Chuskit Dossier

chuskit A film by Priya Ramasubban

Transcript of Chuskit Dossier

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chuskitA film by Priya Ramasubban

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When a disastrous fall in her Himalayan village leaves 6-year-old

Chuskit a paraplegic, she must convince her family that her dream

of going to school hasn’t died. Chuskit's resilience and doggedness

inspires her friends and family as they help her get to school in this

beautiful and spiritually uplifting, poetic tale.

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Chuskit is the story of a mischievous 6 yr-old girl

living in a remote village in the mountains of Ladakh,

India. Chuskit and her two bright-eyed best friends

live an idyllic life and can't wait to be old enough to

go to school the next year.

On their way to the capital city of Leh during

winter, Chuskit’s family treks through a treacherous

mountain pass to get to a motorable road. A playful

moment on the edge of a sheer drop turns disas-

trous. Chuskit falls down and becomes paraplegic.

In a brief moment, Chuskit’s life changes drastically.

She can no longer walk and becomes dependent on

her family for many routine tasks. And the rugged

terrain of the landscape around her makes things

more challenging…she now cannot cross a little

stream to go to the only school in her village.

As practicing Buddhists, the elders in the family

accept Chuskit’s situation and try to deal with it with

equanimity. They engulf Chuskit with love while

trying to teach her to accept her new reality. But

little Chuskit yearns to go to school with her friends.

The twists and turns Chuskit's life takes ! some

comic and some heartrending ! and how she man-

ages to eventually make it to school forms the rest

of the story.

Chuskit’s resilience inspires her family to

introspect about fate and how to navigate through

a di"cult phase and emerge victorious. It’s a charm-

ing, touching and heart-warming story that has been

inspired by true-life events.

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Chuskit is a bubbly 6 yr-old living in a loving

family within a close-knit Buddhist community in an

idyllic village among snow-capped mountains in

Ladakh, India.

She and her two bright-eyed best friends are

inseparable. Like her bright older brother, Stobdan,

Chuskit longs to go to school and become a good

student. Things are looking bright for the family as

Chuskit’s father, Sonam, is about to become a senior

trekking guide and Tsering, the mother, is going to

get more orders for apricot jam from the local

co-opertative. Chuskit’s grandfather, Memeley,

leads a life of self-imposed austerity and feels

nostalgic about the olden days where family and

culture took precedence over career and ambition.

He always is the counterpoint in this enthusiastic

can-do family.

Sonam, being an indulgent father, decides to

take Chuskit and Stobdan to the capital city of Leh.

But a landslide forces them to trek through a remote

mountain pass to get to an accessible road. While

playing on the edge of a precipice Chuskit loses her

footing. Before anyone can react she falls and hurts

her lower spine making it impossible for her to ever

walk again.

Six months after her accident, Chuskit watches

her friends go to school. She is utterly despondent.

The rocky, steep terrain and a brook, which the kids

have to cross to get to the only school in the village,

make it impossible for her to get to school.

Chuskit’s brother and her friends rally around

her as much as they can. Her brother, naïve but

spirited, is always a positive spark for her. Her

friends include her in all their games and take

special care to make her feel part of the old gang.

Chuskit oscillates between desolation and moments

of joy in a way that only children can.

But for the adults Chuskit’s condition takes a heavy

toll. Her father has to leave the family for long

periods of time because of his responsibilities as

a trek leader. His inability to stay with his family

coupled with his guilt at having taken Chuskit on the

fatal trip weighs heavily on his mind. Tsering tries to

carry Chuskit wherever she can, but this makes her

already bad back worse. Memeley tries to teach

Chuskit to accept her fate but Chuskit’s hope to go

to school and to eventually become a writer doesn’t

die down.

To cheer her up and to give her some sense of

freedom, her uncle, who lives in the city, gets her

a wheelchair. The kids are fascinated with this new

toy. Chuskit convinces her friends that the wheel-

chair could be used to get her to school. But the

terrain being rugged, steep and uneven, the wheel-

chair gets damaged. Memeley, who feels that

accepting her circumstances instead of challenging

them will lead to a more peaceful life, grounds


With Sonam away most of the month and

Tsering’s back getting worse, Chuskit is relegated to

a window in the living room through which she sees

the world passing by.


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When a new teacher arrives at the village, he finds

a fan following in the kids at school because of his

open and unconventional ways. Chuskit’s brother

regales her with stories about the new teacher and

how interesting his classes are. This increases

Chuskit’s desire to leave the confines of the living

room and get to school.

One day, Chuskit and her friends decide that

using the neighbour’s horse to get Chuskit to school

would be a great idea. Unlike a wheelchair, the

horse could walk steep slopes and could also cross

the stream. While trying to get the reluctant horse to

cooperate, one of the kids gets kicked by it and

narrowly escapes getting badly hurt. On hearing this

Chuskit’s grandfather figures that he has to take

things into his own hands to prevent more disasters.

He requests a senior monk to advice the family.

The monk convinces the reluctant parents that

Chuskit should become a nun. That way, the monk

reasons, she could live her life in a nunnery where

other nuns would always be there to look after her.

She could also get the education she so desires.

The parents are unable to digest the idea but are

convinced by the monk’s point of view that they may

be able to look after her while they are alive, but

who would after their lifetime.

When they break the news about the nunnery

to Chuskit, she goes berserk. She cannot imagine

living without her family and her friends. Her brother

is shocked at everyone’s decision. He and Chuskit,

make a quiet resolve that she will never go.

On the morning that she is to go to the

nunnery, Chuskit along with her brother and friends

leave the village. They intend to run away to the city

where they hope to convince Chuskit’s uncle to

send her to school instead of a nunnery. But their

attempt at running away is foiled and they are

brought home by a vigilant bus driver. When Sonam

realizes how stifled Chuskit feels at not being allowed to

go to school, he announces that he will become her legs

and will carry her to school everyday and remain by her

side at school. The adults try to convince him it’s an

impractical plan but he is adamant that he cannot let his

daughter’s zest for life die.

He goes to the city to resign from his job. Over there, his

brother convinces him that moving to the city would be a

better option because he could keep his job and the city

would be more accessible for a child with disability.

Chuskit is rejoicing that she will finally get to go to

school but is also upset that her dad has to give up the

job he loves. She sees a model bridge her brother is

making for a science competition and has a brain wave.

Roping in her brother and her friends, she meets the new

teacher to ask for his help.

As Sonam and his brother are coming back by bus,

they see the entire village gathered by the stream. Based

on Stobdan’s model they have built a bridge with willow

branches to pave the path to school. The grandfather, with

his knowledge of traditional bridges, helps the villagers

reinforce and strengthen the bridge.

Once the bridge is done, Sonam o#ers the grandfa-

ther the chance to push Chuskit across the bridge for the

first time. He accepts and wheels her to the top, where

they come in full view of the school. The whole village

walks towards the school bound together by a palpable

sense of hope and aspiration.

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Priya Ramasubban is a reputed filmmaker who has

! for more than a decade and a half ! made films for

National Geographic, Discovery, History Channel and

other major international broadcasters.

She is a storyteller at heart and has the ability

to deal with complex subjects in a nuanced way

allowing for textured interpretation of the subject.

Her strong visual sense, evocative style and flair for

highlighting local subcultures have been strong

points that have kept production companies and

broadcasters coming back to her again and again

with o"ers of work.

Her ability to get reticent contributors to open

up in front of the camera, her sensitive portrayal of

her subjects and her talent at breaking down compli-

cated ideas into easily digestible bits of information

has evoked admiration and praise among her peers

and her audiences. Though her core strength lies in

telling complicated stories in simple yet fascinating

ways, the experts whom she films with have always

praised her for never diluting or over simplifying the

issues at hand. She has a strong reputation for being

participatory in her approach towards filmmaking,

always encouraging and eliciting the best from her

crew and her cast.

Having worked for several international

broadcasters she has developed a keen sense of

understanding about audiences in the East and the

West and seamlessly straddles the two spheres to

make enriching films that are appealing and enter-

taining to people regardless of where they are on

the planet.

While she has never made a feature film,

her approach to this film builds on her strong docu-

mentary experience. She allows her actors the room

to express themselves; uses the epic quality of the

location to add to the story and draws out the

cultural subtext to highlight the complexity of the

struggle the characters face.

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“Every time I’ve worked with Priya, I’ve been struck by what a gifted storyteller she is.!

She has the wisdom of an old soul and the generosity to match.!Priya is absolutely the

perfect person to be telling this inspiring tale.”

Eleanor Grant

Emmy Award Winning Former VP - Development

National Geographic Television

“Priya Ramasubban is that rarest of filmmakers: !a visually authentic storyteller whose fierce realism is guided by!her undeviating moral

compass!and limitless compassion.”

Jason Williams

Multiple Emmy Award Winner

President, JWM Productions

“Priya Ramasubban is a highly principled and dedicated filmmaker. Her work reflects a deep commitment to making the world

a better place.”

Allison Argo

Winner of over 100 International Film Awards

Founder, Argo Films

When I travelled to Ladakh for a shoot for National

Geographic, I was mesmerised by the incredible

beauty of the land. Intrigued by the spirit of the

people there, I decided I’d go back some day to

make another film. On what subject, I wasn’t sure.

Serendipitously, my sister Vidhya Ramasubban,

moved to Ladakh for a job a year after my shoot.

She stayed on for a decade, working on issues

relating to the di"erently-abled. Her friend and

author Sujatha Padmanabhan, wrote a children’s

book ‘Chuskit Goes To School'! based on Vidhya’s

e"orts to get one disabled girl to school. When I

read the book, I knew this was the story that would

take me back to Ladakh.

With my experience in non-fiction story telling,

I wanted to make a documentary, but Vidhya was

insistent that this should not be about her but about

the children she has worked with. As I gathered

anecdotes from Vidhya’s work, I realized that she

was right and that a feature film was the only way

to tell a story that will capture the timeless themes

of struggle and triumph; of loss of innocence and

coming of age; of frailty and strength, while keeping

the film in the present.

I travelled to Ladakh to do research for the

film and found that I fell deeper and deeper in love

with the place, the people and the endearing and

empowering story we were attempting to tell.

With this film, I hope that this little-known part

of India — !set deep within the mountains of the

Himalayas — will charm people around the world

as it charmed me. Just as I have been touched by

the infectious beauty, the generous spirit of the

people and the encompassing love they show

towards one another in that region, I intend to make

this film a touching account of the power of possibili-

ties and o"er a glimmer of something positive at

a time when most stories we come across are of

pain and su"ering and without hope.


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This film is close to Priya’s heart because her sister, Vidhya Ramasubban, has dedicated many years

of her life to working on issues relating to the di#erently-abled in the remote regions of Ladakh. Vidhya’s

work has inspired author, Sujatha Padmanahan to write a children’s book titled “Chuskit Goes to school”.

Sujatha, Vidhya and Priya compiled anecdotes from Vidhya’s work in Ladakh and wrote a narrative that

Priya then turned into a screenplay.

Priya Sreedharan, a well-known independent producer in Mumbai, India, is already attached to the project.

She was the executive producer on her first film "Oye Lucky", released in 2008. Her second film "LSD" made

for 200,000 US dollars was the first commercially successful, breakthrough, digital film in India. She was also

producer of "Shanghai" a political thriller based on the polemic novel Z, by Vassilis Vassilikos, released in 2012.

Her passion for new Indian cinema was the driving force behind putting this project together. She has shot

extensively in Ladakh and like the other key players is fascinated by the culture and the people in Ladakh.

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In order to shoot part of the film and the trailer the

team crowd sourced the money through Kickstarter.

The project got a phenomenal response and man-

aged to raise 98,499 US dollars. The first schedule

was completed in the winter of 2013. The rest of film,

which is set in the summer, is yet to be shot.

The estimated budget of the film is 800,000

US dollars. This includes the entire cost of produc-

tion with the taxes applicable to shoot in India. As

travel and shooting conditions in Ladakh, a remote

region in the Himalayas, takes up a huge chunk of

the production cost, the team plans to minimize this

by keeping the crew overheads lean but e"cient.

The makers also have production deals and a lot of

goodwill from vendors to reduce the budget further,

while ensuring quality at production.

The filmmakers aim to raise part of the budget

through studios/ private investors in India. The rest

of the funding will be raised in collaboration with

international partners.

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Priya Ramasubban

+1-202-244-3636, +91-9742343487

[email protected]

Priya Sreedharan


[email protected]