Christmas: Buhari, Saraki, other preach peace, love

...towards a better life for the people N150 VOL. 25: NO. 62657 ONLINE | FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015 ** Mr & Mrs •P.19 Finally, the world woke up Christmas prayers Change slogan a promise that must be kept — Buhari Saraki, Oritsejafor, Obiano, others call for peace, unity Pray for Nigeria, PDP urges Christians, Muslims Continues on Page 5 SOUTH WEST IN 2015: The issues, personalities (2) CHRISTMAS: Buhari, Saraki, others preach peace, love By Sam Eyoboka, Clifford Ndujihe, Henry Umoru & Joseph Erunke A B U J A PRESIDENT Muhammadu Buhari, Senate President, Dr Bukola Saraki and the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, yesterday, preached peace and love as Christians all over the world today celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The president in his goodwill message urged Nigerians to rededicate themselves to the virtues of peace, love, honesty, justice, equity, piety, Fuel scarcity: DPR begins 24-hr surveillance on depots, filling stations 8 Army cautions shiite against inciting comments 8 Exchange rate falls on temporary supply boost 8 MERRY CHRISTMAS—Christmas hats on sale at Oshodi, Lagos, yesterday. Photo: Akeem Salau. DELTA GOVERNORSHIP POLL: Appeal Court dismisses Ogboru's suit against Okowa 12 See inside OWEI LAKEMFA P.19 DONU KOGBARA P.17 SWEET & SOUR SOUTH WEST VOICE COLUMNISTS:


Vanguard Newspaper 25 December 2015

Transcript of Christmas: Buhari, Saraki, other preach peace, love

...towards a better life for the people

N150VOL. 25: NO. 62657



Mr & Mrs


Finally, theworld woke up


•Change slogan a promise that must be kept — Buhari•Saraki, Oritsejafor, Obiano, others call for peace, unity•Pray for Nigeria, PDP urges Christians, Muslims

Continues on Page 5

SOUTH WEST IN2015: The issues,personalities (2)

CHRISTMAS: Buhari, Saraki,others preach peace, love

By Sam Eyoboka,Clifford Ndujihe,Henry Umoru &Joseph Erunke

A B U J A —P R E S I D E N T

Muhammadu Buhari,Senate President, DrBukola Saraki and theChristian Association ofNigeria, CAN, yesterday,preached peace and loveas Christians all over theworld today celebratethe birth of Jesus Christ.

The president in hisgoodwill message urgedNigerians to rededicatethemselves to the virtuesof peace, love, honesty,justice, equity, piety,

Fuel scarcity: DPR begins24-hr surveillance ondepots, filling stations 8



Exchangerate falls ontemporarysupply boost


MERRY CHRISTMAS—Christmas hats on sale at Oshodi, Lagos, yesterday. Photo: Akeem Salau.

DELTA GOVERNORSHIP POLL: Appeal Courtdismisses Ogboru's suit against Okowa 12

See inside













2—Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015

Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015—3

4—Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015




CHRISTMAS: Let's embracepeace, love — BUHARI


There is no how a bird can fly withoutpeople seeing its belly.

Continues from Page 1

YOU have not lived until some persons can saythat if not for you their life would have been

worthless. It’s up to you.

A problem is a chance for you to do your best—Duke Ellington

THE hardships you face are not things to runfrom. It isn’t that we are looking for a hard life,

but when difficulties come despite our best efforts, itcould be an indication that life is telling us to lookon the other end of the scale. You may find that thedegree to which you are having outer hardshipsmatches the degree to which you’re unfolding in amuch higher level in life. Remember, doing the bestat the moment puts you in the best place for the nextuplifting experience.

SWEARING-IN—Governor Nyesom Wike of Rivers State (L)congratulating the Caretaker Committee chairman of Etche Local GovernmentArea, Mr Michael Amadi during his swearing in as the caretaker Charimanon Wednesday. Photo: NAN.

humility and service toothers. He assured thathis government wasdetermined to change thefortunes of Nigerians forthe better because “ourchange slogan is not acampaign gimmick but apromise that must be kept.”

He said: “I felicitatewith all Nigerians,especially our Christianbrothers and sisters, onthe joyous occasion of thisyear’s Christmas. On thisoccasion of thecommemoration of thebirth of Jesus Christ, let usall rededicate ourselves tothe virtues of peace, love,honesty, justice, equity,piety, humility and serviceto others which he taught.There can be no doubtthat a greatermanifestation of thesevirtues and ideals in ourlives will immensely helpus to become a moreunited, peaceful, secure

and progressive nation.”Buhari also enjoined

Nigerians to reach out inlove and compassion tofellow Nigerians whowere in distress at thisperiod of the nation’shistory.

He, particularly, urgedthem to remember victimsof terrorism andinsurgency in the country,especially InternallyDisplaced Persons (IDPs).

According to him, theFederal Government willcontinue to collaboratewith state governmentsand other stakeholders toease the harsh conditionsin IDP camps.

He said hisadministration’s ultimateobjective was to quicklyend insurgency and returnthe IDPs to their homes.

“We must never againallow any group to holdthe nation to ransom underwhatever guise. Let usalso not allow currentsocio-economic andsecurity challenges to

dampen our expectationsfor a better Nigeria,” headded.

The President stated thathis administration hadtaken a number ofmeasures to restore hopeto the people, adding thatthe 2016 Budget defineshis administration’scommitment to givingNigeria a new lease oflife.

He further expressedthe determination of theFederal Government tobring about tangiblechanges in the lives of allNigerians. In this regard,efforts will be intensifiedto recover stolen funds,block revenue leakagesand enthrone dueprocess, transparency andaccountability. Publicoffice is a public trust thatmust be held to thehighest ethical standards.I wish all Nigerians aMerry Christmas. Pleasedrive carefully,” he said.

Saraki,Ekweremadu,Obiano preachpeace, love

In like manner, SenatePresident Bukola Saraki;Deputy Senate President,Ike Ekweremadu andAnambra State Governor,Willie Obiano, urgedNigerians to ensure thattheir actions werepredicated on peace, loveand unity which they said,were the virtues neededto rebuild the country.

The two leaders of theNational Assembly, inseparate goodwillmessages to Nigerians,noted that such virtueswere necessary if Nigeriamust progress to theexpected level.

Saraki’s message,conveyed through hisSpecial Adviser, Mediaand Publicity, YusuphOlaniyonu, said thesevirtues were crucial to thedevelopmental drive of

the present administrationand to ensure that thecountry takes her rightfulplace as a proud memberof the internationalcommunity.

He noted that theeconomic challengesfacing the nation as aresult of dwindlingrevenue inflow into theFederation Account wasa passing phase whichwould surely give way toa better future.

Saraki said: “OurPresident has justpresented to the NationalAssembly the proposedestimates of 2016 budgetof hope. We in theNational Assembly haveresolved to throw ourweight behind theadministration ofPresident MuhammaduBuhari and to collaboratewith him in the executionof his policies of Changeaimed at enhancing theliving standard of ourpeople and for a brighterprospect for our dearnation,” Saraki said.

He urged Nigerians torenew their faith in Godand remain dedicated tothe course of nationaldevelopment in the truespirit of Christmas whichepitomizes love,perseverance, patience,brotherly kindness andthe spirit of sharing.

Similarly, Ekweremadu,in his message throughhis Special Adviser,Media, Uche Anichukwu,urged Christians to followthe footsteps of Christ andpursue peace, unity andlove towards all men.

Senator Ekweremadustated that a nationdivided against itselfwould never be able torealize its full potentials,adding: “As we celebrateChristmas, I call onNigerians to emulate theforgiving spirit andselflessness of God whosent his only begotten sonto save mankind frometernal damnation. Wemust also imbibe thehumble, peaceful, andcaring natures of JesusChrist and do away withthe vices of recrimination,nepotism, ethno-religiousintolerance, and politicalinconsideration, whichhave held the countrydown over the years”.

Let’s uniteNigeria with love—Obiano

Also, the governor ofAnambra State urgedNigerians to strengthenthe bonds of the nation’sunity with love thisChristmas.

In a Special ChristmasMessage from Awka, thestate capital, GovernorObiano observed that thefeast of Christmas offersNigerians a chance toreflect on the imperativesof national unity and theneed to reach out andtouch one another withlove.

“Nigerians should usethe opportunity ofChristmas to reflect onnational unity and seeknew approaches andsolutions to the numerousproblems that beset thenation. If we seek hardenough, we will all cometo the conclusion thatmost of the challenges wehave with regards to unitycan be solved with love.With love, we can consignour differences to themargins of our existence.”

Reflecting on the manydifficulties the country hasfaced in recent times,Governor Obianoobserved that theincendiary rhetoric amongNigeria’s many ethnicnationalities and thefrequent bloodbathoccasioned by religiousand tribal hostilities wouldall take the backseat, ifNigerians chose love astheir defining ethos.

“We must replace thelanguage of war with thelanguage of love. We mustreach out and touch oneanother. We mustdemonstrate love for oneanother, for family, forfriends and for Nigeria.That, to me, is themessage of Christmas,”the governor declared.

CAN fetesChristians,Muslims

National President of theChristian Association ofNigeria, CAN, Pastor AyoOritsejafor, has felicitatedwith the nation’sChristians and Moslems,saying that the dualcelebration has offered thenation another uniqueopportunity to imbibe thelessons associated withthe different celebrations.

In a personal goodwillmessage the CANpresident said: "On behalfof my family and theentire Christiancommunity in Nigeriaunder the auspices ofCAN, I wish tocongratulate all Nigerianson the occasion ofChristmas and Eid-el-Maulud celebrations.

“Fellow compatriots,this season offers usanother uniqueopportunity to imbibe thelessons that come withthe season. For theChristian and Muslim

communities, themessages of the twocelebrations are clear andkey to our collectiveexistence as a nation.”

He, therefore, urged allNigerians irrespective ofcreed or tribe to imbibeand demonstrate thevirtues of peacefulness,care for one another andsacrifice that the birth ofChrist Jesus and the holyprophet Mohammedpreaches.

“The season presents usa great opportunity toreflect on the challengesconfronting our nation.Let us use this occasion tostrengthen our collectiveresolve to fight vices suchas ethnicity, sectionalismand economic hardshipthat threatens to tear usapart. Let’s give ourunalloyed support to themilitary as they fight todefeat insurgency in theNorth-East of Nigeria.”

Pray for Nigeria,PDP urgesChristians,Muslims

On its part, the PeoplesDemocratic Party, PDP,called on Nigerians to usethis year’s Eid-el-Mauludand Christmas to offerspecial prayers for theunity, peace and stabilityof the country.

This is contained in astatement signed by thePDP National PublicitySecretary, Chief OlisaMetuh, yesterday.

The party also chargedNigerians to recommittheir individual andcollective security as wellas their economic welfareinto the hands of God.

“The two importantcelebrations, coming atthis time, offer the citizensan opportunity to putaside every political,religious and ethnicdifference and uniteagainst their prevailingcommon challenges.

“The PDP called on allNigerians to use theoccasions to reflect onthose things that bindthem together as a nation.The party is calling onNigerians to also showlove to one another andcommit the nation intoGods’ hands. We continueto charge the politicalclass to be conscious ofdivine accountability in alltheir dealings.”

6—Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25 , 2015

5 feareddead asbusplungesinto OjiRiver

Laywer killed in Enugu over landdispute

By Emeka Mamah

17-year-old burnt to death as Lagosrecords 14 fire outbreaks

ALL FOR XMAS: A man with the goat he bought at Gwagwalada Goat Market in Abuja, yesterday. Photo: NAN.

ENUGU—THE formerSecretary of the Enugu

State Committee on AdadaState Movement, Mr EjioforOzongwu, was Wednesdaykilled at Okwojo Ngwo,following a land dispute.

Ozongwu, a lawyer, who wasin his late 50s, was reportedlykilled over a disputed piece ofland in his village, Ngwo, nearEnugu at about 2pm.

A version of the story had itthat the late lawyer had goneto inspect the disputed landwhen he sighted his opponentsin the dispute and fired somegun shots to scare them away.

Ozongwu was said to have inthe course of scaring them,wounded the President-General of the town's union,whose supporters then pursuedhim and killed him.

Another version was that agroup of youths in the areasighted him while inspectingthe land and pursued him andkilled him before over runninghis corpse with a vehicle tomake sure that he would not berevived.

Some members of thehomicide detectives that arrived

the scene around 5pm were saidto have taken the corpse of thekilled lawyer to an unknownhospital mortuary for autopsy.

Enugu State Police Public

Relations Officer, PPRO, DSPEbere Amaraizu could not bereached for comments on thestory, but reports from Okwojo

Ngwo said that the wholearea had been deserted overfear of possible arrest by thepolice for questioning.

LAGOS—A 17-year-old girl,identified as Miss Sefinatu

Arowofela, was burnt to death ina fire disaster that engulfed a two-storey building in Allen Avenue,Ikeja Local Government, Lagos,even as 14 fire disasters wererecorded in the State onWednesday.

Vanguard gathered that the firestarted ragging in the buildinglocated at 11 Ladipo Kuku Street,behind the popular OshopeyPlaza, Allen Avenue at about7:45pm on Wednesday from thedeceased's parent’s threebedroom apartment.

Sources said that the lateSefinatu was a physicallychallenged person and wasresting when the fire started inthe apartment.

It was learned that the effort ofthe official of the Lagos State FireService helped in curtailing thefire from extending to other flats

By Monsuru Olowoopejo in the building.Confirming the incident, Mr.

Rasak Fadipe, of the state fireservice, lamented that the callcame late, noting “a woman wasfound dead in the building afterthe fire was put out.”

Explaining how the fire wascurtailed, Fadipe said: “We metthe fire well alight. We could not

By Peter Okutu

Police arrest man for defiling 7 minors in Ebonyi

get to the flat through thestaircase because it was smoke-locked. We had to break thewindow to gain entrance to theflat. Through this, we were ableto put out the fire.”

He noted that 14 firedisasters were recorded onWednesday, saying “in fact, weare battling with fires indifferent axis of the state.”

ABAKALIKI—A middle agedman was yesterday arrested

by the EBONYI State PoliceCommand for allegedly defilingseven female children at Onuekein Ezza South Local GovernmentArea of the state.

The command’s spokesperson,Mr George Okafor, disclosed thisin an interview with newsmen inAbakaliki.

Vanguard learned that theCommand took up the matter

following a petition to the PoliceHeadquarters by the FamilyLaw Centre, Abakaliki.

Narrating their ordeals, someof the victims between the agesof 6 and 10 alleged that theman, a father of three, had onseveral occasions lured them tohis vehicle and other isolatedplaces where he repeatedlyperpetuated the dastardly act.

The parents of the children,Mrs Elizabeth Nweke and MrMonday Obaji said they

became aware of the developmentwhen their children startedcomplaining of pains within theirprivate parts, adding that theaccused admitted committing theoffence when confronted bymembers of his community.

Reacting, the Police PublicRelations Officer, Mr Okafor, saidthe matter was under investigationbut claimed that the affectedfamilies were yet to bring thevictims for medical test.

OJI—FIVE personslost their lives early

Thursday morning on theOnitsha-Enugu expressway, as a commuter busheading towards Enuguplunged into Oji River,near Anambra.

Mr Sunday Ajayi,Sector Commander,Federal Road SafetyCommission, FRSC,Anambra Command,who confirmed theaccident said that theincident occurred about1:25 a.m. on Thursday.

Ajayi said there were15 passengers in thevehicle, out of which 10were rescued and takento hospital, while fivewere killed in theincident.

He said the timelyrescue operations led bythe personnel of theFRSC minimised thenumber of casualties.

“The rescue at OjiRiver is still going on,we have been able torescue 10 people aliveand taken them tohospital, f ive wereconfirmed dead and thebus has beenrecovered,” he said.

The commander said itwas a ‘lone accident’and blamed it ondrowsiness of the driver,poor visibility and otherdangers associated withnight driving.

He urged people whowished to travel to do soduring the day time,and set out on time forjourney that may stretchinto the night.

Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015—7

8—Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015

DPR begins 24-hour surveillance ondepots, filling stations

By Victor Ahiuma-Youngwith agency reports

As NUPENG blames NNPC, marketers for unabated fuel scarcity

LAGOS — THE Department ofPetroleum Resources (DPR)

says it has set up a 24-hour specialtask force to supervise and monitorpetrol sales at depots and stations.

It said the task force wouldsanction depots and stationsselling above the recommendedprice.

Assistant Director, Public Affairsin DPR, Mrs Dorothy Bassey,disclosed this in telephoneinterview with the News Agencyof Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos,yesterday.

Bassey said the special team wasset up purposely for the Yuletidewith powers to take over the saleof the product from those sellingabove the approved price.

She said the agency had metwith stakeholders to conveygovernment’s displeasure onillegal sale of petrol above thestipulated price and the longqueues at the filling stations.

The DPR warned that thoseinvolved in the criminal act wouldhenceforth lose their licence underthe new steps being taken byagency to enforce discipline.

She said: “We have instituted 24-hour surveillance by special taskforce which we are not going todisclose their identity because wedon’t want them to be harassed."

Bassey said those selling petrolabove the pump price were doingso at night. She said any stationcaught would be forced to sell atthe official price “so that we don’tseal them to compound thescarcity.”

She said the agency had somededicated numbers on its websitethrough which Nigerians couldsend their complaints.

Meanwhile, some marketers,who preferred anonymity, toldNAN that the ongoing petrolscarcity would persist asgovernment had failed to addressissue of foreign exchangehindering fuel importation.

They said that marketers werewilling to import fuel, but scarcityof foreign exchange remained aserious challenge.

NUPENG blames NNPC,marketers for unabated fuelscarcity

Meanwhile, the Nigerian Unionof Petroleum Workers, NUPENG,has accused the Nigerian NationalPetroleum Corporation, NNPC,and the oil marketers of connivingto bring untold hardship to thepopulace, demanding that they tellNigerians the truth about the causeof the fuel scarcity.

The union warned that thescarcity will not ease soon until thegovernment holds a roundtablemeeting of stakeholders toaddress the matter squarely.

NUPENG in a statement,yesterday, by its President, Mr.Igwe Achese, insisted that itfound it difficult to understandthe continued scarcity ofproducts, as its members weretaking fuel to their destinationsfrom the depots.

While debunking insinuationsthat members were involved inproduct diversion, the union

called on the FederalGovernment to convoke astakeholders’ conference toaddress the problem of productscarcity for Nigerians to knowthe truth.

According to the statement,“NUPENG debunks theinsinuation that its members areinvolved in fuel diversion,resulting into fuel scarcity. Theallegation is false as its members

are loading petroleum productsto their destination.

"The persistent scarcity offuel is being caused by theNNPC and oil marketers whoare conniving andcollaborating to bring untoldhardship to the populace. Wesaw this prolonged scarcity ofpetroleum products comingand called for a stakeholdersmeeting of all bodies tobrainstorm and proffersolutions to the challenge, butthe NUPENG outcry was justin vain."

VISIT: From left, Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer, Nigerian ExportPromotion Council, Mr. Olusegun Awolowo; Special Adviser to Awolowo, Mr. TaofeekOwoseni and Vice President Yemi Osinbajo during courtesy call at the Presidential Villain Abuja.

Exchangerate falls ontemporarysupply boost

By Emeka Anaeto,Economy Editor

THERE appeared to be asignificant respite for

Naira as it strengthenedagainst the US Dollar in theunofficial currency marketa day to the public holidaysafter suffering severedepreciation daily for threeconsecutive weeks.

As at close of businessyesterday, the localcurrency gained 3.64 percent relative to thegreenback, USD, to close atN265/USD1.0 from N275/USD.0 in the precedingweek at the Bureau DeChange, BDC, marketsegment.

Similarly, the local currencyappreciated by 3.57 per centof its value relative to the USDat the parallel market segmentto close at N270/USD1.0 upfrom N280/USD1.0 in theprevious week.

Currency dealers toldVanguard that thedevelopment came on atemporal supply boost byhomecoming diasporaNigerians for the festiveseason.

However, the Central Bankof Nigeria, CBN, clearingrate and interbank rate closedsteady at N196.97/USD1.0 andN199.1/USD1.0 respectively.

Army cautions Islamic Movement of Nigeria against inciting comments

BIU (BORNO)— TheNigerian Army has

warned members of the IslamicMovement of Nigeria to desistfrom making misleadingcomments, capable of breachingpublic peace and order.

This is contained in astatement issued by Armyspokesman, Col. Sani Usman,saying: “The Army is aware ofclandestine campaign ofcalumny and misinformation onthe incident of Dec.12, 2015 inZaria.”

He said that “a group of highranking members of IslamicMovement of Nigeria (IMN),led by one Dr Abdullahi Danladi,a lecturer at Ahmadu BelloUniversity Zaria,” hadmisrepresented facts about theincident.

“He was at the university onWednesday soliciting supportand telling lies about thecircumstances surrounding theincident and the incident itself.He also went further to makefalse and unfounded allegationsof casualty figures anddesecration of burial grounds.

“Dr Abdullahi Danladi and likeminded individuals should be

warned to desist from telling liesand misrepresentation of factscapable of misleading thegeneral public.”

The statement said the actionsof Danladi was preposterousand showed lack of concern andrespect for peace andtranquility.

It said that the Army would

not sit back and allow somemischievous elements in thesociety to further createunnecessary tension anddisaffection in the society.

It urged the public todisregard the misleadingcampaign by the sect.

“This attitude will not betolerated where people abuse

their privileged position to misleadthe public and create disaffection.

“Nigerians and indeed all wellmeaning people are pleaseenjoined to be patient and awaitthe outcome of the variousenquiries instituted by variousgovernment and non-governmental agencies.”

Crude oil swap probe: Reps set 127 questions foroil marketers Vow culprits 'll refund stolen money with interest

By Emman Ovuakporie& Johnbosco Agbakwuru

ABUJA—MEMBERS of theadhoc committee on Crude

Oil Swap deals have prepared127 questions for oil marketerswith oily fingers to answer.

Also, agencies and marketersfound wanting will be made tocough out such ill-gotten monieswith interests paid into thecoffers of the FederalGovernment, according to asource privy to thisdevelopment.

According to a member of thecommittee, “we’ve concludedall our investigative hearings on

crude oil swap and therevelations are earth shaking,particularly in the volumes ofswaps and outrageous gaps inreceipt of payments during thisoil swap regime.”

Asked whether there is anypressure from the oil marketers,the source said: ”Yes, of course,some of the marketers aretrying to use legal weapons totruncate a job we painstakinglyinvestigated. But members ofthe committee are resolute andfor their threats we’ll go theextra mile by ensuring thatevery kobo stolen must bereturned with interests”.

“We will not even stop at that,

immediately we conclude thepublic hearing next month thosefound wanting will be invited byall the anti-graft agencies.

“The pressure on us is enormousto bend the rule to favour thosewho think they are untouchable butwe’ll surprise them beyond theirexpectations as all the questionsmust be answered.”

The Adhoc committee was set upfollowing a motion promoted inJune 2015 by Rep MichaelEnyong, Akwa Ibom PDP, whoalleged that the country has lostconsiderable revenue from the oiltraders involved in the crude oilswaps and Offshore ShoreProcessing Agreements (OPAs).

Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015—9


10 — Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25 , 2015

Holidays: Lagos airport witnessespassenger traffic boom

By Daniel Eteghe

LAGOS — PASSENGERS intheir hundreds were,

yesterday, seen arriving anddeparting the MurtalaMuhammed Airport, Lagosahead of the Christmascelebration coupled with theEid-el-Maulud public holiday.

A visit to the MurtalaMuhammed Airport, Lagos,Domestic Terminal 2, MMA2,by Vanguard showed queuesby intending passengers atmost of the airlines’ counters.

Among the airlines inoperation for the day wereFirstNation Airways, AeroContractors Airline, DanaAirline, AZMAN Airline and,Medview Airline with a lot ofpassengers patronising them,who were either booking theirtickets or proceeding to thevarious aircraft for boarding.

Vanguard further observedthat the arrival hall was alsofilled up with guests awaitingthe arrival of their loved ones

while car hire operators werealso smilling to the banks.

Destinations mostly bookedwere Lagos-Abuja, Port-Harcourt, Kano, Kaduna,Owerri, Enugu, Yola, Kadunaand Asaba among others.

Vanguard also observed thatthere were some securityofficials at the terminalbuilding who were ensuringthat passengers' transfer wereseamless.

However, there were somedelays and flight dearth toPort-Harcourt at the GeneralAviation Terminal, GAT, MMA1where Arik Airline, OverlandAirways, Air Peace Airline wereoperating from.

One of the passengers onAero Contractors Airline toAbuja at 8:00am, Mr. JohnsonAdekunle, said he wastravelling to spend theholidays with his family inAbuja.

According to him, “I amtravelling to Abuja to spend theholiday with my family. The

passenger traffic is quitehuge today but I thank God,I was able to get a flightanyway”

Contacted, GeneralManager, Public Affairs,Federal Airports Authority ofNigeria, FAAN, Mr. YakubuDati, said the agency hadput all the necessarymeasures in place to meet upwith the increase ofpassengers traffic during theseason.

Dati said among themeasures were the scanningmachines to preventpassengers from carryingforeign objects with them aswell as provision ofadequate security by theAviation Security Personnels,AVSEC.

He also said all theairlines had beenencouraged to ensureseamless flight operationsand passengers vacillationacross all the airports in thecountry.

Yuletide: Ambode preaches love, peaceful co-existence

AS Christians in Nigeriajoin the rest of the world

to celebrate Christmas,Governor Akinwunmi Ambodeof Lagos State has enjoinedNigerians to embrace thevirtues of love and peacefulcoexistence that the seasonsymbolises, just as he urgedthem to refrain from activitiesthat could trigger unrest anddisunity.

The governor, in hisChristmas goodwill message,said as the nation continuesto anticipate the changepromised by the AllProgressives Congress (APC),it is only through peaceful co-existence and atmosphere thatany positive change canmaterialise.

“The season of Christmas is

one that exemplifies the virtuesof love and peaceful co-existence. We must continue toextend a hand of love and liveas one family irrespective of ourcreed or colour. We must alsocontinue to respect each other’sright to live freely andpeacefully,” the governor saidin a statement signed by hisChief Press Secretary, Mr.Habib Aruna.

He said the securitychallenges the country isfacing should not be used asan avenue to create divisionalong ethnic and religiouslines.

Ambode said Nigeria, overthe years, has continued todraw strength from its diversity,saying Nigerians must,therefore, stand together and

resist any attempt by anyindividual or group ofpersons to exploit suchethnic differences to furthertheir selfish ends.

He urged residents to besafety and securityconscious, especially duringthe festive period and refrainfrom habits that couldendanger their lives.

Ekiti Speaker wantsChrist’s virtuesemulated

Meantime, the Speaker ofthe Ekiti State House ofAssembly, Kola Oluwawole,has admonished Nigerians,particularly the people ofEkiti State, to imbibe the

virtues of the Lord, JesusChrist, as they celebrate thisyear ’s Christmas and NewYear.

Oluwawole gave theadmonition in a Yuletidemessage signed by hisSpecial Assistant (Media),Stephen Gbadamosi.

He said the most profitableway the Christmas and NewYear seasons could becelebrated was to imbibe thevirtues of humility, love,worship and giving that Jesuswas known for.

He added that this time inthe history of the countryparticularly call foracceptance of all the Saviourstood for.

Ambodecondemnslow pace ofwork onOkota road

•Issues Febcompletion deadlineto contractor

By MonsuruOlowoopejo

LAGOS —GOVERNORAkinwunmi Ambode of

Lagos State, yesterday, paidan unscheduled visit to AgoPalace Way in Okota, Isolowhere he expresseddissatisfaction over the slowpace of construction work onthe road which he said wasvital to the economy of thearea.

The governor, who wasaccompanied on theinspection tour by topgovernment officials, orderedthe contractor to work dayand night so as to ensure thecompletion of the road byFebruary 2016.

“We cannot afford to be slowon this road. It is a verystrategic and important roadto our people. I have directedthe contractor to ensure thatthis road is completedbetween now and Februarynext year,” the governor said.

He also inspected theongoing rehabilitation ofOkota road where he assuredresidents that the work on theroad will be completed soon.

The governor, who alsoinspected the newlyrehabilitated Alfa Nla andOke Koto roads in Agege,said the completion of theroad was in fulfillment of thepromise he made to thepeople.

The governor said: “Duringthe campaign, I came hereand I said if you vote for me,I will fix this road which isAlfa Nla-Oke Koto roads. Isaid I will come back to do itand I did promised that beforeChristmas, this road will bemotorable.

“In fulfillment of ourpromise, we are here todayinspecting the completion ofthis road. What I want to tellyou as part of the Christmasgift to you is that we aregoing to put street lights onthis road.”

Earlier, at POWA ShoppingComplex, Falomo, Ambodefrowned at the poor state ofthe environment andindiscriminate parking ofcars on the road.

He directed theCommissioner forEnvironment to immediatelyensure that the statesanitation rules are enforcedin the area, just as heordered the evacuation ofvehicles parked by theroadside.

‘Justice,panaceafor peacein Nigeria’

By OlayinkaLatona

THE FederalGovernment has

been asked to holdjustice in high esteem ifit is to solve the problemof corruption and otherchallenges confrontingthe nation.

This assertion wasmade by the Presidentof Sacred Heart,Apostles of Prayer,Lagos Archdiocese, Mr.Geoffrey Nebolisaduring the annualprayer day for thenation, with the theme:"Heart of Jesus Full ofJustice and Love,” at St.Stephen’s CatholicChurch, Agboju, Lagos.

Nebolisa said therewas need for justice andlove in the country,adding that absent ofjustice is the cause ofmost challengesconfronting thecountry. He called onPresident MuhammaduBuhari to listen to theplea of the masses andwork for the bettermentof Nigerians, avoidethnicity or religion butrather put the countryfirst.

According to thecleric, since year 2000,members of the SacredHeart Apostles of PrayerNigeria had decided toset aside one day topray for goodgovernance, God’sprotection and peace inthe country.

REMEMBRANCE EMBLEM: From left, Secretary to State Government, Mr TunjiBello; Deputy Governor, Dr Idiat Oluranti Adebule; Governor Akinwunmi Ambode ofLagos State and Commander, 9 Brigade, Nigerian Army, Ikeja, Maj-Gen. Ahmed Sabo,during the launching of Armed Forces Remembrance emblem in Lagos, yesterday. Photo:Bunmi Azeez


Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015—11

Aregbesola dissolves councils'caretaker c'ttees


Group urgesEFCC tochangeprosecutor

HOLIDAYS: Fayose tasks Nigerians on justice, equity

Ogun to build affordable houses in 2016

O S O G B O — S T R O N Gindications have emerged

that the tenure of the interimmanagement committeesadministering the councils inOsun State in the last five yearsis set to end, as Governor RaufAregbesola has concludedarrangements to dissolve themand replace them with freshcandidates before December 28,an informed source has hinted.

The interim administrators, allof whom are either members ofthe ruling All ProgressivesCongress, APC, or associates ofthe governor were on February17, 2011 inaugurated to overseeall the 30 local governments andthe area councils in the state,despite contravening the NigeriaConstitution, that expresslystipulated that those whoadminister local councils emergesthrough elections.

It was learned that GovernorAregbesola who has faced strongcriticisms both within his party,APC and the opposition partiesfor the prolong administration ofthe interim managementcommittee, at a recent meetingwith a caucus of the governor’sleadership declared his intentionto sack them and replace themwith fresh faces within the party.

He, however, urged them tomake available their nominees for

specified slots.The overture by some members

of the interim managementcommittee to be re-included inthe yet to be constituted committeeis not been entertained, as thegovernor was emphatic that freshcandidates will only beconsidered in the new interimmanagement committee.

The governor, it was furthergathered, may put into effect thenewly created councils to shoreup revenue and extend morepolitical patronage to members ofhis party who have beenprotesting their purportedexclusion from political gains.

The newly councils will also bemade to benefit from fundsaccruing to the 30 localgovernments and area office fromthe federation coffers, while

renewed efforts will be made atrevenue generations to ensureefficient and robustadministration to the people.

“Hopefully, by December 28,the governor would dissolve thecaretaker committees, he hadmade that known to someleaders. You know, those(caretakers) have by farextended their limit and it is agood news that new people willalso have their chances," thesource said.

•As Bamidele urges them to be optimistic

ADO-EKITI—EKITI StateGovernor, Mr Ayodele

Fayose, has called on Nigeriansand the nation’s leaders to imbibethe teaching of justice and equityfor all men that the Lord JesusChrist and Prophet Mohammedtaught all men to observe.

This was just as a chieftain ofthe All Progressives Congress,APC, Hon. Opeyemi Bamidele,felicitated with NigerianChristians as they celebrate thebirth of Jesus Christ, urging themto continue to have unwaveringfaith in President MuhammaduBuhari’s administration to takeNigeria to the promised land.

Fayose, in his Christmas andMalud Nabiyy message to thepeople of Ekiti and Nigeriansissued by his Chief PressSecretary, Mr Idowu Adelusi, inAdo-Ekiti yesterday, said withoutbeing fair to all, Nigerian leaderswould not be able to take thecountry to the promised land.

He opined that social justiceand equity were vital tomaintaining orderliness in thesociety and to give everybody asense of belonging.

“Both the Lord Jesus andProphet Mohammed, whosebirthdays we are celebrating atthe same time, emphasised justice

By Rotimi Ojomoyela for all and equity in theirmessages and preaching.Though they were born in thesame geographical area, theirmessages were universal andthey never saw themselves asbeing for a section of the societyalone.

While Bamidele, in hiscongratulatory message to

Christians across the nation,exuded confidence that year2016 would be a year ofrenaissance for the country,considering the well patternedeconomic policy to be rolled outby Buhari’s government in thenew year. He described the 2016budget presented by PresidentBuhari as a budget of change and

realism which would enhanceinfrastructural development, jobcreation and far reaching socialintervention.

The member of the 7th Houseof Representatives appealed toChristians to continue to liveharmoniously with theirMuslim brothers, describingthis as panacea to ethno-religious upheaval.

ABEOKUTA—IN a bid tocheck housing deficit, the

Ogun State Government is tobegin the construction of massaffordable houses across thestate in 2016.

Special Adviser to the OgunState Governor on HousingDevelopment, Arch. JumokeAkinwunmi, who made thisknown in Abeokuta, assuredthat the state would witnessmassive turnaround in hous-ing development.

She disclosed that the OgunState Housing Corporationwould partner housing devel-opment firms and the FederalMortgage Bank on public/pri-vate collaboration to achievethis objective.

Defending the 2016 budgetof her agency before the state

House of Assembly Commit-tee on Finance and Appropria-tion at the Assembly Chamber,Akinwunmi stated that N3,556billion would be spent in the2016 fiscal year with the re-current expenditure ofN415,000,000.00 and capital ex-penditure of N3.141 billion againstN906,961,050.77 spent in the out-going year.

“It is noteworthy to say that thecorporation is confident in makinghouses available to the residents ofthe state as the proposed budgetestimate for 2016 is all encompass-ing to make it a reality”, she added.

According to her, more profession-als, such as land surveyors, electri-cal engineers and quantity survey-ors, would be engaged in thecore areas of building con-struction in order to deliver

quality housing units withessential facilities that wouldmake them withstand the testof time.

Akinwunmi said theagency would vigorouslypursue the Internally Gener-ated Revenue, IGR, target for 2016so as to enable the state govern-ment meet up with the aspirationof the people.

In his remarks, Chairman,House Committee on Finance andAppropriation, Hon. AkanbiBankole commended the corpora-tion for its efforts towards makinghousing available for the peoplein spite of dwindling resources,advising it to always con-sider the low and middleclass residents in itsprojects.

AKURE—THE NigerDelta Anti-Corruption

Group NDACG, has calledon the leadership of Eco-nomic and Finance CrimesCommission, EFCC, to geta more courageous anddependable prosecutor tohandle the trial of formermilitant leader, Chief Gov-ernment Ekpemupoloa.k.a. Tompolo and his cro-nies allegedly involved infraudulent activities in theNigerian Maritime Admin-istration and Safety Agen-cy NIMASA.

In a statement issued inAkure, Ondo State, yester-day and signed by Com-rade A. Effiong and Syl-vester Ebiowei, the groupalso commended PresidentMuhammadu Buhari’sfight against corruption,urging Nigerians to coop-erate and support the Pres-ident.

OSOGBO—THE firstexecutive governor of

Osun State, Senator IsiakaAdeleke, has called on thepeople of the state, to con-tinue to live together inpeace and harmony, in or-der to ensure accelerateddevelopment of the state, nomatter the odds.

Senator Adeleke in hisChristmas message to thepeople of the state by hismedia adviser, OlumideLawal emphasized that thecooperation and unalloyedloyalty of Osun citizenry forRauf Aregbesola’s govern-ment at this time of eco-nomic downturn was verycrucial, stressing that;“Tough times don’t last,tough people do”.

Senator Adeleke assuredthat despite the lean finan-cial resources all over thecountry, APC – led govern-ment at all levels, will con-tinue to deliver on all its cardinalprogrammes including theprojects embarked upon by OsunState Governor, OgbeniRauf Aregbesola for theeverlasting benefits of thepeople, as against thewrong insinuation beenpeddled by the oppositionparty.

He appealed to Osun cit-izens, to take their destiniesin their own hands, by notallowing evil to thrive intheir midst.

By Gbenga Olarinoye

YULETIDE: SenAdeleke callsfor unity

LAUNCH: From left: Principal, Federal Government Boys College, Apo, Mr. JonathanMbaakaa, Business Manager, Education Vertical, Samsung Electronics West Africa, Mr.Matthew Iwundu, Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Education, Dr. Folashade Yemi-Esan, Corporate Social Value Manager, Samsung Electronic West Africa, Mrs. AbosedeGeorge-Ogan, and Director, Information Communication Technology, Ministry of Education,Mr. Ikechukwu Orji, during the Samsung Smart School launch at the college, Apo, Abuja.


12—Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015

By Festus Ahon &Ikechukwu Nnochiri

Delta gov poll: A-Court dismisses Ogboru’sappeal against Okowa

Eket peoplekick againstAbia's removalas NDDC MD

By Tom Moses

ABUJA—THE Court ofAppeal, Abuja, has

dismissed an appeal against theelection victory of GovernorIfeanyi Okowa of Delta State, bycandidate of the Labour Party,LP, Chief Great Ogboru, in theApril 11 governorship electionin the state.

Meanwhile, Governor Okowa,yesterday, described the AppealCourt judgment, which upheldhis election as a perfectChristmas gift for the people ofthe state.

Similarly, it was jubilationgalore yesterday when news ofOkowa’s victorty at the Court ofAppeal filtered in from Abujawith prominent Deltansdescribing the judgment asvictory for democracy and therule of law.

Those who spoke to Vanguardinclude Olorogun JohnOguma, Chief EmmanuelAguarivwodo, Olorogun TalebTebite, Chief Dennis Omovie,Chief Solomon Ighrakpata,Chief Sheriff Oborevwori, MrSteve Ovedje, Mr Reuben Izeze,Olorogun Amos Itihwe and MrEmmanuel Okoro.

In a unanimous judgment, afive-man panel of Justices ledby Justice Uwani Abba-Aji,upheld the verdict of the DeltaState Governorship ElectionPetition Tribunal which had onOctober 24, affirmed Okowa’selection.

The appellate court said thetribunal was right when it heldthat the petitioner failed to provethat the governorship electionwas characterised by over-voting and manifest corruptpractices.

The court maintained thatOgboru could not prove that theelection was not conducted insubstantial compliance withboth the Electoral Act, 2010, andthe Election Guidelines andManual that the IndependentNational Electoral Commission,INEC, issued for the purpose ofthe election.

“Where in election petition,there are allegations ofirregularities and corruptpractices, the allegation mustbe proved beyond everyreasonable doubt,” the courtsaid.

It stressed that a petitionerchallenging the outcome of anelection on ground ofirregularity, must show that suchirregularity substantiallyaffected the outcome of theelection, adding that Ogborufailed to prove that but for thealleged corrupt practices, hewould have won the Delta Stategovernorship election.

Consequently, the appeal wasdismissed for want of merit.

Ogboru had approached theappellate court, praying it to set

aside the judgement of thetribunal.

He contended that the totalnumber of votes recorded atthe end of the election, farexceeded the number of votersaccredited by the card readermachines.

Refusing his prayers, JusticeAbba-Aji, who read the leadjudgment, held that Ogborumerely relied on records of thecard reader accreditation,without demonstrating thedocuments through credibleevidence.

Justice Abba-Aji noted thatthe LP candidate neverchallenged the evidence of therespondents laid before thetribunal.

A-Court verdict perfectChristmas gift —Okowa

Okowa, who spoke tojournalists in Asaba shortlyafter a thanksgiving servicesequel to the judgment thatwas delivered in his favour atAbuja, enjoined his opponentsto join hands with him in thetask of developing the state.

He said, “This is a perfectChristmas gift for Deltans. Ibelieve that Deltans must bevery excited because the truthis that they trooped out onApril 11 to cast their votes forme and the courts havecontinued to uphold theirwishes. By God’s grace, wewill not let Delta State down.”

Ogboru and his AllProgressives Congress, APC,counterpart, O’tega Emerhor,had in separate appeals,approached the appellatecourt after the lower tribunaldismissed their petitions,seeking nullification ofdeclaration of Okowa of thePeoples Democratic Party, PDP,

by the Independent ElectoralCommission, INEC, aswinner of poll.

Okowa, who wasoverwhelmed with joy,thanked the people of thestate for their kindness andsupport through prayers,saying, “It has been aspiritual battle and physicalstruggle .”

Noting that there was a lotof pressure as a result ofrumours about the likelyoutcome of the Court ofAppeal judgment, he said thejudgment was a reinforcementof the wishes of the people ofthe state.

He said, “We appeal to ouropponents to come on boardand reconcile for us to movethe state forward. There isroom for reconciliation, thereis room for peace, there is nobad blood between us. I callon my brothers, Ogboru andEmerhor, to embrace peacebecause our time will comeand go but our children willcontinue to be there.

“They know evidently thatthey were not prepared for theelection. They know that wewon the election, so whycontinue on this track?”

Jubilation in DeltaSpeaker, Delta State House

of Assembly, Mr MondayIgbuya, congratulated Okowaon his victory at the Court ofAppeal.

He also praised thejudiciary for remaining thebastion of democracy and thehope of the electorate,especially the good people ofDelta State.

“This is the best Christmasgift to Delta State andDeltans,” he said.

In his reaction, DeputySpeaker of the state House ofAssembly, Friday Osanebi,said that Governor Okowa'svictory at the Appeal Court isthe best yuletide gift forDeltans. He said the time hadcome for all Deltans to rallyround Okowa as oppositiondoes not exist in the state.

Olorogun John Oguma, onhis part, said the victory wasGod at work, following theserious prayers by all Deltanswho trooped out enmass tovote for Okowa in the April 11governorship election.

Chief Aguarivwodo on hispart, said: “God has done itagain and we have alwaysknown that Governor Okowawon the election free and fair.I appeal to my brothers toaccept the judgment in goodfaith and call the governor tocongratulate him. Theyshould also accept the olivebranch which the governorhas extended to them.”

Olorogun Tebite, who alsospoke, congratulated Okowaon his victory at the Court ofAppeal and commended thejudiciary for remaining thehope of the common man.

Chief Omovie, who spoke inthe same vein, said thejudgment has increased thejoy of Deltans in this yuletideseason, adding, “It is a specialChristmas gift from God toDelta State and the people ofthe state.”

Also speaking, ChiefSolomon Ighrakpata said thejudgment was anticipated“because Governor Okowawon the election free and fair;the judgment therefore isincisive and fair.”

EKET—THE EketFederal Constituency

Elders Forum, yesterday,vowed to resist the truncationof the tenure of Mr Dan Abiaas the Managing Director ofNiger Delta DevelopmentCommission, NDDC and byextension, the tenure of AkwaIbom State.

The forum also decried theannulment of the Akwa IbomState governorship election bythe Court of Appeal,describing the development asa desperate march by theruling All ProgressivesCongress, APC, to conquerthe state.

The Eket people, whoreacted to these developmentsduring a media parley by itsChairman, Brigadier-Gen.Anthony Etukudoh (retd) inEket, urged the SupremeCourt not to succumb to theperceived pressure by the APCto conquer the oil-rich AkwaIbom State, Bayelsa and RiversStates, in its dispensation ofjustice in the cases pendingbefore it.

He said: “We are gatheredhere to express the position ofthis federal constituency onthe vexed issue of theannulment of the Akwa IbomState governorship electionwherein our son, GovernorUdom Emmanuel won. It wasa mandate that was freelygiven by the majority of AkwaIbom people but for untenablereasons, have become subjectof the shenanigans of agentsof the ruling party, the APC,in their desperate march tocapture by force, the oil-richstates of Akwa Ibom, Bayelsaand Rivers.

“We have faith in thejudiciary and trust that theSupreme Court will not bowto this desperation in thedispensation of justice.”

The people also expressedworry that their brothers fromUyo and Ikot-Ekpenesenatorial districts, who theysupported when they were onthe governorship seat, werenow grandstanding in thethinking that justice and equityshould be sacrificed now to thedetriment of Eket senatorialdistrict, warning that theywould resist any attempt byany senatorial district to scuttletheir God-given mandate.

They urged GovernorEmmanuel to remain focusedon his well-thought out plansof infrastructural developmentand industrialization dottingthe landscape of the stateincluding the Ibom Sea Port,the Automobile Assembly Plantin Itu Local Government Area,Meter ManufacturingCompany in Onna, amongothers.

VISIT: Governor Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa State (3rd right), sympathizes with one ofthe victims of the Dec. 5 governorship election violence in Southern-Ijaw, Mr. Prince Williamsfrom Opuama community, when he visited them at the Gloryland Hospital, Opolo, Yenagoa.With the governor are the Chief Medical Director of the hospital, Dr. Young Dede (left),Speaker, BYHA, Kombowei Benson (2nd left), and other staff of the hospital. Photo: MichaelOwi.


Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015—13

Xmas: Oshiomhole thanks Edo people asworkers rejoice

By Simon Ebegbulem

Xmas: Okowatasks youthson prudence

LAST MINUTE SHOPPING: Sale and dressing of chicken on Obagi Street, G.R.A PhaseII Port Harcourt, ahead of the Christmas festivities. Photo: Nwankpa Chijioke.

B ENIN—GOVERNORAdams Oshiomhole of

Edo State has thanked thepeople of the state for theirlove, support, best wishes andprayers in the last seven yearsas he celebrates his lastChristmas as governor of thestate.

Also, the Nigeria LabourCongress, NLC, in the statehas thanked the governor forhis “unflinching commitmentin the payment of workers’salaries up-to-date,” adding,“You have clearly shown thatyou are a man of distinctionwho sees workers as assets andnot a liability.”

In his Christmas message tothe people of the state, thegovernor said: “We started theyear on a very difficult noteand I am happy that we arefinishing the year on a happiernote.

“Of course there arechallenges in the economy,there are challenges in thecountry, our main source ofnational resources hasdropped to an 11-year low,slightly above $30 and one isnot yet sure if it will not golower than that.

“The good news is that EdoState Civil Servants received

their December salaries onthe 21st of the month and forme, that is important toensure that those who trulylive on salaries and wagesget paid.

“So, I thank the goodpeople of Edo State for the

trust, confidence, friendship,and the spirit of convivialitythat characterized our walk.I believe we have all madeenormous sacrifices to keepthis state going.

“That we are able to paysalaries and still meet our

obligation to contractors is aresult of our collectivecreativity, resourcefulness,doggedness and moreimportantly, the will toreadily make sacrifices inorder to keep the Edo projectgoing.”

CHIEF GeorgeUmunna of Ibusa,

Oshimili North LocalGovernment Area ofDelta State, is dead,aged 85.

Burial rites begin onDecember 29, 2015 withservice of songs at hisUmuodafe quarterresidence, Ibusa to befollowed the next daywith funeral mass at St.Augustine’s CatholicChurch, Ibusa.Internment andentertainment of guestswill follow immediatelyafter at his residence.

He is survived by awidow, relations andmany children.

ChiefUmunna forburial

Late Chief Umunna

G O V E R N O RIfeanyi Okowa

of Delta State hasadmonished youths inthe state to refrain fromextravagant acts such asspending their hardearned money on firecrackers.

He said it was of nouse to work and savemoney only to waste themoney on irrelevantthings such as firecrackers, and excessiveconsumption of alcoholand hard drugs just tosocialise wrongly.

The governor who wasrepresented by theSpecial Assistant onPolitical Matters, ChiefOkiemute Akigho, toldthe youths from EthiopeEast that the reason ofChristmas is to share,love and support oneanother.

He admonished themthat the harmattanseason is a period offrequent fire outbreaks,warning of the danger ofstoring fuel at homebecause of scarcity.Using fire crackersduring this season, hesaid, can set houses,churches, shops, andother structures ablaze.

Chief Akigho, beggedparents to monitor theirchildren and wardsduring this festiveperiod.

Dickson warns against minimum wage reductionBy Samuel Oyadongha

YENAGOA—BAYELSAState governor, Mr

Seriake Dickson, has reaffirmedhis administration’s commitmentto the welfare of civil servants,assuring that, he will notsubscribe to any move for thedownward review of the presentminimum wage, despite thefinancial hardship facing thestate.

Dickson, who spoke,yesterday, in Yenagoamaintained that rather thanreduce the minimum wage, asbeing advocated in somequarters, his administrationwould do everything within itsreach to create a more enablingenvironment for them todischarge their dutieseffectively.

He restated his commitment tothe training and re-training ofpublic servants in 2016, topromote human capacitybuilding, which, according to

him, was one of the cardinalpoints of his administration.

On the delay in the paymentof December salary, heempathized with workers onthe development, explaining

that up till the time of thebriefing, the state was yet toreceive its monthly allocationfrom the Federation AccountsAllocation Committee, FAAC.

He, however, said that the

government was workinground the clock to ensure thepayment on or before nextweek by exploring othermeans.

By Nkiruka Nnorom

SEC, NSE to commence direct cash settlement,Jan 4

THE Securities andExchange Commission,

SEC, in conjunction with theNigerian Stock Exchange,NSE, yesterday, said thateffective January 4, 2016, thedirect cash settlementinitiative will take off in theNigerian capital market.

This was made known by theSteering Committee on DirectCash Settlement, DCS, in astatement yesterday. Thecommittee maintained thatwith the effective take-off ofdirect cash settlement,

investors in the Nigeriancapital market would becredited directly with the netproceeds of stock markettransactions which wouldaddress the illegal sale ofinvestors’ securities.

Direct Cash Settlement is aprocess where cash proceedsfrom trades executed bybrokers on the Exchanges e t t l e sdirectly intoinves tors ’nominatedb a n ka c c o u n t s .DCS is

aimed at improvingtransparency, entrenchinginvestor confidence, reducingmarket infractions andimproving trading velocity.

Basically, the process startswhen a client gives his brokerthe mandate to sell his or hershares. Once those shares aresold, payment is made directlyinto the client’s account.


14—Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015

From left: Divisional head, Retail Bank, Fidelity Bank Plc., RichardMadiebo, regional manager, Anglophone West Africa, MoneyGram, KemiOkusanya; executive director, Lagos and South West, Nneka Onyeali-Ikpeand regional bank head, Apapa Regional Bank, Obaro Odeghe at the unveilingof Brand New KIA RIO (Grand Prize) for the MoneyGram Scratch and Winpromotion at the Head office of Fidelity Bank Plc in Lagos.

IMF predicts oil price slump to $20 in 2016•Negates OPEC’s projection of rebound next year

By Ediri Ejoh withAgency report

THE days ahead mayjust be harder than

envisaged as theInternational MonetaryFund (IMF) yesterday, saidcrude oil prices may slumpto as low as $20 per barrelin 2016.

Following the release ofthe “IMF Executive BoardConcludes 2015 Article IVConsultation with Iran”report, the bodyhighlighted that the priceof crude oil could drop tobetween $5 and $15 in2016. Following the release

of the “IMF ExecutiveBoard Concludes 2015Article IV Consultation withIran” report, the bodyhighlighted that the priceof crude oil could drop tobetween $5 and $15 in2016.

According to IMF, thedwindling oil prices wouldnot have an overtly negativeeffect on Iran, whose grossdomestic product (GDP) isexpected to rise four to 5.5percent by 2017.

“Prospects for 2016/17 arebrighter, owing to theprospective lifting ofeconomic sanctions. Higher

oil production, lower costsfor trade and financialtransactions, and restoredaccess to foreign assets, areexpected to lift real GDP toabout 4–5.5 percent nextyear,” IMF said.

The same cannot be saidfor Nigeria, whose 2016budget is benchmarked atan oil price of $38 per barrelfor the 2016 fiscal year.

With Nigeria expected toproduce 2.2 million barrelsof crude oil per day in 2016and sell at $38 per barrel,the country expects togenerate $83.6 million perday in 2016 – $30.514 billionin the year 2016.

Going by IMF’spredictions at $20, Nigeriawould generate $44 millionper day in 2016, amountingto $16.060 billion in theyear.

This would mean thatNigeria would get at least47.4 percent less revenuefrom oil than what is alreadyprojected, consequentlyadding more pressure to thenation’s need to goborrowing in 2016.

According to PresidentMuhammadu Buhari, oilrelated revenues areexpected to contribute N820billion to the economy,while the budget deficitwhich stands at N2.22trillion would be funded byforeign and domestic loans.

If the N820 billionexpected from oil revenuesis cut by 47.4 percent – theIMF projected decline in oilprices – the nation’sbudgetary deficit wouldmove from N388.68 billionto N2.59 trillion.

As at November, Iran,with the world’s fourthlargest oil reserves, had 36million barrels of oil storedin offshore tankers for salein 2016 – sure to driveoversupply.

This is against theOrganisation of PetroleumExporting Countries(OPEC) projections that theglobal crude oil prices atseven-year low will notcontinue to fall, as it couldswing upwards soon.

The Secretary-General,OPEC, Abdullah al-Badri,made this disclosure at thefirst OPEC-India Energydialogue in New Delhi.

It will be recalled that oilprices fell by about two-thirds since mid-2014, withBrent crude on Mondayflirting with its lowest levelsince 2004 at just above $36a barrel.

According to him, “I’vebeen in the oil business allmy life. I saw six cycles – Isaw very high price, I sawlow price, and this is one ofthem. This will notcontinue.”


Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015 —15

16—Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015



Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi ofEnugu State, has assuredthat the executive councilwill continue to work insynergy with the statelegislature.

Speaking at a civicreception in honour of theSpeaker of the state Houseof Assembly, Edward Ubosiby the people of Enugu-East Local GovernmentArea, Ugwuanyi thankedthe Speaker and themembers of the House ofAssembly for theircommitment in moving thestate forward.

The governor equallycommended the people ofEnugu-East council fortheir support to hisadministration, adding thatthey should not relent intheir efforts to move thestate forward.

In his remark, theSpeaker, Ubosi assuredGovernor Ugwuanyi thatthe House will not delayany executive bill that wasin the interest of the people.

By Francis Igata

Igbo community in Diaspora calls forrelease of Kanu on Xmas day

By Dotun Ibiwoye

MORE REACTIONS havecontinued to trail the

detention of the Director, RadioBiafra, Nnamdi Kanu and leaderof Indigenous Peoples of Biafra,IPOB, as Ohaneze Diaspora, anIgbo group, comprising Igbo inthe Diaspora has called on theFederal Government tounconditionally release him andother detained activists today,Chismas day.

The group noted that the failureof government to holisticallyaddress the underlying issues ofmarginalisation and restructuringto true federalism gives life to theseparatist agitations.

President of the group, BiafraBuchi Diboh, in a statement, saidthat the continuous incarcerationof Kanu by the Department ofState Security, DSS, after aFederal High Court granted himbail was undemocratic and illegal.

According to the Diboh, theNigerian constitution guaranteesfreedom of speech andassociation, the right to selfdetermination which is aninalienable right of allindigenous people by virtue ofwhich they can freely determinetheir political status and freely

pursue their economic, social andcultural development.

“It is weird and intolerable thatthe Nigerian state wonindependence from the BritishColonial Government in the firstinstance on the basis of the rightto self determination such that Dr

Nnamdi Azikiwe, Chief ObafemiAwolowo and other selfdetermination agitators werenever arrested by the Britishcolonial authorities in the courseof advocating self rule,” he said.

Continuing, Mr. Obuhsaid:“The Nigerian state has

oddly chosen to maim, detainand kill those seeking self ruleon the same premise as thefounding fathers did. We warnthat no nation can ultimately bebuilt or held together by force justas no marriage/association shouldbe by force."

SERVICE: From left, Governor David Umahi of Ebonyi State; Speaker, Ebonyi State House of Assembly,Francis Nwifuru, and wife of the Deputy Governor, Nnenna Igwe, during the 2015 ThanksgivingService by the state government, Sunday.


Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015 —17


DURING this season ofgoodwill, let those of us

who are luckier than mostremember the millions inNigeria and across the globewho will suffer or die duringthis festive season and won’tenjoy special meals or receivenice Christmas gifts.

A couple of examples:According to Madame LeilaZerrougui, the United NationsS e c r e t a r y - G e n e r a l ’ sRepresentative on Childrenand Armed Conflict, many of thegirls (some as young as 11 yearsold) whom Boko Haramterrorists send on suicidebombing missions in North-Eastern Nigeria, NorthernCameroon, Chad and Niger areprobably not aware that theirhandlers will activate remotecontrol devices and blow themup.

Meanwhile, there are 20ongoing and protractedconflicts happening in today’sworld; and thousands ofchildren (some as young as 4or 5) are being used as soldiersand human shields by groupslike the Anti-Balaka Christianmilitias in the Central AfricanRepublic and the Islamic Statethugs who are wrecking Iraq,etc.

Refugee crisisand tragedy

As Zerrougui so eloquentlyputs it: “Childrens’ bodies arebeing used as weapons.”

Many of these vulnerablekids are dying - or being forcedto kill other people - while I amwriting this column. And manyinnocents will not live to see2016. So let us please pray forthem, their victims, theirfamilies and their victims’families.

We also need to rememberthose who are caught up in theenormous European migrant/refugee crisis and tragedy.

Over 1 million people haveentered Greece, Bulgaria, Italy,Spain, Malta and Cyprusillegally this year. This figurerepresents a fourfold rise onlast year’s total.

Half were escaping fromSyria. 20% were fleeing fromAfghanistan and 7% from Iraq.

The rest were from North Africaand other locations, includingNigeria.

34,000 made the arduousjourney via Turkey into Bulgariaand Greece by land, oftentrekking hundreds of miles onfoot with heavy luggage, frailelderly relatives and sick babiesin tow.

But most (972,500) bravedperilous Mediterranean andAegean Sea crossings in unsafeboats and awful stormyweather. And 3695 havedrowned so far.

Europeans are too civilised toallow those who survive these

terrible ordeals to die of hungeror do without basic shelter infreezing cold climates; andphilanthropically-inclinedEuropeans are very eager tohelp and have called on theirgovernments and compatriotsto do everything possible forthe foreigners.

Kirsty McNeill, the BritishCampaigns Director of the SaveThe Children charity, forinstance, has said that: "This isthe test of our [compassionate]European ideal…we need totake bolder action. There canbe no bigger priority."

And let’s not forget Angela

On a happier note

Madame Leila Zerrougui

Kirsty McNeill

Christmas prayers

LET me seize thisopportunity to warmly

congratulate my charming andsuper-smart friend and sister,Mrs. Ibim Semenitari, who hasjust been appointed ActingManaging Director (MD) of theNiger Delta DevelopmentCommission (NDDC).

Her appointment is a verypleasant Christmas surprise.

Ibim is the daughter of ChiefG.T.G Toby, a former Deputy-Governor of our state, Rivers,as well as the wife of HenrySemenitari, a former MD ofUnity Bank and a devotedmother of 3; and she hasimpressive professionalcredentials.

Merkel, the GermanChancellor, who has just beenhonoured by Time Magazine –she won the PERSON OF THEYEAR award “for throwing openGermany’s doors to a pressingthrong of refugees andmigrants; a total of 1million…are expected [inGermany] by the end ofDecember. It was an audaciousact [and] the most generous,openhearted gesture of recenthistory.”

But I think it is fair to say that

the majority of Europeans –especially those who live in hostcommunities - feel swampedand bitterly resent these“visitors” because taking care ofthem is costing taxpayers afortune, even when they areaccommodated in dingy campsand only provided with minimalwelfare benefits.

So, after undertaking the hugerisk of perishing in treacherouswaters and miraculouslyreaching their destinations inone piece, the migrantsfrequently encounter hostilityand hardship on arrival. But itwould appear that nothing canstem this impoverished,desperate, never-ending tide ofhuman misery.


When they get to Europe, theyrequest asylum. And some areindeed real refugees who areentitled to asylum because theirlives were in danger in theircountries of origins. But a largechunk are economic migrantswho just want better existencesin affluent nations that canprovide them and theiroffspring with jobopportunities and perks suchas free housing, free healthcareand free education.

One can only pray for a)migrants who are currentlystuck in refugee camps, feelinghomesick but unable to retracetheir steps and go home for allsorts of reasons and b)migrants in transit who willspend Christmas trying to stayalive in painful conditions andyearning for simple pleasureslike a decent meal and a hotbath.

She was a courageous andhighly effective Commissionerfor Information when RotimiChibuike Amaechi (now theMinister of Transport) was theRivers State Governor andbeing relentlessly attacked bya gaggle of powerful politicalenemies, including former FirstLady, Dame PatienceJonathan. And long beforeIbim took up this post, she wasa well-known journalist whoowned a successfulpublication.

I’m 100% sure that she willdo an excellent job for herNiger Deltan “constituents”and tidy up the NDDC, whichhas myriad problems that needto be solved asap.

Mr President has certainlychosen well on this occasion.

Angela Merkel

Mrs. Ibim Semenitari

One can only pray fora) migrants who arecurrently stuck inrefugee camps, feelinghomesick but unableto retrace their stepsand go home for allsorts of reasons and b)migrants in transitwho will spendChristmas trying tostay alive in painfulconditions andyearning for simplepleasures like a decentmeal and a hot bath

18 — Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015


Fri Pg 18, Dec 23

Christmas and the demonisation of ChristBy Bobson Gbinije

“Heaven has no rage like love to hatredturned/ Nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned.”

(The Morning Bride - William Congreve)

JESUS Christ is the authentic Messiah andunblemished signet on all Christians. He

is the generalissimo. Although the exact dateof his birth remain scripturally hazy, butthe commemoration of the birth of the greatson of the living God, the Prince of Peace isfundamentally obligatory and criticallycrucial for all Christians. The totalveneration of the messianic quintessence onDecember 25th, January 6th by some and1st October by others is in recognition Hisbirth which has spiritual significance for allwho believe..

But the unthinkable licentiousness,exuberance, moral depravity, and hideousconsumerism which has characterisedChristmas celebrations for ages, glaringlyshows that, there is the completedemonisation of Christianity and Christ.Hence, the Indian and Hindu statesmanMohandas Gandhi said: “I have never beenable to reconcile myself to the debaucheriesof the Christmas season. They have appearedto me to be so inconsistent with the life andteaching of Jesus Christ”. Yet, Jesus Christremains the reason for the season,

Some hypocritical but wealthy Christianscarry their Christmas theatrics so far thatthey go as far as Bethlehem or Jerusalem tocelebrate and back it up with a pilgrimage

Mr. Gbinije, a social critic, wrote fromWarri, Delta State.

later. Jesus lived a humble and self-effacinglife. He told a Samaritan woman who centredher worship at Gerizim, a mountain northin Jerusalem: “Believe me, the hour iscoming when neither on this mountain norin Jerusalem will people worship the father”.

Nevertheless, the hour is coming and it isnow, when true worshippers will worshipthe father in spirit and truth, for indeed thefather is looking for such to worship him”(John 4:21-23). Christianity and Christmasare completely sunken in the ways of secularhumanism and wickedness. They incarnatesatanic idiosyncrasies that have completelydemonised Christ and all what he stood for.Christians can no more vouch for their faithand have no moral locus standi to paradethemselves as soldiers of the cross. What ashame!

Under gruesome catechisation by PontiusPilate, Jesus Christ firmly asserted that “mykingdom is not of this world, if my kingdomis of this world, my attendants would havefought that I should not be delivered up tothe Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is notfrom this source”, but so called Christiansproclaim the heavenly kingdom and still

embody all the rat race of demonic sortilege,spiritual wickedness, pride, envy, greed,oppression, treachery and covetousness.

Christians in position of authority andleadership do not know what it is to serveand be servants of the people, like Christdemonstrated. They are cocooned in theshameful craft of corruption and graft.Christians in the churches, business places,politics, professions and evangelical missionhave successfully watered down anddemonised Christ and his teaching. Theethos of Christmas is lost in the thicket ofhypocrisy. There is utter christlessness inman. Hence, the essayist William James(1842-1910) position that “man biologicallyconsidered that whatever else he may be intothe bargain, is the most formidable of all thebeast of prey and indeed the only one thatpreys systematically on its own kind.” Whata shame that God’s own creation man hasbecome a treacherous and degenerate beastto man and his creator.

Jesus Christ is the first born of all creationand the only begotten son of Jehovah God.He is the second greatest authority in theuniverse. This son of God was sent by Hisfather, God Almighty to give life as asacrificial ransom for mankind thus openingthe way to eternal life for Adam’s offspringthat will exercise faith in God. The crucifixionof Jesus Christ is the legality of theindemnity. After the crucifixation of JesusChrist, He ascended into Heaven and is nowrestored to heavenly glory and rules as king

with authority to destroy all the wicked and tofulfill God’s original plan on earth. Does henot deserve true honour?

In Hebrew the word Jesus means “Jehovahis salvation”, whilst Christ called, Mashiachor Messiah means the “Anointed one”. JesusChrist the anointed one is not just a vaguesham. He is a historical, spiritual and vibrantpersonality who existed amongst men andcarried out palpably tangible acts for all tosee. There is no personality and no name thattranscends the totality of the universe thanthe name of Jesus Christ. He is worthy ofhonour and commemoration. He is trulyreally deserving of praises and adoration. Heis indeed the height of all glory and the finestthing that ever happened to mankind. Hedeserves all the glory.

But, are men really giving Him all theglory? Has He not been consigned to thecesspit of nothingness by our depravedconduct, through the apotheosization of themoney, the worshipping of power, certificatesand titles? Do we still appreciate his sacrificeand abnegation for us? How do ourdebaucherous proclivities during Christmastell on his integrity? Is Christmas a seasonfor Godlessness and Christlessness? Are ourChristian leaders now the contemporaryantichrist and apostle? Will the gospel ofJesus Christ survive given the dwarfishnessof our evangelical zeal? And will mankindsurvive the libidinous holocaust?

Finally, we are running against time. Wemust make a great dramatic turn around.

The ethos ofChristmas is lost inthe thicket ofhypocrisy

THE Muhammadu Buhari admin-istration has started making good itspledge to probe the big-time finan-cial transactions of the previous ad-ministration with the on-going inves-tigation of arms deals between 2007and May 29 2015. Already, a 13-mancommittee constituted to examine thetransactions has unearthed what itdescribed as large-scale scamstotalling N643.817 billion and $2.193billion after a preliminary inquiry.

These sums are mind boggling, andno responsible and accountable gov-ernment will fail to bring take allthose connected with the deals to saywhat they know about them.

Already, the administration, whichhad put the immediate past NationalSecurity Adviser (NSA), retired ColSambo Dasuki under arrest, has re-portedly caused the security agenciesto a number of former service chiefs,some officials of the former PresidentGoodluck Jonathan regime and some

Unravelling the arms dealsprominent businessmen into custody.

We strongly believe that anyone orgroup of persons entrusted with thepower and duties of public office muststand ready, at any time, to give ac-count whenever the need arises. Tothis end, we are in full support of thisand other probes that may follow inthe days ahead.

This is more so because the nationsuffered heavy losses as a result ofalleged lack of relevant militaryequipment to suppress the BokoHaram insurgency, which started likea joke and blew up within months tobecome a major threat to the nationand the West Africa sub-region.

We lost thousands of innocent citi-zens, including our gallant and he-roic soldiers, policemen and othersecurity personnel. Schools, hospitalsand communities were destroyed anddefenceless men, women, girls, chil-dren and the aged abducted by theterrorists. We lost a large tranche ofterritories, which are just now beingrecovered through military opera-tions. Indeed the losses areunquantifiable.

If it is established that people giventhe sacred duty of spending publicfunds to protect the nation and itspeople actually diverted some or all

of the funds to private uses, then theculprits must be brought to face thefull weight of the law and proceedsof their criminal activities must be re-covered. This should be the beginningof the conscious culture of puttingpublic officers and their collaboratorson notice that no one can toy withthe vital interests of the nation andget away with it.

However, because these probes andprosecutions have the potential to bepoliticised both by elements in gov-ernment and their opponents, weinsist on full disclosure of all facts tothe public, and the transparent, dueprocess conduct of all probes and tri-als.

If the involvement of the media,civil society and internationalstakeholders as observers will ensurea total depoliticisation of the process,then so be it.

VANGUARD, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015—————1919191919


Send Opinions & Letters to:[email protected]

Finally, the worldwoke up

*Mr Udegbe, a lawyer, wrote fromLagos.

Who profits from lack of trust amongNigerians?

THE world woke up on FridayDecember 18 to the

calamity that is the proxy warin Syria. The war began fouryears ago. Over 250,000 killed.Cities destroyed, 7.6 million,internally displaced. Over fourmillion are refugees with anincreasing number pushing intoEurope. Most of the refugees arechildren; too young to havestarted the bloody conflict, butnot too young to be victims ofthe senseless war.

The popular fiction of whattriggered the war, is laughable;on the back of the Arab Spring,there was a protest in Syria; thehigh handedness of the Syriansecurity forces triggered thewar. If it were a mere protest,how come within weeks, heavilyarmed fighters were pinningdown the Syrian armed forces,taking and holding territories?This is still the kindergartenrhyme parroted in leading worldnewspapers. The fact that“protesters” like the al-Nusraand Islamic Front (ISIS) hadpreviously been trained longbefore the ‘protests’ does notusually make the headlines.

There are a number of reasonswhy the ‘internationalcommunity’ sat down under theUnited Nations Security

Council and agreed on a RoadMap to peace in Syria. I am notsure the human tragedy was astrong enough motivating force.Rather, the fact that the Syrianrefugees have entered Europein large numbers threateningits demography; the forcefuland decisive entry of Russia inOctober 2015 and the possiblecollision between the latter andthe North Atlantic TreatyOrganisation (NATO) forceswhich can spiral out of control,are some of the main factors.

The Road Map; UN Resolution2254 is simple and straightforward. It provides for UN –facilitated talks between thegovernment and opposition asearly as next month; January,2016. The talks is to agree onthe outline of a nationwideceasefire. The road from this isexpected to lead to “credible,inclusive and non-sectariangovernance” in six months,then the production of a newconstitution which should leadto free and fair elections. Thisjourney is planned to last abouttwo years.

The intention is salutary, andthe wording great. Given thefact that the war is part of thewider Sunni-Shiite global battlefuelled by the Christian-

dominated Euro-Americanalliance, the idea of a processwhich is inclusive of theminorities, especiallyChristians, and which is notalong the sectional divide led bySaudi Arabia and Iran, is thebest road to take.

But among the fifteen nationsthat endorsed the Road Mapare its grave diggers; whereasthe UN Resolution 2254 statesthat the Syrian people willdecide the future of Syria, somenations are imposingconditions.

France declares that the peacetalks have to be hinged on theremoval of President Bashir al-Assad. Its Foreign Minister,Laurent Fabius argues “Howcould this man unite a peoplethat he has in part massacred?The idea that he could onceagain stand for elections isunacceptable to us.” The Frenchthought that Assad shouldsimply have handed over Syriato ISIS and walked away. Forstanding and fighting, he is a‘mass murderer’. Does it matter

whether the idea of Assadcontesting elections isacceptable or not to the French?Are they Syrians; do they havethe vote in Damascus.

Of course David Cameroon’sBritain has its own reasons whythe Peace plan must fail. ItsForeign Secretary, PhilipHammond rules “This processnecessarily involves thedeparture of Bashar al-Assad,not only for moral reasonsbecause of the destruction thathe has unleashed on his ownpeople, but also for practicalreasons – because it will neverbe possible to bring peace andunity to Syria as long as heremains in office”

The Road Map does not makethe removal of the Syriangovernment a pre-condition.Pray, what morals can Britain,which under Tony Blair lied todestroy Iraq, teach? The sameBritain that helped to establishISIS which is eating up theworld; what morals can it teach?The same morals of land grab,deception, duplicity, nakedexploitation and mass murdersthat characterised its bloodyhistory of colonialism? Give mea break!

Of course a British positioncannot be complete without itslegendary duplicity. Hammontells the world “But we must andwill protect the institutions thatare necessary for the futuregovernance of Syria and thatwill be possible with arepresentative transitionalgoverning body.” Whatinstitutions are left to beprotected in Syria; the armedforces, civil service, political,religious?

To be sure, the Americans arein this peace derailment workgang. Secretary of state, JohnKerry announces magisterially,“If the war is to end, it is

imperative that the Syrianpeople have to agree on analternative” to the Syriangovernment. First, whoappointed Kerry thespokesperson of the Syrianpeople? If the UN Resolution saysSyrians must determine theirfuture, how does Kerry arrogatethat power to himself or hiscountry?

The Americans argue thatAssad can no longer remainSyrian President because he“bombed his people”. If there isa civil war in US who will thegovernment be bombing? In theAmerican Civil war, who wasPresident Abraham Lincolnbombing? Nigerians orJapanese?

If so called protesters seize NewYork and New Jersey by force ofarms and move towardsBaltimore, Washington andMaryland seizing territory anddeclaring a different Republic,will President Barack Obamasimply pack his baggage andmove to resettle in Kenya?

As President and Commander-in-Chief, will he not order theAmerican armed forces to retakelost territory. Will Americansnot be killed or bombed in theprocess?

What are these countriesafraid of? That in a free and fairelection supervised by the UN,Assad, like Charles Taylor inLiberia, might sweep the polls?When they argue that theprevious elections won by Assadwere flawed; assuming this werethe case, are they not betterthan Saudi Arabia, the mainally of the West ruled by anunelected monarchy that rejectwomen and minority rights?

The peace process will lead towar mongers losing their battlefield puppets and arms . But ifthat be the will of Syrians, so beit.

NIGERIANS fought together for herindependence 55 years ago from the

British, with contributions from all tribes.She had three major tribes, the Hausa ofthe north, Yorubas of the West, and Igbosof the East running their respectiveregions, and they prospered.

They were happy as a country, whereeveryone contributed their best for thedevelopment of the young nationirrespective of their region, but theirMaster had planted a seed that would growto hinder the country's optimaldevelopment.

Their master gave, the north the ideathat they owned the country, and mustdominate the rest. In the governmentthey helped to fashion, they gave theNorth the post of Prime Minister, titularor ceremonial President to the East, whileto the West, they gave the economy tomanage.

Thus politically at the Federal Centre,there was a subtle power tussle betweenthe three regions, breeding lack of trust ,and dissatisfaction, which led to rise inethnic sentiments that forced each regionback to their geographical areas forpolitical and economic development, andpower.

Their Colonial Master sold the goat ofindependence to them, but held the ropeusing divide and rule. The North was seenas one entity or block galvanised by onereligion, Islam, while the West hadChristians and Muslims, the Eastremained Christians, and that madethem appear very different from others,and assisted their Master to further

increase the gulf of distrust between theEast and the rest.

Soon after independence they createdthe Mid-West Region out the South ofNigeria, targeting the crude oil in thebowel of the land in that region, givingthe nation four regions, namely theNorthern, Eastern, Western, and Mid-Western Regions of Nigeria. The influenceof the spread of Christianity had hit someregions in the north creating religiousdivisions all to the advantage of theirMaster, the British, to whom the politicaland economic leaders had to consult formajor decisions and counsel.

The Country had a weak FederalGovernment and economically strongregions, run by very powerful politicalleaders.

Ethnicity and religion had crept into thenational political decision making system,breeding more distrust among the peoplecausing more frictions especially betweenthe North and the South, with the Eastand Mid-West, both from the South, as thepawns of the system, but they did notknow it, and whether they realise it today,remains a matter for argument.

So, corruption, nepotism, ethnicity andreligion became entrenched early in thenew country's national life.

Dissatisfied with the situation, a group

of young military officers lead by an officerfrom the East who wanted to arrest thecontinued slide of the country staged aCoup in 1966, to create a strong FederalGovernment, with weaker Regions butunfortunately, the political and religiousLeader in the North was killed, along withothers in the West and Mid-West, withoutthe intended casualties from the East.

This was interpreted by another set ofArmy officers from the north as an affrontfrom the East, and West, and they quicklystaged their counter coup whichtruncated the history and destiny of thiscountry.

The federal government that followedthe counter coup of 1966, did three thingsthat left Nigeria supine till date. First,they reshaped the face of the FederalGovernment thickly in favour of theNorth, with the West as their allies, andnaturally, where ever you find the Westtoday, there you will find the Mid-West.

Second, they invested time and moneyin spreading a campaign of hatred againstthe Eastern Region in the North, blamingthem for killing their political andReligious leader.

Third , they re-instated the idea thatNigeria was for the North to rule, whileothers will take whatever the north gavethem from the national pie. The Northbecame the new Master of Nigeria,profiting from the divide and rule gamemasterfully guided by their mentors, theBritish.

The result of these was the 1966genocide against the Easterners in thenorth, which led to the declaration ofBiafra by the Easterners and the 30months civil war in which Biafra wasdefeated in 1970.The British was happy,that the North prevailed, the Easternersfelt betrayed by the West, the Westclaimed that they were disappointed bythe East for rushing into the War, andwhile they bickered the victorious North

devoted quality time to estrange the Eastfrom all her neighbours from the presentday South South Region, some of whomalso suffered terrible casualties fromNigerian Army during that war.

They manipulated the situation to theirbest advantage, by creating andempowering leaders from the East, West,and Mid-West to disagree with the East onalmost every front of human reasoningand endeavour, and did not stop there.They created an addiction to money,driven by avarice, selfishness, extremepride and ego in these leaders and usedthem to hold the rest down in their newNigeria, while they and these new leadersprofited from the common wealth of thepeople. These leaders abound today.

With the war over, they created newstates, namely the North Eastern, NorthWestern, North Central, South Western,Mid-Western, East Central States, andLagos State, and descended on the EastCentral State to ensure that theyremained permanently subdued as longas Nigeria remained, using sons anddaughters of that zone too to buildextensive lack of trust among the people,till date.

To ensure a very powerful federalgovernment with the advent of oil, theybroke up the zones into very tiny weakand even non-economically viable states,restructuring the country in such a waythat the north remains on paper, greaterthan the entire South put together innumber and all.

They use national honours, oil wellallocation, money, and power to keep thelack of trust within and between theconquered regions alive, such that whenyou speak out loud, there will be someonefrom among your leaders to shout and putyou down for a pot of porridge. Can thislack of trust be broken?

By Clement Udegbe

They use nationalhonours, oil wellallocation, money, andpower to keep the lack oftrust within andbetween the conqueredregions alive

But among thefifteen nationsthat endorsed theRoad Map are itsgrave diggers;whereas the UNResolution 2254states that theSyrian people willdecide the futureof Syria, somenations areimposingconditions

20—Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015

Traders fault plans to relocate fuel tankers to tradefair complex

going concern, which preservesvalue for the minority retailshareholders. The move alsosecured direct employment forover 3,000 employees.

“Going by every indication, thefuture of the company was verydoubtful and that was risky for theemployees which are over 3,000Nigerians apart from others whobenefit from the company’sservices through other ancillaryservices. The return of DIL istherefore a big relief and gooddecision to save the jobs of thestaff of TBCG,” a market opera-tor said.


According to the repurchaseagreement, subject to regulatoryapprovals, DIL will provideTBCG with an immediate cashinjection of N10 billion. In return,Tiger Brands will divest its 65.7per cent shareholding in TBCGto DIL for a nominalconsideration and write off itsshareholder loans to TBCG.

In addition, Tiger Brands willassume and settle outstandingdebt guaranteed on behalf ofTBCG. Already, the formerdirectors of TBCG, Alake, Ekpeand Ighodalo have agreed to re-join the board of TBCG and haveconsequently been reappointedwith effect from 10th December2015.

The companies have explainedthat the transaction will ensurethat TBCG is maintained as aviable going concern, able toretain its employees and meet itsobligations to its stakeholders.

TRADERS at International Trade Fair Com-

plex along Lagos-BadagryExpressway have rejected theproposed plan by the State Gov-ernment to relocate fuel tankersand trucks to the market.

Speaking at a briefing, spokes-man for the market unions at thecomplex, Dr. Jude Ringo Okeke,stated that the move wouldcripple business activities in thearea.

“The Trade Fair Complex hasbeen concessioned to privateinvestors for 20 years, and sincethen more than 100,000 shops ofvarious capacities and over 500plazas have been built byindividuals which has costtraders trillions of Naira in

DANGOTE IndustriesLimited (DIL)’s decision to

buy back its former subsidiary, Ti-ger Branded Consumer Goods(TBCG) was informed by theneed to prevent the companyfrom going under and save over3,000 jobs of Nigerians.

DIL was approached by TigerBrands to acquire its 65.7 per centshares of TBCG Limited. Whilesome stakeholders havequestioned the rationale behindthe investment decision by DIL,sources close to the DangoteGroup said the company had toconsider the repurchase of TBCGso as to keep the company as a


CBN Exchange rate as at 24/12/2015

$37.84 0.48

$119.40 -1.55

$3,221.00 -39.00

$15.19 0.04


196 196.5 197 291.5108 292.2545 292.9981 214.4632 215.0103 215. 5574 197.8 198.3046 198.8092 1.6205 1.6246 1.6288 0.3046 0.31146 0.32346 270.457 2701. 146 271.8359 30.2353 30.3129 30.3904 52.2165 52.3497 52.4829 28.7356 28.8089 8.8822 271.4012 272.0936 272.7859

37.80 0.30

Dangote buys backformer subsidiary to saveover 3,000 jobs

By Chinweoke Akoma

By Naomi Uzor

THE Nigeria ExportPromotion Council, NEPC, has

called for removal of regulationsthat are hindering the growth ofnon-oil exports.

Executive Director/CEO,NEPC, Mr. Olusegun Awolowo,who made the call during thepresentation of certificates to thesecond batch of ‘Zero to Export’project in Lagos, stated that non-oil export is not growing due togovernment regulations.

Represented by a director,NEPC, Mr. Olajide Ibrahim, hesaid that the impediments to non-oil exports have to be removedto improve export becauseexporters are losing business as

investment.This is the sole international

market serving Nigeria and theWest Coast, as such the capacityof the market has been over-stretched thus leading to heavytraffic in and out of the marketdaily.” he said.

Okeke, wondered why a gov-ernment that says that the privatesector is the engine of growth inthe economy, should carry out apolicy that would cripple invest-ment and already established pri-vate-sector enterprises.

He noted that commercialactivities in the Apapa area wherethese tankers and trucks arecurrently located have remainedat very low ebb, making it impos-sible for meaningful investments.

“We have been faithful to ourlease agreement with the Federal

Government. The various marketunions in the complex have beenlaw abiding. That is why we areseriously worried by the recentnewspaper publication on planby the Lagos state government torelocate the trucks to this place.Presently, over 1,000 trucks comehere either to deliver or carrygoods from this place. You canimagine what would happenwhen these trucks and tankersadd to the number given the factthat we have one entry and exitto the complex.

‘’This obviously, is a deliberateattempt to cripple our businesses.Millions of Nigerians largelydepend on us for their livelihood;therefore a government that saysit wants to tackle unemploymentshould not encourage policiesthat would shut down businesses.

a result of not well consideredregulation especially foreignexchange regulation.

To this end, he said that theexporters need pre-shipmentincentives to getting theirproducts to the global market,stressing that small businesses inthe export business must beencouraged by incentives to becompetitive at the global arena.

“There is what we call theexport development fund whichis more like an incentive whichwe are trying to develop to assistsmall businesses to make themstand in the export marketbecause without that kind ofsupport, it will be very difficult forthem to export their goods couplewith the fact that the cost of doing

business in Nigeria isvery high and otheri n f r a s t r u c t u r a lchallenge will notallow their product tobe competitiveenough.” ý

He disclosed thatthe Council has builtthe capacity ofabout 41 indigenousexporters in thecountry withrequired skills andknowledge forexporting theirproducts to theinternational marketswith a view to puttingan end to therejection of Nigerianexports to theEuropean Union(EU) and other partsof the world.

“The only thingthey need now is

support to go into export, theyhave form a cooperative and havebeen given some amount thatthey will use to start the exportbusiness.

“The only thing now is toprovide the necessary logisticsupport that will help themactualise their dreams.

For NEPC we will continue toprovide capacity building interms of quality for our export.

If necessary procedures arefollowed, our exporter will not fallinto any problem in export,” hesaid.

Explaining, he said that this isthe second batch of trainees,stating, “we had the first batch

some months ago and because ofthe interest shown by participantsand other people, we decided toenlarge the number to get moreexporters on board,” he said.On Zero to export initiative, heexplained that it is all aboutbringing people to therudimentary aspect of exportationand exporters that do not haveany knowledge about export to apedestal and height where theyhave all the knowledge requiredin accessing the export market, itis also targeted to train andestablish in the first phase; 100participants in various area ofexport; agro-commodity, solidminerals and manufacturing.

NEPC seeks removal of regulations impedingnon-oil exports

By Providence Obuh

From left, Distribution Business Manager, English West Africa, HP Incorporations,Emmanuel Asika; Microsoft Nigeria, Partners Channel Marketing Manager, Bunmi Bialose;and Marketing Manager (Personal Systems), East, West and French Africa, HP Incorporations,Tolulope Lawani at Microsoft/HP’s celebration of stars event, in Lagos.


Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015 —21


22 — Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015

The issues,personalities (2)


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Fulani men abduct FalaeAnother episode that played out

in the South West, was the kidnapof former Secretary to theGovernment of the Federationand National Chairman of theSocial Democratic Party (SDP),Chief Olu Falae, whichhappened in September.

What ought to be a day of merrymaking turned sour for Falae, whowas kidnapped by suspectedFulani herdsmen on his 77thbirthday.

Falae, who is also a chieftain andleader of the Yoruba Socio-culturalgroup, Afenifere, was abductedon his farm in Ilado, alongIgbatoro road, in Akure, thecapital city of Ondo State.

The news of Falae’s kidnapdrew the ire of groups from theregion.

A note of warning was sent tothe Federal Government to do allwithin its powers to ensure that“Baba Falae is returned to hisfamily safe and sound.”

Though the former SGF waseventually let off by his abductors,he described his ordeal asunpleasant.

Providing shocking details of hisordeal at the hands of hisabductors, Falae narrated how hewas deprived of food and madeto trek several kilometres tofreedom.

HID Awolowo’s death

By Dapo Akinrefon The South West geo-political zone was notably in thenews for so many noteworthy reasons this year.The zone had its high and low moments.

The South West and indeed, thenation was thrown into mourningin September by the passingaway of the Awolowo matriarch,Mrs HID Awolowo died at the ageof 99 just over 2 months short ofher 100th birthday.

Popularly known as HID, shewas married to the late sage andpremiere of the old Westernregion, Chief Obafemi Awolowo.

President Muhammadu Buhariamong other eminent Nigeriansattended the burial ceremony oflate Chief HID Awolowo inIkenne, Ogun State.

South West succession threatThe backlash of Falae’s

abduction was the threat by eldersand leaders of the South West to secede following allegations ofincessant, unprovoked attacksand invasion of their farmlandsby Fulani herdsmen.

This came to the fore in October.The declaration was reached at

a summit entitled, “NationalInsecurity and the Menace ofFulani Herdsmen in Yorubaland”.

The meeting, presided over byformer Governor of the WesternRegion, General AdeyinkaAdebayo, warned that the Yorubawill no longer tolerate the presentstructure of the country, whichthey claim undermines selfactualization of the people of theSouth West.

Reports from the summit saidfailure to restructure Nigeriausing the 2014 confab reportmight force the Yoruba people toreview their place in a politicalarrangement that cannotguarantee the protection of hercitizens.

The participants also decried thecontinued oppression of theYoruba in their homeland by someFulani herdsmen.

Akure Eze Ndigbo eyeballsDeji

By October, crisis erupted in theancient town of Akure whenIgbos shut down their businessesto protest the planneddethronement of their Eze-Ndigbo, Sir Gregory Iloehike.

Shops belonging to the Igbowere locked in all major marketsin Akure just as; they withdrewtheir services from the markets.

The Igbos insisted that the Dejiof Akure, Oba AladetoyinboAladelusi had no power todethrone one of their own.

The Deji had accused the EzeNdigbo of insubordination anddisrespect.

But Iloehike, in his defense, saidhe was not rude to the Deji,adding that he contributedimmensely to the monarch’sinstallation.

Fasoranti’s resignationAnother interesting episode

that played out in the South westwas the resignation of leader ofthe pan-Yoruba socio-politicalorganisation, Afenifere, ChiefReuben Fasoranti in November.

Fasoranti’s resignation joltedmembers of the organisation tothe marrow.

The action of the octogenarian,did not go down well withmembers of the group, who feltsuch decisions should not havebeen made public.

Fasoranti, who became theleader of the group after the deathof Chief Abraham Adesanya,declared that with the statement,he has since stopped being thechairman of the foremost Yorubaorganisation formed in 1951under the leadership of the lateChief Obafemi Awolowo.

He, however, noted that asevents have been unfolding in thepast few years, the focus and goalsof the founding fathers of the great organsation, Afenifere, weregradually eroding.

New Ooni of Ife crownedFive months after the death of

Oba Okunade Sijuwade at theage 85, Oba Babatunde EnitanAdeyeye Ogunwusi Ojaja 11ascended the Ooni stoolbecoming the 51st Ooni of Ile-Ifein December.

Remarkably, the ancient city ofIle Ife stood still as the 51st Ooniwas presented with the staff ofoffice and instrument ofappointment.

Interestingly, the coronationcame exactly 35 years and oneday after the immediate-pastOoni, Oba Sijuade waspresented the staff of office.

Prior to his installation, theprocess of choosing the IfeMonarch proved to be aprotraded one for kingdom.

Also, crisis enveloped one of theruling houses following theselection of candidate for thevacant stool.

Contestants from all the fourruling houses, namely, Giesi,Osinkola, Ogboru and Lafogido,showed interest to occupy theexalted stool.

By October, crisiserupted in theancient town ofAkure when Igbosshut down theirbusinesses to protestthe planneddethronement oftheir Eze- Ndigbo,Sir Gregory Iloehike

Continues from last week

YORUBA SUMMIT:Most significantgathering in Akure

EKITI: Oppositionstate awaitingtrouble ahead?

24 — Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015


Ajimobi becomes first to getsecond term in Oyo

SINCE the inception of thepopulous city of Ibadan,

no governor had evergoverned the state twice. Nowonder, the state has beendubbed the political hotbed ofthe South West.

Before the commencement ofthe 2015 election, there waspalpable tension in the stateas political gladiators sluggedit out in a very keenlycontested election.

The key players in theelection were Governor AbiolaAjimobi, Former GovernorsAdebayo Alao-Akala, RashidiLadoja, Accord Partycandidate, Mr Seyi Makinde,an engineer governorshipcandidate of SocialDemocratic Party, SDP,Senator Teslim Folarin, PDPcandidate, Oloye JumokeAkinjide, former Minister ofState, FCT and many others.

The deep political differencebetween Ogbomoso andIbadan city actually came intoplay on one hand, while theinability of the likes of ChiefAlao-Akala, Senator Ladoja,Senator Folarin and OloyeJumoke Akinjide determinedthe results of the electionwhich was in favour of theincumbent governor.

When it was evident that theruling All Peoples Congresswould clinch victory for twosuccessive administrations, ameeting was held at theBodija residence of Senator

By Ola Ajayi

Sweet, sour

events in Oyo

AS the year 2015 winds up, some

memorable events happened in the year in

the Pace-setter state. While some are

favourable, others are not too pleasant.

The events however made the year very

interesting in the anals of the ancient city

of Ibadan and in Oyo state in general. The

events range from politics, crime,

development and many others.


Ladoja where it wassuggested that other partiesshould vote for a jointcandidate. But, when theissue of choice was put on anegotiating table, it wasgathered that Otunba Alao-Akala distanced himself fromthe plot because it wasdecided that Ladoja, being anIbadan indigene shouldemerge as a consensusgovernorship candidate.

Also, Akala and Folarin wereboth planning how to settleold political scores at theelection.

When all these politicalmachinations were going on,the ruling APC was busystrategising and breaking the

ranks of the opposition.Another factor that led to the

victory of APC in the electionwas the perceivedcontroversial internationalelectio process within theAccord Party. The process ofselecting candidates for theelection in the party could bedescribed as the undoing ofthe party as many of itschieftains defected to theruling party.

Mr Deji Aboderin leftAccord with his supporterswhile Mrs. Bola Amole whowas a very popular politicianwas on the verge of defectingto the APC when she died

suddenly.By the time the dust settled,

many of the politicians bittheir fingers in regret, whilesome boasted of their victory.

PDP, a once vibrant partykissed the dust in defeat,while APC won the electionwith Ladoja coming secondand Alao-Akala’s Labour Partythird.

CrimeIt was harvest time for the

Oyo State Police command asit paraded hundreds ofrobbery suspects , kidnapgangs, suspected fraudsters,rapists and others.

During one of the severalparades by the command, a

student of Ladoke AkintolaUniversity of Technology, wasalleged to have raided afemale hostel in the institutionwhere he allegedly raped andstole some of their property.

As the year comes to an end,the crime rate reduceddrastically. The success,according to the StateCommissioner of Police, Mr.Leye Oyebade, was as a resultof effective policing and thecompetent officers thatsurrounded him.

As the police recorded hugesuccess, other securityagencies like the Departmentof State Services, DSS,Nigerian Army, NigeriaSecurity and Civil DefenceCorps, NSCDC, movedswiftly to curtail pipelinevandalism and civildisobedience.

The Oyo/Osun areacommand of Nigeria CustomsService led by theAbdulsalam Hassan, theActing Customs AreaController, made a lot ofseizures.

He said the commandgenerated a total of thirteenbillion, two hundred and onemillion, nine hundred andeighty seven thousand, threehundred and twenty twonaira, seventy seven kobo(N13, 201,987, 322. 77 ).

The controller also hintedthat a total of 166 seizureswith a duty paid value of overN395million were made.

InfrastructureIn Oyo, the state of

infrastructural developmentwhich was highlycommendable in the first yearof Governor Ajimobi did notwitness much progress.Without mincing words,many of the roads withinIbadan metropolis and itsenvirons are presently in astate of disrepair.

While some repairs weremade on some roads, someroads are still begging forattention of the governor. Theroads that readily come tomind are Ologuneru-Eruwaroad, Akobo-Asi road andothers. In fact, the situation isso bad that some youths nowuse mud to fill countlesspotholes and get money fromwilling road users.

Civil Service and educationWorkers in the state no doubt

went through a turbulent yeardue to government’s inabilityto pay their salaries andallowances.

Before the bail out, theworkers were owed as muchas five month which forcedthem to go on strike.

When the FederalGovernment released thebailout fund, the governor didnot renege on his promise ashe settled the workers.

Governor Ajimobicomplained bitterly about thehuge amount that the state


•Ajimobi: Broke second term jinx

It was harvesttime for the OyoState Policecommand as itparadedhundreds ofrobbery suspects, kidnap gangs,suspectedfraudsters,rapists andothers


Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015 —25

2016 Budget

SIGNS of what to expect inthe new year started with

the presentation of 2016appropriation bill ofN67.044bn, christened‘budget of reality’ to the stateHouse of Assembly, byGovernor Ayo Fayose, with apromise that 10,000 indigentcitizens across the state wouldbe paid N5,000 monthly fromJanuary next year.

Fayose, who described theproposed budget as 83% of the2015 budget of N80.78billion,said the reduction wasinformed by the desire to livewithin the means of the stateand provide on achievableestimate rather than decoratethe budget with unrealisticfigures.

In the budget three capitalprojects were mentioned andthey are, construction of anoverhead bridge, ultramodern market and an airport.

These projects are not onlyexpected to generaterevenues, as the contractorshandling them are expectedto pays certain percentage astaxes into the governmentcoffers, they are also expectedto generate employment.Certain percentage of thelabour force for these projectare expected to be sourced bythe contractors handling theseprojects locally.

Financing of these projects,according to GovernorFayose, would be sourcedfrom the much expecteddisbursement of the excesscrude account.

Salary arrears and inheriteddebt

Another issue that hasdominated the space in thelast two weeks in Ekiti stateis the issue of workerssalaries. As at now the AyoFayose administration isowing workers in the state,two months salary arrears. Butthis did not come by design,it was a result of consensusbetween the government andthe leadership of theworkforce.




By Rotimi Ojomoyela

AS we head for the endof the year, events inEkiti State in the lasttwo weeks, willdefinitely define theshape of what to expectin the new year.In Ekiti stategovernment action andinaction determine thedirection and shape ofthe state, socially,politically andeconomically. The onlybusiness in Ekiti isgovernment and everyother person in the statedepend, on governmentdirectly or indirectly forsurvival.

Since the heavy short fall inthe federal allocation to thestate, from an average of N3billion to an all time low ofN1.4billion, per month,payment of salaries has beenin bits and pieces. Selectivemethod of payment wasadopted by the Governmentbut with the advice of workersthat all workers should be paidat the same time, allocationsof two months are now beingmerged to pay one monthsalaries.

For now, salaries of Octoberand November are yet to be

paid, but Fayose hadpromised to effect thepayment of October before theChristmas, which invariablymeans that December andNovember would be carriedover to 2016.

Effects of unpaid salariesThe inability of the

government to pay salaries ofworkers, even at the Yuletideseason is already affectingcommerce in the state capital,as the usual buzz and flurrythat surrounds the majormarkets in Ado-Ekiti,especially in this season havebeen very low.

Markets and shoppingmalls in the state have beenshadow of theirsves, sincepatronage by the Civil

Servants have diminished.

Govt’s tax driveAnother vexatious issue that

has attracted attention in thelast days of this year andwhich is bound to raise a lotof dust in the new year is tax.

Recently, the governmenthad light skirmishes withtipper owners association overthe introduction of a new taxregime by the government,they not only vowed not to paythe new tax, they also pulledout their services. But this hassince been settled between thetwo parties. With governmentshifting ground that insteadof N1,000 earlier imposed pertrip, they should now payN500 effective from Januarynext year. The association, in

conjunction with the stategovernment fixed a new rateper load of sand and gravel,which would now make thelater to go for N14,000 fromN12,000 and the former fromN24,000 to N28,000respectively.

The same applied to thebutchers association, whosemembers were asked to pay atax of N1000 per cowslaughtered in governmentabattoirs across the state.Their protest against thepolicy led to the closure of allthe abattoirs in the state, butlike that of tipper ownerassociation, the matter wasresolved but with a resultantconsequence on theconsumers. The butchers nowshift a kilo of meat fromN1000 to N1200.

Local Government electionAnother issue that is

expected to shape politicalactivities in the state in thenew year is the localgovernment election,scheduled for this Saturday.This tier of government hasbeen without elected officialsfor sometime now, preciselysix years.

Legal hurdles had been theencumbered attempts by theKayode Fayemiadministration to conductelections into the councilareas. The Peoples DemocraticParty had gone to court tochallenge the composition ofthe State IndependentElectoral Commission,accusing the government ofpopulating the SIEC withcard carrying members of theAPC.

Caretaker Committees wereput in place by Fayemi toadminister the 16 Localgovernment areas.

The PDP led government ofAyo Fayose, howeverinaugurated another SIEC,vowing to conduct electioninto the local governmentarea, but his action waschallenged in court by the AllProgressive Congress, whoaccused him of appointing hisparty men into the electoralumpire.

But an Ado-Ekiti High Courtstruck out the APC case,therefore clearing the way forthe election which held onSaturday, December 19.

2016 promises to be aninteresting year in the state,most especially now that thesigns from every angle, seemvery ominous. How the statewriggles out of the financialmess and stabilizes theeconomy of the state which isalready beleaguered withhuge debt profile would bevery interesting.

Another political issue thatmay cause hiccups in thestate, would be the muchexpected report of the militarypanel on the involvement ofhis men in Ekiti June 21 2014Governorship election.

•Fayemi: Leader of the APC in Ekiti

As at now theAyo Fayoseadministrationis owingworkers in thestate, twomonths salaryarrears, butthis did notcome bydesign

26— Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015

T H E T E A MEDITOR:Adeleke Adeseri 08054682557 (sms only)

CORRESPONDENTS:Ola Ajayi IbadanGbenga Olarinoye OsogboDayo Johnson AkureDapo Akinrefon LagosDaud Olatunji AbeokutaOlasunkanmi Akoni LagosRotimi Ojomoyela EkitiMonsuru Olowoepejo


YORUBA leaders whoconverged on Akure, the

Ondo state capital early thismonth itemized some nationalissues that needed to be urgentlyaddressed by the presentadministration so as to continueto guarantee the unity of thecountry and equally give a senseof belonging to all constituentunits in the country.

The second summit which camebarely two months after itsmaiden edition was held inIbadan, the Oyo State capital wasan indication that the leaders areuncomfortable with somedevelopment in the Polity hencethe need to lend their voices onthe present state of the polity,economy and security of Nigeria.

They were unanimous in theirsubmissions at the meeting underthe auspices of Yoruba Summit.

Conveners of the summit arethe Chairman of the Yoruba UnityForum, Bishop Bolanle Gbonigi,Chairman of Afenifere, Pa ReubenFasoranti, leader of OoduaPeoples Congress, Otunba GaniAdams and Chairman of YorubaCouncil of Elders Gen AdeyinkaAdebayo ,Chairman of theSummit Planning Committee DrKunle Olajide.

The event which was held at the5,000 capacity sittingInternational event centrechristened “the Dome” was fulland witnessed delegates fromacross the South West states. TheAkure edition was animprovement over its maidenedition.

Former Nigerian Ambassador tothe Philippines, Dr Yemi Farounbidelivered the summit lectureentitled “ Economic Downturnand unemployment inYorubaland”

Of special interest to the leadersof the Yoruba socio-cultural groupsinclude the dwindling economy,menace of the fulani herdsmento their host Communities, the2014 implementation of the reportof the national conference byPresident Muhammadu Buhari,the agitation by the IndigenousPeople of Biafra, (IPOB) andinconclusive elections in Kogiand Bayelsa states

They also deliberated on theneed for Yoruba State governorsto meet with leaders of the nationto fashion out an agenda forcooperation that would leverageon the economic strength of eachstate to create a conduciveatmosphere for entrepreneurs totap into the resources across thestates that would empower thepeople to float businesses that canengage millions of youths in thestates.

First to fire the salvo was theChairman of the occasion, theleader of Afenifere group, PaReuben Fasoranti who lamentedthe activities of the Fulaniherdsmen across the South Weststates and other states.

“ A case in point is the one whichaffected Chief Olu Falae, whenFulani herdsmen abducted himfrom his farm and was kept away

Most significant gathering in Akure

By Dayo Johnson

•Some Yoruba leaders at the summit


for four days under very harshcondition s day and night.

“ He was finally released by hiscaptors as a result of public outcryand had to find his way back toAkure in tattered clothes,exhausted and manhandled.

“ This is not becoming of acivilized society to treat a man ofChief Falae’s stat ure the way hewas treated before his captorssuccumb to the public outcry thatled to his release.

“There are many similar casesof kidnap by fulani herdsmen inthe Yoruba sector of the Country,which the authorities did not doanything about, perhaps the lawenforcement agencies areexpecting the victims to take thelaws into their hands and thatwould be jungle justice," he said.

Fasoranti submitted that “ asolution to this fulani menace isto restrict the fulani herdsmen to

specific areas as its done in otherCountries.

“By so doing, grazing will berestricted to such areas designatedfor that purpose. We shall thenhave the necessary peace forgood living.

“ By restricting the herdsmento designated areas we shall becombating the problem ofunemployment and curbunnecessary wandering andcreate good neighborliness andunderstanding amongNigerians."

Speaking on the summit lecture,Ambassador Farounbi suggestedways of creating jobs in the regionand the need to move from whathe called ornamental educationto technical.

He said that “we havegraduates of mechanicalengineering that have probablynot seen a piston before,graduates of marketing thatcannot do a proposal for anadvertising agency.

Dr Farounbi who describedYoruba nation as the economic hubof the nation in the pre and postcolonial era.

He noted that Yoruba land hasbeen relegated to the backgroundand the need for Yoruba leadersto wake up to their responsibilitiesin repositioning the region.

While advocating for vocationaleducation and training whichshould go side by side witheducation he noted that this willgo a long way to createemployment opportunities for theunemployed youths in theregion.

He urged the people of Yorubanation to go back to the drawingboard to remain in its vintageposition saying “ the best part ofYoruba nation should not be in itsyesterday but should be in itstomorrow”

He noted that Yoruba nation has

been relegated to the backgroundand the need for Yoruba leadersto wake up to their responsibilitiesin repositioning the region.

He urged the people of Yorubanation to go back to the drawingboard to remain in its vantageposition.

According to him “ the best partof Yoruba nation should not be inits yesterday but should be in itstomorrow”

Chief Olu Falae, Chief AyoAdebanjo, Bishop BolanleGbonigi, Chief Gani Adams andChief Olanihun Ajayi harped onthe need for the presentadministration to urgentlyimplement the 2014 report of thenational conference. They arguedthat the panacea for truefederalism and the “ trouble “ inthe polity is the implementationof the report.

They also stressed the need forother Yoruba leaders to attend thesummit and the coming togetherof the south west governors forthe development of the regionirrespective of political parties.

Chief Adebanjo said anyonewho cherishes the unity of thecountry should not oppose theconfab report.

“ If President MuhammaduBuhari is sincere about the peaceand unity of this country heshould implement therecommendation of the confab

report he asserted.“On his part, the summit

planning committee Chairman DrKunle Olajide said that the “yoruba summit is still evolving. Itis work in progress. Yoruba Sociopolitical and socio cultural groupsare welcome to the club ofconveners.

“The aim is to enable therainbow coalition of theleadership of YorubaOrganisation to speak with onevoice on matter of interest to theYoruba nation.

Olajide who pointed out thatmost prominent Yoruba leadersof the ruling party have not beenvery visible in the summit, saidthe summit will be meetingperiodically to appraise theposition of Yoruba land in theCountry.

He was quick to add that somemembers of the ruling party werein attendance at the last summitheld two months ago at Ibadan,Oyo State.

Governor Olusegun Mimiko inhis address at the summit said;“For Nigeria to make a quantumleap in economic developmentand meet up with the rest of theworld, the country must berestructured.’’

He pointed out that the countrywould not move forward unlessit is restructured in line with theresolutions of the 2014 nationalThe aim is to

enable therainbowcoalition of theleadership ofyorubaOrganisation tospeak with onevoice on matterof interest to theYoruba nation


Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015 —27


28 — Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015

Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015—29

SOMEONE once said thatyou could spend three

hours in Lagos traffic only tofinally discover that it wascaused by something a smallas a palm kernel. The same istrue for many parts of thecountry. For a country rankedas Africa’s most populousregion, it is no surprise thattraffic in Nigeria is a buddingissue for its citizens.

Apart from the mystical palmkernel, the growing volume oftraffic could be attributed to aplethora of issues such as thehigh numbers of privatelyowned vehicles and poorinfrastructure.

Although knowing the reasonfor the traffic won’t get you outof it, it seems Twitter on theother hand, can help you planyour movement away from thetraffic prone areas. Toaccomplish that, here are sometwitter pages to follow:


· @Gidi_Traffic providesNigerians with live updates ofareas in the countryexperiencing high levels oftraffic, through crowd sourcedupdates posted on its Twitterpage. With over 400,000followers and over 500k Tweets,@Gidi_Traffic has beenproviding live traffic updates toNigerians around the countrysince 2011 through followerupdates.

The main aim of@Gidi_Traffic is to alert driversof high traffic areas, it alsolends itself as a platform foranswering inquiries fromanyone who requiresinformation on any subject of

interest. Although@Gidi_Traffic relies largely oncrowd sourced updates, thepage provides videos ofgridlocked areas. These videosare very useful to individualslooking for real time validationof the traffic situation.

@Tsaboin is a trafficmonitoring Twitter account thatwas developed to helpLagosians beat traffic.@Tsaboin provides links to itsmain website for users to viewtraffic cams and up to dateupdates on traffic in Lagos.

· Through its Twitter feed,@TrafficChiefNG providesfollowers with traffic updates.@TrafficChiefNG provides itsfollowers with updates onpending issues pertaining totraffic. Recently,@TrafficChiefNG launched apetition#NoMoreTrafficRobberyto help curb the issue of trafficrobberies. The aim of the#NoMoreTrafficRobbery is togarner governmentintervention in eradicatingtraffic robberies.

LG cooks up new appliancesfor Christmas meals

IN every nook and crannyof the country and

perhaps the world at large,something is cooking today.Although some people mayconsider sweat and hasslesto be among the necessaryingredients for tasty food,many now realize thath a s s l e - f r e ecooking tastes notjust as good, buteven better. LG’s new gascooker range comprising of theLF98V 00S and LF68V 00S comes withavant-garde features aimed at enhancing cookingexperience in households, enabling them enjoy tasty, easy andsafe cooking.

Each model comes with a “Dual Heater” so both grill and ovenwork together at the same time, ensuring that food cooks fasterand evenly inside out. Cooking time is shortened because of hotair circulation with a special fan, the surface of food would bemore crispy, with minimum loss of moisture from inside.

Commenting on the product, General Manager, HomeAppliances division, LG Electronics West Africa, Mr. HyunwooJung said: “The Gas cooker is an indispensable appliance inContemporary kitchens; their popularity stems from the fact thatthey provide users ease of use and a better controlled environmentfor cooking delicious meals. LG Gas Cooker offers excellentcooking performance; it comes with an impressive powerconvention which shortens cooking time making foods taste evenbetter.”

Easy Cleaning is another distinguishing mark of the LGCooker as it comes with a removable glass; cleaning the ovendoor after cooking is not an annoying job anymore. Users do notrequire any tool to take off the inner glass as this can be achievedby simply pulling the glass a little bit against the body and liftingit off.

Regarding safety, the cooker comes with Flame Failure Device(FFD); is a device designed to stop flammable gas going to theburner of the gas if the flame is extinguished due to overflow offood on the burner, temporary interruption of gas supply, gasunder-pressure or wind, it also prevent dangerous buildup of gaswithin the appliance, its chimney or the room. This unique featureaddresses worries stemming from the concern that gas leakagemight cause a fire in the house. It guarantees the safety of user’shouse from the fire. LG Cooker also has Closed Door Grilling aswell as soft touch. The Closed door grilling function makes itpossible to emit the smoke and odor through only way, so thatthe hood could suck them in easily. Odour and heat producedwhile cooking cannot come out of the cooker, so that users’ kitchenbecomes more convenient and clean; on the other hand, the SafeTouch feature allows users to keep the front door and itscomponents cool, using special ventilation system of LGfreestanding cooker.

How twitter is makingNigerian traffic more bearable

Xiaomi rXiaomi rXiaomi rXiaomi rXiaomi rolls out Rolls out Rolls out Rolls out Rolls out Redmi 2, MI 4 smaredmi 2, MI 4 smaredmi 2, MI 4 smaredmi 2, MI 4 smaredmi 2, MI 4 smartphonestphonestphonestphonestphonesRJ van Spaandonk,

President of MIAGroup, the distributiongroup for Xiaomi inAfrica stated: “We seeNigeria as a keycountry for smartphonegrowth and we areexcited to offerconsumers in NigeriaXiaomi’s high-qualitysmartphones atamazing prices.”

At a mediademonstration event forthe Mi 4 and Redmi 2 ,Rutger-Jan VanSpaandonk, ChairmanOf MIA said“Everybody thinksthey are using a smartphone, but thequestion that should be asked is:how smart is your smart phone?To be able to tell the quality ofevery smart phone in the market,to all, he recommended a handyantutu benchmark app thatreveals products specs anddurability.

He reiterated, “ most Nigeriansare taken away by the bodyfeatures, screen size and shapeof the mobile device but with

antutu benchmark app, buyerswould be able to know thegenuineness and uniqueness oftheir device. In order to properlyevaluate the worth of a phone andconfirm how smart it truly is,buyers have to look at both thebody and mind of the phone.” For example, navigatingthrough the info column of antutuapp on mobile device, buyers

would find out that for almostevery smart phone sold belowN30,000 in Nigeria, most vitalsensors (direction, G-sensor,light, e-compass, gyro,temperature, pressure, linearacceleration, rotation vectors) arenot available.

On what to look out for whilepurchasing a mobile device RJ,advised Nigerians to be vigilantand stop wasting money but takenote of special features likeDensity, Chipset, internalmemory and camera.

Density (PPI), does a lot interms of enhancement of thepicture quality. The Chipset isconsidered the brain of thephone. Manufacturers of most ofthe cheap smart phones inNigeria would never talk aboutthe chipset. Internal Memory:(RAM) is also a vital performanceindicator. Buyers need to look atthe internal memory of the phonebefore buying. Anything less than1gb RAM may not function wellas a smartphone . “A trulysmartphone should serve farbeyond being a mere socialmedia messaging and gaming.

MOBILE phonemanufacturer, Xiaomi,

has announced its arrival into theNigerian market with the launchof the Redmi 2 and MI 4Smartphones. Valued at $45billion, Xiaomi has nowpositioned itself among thesmartphone giants of this world,becoming the world’s fifth-largestsmartphone maker in just fiveyears. It creates high- qualitysmartphones with remarkablesoftware at amazing prices.

Xiaomi’s parent company, theMIA group believes that tech fansand connoisseurs will surelyappreciate Redmi 2 for its fullylaminated 4.7-inch HD screenand 8-megapixel camera, whichcomes for an entry-level price.Xiaomi’s flagship phone, Mi 4,has a gorgeous design with aprecisely engineered stainlesssteel frame. It comes with a 5" IPSFull HD display that is incrediblysharp, a 13MP f/1.8 rear camerafor beautiful pictures, and a front-facing 8MP camera for greatselfies. With its excellent price-quality ratio, Mi 4 will surelyappeal to users in Nigeria.

By Laju Iren

By Laju Iren

By Prince Osuagwu


DETERMINED to givelovers of an-all natural

body clinic both men andwomen the satisfaction theydeserve, one of the country’sleading skin experts and en-trepreneur, Joycee Awojoodu,has joined the long list of spaowners when she unveiledluxurious spa & Showroom,named, Oriki Spa &Showroomrecently in Lagos.

With a flagship store situ-ated in Victoria Island, retailspaces are conceived to ex-press a unique blend of vi-brancy, style and education.

In a chat recently with theFounder of Oriki group,Joycee Awojoodu, on whatinspired the brand, she said:"ORÍKÌ was inspired basi-cally because of two reasons,f irst and foremost wasbecause the brand believesin empowering farmers andutilizing the plethora of rawmaterials and natural

What inspired Oriki Spa —Joycee Awojoodu

ingredients to create aleading luxury brand andsecondly because of thekeen passion andpersistent vision to create aproudly African brand withinternational standards thatcan compete on a globalstage.

"ORÍKÌ is also a lifestyle,an attitude, and a way oflife. The ORÍKÌ philosophyis borne from the notion thatnatural skin, hair & bodyproducts work better simplybecause they are made withsuperior ingredients.

The abundance of naturalresources across the globe,coupled with our expertiseand commitment to all natu-ral ingredients provideeasy, smart solutions fromhead to toe.

Botanically based, we usepotent plants, organic in-gredients and 100% naturalessential oils and sourcemajority of our ingredientsfrom the continent ofAfrica,” she said

By Anozie Egole

AFMW (AnnmomFoundation for mothers

welfare) a non governmentalorganization recently opened anew vista in charity, therebytaking it to the door step ofmothers welfare all over theworld.

This was made known by theFounder and Chief ExecutiveOfficer, CEO of the group,Princess Ann Ehigiator Johnson,in an interview with ourcorrespondent recently. TheNigerian -American born statedthat the Foundation was broughtabout by the need to alleviatewhat she described as theprevailing global poverty.

According to Johnson, she wasirked by the scourge of povertyacross the globe noting thatcitizens of the world especiallywomen and children were morevulnerable to poverty anddeservedly should be aided in aconscious attempt at stemmingthe tide and pains of failingstandard of living.

The group which stormedGeneral Hospitals in Lagosrecently armed against povertywith gift items for mothers andbabies said it was ready tosustain the tempo to ensure thatconcerns are shown more for thevulnerable in all societies of theworld. At Mushin GeneralHospital, it was a carnival of sortwhen AFMW officials gave outfood items to mothers andchildren and further stormed theshanty settlement of Idiaraba.

AFMW kicksagainst anti-humanvices impedinggrowth of mothers,children

WIFE of the VicePresident, Mrs. Dolapo

Osinbajo, has said that Nigerianwomen should be proud ofthemselves because they possessindispensable intrinsic valuescrucial for human and societaldevelopment. Besides, she saidthat there was possibility of asystemic collapse in the countryshould all women professionalsand traders decide to down toolsfor even an hour.

Osinbajo made the remark asthe special guest of honour at the4th national women’s summitorganized by the Oyo StateOfficial’s Wives Association, ledby the Wife of the Governor andChairperson of OYSOWA, Mrs.Florence Ajimobi, in Ibadan, onWednesday. She commended theOyo First Lady for constantlybringing women issue to the frontburner through this annualwomen’s summit and her otherempowerment andenlightenment programmes.

Also at the event were theGovernor of the state, SenatorAbiola Ajimobi; wife of Lagos StateGovernor, Mrs. Bolanle Ambode;former Deputy Governor of LagosState, Mrs. Sarah Sosan; wife ofthe Minister of Solid Minerals,Erelu Bisi Fayemi; formerMinister of Industries, Mrs.Onikepo Akande, wives of headsof security and other federalagencies in the state as well asscores of delegates from across thecountry.


As homemakers, the vicepresident’s wife also admonishedparents not to shirk theirresponsibilities to their childrenand husbands, in order not tomortgage the futures of theirrespective families.

Recalling her encounter with aformer armed robber, ShinaRambo, Mrs Osinbajo said theexperience was “was an eyeopener to me about how parentalneglect drive children intocriminality. Rambo shared theexperience of how he was abusedand traumatized as a child. Heshowed me his back and I sawmarks from caning. This, he toldme, sent him to the streets. “Wemust show love to our children.God can use you. There was atime I was going under the bridgeto preach to gangsters to changetheir ways. With my small frame,God used me on a particularoccasion to avert bloodshedamong rival cult group spoilingfor war.

The vice president’s wife alsoemphasized that women wereindispensable members of thesociety, without whom the mencould not function, urging women

Osinbajo’s wife sets agenda forwomen at Oyo summit

From left: Wife of Lagos State Governor, Mrs. Bolanle Ambode (3rd left); Representativeof Senator Oluremi Tinubu, Hon. Adetoun Adediran; former Deputy Governor of LagosState, Mrs. Sarah Sosan; Wife of the Minister for Solid Minerals Development, Erelu BisiFayemi; Wife of the Vice President, Mrs. Dolapo Osinbajo; Governor of Oyo State, Sen.Abiola Ajimobi; his Wife, Mrs. Florence and Vice President, Lagos Chambers of Commerce& Industry, Chief (Mrs.) Onikepo Akande, during the 4th Oyo State Officials Wives Association(OYSOWA) National Women Summit, Mauve 21 Event Centre, Ring Road, Ibadan in Oyo.

By Ola Ajayi, Ibadan

to “laugh your laugh, dance yourdance, make merry and be happy.

In his remarks, GovernorAjimobi urged women to brace forelective and appointiveleadership roles in the country,expressing optimism that theTaraba governorship candidate ofthe All Progressives Congress,Mrs. Jumai Alhassan, wouldeventually be inaugurated asgovernor.

Applauding the organisers ofthe event for their consistency inthe last four years, he said thatthe gains of the two-day summitwould impact on the social

consciousness and politicalawareness of the womenfolk.

Ajimobi said, “The earliersummits had been significant andquite effective in moulding

women in our society to adopt andadapt styles of leadership to suitthe tasks and the situations thatarise in everyday life andbusiness.

“Some of our women believe thatto be seen as a successful leader,they need to be not only moreintelligent than men, but must beseen to be strong and perhapsauthoritarian in approach to earnany respect or credibility. Historyhas shown that many womenleaders are usually perceived asaloof, cold, tough, stubborn,unfeeling etc.

Some of our womenbelieve that to beseen as a successfulleader, they need tobe not only moreintelligentthan men

30—Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015


THE wife of the Governor ofKebbi State, Hajiya Aisha

Bagudu said that theNigerian women do notpromote themselves and needto talk more positively aboutthemselves to one anotherand the world at large.

Hajia Bagudu made thestatement at the FemaleBusiness Sessions (FBS)conference which was held atthe National Centre forWomen Development,(NCWD) Abuja.

She maintained thatNigerian women do notpromote themselves and donot have to go to media tomake announcement.

“We the Nigerian womenfind it very difficult topromote one another, we donot promote ourselves and idon’t mean we have to go tothe media for advertisement,we can help each other bytalking and spreading ourgood deeds, business andactivities.

“I know we talk a lot and weshould use this gift to helpeach other. We need to lookafter each other, let’s notdepend on someone to helpus let’s help each other.”

Aisha also added that theNigerian women should alsobe active in the growth of theeconomy and also besupportive to their husbandsand the children.

“How do we help oureconomy? Our country andthe world generally are goingthrough hard timeseconomically. So how do we

help the economy of our greatcountry? Do we fully andhelplessly depend on ourhusbands or do we supportthem and our children bydoing something to supportourselves?”

She further urged women tonetworking better andcharged them to fill in thegaps in their society aroundthem.

“We have a lot of potentialsand we should learn to ask theperson next to us; ourneighbours what they do. TheNigerian woman needs to askquestions like what can i dofor my community? What gapcan i fill that is yet to be filledby the government?”

In her remark, the DirectorGeneral, National Centre forWomen Development, NCWD,

Nigerian women do not promote themselves – Aisha Bagudu

THE age long profession ofArt has consistently

evolved despite the influx oftechnologically advancedgadgets that tends to conflictwith its professional purpose.

Lagos Photo Foundation in its6th edition of the annual photofestival, organized anexhibition featuring both local

By Chris Onuoha & AninoAganbi

Exploring femininity in thecontemporary African society

and international artists tostrengthen this art of lens withpurpose, entitled ‘DesigningFuture’.

Designing future is intendedto explore contemporarydialogues surroundingdesigns in Africa.Photographers across thecontinent and beyond displaydeft but also awareness of thecultural and socio politicallandscape that influence daily

life, and in turn communicatethat awareness through theimages they create.

Art curator, Christina Middelstated that “Making a plan isdesigning your future, crossingyour fingers or praying. Byquestioning our concept ofcreative design and day to daydesign and blurring the linebetween the two, the exhibitionpresents photography thatforces the viewer to reconsiderand reconcile what design is,has become and will be in thefuture.

Joana Choumali, an Ivorian

photo artist in herinterpretation employed digitalphoto imagery to depict herinept conviction of how designhas affected humanity. In herworks titled ‘Awoulaba/TailleFine’, she explores thecomplex notion of feminity,beauty and body image incontemporary African society.She observed through herdocumentary that recentphenomenon in mannequinproduction has pushed designfurther by idealizing Africanshapes with seductivecontours, which placedfeminity with sudden worldobsession of enhancedanatomy features.


Although, seen as a creativeinnovation, yet, she still feelsgender equality is prejudiced.

Choumali stated, “People maysay I am a feminist that I amfocusing on women. That’s notright because I am focusing onidentity more than gender. Ihave a tendency to speak aboutsubject that affects me directlyand it shows in my work.”

“On the contrary, I am just


going through the process ofaccepting myself in everyaspect of my life. Through thisprocess, I realize that myfeminity can be in my way.What I am trying to do isespecially to explore, acceptand embrace it. I like to makeparallel comparison betweendifferent cultures, acceptingeach aspect of my identity andtrying not to apologize with oneside of my personality toanother. Women are goingthrough many influences fromthe western and it affects theiridentity”, she said.

Expressing cultural conflictwith his unique black and whiteshots, Ima Mfon said, “For me,I wanted to focus more on thediversity and uniqueness ofindividual to promote Nigerianidentity and unity.”

Other exhibitors, OwiseAbuzaid Gloria Oyarzabal(Spain) Vicente Paredes(Spain) Patrick Selemani(Congo) William Uko(Nigeria)Mehdi Sefrioui (Morocco)Nobukho Nqaba (South Africa)and many others depicts in theirwork the socio-cultural diversityof Africa and how design hasand will affect progression anddevelopments in the continent.

Lady Onyeka Owenu gavethe assertion that Nigeriais made up of 50 percentwomen and if women don’t dowell the country is at risk ofnot progressing.

Land ofopportunities

“Your attitude to work is thedifference between those thatare successful and those thatare not and as we knowwomen makes up 50 percentof the population of Nigeriaso if we the women don’t dowell the country doesn’t dowell.”

The DG further pledged heralliance and support to thegrowth and development ofthe Nigerian woman.

“Nigeria is a huge market,the land of opportunities andI don’t care what anybodyelse has to say. I specially wantto congratulate FemaleBusiness Sessions (FBS) onthis wonderful innovation andthank you for coming together.I will always support thegrowth and development ofthe Nigerian woman and willalways support FBS wheninvited because if we do wellNigeria will do well.” shestated.

Wife of Kebbi State Governor, Hajiya Aisha Bagudu (5th from right); Onyeka Onwenu, DG,NCWD, (5th from left) with organizers and speakers at the Female Business Sessions (FBS)Conference held at the National Centre for Women Development (NCWD), yesterday.

On the contrary, Iam just goingthrough theprocess ofaccepting myselfin every aspect ofmy life. Throughthis process, Irealize that myfeminity can be inmy way

Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015—31

By Funmi Olasupo & LeoUriri

By Josiah Idowu-Fearon

32—Vanguard, 32—Vanguard, 32—Vanguard, 32—Vanguard, 32—Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015

Christmas: The Word becameflesh/a book? some reflections (2)

clearly means ‘the sexual act of begetting orbearing a child’. The Arabic word for “beget”in Qur’an 19:35, on the other hand, isittakhadha (to make). Combined, as it is, withthe word “son”, it could have a sexualmeaning, but it also might not. Most scholarsbelieve that it is ambiguous. The importantpoint here though, is that most Muslims, andI would add Christians, would agree thatJesus’ conception was not the result of asexual act on the part of God and the VirginMary, but rather as a result of a command onthe part of God.

The virgin birth is something thattranscends our normal understanding ofthings. Of course, there are many other thingsthat we do not understand scientifically, butwe believe anyway. Somehow, the virgin birthof Jesus is different, harder for some to accept.As well-informed world Christian andMuslim leaders seek for ways of reducingtension and hatred, this is a good place tobegin dialogue among the two communitiesbecause the main stream of both traditionsbelieves that Jesus was conceived solely bythe will of God.

Interpretations of the Event: WhereChristians and Muslims will disagree on thevirgin birth is why the concept is so important.For Muslims, the virgin birth is testimony toGod’s infinite creative power. God can, andin this case did, create by a sheer act of will.He said, “Be”, and so it was (kun fayakun).This was infact the second time, according tothe Qur’an, that God created a man by a

God chose to bring Jesus into the worldthrough His own command and a biologicalmother. This distinguished Jesus fromAdam; it makes him special, unique.

For Christians, that Jesus was “conceivedby the Holy Spirit and born of the VirginMary” unites the divinity and the humanityof Jesus more clearly than any other way thatJesus could have come into the world. ForChristians, the virgin birth has an addedsignificance. It speaks to the question ofwhether or not Jesus is the Son of Godwhether or not, indeed, Jesus is God.

The Importance of the Incarnation: Forthe Christian, sin is the cause for theincarnation: “The Son of Man came not tobe served but to serve and to give His life asa ransom for many” (Mk.10:45). BothMuslims and Christians accept that sinproduces an unfavourable state of ‘being’,one that we should be ashamed of, no less.“Sin is that which causes discomfort withinyour soul and which you dislike people tobecome informed of” (Sahih Muslim).


Who pays off the debt of sin? Obviously,the debtor is to pay off the debt; the sinnerpays the debt of sin. This is why Muslimshave a problem with the idea of vicariousatonement, with the idea of original sin, withthe idea that someone other than the sinnerpays off the debt. What the Christian is sayingis that once the relationship with God isbroken, it cannot be restored by man alone.Man simply does not have enough resources.God in His infinite mercy and love wants tobe involved in restoring the relationship.

Christians believe that the Word becameflesh (Man) and that Man is Jesus. Whateverelse He may be, this Jesus is fully humanand, at the same time, the visible image ofGod. He came to earth to savehumanity.“Since the children share in fleshand blood, he himself likewise partook of thesame nature that through death he mightdestroy him who has the power of death”(Heb.2:14).

In other words, the reason Christ took onhuman flesh was so that he could die and indying pay a ransom and free humanity fromthe power of death. This is what Christianscelebrate at Christmas: that God became Manand came to earth to save humanity, thatJesus is the Word of God, and that “In thebeginning was the Word, and the Word waswith God and the Word was God” (John 1:1).

Our hope does not disappoint us

A FRACTURED World: Amidstso much pain, injury, war and

death, what can we say today aboutChristmas and its message of Joy andPeace to a fractured world?Everywhere we turn, blood is beingspilled in the name of God andReligion. There are no more greyareas. We believers all seem to be at atotal loss as to how to explain the cloudsof doubts that hover over our horizon.Last year, I issued an Easter Messagetitled, Do not let our enemies ask,where is your God? We might betempted to say things are worse today.However, as Christians, we are menand women of Hope and we know Godis on His throne.

Struggle for power: Today, the pathto peace is still littered with so muchdebris of human pain. The excessesof Boko Haram still haunt thelandscape. The Chibok girls are stillnot found and we will still spendanother Christmas without any hopethat their laughter will soon return toour homes. The engine of politicalchange has still not gathered the steamwe had hoped for.

The political calendar continues toshift as we witness a domino effect ofoverturned elections across the States.All in all, new anxieties, new battlesfor power among the elite will likelylead us to loss of more innocent livesand blood. The contest for powercontinues to take its toll and yet wecontinue to pray for the stability of theship of state. We call on our leaders touse the power in their hands forservice.

Has religion failed us? Amidst somuch pain, injury, war and death, whatcan we say today about Religion?Some people think that Religion hasfailed and others claim that Religionis to be blamed for the woes of theworld. Neither of these positions iscorrect. However, we believers cannot

done and also what we have failed todo. Often the sins of omission can beas serious as the ones we commit byactions. Let us not be bystanders. Wemust all commit ourselves to doing somegood today. This is why Pope Francishas asked Christians to wake up theworld.

Blame government but takeresponsibility: We have learnt to blamethe government for everything as anexcuse for our own sins of omission.True, we have not been the luckiestpeople in the world with the quality ofleadership we have had. But that is notan excuse. How for example is agovernment responsible for men whoseirresponsible lifestyles lead to theirchildren being sick or out of school?How is government responsible for menwho decide to marry and bring childreninto the world when they have nomeans of bringing them up?

How is government responsible fordomestic violence? How is governmentresponsible for the collapse of familyvalues? How is governmentresponsible for students who decide tocheat in their examinations? How isgovernment responsible for men whochoose armed robbery rather than hardwork? How is government responsiblefor women who decide to choose a lifeof prostitution? Government can andmust create conditions, but we must allbecome instruments of change. If wetake our responsibilities seriously, wecan compel government to serve usbetter.

Christians, show the way and be likeChrist: Like the Greeks whoapproached Philip, the world is sayingto Christians, We want to see Jesus(Jn.12: 21). However, increasingly,many of us have shielded Jesus by ourarrogance, blind quest for power andworship of new but false gods. I amreminded of a poor man who keptcoming to Church on Sunday but eachtime the warders would not let him inbecause he oozed some ordour andlooked unkempt.

Prayers andworship

The Warders feared that his presencecould offend some of the big shots inthe Church or dirty their clothes. Thepoor man got fed up with trying and,sitting in his shack by the roadside oneSunday, he cried to Jesus: Lord, I heardyour message and have tried to enterthe Church to worship you, but thepeople in the Church will not let me in.Please, forgive me but kindly accept myprayers and worship here on the streetswhere I am since I cannot enter theChurch and this is my home. Jesuswhispered to him: Sorry, my son, myfate is not different from yours. Even Itoo have tried to enter their Church,but they have refused to le me in!

Religion is not for profit: The wordof God and its living blessings are free.Isaiah said that much when he said:Come all of you who are thirsty, cometo the water and you who have nomoney, come and eat. Buy wine andmilk without money and without cost(Is 55:1). St Paul reminded us: What ismy profit? It is this: that in preachingthe word I might offer it free of charge(1 Cor. 9:18). This is what led Jesus toexpress His only visible show of angerand violence when he whipped themoneychangers and accused them of;turning His Father’s house into a denof thieves (Matt. 21:13).

THE concept of ‘begetting’is a very sticky issue in

Islam and for the sake ofreducing tension between theChristian and Muslimcommunities in light of thecurrent reactions by Christians tothe behaviour of extremistMuslim groups in some parts ofour world; it may be helpful if wehad a few words on this concept.The Arabic word “beget” inQur’an 112:3, where we read,“He begetteth not nor isbegotten” is walada, which

simple act of His will.The first time waswhen He createdAdam without theintervention of afather or mother. Itwas simply an act ofGod’s creative will.Additionally forMuslims, the purityof Mary is of thehighest importance.Since Jesus was aprophet unlike theothers, the purity ofhis mother needed tobe established.

Adam, being the“first human”, couldnot have come into theworld with twobiological parents.Jesus, on the otherhand, assuming thatGod can do whateverHe wants, couldhave, if God hadwanted to do it thatway. But He did not.

continue to singyear in and yearout? Where is thelight that Jesusbrought andentrusted to us todrive darknessfrom the world?Today, more thanever, weChristians mustrise up and takefull responsibilityfor what we havedone or not donein our societies.When weCatholics confessour sins during thecelebration of theHoly Mass, weaccept and pleadwith God to forgiveus our sins for;what we have

Webelieverscannot turnour eyesfrom thefact that wemust take asubstantialpart of theblame forwhereReligionfinds itselfin oursociety

•Matthew Hassan Kukah is afrontline cleric and Catholic Bishop ofSokoto Diocese

The reasonChrist tookon humanflesh was sothat he coulddie and indying pay aransom andfreehumanityfrom thepower ofdeath

By Matthew Hassan Kukah

The first part of this piece waspublished in yesterday’s editionof Vanguard

The Most Rev. Josiah Idowu-Fearon (Ph.D)is Secretary General of the AnglicanCommunion St Andrew’s House, TailstockCrescent, LONDON W11 1AP

MATTHEW KUKAHsociety. What has gone wrong? For usas Christians, what has become of themessages of Jesus Christ, Our Lordand our Saviour?

Where is the laughter, the joy, thepeace that was promised in the wordsof the different Christmas carols we all

turn our eyesfrom the factthat we musttake asubstantialpart of theblame forw h e r eReligion findsitself in our

Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015—33

I'm at peace after leavingPDP —Ndoma-Egba

Chevron rig explosion: Bayelsa communitiesseek redress in US court

How Nigeria lost 16,000 to violence —AnieleBy Jimitota Onoyume

Environmental degradation: Ijaw going throughgradual extinction —INC

By Egufe Yafugborhi

By Emma Una

Zone HWeldersAssociation inEdo gets newexcoCOASTAL communities

in Bayelsa State,impacted by the January 16,2012 KS Endeavour RigExplosion in Chevron’s oil field,have dragged the oil firm beforea San Francisco court in theUnited States.

The representatives of victimsvisited Bayelsa StateCommissioner for Environment,Mr Iniruo Wills, yesterday, inYenagoa.

Speaking during the visit, MrAlagoa Morris, Coordinator ofthe lead plaintiffs, said that theteam’s advocacy visit to thecommissioner was to solicit thesupport of the state governmentin the legal action.

He told Wills that the groupcommenced the legal actionagainst Chevron in SanFrancisco on December 9.

Morris, an environmentalist,noted that the efforts of BayelsaState Ministry of Environmentwere commendable, and urgedthe government to assist thevictims in their quest for justice.

“The lead plaintiffs thought itwise to pay you this advocacyand courtesy visit, to formallyinform you about the on-goingcases in the US. We also want tointeract with you especially asyour ministry also carried out

some investigations on theincident.

“Governor Sariake Dickson ofBayelsa State visited Koluama 2Town Hall on February 27 andmade a pledge to set up technicaland legal committees on the rigexplosion to ensure that Chevronwas held accountable for the

disaster.“It is the belief of the lead

plaintiffs that the governmentmeant well and made thoselaudable pledges in good faith.We are here to seek assistancefrom the state governmentthrough your ministry.“ Morrissaid.

Responding, Wills noted thatit was a matter for regret thatfour years after the incident, thevictims were yet to get justice.

He commended the stepstaken by the impactedcommunities and pledged thesupport of the state governmentto the plaintiffs.


Crime Prevention, Abia State,has urged Nigerians to shunviolence as it has claimed over16,000 lives in the country in thelast one decade.

Adiele, in Port Harcourt,Rivers State, during theconferment of World Ambassadorfor Peace award on someNigerians by Positive LivingAward Centre of the UnitedNations Education, Scientificand Cultural Organisation,UNESCO, said it was high timeNigerians started promoting thevalues of peace at all levels.

Speaking on Global Peace,Panacea for SustainingDevelopment and Security, heharped on the role of peace innation building, noting thatrecords from the 1999 massacrein Odi, Bayelsa State, theKaduna riots in 2000 and severalother religious riots in Jos,including the bomb blasts inseveral parts of the countrybetween 1999 and 2014, showedthat the nation had lost over16,000 persons to violence.

Awardees, Mr GodwinEzeemo and Dr Peter Egenti,stressed the significance ofpeace. Mr Ezeemo enjoinedpro-Biafra agitators to embracepeace, saying that dialogueshould be promoted aboveviolence.

According to him, “I want toadvise both Biafrans and thosethat are yet to raise their heads to

realize that we are one Nigeria.‘’Our forefathers had a goal and

that is what we are singing in our

national anthem that the laboursof our heroes past shall neverbe in vain,’’ he said.

WARRI—THE Ijawnation has said that its

people and environment aregoing through gradual extinctiondue to inability of the Nigerianstate to address the negativeimpact of oil and gas exploitationin its domain.

A communique at the end of atwo-day stakeholders' workshopin Warri, Delta State, wheredelegates from 78 Ijaw clansacross Nigeria converged underthe umbrella of Ijaw NationalCongress, INC, said: “Theenvironment remains the mostvaluable physical resource fordevelopment and survival of theIjaw nation.

“Summit resolved that urgentsteps be taken to implement theUNEP report on Ogoni and cleanup other degraded communities.”

Dissatisfied with the presentconstitutional and legislativearrangements for resource controland allocation in Nigeria, thesummit stressed the need forcommunities bearing resources tocontrol same and pay taxes to thecentre.

Pledging its preparedness to

work peacefully with thePresident Mumammadu Buhariadministration, INC said,“Violence or restiveness is a new

phenomenon foisted on the Ijawby circumstances of oppressionand frustration includingmilitarization of Ijaw territory.”

EDO State chapter ofthe Nigerian Welders

Association, NWA, Zone H,has elected new executives tolead the body for another fouryears.

At the election held in Benin,Osaro Enoma defeated hisopponent, Godfrey Ediale, toemerge as Chairman.

Others elected at theelection that was witnessed bythe National President, PiusItama, include Akin Alumyo,Vice Chairman; PeterAgbonah, Treasurer; ValerianImoisili, P.R.O; GodwinAgbokhan, FinancialSecretary; Jeffery Loore,Auditor I and Ikpoba Solomon,Auditor II.

VISIT: From left: Deputy Managing Director, Skye Bank Plc, Mrs. Amaka Onwughalu;Group Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, Skye Bank Plc, Mr. Timothy Oguntayo;Chief Executive Officer, COPE Foundation, Mrs Ebun Anozie and a Director of COPEFoundation, Mr. Dapo Abe, during a courtesy visit to Skye Bank by officials of COPEFoundation.

MadamOgbevire forburial

MRS HannahOgbevire (nee

Ogbor), of OgborOsitejovwo family ofOkpara Waterside, EthiopeEast Local GovernmentArea, Delta state, is dead,aged 75.

Funeral service holds atSt. Matthews AnglicanChurch, Okpara Waterside,on January 22, 2016,followed by interment at hercompound, near OkparaGirls School.

She was blessed withthree children, includingJonathan Igburuke ofConoil Nig., Lagos.

Late Madam Ogbevire

C ALABAR—FORMERSenate Leader, Senator

Victor Ndoma-Egba, has said thatsince his exit from the PeoplesDemocratic Party, PDP, the partyunder whose platform he waselected to the Senate for threetenures, the issues he aggregatedthat caused him agitation haveceased and he now has peace ofmind.

Senator Ndoma-Egba toldVanguard in Calabar, Cross RiverState, yesterday, that he wassidelined in the PDP for threeyears but had to stay on in theparty since he was the Leader ofthe Senate till the end of his tenureto make sure the Senatecontinued to function normally tillthe end of the session.

“For three years I was ejectedfrom the PDP and before making

any move to another party atthe time, I had to think of myposition as the Leader of the 7thSenate which is a historicresponsibility and if I had leftsix months to the end of thatSenate, it would mean myleaving that position and whothen would take responsibilityfor the success or failure of thatsession which I had led. So Ihad to stay on because I wasready to take responsibility forthe failure or success of theSenate which was why I didnot leave the PDP at the time Iought to have left,” he said.

He said the political traffic inthe country was now onlytowards the direction of the AllProgressives Congress, APC,because PDP had not learnedany lesson from the issues thatled to its failure in the lastelections.

NdokwaVanguard holds10th anniversarylecture

THE 10th anniversarycelebration of Ndokwa

Vanguard will take placeDecember 28 at UtagbaOgbe, Delta State. Theevent which will featureawards presentation andlaunching of a book entitledNdokwa Tourch Bearers,will be chaired by ChiefOgbuiji Fidelis Onyema.



34 — Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015

Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015 — 35

We've paid our N17bn bond —Kwara govt

Kabba community cries outover incessant kidnap attacks

KOGI POLL: INEC yet to pay ad-hoc staff

Nigerian Muslims preach unity, understanding at Xmas

LOKOJA—THE residents ofKabba, headquarters of

Kabba-Bunu Local GovernmentArea of Kogi State have cried outover the incessant rate ofkidnapping of its people, as theycalled on the Inspector- Generalof Police to immediately come totheir aid.

The residents who spokethrough the KabbaDevelopment Union (the socio -cultural umbrella body of thecommunity) said, peace haseluded the ancient town sincethe kidnappers have laid siegeto the community, terrorisingand abducting innocent citizensin broad day light without anychallenge from security agents.

KDU President, Mr MolomoOlorunfemi in a statement said,over the last few weeks no fewerthan 10 prominent people in thetown have been brazenlyabducted by these Kidnapsyndicate with several millionsof naira demanded for theirrelease.

The statement read, “Thisdevelopment has created morbidfears to residents in the areaswhile citizens and visitorswishing to come home for theChristmas celebrations arescared to do so in the fear thatthey may be abducted by theseheartless gangsters.

“Most of the victims

kidnapped were abducted inthe broad day light while thepolice and other securityagency in the area appearhelpless as none of theperpetrators has beenbrought to book.”

Aside from this, thestatement said, all roadsleading to the communityhave been taken over byarmed robbers who kill andmaim innocent citizens.

THE Nigerian Muslims,yesterday, called for more

understanding, unity and loveamong Muslims and Christianfaithful in Nigeria to move thenation and humanity forward.

In a Christmas message by thePresident-General of theNigerian Supreme Council forIslamic Affairs, NSCIA, theSultan of Sokoto, Alhaji

Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar,he felicitated with Christians onthe occasion of the Christmascelebration.

The message by Prof. Is-haqOloyede, Secretary-General ofthe council stated: “As youcelebrate this important event,the Muslim community inNigeria wishes you God’sguidance and abundantblessings embedded in thefestive season.

“We have every cause to

celebrate and thank the AlmightyGod for the opportunity of life andthe privilege of survival. At thistime last year, Nigeria was undera lot of tension with the nationalconscience being tormented by theapocalyptic prediction of 2015being the end of our corporateexistence.”

NSCIA noted that this yearXmas was significant as it almostcoincide with the December 24,being the birthday of the HolyProphet Muhammed.

By Boluwaji Obahopo

By AbdulwahabAbdulah

By Demola Akinyemi

ILORIN — THE Kwara StateGovernment has disclosed that it

has paid off the N17 billioninfrastructure bond obtained in2009, stressing that this has enabledit obtain a fresh N20 billion bond

for new projects.In a statement released

yesterday by Dr. MuyideenAkorede, Senior SpecialAssistant on Media andCommunications to GovernorAbdulfatah Ahmed, the stategovernment explained that theN17 billion bond was fully paid

on August 5, 2014 followingprompt payment to subscribersthroughout the bond’s five-yeartenure.

The government noted that therepayment of the N17 billion bondobtained by the previousadministration of Dr. BukolaSaraki did not impose any undueburden on the state’s finances.

The statement contained that thebond maintained at issue ratingof A and issuer rating of BBB-which signified the superior creditprofile of the Kwara StateGovernment.

While noting that long termborrowing such as bonds arecheaper and more reliable meansof funding major capital projects,the statement listed projectsexecuted with the N17 billionbond.

Some of the projects include theKwara State University, HarmonyAdvanced Diagnostic Centre,International Aviation College,remodelling of Ilorin StadiumComplex, phase one of Ilorin

Water Reticulation Project, theIlorin Cargo Terminal, as wellas various urban and rural roadand electrification projects.

The state government alsostated that the proposed N20billion will finance innovativeprojects such as dualisation ofMichael Imoudu to GamoRoad, part completion of Kishi/Kaiama Road, indoor sportsHall of Ilorin Stadium and thenew campuses for Kwara StateUniversity at Osi and Ilesha.

Other proposed projects arenew secondary schoolclassrooms across the state,equipment for the InternationalVocational Centre, Ajase Ipo,remodelling of GeneralHospital, Oro as well as cottagehospitals, the state’s counterpartfunding for an Industrial Parkwhich will generate 3000 localjobs, provision of electricitytransformers and take-off ofcontributory pension schemewhich is a precondition foraccessing other infrastructurefunds

PASSING OUT PARADE: From left; Cdre O.O. Nesiama, Brig Gen MS Danwalis, representing Commander Corps of Artillery, CdreMS Garba, representing FOC Western Naval Command, Gen. Usman (Rtd), Former Commandant, NACOL, Maj. Gen. Isidore Edet,GOC 81 Division, Maj. Gen Adeku Saliu, representing the Chief of Army Staff, Brig. Gen. Julius Olusola Oni, Acting Commandant,Nigerian Army College of Logistics (NACOL), Gen. Abidoye, Former Commandant, NACOL, Air Cdre Aliyu Istifanus, representingAir Officer Commanding, Logistics Command, Maj. Gen. Augustine Okoh, GMD, Nigerian Army Welfare Limited Guarantee andCdre F.O. Ezeugwu, representing Commandant, Nigerian Armed Forces Resettlement Centre, NAFRC, during the passing-out paradeof the Logistis Management Course 13/2015 of the Nigerian Army College of Logistics, in Lagos.

By Kingsley Fanwo

LOKOJA — FIVE weeksafter the November 21

governorship poll in KogiState, the IndependentNational ElectoralCommission, INEC, is yet topay the Assistant PollingOfficers who were deployedacross the state for theelection.

Vanguard learned that thecommission had paid theNational Youths Service,NYSC, members that servedas Polling Officers during theelection, exempting theAssistant Polling Officers.Three polling officers weredeployed to each pollingunits for the election.

Some of the Assistant

Polling Officers, who spoke toVanguard in Ugwalawo, OfuLocal Government Area of thestate on condition ofanonymity said they areworried about the delay in

payment.One of the officers told our

reporters that INEC’s actionis tantamount to poorplanning andmaladministration.

Yuletide: PACurges securityconsciousness

THE Police AssistanceCommittee (PAC) has

urged Nigerians to be securityconscious and be extremelywatchful for strangemovements in theirneighborhoods and at allpublic places including motorparks, shopping malls andhotels as the nation goes intocelebration moods.

Addressing members duringPAC end of year sensitizationworkshop in Lagos, DirectorGeneral, Dr. Martins John-Oni called on members to workclosely with the police andother security agencies bypassing useful information tothem that could assist inprevention and combating ofcrimes during the celebrationseason.

PAEI assembleseconomicthink-tanks todiscuss Nigeria

PHILIP Asiodu EconomicInitiative, PAEI, a non profit

organisation, recentlyassembled economists,technocrats and administratorsto discuss matters of nationalimportance concerning thecountry.

The economic think-tankswere drawn from the privateand public sectors to theinaugural session of theinitiative entitled: "Oil subsidyand budget restructuring,"which took place in Abuja.

The initiative was to articulatedata and recommend same tothe President and keygovernment officials.

It will also make the dataavailable to the public to createa better informed andsupportive constituency for thedifficult decisions which theseand successive administrationsmust make use of in order toput Nigeria back on thetrajectory of sustained andinclusive rapid growth anddevelopment.

Present at the session wereChief Philip Asiodu, MallamAhmed Joda, GodwinEmefiele, Yayale Ahmed, EbeleOkeke, Dr. ShamsuddenUsman, Prof Akpan Ekpo,among others.

36—Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015

THANKSGIVING: From left: General Overseer, the Redeemed ChristianChurch of God, RCCG, Pastor Enoch Adeboye, Oyo State Governor, SenatorAbiola Ajimobi, and his wife, Florence, during the state's Christmas Caroland thanksgiving service, held at Agodi Gardens, Ibadan.

UNVEILING: From left: Director General, National Agency for Food, DrugAdministration and Control, NAFDAC, Dr. Paul Orhii, President of theRepublic of Ghana, Mr. John Mahama, Chief Executive, Institute forGovernment Research Leadership Technology, Ambassador Moses Essien,and Group Chairman & Founder, Kasapreko Company Ltd, Dr. KwabenaAdjei, at the unveiling of the new factory in Ghana.

DONATION: Hon. Desmond Elliot (middle), his wife, Vicctoria (2nd right),and others, during the donation of Christmas gifts to constituents in Surulere,Lagos, yesterday.

RETREAT: From left:Mr Bolaji Okusaga, MD,The Quadrant Company, MsClara Okoro, Vice Chairman, BJAN, Captain Vicenzo Orlandini, guestspeaker, and Mr Goddie Ofose, Chairman, BJAN, at the inaugural executivecommittee retreat in Lagos. Photo: Akeem Salau.

XMAS PARTY: Wife of Ekiti State Governor, Mrs. Feyisetan Fayose, wife ofthe Deputy Governor, Deaconess Janet Olusola, wife of the Speaker of EkitiState House of Assembly, Mrs Moji Oluwawole, state PDP Women Leader,Mrs Yemisi Afolabi, flanked by children, at the cutting the 2015 Xmas partycake at Government House Ground, Ado Ekiti.

FESTIVAL: President, Wesley Cathedral, Olowogbowo, Lagos, Sir FolaAwobo Pearce (right), Rev. Tunde Oniyide (left), and Rev. Bola Oyeledun, atthe Thanksgiving Service of the 2015 Annual Choir Festival of the church.

XMAS CAROL: Professor Adebiyi Daramola, Vice Chancellor, FederalUniversity of Technology, Akure, FUTA (3rd left), his two deputies, ProfessorsOlatunde Arayela and Tolulope Akinbogun and other members of the EldersChoir, performing at FUTA Christmas Carol service in Akure.

TRAINING: From left: Mr. Tunde Olagunju, Coordinator/Facilitator, Mr. RazakAyinla, representating the Director, Graduate Internship Scheme, GIS, Ministry ofFinance, and Mr. Ademola Aderibigbe, Facilitator, GIS, during the GIS Orientationand Employability Skill training in Abakaliki.



WHAT is your reaction tothe about N400 billion

allocation to the educationsector in the administration’sbudget proposal?

Considering where we arecoming from, it is a good start butstill a far cry from what is neededto move the sector forward. So, Ithink the government has donegood because if we get it rightwith education, then it wouldopen a major channel for theoverall development of thenation. So, I commend thegovernment for giving suchrecognition to the sector, but a lotof funding is still needed.


I would also call on thecommittees of the NationalAssembly to please ensurerigorous supervision to ensurethat the funds are put to gooduse. In this light, the committeesshould also pay special attentionto the National Teachers Institute,NTI because the quality ofteachers I see coming out fromour schools are still very suspect.

What is your advice to the newadministration on education?

My advice is in one statement:they must declare state ofemergency on education. Nogoing back or forward becausethere is serious rot in oureducational system to the extentthat some people still studyunder trees and some underdilapidated buildings. There isno way you can roll out wellrounded students from suchschools and the teachers arepoorly motivated especially inpublic schools.

A state of emergency setting upstandards that must be met byprivate schools, because some of

•The joy of Christmas is in sharing

Buhari’s Education plans:

Good, but can bebetter — Senator Emodi

SENATOR Joy Emodi’s sterling legacy in public serviceevokes fond memories especially in the nation’s educationsector. For her efforts she was awarded doctorate degrees bythe University of Abuja and the Nnamdi Azikiwe University.Now on a sort of sabbatical from public service following hermemorable stint as Special Adviser to the President onNational Assembly Matters, Mrs. Emodi has taken to her firstlove, education with the establishment of the co-educationalschool in Abuja, The Brickhall School.Mrs. Emodi, an educationist turned lawyer and politician inthis interview on the sidelines of her school’s Christmasoutreach programme, speaks on the administration’seducation programmes, the joy of giving during this season,among other things.

By Laide Akinboade-Oriere

them operate without anycurriculum, they establishschools to get money. And someschools don’t even update theircurriculum!

What informed your visit to theless privileged homes?

Donating to the less privilegedis in line with the spirit of theseason and we have to showgratitude to God. We discoveredthat there are less privileged onesin our midst and for one reasonor the other they might not beable to have anything to eatespecially the orphans. So theschool management decided tovisit some orphanages and offerthem things that would maketheir Christmas a memorableday.

And today we did Christmasconcert and exhibited some of theart works of the students. And wehad a carnival for both adults andchildren for everybody to behappy. Christmas period is a timeeverybody look forward to.

By giving out to the lessprivileged, it would also improvethe perception of the children tolife, it would help them to giveand they will learn that there isjoy in giving and also learn thatthere is grace in giving. Evenmore, they would also learn thatthey must learn to share, that isone of the policies of the school.

It is something we have beendoing and we even visited someInternally Displaced Persons IDPcamps. In our classes we teachthem not to be selfish, that life isnot only about you but alsoimparting positively on the livesof other people.

Were the parents also involvedin this programme?

Some parents when they heardwe were going to the orphanagescontributed something, but mostof the items were put together bythe school.


And the children fullyparticipated in the handing overof the items to the less privileged.And this would help the childrento know that life is all abouthumility and also it teaches themabout kindness and beinghumbled.

In this school we resorted to ourtraditional values for children toknow that life is not only aboutthem. You know most schools arenow so relaxed and so permissiveand some schools treat childrenlike eggs but at the Brickhall, wedon’t do like that. We usetraditional methods involving ourtraditional values to take care ofour children here.

What do you see as the futureof private schools in Nigeria?

Well private schools are doingwell but many also see it as ameans of making money.Education is not a money makingventure, it is a social venture thatis changing the lives of thechildren; bringing up thechildren for the good of thesociety. Some private schools cutcorners in order to make money,so their curriculum are not strongat all, some are even confusedabout what they are teaching andsome of them employ very lowquality teachers.

At the Brickhall we ensure allour early years and nurseryteachers, play group, and pre-primaries are all graduates ofearly child education becausethey have a psychology ofdealing with those children. But in most cases, most of theprivate schools operate in anenvironment not suitable forlearning and even teaching.

What do you think the FederalGovernment should do?

I believe that the FederalGovernment should be more

gather experiences as a teacherand as Chairman SenateCommittee on Education and Ijust want to give back to thesociety. After going round thisnation and seen the wrath in oureducation sector and travellinground the world I was able toknow the difference and I prayedto God to give me the opportunityso I decided to do something thatwould reflect what I saw in allthese countries.

One thing I discovered is thatwe don’t place enough attentionto education in this country butcountries all over the world payattention to education. It is thesystem that would train the futureleaders and top business menand women and they make upthe society. If you don’t have verystrong education system andtrain the pupils well, that is whywe have lot of crimes in thesociety and no more moral valuesand co. but right here in BrickhallSchool we lay a lot of emphasison moral values.

•Emodi: Buhari must declare state of emergency on education

Considering wherewe are comingfrom, it is a goodstart but still a farcry from what isneeded to movethe sector forward.So, I think thegovernment hasdone good

but to also ensure thatthe best is beingbrought out from ourschools.

As a former lawmaker do you thinkthere is enoughlegislation to back thesupervision?

Well there arepolicies, they have wellarticulated policies, theproblem isimplementation.

How did the vision ofBrickhall Schoolstart?

Well when I waschairman SenateCommittee onEducation, I was ableto travel the world andsee what education andschools in other landslook like. I was also ableto pick piece and piecesfrom all these placesand I was able to putthem together.

Brickhall School is notas expensive as theservice andenvironment mayindicate. I was able to

serious ininspectingp r i v a t eschools. You seesome oft h e moperatingf r o mshantiesa n d bachas,so there isneed forp r o p e rsupervisionof notonly theteachingenvironment


THE change in theleadership of the Rivers

State House of Assembly wasshocking to many given thewarm relationship betweenthe former Speaker, Rt. HonIkuinyi Owaji-Ibani andmembers on one hand andGovernor Wike on the otherhand.

This cordiality was seen inthe speedy way the Houseattended to requests from thegovernor. Not too long ago,the opposition All ProgressiveCongress, APC even accusedthe House of allegedlygranting the governorapproval to secure a N10billion loan in a manner itconsidered to be abnormal.

Nullificationof the election

According to spokesman ofthe APC in the state, Mr.Chris Finebone , thelawmakers allegedly grantedthe request at about 6 a.m.on November 18 after anunusual meeting with thegovernor in GovernmentHouse where they were toldto keep sealed lips on theissue.

However, apprehension bythe ruling PDP in the statearose following thenullification of the election ofthe erstwhile speaker and 19other House members allelected on the platform of thePDP where the PDP controls30 of the 31 seats. The APCwhich was the former rulingparty in the state has only oneseat.

WHAT are the challengesfacing the Ondo APC,

ahead of next year’sgovernorship election?

Like any institution, there arechallenges. The challenge is toensure that all the interest groupsunite to avoid division. This iscommon to all political parties.In any institution or organisation,there are diverse interests. Theyneed to be protected. We are nowsolving the problem, using theexperience of the last election toresolve it and we are makingprogress.

There is the feeling that theactivities of APC aspirants inOndo State are also polarisingthe party. What is your reaction?

The opposite is the answer.

By Jimitota Onoyume


Though all those affectedhave appealed the tribunalverdict but there is stillserious concern among PDPstakeholders over who couldsucceed Ibani-Owaji should

he lose at the Court of Appeal.The worry of the PDP is

compounded by the fact thatGovernor Wike also lost at thetribunal and has also lost atthe Court of Appeal. Theproblems of the PDP are alsocompounded by the fact thatall three senators and twelvemembers of the House ofRepresentatives on theplatform of the party also lostat the tribunal.

“So you can see why weshould all be worried. “, amember of the House ofAssembly on the platform ofthe PDP confided in Vanguard.

The member said thegovernor ’s decision toapproach the Supreme Court

presentation by the governorof the 2016 N307 billionappropriation bill. Theproceedings started at about5.25 p.m. that Friday. Shortly after the bill waspassed into law he steppedaside as Speaker.

Members who spoke to theVanguard off camera said hewas not forced to resign.Though Owaji-Ibani gavepersonal reason for his actionbut Vanguard gathered thatit was a proactive step toensure the party was firmly incharge of the House.


“With the way the Appealcourt ruling has been going,nobody can say who will beswept off. Some of us havealready lost at the lowertribunal. So we were justbeing proactive in case, youunderstand me so that we willstill be in charge. Hon Ikuinyiwas not forced to resign andthere was no problem in theHouse,“ he said.

Adams Dabotorudimaemerges new Speaker

Hon Adams from OkrikaState Constituency waselected new Speaker of theHouse. Vanguard gatheredthat the PDP dominatedHouse settled for him becausehe reportedly does not haveany election petition relatedmatter in court.

Though all thoseaffected haveappealed the tribunalverdict but there isstill serious concernamong PDPstakeholders overwho could succeedIbani-Owaji shouldhe lose at the Courtof Appeal

ONDO 2016: Our plans to bury the PDPcarcass — Abraham, gov aspirant

By Dapo Akinrefon

THOUGH the Independent National Electoral Commission,INEC, is yet to lift the ban on electioneering campaigns inOndo State, some aspirants are getting set to occupy the Alagbaka Government House in 2016. Dr. SegunAbraham is a governorship aspirant seeking to fly the flagof the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Ondo State. Inthis interview, Dr Abraham spoke on his ambition, thechallenges facing the party and preparations for the 2016governorship elections in the state. Excerpts:

Continues on page 39

The more you have the aspirants,the more activities you have inthe party. It becomes moreexciting. More people areinvolved. A lot of people arecoming out with different ideas,vision and programmes. On theeconomic aspect of it, there willbe boom in the economy of thestate. Printers will be busy. Peoplewill be more engaged in politicalactivities.

It increases the awareness ofthe people politically. There aresome of these aspirants who justwant to be known. They are notspending money. They may beusing it to negotiate for otherpositions. These are nice politicalactivities. We also had rumoursthat some of them may be molesfor other political parties. Theparty exco is aware of these

activities in the party and theyare very experienced. Since theyknow the intention of some of thecandidates, it is easy to knowthose candidates that are serious,competent and fit to be thegovernor of the state. They knowthe candidates that are qualifiedto contest and the governor will

emerge from among them.Is it not confounding to you

that some of these aspirants arebuilding personal structures,instead of building the party?

Well, what you refer to aspersonal structures are groups,which must be integrated into theparty. All over the world, thereare interest groups that must beformed. The only thing is that theleadership of the groups mustsubject the interest of the groupsto the interest of the party andthat is in conformity with theprinciples of democracy.

The lesson we have learned isthat we must not sacrifice theinterest of the society or the partyat the altar of the group. At ourlevel, we build the partypolitically, socially,psychologically and financially,in all ramifications.

That is why our group is calledthe Unity Forum. It is the onlygroup in the state that is reachingout the other groups so that wecan have a united front to driveaway the PDP government fromthe state. The leader of the UnityGroup is the only person that hasn grouse against any other group,but I have been organising other


How PDP ispreparing forthe storm

Given the uncertain fate of GovernorNyesom Wike of Rivers State andmost members of the statelegislature, last week’s smoothchange in leadership of the StateHouse of Assembly was a strategicmove by the Peoples DemocraticParty, PDP in self preservation.

Rivers House: meant thatn o t h i n gshould be leftto chances.“We don’twant to bec a u g h tnapping. It isbetter to beproactive. Ifthings turnout in ourfavour, goodbut the majorthing is thatwe arep l u g g i n gevery hole”,he said.

Owaji-Ibaniwas notforced toresign

Owaji-Ibani resignation asspeaker was undoubtedly wellarranged. Before he steppeddown, he presided over the


ONIOFIOK Lukerepresenting Nsit Ubium

State Constituency had aspiredto the position of speaker of theAkwa Ibom State House ofAssembly on the inaugurationof the legislative body last June,but powerful forces in the statestopped him.

Among those said to havestood against him at that timewas the immediate pastgovernor of the state and nowSenate Minority leader,Senator Godswill Akpabio.

In the face of the allegedopposition, Aniekan Uko waselected speaker to the dismayof enthusiasts of Luke. Uko’schapter, however, ended lastweek when the Court of Appealvoided his election as amember of the State House ofAssembly.

Promptly, last Monday, thestate legislators rediscoveredthemselves and to the dismayof many elected Luke asspeaker.

Luke, who was a onetimespeaker of the Nigeria YouthParliament comes on board asthe 11th Speaker of the AkwaIbom State House of Assembly.

Akwa Ibom people view thedevelopment as mostdeserving, and the best thingto happen to the sixthassembly and by extension an

groups for unity. This can bedescribed as the bride withoutspot as quoted by the holy book.None of the groups haveanything against our groups.Therefore, they all find it easy towork with us. That is why theUnity Forum is growing fast andrapidly.

What do you want to dodifferently, if elected asgovernor?

First and foremost, we willwork hard to restore our lostvirtue and value. We will developtechnological and managerialcapability in order to harness ourvarious resources, with littledependence on foreigners. Wewill develop organic food that isnow the new paradigm shift ineconomic returns, apart from IT,so that Ondo State can becomethe hub for organic food globally.We will avail them of variousopportunities offered by ourinternational connections, fromAfrican Pacific Funding andManagement and other multi-lateral institutions. Ministries ofIndustry, Trade and Investmentwill be established, with offices

in Europe, America and Asia.This will increase ourinternational profile, export driveand employment generation. Weshould be able to generate about500,000 employment throughthis drive. We will set upGovernment Demand Industry(GDI). Through this, a lot ofindustries will be set up tocomplement the major industrythat will support the governmentpolicies and programmes.

Policies andprogrammes

For example, if we arerehabilitating schools, industrieswill be set up to provide roofingsheets and other educationinfrastructure. We are going to setup People Demand Industry(PDI). Right now, 80 percent ofwhat our people need arebrought in from outside.

We will set up small scaleindustries along under PPP. Wewill provide part of funding,training and good and servicesdepot that will supply thepopulace at a very reduce rate

Continues from page 38 so that they can have economicvalue on their income. We willintegrate our secondary schoolswith international schoolsthrough the World wide libraries.

What is your position on theagitation for power shift by thepeople of Akure and Akoko?

The agitations are legitimate.Our party will promote equity,fairness and justice.

What is the assurance that youwill beat other aspirants duringthe primary?

My good work will speak forme. With God’s support and mywork speaking for me and thepeople that God will use, myvictory at the primary is assured.

What gives the APC theboldness that it can sack the PDPfrom Ondo State?

The PDP is dead in Ondo State.It only needs to be buried. ThePDP is in comatose. People areleaving the PDP for the APC. Theformer deputy governor is nowin the APC. Commissioners,special advisers, formergovernorship aspirants aredefecting. What remains is thecarcass. People are leaving thePDP in droves.

ONDO 2016: Our plans to bury the PDP carcass— Abraham, gov aspirant

God’s will in Akwa Ibom AssemblyTHE election of a new speaker of the Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly may not be agame changer for the opposition, but it reshuffles the deck in the ruling PeoplesDemocratic Party, PDP. Some say it is the hand of God

By Chioma Onuegbu

•Udom: Akwa Ibom governor •Luke: Elected Akwa Ibom Speaker

asset to the People’sDemocratic Party, PDP, in viewof the current political situationin the state PDP where theparty is strategizing to ensureit does not lose the state to theopposition party.

Besides his track recordsduring the immediate past

administration as a member ofthe state House, the publicimpression about the electionof Luke as speaker is that hewill be a committed leader withindependent mind and whowill be able to carry hiscolleagues along in the courseof discharging his legislative

duties.A former Minister for Land,

Housing and UrbanDevelopment, and one timemember in the House ofRepresentative (Eket FederalConstituency) Chief NduesseEssien commended the statelawmakers over the decision toelect Luke as their Speaker,even as he noted that AkwaIbom people initially expectedit but for some reasons it wasscuttled.

Essien’s words: “It is a verygood decision. That actuallywas the initial expectation butit was scuttled somehow.Onofiok Luke is articulate, heflows very well with the youths,and he has had the experiencein presiding over such forum,so we believe that he will bean effective speaker. Also he is

the Speaker following the stiffopposition and allegedinterference on June 8, 2015from key political players in thestate did not sit well with theindigenes of the state.

That, however, explainedwhy some people in the statestill appear baffled over hisrecent election into the sameposition without anyinterference even as somelegislators said the election ofthe speaker of the house is nota situation where an individualdecides rather that it is thepopular wish of the membersof the house to decide whoshould be in the position.

But a member of the AllProgressives Congress, APC,who did not want his namementioned described theelection of the new speaker asa welcome development notingthat the members did well byelection someone who will notbe stooge to the Executive.

“I think the election ofOnofiok Luke is actually whatthe sixth assembly needed.They need some one that willcarry them along; someonewho is independent mindedthat will work in their interestand not always relying onevery decision of theExecutive. It is the best stepand decision and a welcomedevelopment in Akwa Ibomstate house of assembly” hesaid.

The publicimpression about theelection of Luke asspeaker is that hewill be a committedleader withindependent mindand who will be ableto carry hiscolleagues along inthe course ofdischarging hislegislative duties

a highlyprincipledp e r s o nt h a tlooks to abrighterf u t u r e .So wes a l u t et h ehouse ofassemblyfor takingthat stepto electhim asspeakerof AkwaI b o ms t a t ehouse”.

T h efailure oft h ehouse toelect himthen as


AYENI—I, formerlyknown and addressedas OluwayemisiAdewunmi Ayeni, nowwish to be known andaddressed asO l u w a y e m i s iAdewunmi David. Alldocuments remainvalid. General publicplease note.

A G B O O L A — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MaryOluwakemi Agboola,now wish to be knownand addressed asMary OluwakemiOlowookere. Alldocuments remainvalid. General publicplease note.

K E H I N D E — I ,formerly known andaddressed as TaiwoKehinde Adejola, nowwish to be known andaddressed as TaiwoIsaac Adejola. Alldocuments remainvalid. General publicplease note.

Confirmation of nameThis is to confirm thatthe name AdewaleWaheed Yomi is alsothe same person asAdewale WaheedOluwaseun. I nowwish to be known andaddressed as AdewaleWaheed Oluwaseun.All documents remainvalid. General publicplease note.

Confirmation of nameThis is to inform thegeneral public that inmy First Bank AccountAdinkwu CarolineUchechukwu wasused. While in myUBA Account OgbimiCaroline was used. Ihereby confirm that thenames belong to oneand the same me. Alldocuments remainvalid. General publicplease note.

AMADI—I, formerlyknown andaddressed as AmadiP r i n c eChukwuemeka, nowwish to be knownand addressed asP r i n c eChukwuemeka. Alldocuments remainvalid. General publicplease note.

ANUOLA—I, formerly

known and addressed

as Maleghemi Mercy

Anuola, now wish to be

known and addressed

as Maleghemi Mercy

Odion. All documents

remain valid. General

public please note.

CHANGE OF FAMILY NAMEEZEALA—We, the family members of Ezealawish to change our family name EZEALA toUGOCHUKWU based on the Memorandum ofUnderstanding reached between the entire familymembers.I, Mr. Joseph Ezeala being the head of the familyhereby approve that our family name EZEALAbe changed to UGOCHUKWU as the entire familyis in total agreement for the name to be changed.All documents remain valid. General publicplease note.

A Y O D E L E — I ,formerly known andaddressed asOmobukola AdejokeAyodele, now wish tobe known andaddressed asOmobukola AdejokeAyeni. All documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please note.

ODOFIN—I, formerly

known and addressed

as Odofin Fausat

Ronke, now wish to be

known and addressed

as Fausat Ronke

Ahmed. All documents

remain valid. General

public please note.

U M U K O R O — I ,formerly known andaddressed asManson AustinAwukodheme, nowwish to be knownand addressed asManson AustineA w u k o d h e m eUmukoro. Alldocuments remainvalid. General publicplease note.

O M O O G U N — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissOmoogun OlajumokeOlubukunola, nowwish to be known andaddressed as Mrs.Otunola OlajumokeOlubukunola. Alldocuments remainvalid. General publicplease note.

A D E M O L A — I ,formerly known andaddressed as AdemolaOluwasegun Gabriel,now wish to be knownand addressed asOladiran SegunGabriel. All documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please note.

Confirmation of nameThis is to confirm that

Buhari Sidikat Toyin

and Buhari Sidikat

Oloruntoyin refer to

one and the same

person. All documents

remain valid. General

public please note.

E N U M A H — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissRachel ChineloEnumah, now wish tobe known andaddressed as Mrs.Chinelo Nwabuokei.All documents remainvalid. General publicplease note.

A N I F O W O S E — I ,formerly known andaddressed as SakaAremu, now wish to beknown and addressedas Saka AremuAnifowose. Alldocuments remainvalid. General publicplease note.

A D E O L A — I ,formerly known andaddressed as AdeolaIgbekele, now wish tobe known andaddressed asOlapade IgbekelePaul. All documentsremain valid.General publicplease note.

Confirmation of nameThis is to confirm thatEmedike JosephatOkorie and EmedikeJosephat Okoli refer toone and the same me.I now wish to be knownand addressed asEmedike JosephatOkorie. All documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please note.

AMAH—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss Amah NkiruChinenye, now wish tobe known andaddressed as Mrs.Vi n c e n t - A n e k w eNkiru Chinenye. Alldocuments remainvalid. General publicplease note.

OBI—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss Obi BlessingNgozi, now wish to beknown and addressedas Mrs. OtuagaBlessing Ngozi. Alldocuments remainvalid. General publicplease note.

G A N S A L L O — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissGansallo SubuolaIrene, now wish to beknown and addressedas Mrs. SadikuSubuola Irene. Alldocuments remainvalid. General publicplease note.

A D E M I L U S I — I ,formerly known andaddressed asA d e m i l u s iO l u w a b u k u n m iAriella, now wish to beknown and addressedas OkwoliO l u w a b u k u n m iAriella. All documentsremain valid. AIADesigns Limited andgeneral public pleasenote.

EREKWONNA—I,formerly known andaddressed as MissJane ObiageliErekwonna, nowwish to be knownand addressed asMrs. Jane ObiageliEmechebe. Alldocuments remainvalid. General publicplease note.

Confirmation of nameThis is to inform thegeneral public that thefamily formerly knownand addressed asEZEONWU, now wishto be known andaddressed as EZEHfamily. All documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please note.

E Z E O N W U — I ,formerly known andaddressed asEzeonwu MalachyUzor, now wish to beknown and addressedas Ezeh MalachyUzor Alexander. Alldocuments remainvalid. General publicplease note.

EZE—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Eze UmehMatthew, now wish tobe known andaddressed as UmehMatthew. Alldocuments remainvalid. General publicplease note.

ZIMU—I, formerly

known and addressed

as Miss Onya Esther

Zimu, now wish to be

known and addressed

as Miss Onya Esther

Uche. All documents

remain valid. General

public please note.

UKANYIRIOHA—I,formerly known andaddressed as MissA u g u s t i n aUkanyirioha, now wishto be known andaddressed as Mrs.Augustina Nwankwo.All documents remainvalid. General publicplease note.

JOHN—I, formerlyknown andaddressed as MissHannatu John, nowwish to be knownand addressed asMrs. Hanatu Ndah.All documentsremain valid.General publicplease note.

O D U K O Y A — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissO d u k o y aO l u w a f u n m i l a y oOluwaseun, now wishto be known andaddressed as Mrs.O l u w a f u n m i l a y oOluwaseun FemiIbrahim. Alldocuments remainvalid. General publicplease note.

Confirmation of namesThis is to inform thegeneral public that mynames are “NNAJIDickson Sunny” andI wish to retain thosename instead of“Ogbonna DicksonSunny”. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

URUNOMATSE—I,formerly known andaddressed as GordonDere Urunomatse,now wish to be knownand addressed as DereSolomon. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

ABOY—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Pori Aboy, nowwish to be known andaddressed as PoriRobinson. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

KELVIN—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Daniel Kelvin, nowwish to be known andaddressed as OghorieOghenekevwe Daniel.All former documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please take note.

O K E N W A — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissOkenwa IfeomaLinda, now wish to beknown andaddressed as Mrs.Osuala Ifeoma Linda.All former documentsremain valid.General publicplease take note.

I H E S I A B A — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissIhesiaba Ozioma, nowwish to be known andaddressed as Mrs.Ozioma ChikezieElechi. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease, take note.

OKORIE—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss OkorieChioma Florence, nowwish to be known andaddressed as Mrs.Obika ChiomaFlorence. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

EZE—I, formerlyknown as Eze MarthaAdaeze, now wish tobe known andaddressed as Mrs.Martha Adaeze Itodo.Former documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please, note.

U G W U E K P E — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissUgwuekpe ReginaUgonne now wish tobe known andaddressed as Mrs.Agbo Regina Ugonne.All former documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please takenote.

OKWU—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Mrs. CarolineChinwe Okwu nowwish to be known andaddressed as Mrs.Caroline ChinweMaduakor. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

UGBOR—I, formerlyknown andaddressed as MissUgbor EuchariaIyiukwu now wish tobe known andaddressed as Mrs.Ezeamenyi EuchariaIyiukwu. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

40—Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015


C o n f i r m a t i o n /Addition of nameThis is to confirm thatthe name Araoye WasiuGbolahan is also thesame person as AliuWasiu Gbolahan. I nowwish to be known andaddressed as Aliu-Araoye WasiuGbolahan. All formerdocuments remain thesame. General public,please take note.

ELURO—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Mrs. Eluro OweedoHelen, now wish to beknown and addressedas Mrs. OkagidiOweedo Helen. Allformer documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please takenote.

JOAN —I, formerlyknown and addressedas Joy ChinwenduJoan, now wish to beknown and addressedas Okanumee JoyJohn. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

FRANK—I, formerlyknown and addressedas EnamerenOnoriode Frank, nowwish to be known andaddressed as MitiloOnoriode Jacob. Allformer documentsremain valid.Zenithbank, Skye bank,Keystone bank PLCand general publicplease take note.

M A C L E A N — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissRebecca DiyeworioMacLean, now wishto be known andaddressed as Mrs.Rebecca DiyeworioOkoro. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

Confirmation ofnameI, Martins SamuelOyinkuro do herebyconfirm that the nameMartins Samuelrefers to one and sameme. All formerdocuments remainvalid. Niger DeltaUniversity andgeneral public pleasetake note.

Correction of nameI Edhere Sunday dohereby state that myname was wronglywritten as EgwareSunday Instead ofEdhere Sunday withmy Diamond Bank PlcAccount. Alldocuments bearing theformer name remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

OKAM—I, formerlyknown and addressedand Miss MiriamEbelechukwu Okam,now wish to be knownand addressed as MrsMiriam EbelechukwuChimara. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

U M O R E N — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissUmoren Keisha WilsonEmem, now wish to beknown and addressedas Keisha EmemShekarri. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General public,please take note.

BRAI—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Femi Brai, nowwish to be known andaddressed as FemiEsimajeayomi Ayuli.All former documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please takenote.

RUFUS—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss RufusNkechi Florence, nowwish to be known andaddressed as MrsChukwuma NkechiFlorence. All formerdocuments remainvalid. Ecobank andgeneral public pleasetake note.

N WA U B A N I — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissEthel NgoziNwaubani, now wishto be known andaddressed as MrsEthel Ngozi Orji. Allformer documentsremain valid. Generalpublic take note.

OCHEME—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Ocheme Monday,now wish to be knownand addressed asOcheme Peter Daniel.All former documentsremain valid.Marvellous MikePress and generalpublic please take note.

BAHAGO—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Daniel MartinsBahago, now wish tobe known andaddressed as DanielMarafa Nkutson. Allformer documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please takenote.

N A K P O D I A — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MrsBridget UfuomaNakpodia, now wish tobe known andaddressed as MrsBridget UfuomaArawore. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

OKPAH—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Mabel OgorchukwuOkpah, now wish to beknown and addressedas Ngozi AngelaOkpah. All formerdocuments remainvalid. UBA, Ecobankand general publicplease take note.

O K A N M E L U — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissOkanmelu NgoziBlessing, now wish tobe known andaddressed as MrsMadubogwu NgoziBlessing. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

I H E D I G B O — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissIhedigbo NgoziPrecious, now wish tobe known andaddressed as MrsUgochukwu NgoziPrecious. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

A D E G B O Y E — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissIyabo EuniceAdegboye, now wish tobe known andaddressed as MrsIyabo Eunice Ofoge.All former documentsremain valid. NigeriaImmigration Serviceand general publicplease take note.

ERUBA—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss ErubaJosephine Nnenna,now wish to be knownand addressed as Mrs.Eze JosephineNnenna. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

A K A M I K E — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissEzinne Dora IheomaAkamike, now wish tobe known andaddressed as Mrs.Ezinne Dora IheomaEmerue. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

ANIEDI—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss Glory AniediOkpon, now wish tobe known andaddressed as Mrs.Glory Abumere Ekoh.All former documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please takenote.

MAINA—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss RejoiceJoshua Maina, nowwish to be known andaddressed as Mrs.Gapani Rejoice Yaga.All former documentsremain valid. NYSCand general publicplease take note.

IYERE—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss Iyere OdufaRuth, now wish to beknown and addressedas Mrs. EbrugbaOdufa Ruth. All formerdocuments remainvalid. NYSC andgeneral public pleasetake note.

Confirmation of nameThis is to confirm thatthe names Uche K.Amadi and AmadiWenendah Ken refer toone and the sameperson, but now wishto be known andaddressed as AmadiWenendah Ken. Allformer documentsremain valid, generalpublic please take note.

O M O T O S O — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissOmotoso OmolaraAbisola R., now wishto be known andaddressed as Mrs.Omolara Abisola R.Hassan. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

E K W U E M E — I ,formerly known asPrincess EkwuemeNkechinyere, wish tobe known asE k w u e m eNkechinyere Stellahenceforth. All formerdocuments remainvalid. Eco Bank,please take note.

CHUKWUKERE—I,formerly known andaddressed as MissQueen JacintaChukwukere, nowwish to be known andaddressed as Mrs.Queen Jacinta SorochiKonyeke. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicand whom it mayconcern shouldplease take note.

B A B A N I J I —I,formerly known andaddressed as MissElizabeth BukolaBabaniji, now wish tobe known andaddressed as Mrs.Elizabeth BukolaOkeke. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicand whom it mayconcern shouldplease take note.

S O L O M O N — I ,formerly known andaddressed as ChukwuSolomon, now wish tobe known andaddressed as ChukwuGodwin. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicand whom it mayconcern should pleasetake note.

E B I T O N M O R — I ,formerly known andaddressed asEbitonmor Christian,now wish to be knownand addressed asBadidi Christian. Allformer documentsremain valid. U.B.ABank, general publicand whom it mayconcern should pleasetake note.

I V U O N G B E — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissIvuonbge Faith Ese,now wish to be knownand addressed as MrsImadebgbelo FaithEse. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicand whom it mayconcern should pleasetake note.

EKPOKE—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss EkpokeAjokpenogene Kristel,now wish to be knownand addressed as MrsEkokor AjokpenogeneKristel. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicand whom it mayconcern should pleasetake note.

CONFIRMATION OFNAME: That some of mydocuments carried UdehVictor Osinachi , otherscarried, Udeh VictorChukwudi. Both names asthey appeared abovebelongs to one and the sameperson. Now wish to beknown and address as UdehVictor Osinachi Chukwudi.All former documentsremain valid. General publicand whom it may concernshould please take note.

MADUABUCHI—I,formerly known andaddressed as MissMaduabuchi ChinweRita, now wish to beknown and addressedas Mrs. MuojiubaChinwe Rita. Allformer documentsremain valid. Generalpublic take note.

Confirmation/Addition ofnameI, formerly known andaddressed as Miss OsujiHelen Ndidi is also thesame person known asMrs. Ajayi Helen Ndidi. Inow wish to be knownand addressed as Mrs.Ajayi Helen Esther. Allformer documents remainthe same. General public,please take note.

AKACHI—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Mr. AkachiAkajiaku UjunwaOtibe, now wish to beknown and addressedas Mr. Gabriel UjunwaOtibe. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publictake note.

USIGHO —I, formerlyknown and addressedas Usigho LawrenceEwoma, now wish tobe known andaddressed as UsighoLawrence Samuel. Allformer documentsremain valid, anyauthority it mayconcern and thegeneral public to takenote.

AMAYO —I, formerlyknown and addressedas Mrs. AmayoPatience Ufuoma, nowwish to be known andaddressed as MissUgbobor Patience PearlUfuoma. All formerdocuments remainvalid, and the generalpublic to take note.

Confirmation of nameThis is to confirm that thenames OgenerukevweOnailpofure and IsraelOnailpofure refer to oneand the same person, butnow wish to be knownand addressed asOgenerukevwe IsraelOnailpofure. All formerdocuments remain valid,general public pleasetake note.

JUMAH—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Jumah RodeeyahOlabimpe, now wishto be known andaddressed asAdebimpe RaliatOlabimpe. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publictake note.

Confirmation of nameThis is to inform thegeneral public that in myUBA Bank my name waswrongly written asAustine ChukwukaOdozi and in Zenith Bankit was written as AustinChukwu. The names referto one and the same me.All former documentsremain valid, generalpublic please take note.

Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015—41


Rabiul-Awwal 13, 1437 A.H.

Religious leaders brainstorm on way forward

LAGOS State Governor, Mr.Akinwunmi Ambode has set

another pace in his drive towardsmaking life easier for residents whenhe launched a contributory schemefor Hajj and Jerusalem pilgrimagefor prospective pilgrims in the state.

The governor while addressingaudience at the lunch on Monday,explained that the scheme was partof his administration policy to makeeveryone participate in the holypilgrimage irrespective of thefinancial status and class,

Ambode who also honoured theManaging Director of the MedviewAirline, Alhaji Muneer Bankole forpartnering with the state

LEADERS of variousreligious groups rose from

2015 Jalsa Tarbiya, the 3rd annualconference on Islamic educationand moral teaching held in Warri,Delta State with a resolve to cometogether in order to achieve peaceand sustainable development in thecountry.

The events which was attendedby representatives of the ChristianAssociation of Nigeria, leader of theJudaism, Harish-Krishnan, andMuslim communities was held atFederal Government College,Ogunu road, Warri, Delta State withdifferent papers and lectures onpeace and sustainable developmentdelivered.


While the chief host, Dr. MashuudFashola, Amir Ahmadiyya Jamaat,Nigeria espoused the possibilitiesof achieving sustainabledevelopment, through unity, peaceand tolerance, the ChristianAssociation of Nigeria, CAN, saidrespect for each other’s beliefsinstead of tolerance remained theonly sure path to peace andsustainable development.

Commenting on the theme -“Religious Tolerance andCooperation: A Catalyst for Peace,Unity and SustainableDevelopment”, the Naib Amir,Eastern region said: “This is inrealization that we have not yetsurmounted the needlessinsurgency battles that are dailybeing fought by our NigerianArmed Forces in the North East andthe need to decontaminate itsattachment to religion.

“Innocent persons are beingkilled with recklessness through

suicide bombing. We pray thatalmighty Allah will expose thesponsors and promoters of the evilinsurgents and remove them fromour midst, and put an end to thismayhem soon.

“We consistently repeat thatwhoever kills another unjustly andcreates disorderliness in the landis not of God. Q5: 65. “Allah lovesnot those who create disorder”. Asa nation, all the religions must

consciously continue tointerrelate, as we have introducedthrough the Inter-faith seminars.Those who fan the embers ofdestruction exist all around,regardless of the faith they profess.They are our enemies and we mustunite all the times to weaken theirresolve. If we do anythingotherwise, they would haveachieved their objectives,” Enahorostated.

How religious bodies canpromote sustainable devt— DrFashola, Amir Sahib

Amir, Ahmadiyya Muslim

Jamaat, Nigeria, Dr. MashuudFashola said peace, religioustolerance and sustainabledevelopment can be achieved ifreligious bodies come together tofight their common enemy –insurgents that are killing peopleirrespective of religious and ethnicbackground.

Dr Fashola stated this whiledelivering a lecture during theinter-faith conference organised byEastern region of the group, heldin Warri last weekend.


Fashola said: “Religiousorganisations need to come togetherto brainstorm and developstrategies that can be employed forthe promotion of religious tolerance,cooperation among all religiousbodies, peace, unity andsocioeconomic development of thecountry, in a sustainabledevelopment.

“First, we should agree to ageneral document on the principlesof working and coming togetherfor the benefit of all mankind andservice of the Gracious Lord andGod of all Creation. The basis ofthe genera) document should be acommon ground and principles thatcut across and unite all religiousorganisations.

“Secondly, we need to agree onhaving annual conference of allreligious organisations for thepurpose of articulating collectiveviews on issues of the state,especially national unity, justice,good governance. and sustainabledevelopment. A committee for thispurpose could be appointed fromrepresentatives of major religiousbodies, whose venue of meetings

would be rotated by geographicalzones, in neutral conferencecentres.

“The areas of deliberation wouldinclude all aspects of the polity andeconomy since many members ofreligious bodies are experts invarious disciplines and belong tovarious professional bodies.

Critical among areas that wouldneed to be deliberated upon areissues of equitable regionaldevelopment to stem the tide ofexcessive continual migration tourban areas that spell doom forsustainable development in thenear future. Other important areasare security to life and property, jobcreation for poverty alleviation,affordable medical care, and freebasic education.

It should thus be possibleultimately for all religious bodies toform a formidable front to demandgood governance, especiallyregarding equal opportunities.justice, security, and prosperity forall citizens,” Dr Fashola stated.

Find, tackle root cause ofviolence, by Dr. AbdulmajeedBello

We certainly live in a world whereindividuals, groups, andgovernments commit various formsof violence and terror. Such violenceis committed in the name ofideology, narrow forms ofnationalism and religion.Counteracting violence with moredevastating violence enhances thatvicious cycle. Huge resources havebeen devoted to fighting violence,usually by equal or even worseviolent means. Little attention hasbeen paid to finding out the rootcauses of violence, such as gross

injustice and dehumanization ofothers. A fraction of theseresources, coupled with a sense ofhonor, justice, and human equalitywould deal with most violence in amore constructive way. Whilereligion has been abused to justifysenseless and unnecessaryviolence, they can be constructivelyinvoked to stem the tide of violence.The common values of revealedreligions, in particular, cancontribute immensely in thatendeavor.


It is the duty of religious clergiesand scholars to clarify these valuesand clarify misinterpretations ofscriptures not only to others but alsofor their own religious communities.

We need respect, not tolerance—CAN

The President of Christian Association ofNigeria, CAN, Pastor Ayo Oritsejaforreiterated that respect for other’s faith andreligious beliefs instead of toleranceremained a solution for peace and unity.

Pastor Oritsejafor who wasrepresented by Pastors JohnUkpeowe and Ochuko Abeke atthe forum said: “You will recall thatin the paper presented by meduring in 2014 conference, Ielucidated on the need to changethe subject matter from ReligiousTolerance to Religious Respect.This point cannot beoveremphasised in the face oftoday’s religious trends and threatswhere different groups and sectsare contending for supremacy andcontrol even within the samereligion.

government in the airlifting of thepilgrims in the state, reiterated hiscommitment to make life easier forresidents in the state.

Speaking after the launch of thecontributory scheme also known as,“Pay Small Small Scheme”, Ambode,represented by the stateCommissioner for Home Affairs, Dr.AbdulHakeem AbdulLateef, saidwith the scheme, petty traders andother low income earners would beable to fulfill their religiousobligations in a more convenientway.

He said:”It is a contributoryscheme for all pilgrimages. Whetherit for Jerusalem or Mecca. The all-inclusive administration of GovernorAmbode is meant to carry along eventhe less privileged in the society toensure that even with N50,000, youcan begin to pay for your pilgrimageto Mecca, Medina, Rome andJerusalem.

“We have partnered with MicroFinance firm that will allow peopleto choose either three, two years orone contributory scheme for thepilgrimage depending on the abilityof such a person. In fact, there is apackage of N1,500 daily contributionscheme for the pilgrimage," he said.

The government wants to ensurethat people are carried along andthey are able to discharge theirreligious duties without stress. So,to the ordinary trader, it is anavenue to fulfill their obligations.One way of alleviating poverty isto carried the people along andassure them of place in the heartof government.”

By Olasunkanmi Akoni

Lagos launches contributory schemefor Hajj, Jerusalem pilgrims

Warri 2015 Jalsa:

•Let's unite to demand good governance —Amir Fashola•We need respect not tolerance —CAN

We consistentlyrepeat that whoeverkills another unjustlyand createsdisorderliness in theland is not of God


Commissioner for Home Affairs, Abdulateef Abdulakeem, (2ndleft) presenting an award to Medview Airline MD, Alhaji MuneerBakole at the event held in Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos, recently.

Young Muslims quitely displaying information to the audienceduring the conference in Warri.

From left: Sadr, Majlis Ansarullah of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’atNigeria, Alhaji Babatunde Odukoya; Amir, Dr. Mashhudi AdenreleFashola; Olu of Warri, HRM Godfery Emiko; Missionary-in-Charge of Ahmadiyya Nigeria, Maulana AbdulKhalique Nayarr;Naib Amir, Eastern Region, Dr. Abdul Ganiyyi Enahoro andGeneral Secretary,, Alhaji Abbas Iromini, during a courtesy visitto HRM, Olu of Warri before the 3rd Jalsa Tarbiyya Eastern Regionin Warri, Delta State.


From left: Amir of Ahmadiyya Muslim Nigeria, Dr.MashhudFashola; Missionary-in-Charge, Maulana AbdulKhaliqueNayyar; National President, Initiative for Judaism Developmentand Chief Rabbi El- melek Synagogue, Dr. Israel Abido JP andNaib Amir,,South West, Barrister AbdulAzeze Alatoye, duringthe occasion in Warri.

Frm left: Coordinator Hare Karishna Movement, Bibhatsu Days;Chief Imam Central Mosque Warri, Alhaji Abdul Rasheed Ajisafe;Representative of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN),President, Pastor John Ukpeowe and Naib Amir, Eastern Region,Dr. AbdulGaniyyi Enahoro, at the occasion in Warri.

AMIR of Ahmadiyya MuslimJamaat, Nigeria, Dr.

Mashuud Fashola has appealed toleaders and politicians to reviveagriculture in order to ensure foodsufficiency in the country. He madethis plea during a courtesy visit tothe palace of Olu of Warri, HRMOgiame Ikenwoli Emiko ahead ofthe 2015 Jalsa Tarbiya/Educationconference in Warri, Delta Staterecently.

The delegation which arrived themagnificent palace 12:25 Friday alsovisited the Chief Imam of WarriCentral Mosque shortly after Jumaatprayers. Stating the purpose of visit,Dr. Fashola said: It is our tradition topay homage because we recogniseour traditional rulers. We also use theopportunity to congratulate yourMajesty on your coronation and we

Ahmadiyya visits Olu of Warri, tasks leaderson agriculture

pray Allah to protect you and theentire kingdom.

“As a group, we do not imposereligion on anybody just as theProphet did not compel anyone tobe Muslim. Our slogan is ‘Love forall, hatred for none’. The Prophet wassent only to be a mercy to all mankindbut unfortunately, people havemisunderstood the religion.

“We always advocate thateverybody must be given the rightto worship. We also advocateempowerment of people in order toeradicate poverty. Out of 80millionemployable Nigerians, only10million are employed.”

Amir Fashola appealed to thetraditional ruler to use his good officeto put pressure on appropriateauthorities to revive agriculture as itremains the only way of ensuring

food sufficiency for Nigerians.Responding through Chief Emma

Jones, HRM the Olu of Warrithanked members of the AhmadiyyaMuslim Jamaat for their visit andprayed for a successful conferencein Warri, adding that despite that theday was not a visiting day to thepalace, he adjusted his programmeto receive the Jamaat.

Copies of the Holy Qur’an andother literatures were presented tothe royal father by Dr. Fashola.

The delegation later moved to WarriCentral Mosque, where they werereceived by the Chief Imam, AlhajiAbdulRasheed Aroyewun Ajisafe.

Receiving the group, Alhaji Ajisafenoted that contrary to misinformationabout the Jamaat’s believe in ProphetMuhammad, “Ahmadiyya haveshown they believe and love theprophet and they have also visitedus.” “I have seen a number of thingsthey have done; they have done verywell in areas of education and healthsectors by building and fundingseveral schools and hospitals; theseare very laudable achievements.

Ajisafe however appealed to thegroup to establish Islamic bank whichwill serve the interest of the Ummah.“I want you to consider establishingAhmadiyya Bank for the Ummah. Wealso want you to give us Arabic schoolin this area. Your Hafiz schools areconcentrated in the South West, wewill really appreciate if you can locateone in this area for the benefit of ourteeming youths who want to learnand memorise the Holy Qur’an."

THE Oba Akran ofBadagry, His Majesty, De

Wheno Aholu Menu Toyi and theLagos State commissioner for

Oba Akran, Commissioner laud Muslimson free health programme

By Lamidi Bamidele Health, Dr Jide Idris havecommended the MuslimCommunity of Lagos State underthe leadership of ProfessorTajudeen Gbadamosi forproviding free health services forpeople of Badagry and itsenvirons recently.

Speaking during a courtesy visitby the delegation of MuslimCommunity of Lagos State to thePalace, His Majesty urged theMuslims to continue the goodwork and service to humanity.

Flagging off the programme, DrJide Idris, Lagos StateCommissioner for Health ablyrepresented by Dr Abdul-SalamIbrahim emphasised theimportance of being in goodhealth. According to him “Ourhealth should be taken seriouslyand this is why Lagos State hasprovided various healthinstitutions like GeneralHospitals, health centres andwellness screening in various partsof State’.

AS Muslims in the countryjoin their counterparts world

over to celebrate the birth of ProphetMuhammad (Id-ul-Maulud),National Council of Muslim YouthOrganizations (NACOMYO) hasurged the Muslim faithful to imbibethe virtues of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) for harmonious relationshipwith other Nigerians and for thebetterment of the society.

The apex Muslim youth groupenjoined them to live a life of tolerance,patriotism and good neighborliness,traceable to prophetic traditions andthe provisions of their sacred book,“Al-Quran”.

NACOMYO opined that Nigeriawould only attain its naturallyendowed greatness if every citizenembraced the principles of religioustolerance, hardwork, love andpeaceful co-existence, just as it urgedour political leaders to ensue equity,fairness, justice and fear of God indischarge of their duties and our

Eid-il-Maulud: NACOMYO urgestolerance, peaceful co-existence

collective effort to move the countryforward.

The umbrella body of Muslim youthalso gave thumps up for PresidentMuhammad Buhari for the allembracing budget, noting that anaccelerated consideration of thebudget by the National Assembly(NASS) will reduce the hardshippresently being experienced byNigerians and bring hope to them.

It noted that a realistic budget likethat presented by Mr. President haspotentials for infrastructuraldevelopment and will bring succor toNigerian homes.

Rabiul-Awwal 13, 1437 A.H.

•As Imam wants Jamaat Hafiz school in Warri


OJOBOR—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss OjobrEvewero Darlington,now wish to be knownand addressed as Mrs.Darlington EveweroEhijator. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

BAZUNU—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss BazunuElohor, now wish to beknown and addressedas Mrs. OwarumeElohor. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

OFUOKU—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Ofuoku SweetNyerhovwo, now wishto be known andaddressed as AganbiSweet Nyerhovwo. Allformer documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please take note.

NWACHUKWU—I,formerly known andaddressed as MissIfeoma EnwelikwuNwachukwu, now wishto be known andaddressed as Mrs.Ifeoma OlaoluwaAruwayo. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publictake note.

UKAVBE—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss MarvellousObaro Ukavbe, nowwish to be known andaddressed as Mrs.Marvellous ObaroEkpeki. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

W A N O G H O — I ,formerly known andaddressed as MissWanogho JulietIdjirhevwe, now wishto be known andaddressed as Mrs.Affe JulietIdj i rhevwe. Al lformer documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please take note.

UWEDJOJEVWE—I,formerly known andaddressed as MartinaUwedjojevwe, nowwish to be known andaddressed as MartinaBoma. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

O N Y E B U C H I — I ,formerly known andaddressed asMiss Onyebuchi JoyNnenna, now wish tobe known andaddressed as Mrs.Ikechukwu-uzor JoyNnenna. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

O G A N W U — I ,formerly known andaddressed as DR. MissI f e c h u k w u d e Veronica Oganwu, now wish to be knownand addressed as DrMrs. IfechukwudeVeronica Oganwu-Mokogwu. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

PETER—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss PeterOgechukwu Promise,now wish to be knownand addressed as Mrs.M a d u e m e z i aOgechukwu Promise.All former documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please take note.

TUWON—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss Tuwon Oge,now wish to be knownand addressed as Mrs.Orugha Oge Vivian.All former documentsremain valid. Ecobank Plc andgeneral public pleasetake note.

EZE—I, formerlyknown and addressedas Miss Eze AdaoraEunice Princess, nowwish to be known andaddressed as Mrs.Okolie PrincessAdaora Eunice. Allformer documentsremain valid. Generalpublic please take note.

U WA G W U N A — I ,formerly known andaddressed asConfidence IfeanyiUwagwuna, now wishto be known andaddressed asNwabueze ConfidenceIfeanyi. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

Reconciliation of namesThe names StephenKelly and OsakweO n y e k a c h u k w uMartins refer to oneand the same person.I now wish to be knownand addressed asO s a k w eO n y e k a c h u k w uMartins. All formerdocuments remainvalid. General publicplease take note.

44—Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015

FIDAU: Dr. Abubakar Ayodeji Ajisegiri, elder brother to late Hajia Hamdalat Aremu, Habibi Aremu, first son tothe deceased, and Femi Falana (SAN), during the 7th day Fidau for late Hamdalat Aremu, wife of former VicePresident of Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, and General Secretary of National Union of Textile, Garment andTailoring Workers of Nigeria, NUTGTWN, Mr. Issa Aremu, at their family house, in Shogunle, Ikeja, Lagos.


On page 15 ofDecember 24,

2015 Vanguard, wewrongly published apicture tagged Hon.Justice Paschal Nnadias the Chief Judge ofImo State.

The error is highlyregretted.


Lagos Commissioner dialogues with youthsLagos.

In a statement, theministry said: “The inter-active session will bebetween the Commis-sioner, Princess UzamatAkinbile-Yussuf and or-ganized youth organiza-tions and societiesacross 57 local govern-ment and council devel-opment areas in the

LAGOS StateMinistry of Youth

and Social Development,has concluded plans tohold an interactive ses-sion with all voluntaryorganizations, societiesand youth leaders in thestate.

The meeting is slatedfor December 29, 2015 atthe Onikan Youth Centre,

Xmas tragedy: 4 killed, 4 injured asChikason gas plant explodes

By NwabuezeOkonkkwo

ONITSHA—THEindustrial town of

Nnewi, Anambra Statewas thrown into mourn-ing yesterday as an in-dustrial Gas plant sud-denly exploded killingfour persons and injur-ing four others.

The explosion occurredat the Inter Corp Oillimited (LPG Gas Plant)a member of ChikasonGroup at about 11 am.

According to an eye-witness, the fire incidentstarted when a truckwas trying to dischargeits contents withoutwaiting for the manda-tory cooling time. It wasgathered that the tankerwas discharging at a

All efforts made to alertthe Anambra state fireservice of the fire inci-dent did not succeed un-til damage had beendone but a fire officer,Mrs Mary Ofia defendedthe fire service personnelin Nnewi when sheclaimed that the Nnewifire truck was vandalizedby angry mob when theywent for an operation atNkpor.

Apart from lives lost tothe inferno, many build-ings and over fifty ve-hicles around the gasplant were equally af-fected.

In his account, one ofthe survivors, Ikechukwusaid: “My mother waspreparing pepper wewanted to use to cook to-morrow after she re-

turned from the market,the next thing we heardwas the explosion thatrocked the entire vicinity.

"I ran for my life andescaped with minor in-jury but my mother wasnot lucky. She was not asfast as myself and whenthe fire subsided a littlebit, the next thing I sawwas her dead body. Lookat the chicken weplanned to kill tomorrowfor Christmas. A similarthing happened at an-other residence where awoman and her daughterwere lucky to remainalive after suffering somedegrees of burn”.

The Vice chairman ofAnambra state Red Cross,Prof Peter Katchy whoheaded a team of Red Crossrescue operations, said thathe was extremely worriedabout the presence of manyfilling stations in residentialareas in the state.

He pointed out that thesituation would have beenworse if the affected gasplant was situated in thicklypopulated areas, pointingout that the Red Cross andthe Anambra State Emer-gency ManagementAgency, SEMA would de-clare war on owners of fill-ing stations sited at residen-tial areas in the new year.

time when customerswere said to be refillingtheir gas cylinders.

The source stated thatall the customers whowent to the gas plant toget a refill were alleg-edly burnt to ashes whilesome of the victims whowere in the neighbor-hood and passers-by alsogot caught in the inferno.It was gathered that therescue workers had dif-ficulty in gaining accessinto the factory wheremajority of the victimswere trapped.

The charred bodies ofthe victims and otherbadly affected burnt per-sons in the vicinity of thegas plant were taken toNnamdi Azikwe Univer-sity Teaching Hospital,NAUTH, Nnewi.

Glo felicitates with Christians, Muslims

GSM SERVICE provider, Globacom,has called on all Christians and

Muslims in the country to see the twin fes-tivals of Christmas and Eid el Maulud asan opportunity to close ranks, promote re-ligious tolerance and harmony and worktogether for a better Nigeria in 2016 andbeyond.

In a goodwill message issued from itsheadquarters in Lagos, Globacom statedthat the coincidence of the celebration ofthe two momentous events which inciden-tally too, commemorate the birth of theleaders of the two major religions, JesusChrist and Prophet Mohammed is verysignificant and instructive.

“That the two birthdays are celebratedabout the same time in line with the exist-ing Christian and Muslim calendars, im-

mediately instructs the adherents of bothfaiths to take advantage of the pleasantcoincidence to forge closer relationshipsas citizens of the same country,” the state-ment said.

The company urged the Christian faith-ful in the country to use the season of thecelebration of the birth of Jesus Christ tospread the joy of the season and pray forthe progress of Nigeria.

Similarly, the message called on Mus-lim faithful to remember that the birth ofProphet Mohammed was heralded withpeace and goodwill to all men. It there-fore called on Muslims to take advantageof the season to promote the same peace,love, and goodwill in their individualhomes, communities and the country atlarge.

state.“The deliberation will

centre on ways to re-move misguided youthsfrom our streets andmake them responsiblecitizens and pride to thestate while employmentand empowerment op-portunities would alsobe discussed at themeeting.

Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015—45


46—Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015


Fayose‘s unwarrantedoutbursts

Dear sir

I AM always disturbed when those whoare expected to be examples to others,

become destroyers by their characters andoutbursts. Gov. Ayodele Fayose is the Governorof Ekiti State and is expected to engage in onlythose things that will develop the state and makeit a cynosure of all eyes instead of dabbling intoungurded outbursts against the presidency.

Should Gov. Fayose comment on everything?He should rather focus on developing the stateand using same to prove a point. I am not apolitician although it is said that everybody is apolitician in his family. I cherish goodgovernance that will change the fortunes of ourgreat country rather than crying wolves whenthere is none.

Gov. Fayose should remember his case withthe EFCC and learn to be more objective in hisoutbursts which are usually on trivial issues Heshould concentrate on making Ekiti State abetter place for his people.

He should not copy the example of Mr. OlisehMetuh who does not see anything good inBuhari’s administration but saw everything rightduring PDP’s reign of corruption. If I were inGov. Fayose’s shoes, I will fulfil my campaignpromises to the people of Ekiti and leave allthese campaign of calumny against thepresidency. All Nigerians should pray for Buharito succeed in transforming Nigeria into a viablecountry.

Ogodo Clement, 08182594181

THE social media censorship billcurrently at the Senate is obnoxious

and condemnable. The “bill for an Act toProhibit Frivolous Petition and other MattersConnected therewith”, which is sponsoredby Senator Bala Ibn Na’allah of AllProgressives Congress, APC, is an attemptto suppress free speech and protect publicofficials from scrutiny. This bill, if passed,proposes as much as a two-year jail term orN2million fine for posting “abusivestatements” against government and politicaloffice holders through text messages and onWhatsApp, twitter and other social mediaplatforms.

Also the bill is proposing that anyone whowrites a petition against a public office holderor government institution must obtain a dulysworn affidavit at the courts so they can beliable for libel trial should their petitions befound to be false. This raises the question ofwho would determine whether a petition isfalse or not. Of course no one would dareexpose corrupt political office holders whenthey know they could land in jail while doingso. Thus politicians are further protected fromthe public so they can continue to loot andimpose anti-poor policies without fear of anyconsequence.

So far, the bill qualifies as one of the mostbrazen attempts to gag Nigerians, especiallyyoung people, from freely expressingthemselves, criticizing government, resistinganti-poor policies and exposing thecorruption and sleaze of political officeholders. The bill also exposes just howinconsistent the anti-corruption drive of thegovernment is. The implication of the bill isthat while government is allegedly goingafter high-profile former political officeholders mainly from the former ruling party,those currently in power are further protectedfrom public scrutiny and opprobrium so theycan loot in peace.

The Buhari-led Federal Government hadbetter be prepared to build more jails.Nigeria’s working masses and youth havealways, even in the period of militarydictatorships, defied unjust laws and shalldo so with all vigour in the currentcircumstance. Any law that goes contrary tothe eternal principles of freedom and justiceshall be defied.

We call for protests and demonstrationsacross the country until this anti-people billis defeated. The Nigeria Labour Congress,NLC, Trade Union Congress TUC, studentsunions and youth groups, communities, pro-masses organisations and civil societies mustorganise mass actions including protestmarches and possibly strikes to show to theproponents of this bill that their attempt totake the country back to the era militarydictatorship will be resisted. As military headof state from 1983 to 1985, Buhari introduceda repressive press law called ProtectionAgainst False Accusation Decree 4 of 1984which saw to the jailing of two journalists,Tunde Thompson and Nduka Irabor, forwriting newspaper articles critical of hisgovernment.

The current “democracy” was fought forand won by the working masses and youthof Nigeria under some of the most extremeand difficult circumstances. To then ask thepeople who fought for this hard-won butlimited freedom to submit their liberty is akinto playing with fire.

It is particularly shameful that the verysame politicians of the ruling APC who duringthe last general election benefitted immensely

Why Nigerians should rejectanti-social media billDear Sir, from the vibrancy of the social media, which

was one platform through which peoplefreely expressed their anger at the failure ofthe Peoples Democratic Party, PDP which hadheld power since 1999, are the same peoplenow rooting to censor social media. SenatorDino Melaye, representing Kogi West is anactive social media user and before he cameto the Senate is known to have used socialmedia, twitter especially, to subject theimmediate past administration to scathingcriticisms. The same Senator, who proudlyflaunts expensive automobiles is one of themost vocal proponents of the social mediacensorship bill. The likes of el-Rufai, nowKano State Governor, openly upbraidedJonathan’s government on social mediaincluding exposing the monumental sleazeand corruption of the government. In doingall of these, they also made many claims andaccusations against the government, someof which could have been inaccurate yet theywere not imprisoned for it. Now having usedthe power of the social media to clinch politicalpower, they are not prepared to be subjectedto the same criticism. The fact that the PDPsenators also spoke in support of the bill whenit came up for the second reading shows thatthere is no fundamental difference betweenthem and APC. Indeed, Senator Ben Bruceof PDP who apparently speaks more on socialmedia than in the Senate did not object tothe bill as he kept mute.

And the reason is simple. The currentelements in power only talk about change,in reality they are committed to preservingand running the same capitalist system andanti-poor policies that are responsible forNigeria’s alarming inequality andbackwardness.

Hassan Taiwo Soweto & MichaelOgundele Education Rights Campaign


Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015—47

ArsenalContinues from BP

the Gunners are readyto meet the centralmidfielder’s 3.5 millioneuros (N752.5m) askingprice.

However, it isunderstood that Arsenalwill only offer the GoldenEaglets star a contractshould he impress duringtrials.

Nwakali’s bonafideintermediary, KlayEkeocha, said that he hadcontacted the Londonersbut there was no positivefeedback from the club as

at late November.The 17 - year - old has

been linked with possiblemoves to Chelsea,Olympiakos and SportingLisbon after emerging theMost Valuable Player ofthe 2015 Fifa Under 17World Cup but the interestfrom Udinese is the mostconcrete.

The Italian Serie A clubhad earlier made a bid of800,000 euros which wasrejected but they havebeen told to increase theiroffer to •1.2 million.

substantial offer fromBundesliga outfitWolfsburg, but remainshopeful that Arsenalwill also make anofficial bid shortly.

“I spoke with the[Wolfsburg] coach whoalso made severalpromises and if Ieventually choose to

OsimhenContinues from BP sign for them, I hope

they ’ll keep theirword,” he said.

“But I have notdecided where to go yetbecause Arsenal arealso showing stronginterests and perhapsafter my visit to theclub, I will have a clearview of where I want togo.

Premier Leagueappearances so far this seasonand returns to the Hornets ona high after helping hisnation into the third round ofWorld Cup 2018 qualification.

With Louis van Gaal’sUnited blunted in attack dueto Anthony Martial’s injuryand Wayne Rooney’s illnessand Ighalo is targetingWatford’s first win over theOld Trafford side since 1986.

“I’ve been working hardand giving my best, there’snothing new since I’veplayed against ManchesterCity, Arsenal and Chelsea,”Ighalo told Goal. “I’mlooking forward to the gameon Saturday and I just want

IghaloContinues from BP to go back and relax for a day

or two before the game andtrain.

“Manchester United are abig team, so I’m not going tosay I’m a threat. Its teamwork,you know, I cannot playagainst 11 players alone. Myteam has been pushing inevery game.

“We’re going to pushManchester United and giveour best. As a striker I want toscore goals and I hope toscore on Saturday by God’sgrace.

“If I don’t score, if we winthe game, that’s the mostimportant thing. I’m lookingforward to the game andhopefully we’re going to havea good game.”

COACH SundayOliseh has yet to

give his approval for theinvitation of U23 starsOghenekaro Etebo andgoalkeeper EmmanuelDaniel to the Eaglestraining camp for CHAN,it has been gathered.

Etebo was top scorer atthe U23 AFCON inSenegal with five goals,while Enugu Rangersgoalkeeper Daniel alsoshone at thechampionship and theyhave subsequently beenrecommended for thecountry’s CHAN build-up on the back of theirrecent exploits.

However, Oliseh hasyet to sanction their call-up, insisting withworking the 26 playershe has invited for nextmonth’s championshipin Rwanda.

“It’s only Oliseh whowill decide on the twoU23 stars and so far hehas not done so,” a topsource informed.

Even though he is stillin his sick bed inBelgium, Oliseh hasconstantly kept in touchwith the Eagles trainingcamp, dishing out dailytraining schedules andother relevantinstructions.

Oliseh undecided on U-23 stars for Eagles

MANCHESTERCity have won

the race to land PepGuardiola after puttingtogether a record-breaking wage packetthat will make him thehighest paid coach inhistory, according toBild.

The salary of £18million (•25m) perseason will makeGuardiola the best paidcoach not just in football,but in any sport in theworld.

In fact, Guardiola will

Guardiola to become highest paid coach in historyalso be the highest paidperson at the club, withhis salary far out-stripping the £220,000-a-week (£11.4m a year)

picked up by SergioAguero and Yaya Toure.

Guardiola had alsobeen linked withManchester United, but

the Red Devils and othersuitors were blown out ofthe water by City’s offer,who have finally got theirman.

THE Sports WritersAssociation of

Nigeria, SWAN, Lagoschapter, has called on thesports establishment andstakeholders in Nigerianfootball to be wary of anyfresh crisis in the NigerianFootball Federation, NFF,warning that it will

NFF: Lagos SWAN cautions on fresh crisisconstitute a drawback onthe development of the sub-sector.

The Lagos SWANstatement is in reaction torecent statements creditedto followers of club ownerand former contestant forthe NFF presidency, ChrisGiwa, and purportedly tothe office of the Minister ofSports, both seeking thedissolution of the currentNFF board and thereinstatement of a ChrisGiwa board.

The statement by LagosSWAN chairman, FredEdoreh, reads: “We notewith curiosity recentstatements credited first tomembers of the Chris Giwa-mandate group threateningto upturn the managementstructure of the NigerianProfessional FootballLeague and sack theLeague ManagementCompany, and also toreturn to take over the NFFin the new year. Equallyalarming was another press

release falsely credited tothe office of the HonourableMinister of Sports whichallegedly directed the NFFto honour the purportedmandate of Chris Giwa.


Players ‘fighting’ forVan Gaal, says Rooney

AS pressure mountson Louis van Gaal’s

position as ManchesterUnited manager, WayneRooney insists players arestill fighting for the managerto turn their season around.

United have failed to wintheir last six games in allcompetitions, which haveincluded crashing out of theChampions League at thegroup stage and slippingout of the Premier Leaguetop four, while theDutchman has beencriticised for a lacklustrestyle of play.

The 69-year-old cut apress conference short onTuesday followingsuggestions that sackedChelsea manager JoseMourinho is being lined upas his replacement, butRooney is adamant that

players are still behind VanGaal.

Speaking to Sky Sports, thecaptain said: ‘In the last fewweeks results haven’t beengreat for us and its beenfrustrating as a player to dealwith. We have to be strongand stay together to get theresults that we need.

‘Obviously, there are a lotof people talking aboutthings they believe arehappening when in realitypeople writing that stuff anddon’t really know what’shappening. We are workinghard, we are fighting for themanager to try and turn theseason around. It’s importantwe all stick together.’

Rooney has also comeunder scrutiny himself thisseason following a series ofineffectual displays that havegarnered only two leaguegoals, although the Englandinternational accepts his formhas been poor and he mustimprove.

‘I know that I have notbeen playing well and I’mworking hard to try andimprove and do my best forthe team,’ he said.

‘It’s not nice when yoregetting criticised after everygame. It’s tough for theplayers to deal with but weare proud to play forManchester United andwhen it’s not going right itshard to take.

‘The way the last fewweeks have gone, it’s not theway we wanted it to go butwe are working hard to tryand make things right andhopefully we can do that,’ headded.

In a an effort to reverse theteam’s fortunes, Rooneyadmitted that talks havetaken place between theplayers to discuss solutionsto their problems, althoughhe insists that is commonpractice.

THE new Nigerialeague season will

kick off on January 31with a fixtures’ drawslated for January 15,officials have announced.

Enyimba won a seventhNigeria championship inNovember and along

New Nigeria League kicks off Jan31with runners-up WarriWolves will represent thecountry in the 2016 CAFChampions League withthe preliminary rounds ofthe competition fixed forFebruary.

Third-placed NasarawaUnited and Federation

Cup winners AkwaUnited will feature innext year ’sConfederation Cup.

Bayelsa United, FCTaraba, Kwara Unitedand Sharks wererelegated.

Niger Tornadoes,

Plateau United, MFMFC and Ikorodu Unitedhave been promoted tothe Nigerian top flightfrom the lower NigeriaNational League (NNL).



Printed and Published by VANGUARD MEDIA LIMITED, Vanguard Avenue, Kirikiri Canal, P.M.B.1007, Apapa. Phone: Newsroom: 018773962. Deputy Editor: 01-4548355. Advert Dept Hotline: 01-4544821. Abuja Advert Hotline: 09-2921024. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. Advert:[email protected]

Website: (ISSN 0794-652X) Ag.Editor: EZE ANABA. Phone: 01-7742861, All correspondence to P.M.B. 1007, Apapa Lagos.

How to Play Sudoku

Place a number (1-9) in each blank cell. (No line canhave two of the same number).

Each row (nine lines from left to right), column, (alsonine lines from top to bottom) and 3 X 3 block within abold block (nine blocks) contains number from 1 through9. This means that no number can appear twice in anyblock, column or row.

No mathematics is involved – no adding, subtraction,division or multiplication, just plain logic and your imagination.


Vanguard, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2015




Arsenal table N752.5mfor Eaglets captainENGLISH Premier

League clubArsenal have reignitedtheir interest in NigeriaUnder 17 internationalKelechi Nwakali.

Jonathan Barnet’sStellar Group hasinformed DiamondAcademy Umuahia that

Arsenal invite OsimhenVICTOR Osimhen

could be the latestyoung player to beswayed by Arsenal’sstate-of-the-art London

Colney facilities after hewas invited to the club fora trial.

The Nigeria Under-17starlet made his mark atthe U-17 World Cupearlier this year, scoring10 goals in 7 games tohelp the Super Eagleswin the tournament,while also picking up theGolden Boot trophyhimself.

Speaking, Osimhenrevealed that he hasalready received a

Continues on Page 47


ODION Ighalo ishigh on

confidence that his sidecan defeat a depletedManchester United sidein Saturday’s early gameat Vicarage Road.

The Nigeriainternational, 26, hasscored seven goals in 12

Ighalo eyes victoryover Man U

•IghaloContinues on Page 47

Guardiolato becomehighestpaid coachin history

Continues on Page 47

Oliseh undecidedon U-23 stars forEagles — Pg.47


JOYFUL••• Eaglets’captain Kelechi Nwakali celebrates after scoring.

ACROSS1 Support (4)4 Top (3)6 Moan (4)9 Help (3)10 Unusual (8)11 Loose (4)14 Pass (3)16 Sincerely (5)19 Perplexed (8)21 Spree (5)23 Demote (8)24 Last (5)27 Untruth (3)31 Rescue (4)33 Sufficient (8)34 Can (3)35 Respect (4)36 Attempt (3)37 Halt (4)

DOWN2 Dress (4)3 Penniless (4)4 Song-writer (8)5 Tablet (4)6 Biscuit (5)7 Tune (3)8 Perfect (5)12 Sneer (5)13 Recognised (5)14 Dog (3)15 Flat (5)17 Of towns (5)18 Rustic (5)20 Liberation (8)22 Shelter (3)25 Angry (5)26 Correct (5)28 Gasp (4)29 Yank (4)30 Staunch (4)32 Strive (3)

ACROSS: 1, Slight 5, Demean 8, Convince9, Told 10, New 12, Stall 15, Ass 17, Eat 18,Oar 19, God 20, Attic 21, Ore 22, Gem, Aim24, Tie 26, Peril 29, Ask 33, Itch 34, Disagree35, Groped 36, Engulf.

DOWN: 2, Loose 3, Give 4, Tenet 5, Dwell 6,Mate 7, Atlas 10, Night 11, Wedge 12, Stamp13, Actor 14, Local 15, Aroma 16, Speak 25,Inter 27, Ended 28, Issue 30, Spell 31, Shop32, Agog.