with a mixture of herbs. Starts off with dry body brushing then to a special grape-seed scrub, a grape wrap and the final finale of moisturizing Grapeseed oil body massage. Highly nutritious, moisturizing and improves the body’s lymphatic drainage system for a glowing radiance. This is the spa’s best-kept spa secret!

Treatment To Try:

Couples Paradise is a blissful 4-hour sensual ritual for two. A choice of either the exquisite royal Lulur or warming comfort of Boreh scrub, all traditionally hand-made. Next comes a choice of either Aromatherapy, Javanese or Swedish massage. A Milk & Rose or ritual hydrotherapy bath completes the ultimate indulgence. Float back to Earth by the relaxation bar with Indrani’s refreshments. Truly the ritual art of loving indulgence!


Eight private suites with its own hydrotherapy bath. Also uses renowned brands such as Institute Esthederm, Babor

and Talika. The relaxing S*bAR is the perfect place to unwind with a drink or cocktail while watching the world go by.


An urban Ayurvedic oasis right at the centre of Kuala Lumpur, the Pamper floor’s ‘Little Kerala’. An exquisite Ayurvedic Medispa with the tagline of being the ‘keeper of a secret garden of heath, beauty and tranquillity.’ 100% natural herbs, oils and treatments of the 5,000-year-old healing art restore a sense of holistic wellness in a beautiful spa experience.

On the Menu:

Ayurvedic Consultation • Ayurvedic Treatments such as Sirodhara, Thakradhara, Abhyangam, Elakizhi, Kativasthi, Njavarakizhi, Pizhichil, Tharpanam, Thalapothichil, Shirovasthi, Nasyam and Thalam • Panchakarma Purification Therapy • Body Relaxation and Stress Relief Therapy • Slimming Therapy • Maharani Beauty Therapy • Body Rejuvenation Therapy

Signature Treatment:

Thailadhara – The ‘third-eye massage’ of Shirodhara to bring you to a whole new elevated subconscious level of relaxation and tranquillity of the mind and body. A calming sweeping circular body massage preludes this to much better prepare for the ultimate calming of the senses. The stream of warm potent herbal oil in the ancient ritual technique is said to alleviate insomnia, headache, tension and revitalizes the senses when done regularly. If oil is not your thing, opt for the buttermilk (Thakradhara) or milk (Kseeradhara) version of this.

Treatment To Try:

Chavitti Uzhichil or in layman terms means massage with the sole, a traditional Kerala martial arts massage. This is one not for the faint hearted as it works deeply and intimately with the marmas points. An expert masseur balancing on ceiling rope work on every muscle group and knots to relieve fatigue and improve blood circulation. You have heard of four hands massage but have you heard of this ‘no-hands massage’? Try it for a whole body oil massage workout.


Customized consultation and treatment by in-house Vaidya (trained Ayurvedic specialist). This decides your wellness dosha that allows for the creation of your exclusive personalized treatment. Everything about this spa is authentically Ayurvedic Kerala right down to the ingredients and furnishing.


Reservation is highly advisable.

A specialized skincare centre with a unique ‘Only for You’ concept.

Walking the Pamper FloorBy Sharon Lai


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Award-Winning Product:

Nutriment Mask • Cleansing Milk • Moisturizing Toner • Eye Mask • Deep Cleansing PuriMask • Hydrating Miracle Mask • Nutriment Moisturizer • Make Up Remover • Moisture Building Complex

New Product:

Custom-blended Tilafi lm Mask – uses cuttingedge crystallization technology to maximize the skin’s absorption of high purity fish collagen. Key ingredients include Ginseng Essence and personalized essence formulations. It lifts, firms and assist cell regeneration of skin for that anti-gravity result.

Treatment To Try:

MTM Facial Treatments with its signatory freshly custom-blended products personalized after the consultation and state-of-the-art computerized diagnosis by a skincare consultant.


A dedicated skincare specialist who believes the skin is as unique as the individual. The change of climate and seasons, age and lifestyle all come together to cause its deterioration. This is what the ‘Only for You’ skincare regime of custom-blended concept seeks to address. MTM now proudly boasts skincare solutions from Japan containing over 300 essential formulations to address each and every need. A matching solution for a scientifically analysed problem.

ESCENTIALS URBAN RETREAT / [email protected]

Discover this innovative holistic oasis that houses multi-international spa and beauty brands. Uniting beauty, well-being and pampering luxuries in a unique method of consultation to select therapeutic services from a range of brand names and treatments for the ultimate personalized experience. A beauty haven for those quality-driven, always-on-the-move city folks. It exudes more of a boutique-hotel ambience with its 11 single treatment cabins and three couple suites; each privately zoned for intimacy, temperature and sound control.

On the Menu:

An ultimate selection of luxurious treatments from international brands. Ranging from either therapeutic to pampering, facial to body treatments, acne treating to anti ageing, holistic therapies to ultra-modern techniques for each guest’s skin type.

Signature Treatment:

Carita Lift Firming Renovateur • Carita Revitalizing Body Renovateur • Decleor Aromaplasty Treatment • Decleor Aromatic Spa Mosaic • Guerlain Exceptionale – Orchidee Imperiale Treatment • Guerlain Imperiale Body Treatment • Gatineau Defi Lift 3D Radiance Lift Facial • Gatineau Melatogenine Spa Youth & Wellness Body Treatment

Treatment To Try:

Carita Lift Firming Renovateur • Decleor Aromaplasty Treatment • Guerlain Exceptionale – Orchidee Imperiale Treatment


Houses highly-acclaimed names from Decleor, Carita to Guerlain. MyBeauty Hub – a quiet space after treatment to chill out, lounge around and to reflect before heading back into the real world.

Story re-published from SpaAsia,


Dedicated TLC for feet pampering with a holistic touch. Sole therapy with 100% pure essential oils through luxurious treatments. Cosy down on chiropractic approved massage chair, milk-soak, botanically scrub or mud wrap mask feet before the reflexology. Your feet deserve the very best too.


Here nature and science go hand in hand with the ancient healing wisdom of the East. This international establishment being Malaysia’s flagship has been built upon the advanced technologies founded by Kanebo Cosmetics Inc., renowned the world over as an international skin expert. The ambience mostly exudes the graceful quiet charms of Japan’s aesthetic beauty and soothing tranquillity. Its concept sums it up as: “Harmonizing & Care”. Whatever your specific beauty needs, Kanebo International Salon offers you a uniquely harmonizing experience for personal renewal and empowerment.


A professionally discreet medical aesthetic clinic that aims at providing the most comfortable renewal and rejuvenating treatments. Driven by doctors, Faceworks uses the latest cutting-edge technologies for non-invasive cosmetics procedures with minimal downtime. As the frontrunner, it owns and uses some of the most advanced and innovative machines in the medical aesthetic industry – the highly sought after Fraxel Laser treatment, Starlux Medical Pulsed Light treatment, RelaxF Radio frequency treatment, etc. A sanctuary for some serious renewal changes!


Want to look super good but too busy to bother? IPL Skin Care Clinique caters for such express beauty treatments for those on the go. Beauty needs are met while you unwind body, mind and soul. Be assured that a wide array of high tech skin and beauty treatment is on the menu.


A one-stop solution for cosmetic dentistry and facial aesthetics. This flagship outlet is Malaysia’s first integrated healthcare studio. Cosmetic treatment during your lunch break? Now it is possible. It uses high quality products of Parvus and 3M™, with the latest CEREC™ technology under the expert guidance of well-trained experienced doctors and nurses. Stress is alleviated to the minimum in a friendly and soothing non-clinical ambience here. “LivingWell – Giving First Impressions A Second Chance”


How could a Pamper Zone do without a Hair Spa? Snips Hairdressing Group, a name synonymous with professional hairdressing and beauty services hosts its signature flagship salon here. It goes by the name of Signature of course. A grooming hub with everything the crowning glory needs and more. It offers more than hairstyling. Snips also provides professional hair consultation and diagnosis as well as hair prescription. Best of all, Snips offers convenience for all those on the go who need manicure, make up services and wi-fi!

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News from CIDESCO Sections

SOUTH AFRICATotal Concept Academy in Port Elizabeth South Africa

The very first CIDESCO Spa examination students at Total Concept.

Shown here are left front Liandre Hawkes (academy principal) and

centre front Andrea Van den Haute (examiner). The examination was conducted in Total Concept’s own spa located alongside the training

academy. The students are pictured here after just being told that they

achieved a 100% pass for their CIDESCO Spa examination.

Face to Face CIDESCO Make up School, Johannesburg,

South Africa

FINLANDBeauty and Health Fair at Helsinki, Finland 10-13.11.2006

This Finnish Exhibition and Beauty congress is arranged annually in Helsinki, the capital of Finland. In earlier years the congress has been open three days for public.

In November for the first time that there was one day open only for professionals – Beauty Therapists. The theme of the fair was “Beauty, Health and Beautiful Age” – under this theme there were lectures and the fair for the public.

During the whole weekend there were tens of thousand visitors in the whole area and thousands of visitors to the professional department.

The professional part of the big happening/ fair was crowded with cosmetic brands, equipment and facilities for beauty therapists. The CIDESCO Section Finland had their beautiful department there with the new CIDESCO-stand!

During the days the students from the CIDESCO School Omnia / Espoo demonstrated aromatherapy and other treatments for the clients.

We were honoured to have Anna-Cari Gund Vice President of CIDESCO as our guest – Anna-Cari gave a very informative lecture about CIDESCO – the International Link to Beauty Therapy.

After the fair we celebrated the 60th anniversary of CIDESCO and hosted a “Come together evening” at the Skin Care Clinic - City Spa- Eila Hellgren.

As our guests we invited our CIDESCO-friends from the CIDESCO Schools, examiners and beauty therapists.

Among other guests we were happy to enjoy the company of our previous President

Aila Merranto-Lindholm, the former Finnish CIDESCO presidents Riitta Salmi and Kristina Peltomaa.

Eila Hellgren –who has received the Diplome de Georges Dumont organized a very special evening with music and cocktails.

Inkeri Sarpila

President of the CIDESCO Section Finland

Mrs Eila Hellgren in the middle - with the presidents and board members from CIDESCO

From left to right: Anna-Cari Gund, Leena Paulus, board member, Inkeri Sarpila president of the C.

Section Finland, Eila Hellgren – honoured by Diplome de Georges Dumont, AilaMerranto-Lindholm former president, Riitta Salmi president, Leena Lappalainen

representative from our section.

CIDESCO Section Finland and their stand – with Tuula Pusa, the secretary


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SWEDENSM in make-up 2007


Helene’s visit to the Ministry of Tourism withDatin Clara Chee

Helene Bramwell CIDESCO President visited Kuala Lumpur in March and met with the Minister of Tourism for Malaysia and

also with Datin Clara Chee who is organising the CIDESCO World Congress in Malaysia in October 2007


Diana Sommer President CIDESCO Section Denmark with Treasurer Christina Nielsen at the Denmark


The Second Prize Model and the Artist, Cecilia Lidén

The Second Prize Model

The Third Prize Model Make-up by Artist Anna Johansson

The winner of the Swedish Make-up Championship 2007: Katarina Salesjö, with her Model


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If you have a photo of interest

from your CIDESCO school, please email it to: [email protected]

AUSTRALIASydney College of Skin Care

CIDESCO examinations in December 2006

DENMARKKosmetolog Skolen

CIDESCO Examination students

Around the world withCIDESCO SchoolsCIDESCO Schools


Section India regarding their exams held in India Jan-Feb 2007 CIDESCO

Examiner is Corrine Brown.

JAPANKokusai School Tokyo

CIDESCO exams with CIDESCO Examiner Annabelle Taylor.


Institute DeVries International


Ray Cochrane School of Beauty Therapy, London

NEW ZEALANDElite International School

of Beauty and Spa Therapies at Hamilton

CIDESCO Examinations with Helene Goh

Wellington School of Beauty

CIDESCO Examinations with Helene Goh

MUMBAIButic Institute of Beauty Therapy & Hair Dressing


CIDESCO exams with Male students and Principal Maya

Paranjapye and CIDESCO examiner Corrine Brown

USAInternational School of


Successful CIDESCO graduates, Houston, Texas

with CIDESCO Examiner, Jo Wackett

SINGAPOREProfessional Beaute-N-Cosmetics Training


Principal Ms. Lynda Goh. CIDESCO Examiner Ms.

Elizabeth Tarpey.


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SECTION SLOVENIA - General Meeting

1 May 2007 Ljubljana Chamber of Craft of SloveniaCidesco Section SloveniaMs. Darja BabsekCelovska C. 71, 1000 Ljubljana, SloveniaTel: +386 1 5830 801 Fax: +386 1 5054 373Email: [email protected]


28 May 2007 Chatswood Advanced Assoc. of Beauty Therapists CIDESCO Section AustraliaMs Shirley DungateHigh Park Towers, Suite 224/813 Pacific Highway, Chatswood NSW 2067, AustraliaTel: +61 2 9415 4633 Fax: +61 2 9415 4722Email: [email protected]


1 August 2007 Auckland CIDESCO Section New Zealand Inc. Ms Judy WestP.O. Box 28-754 Remuera, AUCKLAND 1136, New ZealandTel: +64 9 827 6237 Fax: +64 9 579 4714Email: [email protected]


1 September 2007

Tallinn, Estonia Int. Cosmetologist’s Association of EstoniaMs Merike IvaskPärnu mnt. 130, 11313 TALLINN, EstoniaTel: +372 5294 194 Fax: +372 6 555 133Email: [email protected]


2 September 2007

Pinegowrie South African Association of Health & Skin Care ProfessionalsMs Sandy RoyP.O. Box 318, 2123 Pinegowrie, South AfricaTel: +27 11 787 7416 Fax: +27 11 789 2747Email: [email protected]


1 October 2007

Edinburgh Cidesco Schools (Great Britain) Limited Mrs. Joan Stewart2nd floor, 16b West Register Street, Edinburgh EH2 2AA, Great BritainTel: +44 1993 775 858 Fax: +44 1933 775 858Email: [email protected]


24th - 29th October 2007

Malaysia Venue: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Info at: www.


2 November 2007

Riga, Latvia Association of Beauticians & Cosmotologists of Latvia Jana AsaraStr. 5 1009 RIGA LatviaTel: +371 731 31 37 Fax: +371 731 33 59 Email:[email protected]


24 November 2007

Netherlands CIDESCO Sektie Nederland Ms Miny Janssen-SchreursOude Baan, 6122 AM Buchten, NetherlandsTel: +31 46 4810777 Fax: +31 46 4810778Email: [email protected]

NEW ADDRESS FOR CIDESCOAs of the 30th April 2007, please note our new details.

CIDESCO INTERNATIONALWaidstrasse 4a, 8037 Zurich, Switzerland

Tel: +41 44 448 22 00 Fax: +41 44 448 22 01Email: [email protected]


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Account Name: SER HOLDINGS SDN. BHDAccount No. : 512343-524031Bank Name : Malayan Banking BerhadAddress : Puchong Branch

No. 7, Jalan Kenari 1Bandar Puchong Jaya47100 PuchongSelangor, West Malaysia.

Swift code : MBBEMYKL

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REGISTRATION FORMPlease fill in only the applicable boxes and leave blank those that do not apply.

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Cidesco Student No (if applicable): School No, Country (if applicable):

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Preferred language: English Japanese Korean Mandarin



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uala Lumpur is a vibrant and bustling city situatedin the heart of Malaysia's tropical landscape. As

the capital, its population is a tantalizing mixture ofAsia's main races of Malays, Chinese and Indians. Thiscomposition is reflected in the diversity of cuisines,religions and cultural practices of the inhabitants thusgiving credence to our motto of "Malaysia, Truly Asia".K.L., as locals call the city, is an electrifying blend of thenew and old where the most modern skyscrapers arenestled between colonial shop houses.

Superb hotels, smooth infrastructure, excellentamenities and all sorts of conveniences add up to asatisfying trip that makes a visit to this unique city amust.

With the sparkling brand new Kuala Lumpur ConventionCentre as the venue, Cidesco 2007 will truly be anevent not to be missed. Set amidst the backdrop of thesoaring Petronas Twin Towers, we cordially invite you tojoin in this grand occasion. As we say in Malaysia,"Selamat Datang" which means "We Welcome You"


TRANSPORTATIONINTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (KLIA) Visitors to Kuala Lumpur travelling byair will land at the KLIA. Transport from the KLIA is by way of taxis, busesor trains. The KLIA Express is a train service that will take you to thetransport hub of Sentral, in Kuala Lumpur, within 30 minutes. There is alsoa bus service to the main hotels and lots of taxis.

PEOPLE & LANGUAGEMalaysia is made up of an interesting melting pot of people, with the mainraces being Malay, Chinese and Indian. The main language is Malay,though most hotel and shop staff would speak in English.

CURRENCYMalaysia's currency is called the Ringgit, which is represented as 'RM'.Notes are in denominations of RM1, RM2, RM5, RM10, RM50 and RM100.Coins are in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, and 50.

CREDIT/CHARGE CARDSMost restaurants and shops accept the main credit or charge cards such asAmerican Express, Visa and MasterCard.

BANKS AND MONEY CHANGERSThere are many moneychangers and banks around the city to change yourforeign currency and traveller's cheques. Moneychangers are usually openevery day of the week.

DRESSING & WEATHERBeing close to the equator, outdoor temperatures in Malaysia can indeedget quite warm and humid, ranging from 26 C upwards. If planning a dayout check with the hotel concierge about the weather. Air-conditioning canget quite cold in some places.

ENTERTAINMENT & EATING OUTFrom quiet lounges to noisy sports bars, from theatres and nightclubs todancing the night away in discos; from the finest range of internationalcuisine (Continental, Asian, Tex-Mex, nouvelle cuisine - we have it all) tolight, tasty snacks.

SHOPPINGShopping malls, where you can shop in airconditioned comfort, are many.From the Kuala Lumpur City Centre to the busy thoroughfare of BukitBintang, from Mid Valley Megamall to Bandar Utama, shops are filled withlocal and Asian goodies and branded or designer goods alike. The PetalingStreet market in the evenings offers great bargains as do various markets.

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