Chronicling America « Library of Congress...iittíx ñtftkl .v.;..£>.*/¦:]'; FRIDAY, JI I-V B4,...

iittíx ñtftkl .v.;..£>.*/¦:]'; FRIDAY, JI I-V B4, II ". Tortita ol lite Iribuari HAILY TBIBBBB. f.ii«ie envy.3 mam Mall .ll*illlt.--ra mu. a e. » 111* .i .SjS |] M1 kk >;k¡.y TR1BUBB, r«-r ye»r (l(V4 i«»iir»).&'A ViTr.M.i NE |»npen (..2 Une»).r«* Ptjc'.lo li» Btiviace. Adir««! IBB TRIBUNE. Ne.i Ysrk. ^¦MBBBBBB *«w*a NEWS OF HIE DAY. thi: w.vit. .About cv Vrv .tncimpel nei.r M 'lan'«« «reny, throe neera tram Peiat <>i Bosha, attempted to eroM the PMmbbb mi WraTneaday sight, will tbe inteidi >n of teeriog np th.- ralbi of the r.u Um «ra ami Ohio Knilroad, but linn' luteluioiis Wtlc Ir..stinted by a band of Independent Kam-eis, who dr. ra thtitii from the river. At n'.-o'it three o'clxk IM 'l'l.iiiedny Moiiiin., Los'b entilo UBJ wa,»: in u.oiT n ami BMvinB in,'dly in the aXfOCtiesI ef Whanbanter. BvraB, whe f«ed m ad n move iu t! e oil«-, lion of Cumberbxnd, u^»-j fell mum nad foi- armad l,«*e. Then- an m »ince now at lainjtnne birg, but n itidy Of Caviilrv ¡um BBBM few baise» Mea reattar»«i «wtoraen ihat pram Bad the lVtomit'. Bjceam issest an ««uasseod body of Mvalr* near lliupci v 1-. rry, r-u; ptwted by las reirimcnts of iu- fuiitry, one of which i* dfSSBed in Union BniiOfStt. «npatrte from Menu m», to the nat, pa« t!¡a! .lohnet .n la M Uratid.'ii, «l Oatt, n*wrmaa m nv si n u oi ateebeem lh« RebelOeemraMbragbdee, ( buln era, «-.ann :«..* 81,¡i FeifnenurR ItWOM art« at Tuj"ia. Kuajjnn is enaoeatratinrg bis ; '!«¦.», with |he ii.!.Tii...n pro'..ubi., m mebia| a nash ob oat l.:.-s. Corre>p.«iidt-nce bom l!ra-p « «tiiJ ,Iovim:o:,'ii O'me* dei, ici tin m in dt'ati'!: mu. tin.i .nully demo¬ ralized, (»ur r.,'«.«i«s ie]«.*t the amjoarit** «»t the BaXSl«m BBxioM 1'¦¦'. WO rli. lil.l yft MB r -1 »u tin i'o':".iry lu'toic J. I!. iMVis 1 IL- tillie to i itirV. ¡pt (.rant c'-ti-ie,-i.i.tioi! exi-ie tin. ugli-.ut thi wtwk «s murara seaatvy. A ci-; lah Ir.ara Cincnn di. of the «Bd MM t* a lasxñjna crc«*«»«*!«! ihe M i*kii.K*nm r.ver at Is».1.1 or*, l8 mi.», beeew «wxnaasxhw, at lo odock I' is morninp. BeosMlepoft i.'» ftmXA l.lH,0 »'ron.', v.. :. t!.r>-e pltSM el artiiiery. Cob Lemont, (i i , tent hiereginent aada Inrge Bamber of nililis tr »r tt, Ti f I.»:»*! report* » .y the y'it ari- I;-..t i«»-.. the Rehe'« and drivir.- then Bp t! e rvir tf/WSld .y ,-.r.<\'ill... IMMMM ii MBpeSOSd at 'A IM-«ville, Bo the riti/-n. are out en mara-o t.. re.:et h'i'.'aii! piu.'re.«. eavalrj seoaM My ibstM fat '.i" gi f ti sBebolsin any foi' I.! vr t*. ¡j «J a on-rr«. briVOM t e h*appah»riniir and Potomac, e&si of the ldno li !_¦-, t' nejb theil box whaekera ara seontiugaud; iiii«un-i a i.ii d ¡n liona, ia »ma'! »ipnnl», ek >i.'y to pravant SB] pstsoa trow getting iato our 1 s, wh- by any poaoible ebeot a a ' bring a,.lii«tint< lal in«'.:, attirai Ben ti." dfassthmol t" ilpepper, or fjom I.»te praa n' BX ion. --Tia« bark KiagaUwIla, arrived y«?eterday from lim J buhu«, n- MTU t'.at Hie rhiii Jabí / BteOBV, li "in 1SV-. porl, fsaTf. iv :n a <v>-?> of atti bessd to M"!itcviJeo, was capture.1, May- '.'.'ah, by a Coi.f-i- eiaa p ''v il-ei. aie! bOfSed] aieo ibu ISO « ¦Vaam t'ü.u, fra Maesevtneo, eras «spturrit Ly ibu a...i.« »-«el ou the 2d .lune, and hume»!. ItVh cie.«.- w«mw MMtebsved t IbeUasvv rino brig Tivs, and aimed ..t «Vi .!.ii.ii Jsae f',h. .A lester tram Wis bmter, Tran», <>t lae 15th, Bul*: " It bbehoved be « thal Oen. *»i.:niij ism liuntsviiie, Al'.., teebar, steered noil Mease*, liter* t. «u. I va ii) wnle lha paitM ular» a-, «o-n re¬ ceive''. We will pr a' 'y bare defJeita infi-riia- thu to-day. lue raiatebtlBy al»-« is, that tim. h i* in Chiiiíaiiie..«. Ihe SBSMy d't-e not a.-eni m tl'v.ifn m ikin.* 8 «'a'nl anvwl ere." 'J'- V.'t'n .- ¡rai-. «MfStMM MS Sgais lea vi raj -At> ghafterad rooka ol BraRa/i army, and d' liveriiiL» tnemtelv»-* up to <-tir au'l.urili»*. S'/rr.e BBMB their uumt.or M luf/h M 10,0(1*, b ,t half that Bambi r vtonll !.. vu: i '...wy Sad p». .'.«», - apitoxi- nia'ee ti e imtb. fi IC.N I0U \I. \K\VN. 'Jiti Qalleal (Wie.) rVenianafst'S remarlt. a cm nu» «Rraeeaxaess rnntive io Jefhuraa davis: ''We Luve bene ml «line! on itaMWOftbv autborily that lhere a chiid of Jeiieroon liaría, the l'r« ki- deni ii the so-calh'tl Sullim aCosfoderaey, being exiucated amoci. tbe Si.k .».I.s .-.«..?- leSXeBO, al the r tileiuent la B**mvsM Ceaaty. Dssb, it ia weil kii.'iaii, wa. natiaaod ;-' Van Irmmmaage mom years ago, and ibON fblMed ibe anpiairitniue of th« mother of the ctiil.l, a Menomonoe MUBW." .The total public debt of ibe I intel State, m July 1, shown hy the book-ot thi lreftniiy trapSRSannat, $1,11.17,27 ,,.i<rl In the isecn-tary'e itpurt ol last l>»r h- .-sun ..«>«1 that by this lime (Le pahMl debt w ubi reacL fl.l'Ä- '7,103. TblSTpindÉI UM, however, hare been «hgl.tlv lee. than th" .Seerctaiy aiitlr.^ted, cr lat' er the nat revenu- hn« fen I BO'iewl at u'eHttr, and the ».uhUe debt it ti er- fuie lees by |¿'i,(r«tH,(rj7 iban the Kecretury estimai«d last I>T-«5tvml>er. The rowing mate1! f< r oma thaneesi dollars an') the Charopionsh»*, «.f Amenoa, between Joshua Ward of iVewhurKh, \. Y., and Janie« Hammill. «if l'itteburg, l'a., vtae won by the loi me« in 4j mm. H nr tlic- an unte rowed beinir five u.ilee. I'p- wanis of tan i.iy tbeeeaai ssepls wore ptsarst, ami an in mern' gas nat if avenel ebnnssd baaen «r« the rotuli, the 1'iiuiburg mau being backed to win at §1,000 lo fjasRsh .The Forn-rt d.VMM cara RBBJ imlirectly up BBBRa yaatenlay in the Superior Court. Mrs. Forrest claims a biliario« of fit 7."ifl due r «nil Unpaid. The Court ordered that the Trm-t (,'om- «pany holding the isorigsj.e j»iveri M Mr. Forrest by tli» Bocinty ol Ht. Vüict-nt do Paul shall deduct the amount from accruing inicien, and pay it over to Urs. Furretft. «.TLa Dtum crala have uominaleil for Memht-r of Congr-eart, frota the r-crond District, Charles N. Davauport, ol Wiimington. .At*U|»r»mfrom Yreka, Cal-, mys that the news overland frota Oregon Is that the «flection ¡n Wash¬ ington Territory has ijoiie largely Democratic. .Thors wm a lively impulra given to lb« Stock tnarkat yasurdsv ttiaralBg by tbe lirra».» af eoUrfda atoan, and toa ipaoiilstlre moTCBeaia of tbe varijoi fBSBB .*.» Blew lo be gattiarlag fiettt seppurv Tto Ws«t»rn nii.i« gurtlculsrly, »tu». Led aUebliua, tnj were active tbrovghuul iii« TlrtV Boertl OoTerartiasU wera firm and a fracU.r hlgliar, ara thara wa« a fair dar» anil f., g,,i, .stoat« al full «aries«. Tto tt«««ln«* la Gold ware niederate wltb but iligbt eliBBgal I* the qi.. tatl"ri.,l M «araptrad with th «i« of .A edueieUy «rteineoB. Al lb« Mtacoad Boar, lae uiiiket wa« wt'ill mor* aeilre. aod pria«, were tatoaslioiit the lit I.tia la lha day toa tone wat ttroag tBruu.bouU Ti.. .,a/ket WM dull lot Kietn'n» at IU I foi lUlJllig, Bltd i 0,, cn. ia-, foi frt-io*. rreighta ara dall tad rate« are «««it! far grtln to Li ter (»ol aad hocdoa pat Aaiertoaa packet, and a tbada a«wter fat gxtia and beary geodi »r neutral dig, alta, to Iba /til«* pert, bal tnu,*i for g.sui te tto Lrioei Tb« Money rtitrkst » ,'.ti ,r« ta, .t at borrowsrs. Loan« wbleh » are txetured Bt6at>o»ct have bera rru.t ...i ti - J* . :\ io a oen- eloer.blu e.ust 8u ty tam hewever, nu. the reaeral tate, aitit a fas team aie »ull novia al 7 f teak «al «Wi- in. r.-'» mt (tald far the taU three Jay« Ihm not yarled nistr t s Ir »'.il M .-'i t h»» fl rt-i»'«ddiiriri th« morning aml»ft»r- i »-r» du ff tb« wart ai iii» Kirai aurari pearn dril. «i>a wrr« g>".".C»Al at I út,.«!i»f,. bal the clo.mi p Ice in til« »y»Bto| l. U » I l.'.i,. Tb» u.o\ eineiti durinj the diy hire bren Bfh«. ^_ On tl)«A second pn-je, thi» mornirn?, we print .1 r»«-. »r.l of Kelicl atioritioi ¡n Bint Tennessee, 11 Deichs«» of the Peonk Bf «Ui'ttyaburg, n let¬ ter from the Solicitor nf tho ïreatiiry on Col¬ ored Soldiers, an Iutide View of Port Iludton, (»'ir Loudon I.»ttor, etc. On the third page will be found Miscellaneous News, City Itoiin, and nn imiortant decision on an injunction Bawl, The spirit of resittauco la the. Draft in thi* Stat« ¡4 confined to the larg« cities almost ex¬ clusively. Ia Auburn, yesterday, the drawing went oil not only peacefully but with o tpecial I'eli'brntion, the purado of the lucky men, apenehee, cheon f"r th« Union, the draft, «S.o. Otbcr i»!ac"i tiav»» done na well, as our news ..o! murra lau- recorded. Tilt NteBTaattaTJU« (OINpiUAtï. It »tan iiit'ina'.cd s('ii;ii time ago that an at¬ tempt might be made by the " Copperheads " to get po««.".<«¦ 'n of the military power of tbii »State in tim organization of the National ('ii.ird. St» iiierediLli' hal it »cerned that any mau identitied with the interest« of the North, living umliT tl.o benign intliieiiro nf it. free iustitutioMt and enjoying the bleofliaga of its pre«j oritj and ii« civili/atn-ii, could »o roi'k- b'sal) wn kui M to seek tln-.r iltetrin tiin., mum such n caution lins hardly Boaned woith uot.cing till our 0*01 have been so sudileiil.» and so fiarfii'.l. eneaed BJ the va lafl laut Baje» The (nitemiiieiit, Un know, is in j'iii«cs»iiiii of aeiéatnon of tho bob« plieitj ol Nnrihern sympathisera with Southern lît'Seli, and Ile people at large, where not abso¬ luto!) persuaded «»f the exiftence of a tara. «piracy, winch eiiliinnati'il in the riot* all over the itiuntry, are at least BBBBBBBBel of aiuit painful doubt«. Eren to those who bave no meant ot ,»-ar: ¡1 »¦ the teiret movements of tlie coiispiiatnri.uinvenieiit« which it iin- |...-«ibie lor them to disguise or to conical frOB person! a hose tanateen it ia to mu.maud informâ of fiery kind and iroui ni niiUlfi'!, anaal I.a political.l'Veü IO t!."»C who bate KO »iib hntiraloda*«, the «at «»uti ol the last fa*U do)» ar«' iiietpncalnc lipmi KB] «ther ta] potbesi» man tLttt «etore n a «aeret anotar« staiiil.ii.; between Northern traitor* and South- em l.cbelr, und thal a ¡'ian ex «ti to oval- awe the i ..¦«¦ Mat« s, tu tub.ert the 1 «J- tral (.inu-rbiiieiit, to iiniirp the bOBBBI the I'elieilinii, lind tleale a new I eJUfl «n »ii.h terme aa the Jen. Devil f..¡it'eile.-au-- ii «i Weithein* can niierwai'l agree upon, antaaa, inataad, the] are alrtradj tiled, ihn advance ol li«e upon tue I lee .*-.' e, an luv.isioii ii at MOtoOd lillie not taten inail.'.e«» lnok'-d ht from a rtm-tly unUiut] pnibt of ii'*; Utfl »!ri||.lig "I tin» .-Aisle of it* whole'nry toic* al a BOUMOl »Li 1 the uraft wai liiitnuient, and a ¡nib the f'i'p rbead inuriialt were BUB*testlj pin... I.:,*, Would be rciisicd; lha up,' | placards en tbe ttii «d lui) to the BOaaVl «d lb,, eil.» to r.»»» ami natal a " t) tannicol lin» ernineii'; ' the attempt, about the hanna tune. "i \ .1 e 1're-idfiit .- :.'|-i.t ¡lit to Kct li Waihi..»;. hen on a mere pre'en»«», the iignifii-ant arti« of the liiehiiiond paper-, pn-mntuie.) ai.i.ou: ¡ug the victory of Law, winch wai nvataattj coUeid« red a faregooe OWclMtae, o»er 1 looker, and their élaborât«' »tateniriiti of tho t< rui« ul peace which w«re about t<> be dictated to the iuia.ugat4.-d North.all tLe.e BO. ¡ti, wheu tak» ii tngetLer, consideied in tln-.r iela- ttanfl to each other, and read by the light of the late in«urroctioo, have & meaning winrb .'.¦ who ruui ma) read," aid Batten Urano ponooaed of anare Boera] knowledge Kana ta. bave been the counterpart* of n great revolu¬ tionary plot, li did not bn-uk oat on the fourth id July tor two reMoni: the joy and ii'il'iAia'i'i of the jieople over tlii Met' i;. «jtattyaVWrg, and the retreat Of the li» l-l bi iii*, made it iii.pntcticablo Bud dangerous at Um fume tiiiii' that those ovent». which »o tfon***ohtlj revorwd tho exraeaed " kjttiulion," took away all pretext foi the in» t'irir.'ai.ih winch Lie'« meei ii» was nu out to give. He wonder Ibu dor. BajBnBfj in hu ndtiren at Cooper lmtitut« on that day, bud no word ol congratulation to oller to tho country on the dUWOlUg paWBUM ol n spei d) ponea bj the aapprnntao of Re Willen, but eould «.lily use au no« asion BBOaTUd to Liberty to incite bit ticatcri by douum-iuliim» ol ti e (.«overiiiiieit, caicuiaU-d, ii they moved theiii at ail, to prolong the war bj epreadiiig it Noithwar«!. Ho and In» leili.w cniupnator» knew that with tim nverthinw ol their Southern «Vtantta, tin ¡r own chaine» ni utta;iiing to political power were gone lonti-r. 'Ihe tall of \ 'iekkhurg, winch praetn ally ended the J'ehellion in the Valley of the «Miesiaiippi, lollowtd cloie upon the defeat of Leo, which wai the beginning of the end on the acaboard; Cbarlestou, there wai e»er) reason to auppose, would preaeiit'y bo udded to the lut of Federal suceenos. It wai clear enough that the blow at the North which wai meant to be the crow mug glory of ii»-hi-; victory, matt be retorted to as a lait detperate attempt to lave the rebellion from utter annihilation. A ready ¡in tait was foubd in the ensuing tirait, and the Copperhead pre», redoubled its eil«.its to arouse discontent, to excite the poor ogniuat the rich, to let Iguuj in a populoua city the dogt of havoc and of licenae, truating to guide the whirlwind and direct the atorm, and organize nota into levolulinu. How w11 the nuten theuudu's iiiiilerituod that fucouragement to resistance to the draft um meant to be given them, waa shown clearly enough by the eff«»ct ol tim extruordi- D.iry apefceh of Got. »Seymour. At no time dunn.» tho whole, week waa tho not bo rampant in tbia neighborhood, at no time were the determined rliorta ol tbe police 10 neceisary to tuppieia it, at within the few bourt between noon nnd dark immediately lubtequent to the time when Gov. Seymour addreised tho rioters bia " noble» hearted fnendi." Nor did the Governor nod nia olav.»«» 4>4k*D, bbj othur policy (baa liait of controlling.not tuhdutng.tho riot till they isw that luch n task was hojielfiia He nt- t'inpted to restrain Gen. Urown from the use of ball-cartridge, while bia par- tisana urged military «commander! to retire and leave the mob to their inert por« mations, and lest martial law should be de¬ clared, bo wat induced to declare the city in a »tilt«) of iuturrection.a proclamation written for bun by ft Copperhead editor.that bo might bold control over the military, and preclude all interference on the part of the Federal Government Now when we consider these facti, and draw from them the only deduction! that they poi- Kihi) admit of, on astertion that it it the in¬ tention of the Stat« Government to get into its owu bandi the military power of the State it one which can not bo prudently ditregarded. It is precisely the thing it would nttempt to do, whether the intention ii to hold the loyal people of the Stat« powerless in case of a revolution, or whether it meant to resort to violent measures to put the »State in nn attitude of hostility to the Gen¬ eral (¡overnment. That a purpose to get the military power inta) its hands is entertained, evidence is accumulating. We have received nn nddresa of the officers of tho fifi t h l.egi- nient, in the 2d Aisemhly District, sipned by James M. Newman, Chairman, and Wan, Pool, Secretary, itating the diffictiltu»* that have occurred in fio organ.zation of tbut iinent. Those nre not périment tn thu point in iiueifon, but Hie <.¦ «wirg testimony of fapt. Saehlei OB, .lllirine.l by l.i-'ii'. l'ettil, is: I «aw To!. MrCrra, Jn y T. 1 B II* i»iJ In ¦ nil n ..n » leal not »nit eba ana al Cobrad Btt Mi-rin, ni i- 11 wai I'rrttiid «ni bia by BMB that I « ;.¦ * ta BJ -I ¡ii n ii i'Lir.aui I ». rj t.«i I wi.i tar le yoj, nut c n BataOll y. 111«»!' «ft i-f thill to |-I Ibu u.Hills faro« uti nut h»i di bl»» p-ii'tt iTii »rtpnln:» 1/ th» liuTirnor « iii »i t<. r»i)it nie nitionsl draft, «kuli la l.a-r. li la de. . . ht n n it u. c i.itltutioBil bf r»D de M ly, lol be ti»«.n w ha»« |rr.p«r n «a in ofli.-» oin Nitlrtii»! limn!, in ii In -::'. It In hil with, reutt Hu« drafl, «ad Iii« i n. .it iieip ti -in««.»*!, m tbof »I hsr« na military ii.ii tin» eau c i.t i'. ihi.r »;.!¦ Iii»»« it from !.». i tan noa patean lha nu ton tratonn »a iib ni.-'. It ia no1 amy mr «rn ri»w o' lb« ma'ter, but the lii'inoil i J e-ir partt'i '" !"uch Bitafetnent inatle ov r rciponiible nnm»»i, thnnld warn ni that these Northern rerolution nts are in earnest. Tater mutt bn made t<> iihdeiitai.d tiiat ti.i'.r coiiApiracy it no lm ger n secret, and that a people forewarned and fortormtd will knnw how t<» meet their troanoo* IIB KIK I <»*S*4l*lll iTOKU. Cost B| nheal f"r Beana ¦heteowith t»« nuiiif» ti " ( niifi'ript.nn Law ami rental the l»ratt, di' metí and naweaepefi «aaBneel la i..,»,. agreed witii 11 baderabia nunn a on a plan | lor Bfiashaj ti.» Mat» i.iüiil ti.»» Nati"Bil i lort 'nilli' nt bj help »t Itnheael aron «¡id t..» S'nte I itiirt». It wa« prop ni '.bit v«l.i«'irr waa drafted ibontal mm nal a imiM-a* eorBBj lii'll, flinn' fnlirl pieanled over b) a il.tintai «.lodge, "¡id ¡n»» BOM mV lu-tni,,, on .. wr¡! the JnngO ah 'Hld J r -nilli re. »¡,e I n- . A. i iiBfoneliluitonal, and Iharaiáeo dischai.r» I...- ion ci pt, va.." »»a« |0 »" 00 his wa) re- j 11 ni'. The ici'i*. natrortteoi .»! li« .«»«t- Msri«bal(i«:iera'i li v, in antn"pst BO 4 Ita piii'p4wo, dirent Im mtaudtaatan no1 taj prwduoa tLo nanrter «»r ooonuraa) na fore a *-. it«« Coati i ote.iieii.n t.» * writ «»I hal»« cm pit, and the rmiiptra. Inri »ihn»e plot ia Hail ft i: it t nted hite made knate to <l»'in .lae ihe tenUnctiaM i rage upnii t!." j'i'lic.ari and the r.«,! la of tie Mat«'*. I be) prop".«' Ihnl a M tribal PefoaiBg obeiln'rice to tan nut »bali be BtraeunoVd aga,iitt by attachm m tur eeutUBUJtii that the ¦ahorita" ran log that pr.¦». «' «ii anjoaaj to tha »State Militia t«» enture»« it, ami hi all] Ihnl («tot. Seymour »hau put lmn»ei. at tin bead ol bit State t.-'"»¡ » m battie array Bgnklti the National ior<e». Jty ti.«* tm.c tl<:t a«-c>iii- aJlahai, it it expected Hat a POT] BUVtortal di- ¦»er. -.., in m r ol tha win have been accompli.lied; or in «diier word, that a Northern It« hellion »hull I«« orgoutai «I a.tb military fore«. All tint it bn«e<| upon Ihe iup- poied respect of thfl people for tanjal for'i.« ami Cointit'it onal r k t », Bod BUghl in thal vmv» ii POT*/ good pad but It.r OUO < "isidrra- tion. 'li.e Bnprena Ceartoi ii.«- Halted Btahfta hat alieady dei id« d tin« oueottaa Ofl winch thil ,ff'.« to be Huid«', Bill bas d '¦' <!ed it adtern!) the autLoiit) ni the Matu Coutts. '1 be Cine of .1.'/nunn Oft, /* «*A, Vi llnW Brd * Supreme ( mut If'pott«, fOÔ\ ü well known, both te tal Ick-'1 BTniaanan and the cnniitry, that ni which the effort of the Supreme fi urt of Wisconsin bj protect a citi» /. ni that Matu ak"nli*t I edi ni iiern .itii'h was bniiliy di'lealfil. I'onlh was aimsleii on a I Ulled Stitt», t'».Minii«ii4.iii,«-r'u o. m milt, for iinai..' and BbettitiK tin« escupe ul an alleged legit to who bad bein Bl**euted iiniler the Ku- | t:»n Mate Act ni I-Ml. Ile wa» ditebarged Irmn the cu.tody of the I h. Marsha b) tbe Supremo ( uurt ol the Stat«, on the ground that the fugitive Slave Act wa. innuiistitu- tiimal- eiactl) the «-mund on which it is BUM pinpi.«rd that a conscript shall be ian barged, »n that tb« twn enies are in all IBUBM Is iden¬ tical. BOOB. WUI let-all) m the custody in tie f. .S. Marshal, jual as the conscript will be legally ni the custody of the I'ro.ust-Marilml. Hut the I anted States Court deciles hot only that he ahollld not blivo been i|,m .lu,,.-.I becauie the law wat t-outtitutiobnl, but goe»i further and declares it to the duly of tho' »Mnrrhal nut to obey ihr prrltpt nj lue BMOl| uutliiinty. He ia to make kunan to the Stat«: .1 .ni,», that he holds tbe prisoner i.nder a I'mted Btntafl nrneaaa, bal he ii not to prnduft' the prisoner ni obedient-«« to the writ ol habita» corpus Irniii the State Court. This deeiaiou is th«« unanimous opinion of the Supreme Court of1 * I the UniiUU Stat« i, ainl is pinnniiuced by no leis a pertoii than Mr. Chid .Justice Tain y himself. It is so full and empbatic, and ho completely dirposet of the whole case, that we « upy the material pattatan ol tb" opinion. Jtidgn Tai,. ) layt: not iiiie.tloo tb» authority of» Hut . I mut a ludgr, who li «'.tin i'./ b) the law« it li.e But» to luna Iii» wii! f baiieii r...iimi, In li.ur I' in any < l.i » Iii« paity itlu.priioDfd wlthlrj lu t.-irltmlal lln.ll», ,it i.tdeil It ¦lu«« sol ipi««» whan the applicili m ii iiiad« I lit I the par . ob in.j rum rd ii In ruitudy lu -1er tb» »ntbnil.y of Iii« Onttrd Mist»« lb» Court oi J ml,« hu » n,hi lu .in, iii« li, ibis mod» ef prosMdlni, for what ena and by by what ikviii; «ki jalna»! i* Matote uiiliia te* teuii*.iii ita-ita of (he Si ,1» iorerri|iiiT «nd il Ih* duty of the M«i.n». or other per«i,n feesMj ti.» c ntudy of the pil*on»i. lu nul» -I..I.II to ii»« fedgs oi r.mrt, ny t ptwpn man, Ita Bathes by by w»!rh he hold« him In e.iflo'j. Thi» tight I . lu«! ile by prorrit of behr«« euri ill. «ml the d ity f ihe ol'«, er ti, make a return, rio* n*c»iMrlly ont of (he Baa [. M rhancter of our (, and the exilíenle uf two «li.'net « d .eptrite »overel.i tie* lihlu th. .eui» ten t..ii»! agpan, etch .,f iliriu re.tii.'-d lu I-« powei» «ud .-«. I. willi It« Bpteas nf «.loo. n«i'-ilbe.l hy the ('mii'lt itnn of th« lint ii BwtAXe, InJepeiiilrnt of tb» otlier. But «ft«- th« rrt.irn I. imdr turi tb« S:«t« 'n'«» ot ('ouït Jndlrli.l* af* rl.rd that the party it io eu.tnly under tri* autle illy of the L'ulted Hi.'.«, ti. y .m proreeJ ne further. Tbey thin know titi tbe pit- oner within lim dnrulnlon «nd Jinlidl linn of Mattel Orr- ernm.nt, and tint neither the arriloj eoepua nor any ct\*r «r ».. niu'J ttndar Star« auth'ttty, ean pott wet lit» lint rtj «".»iii a leiteten th* f«r>l r.'.i/tidrt II* ti ¡Ken t- if! m li« d.»B:nt.i« and ni-.'inir. Jaritiinft-n af 'A« I' Stn'et If hi* mmnmtel »i» offen«« «gilmt their l«wi. their tribunals «lune rtn puulth him If li wroii.fily in |.r:i ii.-il, lli.n Judicltl Iribuotli can reUtie b m «id . :' id bia» r«Jre,«. And «lih-iu.h. we lue «,id, ii tb* duty rf th« M*r«b«1, or otli-r penna hu'db.g bim, to mik» known hy t proper return th« aaShafRp under which be '»I.i « I Let, it if th* tome time imprratitely hit tiu'y bry the prorrn P/ggg f. .V., lo It Id (A, pruontr in cutta ly '.-*»¦ ir und fa arru. ommiMi to tub bi««dithuk ru BunManvevsaaeevsannnnv. .tnifrori/çiirir.^ir.i iii ,l*rv net fii toke I'.* prnontt, ti r tv ¡Jrr Anr tv bl tafeSt Le ima .«-fjf» Judyt ot t'. uri «,. «n a iii' mi SB»***. i»i«í«tí ii let S.iti BBSBsraBB Ne Slits Jul.e nr Coull, «ft <r theyei« ,!,.;«' .¡-Ji'i' th» | «rtj li iinpii.oiied BP 1er t'l» iv «o»:' y uf the Batted Sitte«, ha« «ny rfefM te Interfar» with hin. r to irqnire bim to he brought lufiretbem And II li.« .iib-Mt y oi B Silt«, lu til» furui af judicit! proieit oi otherwise (In .aid «ttnini't* to a-mt ol tliu Mtrihtl or elber au!'.uri»..! ofti-er ar «rent of tb* i'nit¦. I Sitte«, lo a y re«¡ srl, In Ihseiiatnjy of bl« Bri .on.r, li SfeMS» An if n'y tn rt ntl If. IBU TO CUL TO Ull All- 1«<T I HU "1 T'l IT MIUMT II« BBSMBeBVVe »ii.tTli«! Ta.« XVYBOOIYVef Uf BBBSWI ii rou BrVSaraaaBiTS. N«« littet«! prattw v I «,t»»»r f rm It niiy »«in-i e, ran I *** »iit jl »ulhi.-it» Ul.ld* of lil« liait«, of the (i.rl.diction of Ih. o- t ei J" Í4e hy which il I. . - » . «ud au sttenol to »ni... a ¡i bera I than beete a . I. I. .'.iil.l. ie.l Ultu llvaLKH VI" 1 -(.1 lloWtld I. < It ' .'3 ! ) Now, that was the law which tin' Suprême Court of tin* United Slate» untioiinced in order In rsiry into rtl«-ct UM moat infamous statute i'vit ptrsioil in this or nny other« Uiigitive Slave act of W»U. iMnocrntic j »per« niiJ jailiticinns cn'iltrvd over it thee, mann it was int'Btit to coti«ign to prison tv citizen urbOM only crime wai that ho reluttd to be an ar- ' complice to »lavo-hiit.tiiii* under the law. Tiny tnsy not welcome, it now, when it eervex to cr.force a law vital to tho safety of tho Repub¬ lic, but ihey m'iit accept and obey it. Northern conspirator» and their agent«. the rioter», may we!! umb-rstsiid now that the (¡ovcrrinciit »tarni« tsssfajed to enf««rca the draft at a!! larnrd«; that it hm both I.iw a>-.| Force on it* side, gaalj that it will Koeetu the una by be |> of the other, if necctscry. M«-»»r*. nwrRMBT, Wocl. Breohs A Os>, yu have tried In incite to »cditi«'»., ôy !áñl,U»ge, u Im1« cr.ritcil a not whi'h you néant to BO an ii.tiiriertion, and you aReyersR eel strm« la . !itar.j»!e ib» Court« »i «l the Btete ia a beeiltet »th the «fattoeal («"..* r;. '. pari kim w.Il in:! in tint i*i.'«.rt n. you hive f.uled in the '.then, and fee wi'! :!«n, il" p.,»».il,le. ino!« BOSSl) cm i tea] of trea-on, and ev. ¡, r* re heart.ij ficofated thsa Rote, b) the Menti» « ! si v. i --"i Mel d-.'roy. i; tin i vic vi i> KM linotte. d nu In au the lin.- I! .-. r..-« «.I tin».- waaeVi al pi phei vii.. .... the paxiitiesilj f..r ti..- H aha «".J neeyaassein, t.1«« r |]aj at th.« BM .,,,.,,» tv l'oiiin M l'an ! ««., «el "t Otèmj BBS Equity a : v. taina, w.tii a phiioti.j.i. eel P iieidtiat, a calm ami i.'.'. i. (Tal «.'., a .«-or I.« .»!. m. 1 n ¦« m; radiai I'". v«", ead Qenernli a' osee dietiognisbed by v .rt«,»- nnd valor. V' bal :. M1 .1 '" n. led Bttoli.-liineiit a* lind 'g in l,e l.i '."i 'tia I! ..* of |bj 1-tii lli«t. a ." tihle, alf.''.«.h by no Beans .ii Btuiable nafas "t (-"in; «it "n. in which u r*rc«t nniuboi «.t Cnafederate (!..(.m »Is a-«* aBwSStextiaOj de ir.-.i t.. t.. îiui'.t i..r Mrpsrele, an.l the Oov« i* ¿barge«1 atti awRiai < uexnxaadars aal ««i seel j»"oi MBterinlsai .N«.b.«i.« « ataj b<- Bl 'e.l bl Inriinli. lint. It We may bellett« Ibi. rraJ)-writ«r i«i la'nl.i.ioii.l, th«« wr.t ban aet nene Us appointment «>f «hrompetenl ntlreri who gfi al! anno'inccd hy nina» willi ao o¡»*n nullor wh ,'h ih.ti lead Lfe much »oft pi>p|»iiig ¡ii ti:«» duello. no Ile wornt is tim' iu Kn bo.m.'1, til sweet -cn! of ««Tciiity alni .¡«¦lierai political seeer, m wi.ich Nnfobolding I ...or;r. »bullid hak .. I.« eil <T_. «et.jli .'«»«I into A Ina anil weli-bottom-«! prm'tice, there nie tlo a«« who are carnally, w n-k« «Hy arid lelo nieeslj nngnfeJ ia " protnotiin, tho revoin t «li ^inis taught in the tafti ti Paris '" \\ .11 it bt) bi'lnvoil that tier«« an« " rbsSBa»! n«'." in the Mecca ol hlaii-Ownuig .' Why, Wc tboni'ht that they Wcrn nil in New Ku¬ rland Will it be beleird that there are *' eiitbiiHiBnts" m thr Confederacy I Why, we thought that tbey wert« all lu Holton ! M* tit-tnally walking about iu Kicbmond who are "in love with ttio dinlnni'» ol' Bal >i«*bu lev««-' lutioiii.ti'" Why, wn thought tbat only uicin- iM-ri of iNcw-I'inglaiid chu relu«», crn/ed ntnl n mie c1..¡.lu n of cracked m.d cranky 1'iir.tuu lather*, ei. r indulged in such maniacal amour» ! Au Uiotiitii" "arbitrary*' Oh dear! «el lhoiinht that poor Mr. Lincoln was tin* «mik Arbitrary liiecntivn to If p-ri'unrd at, in nil Uni world Wo do not wonder at tbe how!» of f|g I.i, '.munit lihif" under these l'un« Bj and ctlaiiiitoU« nri'iiuialniii'tiB. Wa ull kn .w what plnuged poor New-Knglaud into such a .loii«;h of free-thinking and rnnting, of blasphcm» and cliX'j'ic pliilaiithrop), of floundering socinlisui1 and rivolutH'i.ary rechieisness. We all know. that the term,d mother of all the»«1 nieutal wa. Abolition, which mi.led men into it general disbelief of all that is true and hopeful in li r ii ia 11 ailinn' Hut what linn pro-' «li,i-e.l a »in,ilnr ela»« af deitructiouista ie rare' and rojal Kichiiiond.that city always under! such good iiilluiiicis.iu which every mau who It tho least inoieinciit in In« uminbers towiinl political and nd g'oiis ohli([nitiei, might rii.h to nu nucí mi of iii'groe», aud take a lea.ou would last Lim for a weeli.m which every street lum tah «>d flu« old Spiirtan tt'ticlii ii«* of liiimnii ineqiiulit) .in which th«» continual pre»onco of Mr. Calboun's great soothing, piinl)iiig, con- si..nlutiiig, couscrviitiiig, und moat corrective institution wn», morning ¡ml t-vcuiug, dill'using a liberal n'uiotphero ul wisdom which all urgut breathe, ami by which all should hato prolitml .' Why did n't " the I.evolutiooary dogmas " crawl liibn corners liku vrbipped eura i Why djda'.eho "uiicuariei " gin up tho uoprofita- ble biisinrm* «of dreaming dreams Î Why «did n't the " eiithusifiet'i " moderiN) the fiery mid v,'l- BBale wrath of their red and rascally theorirVT AIbs! has tin strange science of ilnve.iolilii'p. wandenid through all the mazy experiences of I tooling, flopgins, pii-kli'ig, starving, buying, telling, and biill)ing blacks only tearing back the tidingi of social despair lo the Confedérate Capital? It it renlly .«uito iifTrctin.*. NOl'Tff iiltltvllKA AÎMI1 THE ál*AVK. iioi.iiinv We learn from our Buenoi Ayres corre¬ spondent the interesting fact th it among all the dailies published in tbe cities of Ituenoi Ayres and Montevideo, lomo fift4»en in number, there it not one that favori the rebellion. Similar ac¬ count*, though not so explicit, reach us from other Republics of South and Central America. Nowhere docs there appear to bo a numeroui party in s)inpathy with the rebels, except among the ultru-Consenatives, and everywhere the restoration of the Union has enlisted the cordial sjmpathy of the mass ol' the people. There ore two powerful argumenta which hate turned in those countries tho tide of pub¬ lic opiuion ngninat the liebelt. The first of these ii the system of Slavery as it exi ts in the I.ehel States. In all the countries of Latin América, except Braid, Slavery has been en¬ tirely abolished, and even Brazil hat taken BtaOBfl to thnt end, and ii alreadv free) from that prescriptive tpirtt of coeto which would exclude ii«'a¡r«rp« and their remount descendants not only fra ni citi/'-nabip, but from any kind of eipiality with the white race. L.-uality of the rncei and their united progrets it the ford hope of ncnrly »'very slate»;.inn and patriot. To single out one of the races, not only for con¬ tempt, but for degradation und proscription, m'lit therefore appear to the people of those cotiutr.ct not only at au attack upon a funda¬ mental prim-ipli) of democracy, but upon their wholo social tabne. Ihe Hebel!, if they had been succesiful, and the States of Central and south America could not long have maintained terms ol aunty. One reason why the people of Latin America are warm friend! of our cauie ia the great in- tcn-t which they aro ju»t now taking in the flatttetaoaace of the Monroe doctrine. Siuce the intnriiiii ol Mt'MCo they have everywhere ihown then.lelvea umit anxious io aee !.... eitahi.tL- ment of a great MOJ/taO ol' all American govern- neeta tor Ihe upholding of that doctrine. Sec- ifetary .Seward, in hu note on the l'niish BOOB i.nn, rnênflôris the fact that some of tho State* «>f South Ameitci bud OXtOBdod to the Cov» e.aiiiri.t of ".«li llgti'D a lUffBtBw invitation t«i .ifn tu-h I tangie, hut that that invira- t¡. n mui neal dedin« i, Ncv« rthekss, the I 'mt. «J Htntea am »t ii taahed up»-i b) t1'« i B> pin of Latin A BOBriOB as the nn'.l.tiy o.'l wbl.'h iii*» tiitiire latf al Ike tafnuroo eWtrina ili'|nu«tt. The* mu»'», ti. 'n tare, ii.'iintiv.-ly ileei a <!. re to »re |he «.i «.lineal aid ti. «j power of the Unntad .**-.i*«*« B**aaae*n*l tataed» lan, i r or» r. ,1 know that the political party wktata is now in t*e aar«mdna«Tj in to» IXnited -int»a ilo'i imt harbor timae iel.en «'A of Ok,- nran«li/en.eiit by the odBOMBJ «d which the latta paît) i»."t..:.i-«l »u A..'ij''ral a dis- tr' «t. aaaaetelli aiuoug ti,«i other A meneau lorarenenta, m to the Itareign poney el the li ii ."»lill'». i ...¦ |c:inu!,c!it ritalnirliment of the Kebri Cooli loreey ireak] ham Lraon u ur' .it ii matit, not to too United Slat«-. Batane, bul t«. eli Aura- rite. It would have di'S-rcd »<> widdy utli BJ t«« it« or g n ai on nid. pen.l.nt nation, and in it« | ,m .pi"S ot (nilen. went, ttOtM Bw trhO Other I «.Btlin of Al erna, Ural ;i tutu re* i|.ii'»t.n: ol .l.t. national policy it would hive 004*0000* nh gravitated toward an B*aveiattae w,'.h Eu» ropean Uoreroatonte anaoegat thon el .\m«»r¡i:i. H ttaerte it hni been the eonatoal iwraiplain! nfl the ftateeineii of ariitrecratic aniornnraalB llel the progron of Anraficae principle* was envi the whole »tut«) st «tem of EaïuBU, 1 he estabii»;,n.eut of the Sniiti.crn f outederacy would have chuogt'l all, und i«»tabli*'ji»d the l-.'in|eaii theory of (î'iverntueiit upon th.i Cou- tinent. The leading BUM Bl ¡"iig the K bel. are weil at» are ot this fact. They Late uot eveu taken the trouble tf dii^uimiig their interne | batí« d of democratic iuBntutetMIB. and their nenire to MtWiiute for ii the rule of ar.ito-! erac), or i"..iii monarchy. The unttoi'iacy of Linpe m weil appreciate Ihe uppr mt boo1 ¦tatefe the lîchela have already made to-1 ward them, (hat their organs everywhere I ¦BjOMUe tin m a* new cni:\ert*. The main ! BPgllBMnl which the gotainiig c.atoei of Lnglainl adduce in explanation of ther eiinpathy with the Kel eli, ii the of a horedi- tory aristo« inc) iiiunng the latter winch, they jiiftly argue, hat already become the go»crum,. das» of the »Slare Sute». And that viieit of ail LatarnnUBB partie«, the Kendal Arittncrac) ot l'.u-fia, wbn h it to trteeped in ttiipidity ii'.! de.poti'iii ni to have just cai.ied the rmidcm» nution ol the editor of one Ok* the leading (1er- niau p.-iperi t<» four weela' imprisonment for having published the of au article of Tht taOUOoM Innes ou I'run.a, haiteui tal pay its tribute of admiration In the new would- be representative of uu-deniocratic fonns of government, ami to tender to it the right hand of fellowthip. As, therefore, the riso of the Southern Re¬ bellion baa been a common danger to all Aim r,can Slut«'!, it« downhill will be .*. cause ot rejoicing to the whole continent. It vi ill be lound t«) have ¡»repared the way for tin« establishment of more friendly relation« between Ninth and South America, and for: the devi lopim nt und cm itiboiatioii in Latin Auiericu of tho fuuibmeutul principle* of de¬ mocracy. A geiitleiiiaii inform« m that on the Monday when the riot begau, «onie derinum were goiug out in a car to enjoy their leitivitiei at Jonei't Wood, with the American flag waving over tin« car. A mob assailed them, and hauled üiiwn Uie flig, amid Se« easion criet. Krotft an« thick as autumnal pigeon»*, and damiiiug as a medii",al aiiutheinai, that the incipience ol the nut wai by Secession outlaw*, necea» Karily combining or nient.lied with crimiualt. Vet The i'.iprtti, true to ita infamous course, den,u.¡¡res tbe pretence of the canuuii iu the I'm k.thora eloquent coutornttoii ol tlie what no people under regal eonstr tii'ioiinl rule would allow. Tim si mu: iviO.iii -itsi . Wo have no means of estimating »be cb'tra«*- ter of asm young lady who makes up Oov. Seymour's bed, or of that other young; lad»/ who f-ets up his dinner. Of the two, we should suppese that the lart-named would be most liiM-'y, in the ardor of her culm-try strti-'i-lea, «ra net hie to the Seymour mansion, in winch peril a tempornry or even permanent luspension of the draft (in the Gubernatorial chimney) ia what we »hoiild decidedly and affectionately recommend to His Excellency, unless, indeed. he is prepared by hil terrors for an entire rniniitcrial change in hi» Kitchen Cabio«««*» And as we do not believe that any cook of correct principle! would go further in her boo* ulity to the provisions of the Federal Consti» tution, than the willful and felonious over-boil* ing of the Governors eggs or the mean anti mai Hour scorching of bia morning chop, are are sorry to find him forwarding to Washing* ton " the gravest apprehension that tho Irish a-rvitut-girls will, in case the draft ia enforced, turn incendiaries in a body, and burn down their niMtora' housee.'' We really do not - nee how the Governor's plenipotentiaries, could deliver his message without laughing. The Pres.tlebt aiked to re¬ cede from his resolution.from which he can¬ not recede for any reason however good.the Picsi'l.-nt asked to change the whole policy of the Government, in order that Gov. Seymour nmy hare dinner well cooked, and sleep in a w. !! -ui'iijia bed, and not be burned alive be-. t'.v «'»"n his own domestic aheeti A good many people have been scared in this city lately, bul iiobo.iy haa been i«.*ared to this lamentably ludicrous extent. For our own part, wo must here declare our continued conhdenra in the young person who makes our breakfast. Wo defy the most ingenious Copperhead to distract h-T from the fidelity with she still brewe the coffee and prepare! the cakes Gov. Seymour baa taken a very odd way of proving that be is the "friend" of the Irish. In order to show that he is such par eictUrncm, he e.'.iia three men to Washington to libel and .Under all the kitchens in New-York, li» insists upon »peak ng for the Irish, and tuen innata that the Irish servauts are nil i'icend.a* rie« There have been many extraordinary llurat.o., but he beats thetu all.' WURT WAN ii) aXaVtJS UBKlf. We printed v«.-tenia) n rather noticeable editorial from 77.«* London In«**, containing ti..' views ef that journal up-'ti the military .situation m AiiiiTiCii not «RRJ before »»it*, battle ef ».eUi-tliiin*, and the surrender of Vick4kmrg and Pelt Hudson. Trie newe were of emma prophetic, for ÏAe limit is as fertile of pro» dictions ai an American »Secretary of Stat«*, ui.d though, lik»» him, it is regularly entra» diCU'd by event», ita courage never faJterrt. Ita Americau rtaden har«« tbe pleasure of re- garains, limen prsswotioae .>! Britteb peispniu-iiy in the li^lit ni the tacta subie.juently occurring, and i!, tl.erotore, they do not possess exactly the tunic hi--toru*ai value for tit, which our liritiah tru mis set on them at the moment, they al Bveet ati'oid us a mean» of estimating what those amia!'':«' creature* would like to barn I raspea, ii the» hud the order.üg of our affairs. In other word«, they arc anotner íLustrattoa of the lueetiiuabio advantage« of what is caitos British Neutra.u*, and «ail bare due ooa* «¦i.lerat.oii accordingly. ih* iver, then, as.'ires that I li- I ni.Terete« w, re prvpsre eliher lo '.. no lah Its Ma.J» ate Hilewin» u, .h«.i »let iy, nae po»i«*tioa ot ia» |.¡ ;i- «ir ¡ci tud in't T«r« ho-ll!» ,p ul, ir to den-eu I ni««. i« ti J geoaMM at ieiiur« »mt lu to di ot to or«** the BaafSjal aún« tail Bjatafe lltai.i.t «iptia Pin.«vi« prtia. * .Surely a very suSicieut progiamiiie. II o j. pee i s to bear ot I'm»..lent 1 lavis at Wash¬ ington in a week or two, aud will regard the leen ti place " as a great aud critical coiit.vigeucy, almost decisivo of the war." It BMMRRsaaw that lien. t.rant use "an impossible tu«k before bim, with nu advancing toe and ii..-ie nmg ditlicu!tiea behind bim;" and that " Gen. Hanks bad not eve.i this much to say ta«r b.inselt." It eau see " iu this dark und divan pi.irpa'ct, hard!» a gieaui of hope from any other quarter," and concludes on the whole " ibat ia the stutc of thing« in the South, theil» is a for) stiitxll margiu for suo- ces«, and a vi'ry wide margin indeed for ovory ri crii-.iu.e aim'uní of di.aater»." Coiisidering what were the actual resulte m the d.lii ii'i.t canei thus anticipated, we ona alford to laugh both at the blunders and the malignant ill-wui uf T'As «imsi. The only thing we have really to fear is tbat tbe newt of our riib»e«*uciit victories may convince that journal that the end oi the laebellioo ii al liaiiil, and that it may, iu comeiiueuee, Ueseii the eau«; which it bal to long upheld, and appear the parti«.m of tb*» («orerument, sod the eulogist of the ..«-public. Let us hope to be spared that humiliation. We hare borun with indifference id tauiiti, aud »lauder», and intuits, but it is too much to expect thal American» should endure ita praises with good temper, or patiently sutler ita congratulatiooa ou a victory which it ha» steadily doue its at» most to prevent. Jt nor. Mi Nair..The following statement fooud in way BBS lue **BMM ol' a ¡oiti.o et eui Ueue of tli» 1MB li..: Ai »ii«i. il«»«' Pria« Xbkb.tbd.-Obi Hstarasy, «aa af the I'.Ui.ij I «a Haste*. . «i-e.l.- Jin,« V.,,v..i and lira. Sallaiif. wh" l>aa.ei< lill td« r**» dau.l.le,, add « I omrue- .1 're wnuie BBBn Bil nul lr«i..'.ir«d WM liaJ baten ful tota* «te* b..»ran.g «I the boute of »tri. NicBull. Na. 4J llreenwioh «Tenu«. Ali th» prltsaer« ware fiom the Mistourl buri««. »n T ii «..-t» i. ware h«re ».lu., m tie espacity of Rea«* tp.ea, uni wrr« lu rounnuolosiiaio with souis leealiug «'opeer* ti« «ula in lilla «ii.« Tney wer» «bout to I««»« loi the I uufeA- ei«.-a; wb«B tiley werr ai traite W e are coarinced that a «eiluol lnjtutlee sed Injury at« te* r!. r ...i m on Itnoi-rnl end worthy In .It i! j»!i by thl» raoua, win. :., » .n t..i.le... waa not wholly uu'ouualeJ, lamu-io» W by «um« DBSvCeiiBtabie tnbtike of one of th« »abordUaB» ef i ¡in. Wool His parties wet* taXsa late cuitoJy tiJ wareyel into th» pr«*euee of till i.enaral, Bl U* upen Bil Older fei thati*. . ir.I tiru. Wool al one« i'l.i l.luied all knowledge ef «ay .round« .«f foiiipUii.t *g«ln«l thru, »ii J Bid IB«! »«d ls* .urJ no «.in wheteTer. ile bad »imply eipr*««»«» "». »Bia *.'.«¦ .m iudiTlJutl at* when be had beaid bul who*« MHO »»..u he did not know, thuutd tn bruiigbl B bun, at lia wl-**»** lo u.»t* «a ini-ulry ren-euiln, the loyalty ol «Bother USB» »l.lut!. The geutiviniB te brought, and by ¦1't**e »1*»*»» anil friend« inder «irait. to be J«d«« Moftatf a mau- knoa» a »nd loy»! citistn of BL Leah, wh* B** «uSereS taaM a » couat of Ui« ley«lly. Via tata baan «bown a l«tl*r. arm r.i it' _..i.i« «sa ,«.. nal tBe t»abT" ci «u j uu«. rj i.- , it-ni ti s* j *-..- «.«-- - .' «tBtcuieui i.¦ »on \üb. J -Alike) U J-« 9 J |l?U| ' IW llalli titfltav/UvU.

Transcript of Chronicling America « Library of Congress...iittíx ñtftkl .v.;..£>.*/¦:]'; FRIDAY, JI I-V B4,...

Page 1: Chronicling America « Library of Congress...iittíx ñtftkl .v.;..£>.*/¦:]'; FRIDAY, JI I-V B4, II ". Tortita ol lite Iribuari HAILY TBIBBBB. f.ii«ie envy.3 mam Mall .ll*illlt.--ra

iittíx ñtftkl .v.;..£>.*/¦:]';FRIDAY, JI I-V B4, II ".

Tortita ol lite Iribuari

HAILY TBIBBBB.f.ii«ie envy.3 mamMall .ll*illlt.--ra mu. a e. » 111* .i .SjS

|] M1 kk >;k¡.y TR1BUBB,r«-r ye»r (l(V4 i«»iir»).&'A

ViTr.M.i NE

|»npen (..2 Une»).r«*Ptjc'.lo li» Btiviace.


Ne.i Ysrk.^¦MBBBBBB *«w*a

NEWS OF HIE DAY.thi: w.vit.

.About cv Vrv .tncimpel nei.r M 'lan'««

«reny, throe neera tram Peiat <>i Bosha, attemptedto eroM the PMmbbb mi WraTneaday sight, will tbeinteidi >n of teeriog np th.- ralbi of the r.u Um «ra amiOhio Knilroad, but linn' luteluioiis Wtlc Ir..stintedby a band of Independent Kam-eis, who dr. ra

thtitii from the river. At n'.-o'it three o'clxkIM 'l'l.iiiedny Moiiiin., Los'b entilo UBJ wa,»:

in u.oiT n ami BMvinB in,'dly in the aXfOCtiesIef Whanbanter. BvraB, whe f«ed m ad n move iut! e oil«-, lion of Cumberbxnd, u^»-j fell mum nad foi-armad l,«*e. Then- an m »ince now at lainjtnnebirg, but n itidy Of Caviilrv ¡um BBBM few baise»Mea reattar»«i «wtoraen ihat pram Bad the lVtomit'.

Bjceam issest an ««uasseod body of Mvalr* near

lliupci v 1-. rry, r-u; ptwted by las reirimcnts of iu-fuiitry, one of which i* dfSSBed in Union BniiOfStt.

«npatrte from Menum», to the nat, pa« t!¡a!.lohnet .n laM Uratid.'ii, a« «l Oatt, n*wrmaa m nvsi n u oi ateebeem lh« RebelOeemraMbragbdee,( buln era, «-.ann :«..* 81,¡i FeifnenurR ItWOM art« at

Tuj"ia. Kuajjnn is enaoeatratinrg bis ; '!«¦.», with|he ii.!.Tii...n pro'..ubi., m mebia| a nash ob oat

l.:.-s. Corre>p.«iidt-nce bom l!ra-p « «tiiJ ,Iovim:o:,'iiO'me* dei, ici tin m in dt'ati'!: mu. tin.i .nully demo¬ralized, (»ur r.,'«.«i«s ie]«.*t the amjoarit** «»t the

BaXSl«m BBxioM 1'¦¦'. WO rli. lil.l yft MB r -1 »u oí

tin i'o':".iry lu'toic J. I!. iMVis 1 IL- tillie to i itirV. ¡ (.rant c'-ti-ie,-i.i.tioi! exi-ie tin. ugli-.ut thiwtwk «s murara seaatvy.

A ci-; lah Ir.ara Cincnn di. of the «Bd MMt* a lasxñjna crc«*«»«*!«! ihe M i*kii.K*nm r.ver at

Is».1.1 or*, l8 mi.», beeew «wxnaasxhw, at lo odockI' is morninp. BeosMlepoft i.'» ftmXA l.lH,0 »'ron.',v.. :. t!.r>-e pltSM el artiiiery. Cob Lemont, ;¦

(i i , tent hiereginent aada Inrge Bamber of nililistr »r tt, Ti f I.»:»*! report* » .y the y'it ari- I;-..ti«»-.. the Rehe'« and drivir.- then Bp t! e rvir tf/WSld.y ,-.r.<\'ill... IMMMM ii MBpeSOSd at 'A IM-«ville,Bo the riti/-n. are out en mara-o t.. re.:et

h'i'.'aii! piu.'re.« eavalrj seoaM My ibstM fat '.i" gi f

ti sBebolsin any foi' I.! vr t*. ¡j «J a on-rr«. briVOMt e h*appah»riniir and Potomac, e&si of the ldnoli !_¦-, t' nejb theil box whaekera ara; iiii«un-i a i.ii d ¡n liona, ia »ma'! »ipnnl»,ek >i.'y to pravant SB] pstsoa trow getting iatoour 1 n« s, wh- by any poaoible ebeot a a ' bringa,.lii«tint< lal in«'.:, attirai Ben ti." dfassthmolt" ilpepper, or fjom I.»te praa n' j» BX ion.

--Tia« bark KiagaUwIla, arrived y«?eterday fromlim J buhu«, n- MTU t'.at Hie rhiii Jabí / BteOBV, li "in

1SV-. porl, fsaTf. iv :n a <v>-?> of atti bessd to

M"!itcviJeo, was capture.1, May- '.'.'ah, by a Coi.f-i-eiaa p ''v il-ei. aie! bOfSed] aieo ibu ISO t» «

¦Vaam t'ü.u, fra Maesevtneo, eras «spturrit Ly ibua...i.« »-«el ou the 2d .lune, and hume»!. ItVhcie.«.- w«mw MMtebsved t IbeUasvv rino brig Tivs,and aimed ..t «Vi .!.ii.ii Jsae f',h..A lester tram Wis bmter, Tran», <>t lae 15th,

Bul*: " It bbehoved be « thal Oen. *»i.:niij ism

liuntsviiie, Al'.., teebar, steered noil Mease*, liter*t. «u. I va ii) wnle lha paitM ular» a-, «o-n u« re¬

ceive''. We will pr a' 'y bare defJeita infi-riia-thu to-day. lue raiatebtlBy al»-« is, that tim.h i* in Chiiiíaiiie..«. Ihe SBSMy d't-e not

a.-eni m tl'v.ifn m ikin.* 8 «'a'nl anvwl ere."'J'- V.'t'n .- ¡rai-. «MfStMMMS Sgais

lea vi raj -At> ghafterad rooka ol BraRa/i army, andd' liveriiiL» tnemtelv»-* up to <-tir au'l.urili»*. S'/rr.e

BBMB their uumt.or M luf/h M 10,0(1*, b ,t half that

Bambi r vtonll !.. vu: i '...wy Sad p». .'.«», - apitoxi-nia'ee ti e imtb.

fi IC.N I0U \I. \K\VN.'Jiti Qalleal (Wie.) rVenianafst'S remarlt. a

cm nu» «Rraeeaxaess rnntive io Jefhuraa davis:''We Luve bene ml «line! on itaMWOftbv autborilythat lhere i« a chiid of Jeiieroon liaría, the l'r« ki-

deni ii the so-calh'tl Sullim aCosfoderaey, beingexiucated amoci. tbe Si.k .».I.s .-.«..?- leSXeBO, al the r

s« tileiuent la B**mvsM Ceaaty. Dssb, it ia weilkii.'iaii, wa. natiaaod ;-' Van Irmmmaage mom

years ago, and ibON fblMed ibe anpiairitniue of th«mother of the ctiil.l, a Menomonoe MUBW.".The total public debt of ibe I intel State, m July

1, shown hy the book-ot thi lreftniiy trapSRSannat,i» $1,11.17,27 ,,.i<rl In the isecn-tary'e itpurt ol lastl>»r h- .-sun ..«>«1 that by this lime (Le pahMldebt w ubi reacL fl.l'Ä- '7,103. TblSTpindÉI UM,however, hare been «hgl.tlv lee. than th" .Seerctaiyaiitlr.^ted, cr lat' er the nat revenu- hn« fen IBO'iewl at u'eHttr, and the ».uhUe debt it ti er- fuielees by |¿'i,(r«tH,(rj7 iban the Kecretury estimai«d lastI>T-«5tvml>er.

The rowing mate1! f< r oma thaneesi dollars an')the Charopionsh»*, «.f Amenoa, between JoshuaWard of iVewhurKh, \. Y., and Janie« Hammill. «ifl'itteburg, l'a., vtae won by the loi me« in 4j mm.

H nr tlic- an unte rowed beinir five u.ilee. I'p-wanis of tan i.iy tbeeeaai ssepls wore ptsarst, amian in mern' gas nat if avenel ebnnssd baaen «r« the

rotuli, the 1'iiuiburg mau being backed to win at

§1,000 lo fjasRsh.The Forn-rt d.VMM cara RBBJ imlirectly up

BBBRa yaatenlay in the Superior Court. Mrs.Forrest claims a biliario« of fit 7."ifl a« due h« r «nilUnpaid. The Court ordered that the Trm-t (,'om-«pany holding the isorigsj.e j»iveri M Mr. Forrest bytli» Bocinty ol Ht. Vüict-nt do Paul shall deduct theamount from accruing inicien, and pay it over toUrs. Furretft.«.TLa Dtum crala have uominaleil for Memht-r of

Congr-eart, frota the r-crond District, Charles N.Davauport, ol Wiimington..At*U|»r»mfrom Yreka, Cal-, mys that the news

overland frota Oregon Is that the «flection ¡n Wash¬ington Territory has ijoiie largely Democratic..Thors wm a lively impulra given to lb« Stock

tnarkat yasurdsv ttiaralBg by tbe lirra».» af eoUrfda atoan,and toa ipaoiilstlre moTCBeaia of tbe varijoi fBSBB .*.»

Blew lo be gattiarlag fiettt seppurv Tto Ws«t»rn nii.i«

gurtlculsrly, »tu». Led aUebliua, tnj were active tbrovghuuliii« TlrtV Boertl OoTerartiasU wera firm and a fracU.rhlgliar, ara thara wa« a fair dar» anil f., g,,i, .stoat« al full«aries«. Tto tt«««ln«* la Gold ware niederate wltb but iligbteliBBgal I* the qi.. tatl"ri.,l M «araptrad with th «i« of.A edueieUy «rteineoB. Al lb« Mtacoad Boar, lae uiiiket wa«

wt'ill mor* aeilre. aod pria«, were tatoaslioiit the litI.tia la lha day toa tone wat ttroag tBruu.bouU Ti.. .,a/ketWM dull lot Kietn'n» at IU I foi lUlJllig, Bltd i 0,, cn. ia-, foifrt-io*. rreighta ara dall tad rate« are «««it! far grtln toLi ter (»ol aad hocdoa pat Aaiertoaa packet, and a tbadaa«wter fat gxtia and beary geodi »r neutral dig, alta, to Iba/til«* pert, bal tnu,*i for g.sui te tto Lrioei Tb« Moneyrtitrkst » ,'.ti ,r« t« ta, .t at borrowsrs. Loan« wbleh » are

txetured Bt6at>o»ct have bera rru.t ...i ti - J* . :\ io a oen-

eloer.blu e.ust 8u ty tam hewever, nu. m« the reaeral

tate, aitit a fas team aie »ull novia al 7 f teak «al «Wi-

in. r.-'» mt (tald far thetaU three Jay« Ihm not yarled nistr

t s Ir »'.il M .-'i t h»» fl rt-i»'«ddiiriri th« morning aml»ft»r-i »-r» du ff tb« wart ai iii» Kirai aurari pearn

dril. «i>a wrr« g>".".C»Al at I út,.«!i»f,. bal the clo.mi p Icein til« »y»Bto| l. U » I l.'.i,. Tb» u.o\ eineiti durinj the diyhire bren Bfh«. ^_

On tl)«A second pn-je, thi» mornirn?, we print.1 r»«-. »r.l of Kelicl atioritioi ¡n Bint Tennessee,11 Deichs«» of the Peonk Bf «Ui'ttyaburg, n let¬ter from the Solicitor nf tho ïreatiiry on Col¬ored Soldiers, an Iutide View of Port Iludton,(»'ir Loudon I.»ttor, etc. On the third pagewill be found Miscellaneous News, City Itoiin,and nn imiortant decision on an injunctionBawl,

The spirit of resittauco la the. Draft in thi*Stat« ¡4 confined to the larg« cities almost ex¬

clusively. Ia Auburn, yesterday, the drawingwent oil not only peacefully but with o tpecialI'eli'brntion, the purado of the lucky men,

apenehee, cheon f"r th« Union, the draft, «S.o.

Otbcr i»!ac"i tiav»» done na well, as our news

..o! murra lau- recorded.

Tilt NteBTaattaTJU« (OINpiUAtï.It »tan iiit'ina'.cd s('ii;ii time ago that an at¬

tempt might be made by the " Copperheads "

to get po««.".<«¦ 'n of the military power of tbii»State in tim organization of the National('ii.ird. St» iiierediLli' hal it »cerned that anymau identitied with the interest« of the North,living umliT tl.o benign intliieiiro nf it. freeiustitutioMt and enjoying the bleofliaga of its

pre«j oritj and ii« civili/atn-ii, could b« »o roi'k-

b'sal) wn kui M to seek tln-.r iltetrin tiin.,mum such n caution lins hardly Boanedwoith uot.cing till our 0*01 have beenso sudileiil.» and so fiarfii'.l. eneaed BJ theva t» 0Í lafl laut Baje» The (nitemiiieiit, Un

know, is in j'iii«cs»iiiii of aeiéatnon of tho bob«

plieitj ol Nnrihern sympathisera with Southern

lît'Seli, and Ile people at large, where not abso¬

luto!) persuaded «»f the exiftence of a tara.

«piracy, winch eiiliinnati'il in the riot* all over

the itiuntry, are at least BBBBBBBBel of aiuit

painful doubt«. Eren to those who bave no

meant ot ,»-ar: ¡1 »¦ the teiret movements oftlie coiispiiatnri.uinvenieiit« which it 1» iin-

|...-«ibie lor them to disguise or to conicalfrOB person! a hose tanateen it ia to mu.maudinformâ of fiery kind and iroui niniiUlfi'!, anaal I.a political.l'Veü IO t!."»Cwho bate KO »iib hntiraloda*«, the «at «»uti ol the

last fa*U do)» ar«' iiietpncalnc lipmi KB] «ther

ta] potbesi» man tLttt «etore n a «aeret anotar«staiiil.ii.; between Northern traitor* and South-em l.cbelr, und thal a ¡'ian ex «ti to oval-

awe the i ..¦«¦ Mat« s, tu tub.ert the 1 «J-tral (.inu-rbiiieiit, to iiniirp the bOBBBI

OÍ the I'elieilinii, lind tleale a new I eJUfl«n »ii.h terme aa the Jen. Devil f..¡it'eile.-au--ii «i Weithein* can niierwai'lagree upon, antaaa, inataad, the] are alrtradjtiled, ihn advance ol li«e upon tue I lee.*-.' e, an luv.isioii ii at MOtoOd lillie not tateninail.'.e«» lnok'-d ht from a rtm-tly unUiut]pnibt of ii'*; Utfl »!ri||.lig "I tin» .-Aisle

of it* whole'nry toic* al a BOUMOl»Li 1 the uraft wai liiitnuient, and a ¡nib

the f'i'p rbead inuriialt were BUB*testljpin... I.:,*, Would be rciisicd; lha up,' |placards en tbe ttii «d lui) to the BOaaVl «d

lb,, eil.» to r.»»» ami natal a " t) tannicol lin»

ernineii';' the attempt, about the hanna tune.

"i \ .1 e 1're-idfiit .- :.'|-i.t ¡lit to Kct li Waihi..»;.hen on a mere pre'en»«», the iignifii-ant arti«

of the liiehiiiond paper-, pn-mntuie.) ai.i.ou:

¡ug the victory of Law, winch wai nvataattjcoUeid« red a faregooe OWclMtae, o»er 1 looker,and their élaborât«' »tateniriiti of tho t< rui« ul

peace which w«re about t<> be dictatedto the iuia.ugat4.-d North.all tLe.e BO. ¡ti,wheu tak» ii tngetLer, consideied in tln-.r iela-ttanfl to each other, and read by the light ofthe late in«urroctioo, have & meaning winrb

.'.¦ who ruui ma) read," aid Batten Uranoponooaed of anare Boera] knowledge Kana ta.

bave been the counterpart* of n great revolu¬tionary plot, li did not bn-uk oat on thefourth id July tor two reMoni: the

joy and ii'il'iAia'i'i of the jieople over

tlii Met' i;. "Í «jtattyaVWrg, and the retreatOf the li» l-l bi iii*, made it iii.pntcticablo Buddangerous at Um fume tiiiii' that those ovent».which »o tfon***ohtlj revorwd tho exraeaed" kjttiulion," took away all pretext foi the in»

t'irir.'ai.ih winch Lie'« meei ii» was nu out to

give. He wonder Ibu dor. BajBnBfj in

hu ndtiren at Cooper lmtitut« on that day,bud no word ol congratulation to oller to thocountry on the dUWOlUg paWBUM ol n spei d)ponea bj the aapprnntao of ReWillen, buteould «.lily use au no« asion BBOaTUd to Libertyto incite bit ticatcri by douum-iuliim»ol ti e (.«overiiiiieit, caicuiaU-d, ii theymoved theiii at ail, to prolong the war bjepreadiiig it Noithwar«!. Ho and In» leili.wcniupnator» knew that with tim nverthinw oltheir Southern «Vtantta, tin ¡r own chaine» ni

utta;iiing to political power were gone lonti-r.'Ihe tall of \'iekkhurg, winch praetn ally endedthe J'ehellion in the Valley of the «Miesiaiippi,lollowtd cloie upon the defeat of Leo, whichwai the beginning of the end on

the acaboard; Cbarlestou, there wai e»er)reason to auppose, would preaeiit'y bo uddedto the lut of Federal suceenos. Itwai clear enough that the blow at theNorth which wai meant to be the crow mugglory of ii»-hi-; victory, matt be retorted to as

a lait detperate attempt to lave the rebellionfrom utter annihilation. A ready ¡in tait was

foubd in the ensuing tirait, and the Copperheadpre», redoubled its eil«.its to arouse discontent,to excite the poor ogniuat the rich, to let Iguujin a populoua city the dogt of havoc and oflicenae, truating to guide the whirlwind and directthe atorm, and organize nota into levolulinu.How w11 the nuten theuudu's iiiiilerituodthat fucouragement to resistance to the draftum meant to be given them, waa shownclearly enough by the eff«»ct ol tim extruordi-D.iry apefceh of Got. »Seymour. At no timedunn.» tho whole, week waa tho notbo rampant in tbia neighborhood, atno time were the determined rliorta oltbe police 10 neceisary to tuppieia it, at

within the few bourt between noon nnd darkimmediately lubtequent to the time when Gov.Seymour addreised tho rioters a» bia " noble»hearted fnendi." Nor did the Governor nodnia olav.»«» 4>4k*D, bbj othur policy (baa liait

of controlling.not tuhdutng.tho riot till theyisw that luch n task was hojielfiia He nt-

t'inpted to restrain Gen. Urown fromthe use of ball-cartridge, while bia par-tisana urged military «commander! to retireand leave the mob to their inert por«mations, and lest martial law should be de¬

clared, bo wat induced to declare the city ina »tilt«) of iuturrection.a proclamation writtenfor bun by ft Copperhead editor.that bo mightbold control over the military, and precludeall interference on the part of the FederalGovernmentNow when we consider these facti, and draw

from them the only deduction! that they poi-Kihi) admit of, on astertion that it it the in¬tention of the Stat« Government to get into itsowu bandi the military power of the State itone which can not bo prudently ditregarded.It is precisely the thing it would nttempt to

do, whether the intention ii to hold the loyalpeople of the Stat« powerless in case of a

revolution, or whether it meant to resortto violent measures to put the »Statein nn attitude of hostility to the Gen¬eral (¡overnment. That a purpose to getthe military power inta) its hands is entertained,evidence is accumulating. We have receivednn nddresa of the officers of tho fifi t h l.egi-nient, in the 2d Aisemhly District, sipnedby James M. Newman, Chairman, and Wan,Pool, Secretary, itating the diffictiltu»* thathave occurred in fio organ.zation of tbut Those nre not périment tn thu pointin iiueifon, but Hie <.¦ «wirg testimony of

fapt. Saehlei OB, .lllirine.l by l.i-'ii'. l'ettil, is:I «aw To!. MrCrra, Jn y T. 1 B II* i»iJ In m» ¦ nil

n ..n » leal not »nit eba ana al Cobrad i» Btt Mi-rin,ni i- 11 wai I'rrttiid «ni bia by BMB that I « ;.¦ * ta h« BJ -I

¡ii n ii i'Lir.aui I ». rj t.«i I wi.i tar le yoj, nut c n

BataOll y. 111«»!' «ft i-f thill to |-I Ibu u.Hills faro« uti

nut h»i di bl»» p-ii'tt iTii »rtpnln:» 1/ th» liuTirnor« iii »i t<. r»i)it nie nitionsl draft, «kuli la l.a-r. li la de.

. . ht n n !¦ it u. c i.itltutioBil bf r»D de M .« ly, lol beti»«.n w ha»« |rr.p«r n «a in ofli.-» oin Nitlrtii»! limn!,in ii In -::'. It In hil with, reutt Hu« drafl, «ad Iii« i .¦ .«

n. .it iieip ti -in««.»*!, m tbof »I hsr« na military ii.ii

tin» eau c i.t i'. ihi.r »;.!¦ Iii»»« it from !.». i

tan noa patean lha nu ton tratonn »a iib ni.-'.It ia no1 amy mr «rn ri»w o' lb« ma'ter, but the lii'inoil

i J e-ir partt'i '"

!"uch Bitafetnent inatle ov r rciponiible nnm»»i,thnnld warn ni that these Northern rerolutionnts are in earnest. Tater mutt bn made t<>iihdeiitai.d tiiat ti.i'.r coiiApiracy it no lm gern secret, and that a people forewarned andfortormtd will knnw how t<» meet theirtroanoo*

IIB KIK I <»*S*4l*lll iTOKU.Cost B| nheal f"r Beana ¦heteowith t»« nuiiif»

ti " ( niifi'ript.nn Law ami rental the l»ratt,di' metí and naweaepefi «aaBneel la i..,»,.

agreed witii 11 baderabia nunn a t» on a plan| lor Bfiashaj ti.» Mat» i.iüiil ti.»» Nati"Bil

i lort 'nilli'nt bj help »t Itnheael aron «¡id t..»

S'nte I itiirt». It wa« prop ni '.bit v«l.i«'irr

waa drafted ibontal mm nal a imiM-a* eorBBjlii'll, flinn' fnlirl pieanled over b) a il.tintai«.lodge, "¡id ¡n»» BOM mV lu-tni,,, on .. wr¡!

the JnngO ah 'Hld J r -nilli re. »¡,e I n- .

A. i iiBfoneliluitonal, and Iharaiáeo dischai.r»I...- ion ci pt, va.." »»a« |0 »" 00 his wa) re-

j 11 ni'. The ici'i*. natrortteoi .»! li« .«»«t-

Msri«bal(i«:iera'i li v, in antn"pst BO 4 Itapiii'p4wo, dirent Im mtaudtaatan no1 tajprwduoa tLo nanrter «»r ooonuraa) na

fore a *-. it«« Coati i ote.iieii.n t.» *

writ «»I hal»« a« cm pit, and the rmiiptra.Inri »ihn»e plot ia Hail ft i: it t nted hite madeknate to <l»'in .lae ihe tenUnctiaM a» i

rage upnii t!." j'i'lic.ari and the r.«,! la of tie

Mat«'*. I be) prop".«' Ihnl a M tribal PefoaiBgobeiln'rice to tan nut »bali be BtraeunoVdaga,iitt by attachmm tur eeutUBUJtii that the

¦ahorita" ran log that pr.¦». «' «ii anjoaaj to tha»State Militia t«» enture»« it, ami hi all] Ihnl(«tot. Seymour »hau put lmn»ei. at tin bead ol

bit State t.-'"»¡ » m battie array Bgnklti theNational ior<e». Jty ti.«* tm.c tl<:t i« a«-c>iii-

aJlahai, it it expected Hat a POT] BUVtortal di-¦»er. -.., in m r ol tha win havebeen accompli.lied; or in «diier word, that a

Northern It« hellion »hull I«« orgoutai «I a.tb

military fore«. All tint it bn«e<| upon Ihe iup-poied respect of thfl people for tanjal for'i.«ami Cointit'it onal r k t », Bod BUghl b« in thalvmv» ii POT*/ good pad but It.r OUO < "isidrra-tion. 'li.e Bnprena Ceartoi ii.«- Halted Btahftahat alieady dei id« d tin« oueottaa Ofl winchthil ,ff'.« I« to be Huid«', Bill bas d '¦' <!ed it

adtern!) t» the autLoiit) ni the Matu Coutts.

'1 be Cine of .1.'/nunn Oft, /* «*A, Vi llnWBrd * Supreme ( mut If'pott«, fOÔ\ ü well

known, both te tal Ick-'1 BTniaanan and the

cnniitry, a» that ni which the effort of the

Supreme fi urt of Wisconsin bj protect a citi»/. ni that Matu ak"nli*t I edi ni iiern .itii'h

was bniiliy di'lealfil. I'onlh was aimsleii on

a I Ulled Stitt», t'».Minii«ii4.iii,«-r'u o. m milt, foriinai..' and BbettitiK tin« escupe ul an allegedlegit to who bad bein Bl**euted iiniler the Ku-| t:»n Mate Act ni I-Ml. Ile wa» ditebargedIrmn the cu.tody of the I h. Marsha b) tbeSupremo ( uurt ol the Stat«, on the groundthat the fugitive Slave Act wa. innuiistitu-tiimal- eiactl) the «-mund on which it is BUMpinpi.«rd that a conscript shall be ian barged,»n that tb« twn enies are in all IBUBM Is iden¬tical. BOOB. WUI let-all) m the custody in tie f..S. Marshal, jual as the conscript will belegally ni the custody of the I'ro.ust-Marilml.Hut the I anted States Court deciles hotonly that he ahollld not blivo been i|,m .lu,,.-.Ibecauie the law wat t-outtitutiobnl, but goe»ifurther and declares it to U« the duly of tho'»Mnrrhal nut to obey ihr prrltpt nj lue BMOl|uutliiinty. He ia to make kunan to the Stat«:.1 .ni,», that he holds tbe prisoner i.nder a

I'mted Btntafl nrneaaa, bal he ii not to prnduft'the prisoner ni obedient-«« to the writ ol habita»corpus Irniii the State Court. This deeiaiou is

th«« unanimous opinion of the Supreme Court of1* I

the UniiUU Stat« i, ainl is pinnniiuced by no leisa pertoii than Mr. Chid .Justice Tain y himself.It is so full and empbatic, and ho completelydirposet of the whole case, that we « upy thematerial pattatan ol tb" opinion. Jtidgn Tai,. )layt:

W« d« not iiiie.tloo tb» authority of» Hut . I mut a

ludgr, who li «'.tin i'./ b) the law« it li.e But» to lunaIii» wii! f baiieii r...iimi, In li.ur I' in any < l.i » .» Iii«

paity itlu.priioDfd wlthlrj lu t.-irltmlal lln.ll», ,it i.tdeil It¦lu«« sol ipi««» whan the applicili m ii iiiad« I lit I the par.ob in.j rum rd ii In ruitudy lu -1er tb» »ntbnil.y of Iii«

Onttrd Mist»« lb» Court oi J ml,« hu » n,hi lu .in, iii« li,

ibis mod» ef prosMdlni, for what ena and by by what a»

ikviii; «ki jalna»! i* Matote uiiliia te* teuii*.iii ita-ita

of (he Si ,1» iorerri|iiiT «nd il 1« Ih* duty of the M«i.n».

or other per«i,n feesMj ti.» c ntudy of the pil*on»i. lu nul»

-I..I.II to ii»« fedgs oi r.mrt, ny t ptwpn man, Ita Bathesby by w»!rh he hold« him In e.iflo'j. Thi» tight I . lu«! ile

by prorrit of behr«« euri ill. «ml the d ity f ihe ol'«, er ti,

make a return, rio* n*c»iMrlly ont of (he Baa [. M rhancter

of our (, and the exilíenle uf two «li.'net « d

.eptrite »overel.i tie* a» lihlu th. .eui» ten t..ii»! agpan, etch

.,f iliriu re.tii.'-d lu I-« powei» «ud .-«. I. willi It« Bpteasnf «.loo. n«i'-ilbe.l hy the ('mii'lt itnn of th« lint ii BwtAXe,InJepeiiilrnt of tb» otlier. But «ft«- th« rrt.irn I. imdr turi

tb« S:«t« 'n'«» ot ('ouït Jndlrli.l* af* rl.rd that the party itio eu.tnly under tri* autle illy of the L'ulted Hi.'.«, ti. y

.m proreeJ ne further. Tbey thin know titi tbe pit-oner I« within lim dnrulnlon «nd Jinlidl linn of Mattel Orr-

ernm.nt, and tint neither the arriloj eoepua nor anyct\*r «r ».. niu'J ttndar Star« auth'ttty, ean pott wet lit»

lint rtj «".»iii a leiteten th* f«r>l r.'.i/tidrt II* ti ¡Ken t- if!

m li« d.»B:nt.i« and ni-.'inir. Jaritiinft-n af 'A« I' Stn'et

If b« hi* mmnmtel »i» offen«« «gilmt their l«wi. theirtribunals «lune rtn puulth him If b« li wroii.filyin |.r:i ii.-il, lli.n Judicltl Iribuotli can reUtie b m «id. :' id bia» r«Jre,«. And «lih-iu.h. .« we lue «,id, ii

I« tb* duty rf th« M*r«b«1, or otli-r penna hu'db.g bim,to mik» known hy t proper return th« aaShafRp under which

be '»I.i « I Let, it t« if th* tome time imprratitely hit tiu'y I»

bry the prorrn P/ggg f. .V., lo It Id (A, pruontr in cutta ly'.-*»¦ ir und fa arru. ommiMi to tub bi««dithuk

ru BunManvevsaaeevsannnnv. .tnifrori/çiirir.^ir.iiii ,l*rv net fii toke I'.* prnontt, ti r tv ¡Jrr Anr tv bl tafeSt Le

ima .«-fjf» Judyt ot t'. uri «,. «n a iii' mi SB»***. i»i«í«tí ii let

S.iti BBSBsraBB Ne Slits Jul.e nr Coull, «ft <r theyei«,!,.;«' .¡-Ji'i' th» | «rtj li iinpii.oiied BP 1er t'l»

iv «o»:' y uf the Batted Sitte«, ha« «ny rfefM te Interfar» withhin. r to irqnire bim to he brought lufiretbem And II

li.« .iib-Mt y oi B Silt«, lu til» furui af judicit! proieit oi

otherwise (In .aid «ttnini't* to a-mt ol tliu Mtrihtl or elberau!'.uri»..! ofti-er ar «rent of tb* i'nit¦. I Sitte«, lo a y

re«¡ srl, In Ihseiiatnjy of bl« Bri .on.r, li SfeMS» An if n'y tn rt

ntl If. IBU TO CUL TO Ull All- 1«<T I HU "1 T'l IT MIUMT II«

BBSMBeBVVe »ii.tTli«! Ta.« XVYBOOIYVef Uf BBBSWIii rou BrVSaraaaBiTS. N«« littet«! prattw v I «,t»»»r f rm

It niiy »«in-i e, ran I *** »iit I» jl »ulhi.-it» Ul.ld* of lil«

liait«, of the (i.rl.diction of Ih. o- t ei J" Í4e hy which il I.

. - ». «ud au sttenol to »ni... a ¡i bera I than beete a .

I. I. .'.iil.l. ie.l Ultu llvaLKH VI" 1 -(.1 lloWtld I. <

It ' .'3 ! )

Now, that was the law which tin' SuprêmeCourt of tin* United Slate» untioiinced in order

In rsiry into rtl«-ct UM moat infamous statute

i'vit ptrsioil in this or nny other«Uiigitive Slave act of W»U. iMnocrntic j »per«niiJ jailiticinns cn'iltrvd over it thee, mann it

was int'Btit to coti«ign to prison tv citizen urbOMonly crime wai that ho reluttd to be an ar-

' complice to »lavo-hiit.tiiii* under the law. Tinytnsy not welcome, it now, when it eervex to

cr.force a law vital to tho safety of tho Repub¬lic, but ihey m'iit accept and obeyit. Northern conspirator» and their agent«.the rioter», may a» we!! umb-rstsiid now thatthe (¡ovcrrinciit »tarni« tsssfajed to enf««rca the

draft at a!! larnrd«; that it hm both I.iw a>-.|

Force on it* side, gaalj that it will Koeetuthe una by be |> of the other, if necctscry.M«-»»r*. nwrRMBT, Wocl. Breohs A Os>, yuhave tried In incite to »cditi«'»., ôy !áñl,U»ge,y« u Im1« cr.ritcil a not whi'h you néant to BO

an ii.tiiriertion, and you aReyersR eel strm« la. !itar.j»!e ib» Court« »i «l the Btete ia a beeiltet»th the «fattoeal («"..* r;. '. pari kim w.Il

in:! in tint i*i.'«.rt n. you hive f.uled in the'.then, and fee wi'! :!«n, il" p.,»».il,le.ino!« BOSSl) cm i tea] of trea-on, and ev. ¡,

r* re heart.ij ficofated thsa Rote, b) theMenti» « ! si v. i --"i Mel t« d-.'roy.

i; tin i vic vi i> KM linotte.

d nu In au the lin.- I! .-. r..-« «.I tin».-waaeVi al pi phei vii.. .... the paxiitiesilj

f..r ti..- H aha «".J neeyaassein, t.1««r |]aj b« at th.« BM .,,,.,,» tv

l'oiiin M l'an ! ««., «el "t Otèmj BBS Equitya : v. taina, w.tii a phiioti.j.i. eel P iieidtiat, a

calm ami i.'.'. i. (Tal «.'., a .«-or I.« .»!.m. 1 n ¦« m; radiai I'".v«", ead Qenernlia' osee dietiognisbed by v .rt«,»- nnd valor.V' bal :. M1 .1 '" n. led Bttoli.-liineiit a* lind 'g

in l,e l.i '."i 'tia I! ..* of |bj 1-tii lli«t. a

." tihle, alf.''.«.h by no Beans .ii Btuiablenafas "t (-"in; «it "n. in which u r*rc«t nniuboi«.t Cnafederate (!..(.m »Is a-«* aBwSStextiaOj de

ir.-.i t.. t.. îiui'.t i..r Mrpsrele, an.l the Oov« i* ¿barge«1 atti awRiai < uexnxaadarsaal ««i seel j»"oi MBterinlsai .N«.b.«i.« « ataj b<-

Bl 'e.l bl Inriinli. lint. It We may bellett«Ibi. rraJ)-writ«r i«i la'nl.i.ioii.l, th«« wr.t banaet nene Us appointment «>f «hrompetenlntlreri who gfi al! anno'inccd hy nina» willi

ao o¡»*n nullor wh ,'h ih.ti lead Lfe much »oft

pi>p|»iiig ¡ii ti:«» duello. no Ile wornt is tim'

iu Kn bo.m.'1, til sweet -cn! of ««Tciiity alni.¡«¦lierai political seeer, m wi.ich NnfoboldingI ...or;r. »bullid hak .. I.« eil <T_. «et.jli .'«»«I into A

Ina anil weli-bottom-«! prm'tice, there nietlo a«« who are carnally, w n-k« «Hy arid lelo

nieeslj nngnfeJ ia " protnotiin, tho revoint «li ^inis taught in the tafti ti Paris '"

\\ .11 it bt) bi'lnvoil that tier«« an« " rbsSBa»!n«'." in the Mecca ol hlaii-Ownuig .' Why,Wc tboni'ht that they Wcrn nil in New Ku¬

rland Will it be beleird that there are

*' eiitbiiHiBnts" m thr Confederacy I Why, we

thought that tbey wert« all lu Holton ! M*

tit-tnally walking about iu Kicbmond who are

"in love with ttio dinlnni'» ol' Bal >i«*bu lev««-'lutioiii.ti'" Why, wn thought tbat only uicin-

iM-ri of iNcw-I'inglaiid chu relu«», crn/ed ntnln mie c1..¡.lu n of cracked m.d cranky 1'iir.tuu

lather*, ei. r indulged in such maniacal amour» !

Au Uiotiitii" "arbitrary*' Oh dear! «el

lhoiinht that poor Mr. Lincoln was tin* «mik

Arbitrary liiecntivn to If p-ri'unrd at, in nilUni worldWo do not wonder at tbe how!» of f|g

I.i, '.munit lihif" under these l'un« Bj andctlaiiiitoU« nri'iiuialniii'tiB. Wa ull kn .w what

plnuged poor New-Knglaud into such a .loii«;hof free-thinking and rnnting, of blasphcm» andcliX'j'ic pliilaiithrop), of floundering socinlisui1and rivolutH'i.ary rechieisness. We all know.that the term,d mother of all the»«1 wa. Abolition, which mi.led men into

it general disbelief of all that is true and

hopeful in li r ii ia 11 ailinn' Hut what linn pro-'«li,i-e.l a »in,ilnr ela»« af deitructiouista ie rare'and rojal Kichiiiond.that city always under!such good iiilluiiicis.iu which every mau whoI« It tho least inoieinciit in In« uminbers towiinl

political and nd g'oiis ohli([nitiei, might rii.hto nu nucí mi of iii'groe», aud take a

lea.ou would last Lim for a

weeli.m which every street lum tah«>d flu« old Spiirtan tt'ticlii ii«* of liiimnii

ineqiiulit) .in which th«» continual pre»onco ofMr. Calboun's great soothing, piinl)iiig, con-

si..nlutiiig, couscrviitiiig, und moat corrective

institution wn», morning ¡ml t-vcuiug, dill'usinga liberal n'uiotphero ul wisdom which all urgutbreathe, ami by which all should hato prolitml .'

Why did n't " the I.evolutiooary dogmas "

crawl liibn corners liku vrbipped eura i Whydjda'.eho "uiicuariei " gin up tho uoprofita-

ble biisinrm* «of dreaming dreams Î Why «did n't

the " eiithusifiet'i " moderiN) the fiery mid v,'l-

BBale wrath of their red and rascally theorirVTAIbs! has tin strange science of ilnve.iolilii'p.wandenid through all the mazy experiences ofItooling, flopgins, pii-kli'ig, starving, buying,telling, and biill)ing blacks only tearing back

the tidingi of social despair lo the ConfedérateCapital? It it renlly .«uito iifTrctin.*.

NOl'Tff iiltltvllKA AÎMI1 THE ál*AVK.iioi.iiinv

We learn from our Buenoi Ayres corre¬

spondent the interesting fact th it among all thedailies published in tbe cities of Ituenoi Ayresand Montevideo, lomo fift4»en in number, thereit not one that favori the rebellion. Similar ac¬

count*, though not so explicit, reach us fromother Republics of South and Central America.Nowhere docs there appear to bo a numeroui

party in s)inpathy with the rebels, exceptamong the ultru-Consenatives, and everywherethe restoration of the Union has enlisted thecordial sjmpathy of the mass ol' the people.There ore two powerful argumenta which

hate turned in those countries tho tide of pub¬lic opiuion ngninat the liebelt. The first ofthese ii the system of Slavery as it exi ts in

the I.ehel States. In all the countries of LatinAmérica, except Braid, Slavery has been en¬

tirely abolished, and even Brazil hat takenBtaOBfl to thnt end, and ii alreadv free) from that

prescriptive tpirtt of coeto which would excludeii«'a¡r«rp« and their remount descendants not

only fra ni citi/'-nabip, but from any kind of

eipiality with the white race. L.-uality of therncei and their united progrets it the ford hopeof ncnrly »'very slate»;.inn and patriot. To

single out one of the races, not only for con¬

tempt, but for degradation und proscription,m'lit therefore appear to the people of thosecotiutr.ct not only at au attack upon a funda¬mental prim-ipli) of democracy, but upon theirwholo social tabne. Ihe Hebel!, if they hadbeen succesiful, and the States of Central andsouth America could not long have maintainedterms ol aunty.One reason why the people of Latin America

are warm friend! of our cauie ia the great in-

tcn-t which they aro ju»t now taking in theflatttetaoaace of the Monroe doctrine. Siuce theintnriiiii ol Mt'MCo they have everywhere ihownthen.lelvea umit anxious io aee !.... eitahi.tL-ment of a great MOJ/taO ol' all American govern-neeta tor Ihe upholding of that doctrine. Sec-

ifetary .Seward, in hu note on the l'niish BOOB

i.nn, rnênflôris the fact that some of tho State*

«>f South Ameitci bud OXtOBdod to the Cov»e.aiiiri.t of \» ".«li llgti'D a lUffBtBw invitation t«i

.ifn tu-h I tangie, hut that that invira-t¡. n mui neal dedin« i, Ncv« rthekss, theI 'mt. «J Htntea am »t ii taahed up»-i b) t1'« i B>

pin of Latin A BOBriOB as the nn'.l.tiy o.'l wbl.'hiii*» tiitiire latf al Ike tafnuroo eWtrinaili'|nu«tt. The* mu»'», ti. 'n tare, ii.'iintiv.-ly

ileei a <!. re to »re |he «.i «.lineal aid ti. «j powerof the Unntad .**-.i*«*« B**aaae*n*l tataed» lan,i .¦ r or» r. w« ,1 know that the political partywktata is now in t*e aar«mdna«Tj in to» IXnited-int»a ilo'i imt harbor timae iel.en «'A of Ok,-nran«li/en.eiit by the odBOMBJ «d which the

latta paît) i»."t..:.i-«l »u A..'ij''ral a dis-tr' «t. aaaaetelli aiuoug ti,«i other A meneau

lorarenenta, m to the Itareign poney el theli ii ."»lill'».

i ...¦ |c:inu!,c!it ritalnirliment of the KebriCooli loreey ireak] ham Lraon u ur' .it iimatit,not to too United Slat«-. Batane, bul t«. eli Aura-rite. It would have di'S-rcd »<> widdy utli BJt«« it« or g n ai on nid. pen.l.nt nation, and in

it« | ,m .pi"S ot (nilen. went, ttOtM Bw trhO Other I«.Btlin of Al erna, Ural ;i tutu re* i|.ii'»t.n: i»

ol .l.t. national policy it would hive 004*0000*nh gravitated toward an B*aveiattae w,'.h Eu»ropean Uoreroatonte anaoegat thon el .\m«»r¡i:i.H ttaerte it hni been the eonatoal iwraiplain! nflthe ftateeineii of ariitrecratic aniornnraalB llelthe progron of Anraficae principle* was the whole »tut«) st «tem of EaïuBU,1 he estabii»;,n.eut of the Sniiti.crn foutederacywould have chuogt'l all, und i«»tabli*'ji»d the

l-.'in|eaii theory of (î'iverntueiit upon th.i Cou-

tinent. The leading BUM Bl ¡"iig the K bel. are

weil at» are ot this fact. They Late uot eveu

taken the trouble tf dii^uimiig their interne |batí« d of democratic iuBntutetMIB. and theirnenire to MtWiiute for ii the rule of ar.ito-!

erac), or i"..iii monarchy. The unttoi'iacy ofLinpe m weil appreciate Ihe uppr mt boo1¦tatefe the lîchela have already made to-1ward them, (hat their organs everywhere I¦BjOMUe tin m a* new cni:\ert*. The main !BPgllBMnl which the gotainiig c.atoei of

Lnglainl adduce in explanation of ther eiinpathywith the Kel eli, ii the of a horedi-tory aristo« inc) iiiunng the latter winch, theyjiiftly argue, hat already become the go»crum,.das» of the »Slare Sute». And that viieit ofail LatarnnUBB partie«, the Kendal Arittncrac)ot l'.u-fia, wbn h it to trteeped in ttiipidity ii'.!

de.poti'iii ni to have just cai.ied the rmidcm»nution ol the editor of one Ok* the leading (1er-niau p.-iperi t<» four weela' imprisonment forhaving published the of au articleof Tht taOUOoM Innes ou I'run.a, haiteui talpay its tribute of admiration In the new would-be representative of uu-deniocratic fonns ofgovernment, ami to tender to it the right handof fellowthip.

As, therefore, the riso of the Southern Re¬bellion baa been a common danger to allAim r,can Slut«'!, a» it« downhill will be .*.

cause ot rejoicing to the whole continent. Itvi ill be lound t«) have ¡»repared the way fortin« establishment of more friendly relation«between Ninth and South America, and for:the devi lopim nt und cm itiboiatioii in LatinAuiericu of tho fuuibmeutul principle* of de¬mocracy.

A geiitleiiiaii inform« m that on the Mondaywhen the riot begau, «onie derinum were goiugout in a car to enjoy their leitivitiei at Jonei'tWood, with the American flag waving over

tin« car. A mob assailed them, and hauledüiiwn Uie flig, amid Se« easion criet. Krotftan« thick as autumnal pigeon»*, and damiiiugas a medii",al aiiutheinai, that the incipienceol the nut wai by Secession outlaw*, necea»

Karily combining or nient.lied with crimiualt.Vet The i'.iprtti, true to ita infamous course,

den,u.¡¡res tbe pretence of the canuuii iu theI'm k.thora eloquent coutornttoii ol tlie what no people under regal eonstrtii'ioiinl rule would allow.

Tim si mu: iviO.iii -itsi .

Wo have no means of estimating »be cb'tra«*-ter of asm young lady who makes up Oov.Seymour's bed, or of that other young; lad»/who f-ets up his dinner. Of the two, we shouldsuppese that the lart-named would be mostliiM-'y, in the ardor of her culm-try strti-'i-lea, «ranet hie to the Seymour mansion, in winch perila tempornry or even permanent luspension ofthe draft (in the Gubernatorial chimney) iawhat we »hoiild decidedly and affectionatelyrecommend to His Excellency, unless, indeed.he is prepared by hil terrors for an entirerniniitcrial change in hi» Kitchen Cabio«««*»And as we do not believe that any cook ofcorrect principle! would go further in her boo*

ulity to the provisions of the Federal Consti»tution, than the willful and felonious over-boil*ing of the Governors eggs or the mean antimai Hour scorching of bia morning chop, are

are sorry to find him forwarding to Washing*ton " the gravest apprehension that tho Irish

a-rvitut-girls will, in case the draft iaenforced, turn incendiaries in a body, andburn down their niMtora' housee.'' We

really do not - nee how the Governor's

plenipotentiaries, could deliver his messagewithout laughing. The Pres.tlebt aiked to re¬

cede from his resolution.from which he can¬

not recede for any reason however good.thePicsi'l.-nt asked to change the whole policy ofthe Government, in order that Gov. Seymournmy hare dinner well cooked, and sleep in a

w. !! -ui'iijia bed, and not be burned alive be-.t'.v «'»"n his own domestic aheeti A good manypeople have been scared in this city lately, buliiobo.iy haa been i«.*ared to this lamentablyludicrous extent. For our own part, wo musthere declare our continued conhdenra in the

young person who makes our breakfast. Wo

defy the most ingenious Copperhead to distracth-T from the fidelity with she still brewethe coffee and prepare! the cakesGov. Seymour baa taken a very odd way of

proving that be is the "friend" of the Irish.In order to show that he is such par eictUrncm,he e.'.iia three men to Washington to libel and.Under all the kitchens in New-York, li»insists upon »peak ng for the Irish, and tuen

innata that the Irish servauts are nil i'icend.a*rie« There have been many extraordinaryllurat.o., but he beats thetu all.'

WURT WAN ii) aXaVtJS UBKlf.We printed v«.-tenia) n rather noticeable

editorial from 77.«* London In«**, containingti..' views ef that journal up-'ti the military

.situation m AiiiiTiCii not «RRJ before »»it*, battleef ».eUi-tliiin*, and the surrender of Vick4kmrgand Pelt Hudson. Trie newe were of emma

prophetic, for ÏAe limit is as fertile of pro»dictions ai an American »Secretary of Stat«*,ui.d though, lik»» him, it is regularly entra»diCU'd by event», ita courage never faJterrt.Ita Americau rtaden har«« tbe pleasure of re-

garains, limen prsswotioae .>! Britteb peispniu-iiyin the li^lit ni the tacta subie.juently occurring,and i!, tl.erotore, they do not possess exactly thetunic hi--toru*ai value for tit, which our liritiahtru mis set on them at the moment, they alBveet ati'oid us a mean» of estimating whatthose amia!'':«' creature* would like to barnIraspea, ii the» hud the order.üg of our affairs.In other word«, they arc anotner íLustrattoaof the lueetiiuabio advantage« of what is caitosBritish Neutra.u*, and «ail bare due ooa*

«¦i.lerat.oii accordingly.ih* iver, then, as.'ires u« thatI li- I ni.Terete« w, re prvpsre eliher lo '.. no lah Its

Ma.J» ate Hilewin» u, .h«.i »let iy, nae po»i«*tioa ot ia»

|.¡ ;i- «ir ¡ci tud in't T«r« ho-ll!» ,p ul, ir to den-eu I ni««.i« ti J geoaMM at ieiiur« »mt lu to di ot to or«**

the BaafSjal aún« tail Bjatafe lltai.i.t «iptia Pin.«vi« prtia.*

.Surely a very suSicieut progiamiiie. IIo j. pee i s to bear ot I'm»..lent 1 lavis at Wash¬ington in a week or two, aud will regard theleen ti place " as a great aud criticalcoiit.vigeucy, almost decisivo of the war." ItBMMRRsaaw that lien. t.rant use "an impossibletu«k before bim, with nu advancing toe andii..-ie nmg ditlicu!tiea behind bim;" and that" Gen. Hanks bad not eve.i this much to sayta«r b.inselt." It eau see " iu this dark unddivan pi.irpa'ct, hard!» a gieaui of hope from

any other quarter," and concludes on thewhole " ibat ia the stutc of thing« in theSouth, theil» is a for) stiitxll margiu for suo-

ces«, and a vi'ry wide margin indeed for ovoryri crii-.iu.e aim'uní of di.aater»."Coiisidering what were the actual resulte m

the d.lii ii'i.t canei thus anticipated, we ona

alford to laugh both at the blunders and the

malignant ill-wui uf T'As «imsi. The onlything we have really to fear is tbat tbe newt

of our riib»e«*uciit victories may convince thatjournal that the end oi the laebellioo ii alliaiiil, and that it may, iu comeiiueuee, Ueseiithe eau«; which it bal to long upheld, andappear a» the parti«.m of tb*» («orerument, sodthe eulogist of the ..«-public. Let us hope to

be spared that humiliation. We hare borunwith indifference id tauiiti, aud »lauder», andintuits, but it is too much to expect thalAmerican» should endure ita praises with goodtemper, or patiently sutler ita congratulatiooaou a victory which it ha» steadily doue its at»

most to prevent.

Jt nor. Mi Nair..The following statement fooudin way BBS lue **BMM ol' a ¡oiti.o et eui Ueue of tli» 1MBli..:

Ai »ii«i. il«»«' Pria« Xbkb.tbd.-Obi Hstarasy, «aa afthe I'.Ui.ij I «a Haste*. . «i-e.l.- Jin,« V.,,v..i and lira.Sallaiif. wh" l>aa.ei< .« lill td« r**» dau.l.le,, add « I omrue-.1 're wnuie BBBn Bil nul lr«i..'.ir«d WM liaJ baten ful tota*

«te* b..»ran.g «I the boute of »tri. NicBull. Na. 4J llreenwioh«Tenu«. Ali th» prltsaer« ware fiom the Mistourl buri««.»n T ii 1« «..-t» i. ware h«re ».lu., m tie espacity of Rea«*tp.ea, uni wrr« lu rounnuolosiiaio with souis leealiug «'opeer*ti« «ula in lilla «ii.« Tney wer» «bout to I««»« loi the I uufeA-ei«.-a; wb«B tiley werr ai traiteW e are coarinced that a «eiluol lnjtutlee sed Injury at« te*

r!. r ...i m on Itnoi-rnl end worthy In .It i! j»!i by thl» raoua,

win. :., » .n t..i.le... waa not wholly uu'ouualeJ, lamu-io» W

by «um« DBSvCeiiBtabie tnbtike of one of th« »abordUaB» ef

i ¡in. Wool His parties wet* taXsa late cuitoJy tiJ wareyelinto th» pr«*euee of till i.enaral, Bl U* upen Bil Older fei thati*.

. ir.I tiru. Wool al one« i'l.i l.luied all knowledge ef «ay

.round« .«f foiiipUii.t *g«ln«l thru, »ii J Bid IB«! h« »«d ls*

.urJ no «.in wheteTer. ile bad »imply eipr*««»«» "». »Bia

*.'.«¦ .m iudiTlJutl at* when be had beaid bul who*« MHO»»..u he did not know, thuutd tn bruiigbl B bun, at lia wl-**»**

lo u.»t* «a ini-ulry ren-euiln, the loyalty ol «Bother USB»»l.lut!. The geutiviniB te brought, and by ¦1't**e »1*»*»»

anil friend« inder «irait. to be J«d«« Moftatf a mau-

knoa» a »nd loy»! citistn of BL Leah, wh* B** «uSereS taaMa » couat of Ui« ley«lly. Via tata baan «bown a l«tl*r. arm

r.iit' _..i.i« «sa ,«.. nal a» tBe t»abT"

ci «uj uu«. v» rj i.- , it-ni ti s* j *-..- «.«-- -

.' «tBtcuieui r» i.¦ »on \üb. J -Alike) U J-« 9 J |l?U| '

IW llalli titfltav/UvU.