Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 20. · "¦c05iM£RfIAL AISI» MOSEF MATTERS. Fvrtatet 'f Stockt,...

"¦c05iM£RfIAL AISI» MOSEF MATTERS. Fvr tatet 'f Stockt, ist. ttt Fourth Fegt. .V'KDNesday, T. M. * . e cjock M<ukct showed no marked change to-day «rbe Fancies were about as yesterday, but Harlem im mired a httie. At the Second Board the sales iveic en- (jjely of Harlem, reaching 1 700 shares, at advanced .wj The decision of the Chancellor docs not seem to )u\re had much enact upon North American Trust The jsb of dU' morning states that the Albanians refuse to "^jjjjbe to the Hudson River Railroad, and intend to '-t their shoulders to the Hartem and push it through Abnuj- This may explain the äurry w hich took place b this stock to day- The Foreign Hiü Market is very 'iniet and Stet a it lower. We quote - d 'J per cent, good bills having v^ntold at ii per cent. Franca ol 30 a : 28i 'Judders sitaJO Marks 351 8>35J Rix Hollars 7e*®79. "*Tbe Pep-*1 B80*-'- cr 60me of 'hern »t icast, do re- endorsement ct the deposittn on Treasury S, dttual to the contrary uot'-viihstandin;.-. ' jbe demand fur Western currency to pay for moduce b»» caused the Ohio. Indiana, Kentucky .ad Michigan Bank notes to improve in Walbst The Ohio Banks'and with perhaps one tiro exceptiens, arc checking on this ciry at 11 tolj premium Vew-Yorlt country currency, though riot abundant, * Tbe%IIowingare the quotations from Thompson's jarjt Note Reporte t fought at. Aid et Bought a' Hold as. fc»,£oglsad... i du pur üeorgia.IJdia 1 dis y^yTTroj-.Ac 1 " i di.s' «.y. country... i * «.»..'ersey . f * j^lpaia.... 1 " New-Orleans ...lj .. i Ohio.2 " 1* Indiana.2 " i* .100.000 17. l.'.OOo 22. 10,000 Total.$550,(ioö 4 .. 1 dis. Kentucky.2 " lj - sjstfSr*.** " * l Tennessee.3 2i .. . tjsrtihia.* *' 'i Missouri.2 " If « s'Carolin».U " 1 " Michigan.2 " 1* .. . Wtetl*-? bks are 2 dis. Canada.3 " 24, " Toe local currency at the following discount. t, iji^a's.1 dicc't Plalnfield.h disc' fcjjwwe Bridge.... 1 " iLehigh.1 .. ferasers. A Millers.. 1 " Tb« Kotes of the Lewis County Hank are in de- pjsd st 63 to -2 cents ou the dollar. This, and other ijieitions. induce us to believe thet tho twice broken tss-iera will sgain be resuscitated. Tbc Notes of the Lewistown, Pa. arc im ¦roving.they sell at from 12 to 15 per cent discount in Philadelphia. The Union furnishes the following list, ol the ujoaat and dates of issue ol Treasury Drafts Jue23. £2.000 July 15. oO.OOO V.SilO.OOO1 M.lOO.POO Wr 10. 20.00CI 10. 3,000 13. 50,0001 The Hartford and .New Huven Railroad Co. have deeiired u dividend oi two dollars and fifty cents pet «ist«, payable to New-York stockholders at the Union Eni on the 1st of October. Tho Exports of Cotton Goods during the Brat 22 &jiin September reached 2,364 packages. The Stamford, Ct- Hank has declared a seuii-an- jssslslrridendol Hi percent. At Boston the inovcineuts in stocks are conluicd ekoost entirely to fancy articles. In East Huston and Kvwich Railroad there lias been a stir, with it rise [u sarket rstci. Bank stocks, are rather nominal because rfipprehendod losses. In the di vidend class of railroads tirrshas been a decline; in Old Colony from sales by South Cove Co. shareholders, to v\ iiuin it hus boon Issued is payiui-rit for lands designed for the new depot. Provi- drncc lio*1 been uttectod by unticipntion of new Issues for ttttel brauch to I'uwtuckct The Central Hntlnind (Mich-J is to he delivered to fat Company which lias purchased it this week. The rudijto be completed in the best manner. a. special meeting ol tho stockholders ol the St. Uwrcuce and Atlantic Railroad was held Ht Montreal on the 12th mst. A resolution ol regret was passed that ilu- «ripholders in' ireiit Britain were disinclined to continue tier qpmieetioii with the enterprise ; and another that titdircctuis should take the necessary steps to pay buck lit deposits ol such as are desirous of receiving the same, !nt deducting a proportionate sham of the expenses al¬ ready uicuti-d in England mid Canada, with the cxe< p Ma of the con ol survey and that arising from land m jtfH***** Tbc ItcjHirl ol the llarrisburg !i ailroad shows the Company to be in a satisfactory condition. By the rccclpl cfWMCOfrom the «nie ol etock authorized by the Legis Ittare.the Conipuny has put nearly the whole load in pckctotdci. |iaid about (20,000 uf floating debt and a null deficiency ol unprovided interest. By the improve- BMN to the road the distance to llarrisburg may be wekdin two hours, thereby enabling the Company to ...... n o |10,0U0 in tlte next year's expenses. The re¬ ceipts lot putseugcis have niciea.-edj i.17ri '. and the frrsipts for freight have increased $7 B56 12, making t!i<- total incieascd receipts lor passengers und freight ot 113,335 08 in favor ot the present liseal year over the last. Thetotal funded debt ot the Company, running to l-.'.- »1557.845. the unfunded debt is $58,050. In closing the rcport the Directors intimate tbut a fan dividend to the .sicJtholders. after paying interest and current expenses, siy be expected soon.'" Markets-Carefully reportedfor ifte Titiuar. ^»'riüVtscAV, Sept,23 aSHUS.The market is Stiady with fair demand.. hB3 7S and 4 50. Lx^ort, from 1st to 22d Septembet 1Vttl'«» ßVbbls. COnON.The. Bales today have amounted to 3000 «&-j,oi which one im oi New-Orleans ol 750 bales Mid elfitsold a'. (J| ctgi Prices paid tO-day aio very full, und l*3w au advance ot half n cent unco the receipt Oi the tcwi Cambria. A large portion of the business I .VfVris on speculation. Uftrtof Cotton from the Voitiot the L'roted Sta'i.. com siniciiig \st Sept. l$4t>. I I Kec'd Cleared fro,* Total, 1,4X4 137 Srw-0i;vulis,ltH6,t>ept.l2j 1^49 Mebiie, Sept. 12.1 . norida.Scpt 6.i . rexas. Sopt.l.. . vsargia, täavatinah mid I Danen) sept. 11.j . wh Carolina, Sept. 19..I . jtah Carolina, Sept.lü.. . nriitua. Sept 1. . Bsw-York. Sept. 22. 9.312, wher port3, Sept. 11».| AM .otal'.ofofn ports, .bales! 11,116] 7,2£l Scaounielasl voar. 10,812 23IW tv'.Sil *s=5Htnevenr"befoie...' 31,107| 82,8811 te.,640 l,A2o 4,063 32 Slock Stock on Ion li'd bandat j Sept 1. imti. t,,;ÜJ 1,088 1..W 5JJ22 8.7«i 1.08S 1,5«' 6,108 7,361 toi»; iiv: 3S,8oiM -«;,.Vii> .j 19,550 tki.tij.. ir.gia !M.12ti ^"*s cf Cotton in Interior Totctts not included in the Jttetiptt. I ISII). j l?4o. tSftsta and Hamburg, Aug. 31. 9.906 6,729 *Con.Gco. Aug. 31.I H.Uk> L052 Shipping List. FLOUR AND MEAL.The market has been rather bamat to-day, und with cood inquiry Western brands .t at <ii 874 & .-. the purchases f,,r home uf»* be- agtaojuj- at -1 87j 9 i u-i tor Michigan and Genesce . forjaipmcnt 5000 bbls were taken at $.*>. pan to remain More for a few days. The receipts are to lair extent h Souheru there is more movement, and -UKX) bbls. ^fSclown and Richmond Country have been taken ihiptaent at 4 70 a* I 811. The high rates lor West¬ 's Save driven buyers for export to take hold of South 7*- There is a demand for Men! and some small lots fj*3 kid a; S3 5ft Export from 1st to 22d September, "Titst Flour 61,606 bbls. GlUrN-Xhe Wheat market is firm with good inquiry. 01 *e note sales 13,000 bushels Western White, on Jasi aot made public; 20XX)dogOod al about 102; 600 ^?Oe Geneset- at 103, and r-tsM do at U'ö cts. nearly all SWOB. Corn Is about 711*711; cts. with sales about «»taihels. lor Rye 77 .. 7S is asked, with sales 2000 Sales 5000 bushels to arrive at 7S ct<. for ship rr- «final! lot inferior Bui ley -old at 50 eta. Good C~*tt h«Ul at fO cts. without Sides. Oats are rather V«*-3!33:> cts. for Canal. Export, from 1st to -V.M iSt'W.Corn, 50,310 bushels; WheatIH),S4Gbushels; »-ot-3M oo"*els. "alSKY. |. nominnllv -:ö iu bids bet it could not bo P^e^lcts. jjaTJvlSlo.NS.Inhere i< a gocal inquiry for Pork, and *"S«ketL- buovunt. For Prime S 23 was ottered.. ^'VWbbla. Mess was made tor England at $10, and r"00- »fair article, at ii SU. The first must have been SSfk* Beef continues firm. Sales 100 bbls. good J«3U7 tu. A p ireel of Pickled Shoulders. 70 tics, sold Zl"1* mid H)0 ti\s Hams lor England at 5 cts. F.\ KS*» l*t to 22d Septotuber, Heel 3.519 bbls Pork. »Wa; Lard 10.35f.kess. ¦"J-h.The niarket is very rtrru. and there has l>cen 2*5 huslac*s done at t?l< S7J d 37J, cash, establish- ^»Uvaace w wV.s cts, 'Po day 400 trcs. sold 5fE\S.The Tea sale to-day went off well Nearly the Jf* catalogue was sold. tXXX) out of 2iSX> hf chesU be JJ6 off The crade was generally low, and the prices C».StUuiprevious sales. C^yhRlLS.We have no change to notice m Cot- 5*aieh is in lair request from the trade. The >:i!c- S \fv" ^8* BrK£i! Ät -;i ~i tts - Gnen Java. Bj gWM|C| volO; 800da lOl 4;a) Sumatra. 71; 150 >_yrra. 7' d>71, 4 mos.; 20U St. Domingo, o; and 7oV 2*«ib,i. 6j cents, cash. Iu Sin-ars there has eon 2* * good demand trom the trade, but the bus In some measure been restricted, ow- !J*o the w-iy -mail suoplv of Muscovado now ST4 to IS-M hhds. of ail descriptions in first The transactions include *.V0 hbds. New-Orleans gWcents; Aa) Porto Rico, 71 ö'8i; 5b St. Croix -a bxs brown Havana. 71«S: and ltA> low WhiU' .]t^lntos. Molasses continues in tair reoue.-t. and we gfit «alesof ö\Q hhds. Trinidad Cuba, received coast J^Jt^'ctAi loOStCroix,29id>30i twocartoesCuba, J*f>ftntn-. i«»; 'si bhjs. Cnba Mnscovndo. St«: aud >'*) ^Hieo.;»! j nuw. j g*t*THl:pk<-_A par, el ol i.VX) fb gocnl Weitem l.iw aH20kl«89 et«, c ish. iiiU!°"-About 1500 quinuls Dry Cod lit*e arriTcd and C^'-OU. leaving the market ban-. Maekerei. with U.V .^Pts. »re dull Sales of 700 bbls at 9 öfl for Tj*? »o. 1; 6 25 for small No. 2 $5 for large No. 3. and eJS> «Call Ko -j. i-jjxtbbls remain afloat unsold. W Herring sold in small !oU at 65 ctt. No. 1, 40 and (To S 30 Cts. ca»h .-alrnon are in request, and acar~o ot 477 bb!« Hahlax. Just received, has chan;»-1 hanOr on term?, not made public. FRUIT.The Er<t cargo of new Malaga was received here l»y the .-'p. gentle .-t. Andre-, on 11 .;.v and was offered at auction next day. when 100 trxs Bunch ' Raisin- were sold at §-J IT; j 50 hi. do. $! V7; and 'JJ kegs Grapes. S3 HQ. 4 mos. w.u.- stop;»ed." since, then about 40>.*' bx* Bunch Rai'ms h-crc been run otT ia lots at $2 I'J 500 hi do. *1 10 500 qaner do. 60 cents. 1 mos., and 100 kegs Grapes on term, not made public. The nrit cargo was received last f*um Oct. i>; and tie opening tales were Ht *rd SUtf^uJS 57j for Baach ia has SI 30a-£i Ifjl tor hf. b>:« aad'ij«o~'centilor rpierters. TP"J-A lot 01 °-** one rijtrd X has beensold at 7.7. f, rrjos. TOBACCO.Within a lew day: tales have b*en m*d<- ot I'M bales Havana at 15Ä37 ccnu, lOOhhds. Kentucky 1e>5; « do. Stems, I. on time and C3S bales Cuba, for home use, on terras not niAdc public. Maaa/actared is in lair at about previous rates. SKINS.Sales have !>seu made at about iSJXÖ Cora coa Goat Skuas at K'ai'J cti. 4 mos. HAY.The sale* for shipment are VfO bales North Rive, at 4l'&41 cts. HEMP.There hi- brm more doing. We noace sal'? OfotX) bale* Dcv.-.rotV'd American at $735..*>c0 iS/> do. Manilla i 145. 6 mo?., and '£n do. Sisal, part previous to arrival, on tcrma no: uoide public. OILS.Haaidtorne North West Coast Whale comszania .ZS cents, lor home use.there is ncthmr doing at pr's- ent lor export Am- neen Linseed is in fsrr request, and price., have farther advan :cd, >/)a,6-\ cash, tunir ao»- the fair quotation. Small lou Crud.i Sperm sold'at the Eastward at 82 cm. but 83 is now demanded. loo baltta. OI;v«j told at 70, 1 taos.; 13 casks. -C cents. <i mos Fish Oils we scarce , «mall parcels tank and Shore brought 912913, cash, which is an advance. COAL.An invoice of 1CW tens Liverpool Orrel sold »t about 47 73, 4 mos.; there is a fair supply of For'-icr.. aud the market is active. PASSENGERS AESIVED In the sciw CA:kcri;ic. from St Jcgo d'. Cuba.Wm J Frazier, ol Baltimore. In the bark K )l Chapin. from Jltte-OrloOMt.Thos Ap- pleton and lady. B V," Blanchard, of New-Orleans. MAR] N E JOUR ISLAL. PORT OF NEW-YOBK. .KMATVKK ALMANAC.THIS f5A7. TUM \. 5 30 Sets. LATKST OATKS. London.Scp'u 3 Havre. Sept. d Liverpool..>.-pt. j New-Orleans.Sept. 16 Ej?" SEK MARJXF. JOf'ItyAL. FOURTH PAOZ. CLEARED. Ships Loochoo, Hatch, Rio de Janeiro. Cary 4; Co; J II f'crkin«. Archer. Or- gon Sehr Nile, Hampton.' I'.elj/.e. ,J j Labousfe; Cabot. Nlckerson, Boston; I.nnrr-i, Trott, Baltimore: Abbott Lawrence. Meeker. Boston: Grecian, Chrne. do. Sloop Wnrrcn, Thompson, New-Haven. ARRIVED. Bark !". H Cliapin, Conn, Crom New-Orleans, t&tli ult and S W Pass 89th. cotton, j>ork. &c. to master. 14i!i in«. Int 89 43. long 7'J 1B, saw a ship, supposed the Talma, and the bark Tennessee, from New-Orieans for NYork. BELOW.1 Burk. Wind.SSW. SAILED.Ship A'.batro -. fiats. RT Knox. IU" Fulti n-st, [Si a Bull lings) d.,. U unnecessary to enter Into particulars respecting his Fa.; Fashions fur ir.4'1. would simply slate that his new style will excel i.-i beauty, Ucbtaess, taste am! color any lJuug ever offered to the hat wearing puidic ofNew-Tort iL» prices are es low ns ids hats nro fine .»1 lm;s FnMhfonable Duta..WATSON it CO. 154 bal hnm--i. <>fli-r for Inspection nti«l sale the fall style Hals for 1S4'>. The KuliMtrihers ilevnie uriiisiial iittenlioh to the pro¬ duction of superior qualities of Beaver and Moleskin Ilms, equal to any manufactured, which arc offered at 25 per cent, less than Broadway prices, sin iseodtf WATS.ON_aj._CO. UM Chu'hani-'-qunre. tV niillss, Hatter. ]7v. Broadway, (Howard Hotel.) has now his Fiui stylo of Huts ready.. To those who wish a neat nnd durable Hut be especially recommends his supe¬ rior Nutria and Moleskin Hats at the low-price ofS3 50, being confident they will be found superior to any before sold hi the price. t-17 2w I?" Gcntlcmen'a I'all .^lylo of IlntN.. IIIKD. mr. Pine aud Nassau sis..Gentlemen's Hats of the standard style for ensuing reason, are now ready for examinalion and sale. The. subscriber devotes bis attention hitherto to the pro¬ duction of the finest quaUUes ofBeaver and Moleskin Hats, and u^- such, they are With eOnBdence recommended to the public. BI It 1). cor. and Nassau sts. September 1st, 1W6. si lima* ST Kali tfauhion l'or liuta AtGenin's, 214 Bi « way, opposite St. Paul's..Having devoted uUusual atten¬ tion ;¦: producing tios i-tyie, Urn attention ofgentleman Is Invited to it. The lightness, grace and buoyant effect of these lints cannot be described; they must be seen to be appreciated. Genlo receives monthly the style <d' hats frota Puii«, and usstautly'adopts every tttlhg that is valuable in the new patterns, und thus his customers share ihe benefits ol Ihe judgment and taste of all i'arn-, united with his own. 1st quahiy Nutria hat. .ä-1 &0_UiqvtaRtyMoleskln....&4 *d do do.3 SOlUd do do .... 3 1hi Paris made hats.{Jli, (10 Also.Every style of Cap tor men, youths and children. «,¦¦..; ©cngral Notices- T3T The Grand Temple ol HonorS.ol T. will hold ar adjourned meeting at Columbian Hall.SOS Grand- st. This Evening, at 8 o'clock, lor the transaction of busi¬ ness. Representative- are requested to be punctual lr, Ih^lr attendance. john M'.'RPiiY. c. w. It. »24 11 IV* School Exhibition! .Kol e is hereby the Fall Kjamtnnrionot the Pupils of the lrvlus; institute, Tsnytown, will coenmence on Thursday, 21tn InsL and continue severs! days. The Closing Ecawitien will be held at lbs Institute on Wednesday, bnth intt. immediately afier the arrival of the steamboat Columbus, wine!: leaves the foot of Chambers st. at 7 o'clock. A. M. The exercises will be concluded in time to partake of a collation served at ihe Institute, and return by the same steamer to ihe city before evening. The patrons und inend» of Ihe Instituiion ate respect fultv invited. WILLIAM P. LYON,Principal Tarrytown, Sept. Sid, l :4t-. ».'i Zlisood CW A Vonng Lady who can ol refer¬ ences, desires a situation in u »chool or family. She is ,: pose l to make her sell usefbl as an SMlstant or companion to a lady, or as a cuaMied to leach Enclisti BraDChos aud Diawing. and would goSouih or West if do- sired. Address 1 0 El' at the Tribune.Office. s24 Iwia rt?" Deafness, can Be cared by the used ot Dr. A| pleton'» celebrated remedy, which has effected some won¬ derful cures of that most distressing malady. Principal DCpbt No. L Murray-st.Price Si._ If THE INVISIBLE WIG VV So cloaely raaeinblea the real ead o: sceptics and coniiSllsonn have pronounced it ihe most jht- fect and extraordinary invention of tin? day. The krvat ad- VanUure of this novel and utuoiie Wig. iP us being madu wiihout sewing or weaving, winch cause», its appearance so closely to resemble the'natural hair, both in lightness and natural appearance, a* to defy detection, its texture being »o bcauiiiul, so porous and »o free, that in all cases of perspiration evaporation is unimpeded, und the great evtl» of other Wigs avoided. The sceptic and connalsseni are alike invited to inspect this navttand beautiful Wig, and the peculiar method of fitting the head, at the invent¬ or's, (A. C. BARKY.) 14ti Broadwav. corner of Liberty-»' up stair*._ slS Imeodis- NEW INVENTED WIGS. C?r Dutchelor'N New Invented Wisra ani Scalps are pronounced by allWho have seen and worn then, most perfect and natural heads of hair. Wig w earers are Invited to inspect them ; ihey will at once perceive that what has ¦o'lonatbeen to them a source id* Intolerable discomfort, will hencefoith be a real luxury. WM. BATCHELOR, Inventor and only manufacturer, 2 Wa.l-sL near Bread- way, removed from U 5 jjirjo -iwav. auanimMdla' f-f** Ti»»v [miSOTtVUII Ist Ire O v C rlooU »-rl.. t»t. WOOD'S Sar«nparill« and Wild fh«-rry tliin-r« i- most nieasaitiand erb-ctun! rer.u-dy for I»y»pep.s;a.Nervou» Affections, Cosliveness, General VVesdüesa, Jaundice. Nervous or Sick Headache, Female Comp.s:nls. u:-l all other diseases oi the binary orcan». and prostration -. the system, ever offered to the public. Ii speedily promotes the remm of strenirthsad acuviiy iu u:i esses ail de!'..e-' restore* a healthv appetite"* here UUS gTesUCSl ol 1.IngS is deficient, and,as a natural consequence, cive» tone an 1 vigor to the whole system. It ha» cure,! hundreds o! Ca: ker. Vertlco. Liver Complaint, Heartburn. Cutaneous Dis¬ eases, and Isacknowledged by physicians to be one of the best medioine» in u»e. ... Sold wholesale and retail by Wyatt .v. Ketchant, i.i Fttlloa-st.aad at 192 Broadway; 1^7 Bowery; 311 Bleeck- er s- N Y.i J. W. Smith and Mrs. Hays, Fu.toa-»i. Brook- lvu. tili»' CtT KlieuilliuiHiu, SlilTjoiutsi. dt-c.-Comp.-:- -i Svriip of ihe Rydriodate of Potassa, SarsaparlUa and i e;- low Disk.The above is prepared frum ihe purest arti¬ cles, and rectmrmended as the bestand only sure care <>! Rheumatism. At ihi» »ennon of the year, especially, It is of the greatest Importance, il will remove a I Uio-<? extremely unpiea»amt symptoms, severe paius, stiancsa ol the Joints, l>ack, shoulders, kc. XC. It thus and quickens the circutattoa, and leaves every part ot the an- mal economv in a perfect state of heal'.a. The virtues ot each article have long been known to iho fscaiiv, and t>y their iudidoUS adlinxtua-tlieir eilivt-s are greatly ::ic, ease t For >ale l v . , c 1'-.N(, , sl^ Imls* Qxly. 1:-' Bro.tawuy. cor. John->l. r?»-Tooth Ache cured i" one mitiute. I- of the Clove Anistvne. I'his is :m excellent article,and will cure the most violent tooth ache or paw in the cum*, m i«:e minute. The Clove Anodyne is not uup.e-^an: to the tas-e. or injunous to the teeth, and wi.i permanently cure any lOOth to which it is Spp&ed. I rice » CUfc Preoared and sold wholesale and rejai, by Jomn- scv lv iggist and Chen.:-:, in «».Grauius-l*n*g?** Rresuia ay cornet Chamber,-»' ; sold also a: IW Fui'.on-sL Kid 77 Kast Broadway._ .* InMOdlS rsr TUo^^nI^d!. of Femalesi after trytog ml Sarsaparillas. Cordials and Klixir.- of the dav. tor diseases -»ecf i ar to tiietaselve». without receiving any benent. haw bteu reswied to health and . igor bv ihe use ol two or three bcvltle* of " Vaughn's Vegetable Lilhontriptic Mix¬ ture." See Sslvertisemem headed " Great American Keia- CP" The Proprietors,"ta-.r.y-Sve d'.Jerent newspa- r-rrTtn IVnusvNaata alone have sive-. tea WtbalV B fal-ier Is their «s.'y »-raorurd ncrnt ia die eines ot New . York. Philadelphia. Bo<ten and BaWaMW. kor names of papers s^Tiiouno of 17th InSt All the papers m Pe.s- ware. aud maayo-hers Is other -states, have given » olice. _ IT" Kurniturt.NeticeT'l' turV of any dressariptloa to dispose ¦>!- «IU find a r.-a.:> »a.e for anv portion or «11 of their good* by scndute a toe or calling upon iho seWcr.K-r. Gw.»ds of **^¥%S&? m and to any amount purchased. t t OL1 vr^. " m _No.34Ann-»t- r-?r- v. It. Palmer t- duly authoilred agent of mo»i of the bestnewspapers llurcsAghout the c^Hintry, far and near, for whU-h he Is daily receiviiii and »ui.scriplion» at his office iu U;e Mbune Butldinga jj a Ttii.Fisif _ _ W AU ordcralc-r «ub-scrlptlons, or advertising In Couctrv newspapers, intended for V. Ifc Fajaer s^Agen¬ cy, should be addressed " TRIBI^NE Bl H-DlNGt»." as he has no other othco, nor has he deputed any person to repre- S9U his Agency ja any ester place in this Ciiy. ir-^lstf (?euernl Notices. gT New-York Weekly Tribnne-':--. G .-d<.y, 5rrtonirr26^-rcETS\.Mae. 1* Thine i The ! Irish E-uig*antfs PareweO. Eo:tosx»l.Mua-an ou of Boo*>. Editorial Correspondence from the Stale Africa rani Fun Weanrord ca the Harbor Veto; Elecuair Judgss: The OJet cfP*ie» Rejectee::. Prosecution of the War. The New .üctncas Tirt5 cot-spare-l wi:b the New British Tarif: Ti.--.-T and Direct Taxation, fcc- POUTU u. .Whig and LoCO-rOCO Vmni-irn-i for CorigTCrs, Dr>- r*te», iic: Returns front the Maine Election, Wisconsin Eiect.ou, Lc. Krws.-ItcportiEt from Meztco.Answer of Mexico to the Proposal ofPeace; Farther from the Arc-. The C'jt".n Cror From Csiiitrma: Terrible S:orr. cn the Coast: Ict-nest-..-.? Slave C*-e. Ff-ui the Cape of Good H«pe; The WaratXasroo: Ffteeu Days Later from Eu¬ rope, by '.be Cambria.with full Extracts from out Foreign FUesj Great Fire at Nitlo i; Beport of ties Msrdei It tl at Spencer at Ber»e=. X. J From the Sandwich Island;. Loarof the Steamer New-York.Loss of Liiei She Day] Proceediiigi^ltbeOJNiTiTCTio.vai. Co.vvt>KO.v. t Dre.jn ; end Domestic Correspcndeaee of The Tnbuu». Ml ( LayrxotTI.Letter frctn England, by Miss Fuller; Santa j Asa's proclicianoa. Samuel Lover. The Universalis: Con- rention at Troy. Political Economy -. Genesee Methodist. Conference, lie. Ac Costaiicbi IsrELLtotscr . Pro- duce. Stocka, Money. Cattle Mirket. Review o; the New- York Market. Single copies, put ua in »rappers for the Mails, can be obtained at the dc=k.price bj cent*. J G"" TEEMS-iKS rery-er. AB subscriptions payable U2ex.".y in advance. Aldr-^s GREELEY it McELRATH. Trirune BtsUilttg«. cor. Spruce and Na-au si', opoositethe City HaR ''HTJMBTJG 13 THE ORDER OF TEE DAY " A palpanly true saying, for what is the ose of adver- ttsicg the truth, when the public are lo:h to appreciate the diflereace?" This is la the mouth of most every onenow-a- day*, as well as MRS JEEVIS'S COLD CANDY. WVEimtD is the tea?. 1846. ! And composed of SIX safe and vafnabla iccredtenH .which WILL NOT cure the Consumption. but will cure a Cold, .winch WILL NOT cure the Liver Complaint. but will cure a dry hacking Cough. J . which WILL NOT cure one-half the catalogue of ill- that fioch is heir to, but will cure a COLD, COUGH OB HOARSENESS, THE WHOOPING COUGH, CROCP. and all the EARLY INFECTS of A COLD. Principal Office for Its sale 338 P.ROADWAY, next door to the Tabernacle, put up in» of a .hilling, two sliillinr*. and four shillinc« each- sTIStls* AMBROSIAL CP.P.1S PASTE. Far cUn. mg the Tttti and iStmtk and prt.trmng tke (iumi. ( 7 Thin delightful stud vrholenome Odnntnl- Iflr I'nstf > hi; -;eeine by all -a ho hi"" used it,for keeping the breath fre-h and sweet, preserving t!-e gums in a healthy condition, and consequently preventing the de- J eay of the teeth. It is considered a very rtchtrchl article wherever it known, and is beyond comparison the most beautiful and perfect preparation for lh« purpose ever of¬ fered to the public, and ha« received 'the highest approba- tion of the most eminent denial snrgeons of this city. Prepared aiid sold,wholesale and retail, by Henry Jon.*«- sov, Drhggisj and Chemist, In the Granite Building. 273 Broadway, dr. Chanttbers-SL Sold also at ino Fulton-st, and 77 East Broadway. Prire SO cents. s3 Imeodts BATCHDLOR'S HAIR-DYE- F-?* A Liquid ColortntT. fortheHair, Whiskers, Ac Its claims to patronage will at once be understood by those who have used or sold the preparations offered for dyeing llie hair. It? application is simple, its e.lect cer- lain, being emphatically a perfect Hair-Dye, withoul'de-I stroying the elasticity or neallh of the hair. To fancy- store keepers, druggists, iic il wttl be found a most rte- sirable arlieie, as tiiey can wf!i confidence r«-e.-oitr.en-t t: to their c:is'.03i"ts, and not be troubled with complaints of Itsvdyaing the skin or linen. It will not rub oCtbe hakv j and conn-in; iraslnngonly improves Us appearance. The color is permanent and perfectly nniforin, entirely free from tlio--e unnatural linie, varying from the faded green to | the royal purple produced by the ordinary hair dyes. In I proof of its efficacy the utventer is jirejiarcd io apply the Dye W whiskers, or a portion of the hair, without charste, to those wislnn-j 10 purchase if it proves sul.sfactory ; for which purpose his has private rooms. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by WIM. BATCHELOR, Na 2 Waü-sr. near Broadway. Price $1 ; double ti/r Si 50. Copy the address. Agtalt..New-Yorki Dr. Gouraud.fö Wulker-st Brook¬ lyn Mr-. Hays, IJ9 Kultott-sL Washington, D. C.: J. II. Uibbs, Pen. Av. _ auis lriiet-dis- DR. MANIOTTA'S east i.npia Tcenc, foi Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, i c, .v'-. 15'" Tntvclrrs, !r,..i h c< li.-!.i[, "I air and wa¬ ter, are habits to many diseases which can !¦¦. prevented by ilit ii-'- of the Tome, whenever they find themselves m any w ay !.,,,: ,ps>s4-d. Tl,:- ttn«li..ine « ili always prevent them from contxacdngcontasious diseases,'such as yellow fever, scarlel fever, Sic. iic. Persons of extreme bilious teinpera- meni, may live long and liealthy in the Southern clfmate by the na« "i 'hi- article. Personal references .-ivcn to several hundred of our first citizens. Agents wanted throughout the United States. Applica¬ tions, ifajst paid) addressed to the proprietoi si Imeodls' B. KENN HR. '¦" Nasaau st. GLT The I . s. x tiittp oi 1^1-2. The subi respectmiiy announce dial their lait-e mezxotinl engraving of tiio United Stales Senate U completed ami will, in a short lime, be published Thos-s' who desire to receive eaily im¬ pressions are Invited to call at the NatMaal Mimatarc Gal- lery and e.\ saline llie enctaving. auia istl ANTHONY. CLARK it CO. 217 Broadway. iUistcIlancous. 1NTLUENZA 'S Medicated Vap 184 Fulion-st. are a speedy, safe and certain remedy MRS. CARROLL'S Medicated Vapo: andSuiphur Batbs 184 Kulion-st. are a speedy, safe and certain remedy for Coughs, Colds, Sore Throats, Sutfness of Joints, Rheu- matisni and m all cases of the prevailimt Ir.äuenza. bav« proved an eileciual cure. Open from o o'clock in the morn- tnsT tül 10 o'clock atnlght_s24 lw OLD \VIM>, N A li'L PAULDfNG, No IS Vesey- st. oilers for sale, in lots to sun purchasers and u: ry reduced prices, bis >'ock of ClLoMadetraand Brown. Gold and Pale Sherry Wine-,, consisting Oi about 330 do/, an-i .oo demi|o!ins öf choice »elecied jiarc-.-ls of various brands and ofdifferent characters. ranging from li to years old from the vintage. Ai-o. u few pipes Old Madeira and butts Old Sherry Win..._-.'4 lwDlltW jlTEDORA .UIMMi < OMPANV LakeSunei 1'J.oi..Notice is hereby s:n-:i :o the Shareholders of Companv, flial an assessment of one dollar a share is re- quired, payable el ihe oince of th" undersigned, thirty Uavs alter date. By order of the Trustees. WM. R. MORGAN. Sec. v, -1J \VUliatn-st New V.i-k. Sept. 2o, _s.'l Jawltn \7JT OOD-8CÄEWS. 1 vv Wood-screws, in lots io suit purchas-er», manufactur¬ ed by theSauseer Company, Mida.etowu. and liehe«ed '. be superior to any In tnarkei.for sslebv theirAgent s2-l BENJ- M. SHHItM-VS. cor. Broad and Beaver »:s. F'liii: BBICKS, Kaolen Fire Clay, Ac.Thi scriber.Agent for one of the best tnanufaclurers in New- Jersey, will sell any description or quantity of Fire Blicks. which may be wanted.-also, Kiioleu F;re Clay, i.e. s-4 BENJ. M. SHERMAN, cor. B.-oa.I «nd Beavei m». fSAAC Bs READ.102 Broad-st, has for 1 118 tletces Prime Mess Beet. UW bbls. extra quality Lard <i) bbls. Whisky, low pioof. i bales full blood Merino Wool. 401) kegs Lard ZOO bbiS Clear Pork. 00 bh!s Pickled Hams. 60 bbls Pot Ashes, first soil. Pork Beads._»34 3r iVOTIt'K-liiTfTinatie-Ti j':.-. >>.. ie.anon-res- 1^ nient deteor. The undersigned bavinj been duly ap¬ pointed T-iis'.ees of all the esiate. real sud personal, ol John M. Triajble. now or lale of the Slabs of Ne"w-Jersey. a DOD-r-aatdentdclbtor, by the Hon. I>. r. Itur^aba-sa, Asso¬ ciate Jmice of ihe Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of New-York. (theoSVer who i-i-ned the aiiach- mem iiBviti; resigned hi? office,) do hereby give notice to all person.- indebted to said John M. Trimble io render an account of ali debts and sums of money owing by thrm re- rpcctively lu the undersigned, and pay the same on or be¬ fore the tenth day of November next, r.: ihe otter <>; (,eort-e Bra.'.-haw, sttoruev at law. No. jj John-slreet. in the C :y Of New-York : and" all persons having in their possession anv pa>pertv or effects of such debtor, are hereby required anil -ioi ried'to deliver ihe same to the undersigned on or before the dav and vear aforesaid, and al the place afore¬ said; and nil rred'ltors of the said Johu M. Trimble are hereby notified to deliver their respective accounts and de¬ mands io ihe, or one of iheni. on or before ihe -aid tenth dav of November next. Dated New-York, Sept, SJd. IRt-A OED. BRADSHAW.l A.H. WALLIS. Ti ustees. <M lawSw L S. PHELPS, Jr._> BY ORDEK of lion. Cl.arle- i" 1'- y. V-¦.¦".ste .'¦ i.f Ofthe Court of Common Pleas for.the C :ty and county Of New-York, notice is hereby in-on. pursuant to the pro- visions i.fibe statute authorising attachments sgaiust si- c.iiires.ed. and n--,a-rrs:-Jent debtor-., mat an al- tachmeut ha* issued against the estate ot Janie» M. be--'., a resiileni ofthe Slate of Connecticut, and mal the »ime will be sold for the payment of his debus, uaiess he appear and discbarge such atiachaient. accorutns to law, within Bine months from the first publication of this notice i and that the payment of anv debts due to him by resideais of this State, "and the delivery to him ot for his use of any prepertv w.ihhi this Siale. beionfing to hnu and the trans¬ fer ofany such properiv bv him ase forbiddaa by law. aad are void. Dateo the23d "iny of September. IS-lo. M. R- BREWER. Attorney for Atiachiue Credll s2l tawSm _gj Wali-st. N. t 1 \ CHANCERY .Be the . - a'i*.}he I Kirst Circuit.--^Robert C. wetm ire .d.-.hers-.-.tti-jsn U. Brown and others.BQl for pamtion of -auds.-\\ iAaSl H. Brown, one of the defendants m this cause, who re» ur» in ihe Slate of Kentuckv. who is inieresteu in the primnses of which parttnon is soucht bv the bin in tats cause, oemg dtnated m the CityofNew-York, and known a* street Nos. 12S. 125.127 and 135 Lewi* street i Nose So aad S7 SberitT-streeli Nos. -17 :^ia Ä' Wiilt-f.-street, and aiso\\ard Nos. 470 to -177 inclusive, in the Eleventh W re- qtiiresl to sptH-a.- and answer the compisnii ;ii uns cause bv ihe lenih dav of December nexi.or sucrh hill wffl be taken a* confessed airainst tun. New-1 or*, ^ept. ITS, lSiö. ChlL». BRADSHAW, Cornr-lainaats' Se-jcitor. lawjw_ 52 DM. POWELL, CVti'ist and Anrlst. sf- ds t. D - eases of the Eye and Ear from 9 to 4 o'clock, at -is teas kience, 9e*I Broadway. corner of Wairen-st. -t-rabismus o: Souiuiiu* eure-l in a few minutes. Deat- nt-"-'- and all disehirces from ins Eir pt'nnanetitly cured. iJtifichd Eves inscrlid. Speclacits adapie-i to ..' '-e- gjj' _ -1 Ir-ifo- - LV'll'** VM> ( ANl>LL>TK K.-.-.V Vi ts-itamna Lamp-- and Catid.estivks .-i.- mtly oa hand and for wholesale ^^.^ ^TiS^ \ .., . t\i\f\ TO >>7o«Ö TO LOAN .S(),(HH).um ^Vfi'KXR x VAN DYKX. No Sassaa npo LOAN_tr2.ikX' on inimcumbered Real Eats CASTORS.-Britannia Revoiviag Castors, with cut I - Si.nai.ort5, a>c. iXlanicfj. \\" *> "*>Tt i) ... _*T Yo-mg-Woran of »üb«:=r d-»posi'iou"ard wijiacto . rrtlrrasei-i. Apply alNo. «SLe "- a venae. . -. 11 'lUCUJiii. 5 p ;T:v- of a NW.Etvj-aad'c^^ _" w- sumoaii. ose two war".- *-. -r-CV '-'"--.£. meat »eacier of asy uf tie branches e-' TO JOB PRINTER!*.--* person whlT^T"^._~ --rsl/> esperircee m tie Jot r/rirxa-x Bu- Be *¦::..-..;...: -r»-. jj Uli» c.ty. i, -«.;roo» " neat p.. addresi, "Job ?- r-er- at Saarn Pace._lrt A HESPE CTABLE Prot-rr-iac: Yoon? U ^n"^^. . r-'¦}~'L'-1 ~ rdiambeiizusid and wauer. or takj* care '-. cat area ai d puun n feoeraja,-.a»-:w«rii .naiir^ :r.-a:e faa.l:y. Ttwbeatcf city reference given. ":UJioa-»a cen be seen Wodit». ILLINLit"WANTED.-A -st rata Mültser" wasted ct.::. Grand at. One who can come w retcmniecoeö. as to character and cipar.i.:-r. aiay ea." "i^aiir.tHf. Notre other need apply. I Tt TfTÖV.»» WANTED.i ~ nurse., ukt 4 at cooks; Szirii (sisten) fortbecountry Scotch and G rmas girls b office as cook*. A - j; y Empl rjTDeai Q S -. -2?} Broadway 1. p. SAL\^r-ERs! \y A>TMl-A xcuag Man who can conSana cash » " äio to *!«, to ad aa partner or v,'«.a: ir. tfc- hlerarv' perfumery and iucionery besnes*. wlacfc -die edveriieT v ea lo »rock and hare opened uader tie charge of a "-el. steady person. Boara and «aiarv or share uf the pr~-> givea.' A *.. : .> 'e pi r.-- ;. w-n ass this a goc. l;~i at.uc for w.r.'.er. lie. Address L-e. Tribune office None bu: those w .:b funds and read»; to ccar- seed apply._" \*yATSTED.By two Teapectahle raune Women, a » üOi.s.ose to cook, traeh and Iron, an-i do lie genera; hoosework of a re»pectajle family ; the other as ccamber- maid or childrrs s nitr»e the l-tli-r a Protestant The be»t 1 f cry reference gtreal Pleaas apply -.1 Xo. Ic^ Hestcr--i near Mott. ,J4 , \V.vSTKD.Ä~ .V- r. ^y a Protestan: Woraia; nan . » excellent enok. «nserior waaher and iroaer: a wiilia^ to srenera! beaeewtrrk in a *r.iall faaily, or can well perform the laue»of elnunberwork. >.ie cac tsieeea for ;he n-ni 2 day. at her former employer's, ss Sixti-st. waere a more de'r'mtereromniend av ails her. Jj» 1 YV ANTED*.A. person having I Oorl lollars. wiahei »» toeaga-» ia some raxsufsctnr ... .-.-ess where his time and money will pav a la.r p.- tit. Any or.e now en- t'iiee; [n a_. y inch business and wishing a partJier may ad- c 'e?» " P." it this o5ce, statine kind 1" Etil x»»s sad where an interview can be had any time this week. ,;t jt- VV Ä.NTlTlTTÄ .1 .at-a. hy'a Voang Weman,as a 3 * » plain coos, who aa excellent washer -^^ ironer, or 1 to do the general housework c:' a »maii fjmi.'r. r>i-e produce the best of city reference. Apply at (A Church-»i. comer of Warren, m the crTrcery *:nre. s«i Jt* \\*A>TEO.A situation hy 1 respectable Girl as nurse and plain »ev. iag, or chatubennaid and take care of ci..:d.-en. and is to make herse.f eenerailv nsefaL. Goed recommendation's. Please call at ÖT' McDca.-.; it .:: the bs»ernenL sll \If ANTED.S tationj i-y two Y. ng W< one :i r good cook, washer aam ironer.; iindar»tands French and pastry: the other as chamberma d or narse.. Best of city reference; Apply at 180 2d-»t. in the base- meat. it- \V ANTLD-ti¦; V n e M irs fi .. "* st'idie?. s quiet, airysnil convenient rcom. somewhere !>etw.-ca Bli-trker-st. and Vaion-sTjiiare. and We?: of j B m. way. Terrr.» moderate; Address " Stuart,-- Tr _-:; It* W'ANTED-S.- -tioni by i Young tVomen; one a r T cood plain cook, washer and ironer.lived 2 years in her last place 1 the other as chambermaid or nurse. Best of c;:y reference. Apply at No. -v Prince--!. 1st floor, ha-k nytm._ It* VVANTED Vi lestant Y'oung W'oman, tt us seamstrestvor aar«» ai.d «CRiasire»». i"h»»d city reference. Apply at 2itl Bowery, in the s;ore. Under- i si.n:;.. - 3ress>nnuuhg snd would make herself geaerallv ; useful_it- \\" vntkii-S .' . .:- ..- 1 M :. a-.d U 1..- :. TT [arm and his wife lor house and dairy work i is a gravi baker and ironer and both will be generally useful ::i a steady place for low wages. Please inquire at 4221 Broad¬ way. s24 2t* ' VyANTtO-A sifiation. by a respectable Young Wo- TTrnnn, as chambermaid 'or child's nurje, or general housework. The best of refcrenc-n giver, from her last employer: Imrniresd47AvenueTJ. tC \\~ \ ">TIIII. '. -. n aurse,seamstress orcaam- 11 uermai bys respectable Young Woman,wbo has Ictd the care nud lastiacUon of children for some years.. Cull at 20S Mulrx-rry-sL It* UAMTliil -A utuarJoabya respectable Young Wo¬ man, a j.ood cook, wa»her und ironer; the best of city references. If not engaged ?he can be seem for two days at No. otiTl Bowery. «21 It* WANTED.A -ittaiion by s rc.-pertah!e Young Girl, as chambermaid, or to assist In the washing and Ironing, or do general hoosework. The bettor city reference given. Inquire al ITS MotI-»L If \ 1' i.NTI.I).A I A ¦ * man to do the cooking, w'ashinp and ironing ot a small pnvate family ; good city references given ApplvaiU Crosby-sL in the rear._ a24 2f ! \\' WTI.l) \ as nurse, sew tt chamberwork, by a Young Woman who has lived years in net la-t p «. e a> nurse. Please call «t tl Ham mond^st- in the rear, up stairs. a?4 3t' V\I kNTEO Ktii . " or to d<i general .e;..-w orl; 111.1 small pn .-ate f.u:: by a Young Woman with best of city reference. Apply it 2 Stooe-8l. _ «.¦; jf t \ \' \NTED 1 situs T 11 oner, or to make i»er«-;t generally usefn) In a small family. »>y a Young Woman with cood reference. Address ' Mary.' mi this «.'t sr \\,'.\NTMI> -A -.' lation u- cook, wash and ir» to vT geuera] housework, by a Young Woman w:lh good reference. No fo in the country. An- ply at 1*11 Tarick-st. back-roota. ist floor. »21 Jf \V.\StI'II>- A simation by » respectable Young Wo- t t m^ri in do the rooking, wuslunc und ironuig ol a small family, or as chambeanaid and w aiter. Good city refer- ence can be given. Please call at 390 Monroe-st. &24 It" \\* A nt I'd respectable Young Woman, a sittia- tt uonuschamliemiaid. loa.-»:»-, in the washing and iron- mg or or plain sew ing or waiting. Can give good City reference. Inquire at I IK Woostet »L m the rear. «21 i'f \\'ÄNTEI1. A situation, by avfrotestani Woman, to do * t the general li«>u»ework of a small family the best of city reference. Please call at No. 2 l.-t-avenue, corner of Houston. _*24 2t* ANTED.A situation to cook and do general house¬ work, by a Young Woman with good reference. She j alia undersisjids pastry. Apply at 14 Vaadarn-sL 1st floor. YYr-*"*ted.-*> Situation to do chamberwork. tight t t housework or nursing, by a Young Womaa with good reference. Apply at 31 Eleventh sr. Srst floor. j£4 2i YY^ÄNTIlIi.A simation by a Young Woman, a good ina;n cook, wa-her and ironer, or chambermaid, or nut»e. i .nod city reference. Apply al 41 Uuane-sl. It" j Y\*an'1'fi* Fsin ei are v t u Ith tue best servants in the city: well recommended and capable. The ladies will please call._r24 Jos' WAXTED-A simation by. an Amerian Young Wo- man as nurse and 10 00 plain sew.:,.-. Has e-<cellent reference, glaase mquiro at No.122; B:'sdway s24 If \V* \ntei> t t ways be hid, with good references, at 224 Gracd-sL near Bowery. It" j w ' ANTED .G .>.¦¦: ...>...... a:78 Li'penard-sr. j. S. SCUPPER. »a> ;t- 13oaröi!iq. BOARD WANTED.A gentleman as bis wife wish to obtain board for the Winter and perhaps longer in a respectable private family,down tows, where they will hud the quiet and comforts of a home.a pnus family pre- ferred. Terms must be mod rate. References exchang. od. Address Ü. A. at this office. ».;,:' OAKIiTmTT. i Fr ite i tm \ ieäääm baca parlor on the Crst or second floor, or two room, and Small kitchen to lea The bouse a situated in a quiet sad respectable ceighoorhood.beaig .3 Elm-st. between Broome aud Grand sts. Apply al No. 16«> Elm-st. s22 Iwis* BOARDIX;. A 1 .:. ::. ;: -v on tlie second floor may be obtained In a respectable private fam&y, by applying at I4> Franslin-st, s24 3t* BOAKD.Pleasant i| and guvd board can'-1 aad at No. lfti Fiiltnc--t. a few doors we»l of riroed- wav. Tl.. - ::.- ... tie let singly or in suit*, and will be let "without board to single centlernen if desire 1. »21 If BOA It !>....':.- '¦¦.-» .-.> re-,vcia ...ty can have mil or partial board i = moderate ternis.' with pleiftnr.: nx'ms l:,q:::rt? al W sear Brtnulwor. References required. »13 lw:»-' BOAltlr..A cet-'.-rtnau and ms wife, or :u o »ingie genllemeu. can he accommodated with board at 5 Anety-sl. m a private family. »24 Iw* PK1VATE KOO2US wttt lea.A private lamily will let to one or two gentlemen % aaadsou'c par¬ lor as alHive, furnished or not.location up town. North »ide. within a minute's walk of three lines of boarders taken. Address A. B. al tins orhce._If I lOf GitE£NWICIl-ST. corner of Cedar..B .1 Or wits i.oaid for s.gentlemen.Booms furnished or untarnished for two genilemea aad their wives. Also, day boarders Apply as above. _If T> 001*I?» TO LET.One lAsrouiiae laiea w.Hi a f..T..»-ed -.' room aad bed- room adjoining, by applying »t 212 F'ultoa-st. West of Broadway._-¦' tiENT l.ll.TIAN ¦¦-¦^ --- >' Z -a itn a »rce sari-r and pantries ai:ach.-c. by icquiring al 139 East Broadway. Reference exchanged. ! '»24 3t*_._ A BACK PAKI.OB alJLful room, partiv famished, adrainshly suited to a siegle man. and at a very low renn Inquire aiir Park-place. j ^.>inTLlNEKY.-M.»- N- J-« BArONGJAgeat,) lü+iS Broadwav. will open tiie ia-i raslnons oa "*Thar.-d»v, the"24th in?-- Mrs. F. will exhibit a »a- _, ;,erior asVonmcnt of Millinery Goods selected ex- pre»».v for hoc e»:a--sniaent._»22 Jtis* "..MILLINERY.-M". M. VAN VEGHTEN, jNo. 1S4Bowerv, will-'pva aa ei-gaat assorticect 'of ParisMiitinery oa Thursday, the 2tth mstact. MI-sS LOBECK. iccessot 10 Miss WartigJ 2ST- Broaa-vay. v. Dl open Farts Mii-eaery oa Thursday. Sep. .1. . IS. DEI EL, >.' 3r si a- .; : rv on 2.1 .--.±2.- s21 It SÄTTH^TOKKEY st CO. No. 5o Maucn-.'ane. e-Veaaiag ihrou^ato No.*, Liberiy- »I. djiouli the view to makmg it the ,eading store ia tse Called Slates 12 their imc. i e- Eocsekeeping articles m every varietv, of Hardware. Ciuiery. Plale.-f. Blhaenia. brichl and spanned Tin. Wooden aad Wulow Ware, Brasne». Ma's.^i a « ord, every tr.ide re-juire-i ia fai- n>:.:i;2'die ki'xtca arrd table. Having oiade arrangements m London and Pans for the proaip; -shipriieai of ev en assrfal arucie ia their line, as ir.- :rod-.i.rci, iLev stand rea^y to recei-re orieri fur say pa.-^- cnlar axucie' of clber Ezglish or French aiaauiactcre. which their customers or ethers may desire in have im- piirled. Kxplo- h.2 a largo ntrmber of hands :u the rrannfirtare of Baths,"5heet Copper, planished aad plam Tin werk, aar order in thus line wi.1 be promptly amended to. Japannery in any part.-cnlar sryle or pailem neatly e~e- cuied. having m thai department artists of peculiar men*. Whether purchasers or ms, visitors to the store will 13- variablv receive rxjute attarn-co. Goods delrvered in any pert of'thecitv. Brooklyn or Jersey City, free of charge. Catalogue, öf the goods may he had a; th- store. No- »0 Maidea-Isc?. and tfu. J3 JaVserty-it. s. Backs. KAEIOB AN? HIS 3&Z.Z; * Mv-.'ir::"viiv MWaX. BT li-ä author of^Pan) Jones." .. Cruistnrs in the Last V. sr. i.e.-Price 5c-a-j.- r.. .. _i.rd. n-f-ot-v- Im« ¦ seriej f Romances cf tfc* Re-cciaaöai, oe'ers ihs work, coclii-"--*!. fron the oriüisDcy ot ii* pao-»..lkai. u wül . .'--rj'T» i "or. Marion and h»» Men U from the p-*-i cf» fopetar As- -. :- re rsai by ai. ;.-rt -jxere»-. Irls de- -maes to idustrsie the character of the J£ec who wer« foretrto-; in :he Kevulaiiosary .-heck, aad to whom vr- are so tauch jdehteu for the -»reedy establishment ot" oar liber- *. The nameci'Marioa'is ever dear lo tbe Americans aM vrL: i-e reu--e-ut-'--.-<i ry vv.s ready to stand forth is defence of his country. Country Ageaü vote with a s'lFF1? cf the werk« vi pj piea^e direct th-ir order-? tn -. v."M H ¦:BA3BIM I_at B th ... T"H£ rXLUSCTATED MA.rAZINE LVR OCTOBER..Jus: J*ubi-*he-A.The number for the A' .-.-mta.; rooolh is nscaL with fcur e.e- east enxras sis* OB steel.-entitled T .r r".:tth:.i«c..-i:ed eam- .:.' Seer" on the Hn-isor.. from :z - s.r.i'.. by Calw* V t.-J r.: _-:ar. t. The Water Cxrrie.-. D>ecoafesna«ns,a*asnil, jrted and tateresarig. -m t icing article* from the pens ci'M.-s. Osgood. R. F. Gtee- Mrs. Sheldon, EL it. (.'.talents. l a >rmth. R H S'od- .i.-i. the Editor and o'bers. The unyrecedeuied success of this Magazine is 'he best guaranty tue public can have of ti* tarnt: in fact, ail who hare seen it aid subscribed to it. have pronounced it one of *\fnot the* best Magazines m the country. A libers: discount to Agent* and Dciiers. All the Magazine* for October tor sale. »hclesa.'e and -r.-.., i: [ssj ajgj wm. Taylor x go iAs* r u- ok HEROES HE?i 3 "'. .-.s-iip! \ND THE HEKOI- HISTORY..Six Lectures. By Thomas Carlvie. one v&ü IJnex Price öo ceuts. Just * WILEY x, PUTNAM, 1»l Broadway. .. 1: is loo wej known and too much admired to seed comnieudzt.oa iroin asv quarter.'' (Tribune. ALSO. Paper- on L.'.ennire jr. Art Bv S. Margaret Fuller, asii. r of - Warnen if il-.e N' C< r.r.iry. -Jammer the Lakes," &c. Two rolanes, tfimo. 'on~:xg No*. and Jo of the " Ltbrary of Aaer.cas Books. Price Si. " Remarkable for high and cuitieated thought, and for a fbc* and falthfcUy pursued moral aim." 'Democratic Review, j .' Hochelaga, or England .u the New World.Edited by E .t Warbtirton.a.itiiorcf 'Crescent atid the Cross.".1 a > parts, !7j :e: IS each. ..7..:« is- -"e ot" t..e best f-ock» on America we have seen for a long time. When once the book is taken up. ao one win t>el nke laying it down until it is rlnished-." [s. y. E"an(relist. Tra* els by the Author of Vathek. With an excursion to j Alcobaea and Batalua. By William Beckibrd. " iilow-nc vr-.ib genan. [Gent etre-,« Mairaiine. sJS D. tamily ::mmtntaky APPLEfN v Iiv BKl'ADUAY. L-.i.*-.: in the Dwelling! or. A Harmony of the Four Go*, pe... with short and simple Remarks, adapted to reading [ «t Family Prayer- ud arranged m^ sections, for every day ia the year. By the author of .. Peep of Dav." " Line | upon Line."' Ac. Ac One volonte Svo. of 5.iO pages. Price 51 7A .. This work will be- highly esteemed in pious families. ! . . - T»iere is much of uaatfected eamasMesa and trutb- I f'tl simplicity and winning piety ilirouv-boui the volume.. it is one of those book- that may be 'aid be.-ide the Bible will ail suggesting the tdea of-o-trr.-t.a companion for the Bible end for the Bible reader." [Com. Adv. " This :s 'he title of a very haadsome octavo rolume just published try the Apptelous, and admirably calculated to be of essential service in the progress of reliiinn. It is made up of plain comments upon short portions of '.:.p'-'e, to he r«ad at family prayers. The author's ta»k seem* to bare been performed with intelligence and great care, and the work will beyond all doubt prove widely and generaUy usofitL It cannot have too wide a circulation." sCS [Courier A Ena. I .. HOUSTON AND HIS REPUBLIC." BL'RCrESS. STRINGER .t CO. publish This Dav. SAM HOUSTON AND iii> REIM BI.IC. ' BY C. EDWARPS LESTER. E-j. accompanied bv a beautintl Portrait, enirraved on Steel, by Dick. Also, descriptive Mips, from originaldesicas. at. the Battles of ;e -|(. r. S' and ->n-: J icit.'.o Ptce Fitly Cents. In this volume Ihe private and public life of the present Senator from Texas is civ en in graphic detail, clearing up many debated »tid misrepresented points in his history, and furuishtog the most, indeed Ihe only, complete carra- Üve ofhimselfand contesnporaries ever writteni The pub- li-iier- can :y ilia' 'i - Stve Pat-'r», n ith oilier :al mat- ter. are derived from the Legislative arcliivi-« and other re- liable sources, and iliat tlie recorded events of the book esrry their own ev.dem e of simple truth and impartiality. Ihe polit! ai history nfTexas is eminently valuable. Bl rgess, STRLNOER iiCÖ. Publishers, sZ> j'lis 2il Broad v\'iv. cor. Ann-^t. BOOKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. rpilE SUBSCRIBERS naveon hand and willseB whole- a sate or retail, a larce assortment of School, Classical, Tbelogical and MiKeDaneousBooks, They invite country merclunts, teachers and others to examine their slock and prices before purchasing elsewhere. I*iib;i«!iers of Sanders' Series of Readers, Brmlbury's Musical Works, il itchcoc ijs Geolory. Grav/s Chemistry. Gale's Philosophy, Porter's Resder, a.c lie Also, a good assortment of Mationarv. -.. tf MARK il. NEWMAN V CO. 199 Broadway. Gcljools. » LLEN DODWOKTn-'S Private D AN". \v Ifroome-SG near Broadway..A. I». would bee leave to inform ins friends and Hie public, that having made ctcat alterations and improvements in his rooms, by widen the iUta and accommodations are very much In¬ creased, will open In-Clas-'-s for the pea-oil on T'lesdav, Oct 6th. at o P. M. for Lad."* avl Children,und i P.M. ...i ientlt awn, Tli" Instruct -it= include al' lb- ft-'donab!" danr-s o| thadayi slOJems Term x-'. made know n by applying at the ScbooL i?v\ v \TicN for nö\ - JLi.Tl.ii es' bin-'iit iremove.! '¦, Mtur iv II.:!. Lev in.or .1. and 38th it) wul be reopened, after vacation, on the 1st of September. T. DVVTOHX PORTER, a ..i "-M'.Tu THEODORE W Pi>RTF.R. ÖTätECT'DAY SCliÖlU.". Mis COLES ha s^ opened tier Sctto-'i (¦.' 'he rcr.-ptiou of Young Boys at f! Mercer-sL Circuiarf. witb lerrBS, at the School ,,;t 2w« (To-fJartncroriip sc ussak>V s-.tttfäj 'T'HE PARTNERSHIP vt.ting between 1 the subscribers is this day itiiiluaily dissolved, Mr. .qja w im», the atuini. c line. ^Be .> utness 11 the late mm w ill be *eiil»d 1 y the W p irtcers. tSlgnedt S. P. WILLIAMS. S. T. WILLIAMS. E DWARDS WILLIAMS Dated New-York, Sept llkh.lMS. jy The subscribers will contnuM the b'isicess u-.fler the name and style of S. P. Williams a Co. I, S. P. WILLIAMS. S. T. WILLIAMS. Dated New-York. Sept 19th. 1346. »21 3ti.-- Di>soll'TIoS'..The Co-partnership heretofore ex- isii.'.g under the firm of Arthur. Teckhatn V Co. is tins day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of ihe late firm will be settled bv Alfred G. Peekham and James B. RnmnlL WILLIAM C. arthur. ALFRED G. PECKHAM, JAMES B. RfJMRlLI... New-York, Sepleuiberj, 18-1Ö. NOTICE.The uadersinned have entered into copartner¬ ship under tho firm of Peekham X Rumriii, and will con¬ tinue ice Msnnfsemrins Jewelry business at it joim-sL ALFRED G. PECKHAM, JAMES B. RL'MRILL. New-York. September Alh. Is-Ki. s7 lulls" HEi VakT.N EK.-H 11* heretofore ex . be ween the uadersinned in ihe manufacture of Hou/n's Patent Skirts, was dissolved on the li'th insL and Mr. Hough, the pateaee is now »olely iniererled in L'ie said business, and the assets of said manufacturing concern. J. N. a T EL SELBY v. CO. »J ill- D.W1D HQCGH, Jr. x"ca3 fall C5oous. SCOTCH PLAID YEL,YETS,in various Clans, Argyie, Forty-second Royal Stuart, Gordon and Oleniyon : also various fancy plaids, decidedly tho handsciuest Vostings in market. Ju"«i received by WM. T. JENNINGS A CO. sili Iwis 251 Broadway. Aiflerii-an Hotel C^RPETINCJS PETERSON,HUMPHREY x ROSS, hiving purchased the entire stock cf carpeting, druggets, oii-ciofhs.Ac. in the large md spacious carpel ware room. -U2 Fearl-sneei. formerly owned by Masers. A. X E. S. Hlggins. are no w prepare- IO t"r Ibelr friend* nr.U the public the klgv« ItOCJt, together with receat purchases, at prices far itelow the marken By calling al toe above number the most fastidious cannot fail of being suited. v PETERSON, HUMPHREY v ROSS. SlSSwis m P»arl-st., near Madison. f II EAP CARPETING!;..SMITH it LOL'NSBER- v. RY. «3 Pearl-»t (opposiie WiUiam) are daily receiv¬ ing, direct from the manufacturers, and from auccons, li."p'e surphes of Brussels, three-ply and ingrain Carpei- ::!.-¦>. w.^cb they are low selling at great reduclioas from former prices: Brussels Carpetings, rnew patterns.) 9i to !Jj per vard. Three-ply do do 8s to 9s do F'ine. surwränearid d-juble rjper do 3s to 7s- do Tufted Ra.'s, (hacJsome patterns.) 16s each. \.->. a /real vane'y of Floor Oil Cloths. Drirgeu, Table and Piano Covers. Lamp Mats. Window Shades, and all other articles connected w-ith the trade, rerrarka- blylow. Strangers visiting the city are particularly in¬ vited to cti.. a-, i . , im.r.e - vo'. e stock. sit »'*.». W'HOLi.. \!.H SHAWL WARESOÜSE-17-1 V v peart-st. Shaw-» cf »verv description for sale bv the case, dozen or sin^ie one, by JOHN C. HENDERSON Is Bonnets and CAPS«.AlbJJ a.sortiaeai for sale al d.e» by sl vrt-. s .H,UN r_ llf.Nnr.RSON i CO. lTI, ?e«r! «L fCHEAP HOOTS AND SHOES..The scr-'»rr teapectfitliy hrvnes the attention of the pub¬ lic to his far .re and fashionable assortment of Boots and Sbo-es, at 114 Fuitua-st. where he retails hue i made Calf Boots at SJ 50 and §4. made la the hCeet Fren style, and warranted to wear ,onger than liose usu<ily sold at other stores at eo and e»i. The constaally increoaing demand for these Boots proves oeyocc a uocot thai they pre miversa! saiisfaciion to the buyers, as ih?y axe, by purchasing from him, enabled to economise ceiriv oae-ha-f Ihe expense of their boot bills. " JOHN L. WATKINS, 114 Fu!loo-sL aaJD Imeodis' between N"------ aad Dutch its. PIANO FORTES FOR HIRE -£Z~. AT IH BROADWAY..The aaoscriber s- sjig au? cuii;'.aai-y on hand.i.xcLCstvELV rax Wy j "y-i Tj H;'r.r. aj extensive assonmen* of Grand, 1/ * St J il Cabinet^ and Square Piano Fortes, eun- . tia or Bosewood aad Jlabogaay, with six. six and a naif and seven Octave*, at bis Musical Ettailishineat, ill Broadway. [>;41ra-i DANIEL WALE£R-_ »jv -; HiiSKUHOI) Planu Porte Cot sale. »T"»j ¦^"rtbest City manufacturers.has a briiiiant J » 5sf / J nme. and warranted- Has been used bat » few weeks-. Address L. L at ihis vS Iwis' PlT>on.E>sÖV"»ÄND Tl S'lS<;.-W. C. HAY¬ NER, 75 Hammoad-st cives Lessens on_ the P^mo aad Singing, at his residence, or that of his pupils, on moderate terma. A so. Tune* Piano*.price 75 >-»cta s!5 Oliaeod* C" A Ii. HlAli K CI.OTU.-. ¦». piec-r* India Rni>oer Carnage Clolh, tpiax and £gat»sd! of superior quality, for sale at the lowest market prices, at the warehouse o! it* Newark, N- J. India Rubber Factory, ft Maiden-ln-ce. jytc UlT ALT ILA SILK POCKET HDÜF*. ¥Sej r- and Sann Cra - ais. Richelieu Scarfs. Ac Just received. sI3 lwis WM. t. JENNINGS it CO. 231 Broadway- E READ THE HERH DOCTOR'S a-ivertisetnent on the outside; sec, tiro, ail the New-York papers, i. Isis* ^mnsements. -V vi s, rawsvsrrr «Od * U.ICU »fs* Bxerc-es .o commerce gl i ceclocS, Adrsnasioa 12* «u. * PlM.LO>EA>». ilvd-ry h .-.- -v . SI .,. iH.Xre.Ruotntv « lb * change ol Pi gramme. I ickets 98 «ta. To be tyn »; the Music Stores. aad at the door. »gg *aai>- ueguämav. OR AMKKICA~\"1»Im-. ERS..Tlrair ~r>; Concert Lh.» triioe. Jl take place St the Apcdio Rraoms. UO Broadway, on Friday evening. Sept »ah.1- ecasi new iece w U be >.tng the .hat täte Ja uubhc. entitled the IWt «/ Mb/*.- Kmg'fslrf. together whb t rsi;et other new .wee*'. FerpartSea ''*-">. »ee prjra-cr-re." Ticket, .* er.'s. --.-::. cvaa- -_¦ ¦: ocv--k._-¦ : Sjl Y »*t>A>T l»TIT» Tl.. B l:«v..On ~ >' "-<v. isspu?.:-.*-, it* i.:«e. MM Lv.'«g.S. i.U:..,r misSs .\-*''V"v <iMore. a:, kc «... ... hUttrsj tSz. i --7tsiO.i Ja«s*iuvs> at ihr«! Chaiacter- r - ^pe,»QSv>o». Mum sad Melod-' of h:» »nxa 1%-awta* .urecdcasa. Recitations, oaiaeac arc comm. and ha owe Irush ä<«-*.«urne ilre-sd v hcuored w*.ta reccg-iir-.a a :hw esaftu-r. and «he-» a* vet uii.atto. OUCN the a l.thc Admission $L.Ticeta cotax assS at the tu*« Bot**«, a.** at Me^rs. >\-.<,- a, fMLuaa.',. Ctacseraia * r»- N* , ... .. A .. 2.s Masse >trtre»^asa sitae each a:gaa I'oors cp»a at quarter a*.' seven. Performance ! to commerce at S. *ad conclude '.Co clock, t*" I"-**' C"A"»Tl.K-lTÄTvi>~tN". ,. ""o> a ' nous being made tor the Fair of tee Aaneriia t (asoSvae, ! ta.s will positively be liieia»t w eekof fist toil..« jut aiarac- i.on. The Bn:l-> 1 roope o: Etmopiae S.nger»; ifceDirarsa**- g . ...».< .-. : v .-o X .:. 'A .-¦«» M Hs ma. Mr. Good* :n. Mi. 01 ifit id..Thursday Events g Sejj* 21..Pun- k- -: Medley Overture; Dandv oi' Caroline ; Soar. Oid Pe De; .<iy Aunt Sally: Mary Blsne; Oet > ia tie mora.a; o.-ev Goose. .a*1».-rv..».-.ou .'t" f.alt' an ,ar tor promecade and Refreshments, and *o vtevr the »iif«»-» i range of Cosatorama*. Tart Second-.Kaitteed Ov» .urs. Lyrchharg Town. Siess cat InblJ Yeiiou- Gai. bo b) dst hnocstag at the door: A learned" Lecture on Bumpo'ogy. j Mesmerism, i.e.. Old Jaw tioae. Life by the Gai'ev Fire Song.Fhjwer of Eiietsiie; Buio Extravaganza. Pocoo- c:udew.:h Pjsaotviaj Views. a.c. Adm;::»a.'e 25 ceats. A ^lEKICÄS7 MCSSC1H. r and Evening aa.:fc:» week. cotTaaencinfi "! etdajr. Sept. j:-;. IM>. Msgr.'Jlcsic: Concert and per:", .a.iacr«. every after- nooa al SJ. and every e-ecng at ! j ( .. c >..!-o Free Li*', except the Pre**..Cast week, ros.t.veiv.vfti.ece.e rale i ORPHEAN FAMILY, he best company of Native \ oca. ts's. to whose sweet aiasic the deaiiens of tti.« great me- trcpoits ever listened. Tin a?a.aus who have heard and admired them, and thousands of others who have never listened to their heavenly strains, bat design to before they leave, will embrace this last opportanitv, for which reason the Family wii: eive their Grand Coiicerls la die Lecture Room 01 the Museum, every af.eraoea this week, al half past 3 o'clock, and everv evening a. half past Z Bat one week more of ihe cefrbrated Virginia D-va:.'. COL. CÜAFF1N. who has created a greater sensation than did ever Us great prototype, Gen. Tent Thutnh. He cannot be prevailed upon to'remaia after this week. ai.d hence tho.e who delay cailinr longer, will fr.ieiv be to-> lale. He wfll be visible at all hour., everv day, alter 9 o'clock, A. M. Sesxtbh Msmmoth Isays, whose ages are ouly 16 vearJ. but who weigh SCO poonds laving Orang Outang. ha.f human and half brute. IntmoaHng and nlay ful: Living Twin Catfres. the m-'s' " ecb ifal curiosities living Living Monster Snake, over 20 feet long, and twenty-six inches round i Wax V-d»! of ihn Human Body."to he seen for an additional charge of Jo cenls. Ia addition the following psWfOTBiei I are engaj"-!.Miss Greenwood, a lai'.y of rare talent and icCflmpfiahmeatat Great Western, the unrivalled Yankee Comedian: Pe'e Morris, the rmequalled Comic Singer: Miss Julien, beauli- ful Daasettse: Mad. Rockwellj Fortune Teller: Dissolv¬ ing Views, Chn'tnatiope, ic. Admission. 25cents.rlhildren under 10. 121 eer'.s. sJl MODEL OF NEW-YORK IN CARVED WOOD..This immense work of Art, by E. Porter Beiden, is now on exhibition at the .Minerva Rooms, 406 Broadway. This Model represents every building, shed, tree and other object In the City. It has been tn progress for more than a year, and upward of one hundred persona ave be-:, -inp.o;. cd on its cons-ruction, including some of Ibe first Artlsta, American and European. Above the Model is a GOrillC CANOPY, of the most highly decorated carved work, containing. Indifferent coin- parnnents, Uii Paintings of some of t..e principal business establishment* la the City. Hours of exhibition from 9 A. M. to It) P. M. Tickets 2i cents. Seesen ticket»AOceata. JyJjl tSSt _j *>T VTilN IM.VMl vri\\ _. Mond« - b* IH.Purse M aaisssa»ma*M excei ding twenty foet in length, t u rymg a rnalasall or ib «ii ni.i.n-sil, w .1. lalio pit, .. en Monday, 2"l|i Hist, at I P. M. from Suuen Island, Th boats « ... -t.o ireiu Vsnderlub's I.a:: ling ind sail around a vet sei or boat BttcbV.1 ,:; the Nji >WS beta u die Telegraph and Fl rl Qiunill in, Ihei ce around the While Buoy upon the Point of jUrbbiurS Reef, and !¦...» to the place of starting. Entrnnce. Two Dollars. Entries can be made with Mr. C. U. Slebblns, at his Hotel, on Vanderbilt's Dock, until the da» previous to the Race, of whom me Rules under which ihe same is lo be sailed can be obtained. s23 41* »^-JT*«»'rl11' >lOST OHI.IGIITFUL ^j^T*^'"'r*T7l Excurs \ sere the II el- >a B er to H ... theo i b dk to Elysian Fields, along the exceedingly picturesque shores of the place, will prove the most easily accomplished and attractive of all rural excursions Ibsl can be made from ilie ciiv. The grounds now present a charming asp the trees being in leaf and the soil covered with a rich tu>f. The walk* a:e :u escelli nl ¦oder, having been consider, ably embellished Ihe present Spring. On every pleajani afternoon there «iri be in attendance at the Colonnade, Elysian Fields, an excellent Hand of Music, v»-..!h will [x'rtiirni selections from the favorite Upyias. ,Hipn!ai ans. marches, w alutes, Ac. The Kerry flouts from Barclay, Canal and Christopher sis are completely titled un with Aw nmgs and Seats, Night boats run from lloboUeu to Barclay-*i. until II o'clock. Ferriage blcents, Silliums* ~ JP"" ssNEWPOKT \M> I'HO'. IDl.M l ' & Far Cabin '"111$i D ck$1 « rh< Steaail iatMUTUAL SAf K I Y l «ie iln N. i Ml Is, w 111 leave fool of Market-i East River, On Tuesday, Sept. tSd. ai 4 o'clock, P. M. I'a- .ev. er. . r 1' a >,<;¦.. Pro - deuce ,, um- (or 'he 3 o'clock train. Freight taken at reduced rales. Apply to Ihe Captain on board, or at ihe othce on ihe pieh The Mutual isaiotv u up with large and commo¬ dious Stain Rooms, and is newly furnished throughout. Her we.l tuna n character BS a .ci boat, bei ample accom¬ modations and low fares, it is hoped, w II secure tier a share of public patronage. atttS Imiseodtf irasi]ionabk Cloiljing. M7M. T. JENNINGS d CO. Drapers and Ts Sirs, fv importers of Cloth... Cassimeres, Vestmgs, Fancy Dresj Articles, kc Iii »ppreciaüon of lim success which aiiei'ded iheu . dort» tri cateiing for the coiiimttnity. would lender the assurance, upon the commencement of the Fall Trade, that It will be their Sndeavor to add lo the induce- meats which have rendered gJl Broadway THE ESTAB- LISIIMENTut which are ftunisbed Garments possessing the req usites which must continue to commend them to the economist. For tn the style and character of the cloth- in;' we are enabled to furnish, through the aid of efficient a corps of cullers as can bo found ui the. country, ilia sequel to the attractions of our moderate charges. A large aasorUuent of new goods for Fall and Winter wear are offered for inspecllou, comprising Cloths, Tweeds, ic. for iJre-s and Frock Cuala.Overcoats, Sacks, Jtc. i French, English and American Ca»».meres for Prunes Ioouj. A word la reference to this garment la which las experience has satisfied tlie many) so few cutters excel.a trial in this line is especially solicited. Merino. Velvet, S..s and Salin Vesting! m great variety. The usual assort¬ ment of tint quality Roady-mado Overcoats, Original Sac as. Cloaks, Dress and Frock Coats, Pantaloons, Vasts, Ac. wuh a choice selection of Fancy Dress articles, Scarts,», Hda.'s, Gloves, Suspenders, Shirts. Collars, Bosoms, HalfHose, i.e._s2 Utf CASH DKAPE1M AND TAJEOU-S 1*7 Broad¬ way..J. C Booth a Co. having received additional suppl.e» of choice Goods, would respectfully tnvito the at- tention of their customers and the puM.c Their stock s i cot only extensive, but comprises the richest qualities and patterns of Vestlngs, Cassimeres, Drilling», kc. mat are lo be found in this or foreign markets. I Having unusual facilities m buying, they are enabled to ' offer strong inducements to purchasers, though u should be understood that their low prices have reference only to the finest quality of inater:als arid wo.-Smaaslilp, and mat gar- meats produced al their establishment are Dot surpassed, in anv particular, by aa,y houts in 0a« L'i.UiR. The Cumn? Denaruncni la conduct-el by Mr. J. Lee. whooe almo»rinfa...o.e skill ia the art U the result of long experience and study, and who possesses the happy faculty of accommodating fashion to form, aad of selecting styles of dress most fitting and appropriate to the season, myftllstf CASH TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. T>ENJ. W. BENSON, Draper and Ta.ior, lespcCtiUly MJ iafonas his pairoas and the public senerallv. ttait t.e has removed to the New-York Caan Tailoring tstablur.- ment. Nij. 142 Fulton-st., ajar Broadway, where can be found an extensive assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vest- ing*. i.e. winch WÜI oe made U> order m the most fashion*- bio style for cash. A choice aad general assortrarcl of gentlejncn'i fancy . dress anicies constantly oa hand. jylggawhs swa, FÖCHTEENTH-riT. LOTS.-At prtva sale, E;:-. a -plrndid three story «"ic brick bouse, on the N Tth 1 side of Fourteeath-»L 225 feet West from 3th-aveoue, built in best manner, and replete wuh every modern con¬ venience; lot 25 by 123 fee!., one vacant lot of ground, 23 by 125feet, on Fourteealh-st. abeut2">i feet from Slh-avenne. Also, 2 full lots on South side FlftoSPth St near me Sth-aveisne. For fall partiOilars apply to «.21 lw ANTHONYJ.ilLEECKSIt. 7 B.-oad-»t. sjjsr, imOOKXYN HOUSES LND LO ¦ 8 v ate-a.e 4 Houses and Lots on Prospect. Gold and ¦ Sind 3t».: also j Cottages sad Lots oa Taituan aad Franklin sts. al.-o gVacant iVHs ou Tshnan-sCClawson avea-is, Fraskra, a»i..i:iaa. Saeaeer sad W.t.a >rta >... B*<t*'v"!-ave! ,e ,.vi De.-l. :'. --'" r'<,' "ar" .<:u. .r.o- :<¦.. s24 lw ANTHONY J. BLEECEER.7 Broad-st. TO 1.ET.The oweiaag pa/l oi tlouse c^ of Twentieth-**, aad Njiih-avenue, <Ctetsea-*qua/e,) re- pleie wilh every coavenieace for a boarding bouse oi acho-jii has sixteen * rooms, iacladiag bath room, water doset, range and all the raodern Crotoa water fixluxes. Real low to a good tenant. Iaqal.-e of D. A. CCnHMAN, No. 1% Pearl-at. my!3 lstf or irth-aveaae. IsslaOBU 2irth and 21st six. HOL>Er«, HOLtSE-s, IIOISES-.U Private Sale.The w e., bu.r iree Story Dries house sad lot. No. 63 Cherry-st- Also the '.inj »tory brick house and lot No. ill Waier-st. For par.-, u truly to _ CA j m_ANTHONY J. BLEECgEli 7 Broad.,.. MFOH .*»AEE.The three house* and ;oi» »Uualed on Lhesoiithv» est corner of Cathecme aad Henry sla. Foi terms, aopiy to J. HENRY FERRIS, Daied Juae 'ä, iZii. Petikskill. N. Y. Of je* Jawjtf_Gl-lO. P NELSON. 5 Wali-st. £TO LET-1 a ¦¦ .".'-¦ 55 Wolier-st. Postesslon jiven immedjsie.. Kef erences eiclaaged._S22 Ais* SFOR_SAEE^A siaa.: Kar.':: on Statenisia&d,oeai the S'.eaaib'jdi Laad.g al For: Richmond. BLEECKilR i. VAN DYKE, »24 lw No. 1 Nassau-sL Ö~NEWSPAPER Proprietors..Double Cylinde, Mayssrr Printing Machine..The subscribers luve or hand a tr.l ratw Pres. of the above 2- ~-r.piion wtilrh ha, bad about two years caretuj wear, sirace which It has beet put m complete order, warranted lo work weih It I capable of pnaliag a sheet 2S laches by SO, aad wilj be aoU at a low pnci and ca accommoclaliag terms. We can re commend, this press as every way worthy lue auent-on o any person likely to recuire the Use of one of this desenp tior. WORRaLL a CO. Press JUavdactsreri, t£l lwu Fc*ia*l-n ead Hach^au. A £im-*L Unction Sales. INTHOXY J. BL KECKER.. Aueuooeer. LM.t.E S VI.E of Splendid Siea-nboais.To clow a sJSKetn .The .-..Ccwtar. >tf»abo.u»« t-s «0-4 t, ib*> ktercttans Exchange m trie city of New.yOTi, CB Wed. -csdav. t_\« ft-th day of Dro-ayr. IM», by Asäbcey J. Sit-ecie--. Aucaoeeer Tbe sale r-eirmprorv. 00 iiVrjI re ;n* Par-jcutar* e»a >e Sad . j s.rp:.' tag »'. AiKdcsjeec*! office. No. T Broad- ««!. Ttre steamer Geo-rce W asting oc. enUrny oo». o< ft* r .- *.». ftas, J*' feet Jong. 0 teet teaw. cylinder >U.inches, 1:: feet stroke. , The rvntckerboeker. » year* »Id. »VfVet .on*, ft fee: beam.»vi inches cviicd*;. IS feet »irvke. Three-Jour.hj part of the Hendrik Hudson, I year can, S-re Ve«t Urn*. 35 feet bean). Ti inche* cylinder. 11 feet The Sou h Arnet tea, i yr»r* olJ. feet long. !*, feet tjtsam, -M irxrbe, cylaxier." 11 feet «irvke. The N01U: Axreni-a.» rears owl. Siifeot long. l-M fevt beam, W inches cylinder, 11 reel stroke. The Columbia, o years old. 270 feet loug, JS feet beam. 44 inches cylinder. 11 feet siroar. T.V Rochester, i years old, ...» feet loast, feet Sr. is" laches cylinder, tc fret stroke. TV Gagelie. we'! «mied for a short rout*. The afove boats are *o »sei: Vi town as the rnost emao- .;..¦_»..-..' sabstmnuai boal* oa trat Amen---- s-csv, kSjat it Is deemed cmtect^sary :,o give Seawsjstof. . etc. A.isMtfte boessiwl. -ss. »r tt-sssrve >_-iocve or. theday named, ac'. 'i.por- fsipci- ate -ale prior to that tires. V :,. ^.-.-perie can h-J eaamim-vt any ,5», "»io<ss So the sa--. si.-- V.,'' 1. *>mf j .julTtja. was. H. JOHK*. WtNv- l>«s>r>.>,i;isss .M> r»Kt»t;.a>s...t> u S .1a- Sift Ji\ ai I. J-.'.-ioc's. at the store et J. l>. luger- *-li V C.v. N.\ irg l'ear!-.f. >»>ca--" s. \ m-'riiicg alxrge and de«'.:»l'te issortmeat of Booii,* and Biogan*. snrJ- abja -or -lie "nuibvru. Western t.ud Clay dcale.-s. fcast re¬ ceives!. CatalojTCH and goods ivadv en ihe tuorrtirg of the ».e- A .<.. !». Me.:"s ». - " I..-.-;.. Also. '"cases Men's ran'pegged Brcgan*. Also. SO case* Men's reiged Bovu. A so. Je cases Men's Sui-ertar Manufactured Rubt-et». Also. SO case* Women's Superior Manufactured Rubbers. s!9 tf I JOSIAK RJCHARDSyAoctlooaer. BY BAX<;>*, RiTUAKDS A PEATT.---S101» AM Sroadvvay..Liberal Cash Advances made on con¬ signments for Auction Sale* MONDAY EVEN1N0,Sepv .-. Books..A lunje Cs>!lecaoi. ol valuable Standard an! Mtscellaneoi:« Books, Family B.bles, Blank Bivks. t WEDNESDAY EVENING. Sept. SiA. BOOK«..An exieasive ccUaclKin of new Books generally lit s' 'o-uit dealer» and others. Including Sltste^i- ealand \Vorka, and 11 large vaiu tv -ieiirabie M Kellaneott* Stock, School Rooks, popelar Juve- tiiles. i.e. v Also, an Inveice of il-.s*iah. Stl'Joaery. A . s.Fi r account >: vvbesa it may cweceni a ipiaatuv of Books parbady damaged by water: amoa^ ttie.-u are up-sol of tire McGrittey's EWoctic Readers; 0 se.s A Scott's Commentaries, o vols. q rarto; JC0 WUIett's Atith- luetic, \c. Ar fatv iTS So.s-I.w Quarto Bibles, every varlei». In p:.nm -beep and e\rra (rt.t. and gill edje bindings. Als. s sssortmeatof Stand rd Miscellaneous Bvioks. K. COLTON. Auctioneer. BY K. COLTON, AucUoo ard CecimUaton Merchani .S.ore Nos. its hSilton and 34 Ann sta.Lirwal ad- mr.ces n.n.le en c ss's etiher for privnti- ss.'.e or at aacUoi1 and prompt re'.uns made. OuWVjor sales of e»ery dessslo- Ü00 of gixsls puaetualle s-en-ls.1 to and respectfully so- llcltesl. Tlll'RSL^Y,fss>pt..v», Ai lei o'clock, at die AliCUon Room. L'xv OOOOS, i.e..Comprising in part ol" Broadcloth*. Csj.iin.-res «1 yds. of black Silk, Sewing do. Silk Hdkfs CottOO 1! als. CaTUCoes, Da Linens, Fancy Ooods. i.e. Also, tflO vil». Oil Cloth, Hemp Carpt nng, Featkm Beds, Mattresses, ttc A several Glass Case*. Liuaps, Bird CS,,'.'», ic. Also, a small assortment of Furniture, v..... itHiui ."«> second-hand Costs and 30 pair ol Taai« together with \ esis, Trhuiuings, iic iic. At private snlo, two large Extension Tables. Ono will 1 tend about 3o .Vet and the other «H._ CHA.UBKi{ lT\Tia7~AuclloiieOf.-sS!ore No. IJ . Sprucc-sL.Liber.-u ailvances made 00 CeooJs cou slgae.1 for private salr, or to Ixs sold at auction. Om-door .ales carefully attended to, and respectfully solicited . Prompt nOtriM >n»de THIS DAY. THURSDAY, Sept- J4, At 11 I o'clock, al No. U Spruae-si. Sucatri Sana 01 ... lot ofLadlsa1 Silk sud Snsw, Hai-, Crbuntittgs, Ac. Till RSDAY, Sept :i V. M. a' die Bull's Uta I. Tlili !-a> At 'J o'clock. P. ri Sut. oi four Oxe%two Steers and six Cows. FRIDAY, Sept Ai in o'clock, at IAS William-»'. SfUCairi S ilk or liav G«Hit», a.c.Coiuprisiug a larje assortmetii of CoiiciH's, OlagbaaM, Musiin», iiasstmeic», Silks, Hosiery, Olive», bar«-,, Shivvl». Rasur Strops, fstytae Rules,"Sewing silk. Tlireml. Cotton, Ac. lie. Also,« Counters, Curtains, Desks, 4c. Jte. Also, a 'pianlity of Corsets of a verv supanor article. MONDAY, Sept it. At i") o'clock, at No. 117II ¦iislou »U MoaTi. n.i; Slue.comprising a very large and vatuabt* Library, of Standard Work«. »l»o a largo collec.'' Music; also. parlor organ, those piano-fortes, violins, violincelio* and otnei musical mStrUltMmts,m*rf*ff stands, busts, eogtavlogjS, book cases and racks, carpets, malt s gany tables, willing uialeiial», Vc. kc N. B. Catalogues can 1.Mained l,y applying a: this Auction Room on Saturday. TUESDAY, Sept .«. Vi lOo' Nous Spruce-sL Saeatrr's Sals of the contents of a large Punting Es- labltsbment,couslstlng ol Type», Ciue», Block», Imposmi Stones, Chases, Presses of various sixes, Includin| 1 Oyi- Nsp:> r I'r-ss. ic Pre,-, Bonds, bit bound lloek>, Desks, Siereolypeplates for several Valuable works, fix- lures, and one Steam Engine and Boiler, kc. fcc. IIIIUATIO lill.L. Aio-tliinear. BirCUOLEY, KJKKSE -V IIII.l. Store No. 191 Broadway, eoruer of Uev-aL Liberal cash advances on sll ^0,^1» roiisfgned Ir «al«. RaMO« vi. -Cooley, Kaeaa it Hill >>ave removed from No. IS7 to I'll Broadway, corner of lle»-«l THURSDAY E\ EN1N0, At 7 o'clock, at [Ii« Auction Room A large, .,!!.., :io» ot Stiindard M .eellany, together with » tut" assortment of Staple Statloueiy. FRIDAY MORNING. Sept. .'s. At 10 o'clock, at the Auction Room. BOOTS, SNOBS asm'smeases liouis. Shoes and Brogans, suitable tor the Southern, Wesioru sud City Trade. Cooley, Reese k Hill will I10IJ an etlensi'.o lot sale of books, stationery, paper, lie. to the trade and others during the rlrii week In October. The sali» will embrace a rich and varied assortment of Illustrated works, annuals, fancy s'.aU'inery, and other aiticle» suitable for the holiday sea¬ son, f oiiKi^iunents are respectfully solicited for this sale, and liberal cash advances made thereon. Al Private Sale.A f«w copies of the complete Works ot Antonio CaOOVa, AUly and splendidly illustrated. A lino set of Aiieient and Modern Coslnraas in Italian, 'A volt. I"- MdiUlly illustrated with hue colored engravings. Te- soro di Pfosa Itallane, a collection of Italian Literature by the best auUioin. 1 voL octavo, '>P psge«. Ar faivsrr. SaLS, ('Mf.»r-An engraving and ropiw plant priatlng establishinetit, > onsisllng of Dies. Ruling Nlsciiiii.-. one of the best I'late l're»»e» In this country, outs 171 Inch Press made by Hoe a Co. together with all the ap¬ purtenances connected with the above business. _ B~~Y~JA.HK-. 'I. II II,LER- THURSDAY, Sept. H, 1*49, At II o'clock, at lbs stoio of LuplLuii, Coisn fc Co. No. Kerrr-st. SViOO Sides Hemlock and Oait, Slaughter Sole and Upper Leatiier, in rough. TUESDAY, 8ejM. it. At 10 o'clock, at the Store No. 1IA Water tt T'i- balance of the Stock contained in lb* above store cousl'sdng.of 125 cases of Mes/S and Boy's Calf Kip and Brogausi Men's, Ooys'and Youths' Kip and thick boots. Women's Buskins, Tie», Galter Boots, kc tic Also, "i casej Men's and Women's Rubber Shoes and Buskins. The wholo to be sold without reserve to (he highest bldiur._ JACOB S. PLATT. Aitctloneer, CAIiE TO TAKE PEACE THI« I)AY.-Viz. ~5 Catalogue »sie of elegant new Cabinet Furniture, at the Coliseum, Broadway..Stranger* in the City, deal¬ er*, and families, are directed lo the extensive sale of ale- gent, ornamental and useful now Cabinet Funibure, pore Mattresses, Feather Beds, Rug»; Door Matt.. Win dow Shades, kc, lo be sold at auction, by JACOB S. PLATT, al die Coliseum Saioon, No. -Ifi Broadway, be- . Howard and Grand sts. fids dsy. Sale to eornmene-i at j past ID o'clock. N. B..As most of the above Is a slock 0! a dealer, and sold u> close the coucern, the tale will bo absolute at. 1 without reserve. Purchasers desiring it, can hare their good* carefully packed at a reasonable expense. (Tor a full description of the articles, see auction column in ail the morning papers. Catalogue* now ready. If JACUB BKAISTED, Auctioneer. SPLENDID HIM -I MOLD Ft R.MTLRE at Auction Tins Day. at lu$ o'clock, al 60 Beokmsuvsvt to comtucuce wits a variety of Houseisold Kurninir« from . pnvaie family, stter WHeb wlli be »«Did a choice collection of Cliy made f.'su-inet Furnluire, cumpr.siiig in part of rich covered uiush Sofas and D'.van* to match, damask and bair ,-loib Sofa», Dressing Bureaux, Book-cases, Centre Tables. Pier and Sofa do. Looking-glasses, Carpets, mahogany aan maple Rockers, Cbalra in great variety, Piano Stools, Breakfast ar.d Dining Tables, etc Also, to Mauresse», sullahlefor steamboats or hotels,etc Sale positive If HORATIO HILL, Auctioneer. COOLEY, HEESE cV HILL will sell on Frldsy morning, Sept ii, at l'i, o'clock, al tuetr Sale* Room*. .! Broadway, corner of Dey-»L 50<) cases and packages of Boots, Shi>es and Brogan*, Ac. comprising a great variety, suitable for country and city trade, including the balanco of Uie »t/s A of a retailer. \.t>>, »r reams of S.loe Paper . the whole to be sold without reserve, floods ready for examination, and Catalogues may be had at Lhe hals« Room. I'M 2d** WM. H. JONES, auciionoar. THIS DA Y, Sept. li4'J), at lty o' toe store of lyes Ii Hoara, ZB Peari-.t.x» case* Boot*, Shoes sod Brogan*, comprising a large and desirable assortment of l'.-ch goods, received direct from the manufacturer, and well aOapted to the Southern, Western and City Trade. CV* Dea-er. will bed the sale worthy of aflenncsn, a* every ca-e en C.c catalogue will be sold without reserve WM. A. BERCHER, Auctioneer, WM. A. BEECHER, - on «t Cedsr-st. apsfalra- Dry G<xsti», by Catalogue, for cash..Regular sales on Monday and Thursday. Particular aueution g- 'ea to As¬ signees' Sales of O'xyi*. ...,g7 L-n* ".exteac't OF vanilla! PI RE CONCENTATED EXTRACT OF VANILLA, far fiavorgig Ice Cream. Custards, Syrups, Sauces. Jellies, Confectionery, tic This Extract possesses in the most concentrated form the delicious taste and much admired aromatic odor of the true Vanilla Bean, and for all culinary purposes will be found the most convenient and KltisfWit- cai manner of commufiieaiing its flavor. Price 25 cen's. Prepared and sold by HENRY JOHNSON. Cherrdstaud Druggist, successor to A. B. Sands A Co. 273 Broadway, cor. Chamoers-tL SoW also al 100 Fulton-at and 77 Eas; Ertaidwa-/._s~ lmoviis EXTRACT OF LEMOW. F'OR Savonng Custard*, Ice Cream, Je'Jie», Syrap«, :c a pure extract, containing the true savorof t'i** (rolt In bottle*. Ü cents each. r ; r. / HENRY JOHNSON, Csaraslsrand Dri^- i.-.*', gTi Broadway, corner CUuibers-st- Sold also at ISO > -1 v.r.-.t. and 77 East B/oadw*y\_*3 Imeodu WlLLIA.HSBl FIRE ttsstMance ^m?^-. No7IWaii-*L N.:v.-York. and Grand-««. Wiliiaaia- buri-. MKgsrroas; ., ., _ , .,: Wi.l-ts, Frederick W. Favre. J ^ J ;. an ^.-^.ck.Nichol« tvvekoff ^J^'f^f' ^^ASHÄ-NPOST.Pre^ ^W. sustained by ibis Cc-fear v»^^ hberady setiied. *^

Transcript of Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 20. · "¦c05iM£RfIAL AISI» MOSEF MATTERS. Fvrtatet 'f Stockt,...

Page 1: Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 20. · "¦c05iM£RfIAL AISI» MOSEF MATTERS. Fvrtatet 'f Stockt, ist. ttt Fourth Fegt..V'KDNesday, T. M. *.e cjockM

"¦c05iM£RfIAL AISI» MOSEF MATTERS.Fvr tatet 'f Stockt, ist. ttt Fourth Fegt.

.V'KDNesday, T. M.*

. e cjock M<ukct showed no marked change to-day«rbe Fancies were about as yesterday, but Harlem im

mired a httie. At the Second Board the sales iveic en-

(jjely of Harlem, reaching 1 700 shares, at advanced

.wj The decision of the Chancellor docs not seem to

)u\re had much enact upon North American Trust The

jsb of dU' morning states that the Albanians refuse to

"^jjjjbe to the Hudson River Railroad, and intend to

'-t their shoulders to the Hartem and push it throughAbnuj- This may explain the äurry w hich took place

b this stock to day-The Foreign Hiü Market is very 'iniet and Stet

a it lower. We quote - d 'J per cent, good bills havingv^ntold at ii per cent. Franca ol 30 a : 28i 'Judders

sitaJO Marks 351 8>35J Rix Hollars 7e*®79."*Tbe Pep-*1 B80*-'- cr 60me of 'hern »t icast, do re-

endorsement ct the deposittn on TreasuryS, dttual to the contrary uot'-viihstandin;.-.'

jbe demand fur Western currency to pay formoduce b»» caused the Ohio. Indiana, Kentucky

.ad Michigan Bank notes to improve in Walbst

The Ohio Banks'and with perhaps onetiro exceptiens, arc checking on this ciry at 11 tolj

premiumVew-Yorlt country currency, though riotabundant,

* Tbe%IIowingare the quotations from Thompson'sjarjt Note Reporte t

fought at. Aid et Bought a' Hold as.

fc»,£oglsad... i du pur üeorgia.IJdia 1 dis

y^yTTroj-.Ac 1 " i di.s'«.y. country... i *

«.»..'ersey. f *

j^lpaia.... 1 " P«

New-Orleans ...lj .. iOhio.2 " 1*Indiana.2 " i*

.100.00017. l.'.OOo22. 10,000


4 .. 1 dis. Kentucky.2 " lj -

sjstfSr*.** " * l Tennessee.3 <¦ 2i ..

. tjsrtihia.* *' 'i Missouri.2 " If «

s'Carolin».U " 1 " Michigan.2 " 1* ..

. Wtetl*-? bks are 2 dis. Canada.3 " 24, "

Toe local currency at the following discount.t, iji^a's.1 dicc't Plalnfield.h disc'fcjjwwe Bridge.... 1 " iLehigh.1 ..

ferasers. A Millers.. 1 "

Tb« Kotes of the Lewis County Hank are in de-pjsd st 63 to -2 cents ou the dollar. This, and other

ijieitions. induce us to believe thet tho twice broken

tss-iera will sgain be resuscitated.

Tbc Notes of the Lewistown, Pa. arc im¦roving.they sell at from 12 to 15 per cent discount in

Philadelphia.The Union furnishes the following list, ol the

ujoaat and dates of issue ol Treasury DraftsJue23. £2.000 July 15. oO.OOO


Wr 10. 20.00CI10. 3,00013. 50,0001

The Hartford and .New Huven Railroad Co. havedeeiired u dividend oi two dollars and fifty cents pet«ist«, payable to New-York stockholders at the UnionEni on the 1st of October.

Tho Exports of Cotton Goods during the Brat 22&jiin September reached 2,364 packages.The Stamford, Ct- Hank has declared a seuii-an-

jssslslrridendol Hi percent.At Boston the inovcineuts in stocks are conluicd

ekoost entirely to fancy articles. In East Huston andKvwich Railroad there lias been a stir, with it rise [usarket rstci. Bank stocks, are rather nominal becauserfipprehendod losses. In the di vidend class of railroadstirrshas been a decline; in Old Colony from sales bySouth Cove Co. shareholders, to v\ iiuin it hus boon Issuedis payiui-rit for lands designed for the new depot. Provi-drncc lio*1 been uttectod by unticipntion ofnew Issues forttttel brauch to I'uwtuckctThe Central Hntlnind (Mich-J is to he delivered to

fat Company which lias purchased it this week. Therudijto be completed in the best manner.

a. special meeting ol tho stockholders ol the St.Uwrcuce and Atlantic Railroad was held Ht Montreal on

the 12th mst. A resolution ol regret was passed that ilu-

«ripholders in' ireiit Britain were disinclined to continuetier qpmieetioii with the enterprise ; and another thattitdircctuis should take the necessary steps to pay bucklit deposits ol such as are desirous of receiving the same,!nt deducting a proportionate sham of the expenses al¬ready uicuti-d in England mid Canada, with the cxe< pMa of the con ol survey and that arising from land m

jtfH*****Tbc ItcjHirl ol the llarrisburg !i ailroad shows the

Company to be in a satisfactory condition. By the rccclplcfWMCOfrom the «nie ol etock authorized by the LegisIttare.the Conipuny has put nearly the whole load inpckctotdci. |iaid about (20,000 uf floating debt and a

null deficiency ol unprovided interest. By theimprove-BMN to the road the distance to llarrisburg may bewekdin two hours, thereby enabling the Company to...... n o |10,0U0 in tlte next year's expenses. The re¬

ceipts lot putseugcis have niciea.-edj i.17ri '. and thefrrsipts for freight have increased $7 B56 12, making t!i<-total incieascd receipts lor passengers und freight ot113,335 08 in favor ot the present liseal year over the last.Thetotal funded debt ot the Company, running to l-.'.-»1557.845. the unfunded debt is $58,050. In closing thercport the Directors intimate tbut a fan dividend to the.sicJtholders. after paying interest and current expenses,siy be expected soon.'"

Markets-Carefully reportedfor ifte Titiuar.^»'riüVtscAV, Sept,23

aSHUS.The market is Stiady with fair demand..hB3 7S and 4 50. Lx^ort, from 1st to 22d Septembet1Vttl'«» ßVbbls.COnON.The. Bales today have amounted to 3000

«&-j,oi which one im oi New-Orleans ol 750 bales Midelfitsold a'. (J| ctgi Prices paid tO-day aio very full, undl*3w au advance ot half n cent unco the receipt Oi thetcwi Cambria. A large portion of the business I.VfVris on speculation.Uftrtof Cotton from the Voitiot the L'roted Sta'i.. com

siniciiig \st Sept. l$4t>.I I Kec'd

Cleared fro,* Total,

1,4X4137Srw-0i;vulis,ltH6,t>ept.l2j 1^49

Mebiie, Sept.12.1.

norida.Scpt 6.i.

rexas. Sopt.l...

vsargia, täavatinah mid IDanen) sept. 11.j.wh Carolina, Sept. 19..I .

jtah Carolina, Sept.lü.. .nriitua. Sept 1. .

Bsw-York. Sept. 22. 9.312,wher port3, Sept. 11».|AM.otal'.ofofn ports, .bales! 11,116] 7,2£lScaounielasl voar. 10,812 23IW tv'.Sil*s=5Htnevenr"befoie...' 31,107| 82,8811 te.,640



Slock Stockon Ion li'd

bandatjSept 1.imti.t,,;ÜJ1,0881..W




toi»; iiv:3S,8oiM -«;,.Vii>.j 19,550tki.tij.. ir.gia


^"*s cf Cotton in Interior Totctts not included in theJttetiptt. I ISII). j l?4o.

tSftsta and Hamburg, Aug.31. 9.906 6,729*Con.Gco. Aug.31.I H.Uk> L052

Shipping List.FLOUR AND MEAL.The market has been rather

bamat to-day, und with cood inquiry Western brands.t at <ii 874 & .-. the purchases f,,r home uf»* be-agtaojuj- at -1 87j 9 i u-i tor Michigan and Genesce .

forjaipmcnt 5000 bbls were taken at $.*>. pan to remainMore for a few days. The receipts are to lair extenth Souheru there is more movement, and -UKX) bbls.^fSclown and Richmond Country have been taken.» ihiptaent at 4 70 a* I 811. The high rates lor West¬'s Save driven buyers for export to take hold of South7*- There is a demand for Men! and some small lotsfj*3 kid a; S3 5ft Export from 1st to 22d September,"Titst Flour 61,606 bbls.GlUrN-Xhe Wheat market is firm with good inquiry.

01 *e note sales 13,000 bushels Western White, on

Jasi aot made public; 20XX)dogOod al about 102; 600^?Oe Geneset- at 103, and r-tsM do at U'ö cts. nearly allSWOB. Corn Is about 711*711; cts. with sales about«»taihels. lor Rye 77 .. 7S is asked, with sales 2000

Sales 5000 bushels to arrive at 7S ct<. for shiprr- «final! lot inferior Bui ley -old at 50 eta. GoodC~*tt h«Ul at fO cts. without Sides. Oats are ratherV«*-3!33:> cts. for Canal. Export, from 1st to -V.MiSt'W.Corn, 50,310 bushels; WheatIH),S4Gbushels;»-ot-3M oo"*els."alSKY. |. nominnllv -:ö iu bids bet it could not bo

P^e^lcts.jjaTJvlSlo.NS.Inhere i< a gocal inquiry for Pork, and*"S«ketL- buovunt. For Prime S 23 was ottered..^'VWbbla. Mess was made tor England at $10, andr"00- »fair article, at ii SU. The first must have beenSSfk* Beef continues firm. Sales 100 bbls. goodJ«3U7 tu. A p ireel of Pickled Shoulders. 70 tics, soldZl"1* mid H)0 ti\s Hams lor England at 5 cts. F.\KS*» l*t to 22d Septotuber, Heel 3.519 bbls Pork.»Wa; Lard 10.35f.kess.¦"J-h.The niarket is very rtrru. and there has l>cen2*5 huslac*s done at t?l< S7J d 37J, cash, establish-^»Uvaace w wV.s cts, 'Po day 400 trcs. sold

5fE\S.The Tea sale to-day went off well Nearly theJf* catalogue was sold. tXXX) out of 2iSX> hf chesU be

JJ6 off The crade was generally low, and the pricesC».StUuiprevious sales.C^yhRlLS.We have no change to notice m Cot-5*aieh is in lair request from the trade. The >:i!c-S \fv" ^8* BrK£i! Ät -;i ~i tts - Gnen Java. BjgWM|C| volO; 800da lOl 4;a) Sumatra. 71; 150>_yrra. 7' d>71, 4 mos.; 20U St. Domingo, o; and 7oV

2*«ib,i. 6j cents, cash. Iu Sin-ars there has eon

2* * good demand trom the trade, but thebus In some measure been restricted, ow-

!J*o the w-iy -mail suoplv of Muscovado now

ST4 to IS-M hhds. of ail descriptions in firstThe transactions include *.V0 hbds. New-Orleans

gWcents; Aa) Porto Rico, 71 ö'8i; 5b St. Croix -abxs brown Havana. 71«S: and ltA> low WhiU'

.]t^lntos. Molasses continues in tair reoue.-t. and wegfit «alesof ö\Q hhds. Trinidad Cuba, received coastJ^Jt^'ctAi loOStCroix,29id>30i twocartoesCuba,J*f>ftntn-. i«»; 'si bhjs. Cnba Mnscovndo. St«: aud >'*)

^Hieo.;»! j nuw. jg*t*THl:pk<-_A par, el ol i.VX) fb gocnl Weitem l.iw

aH20kl«89 et«, c ish.iiiU!°"-About 1500 quinuls Dry Cod lit*e arriTcd andC^'-OU. leaving the market ban-. Maekerei. with

U.V .^Pts. »re dull Sales of 700 bbls at 9 öfl forTj*? »o. 1; 6 25 for small No. 2 $5 for large No. 3. andeJS> «Call Ko -j. i-jjxtbbls remain afloat unsold.W Herring sold in small !oU at 65 ctt. No. 1, 40 and

(To S 30»h .-alrnon are in request, and acar~oot 477 bb!« Hahlax. Just received, has chan;»-1 hanOr onterm?, not made public.FRUIT.The Er<t cargo of new Malaga was received

here l»y the .-'p. gentle .-t. Andre-, on 11 .;.v andwas offered at auction next day. when 100 trxs Bunch' Raisin- were sold at §-J IT; j 50 hi. do. $! V7; and 'JJ h£kegs Grapes. S3 HQ. 4 mos. w.u.- stop;»ed." since, thenabout 40>.*' bx* Bunch Rai'ms h-crc been run otT ia lotsat $2 I'J 500 hi do. *1 10 500 qaner do. 60 cents. 1mos., and 100 kegs Grapes on term, not made public.The nrit cargo was received last f*um Oct. i>; and tieopening tales were Ht *rd SUtf^uJS 57j for Baach ia hasSI 30a-£i Ifjl tor hf. b>:« aad'ij«o~'centilor rpierters.TP"J-A lot 01 °-** one rijtrd X has beensold

at 7.7. f, rrjos.TOBACCO.Within a lew day: tales have b*en m*d<-

ot I'M bales Havana at 15Ä37 ccnu, lOOhhds. Kentucky1e>5; « do. Stems, I. on time and C3S bales Cuba, forhome use, on terras not niAdc public. Maaa/actared isin lair at about previous rates.SKINS.Sales have !>seu made at about iSJXÖ Cora

coa Goat Skuas at K'ai'J cti. 4 mos.HAY.The sale* for shipment are VfO bales North

Rive, at 4l'&41 cts.HEMP.There hi- brm more doing. We noace

sal'? OfotX) bale* Dcv.-.rotV'd American at $735..*>c0 iS/>do. Manilla i 145. 6 mo?., and '£n do. Sisal, part previousto arrival, on tcrma no: uoide public.OILS.Haaidtorne North West Coast Whale comszania

.ZS cents, lor home use.there is ncthmr doing at pr's-ent lor export Am- neen Linseed is in fsrr request, andprice., have farther advan :cd, >/)a,6-\ cash, tunir ao»-the fair quotation. Small lou Crud.i Sperm sold'at theEastward at 82 cm. but 83 is now demanded. loo baltta.OI;v«j told at 70, 1 taos.; 13 casks. -C cents. <i mosFish Oils we scarce , «mall parcels tank and Shorebrought 912913, cash, which is an advance.COAL.An invoice of 1CW tens Liverpool Orrel sold »t

about 47 73, 4 mos.; there is a fair supply of For'-icr.. audthe market is active.

PASSENGERS AESIVEDIn the sciw CA:kcri;ic. from St Jcgo d'. Cuba.Wm J

Frazier, ol Baltimore.In the bark K )l Chapin. from Jltte-OrloOMt.Thos Ap-

pleton and lady. B V," Blanchard, of New-Orleans.




London.Scp'u 3 Havre. Sept. dLiverpool..>.-pt. j New-Orleans.Sept. 16


CLEARED.Ships Loochoo, Hatch, Rio de Janeiro. Cary 4; Co; J

II f'crkin«. Archer. Or- gonSehr Nile, Hampton.' I'.elj/.e. ,J j Labousfe; Cabot.

Nlckerson, Boston; I.nnrr-i, Trott, Baltimore: AbbottLawrence. Meeker. Boston: Grecian, Chrne. do.Sloop Wnrrcn, Thompson, New-Haven.

ARRIVED.Bark !". H Cliapin, Conn, Crom New-Orleans, t&tli ult

and S W Pass 89th. cotton, j>ork. &c. to master. 14i!iin«. Int 89 43. long 7'J 1B, saw a ship, supposed the Talma,and the bark Tennessee, from New-Orieans for NYork.BELOW.1 Burk. Wind.SSW.SAILED.Ship A'.batro -.

fiats.RT Knox. IU" Fulti n-st, [Si a Bull lings) d.,. U

unnecessary to enter Into particulars respecting his Fa.;Fashions fur ir.4'1. would simply slate that his new stylewill excel i.-i beauty, Ucbtaess, taste am! color any lJuugever offered to the hat wearing puidic ofNew-Tort iL»prices are es low ns ids hats nro fine .»1 lm;s

FnMhfonable Duta..WATSON it CO. 154 balhnm--i. <>fli-r for Inspection nti«l sale the fall style Hals for1S4'>. The KuliMtrihers ilevnie uriiisiial iittenlioh to the pro¬duction of superior qualities of Beaver and Moleskin Ilms,equal to any manufactured, which arc offered at 25 percent, less than Broadway prices,

sin iseodtf WATS.ON_aj._CO. UM Chu'hani-'-qunre.tV niillss, Hatter. ]7v. Broadway, (Howard Hotel.) has

now his Fiui stylo of Huts ready.. To those who wish aneat nnd durable Hut be especially recommends his supe¬rior Nutria and Moleskin Hats at the low-price of S3 50,being confident they will be found superior to any beforesold hi the price. t-17 2w

I?" Gcntlcmen'a I'all .^lylo of IlntN.. IIIKD. mr.

Pine aud Nassau sis..Gentlemen's Hats of the standardstyle for ensuing reason, are now ready for examinalionand sale.The. subscriberdevotes bis attention a« hitherto to the pro¬

duction of the finest quaUUes ofBeaver and Moleskin Hats,and u^- such, they are With eOnBdence recommended to thepublic. BI It 1). cor. and Nassau sts.

September 1st, 1W6. si lima*

ST Kali tfauhion l'or liuta AtGenin's, 214 Bi «way, opposite St. Paul's..Having devoted uUusual atten¬tion ;¦: producing tios i-tyie, Urn attention ofgentleman IsInvited to it.The lightness, grace and buoyant effect of these lints

cannot be described; they must be seen to be appreciated.Genlo receives monthly the style <d' hats frota Puii«, and

usstautly'adopts every tttlhg that is valuable in the newpatterns, und thus his customers share ihe benefits ol Ihejudgment and taste of all i'arn-, united with his own.1st quahiy Nutria hat. .ä-1 &0_UiqvtaRtyMoleskln....&4*d do do.3 SOlUd do do .... 3 1hi

Paris made hats.{Jli, (10Also.Every style of Cap tor men, youths and children.«,¦¦..;

©cngral Notices-T3T The Grand Temple ol HonorS.ol T. will

hold ar adjourned meeting at Columbian Hall.SOS Grand-st. This Evening, at 8 o'clock, lor the transaction of busi¬ness. Representative- are requested to be punctual lr, Ih^lrattendance. john M'.'RPiiY. c. w. It. »24 11

IV* School Exhibition! .Kol e is herebythe Fall Kjamtnnrionot the Pupils of the lrvlus; institute,Tsnytown, will coenmence on Thursday, 21tn InsL andcontinue severs! days.The Closing Ecawitien will be held at lbs Institute on

Wednesday, bnth intt. immediately afier the arrival of thesteamboat Columbus, wine!: leaves the foot ofChambers 7 o'clock. A. M.The exercises will be concluded in time to partake of a

collation served at ihe Institute, and return by the samesteamer to ihe city before evening.The patrons und inend» of Ihe Instituiion ate respect

fultv invited. WILLIAM P. LYON,PrincipalTarrytown, Sept. Sid, l :4t-. ».'i Zlisood

CW A Vonng Lady who can ol refer¬ences, desires a situation in u »chool or family. She is ,: .«

pose l to make her sell usefbl as an SMlstant or companionto a lady, or as a cuaMied to leach EnclistiBraDChos aud Diawing. and would goSouih or West if do-sired. Address 1 0 El' at the Tribune.Office. s24 Iwia

rt?" Deafness, can Be cared by the used ot Dr. A|pleton'» celebrated remedy, which has effected some won¬derful cures of that most distressing malady. PrincipalDCpbt No. L Murray-st.PriceSi._If

THE INVISIBLE WIGVV So cloaely raaeinblea the real ead o:

sceptics and coniiSllsonn have pronounced it ihe most jht-fect and extraordinary invention of tin? day. The krvat ad-VanUure of this novel and utuoiie Wig. iP us being maduwiihout sewing or weaving, winch cause», its appearanceso closely to resemble the'natural hair, both in lightnessand natural appearance, a* to defy detection, its texturebeing »o bcauiiiul, so porous and »o free, that in all cases

of perspiration evaporation is unimpeded, und the greatevtl» of other Wigs avoided. The sceptic and connalsseniare alike invited to inspect this navttand beautiful Wig,and the peculiar method of fitting the head, at the invent¬

or's, (A. C. BARKY.) 14ti Broadwav. corner of Liberty-»'upstair*._ slS Imeodis-

NEW INVENTED WIGS.C?r Dutchelor'N New Invented Wisra ani Scalps

arepronounced by allWho have seen and worn then, mostperfect and natural heads of hair. Wig w earers are Invitedto inspect them ; ihey will at once perceive that what has¦o'lonatbeen to them a source id* Intolerable discomfort,will hencefoith be a real luxury. WM. BATCHELOR,Inventor and only manufacturer, 2 Wa.l-sL near Bread-way, removed from U 5 jjirjo -iwav. auanimMdla'

f-f** Ti»»v [miSOTtVUII Ist Ire O v C rlooU »-rl.. t»t.WOOD'S Sar«nparill« and Wild fh«-rry tliin-r« i-

most nieasaitiand erb-ctun! rer.u-dy for I»y»pep.s;a.Nervou»Affections, Cosliveness, General VVesdüesa, Jaundice.Nervous or Sick Headache, Female Comp.s:nls. u:-l allother diseases oi the binary orcan». and prostration -. thesystem, ever offered to the public. Ii speedily promotesthe remm of strenirthsad acuviiy iu u:i esses ail de!'..e-'

restore* a healthv appetite"* here UUS gTesUCSl ol 1.IngSis deficient, and,as a natural consequence, cive» tone an 1

vigor to the whole system. It ha» cure,! hundreds o! Ca:ker. Vertlco. Liver Complaint, Heartburn. Cutaneous Dis¬eases, and Isacknowledged by physicians to be one of thebest medioine» in u»e.


Sold wholesale and retail by Wyatt .v. Ketchant, i.iFttlloa-st.aad at 192 Broadway; 1^7 Bowery; 311 Bleeck-er s- N Y.i J. W. Smith and Mrs. Hays, Fu.toa-»i. Brook-lvu. tili»'

CtT KlieuilliuiHiu, SlilTjoiutsi. dt-c.-Comp.-:- -i

Svriip of ihe Rydriodate of Potassa, SarsaparlUa and i e;-low Disk.The above is prepared frum ihe purest arti¬cles, and 1» rectmrmended as the bestand only sure care

<>! Rheumatism. At ihi» »ennon of the year, especially, It

is of the greatest Importance, a» il will remove a I Uio-<?

extremely unpiea»amt symptoms, severe paius, stiancsa olthe Joints, l>ack, shoulders, kc. XC. It thus and

quickens the circutattoa, and leaves every part ot the an-

mal economv in a perfect state of heal'.a. The virtues ot

each article have long been known to iho fscaiiv, and t>ytheir iudidoUS adlinxtua-tlieir eilivt-s are greatly ::ic, ease t

For >ale l v . ,

c 1'-.N(, ,

sl^ Imls* Qxly. 1:-' Bro.tawuy. cor. John->l.

r?»-Tooth Ache cured i" one mitiute. I-

of the Clove Anistvne. I'his is :m excellent article,andwill cure the most violent tooth ache or paw in the cum*,

m i«:e minute. The Clove Anodyne is not uup.e-^an: to

the tas-e. or injunous to the teeth, and wi.i permanentlycure any lOOth to which it is Spp&ed. I rice » CUfcPreoared and sold wholesale and rejai, by Jomn-

scv lv iggist and Chen.:-:, in «».Grauius-l*n*g?**Rresuia ay cornet Chamber,-»' ; sold also a: IW Fui'.on-sL

Kid 77 Kast Broadway._ .* InMOdlS

rsr TUo^^nI^d!. of Femalesi after trytog mlSarsaparillas. Cordials and Klixir.- of the dav. tor diseases-»ecf i ar to tiietaselve». without receiving any benent. haw

bteu reswied to health and . igor bv ihe use ol two or

three bcvltle* of " Vaughn's Vegetable Lilhontriptic Mix¬ture." See Sslvertisemem headed " Great American Keia-

CP" The Proprietors,"ta-.r.y-Sve d'.Jerent newspa-r-rrTtn IVnusvNaata alone have sive-. tea WtbalVB fal-ier Is their «s.'y »-raorurd ncrnt ia die eines ot New .

York. Philadelphia. Bo<ten and BaWaMW. kor names of

papers s^Tiiouno of 17th InSt All the papers m Pe.s-ware. aud maayo-hers Is other -states, have given »


IT" Kurniturt.NeticeT'l'turV of any dressariptloa to dispose ¦>!- «IU find a r.-a.:> »a.e

for anv portion or «11 of their good* by scndute a toe or

calling upon iho seWcr.K-r. Gw.»ds of **^¥%S&? m

and to any amount purchased. t t OL1 vr^."

m _No.34Ann-»t-r-?r- v. It. Palmer t- duly authoilred agent of

mo»i of the bestnewspapers llurcsAghout the c^Hintry, far

and near, for whU-h he Is daily receiviiii a.Ivertisemer.isand »ui.scriplion» at his office iu U;e Mbune Butldinga

jj a Ttii.Fisif_


W AU ordcralc-r «ub-scrlptlons, or advertisingIn Couctrv newspapers, intended for V. Ifc Fajaer s^Agen¬cy, should be addressed " TRIBI^NE Bl H-DlNGt»." as hehas no other othco, nor has he deputed any person to repre-S9U his Agency ja any ester place in this Ciiy. ir-^lstf

(?euernl Notices.gT New-York Weekly Tribnne-':--.

G .-d<.y, 5rrtonirr26^-rcETS\.Mae. 1* Thine i The! Irish E-uig*antfs PareweO. Eo:tosx»l.Mua-an ou ofBoo*>. Editorial Correspondence from the Stale Africarani Fun Weanrord ca the Harbor Veto; ElecuairJudgss: The OJet cfP*ie» Rejectee::. Prosecution of theWar. The New .üctncas Tirt5 cot-spare-l wi:b the NewBritish Tarif: Ti.--.-T and Direct Taxation, fcc- POUTU u..Whig and LoCO-rOCO Vmni-irn-i for CorigTCrs, Dr>-r*te», iic: Returns front the Maine Election, WisconsinEiect.ou, Lc. Krws.-ItcportiEt from Meztco.Answer ofMexico to the Proposal ofPeace; Farther from the Arc-.The C'jt".n Cror From Csiiitrma: Terrible S:orr. cn theCoast: Ict-nest-..-.? Slave C*-e. Ff-ui the Cape of GoodH«pe; The WaratXasroo: Ffteeu Days Later from Eu¬rope, by '.be Cambria.with full Extracts from out ForeignFUesj Great Fire at Nitlo i; Beport of ties Msrdei It tlat Spencer at Ber»e=. X. J From the Sandwich Island;.Loarof the Steamer New-York.Loss of Liiei SheDay]Proceediiigi^ltbeOJNiTiTCTio.vai. Co.vvt>KO.v. t Dre.jn

; end Domestic Correspcndeaee of The Tnbuu». Ml (LayrxotTI.Letter frctn England, by Miss Fuller; Santa

j Asa's proclicianoa. Samuel Lover. The Universalis: Con-rention at Troy. Political Economy -. Genesee Methodist.Conference, lie. Ac Costaiicbi IsrELLtotscr .Pro-duce. Stocka, Money. Cattle Mirket. Review o; the New-York Market.Single copies, put ua in »rappers for the Mails, can be

obtained at the dc=k.price bj cent*.

J G"" TEEMS-iKS rery-er. AB subscriptions payableU2ex.".y in advance. Aldr-^s

GREELEY it McELRATH. Trirune BtsUilttg«.cor. Spruce and Na-au si', opoositethe City HaR

''HTJMBTJG 13 THE ORDER OF TEE DAY" A palpanly true saying, for what is the ose of adver-

ttsicg the truth, when the public are lo:h to appreciate thediflereace?" This is la the mouth of most every onenow-a-day*, as well as

MRS JEEVIS'S COLD CANDY.WVEimtD is the tea?. 1846.

! And composed of SIX safe and vafnabla iccredtenH.which WILL NOT cure the Consumption.

but will cure a Cold,.winch WILL NOT cure the Liver Complaint.

but will cure a dry hacking Cough.J .which WILL NOT cure one-half the catalogue of ill-

that fioch is heir to, but will cure a


and all the EARLY INFECTS ofA COLD.

Principal Office for Its sale 338 P.ROADWAY, next doorto the Tabernacle, put up in» of a .hilling, twosliillinr*. and four shillinc« each- sTIStls*

AMBROSIAL CP.P.1S PASTE.Far cUn. mg the Tttti and iStmtk and prt.trmng tke (iumi.

( 7 Thin delightful stud vrholenome Odnntnl-Iflr I'nstf > hi; -;eeine by all -a ho hi"" used it,forkeeping the breath fre-h and sweet, preserving t!-e gums ina healthy condition, and consequently preventing the de-

J eay of the teeth. It is considered a very rtchtrchl articlewherever it i« known, and is beyond comparison the most

beautiful and perfect preparation for lh« purpose ever of¬fered to the public, and ha« received 'the highest approba-tion of the most eminent denial snrgeons of this city.Prepared aiid sold,wholesale and retail, by Henry Jon.*«-

sov, Drhggisj and Chemist, In the Granite Building. 273Broadway, dr. Chanttbers-SL Sold also at ino Fulton-st,and 77 East Broadway. Prire SO cents. s3 Imeodts

BATCHDLOR'S HAIR-DYE-F-?* A Liquid ColortntT. fortheHair, Whiskers, Ac

Its claims to patronage will at once be understood bythose who have used or sold the preparations offered fordyeing llie hair. It? application is simple, its e.lect cer-lain, being emphatically a perfect Hair-Dye, withoul'de-Istroying the elasticity or neallh of the hair. To fancy-store keepers, druggists, iic il wttl be found a most rte-sirable arlieie, as tiiey can wf!i confidence r«-e.-oitr.en-t t:to their c:is'.03i"ts, and not be troubled with complaints ofItsvdyaing the skin or linen. It will not rub oCtbe hakv jand conn-in; iraslnngonly improves Us appearance. Thecolor is permanent and perfectly nniforin, entirely freefrom tlio--e unnatural linie, varying from the faded green to |the royal purple produced by the ordinary hair dyes. In Iproof of its efficacy the utventer is jirejiarcd io apply theDye W whiskers, or a portion of the hair, without charste,to those wislnn-j 10 purchase if it proves sul.sfactory ; forwhich purpose his has private rooms. Prepared only andsold wholesale and retail by WIM. BATCHELOR, Na 2Waü-sr. near Broadway. Price $1 ; double ti/r Si 50.Copy the address.Agtalt..New-Yorki Dr. Gouraud.fö Wulker-st Brook¬

lyn Mr-. Hays, IJ9 Kultott-sL Washington, D. C.: J. II.Uibbs, Pen. Av.

_auis lriiet-dis-

DR. MANIOTTA'Seast i.npia Tcenc,

foi Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, i c, .v'-.

15'" Tntvclrrs, !r,..i h c< li.-!.i[, "I air and wa¬

ter, are habits to many diseases which can !¦¦. prevented byilit ii-'- of the Tome, wheneverthey find themselves m anyw ay !.,,,: ,ps>s4-d. Tl,:- ttn«li..ine « ili always prevent themfrom contxacdngcontasious diseases,'such as yellow fever,scarlel fever, Sic. iic. Persons of extreme bilious teinpera-meni, may live long and liealthy in the Southern clfmateby the na« "i 'hi- article. Personal references .-ivcn toseveral hundred of our first citizens.Agents wanted throughout the United States. Applica¬

tions, ifajst paid) addressed to the proprietoisi Imeodls' B. KENN HR. '¦" Nasaau st.

GLT The I . s. x tiittp oi 1^1-2. The subirespectmiiy announce dial their lait-e mezxotinl engravingof tiio United Stales Senate Ucompleted ami will, in a shortlime, be published Thos-s' who desire to receive eaily im¬

pressions are Invited to call at the NatMaal Mimatarc Gal-lery and e.\ saline llie enctaving.auia istl ANTHONY. CLARK it CO. 217 Broadway.

iUistcIlancous.1NTLUENZA'S Medicated Vap

184 Fulion-st. are a speedy, safe and certain remedyMRS. CARROLL'S Medicated Vapo: andSuiphur Batbs184 Kulion-st. are a speedy, safe and certain remedy

for Coughs, Colds, Sore Throats, Sutfness of Joints, Rheu-matisni and m all cases of the prevailimt Ir.äuenza. bav«proved an eileciual cure. Open from o o'clock in the morn-

tnsT tül 10 o'clock atnlght_s24 lw

OLD \VIM>, N A li'L PAULDfNG, No IS Vesey-st. oilers for sale, in lots to sun purchasers and u: ry

reduced prices, bis >'ock of ClLoMadetraand Brown. Goldand Pale Sherry Wine-,, consisting Oi about 330 do/, an-i.oo demi|o!ins öf choice »elecied jiarc-.-ls of various brandsand ofdifferent characters. ranging from li to j» years oldfrom the vintage.Ai-o. u few pipes Old Madeira and butts Old Sherry

Win..._-.'4 lwDlltW

jlTEDORA .UIMMi < OMPANV LakeSunei1'J.oi..Notice is hereby s:n-:i :o the Shareholders of

Companv, flial an assessment of one dollar a share is re-

quired, payable el ihe oince of th" undersigned, thirtyUavs alter date. By order of the Trustees.

WM. R. MORGAN. Sec. v, -1J \VUliatn-stNew V.i-k. Sept. 2o, _s.'l Jawltn

\7JT OOD-8CÄEWS. 1vv Wood-screws, in lots io suit purchas-er», manufactur¬ed by theSauseer Company, Mida.etowu. and liehe«ed '.

be superior to any In tnarkei.for sslebv theirAgents2-l BENJ- M. SHHItM-VS. cor. Broad and Beaver »:s.

F'liii: BBICKS, Kaolen Fire Clay, Ac.Thiscriber.Agent for one of the best tnanufaclurers in New-

Jersey, will sell any description or quantity of Fire Blicks.which may be wanted.-also, Kiioleu F;re Clay, i.e.

s-4 BENJ. M. SHERMAN, cor. B.-oa.I «nd Beavei m».

fSAAC Bs READ.102 Broad-st, has for1 118 tletces Prime Mess Beet.UW bbls. extra quality Lard

<i) bbls. Whisky, low pioof.i bales full blood Merino Wool.

401) kegs LardZOO bbiS Clear Pork.00 bh!s Pickled Hams.60 bbls Pot Ashes, first soil.

Pork Beads._»34 3riVOTIt'K-liiTfTinatie-Ti j':.-. >>.. ie.anon-res-1^ nient deteor. The undersigned bavinj been duly ap¬pointed T-iis'.ees of all the esiate. real sud personal, ol

John M. Triajble. now or lale of the Slabs of Ne"w-Jersey.a DOD-r-aatdentdclbtor, by the Hon. I>. r. Itur^aba-sa, Asso¬

ciate Jmice of ihe Court ofCommon Pleas for the City andCounty ofNew-York. (theoSVer who i-i-ned the aiiach-mem iiBviti; resigned hi? office,) do hereby give notice to

all person.- indebted to said John M. Trimble io render an

account of ali debts and sums of money owing by thrm re-

rpcctively lu the undersigned, and pay the same on or be¬fore the tenth day of November next, r.: ihe otter <>; (,eort-e

Bra.'.-haw, sttoruev at law. No. jj John-slreet. in the C :yOf New-York : and" all persons having in their possessionanv pa>pertv or effects of such debtor, are hereby requiredanil -ioi ried'to deliver ihe same to the undersigned on or

before the dav and vear aforesaid, and al the place afore¬said; and nil rred'ltors of the said Johu M. Trimble are

hereby notified to deliver their respective accounts and de¬mands io ihe, or one of iheni. on or before ihe-aid tenth dav of November next. Dated New-York, Sept,SJd. IRt-A OED. BRADSHAW.l

A.H. WALLIS. Tiustees.<M lawSw L S. PHELPS, Jr._>BY ORDEK of lion. Cl.arle- i" 1'- y. V-¦.¦".ste .'¦ i.f

Ofthe Court of Common Pleas for.the C :ty and countyOf New-York, notice is hereby in-on. pursuant to the pro-visions i.fibe statute authorising attachments sgaiust si- c.iiires.ed. and n--,a-rrs:-Jent debtor-., mat an al-

tachmeut ha* issued against the estate ot Janie» M. be--'.,a resiileni ofthe Slate of Connecticut, and mal the »ime

will be sold for the paymentof his debus, uaiess he appearand discbarge such atiachaient. accorutns to law, withinBine months from the first publication of this notice i andthat the payment of anv debts due to him by resideais of

this State, "and the delivery to him ot for his use of anyprepertv w.ihhi this Siale. beionfing to hnu and the trans¬fer ofany such properiv bv him ase forbiddaa by law. aadare void. Dateo the23d "iny of September. IS-lo.

M. R- BREWER. Attorney for Atiachiue Credlls2l tawSm _gj Wali-st. N. t

1 \ CHANCERY .Be the . - a'i*.}heI Kirst Circuit.--^Robert C. wetm ire .d.-.hers-.-.tti-jsnU. Brown and others.BQl for pamtion of -auds.-\\ iAaSlH. Brown, one of the defendants m this cause, who re» ur»

in ihe Slate of Kentuckv. who is inieresteu in the primnsesof which parttnon is soucht bv the bin in tats cause, oemgdtnated m the CityofNew-York, and known a* street

Nos. 12S. 125.127 and 135 Lewi* street i Nose So aad S7

SberitT-streeli Nos. -17 :^ia Ä' Wiilt-f.-street, and aiso\\ardNos. 470 to -177 inclusive, in the Eleventh W re-

qtiiresl to sptH-a.- and answer the compisnii ;ii unscause bv ihe lenih dav of December nexi.or sucrh hill wfflbe taken a* confessed airainst tun. New-1 or*, ^ept. ITS,lSiö. ChlL». BRADSHAW, Cornr-lainaats' Se-jcitor.

lawjw_ 52

DM. POWELL, CVti'ist and Anrlst. sf- ds t. D -

eases of the Eye and Ear from 9 to 4 o'clock, at -is teas

kience, 9e*I Broadway. corner of Wairen-st.-t-rabismus o: Souiuiiu* eure-l in a few minutes. Deat-

nt-"-'- and all disehirces from ins Eir pt'nnanetitly cured.iJtifichd Eves inscrlid. Speclacits adapie-i to ..' '-e-

gjj' _

-1 Ir-ifo- -

LV'll'** VM> ( ANl>LL>TK K.-.-.VVi ts-itamna Lamp-- and Catid.estivks .-i.- mtly oa

hand and for wholesale^^.^^TiS\̂..,

. t\i\f\ TO >>7o«Ö TO LOAN.S(),(HH).um

^Vfi'KXR x VAN DYKX. No Sassaa

npo LOAN_tr2.ikX' on inimcumbered Real Eats

CASTORS.-Britannia Revoiviag Castors, with cut

I-Si.nai.ort5, a>c. iXlanicfj.

\\" *> "*>Tt i) ...

_*T Yo-mg-Woran of »üb«:=r d-»posi'iou"ard wijiacto. rrtlrrasei-i. Apply alNo. «SLe "-

avenae.. -.

11 'lUCUJiii. 5 p ;T:v- of a NW.Etvj-aad'c^^_" w- ;¦ sumoaii. ose two war".- *-. -r-CV

'-'"--.£. meat »eacier of asy uf tie branches e-'

TO JOB PRINTER!*.--* person whlT^T"^._~--rsl/> esperircee m tie Jot r/rirxa-x Bu- Be

*¦::..-..;...: -r»-. jj Uli» c.ty. i, -«.;roo»"

neat p.. addresi, "Job ?- r-er- at SaarnPace._lrtA HESPECTABLE Prot-rr-iac: Yoon? U ^n"^^.. r-'¦}~'L'-1 ~ rdiambeiizusid and wauer. or takj* care

'-. cat area ai d puun n feoeraja,-.a»-:w«rii.naiir^ :r.-a:e faa.l:y. Ttwbeatcf city reference given.

":UJioa-»a cen be seen Wodit».ILLINLit"WANTED.-A -st rata Mültser"wasted ct.::. Grand at. One who can come w

retcmniecoeö. as to character and cipar.i.:-r. aiay ea.""i^aiir.tHf. Notre other need apply.*± I TtTfTÖV.»» WANTED.i


nurse., ukt 4 at cooks; Szirii (sisten) fortbecountryScotch and G rmas girls b office as cook*. A - j; yEmpl rjTDeai Q S -. -2?} Broadway 1. p. SAL\^r-ERs!\yA>TMl-A xcuag Man who can conSana cash» " äio to *!«, to ad aa partner or v,'«.a: ir. tfc- hlerarv'perfumery and iucionery besnes*. wlacfc -die edveriieTv ea lo »rock and hare opened uader tie charge of a

"-el. steady person. Boara and «aiarv or share uf thepr~-> givea.' A *.. : .> 'e pi r.-- ;. w-n ass this a goc. l;~iat.uc for w.r.'.er. lie. Address L-e. Tribune officeNone bu: those w .:b funds and read»; to ccar- seedapply._"\*yATSTED.Bytwo Teapectahle rauneWomen, a

» üOi.s.ose to cook, traeh and Iron, an-i do lie genera;hoosework of a re»pectajle family ; the other as ccamber-maid or childrrs s nitr»e the l-tli-r a Protestant The be»t1 f cry reference gtreal Pleaas apply -.1 Xo. Ic^ Hestcr--inear Mott. ,J4 ,

\V.vSTKD.Ä~ .V- r. ^y a Protestan: Woraia; nan. » excellent enok. «nserior waaher and iroaer: a wiilia^

to srenera! beaeewtrrk in a *r.iall faaily, or canwell perform the laue»of elnunberwork. >.ie cac tsieeeafor ;he n-ni 2 day. at her former employer's, ss Sixti-st.waere a more de'r'mtereromniend av ails her. Jj» 1

YVANTED*.A. personhaving I Oorl lollars. wiahei»» toeaga-» ia some raxsufsctnr ... .-.-ess where histime and money will pav a la.r p.- tit. Any or.e now en-t'iiee; [n a_. y inch business and wishing a partJier may ad-c 'e?» " P." it this o5ce, statine kind 1" Etil x»»s sad wherean interview can be had any time this week. ,;t jt-

VV Ä.NTlTlTTÄ .1 .at-a. hy'a Voang Weman,as a 3* » plain coos, who i» aa excellent washer -^^ ironer, or 1

to do the general housework c:' a »maii fjmi.'r. r>i-eproduce the best of city reference. Apply at (A Church-»i.comer of Warren, m the crTrcery *:nre. s«i Jt*

\\*A>TEO.A situation hy 1 respectable Girl as nurse"» and plain »ev. iag, or chatubennaid and take care ofci..:d.-en. and is to make herse.f eenerailv nsefaL.Goed recommendation's. Please call at ÖT' McDca.-.; it .::

the bs»ernenL sll

\IfANTED.S tationj i-y two Y. ng W< one :i

r good cook, washer aam ironer.; iindar»tands and pastry: the other as chamberma d or narse..Best of city reference; Apply at 180 2d-»t. in the base-meat. it-

\V ANTLD-ti¦; V n e M irs fi ..

"* st'idie?. s quiet, airysnil convenient rcom. somewhere!>etw.-ca Bli-trker-st. and Vaion-sTjiiare. and We?: of jB m. way. Terrr.» moderate; Address " Stuart,-- Tr

_-:; It*

W'ANTED-S.- -tioni by i Young tVomen; one a

r T cood plain cook, washer and ironer.lived 2 years inher last place 1 the other as chambermaid or nurse. Bestofc;:y reference. Apply at No. -v Prince--!. 1st floor, ha-knytm._ It*VVANTED Vi lestant Y'oungW'oman,tt us seamstrestvor aar«» ai.d «CRiasire»». i"h»»d cityreference. Apply at 2itl Bowery, in the s;ore. Under- isi.n:;.. - 3ress>nnuuhg snd would make herself geaerallv ;useful_it-\\" vntkii-S .' . .:- ..- 1 M :. a-.d U 1..- :.

TT [arm and his wife lor house and dairy work i is a gravibaker and ironer and both will be generally useful ::i a

steady place for low wages. Please inquire at 4221 Broad¬way. s24 2t* '

VyANTtO-A sifiation. by a respectable Young Wo-TTrnnn, as chambermaid 'or child's nurje, or generalhousework. The best of refcrenc-n giver, from her lastemployer: Imrniresd47AvenueTJ. tC\\~ \ ">TIIII. '. -. n .» aurse,seamstress orcaam-11 uermai bys respectable Young Woman,wbo hasIctd the care nud lastiacUon of children for some years..Cull at 20S Mulrx-rry-sL It*

UAMTliil -A utuarJoabya respectable Young Wo¬man, a j.ood cook, wa»her und ironer; the best of city

references. If not engaged ?he can be seem for two daysat No. otiTl Bowery. «21 It*

WANTED.A -ittaiion by s rc.-pertah!e Young Girl, aschambermaid, or to assist In the washing and Ironing,

or do general hoosework. The bettorcity reference given.Inquire al ITS MotI-»L If

\ 1' i.NTI.I).AI A¦ * man to do the cooking, w'ashinp and ironing ot a smallpnvate family ; good city references given ApplvaiUCrosby-sL in the rear._ a24 2f !

\\' WTI.l) \ as nurse, sewtt chamberwork, by a Young Woman who has lived ,«

years in net la-t p «. e a> nurse. Please call «t tl Hammond^st-in therear,up stairs. a?4 3t'

V\I kNTEO Ktii ." or to d<i general .e;..-w orl; 111.1 small pn .-ate f.u::by a Young Woman with best of city reference. Apply it2 Stooe-8l.


«.¦; jf t

\ \' \NTED 1 situsT 11 oner, or to make i»er«-;t generally usefn) In a small

family. »>y a Young Woman with cood reference. Address' Mary.' mi this «.'t sr

\\,'.\NTMI> -A -.' lation u- cook, wash and ir» tovT geuera] housework, by a Young Woman w:lhgood reference. No fo in the country. An-ply at 1*11 Tarick-st. back-roota. ist floor. »21 Jf

\V.\StI'II>- A simation by » respectable Young Wo-t t m^ri in do the rooking, wuslunc und ironuig ol a smallfamily, or as chambeanaid and w aiter. Good city refer-ence can be given. Please call at 390 Monroe-st. &24 It"

\\* A nt I'd respectable Young Woman, a sittia-tt uonuschamliemiaid. loa.-»:»-, in the washingand iron-

mg or or plain sew ing or waiting. Can give good Cityreference. Inquire at I IK Woostet »L m the rear. «21 i'f

\\'ÄNTEI1. A situation, by avfrotestani Woman, to do* t the general li«>u»ework of a small family the best ofcity reference. Please call at No. 2 l.-t-avenue, corner ofHouston. _*24 2t*

ANTED.A situation to cook and do general house¬work, by a Young Woman with good reference. She j

alia undersisjids pastry. Apply at 14 Vaadarn-sL 1st floor.

YYr-*"*ted.-*> Situation to do chamberwork. tightt t housework or nursing, by a Young Womaa with goodreference. Apply at 31 Eleventh sr. Srst floor. j£4 2i

YY^ÄNTIlIi.A simation by a Young Woman, a goodt» ina;n cook, wa-her and ironer, or chambermaid, or

nut»e. i .nod city reference. Apply al 41 Uuane-sl. It" jY\*an'1'fi* Fsin ei arev t u Ith tue best servants in the city: well recommendedand capable. The ladies will please call._r24 Jos'

WAXTED-A simation by. an Amerian Young Wo-man as nurse and 10 00 plain sew.:,.-. Has e-<cellent

reference, glaase mquiro at No.122; B:'sdway s24 If

\V* \ntei>t t ways be hid, with good references, at 224 Gracd-sLnear Bowery. It" j


' ANTED.G .>.¦¦: ...>......

a:78 Li'penard-sr. j. S. SCUPPER. »a> ;t-

13oaröi!iq.BOARD WANTED.A gentleman as bis wife wish

to obtain board for the Winter and perhaps longer in arespectable private family,down tows, where they willhud the quiet and comforts of a home.a pnus family pre-ferred. Terms must be mod rate. References exchang.od. Address Ü. A. at this office. ».;,:'

OAKIiTmTT. i Fr ite i tm \ ieäääm baca

parlor on the Crst or second floor, or two room, andSmall kitchen to lea The bouse i» a situated in a quiet sadrespectable ceighoorhood.beaig .3 Elm-st. between Broomeaud Grand sts. Apply al No. 16«> Elm-st. s22 Iwis*

BOARDIX;. A 1 .:. ::. ;: -v

on tlie second floor may be obtained In a respectableprivate fam&y, by applying at I4> Franslin-st, s24 3t*

BOAKD.Pleasant i| and guvd board can'-1

aad at No. lfti Fiiltnc--t. a few doors we»l of riroed-wav. Tl.. - ::.- ... tie let singly or in suit*, and will belet "without board to single centlernen if desire 1. »21 If

BOA It !>....':.- '¦¦.-» .-.> .» re-,vcia ...ty can

have mil or partial board i = moderate ternis.' withpleiftnr.: nx'ms l:,q:::rt? al W sear Brtnulwor.

References required. »13 lw:»-'

BOAltlr..A cet-'.-rtnau and ms wife, or :u o »ingiegenllemeu. can he accommodated with board at 5

Anety-sl. m a private family. »24 Iw*

PK1VATE KOO2US wttt lea.A privatelamily will let to one or two gentlemen % aaadsou'c par¬

lor as alHive, furnished or not.location up town. North»ide. within a minute's walk of three lines of stages.noboarders taken. Address A. B. al tins orhce._If I

lOf GitE£NWICIl-ST. corner ofCedar..B.1Or wits i.oaid for s.gentlemen.Booms furnishedor untarnished for two genilemea aad their wives. Also,day boarders Apply as above. _IfT> 001*I?» TO LET.OnelAsrouiiae laiea w.Hi a f..T..»-ed -.' room aad bed-room adjoining, by applying »t 212 F'ultoa-st. West of

Broadway._-¦'tiENT l.ll.TIAN ¦¦-¦^ --- >' Z

-a itn a »rce sari-r and pantries ai:ach.-c.

by icquiring al 139 East Broadway. Reference exchanged. !'»24 3t*_._A BACK PAKI.OB

alJLful room, partiv famished, adrainshly suited to a siegleman. and at a very low renn Inquire aiir Park-place. j

^.>inTLlNEKY.-M.»- N- J-« BArONGJAgeat,)lü+iS Broadwav. will open tiie ia-i raslnons oa

"*Thar.-d»v, the"24th in?-- Mrs. F. will exhibit a »a-

_, ;,erior asVonmcnt of Millinery Goods selected ex-

pre»».v for hoc e»:a--sniaent._»22 Jtis*

"..MILLINERY.-M". M. VAN VEGHTEN,jNo. 1S4Bowerv, will-'pva aa ei-gaat assorticect

'of ParisMiitinery oa Thursday, the 2tth mstact.

MI-sS LOBECK. iccessot 10 Miss WartigJ2ST- Broaa-vay. v. Dl open Farts Mii-eaery oa

Thursday. Sep. .1. . IS.

DEI EL, >.' 3r si a- .; :

rv on 2.1 .--.±2.-s21 It

SÄTTH^TOKKEY st CO.No. 5o Maucn-.'ane. e-Veaaiag ihrou^ato No.*, Liberiy-

»I. djiouli the view to makmg it the ,eading store ia tse

Called Slates 12 their imc. i e- Eocsekeeping articles mevery varietv, of Hardware. Ciuiery. Plale.-f. Blhaenia.brichl and spanned Tin. Wooden aad Wulow Ware,Brasne». Ma's.^i a « ord, every tr.ide re-juire-i ia fai-n>:.:i;2'die ki'xtca arrd table.Having oiade arrangements m London and Pans for the

proaip; -shipriieai of even assrfal arucie ia their line, as ir.-:rod-.i.rci, iLev stand rea^y to recei-re orieri fur say pa.-^-cnlar axucie' of clber Ezglish or French aiaauiactcre.which their customers or ethers may desire in have im-

piirled.Kxplo- h.2 a largo ntrmber of hands :u the rrannfirtare

of Baths,"5heet Copper, planished aad plam Tin werk, aar

order in thus line wi.1 be promptly amended to.

Japannery in any part.-cnlar sryle or pailem neatly e~e-

cuied. having m thai department artists of peculiar men*.Whether purchasers or ms, visitors to the store will 13-

variablv receive rxjute attarn-co. Goods delrvered in anypert of'thecitv. Brooklyn or Jersey City, free ofcharge.Catalogue, öf the goods may he had a; th- store. No- »0

Maidea-Isc?. and tfu. J3 JaVserty-it. s.


* Mv-.'ir::"viiv MWaX.

BT li-ä author of^Pan) Jones." .. Cruistnrs in the LastV. sr. i.e.-Price 5c-a-j.- r.. .. _i.rd. n-f-ot-v-Im« ¦ seriej f Romances cf tfc* Re-cciaaöai, oe'ers ihs

work, coclii-"--*!. fron the oriüisDcy ot ii* pao-»..lkai. u wül. .'--rj'T» i "or.

Marion and h»» Men U from the p-*-i cf» fopetar As--. :- re rsai by ai. ;.-rt -jxere»-. Irls de-

-maes to idustrsie the character of the J£ec who wer«foretrto-; in :he Kevulaiiosary .-heck, aad to whom vr- areso tauch jdehteu for the -»reedy establishment ot" oar liber-

*. The nameci'Marioa'is ever dear lo tbe AmericansaM vrL: i-e reu--e-ut-'--.-<i *« ry vv.s ready to stand forthis defence of his country.Country Ageaü vote with a s'lFF1? cf the werk« vi pj

piea^e direct th-ir order-? tn-. v."M H ¦:BA3BIM I_at B th ...

T"H£ rXLUSCTATED MA.rAZINELVR OCTOBER..Jus: J*ubi-*he-A.The number for theA' .-.-mta.; rooolh is nscaL with fcur e.e-

east enxras sis* OB steel.-entitledT .r r".:tth:.i«c..-i:ed eam- .:.'Seer" on the Hn-isor.. from :z - s.r.i'.. by Calw*V t.-J r.: _-:ar. t.The Water Cxrrie.-.D>ecoafesna«ns,a*asnil, jrted and tateresarig. -m

t icing article* from the pens ci'M.-s. Osgood. R. F. Gtee-Mrs. Sheldon, EL it. (.'.talents. l a >rmth. R H S'od-

.i.-i. the Editor and o'bers.The unyrecedeuied success of this Magazine is 'he best

guaranty tue public can have of ti* tarnt: in fact, ail whohare seen it aid subscribed to it. have pronounced it one of*\fnot the* best Magazines m the country.A libers: discount to Agent* and Dciiers.All the Magazine* for October tor sale. »hclesa.'e and

-r.-.., i: [ssj ajgj wm. Taylor x go iAs* r u-ok HEROES HE?i 3 "'. .-.s-iip!

\ND THE HEKOI- HISTORY..Six Lectures. ByThomas Carlvie. one v&ü IJnex Price öo ceuts. Just

* WILEY x, PUTNAM, 1»l Broadway... 1: is loo wej known and too much admired to seed

comnieudzt.oa iroin asv quarter.'' (Tribune.ALSO.

Paper- on L.'.ennire jr. Art Bv S. Margaret Fuller,asii. r of - Warnen if il-.e N' C< r.r.iry. -Jammer

the Lakes," &c. Two rolanes, tfimo. 'on~:xg No*. iäand Jo of the " Ltbrary of Aaer.cas Books. Price Si.

" Remarkable for high and cuitieated thought, and for a

fbc* and falthfcUy pursued moral aim."'Democratic Review, j

.' Hochelaga, or England .u the New World.Edited byE .t Warbtirton.a.itiiorcf 'Crescent atid the Cross.".1a > parts, !7j :e: IS each...7..:« is- -"e ot" t..e best f-ock» on America we have seen

for a long time. When once the book is taken up. ao onewin t>el nke laying it down until it is rlnished-."

[s. y. E"an(relist.Tra* els by the Author of Vathek. With an excursion to j

Alcobaea and Batalua. By William Beckibrd." iilow-nc vr-.ib genan. [Gent etre-,« Mairaiine. sJS

D.tamily ::mmtntaky


L-.i.*-.: in the Dwelling! or. A Harmony of the Four Go*,pe... with short and simple Remarks, adapted to reading [«t Family Prayer- ud arranged m^ sections, for everyday ia the year. By the author of .. Peep of Dav." " Line |upon Line."' Ac. Ac One volonte Svo. of 5.iO pages. Price51 7A

.. This work will be- highly esteemed in pious families. !. . - T»iere is much of uaatfected eamasMesa and trutb- If'tl simplicity and winning piety ilirouv-boui the is one of those book- that may be 'aid be.-ide the Biblewill ail suggesting the tdea of-o-trr.-t.a companion forthe Bible end for the Bible reader." [Com. Adv." This :s 'he title of a very haadsome octavo rolume just

published try the Apptelous, and admirably calculated to beof essential service in the progress of reliiinn. It is madeup of plain comments upon short portions of'.:.p'-'e, to he r«ad at family prayers. The author's ta»kseem* to bare been performed with intelligence and greatcare, and the work will beyond all doubt prove widely andgeneraUy usofitL It cannot have too wide a circulation."




BY C. EDWARPS LESTER. E-j. accompanied bv a

beautintl Portrait, enirraved on Steel, by Dick. Also,descriptive Mips, from originaldesicas. at. the Battles of

;e -|(. r. S' and ->n-: J icit.'.o Ptce Fitly Cents.In this volume Ihe private and public life of the present

Senator from Texas is civ en in graphic detail, clearing upmany debated »tid misrepresented points in his history,and furuishtog the most, indeed Ihe only, complete carra-

Üve ofhimselfand contesnporaries ever writteni The pub-li-iier- can :y ilia' 'i - Stve Pat-'r», n ith oilier :al mat-ter. are derived from the Legislative arcliivi-« and other re-

liable sources, and iliat tlie recorded events of the bookesrry their own ev.dem e of simple truth and impartiality.Ihe polit! ai history nfTexas is eminently valuable.

Bl rgess, STRLNOER iiCÖ. Publishers,sZ> j'lis 2il Broad v\'iv. cor. Ann-^t.

BOOKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.rpilE SUBSCRIBERS naveon hand and willseB whole-a sate or retail, a larce assortment of School, Classical,Tbelogical and MiKeDaneousBooks, They invite countrymerclunts, teachers and others to examine their slock andprices before purchasing elsewhere.

I*iib;i«!iers of Sanders' Series of Readers, Brmlbury'sMusical Works, il itchcoc ijs Geolory. Grav/s Chemistry.Gale's Philosophy, Porter's Resder, a.c lie Also, a goodassortment of Mationarv.

-.. tf MARK il. NEWMAN V CO. 199 Broadway.

Gcljools.» LLEN DODWOKTn-'S Private DAN". \v Ifroome-SG near Broadway..A. I». would beeleave to inform ins friends and Hie public, that havingmade ctcat alterations and improvements in his rooms, bywiden the iUta and accommodations are very much In¬creased, will open In-Clas-'-s for the pea-oil on T'lesdav,Oct6th. at o P. M. for Lad."* avl Children,und i P.M....i ientlt awn,

Tli" Instruct -it= include al' lb- ft-'donab!" danr-s o|

thadayi slOJemsTerm x-'. made know n by applying at the ScbooL

i?v\ v \TicN for nö\ -

JLi.Tl.ii es' bin-'iit iremove.! '¦, Mtur iv II.:!. Levin.or .1. and 38th it) wul be reopened, after vacation,on the 1st of September. T. DVVTOHX PORTER,

a ..i "-M'.Tu THEODOREW Pi>RTF.R.

ÖTätECT'DAY SCliÖlU.". Mis COLES has^ opened tier Sctto-'i (¦.' 'he rcr.-ptiou of Young Boys at

f! Mercer-sL Circuiarf. witb lerrBS, at the School,,;t 2w«



'T'HEPARTNERSHIP vt.ting between1 the subscribers is this day itiiiluaily dissolved, Mr.

.qja w im», the atuini.c line. ^Be .> utness 11 the late mm w ill be *eiil»d 1 y the

W p irtcers.tSlgnedt S. P. WILLIAMS.


Dated New-York, Sept llkh.lMS.jy The subscribers will contnuM the b'isicess u-.fler

the name and style of S. P. Williams a Co.I, S. P. WILLIAMS.

S. T. WILLIAMS.Dated New-York. Sept 19th. 1346. »21 3ti.--

Di>soll'TIoS'..The Co-partnership heretofore ex-

isii.'.g under the firm of Arthur. Teckhatn V Co. is tins

day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of ihelate firm will be settled bv Alfred G. Peekham and JamesB. RnmnlL WILLIAM C. arthur.


New-York, Sepleuiberj, 18-1Ö.

NOTICE.The uadersinned have entered into copartner¬ship under tho firm of Peekham X Rumriii, and will con¬

tinue ice Msnnfsemrins Jewelry business at it joim-sLALFRED G. PECKHAM,JAMES B. RL'MRILL.

New-York. September Alh. Is-Ki. s7 lulls"

HEiVakT.N EK.-H 11* heretofore ex . ;¦ be weenthe uadersinned in ihe manufacture of Hou/n's Patent

Skirts, was dissolved on the li'th insL and Mr. Hough, thepateaee is now »olely iniererled in L'ie said business, andthe assets of said manufacturing concern.

J. N. a T EL SELBY v. CO.»J ill- D.W1D HQCGH, Jr.

x"ca3 fall C5oous.SCOTCH PLAID YEL,YETS,in

various Clans, Argyie, Forty-second Royal Stuart,Gordon and Oleniyon : also various fancy plaids, decidedlytho handsciuest Vostings in market. Ju"«i received by

WM. T. JENNINGS A CO.sili Iwis 251 Broadway. Aiflerii-an Hotel


the entire stock cf carpeting, druggets, oii-ciofhs.Ac. in

the large md spacious carpel ware room. -U2 Fearl-sneei.formerlyowned by Masers. A. X E. S. Hlggins. are now

prepare- IO t"r Ibelr friend* nr.U the public the klgv«

ItOCJt, together with receat purchases, at prices far itelowthe marken By calling al toe above number the most

fastidious cannot fail of being suited. v

PETERSON, HUMPHREY v ROSS.SlSSwism P»arl-st., near Madison.

f II EAP CARPETING!;..SMITH it LOL'NSBER-v. RY. «3 Pearl-»t (opposiie WiUiam) are daily receiv¬

ing, direct from the manufacturers, and from auccons,li."p'e surphes of Brussels, three-ply and ingrain Carpei-::!.-¦>. w.^cb they are low selling at great reduclioas fromformer prices:

Brussels Carpetings, rnew patterns.) 9i to !Jj per vard.Three-ply do do 8s to 9s doF'ine. surwränearid d-juble rjper do 3s to 7s- doTufted Ra.'s, (hacJsome patterns.) 16s each.\.->. a /real vane'y of Floor Oil Cloths. Drirgeu,

Table and Piano Covers. Lamp Mats. Window Shades,and all other articles connected w-ith the trade, rerrarka-

blylow. Strangers visiting the city are particularly in¬vited to cti.. a-, i . , im.r.e - vo'. e stock. sit »'*.».

W'HOLi.. \!.H SHAWL WARESOÜSE-17-1V v peart-st. Shaw-» cf »verv description for sale bv thecase, dozen or sin^ie one, by JOHN C. HENDERSON Is

Bonnets and CAPS«.AlbJJ a.sortiaeai for saleal d.e» by

sl vrt-. s .H,UN r_ llf.Nnr.RSON i CO. lTI, ?e«r! «L

fCHEAP HOOTS AND SHOES..Thescr-'»rr teapectfitliy hrvnes the attention of the pub¬lic to his far .re and fashionable assortment of Bootsand Sbo-es, at 114 Fuitua-st. where he retails hue

i made Calf Boots at SJ 50 and §4. made la the hCeetFren style, and warranted to wear ,onger than liose

usu<ily sold at other stores at eo and e»i.The constaally increoaing demand for these Boots proves

oeyocc a uocot thai they pre miversa! saiisfaciion to the

buyers, as ih?y axe, by purchasing from him, enabled to

economise ceiriv oae-ha-f Ihe expense of their boot bills." JOHN L. WATKINS, 114 Fu!loo-sL

aaJD Imeodis' between N"------ aad Dutch its.


s- sjig au? cuii;'.aai-y on hand.i.xcLCstvELV rax

Wy j "y-i Tj H;'r.r. aj extensive assonmen* of Grand,1/ * St J il Cabinet^ and Square Piano Fortes, eun-

. tia or Bosewood aad Jlabogaay, with six. six and a

naif and seven Octave*, at bis Musical Ettailishineat, illBroadway. [>;41ra-i DANIEL WALE£R-_»jv -; HiiSKUHOI) Planu Porte Cot sale.

»T"»j ¦^"rtbest City manufacturers.has a briiiiantJ » 5sf / J nme. and warranted- Has been used bat» few weeks-. Address L. L at ihis vS Iwis'

PlT>on.E>sÖV"»ÄND Tl S'lS<;.-W. C. HAY¬NER, 75 Hammoad-st cives Lessens on_ the P^mo aad

Singing, at his residence, or that of his pupils, on moderateterma. A so. Tune* Piano*.price 75 >-»cta s!5 Oliaeod*

C"A Ii.HlAliK CI.OTU.-. ¦». piec-r* India Rni>oerCarnage Clolh, tpiax and £gat»sd! of superior quality,

for sale at the lowestmarket prices, at the warehouse o!it* Newark, N- J. India Rubber Factory, ft Maiden-ln-ce.

jytc UlTALT ILA SILK POCKET HDÜF*. ¥Sej r-and Sann Cra - ais. Richelieu Scarfs. Ac Just received.

sI3 lwis WM. t. JENNINGS it CO. 231 Broadway-EREAD THE HERH DOCTOR'S a-ivertisetnent

on the outside; sec, tiro, ail the New-York papers,i. Isis*


-V vi s, rawsvsrrr «Od * U.ICU »fs*Bxerc-es .o commerce gl i ceclocS, Adrsnasioa 12*«u.* PlM.LO>EA>».ilvd-ry h .-.- -v . SI .,. iH.Xre.Ruotntv « lb *

change ol Pi gramme. I ickets 98 «ta. To be tyn »;the Music Stores. aad at the door. »gg *aai>-

ueguämav. OR AMKKICA~\"1»Im-.ERS..Tlrair ~r>; Concert Lh.» triioe. \» Jl take place

St the Apcdio Rraoms. UO Broadway, on Friday evening.Sept »ah.1- ecasi new iece w U be >.tng the.hat täte Ja uubhc. entitled the IWt «/ Mb/*.- Kmg'fslrf.together whb t rsi;et other new .wee*'. FerpartSea

''*-">. »ee prjra-cr-re." Ticket, .* er.'s. --.-::. cvaa-

-_¦ ¦: ocv--k._-¦:

Sjl Y »*t>A>T l»TIT» Tl.. B l:«v..On~ >' "-<v. isspu?.:-.*-, it* i.:«e. MM Lv.'«g.S. i.U:..,r

misSs .\-*''V"v <iMore. a:, kc «... ... hUttrsjtSz. i --7tsiO.iJa«s*iuvs> at ihr«! Chaiacter-

r-^pe,»QSv>o». Mum sad Melod-' of h:»

»nxa 1%-awta* .urecdcasa. Recitations, oaiaeacarc comm. and ha owe Irush ä<«-*.«urne ilre-sdv hcuoredw*.ta reccg-iir-.a a :hw esaftu-r. and «he-» a* vet uii.atto.OUCN the a l.thcAdmission $L.Ticeta cotax assS at the tu*« Bot**«,

a.** at Me^rs. >\-.<,- a, fMLuaa.',. Ctacseraia * r»- N* ,

... .. A .. 2.s Masse >trtre»^asa sitaeeach a:gaa I'oors cp»a at quarter a*.' seven. Performance !to commerce at S. *ad conclude '.Co clock, t*" I"-**'

C"A"»Tl.K-lTÄTvi>~tN". ,.""o>a' nous being made tor the Fair of tee Aaneriia t (asoSvae, !

ta.s will positively be liieia»t w eekof fist toil..« jut aiarac-i.on. The Bn:l-> 1 roope o: Etmopiae S.nger»; ifceDirarsa**-

g . ...».< .-. : v .-o X .:. 'A .-¦«» M Hs ma. Mr.Good* :n. Mi. 01 ifit id..Thursday Events g Sejj* 21..Pun-k- -: Medley Overture; Dandv oi' Caroline ; Soar.Oid Pe De; .<iy OÜ Aunt Sally: Mary Blsne; Oet > iatie mora.a; o.-ev Goose. .a*1».-rv..».-.ou .'t" f.alt' an ,ar

tor promecade and Refreshments, and *o vtevr the »iif«»-» i

range of Cosatorama*. Tart Second-.Kaitteed Ov» .urs.

Lyrchharg Town. Siess cat InblJ Yeiiou- Gai. bo b) dsthnocstag at the door: A learned" Lecture on Bumpo'ogy. jMesmerism, i.e.. OldJaw tioae. Life by the Gai'ev FireSong.Fhjwer of Eiietsiie; Buio Extravaganza. Pocoo-c:udew.:h Pjsaotviaj Views. a.c. Adm;::»a.'e 25 ceats.

A ^lEKICÄS7 MCSSC1H. r and Eveningaa.:fc:» week. cotTaaencinfi "! etdajr. Sept. j:-;. IM>.Msgr.'Jlcsic: Concert and per:", .a.iacr«. every after-nooa al SJ. and every e-ecng at ! j ( .. c >..!-o Free Li*',except the Pre**..Cast week, ros.t.veiv.vfti.ece.e rale iORPHEAN FAMILY, he best company of Native \ oca.ts's. to whose sweet aiasic the deaiiens of tti.« great me-

trcpoits ever listened. Tin a?a.aus who have heard andadmired them, and thousands of others who have neverlistened to their heavenly strains, bat design to beforethey leave, will embrace this last opportanitv, for whichreason the Family wii: eive their Grand Coiicerls la dieLecture Room 01 the Museum, every af.eraoea this week,al half past 3 o'clock, and everv evening a. half pastZBat one week more of ihe cefrbrated Virginia D-va:.'.COL. CÜAFF1N. who has created a greater sensationthan did ever Us great prototype, Gen. Tent Thutnh. Hecannot be prevailed upon to'remaia after this week. ai.dhence tho.e who delay cailinr longer, will fr.ieiv be to->lale. He wfll be visible at all hour., everv day, alter 9o'clock, A. M. Sesxtbh Msmmoth Isays, whose ages are

ouly 16 vearJ. but who weigh SCO poonds laving OrangOutang. ha.f human and half brute. IntmoaHng and nlayful: Living Twin Catfres. the m-'s' " ecb ifal curiositiesliving Living Monster Snake, over 20 feet long, andtwenty-six inches round i Wax V-d»! of ihn HumanBody."to he seen for an additional charge of Jo cenls.Ia addition the following psWfOTBiei I are engaj"-!.Miss

Greenwood, a lai'.y of rare talent and icCflmpfiahmeatatGreat Western, the unrivalled Yankee Comedian: Pe'eMorris, the rmequalled Comic Singer: Miss Julien, beauli-ful Daasettse: Mad. Rockwellj Fortune Teller: Dissolv¬ing Views, Chn'tnatiope, ic.Admission. 25cents.rlhildren under 10. 121 eer'.s. sJl


IN CARVED WOOD..This immense work of Art, by E.Porter Beiden, is now on exhibition at the .Minerva Rooms,

406 Broadway. This Model represents every building, shed,tree and other object In the City. It has been tn progressfor more than a year, and upward of one hundred personaave be-:, -inp.o;. cd on its cons-ruction, including some of

Ibe first Artlsta, American and European.Above the Model is a GOrillC CANOPY, of the most

highly decorated carved work, containing. Indifferent coin-

parnnents, Uii Paintings of some of t..e principal businessestablishment* la the City.Hours of exhibition from 9 A. M. to It) P. M. Tickets 2i

cents. Seesen ticket»AOceata. JyJjl tSSt

_j *>T VTilN IM.VMl vri\\_. Mond«

- b* IH.PurseM aaisssa»ma*Mexcei ding twenty foet in length, t u rymg a rnalasall or ib«ii ni.i.n-sil, w .1. lalio pit, .. en Monday, 2"l|i Hist, at I P.M. from Suuen Island,Th boats « ... -t.o ireiu Vsnderlub's I.a:: ling ind sail

around a vet sei or boat BttcbV.1 ,:; the Nji >WS beta e« u

die Telegraph and Fl rl Qiunill in, Ihei ce around the WhileBuoy upon the Point of jUrbbiurS Reef, and !¦...» to theplace of starting.Entrnnce. Two Dollars.Entries can be made with Mr. C. U. Slebblns, at his

Hotel, on Vanderbilt's Dock, until the da» previous to theRace, of whom me Rules under which ihe same is lo besailed can be obtained. s23 41*

»^-JT*«»'rl11' >lOST OHI.IGIITFUL^j^T*^'"'r*T7l Excurs \ sere the II el- >a

B er to H ... theo i b dk to

Elysian Fields, along the exceedingly picturesque shoresof the place, will prove the most easily accomplished andattractive of all rural excursions Ibsl can be made from ilieciiv.The grounds now present a charming asp the trees

being in leaf and the soil covered with a rich tu>f.The walk* a:e :u escelli nl ¦oder, having been consider,

ably embellished Ihe present Spring.On every pleajani afternoon there «iri be in attendance

at the Colonnade, Elysian Fields, an excellent Hand ofMusic, v»-..!h will [x'rtiirni selections from the favoriteUpyias. ,Hipn!ai ans. marches, w alutes, Ac.The Kerry flouts from Barclay, Canal and Christopher

sis are completely titled un with Aw nmgs and Seats,Night boats run from lloboUeu to Barclay-*i. until II

o'clock. Ferriage blcents, Silliums*~

JP"" ssNEWPOKT \M> I'HO'. IDl.M l'&Far Cabin

'"111$i D ck$1 « rh< Steaail iatMUTUALSAf K I Y l «ie iln N. i Ml Is, w 111 leave fool of Market-iEast River, On Tuesday, Sept. tSd. ai 4 o'clock, P. M.I'a- .ev. er. . r 1' a >,<;¦.. Pro - deuce , , um- (or 'he3 o'clock train. Freight taken at reduced rales. Apply toIhe Captain on board, or at ihe othce on ihe piehThe Mutual isaiotv u up with large and commo¬

dious Stain Rooms, and is newly furnished throughout.Her we.l tuna n character BS a .ci boat, bei ample accom¬

modations and low fares, it is hoped, w II secure tier a

share of public patronage. atttS Imiseodtf

irasi]ionabk Cloiljing.M7M. T. JENNINGS d CO. Drapers and Ts Sirs,fv importers of Cloth... Cassimeres, Vestmgs, FancyDresj Articles, kc Iii »ppreciaüon of lim success whichaiiei'ded iheu . dort» tri cateiing for the coiiimttnity. would

lender the assurance, upon the commencement of the FallTrade, that It will be their Sndeavor to add lo the induce-meats which have rendered gJl Broadway THE ESTAB-LISIIMENTut which are ftunisbed Garments possessingthe req usites which must continue to commend them to

the economist. For tn the style and character of the cloth-

in;' we are enabled to furnish, through the aid of a» efficienta corps of cullers as can bo found ui the. country, i» ilia

sequel to the attractions of our moderate charges.A large aasorUuent of new goods for Fall and Winter

wear are offered for inspecllou, comprising Cloths,Tweeds, ic. for iJre-s and Frock Cuala.Overcoats, Sacks,Jtc. i French, English and American Ca»».meres for PrunesIoouj. A word la reference to this garment la which las

experience has satisfied tlie many) so few cutters excel.atrial in this line is especially solicited. Merino. Velvet,S..s and Salin Vesting! m great variety. The usual assort¬

ment of tint quality Roady-mado Overcoats, OriginalSac as. Cloaks, Dress and Frock Coats, Pantaloons, Vasts,Ac. wuh a choice selection of Fancy Dress articles, Scarts,», Hda.'s, Gloves, Suspenders, Shirts. Collars,Bosoms, HalfHose, i.e._s2 Utf

CASH DKAPE1M AND TAJEOU-S 1*7 Broad¬way..J. C Booth a Co. having received additional

suppl.e» of choice Goods, would respectfully tnvito the at-

tention of their customers and the puM.c Their stock s

i cot only extensive, but comprises the richest qualities and

patterns of Vestlngs, Cassimeres, Drilling», kc. mat are lo

be found in this or foreign markets.I Having unusual facilities m buying, they are enabled to' offer strong inducements to purchasers, though u should be

understood that their low prices have reference only to thefinest quality of inater:als arid wo.-Smaaslilp, and mat gar-meats produced al their establishment are Dot surpassed, inanv particular, by aa,y houts in 0a« L'i.UiR.The Cumn? Denaruncni la conduct-el by Mr. J. Lee.

whooe almo»rinfa...o.e skill ia the art U the result of longexperience and study, and who possesses the happy facultyof accommodating fashion to form, aad of selecting stylesof dress most fitting and appropriate to the season, myftllstf

CASH TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT.T>ENJ. W. BENSON, Draper and Ta.ior, lespcCtiUlyMJ iafonas his pairoas and the public senerallv. ttait t.e

has removed to the New-York Caan Tailoring tstablur.-ment. Nij. 142 Fulton-st., ajar Broadway, where can be

found an extensive assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vest-

ing*. i.e. winch WÜI oe made U> order m the most fashion*-bio style for cash.A choice aad general assortrarcl of gentlejncn'i fancy

. dress anicies constantly oa hand. jylggawhs

swa, FÖCHTEENTH-riT. LOTS.-At prtva sale,E;:-. a -plrndid three story «"ic brick bouse, on the N Tth

1 side of Fourteeath-»L 225 feet West from 3th-aveoue,built in best manner, and replete wuh every modern con¬

venience; lot i» 25 by 123 fee!., one vacant lot ofground, 23 by 125feet, on Fourteealh-st. abeut2">i feet fromSlh-avenne. Also, 2 full lots on South side FlftoSPth Stnear me Sth-aveisne. For fall partiOilars apply to

«.21 lw ANTHONYJ.ilLEECKSIt. 7 B.-oad-»t.

sjjsr, imOOKXYN HOUSES LND LO ¦ 8v ate-a.e 4 Houses and Lots on Prospect. Gold and

¦ Sind 3t».: also j Cottages sad Lots oa Taituan aadFranklin sts. al.-o gVacant iVHs ou Tshnan-sCClawsonavea-is, Fraskra, a»i..i:iaa. Saeaeer sad W.t.a >rta >...

B*<t*'v"!-ave! ,e ,.vi De.-l. :'. --'" r'<,' "ar" .<:u. .r.o- :<¦..

s24 lw ANTHONY J. BLEECEER.7 Broad-st.TO 1.ET.The oweiaag pa/l oi tlouse c^ ofTwentieth-**, aad Njiih-avenue, <Ctetsea-*qua/e,) re-

pleie wilh every coavenieace for a boarding bouse oi

acho-jii has sixteen*

rooms, iacladiag bath room, water

doset, range and all the raodern Crotoa water fixluxes.Real low to a good tenant. Iaqal.-e of

D. A. CCnHMAN, No. 1%!3 lstf or irth-aveaae. IsslaOBU 2irth and 21st six.

HOL>Er«, HOLtSE-s, IIOISES-.U PrivateSale.The w e., bu.r iree Story Dries house sad lot.No. 63 Cherry-st- Also the '.inj »tory brick house and

lot No. ill Waier-st. For par.-, u truly to


CA jm_ANTHONY J. BLEECgEli 7 Broad.,..

MFOH .*»AEE.The three house* and ;oi» »Uualed on

Lhesoiithv» estcorner of Cathecme aad Henry sla. Foiterms, aopiy to J. HENRY FERRIS,

Daied Juae 'ä, iZii. Petikskill. N. Y. Of

je* Jawjtf_Gl-lO. P NELSON. 5 Wali-st.

£TOLET-1 a ¦¦.".'-¦

55 Wolier-st. Postesslon jiven immedjsie.. Keferences eiclaaged._S22 Ais*

SFOR_SAEE^A siaa.: Kar.':: on Statenisia&d,oeaithe S'.eaaib'jdi Laad.g al For: Richmond.

BLEECKilR i. VAN DYKE,»24 lwNo. 1 Nassau-sL

Ö~NEWSPAPER Proprietors..Double Cylinde,Mayssrr Printing Machine..The subscribers luve or

hand a tr.l ratw Pres. of the above 2- ~-r.piion wtilrh ha,bad about two years caretuj wear, sirace which It has beetput m complete order, warranted lo work weih It Icapable of pnaliag a sheet 2S laches by SO, aad wilj be aoUat a low pnci and ca accommoclaliag terms. We can recommend, this press as every way worthy lue auent-on o

any person likely to recuire the Use of one of this desenptior. WORRaLL a CO. Press JUavdactsreri,t£l lwu Fc*ia*l-n ead Hach^au. A £im-*L

Unction Sales.INTHOXY J. BLKECKER.. Aueuooeer.

LM.t.E S VI.E of Splendid Siea-nboais.To clow asJSKetn .The .-..Ccwtar. >tf»abo.u»« t-s «0-4 t, ib*>

ktercttans Exchange m trie city of New.yOTi, CB Wed.-csdav. t_\« ft-th day of Dro-ayr. IM», by Asäbcey J.Sit-ecie--. AucaoeeerTbe sale r-eirmprorv. 00 iiVrjI re ;n* Par-jcutar* e»a

>e Sad . j s.rp:.' tag »'. AiKdcsjeec*! office. No. T Broad-««!.Ttre steamer Geo-rce W asting oc. enUrny oo». o< ft*

r .- *.». ftas, J*' feet Jong. 0 teet teaw. cylinder>U.inches, 1:: feet stroke. ,

The rvntckerboeker. » year* »Id. »VfVet .on*, ft fee:beam.»vi inches cviicd*;. IS feet »irvke.Three-Jour.hj part of the Hendrik Hudson, I year can,

S-re Ve«t Urn*. 35 feet bean). Ti inche* cylinder. 11 feet

The Sou h Arnet tea, i yr»r* olJ. feet long. !*, feettjtsam, -M irxrbe, cylaxier." 11 feet «irvke.The N01U: Axreni-a.» rears owl. Siifeot long. l-M fevt

beam, W inches cylinder, 11 reel stroke.The Columbia, o years old. 270 feet loug, JS feet beam. 44

inches cylinder. 11 feet siroar.T.V Rochester, i years old, ...» feet loast, :» feet Sr.

is" laches cylinder, tc fret stroke.TV Gagelie. we'! «mied for a short rout*.The afove boats are *o »sei: Vitown as the rnost emao-

.;..¦_»..-..' sabstmnuai boal* oa trat Amen---- s-csv, kSjatit Is deemed cmtect^sary :,o give Seawsjstof.. etc. A.isMtfte boessiwl. -ss. »r tt-sssrve

>_-iocve or. theday named, ac'. 'i.por- fsipci-ate -ale prior to that tires.V :,. ^.-.-perie can h-J eaamim-vt any ,5», "»io<ss So the

sa--. si.-- V.,'' 1. I» *>mf j .julTtja.was. H. JOHK*. WtNv-

l>«s>r>.>,i;isss .M> r»Kt»t;.a>s...t> uS .1a- Sift Ji\ ai I. J-.'.-ioc's. at the store et J. l>. luger-*-li V C.v. N.\ irg l'ear!-.f. >»>ca--" s. \ m-'riiicg alxrge andde«'.:»l'te issortmeat of Booii,* and Biogan*. snrJ-

abja -or -lie "nuibvru. Western t.ud Clay dcale.-s. fcast re¬ceives!. CatalojTCH and goods ivadv en ihe tuorrtirg ofthe ».e-

A .<.. !». Me.:"s ». - " I..-.-;..Also. '"cases Men's ran'pegged Brcgan*.Also. SO case* Men's reiged Bovu.A so. Je cases Men's Sui-ertar Manufactured Rubt-et».Also. SO case* Women's Superior Manufactured Rubbers.s!9 tf



AM Sroadvvay..Liberal Cash Advances made on con¬

signments for Auction Sale*MONDAY EVEN1N0,Sepv .-.

Books..A lunje Cs>!lecaoi. ol valuable Standard an!Mtscellaneoi:« Books, Family B.bles, Blank Bivks. t

WEDNESDAY EVENING. Sept. SiA.BOOK«..An exieasive ccUaclKin of new Books generally

lit s' 'o-uit dealer» and others. Including Sltste^i-ealand \Vorka, and 11 large vaiu tv -ieiirabieM Kellaneott* Stock, School Rooks, popelar Juve-tiiles. i.e. v

Also, an Inveice of il-.s*iah. Stl'Joaery.A . s.Fi r account > : vvbesa it may cweceni a ipiaatuv

of Books parbady damaged by water: amoa^ ttie.-u are

up-sol of tire McGrittey's EWoctic Readers; 0 se.s AScott's Commentaries, o vols. q rarto; JC0 WUIett's Atith-luetic, \c.Ar fatv iTS So.s-I.w Quarto Bibles, every varlei».

In p:.nm -beep and e\rra (rt.t. and gill edje bindings. Als.s sssortmeatof Stand rd Miscellaneous Bvioks.

K. COLTON. Auctioneer.

BY K. COLTON, AucUoo ard CecimUaton Merchani.S.ore Nos. its hSilton and 34 Ann sta.Lirwal ad-

mr.ces n.n.le en c ss's etiher for privnti- ss.'.e or at aacUoi1and prompt re'.uns made. OuWVjor sales of e»ery dessslo-Ü00 of gixsls puaetualle s-en-ls.1 to and respectfully so-

llcltesl. Tlll'RSL^Y,fss>pt..v»,Ai lei o'clock, at die AliCUon Room.

L'xv OOOOS, i.e..Comprising in part ol" Broadcloth*.Csj.iin.-res «1 yds. of black Silk, Sewing do. Silk HdkfsCottOO 1! als. CaTUCoes, Da Linens, Fancy Ooods.i.e. Also, tflO vil». Oil Cloth, Hemp Carpt nng, FeatkmBeds, Mattresses, ttcA several Glass Case*. Liuaps, Bird CS,,'.'», ic.Also, a small assortment of Furniture,v..... itHiui ."«> second-hand Costs and 30 pair ol Taai«

together with \ esis, Trhuiuings, iic iic.At private snlo, two large Extension Tables. Ono will1 tend about 3o .Vet and the other «H._

CHA.UBKi{ lT\Tia7~AuclloiieOf.-sS!ore No. IJ. Sprucc-sL.Liber.-u ailvances made 00 CeooJs cou

slgae.1 for private salr, or to Ixs sold at auction. Om-door.ales carefully attended to, and respectfully solicited .Prompt nOtriM >n»de

THIS DAY. THURSDAY, Sept- J4,At 11 I o'clock, al No. U Spruae-si.

Sucatri Sana 01 .» ... lot ofLadlsa1 Silk sud Snsw,Hai-, Crbuntittgs, Ac.

Till RSDAY, Sept :iV. M. a' die Bull's Uta I. Tlili !-a>At 'J o'clock. P.

ri Sut. oi four Oxe%two Steers and six Cows.FRIDAY, Sept

Ai in o'clock, at IAS William-»'.SfUCairi S ilk or liav G«Hit», a.c.Coiuprisiug a larje

assortmetii of CoiiciH's, OlagbaaM, Musiin», iiasstmeic»,Silks, Hosiery, Olive», bar«-,, Shivvl». Rasur Strops,fstytae Rules,"Sewing silk. Tlireml. Cotton, Ac. lie.Also,« Counters, Curtains, Desks, 4c. Jte.Also, a 'pianlity of Corsets of a verv supanor article.

MONDAY, Sept it.At i") o'clock, at No. 117II ¦iislou »U

MoaTi. n.i; Slue.comprising a very large and vatuabt*Library, of Standard Work«. »l»o a largo collec.''Music; also. m« parlor organ, those piano-fortes, violins,violincelio* and otnei musical mStrUltMmts,m*rf*ff stands,busts, eogtavlogjS, book cases and racks, carpets, malt s

gany tables, willing uialeiial», Vc. kcN. B. Catalogues can 1.Mained l,y applying a: this

Auction Room on Saturday.TUESDAY, Sept .«.

Vi lOo' Nous Spruce-sLSaeatrr's Sals of the contents of a large Punting Es-

labltsbment,couslstlng ol Type», Ciue», Block», ImposmiStones, Chases, Presses of various sixes, Includin| 1 Oyi-

Nsp:> r I'r-ss. ic Pre,-, Bonds, bit bound lloek>,Desks, Siereolypeplates for several Valuable works, fix-lures, and one Steam Engine and Boiler, kc. fcc.

IIIIUATIO lill.L. Aio-tliinear.

BirCUOLEY, KJKKSE -V IIII.l. Store No. 191Broadway, eoruer of Uev-aL

Liberal cash advances on sll ^0,^1» roiisfgned Ir «al«.RaMO« vi. -Cooley, Kaeaa it Hill >>ave removed from No.

IS7 to I'll Broadway, corner of lle»-«lTHURSDAY E\ EN1N0,

At 7 o'clock, at [Ii« Auction RoomA large, .,!!.., :io» ot Stiindard M .eellany, together with

» tut" assortment of Staple Statloueiy.FRIDAY MORNING. Sept. .'s.

At 10 o'clock, at the Auction Room.BOOTS, SNOBS asm'smeases liouis. Shoes and

Brogans, suitable tor the Southern, Wesioru sud CityTrade.Cooley, Reese k Hill will I10IJ an etlensi'.o lot sale of

books, stationery, paper, lie. to the trade and others duringthe rlrii week In October. The sali» will embrace a richand varied assortment of Illustrated works, annuals, fancys'.aU'inery, and other aiticle» suitable for the holiday sea¬son, f oiiKi^iunents are respectfully solicited for this sale,and liberal cash advances made thereon.Al Private Sale.A f«w copies of the complete Works ot

Antonio CaOOVa, AUly and splendidly illustrated. A linoset of Aiieient and Modern Coslnraas in Italian, 'A volt.I"- MdiUlly illustrated with hue colored engravings. Te-soro di Pfosa Itallane, a collection of Italian Literature bythe best auUioin. 1 voL octavo, '>P psge«.Ar faivsrr. SaLS, ('Mf.»r-An engraving and ropiw

plant priatlng establishinetit, > onsisllng of Dies. RulingNlsciiiii.-. one of the best I'late l're»»e» In this country, outs

171 Inch Press made by Hoe a Co. together with all the ap¬purtenances connected with the above business.


B~~Y~JA.HK-. 'I. IIII,LER-THURSDAY, Sept. H, 1*49,

At II o'clock, at lbs stoio of LuplLuii, Coisn fc Co. No. 1»Kerrr-st.

SViOO Sides Hemlock and Oait, Slaughter Sole and UpperLeatiier, in rough.

TUESDAY, 8ejM. it.At 10 o'clock, at the Store No. 1IA Water tt

T'i- balance of the Stock contained in lb* above store

cousl'sdng.of 125 cases of Mes/S and Boy's Calf Kip Brogausi Men's, Ooys'and Youths' Kip and thickboots. Women's Buskins, Tie», Galter Boots, kc tic

Also, "i casej Men's and Women's Rubber Shoes andBuskins. The wholo to be sold without reserve to (hehighest bldiur._

JACOB S. PLATT. Aitctloneer,CAIiE TO TAKE PEACE THI« I)AY.-Viz.~5 Catalogue »sie of elegant new Cabinet Furniture, atthe Coliseum, L» Broadway..Stranger* in the City, deal¬er*, and families, are directed lo the extensive sale of ale-gent, ornamental and useful now Cabinet Funibure, pore

Mattresses, Feather Beds, Rug»; Door Matt.. Window Shades, kc, lo be sold at auction, by JACOB S.PLATT, al die Coliseum Saioon, No. -Ifi Broadway, be-. Howard and Grand sts. fids dsy. Sale to eornmene-i

at j past ID o'clock.N. B..As most of the above Is a slock 0! a dealer, and

sold u> close the coucern, the tale will bo absolute at. 1without reserve.Purchasers desiring it, can hare their good* carefully

packed at a reasonable expense.(Tor a full description of the articles, see auction column

in ail the morning papers. Catalogue* now ready. If


SPLENDID HIM -I MOLD Ft R.MTLRE atAuction Tins Day. at lu$ o'clock, al 60 Beokmsuvsvt to

comtucuce wits a variety of Houseisold Kurninir« from .

pnvaie family, stter WHeb wlli be »«Did a choice collectionof Cliy made f.'su-inet Furnluire, cumpr.siiig in part ofrichcovered uiush Sofas and D'.van* to match, damask and bair,-loib Sofa», Dressing Bureaux, Book-cases, Centre Tables.Pier and Sofa do. Looking-glasses, Carpets, mahogany aan

maple Rockers, Cbalra in great variety, Piano Stools,Breakfast ar.d Dining Tables, etc Also, to Mauresse»,sullahlefor steamboats or hotels,etc Sale positive If

HORATIO HILL, Auctioneer.

COOLEY, HEESE cV HILL will sell on Frldsymorning, Sept ii, at l'i, o'clock, al tuetr Sale* Room*.

.! Broadway, corner of Dey-»L 50<) cases and packages ofBoots, Shi>es and Brogan*, Ac. comprising a great variety,suitable for country and city trade, including the balancoof Uie »t/s A of a retailer. \.t>>, »r reams of S.loe Paper .

the whole to be sold without reserve, floods ready forexamination, and Catalogues may be had at Lhe hals«

Room. I'M 2d**

WM. H. JONES, auciionoar.

THIS DA Y, Sept. li4'J), at lty o' toe store oflyes Ii Hoara, ZB Peari-.t.x» case* Boot*, Shoes sod

Brogan*, comprising a large and desirable assortment ofl'.-ch goods, received direct from the manufacturer, andwell aOapted to the Southern, Western and City Trade.CV* Dea-er. will bed the sale worthy of aflenncsn, a*

every ca-e en C.c catalogue will be sold without reserve

WM. A. BERCHER, Auctioneer,

WM. A. BEECHER, - on «t Cedsr-st. apsfalra-Dry G<xsti», by Catalogue, for cash..Regular sales on

Monday and Thursday. Particular aueution g- 'ea to As¬signees' Sales of O'xyi*. ...,g7 L-n*


fiavorgig Ice Cream. Custards, Syrups, Sauces. Jellies,Confectionery, tic This Extract possesses in the mostconcentrated form the delicious taste and much admiredaromatic odor of the true Vanilla Bean, and for all culinarypurposes will be found the most convenient and KltisfWit-cai manner of commufiieaiing its flavor. Price 25 cen's.Prepared and sold by HENRY JOHNSON. Cherrdstaud

Druggist, successor to A. B. Sands A Co. 273 Broadway,cor. Chamoers-tL SoW also al 100 Fulton-at and 77 Eas;Ertaidwa-/._s~ lmoviis

EXTRACT OF LEMOW.F'OR Savonng Custard*, Ice Cream, Je'Jie», Syrap«,

:c a pure extract, containing the true savorof t'i**(rolt In bottle*. Ü cents each.

r ; r. / HENRY JOHNSON, Csaraslsrand Dri^-i.-.*', gTi Broadway, corner CUuibers-st- Sold also at ISO> -1 v.r.-.t. and 77 East B/oadw*y\_*3 Imeodu

WlLLIA.HSBl FIRE ttsstMance ^m?^-.No7IWaii-*L N.:v.-York. and Grand-««. Wiliiaaia-

buri-. MKgsrroas; ., ., _

, .,: Wi.l-ts, Frederick W. Favre. J ^J ;. an ^.-^.ck.Nichol« tvvekoff ^J^'f^f'


^W. sustained by ibis Cc-fearv»^^hberady setiied. *^