Christian Religious Errors Of Religious... · Lesson...

“Christian” Religious Errors Of Men page 1

Transcript of Christian Religious Errors Of Religious... · Lesson...

  • “Christian” Religious

    ErrorsOf Men

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  • Lesson 1 - Religious Error Is Sin

    Introduction: From the beginning. God has not only expected obedience to moral laws. but to religious commandments also. For example, notice God's attitude toward the sacrifices of Cain and Abel (Genesis 4:1-7 & Hebrews 11:4). As we come down through time, we see over and over an emphasis placed on strict ad-herence to God's instructions for religious service. God's attitude has never been, "worship Me", but "worship Me...and this is how to do so acceptably".

    I) New Testament Warnings

    A) The principle stated - Acts 2:42

    B) Early departures - Acts 15:1,5; Colossians 2:16-23: Galatians 4:8-1 1

    C) Early Warnings -1 Timothy 4:1-3; II Peter 2:1-2

    D) If not taught in the Scriptures, a religious practice is WRONG!

    *Absence of authority is sufficient; explicit condemnation is unnecessary.

    *Religious error is SIN!

    II) Some Prominent Religious Errors Today

    1) Infant baptism - Ezekiel 18 & Mark 16:16

    2) Clergy-Laity distinction - Matthew 23:5-12 & I Peter 2:5,9,10

    3) Sprinkling and pouring for baptism - Romans 6:3-4 & Acts 8:38-39

    4) Purgatory- Luke 16:19-31

    5) Instrumental music - Ephesians 5:19 & I Corinthians 14:15

    6) Women Public Preachers -1 Cor. 14:34-35 & I Timothy 2:12

    7) Offices of the church not mentioned in the New Testament, ie. Cardinal, arch-bishop, pope. etc. ????????

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  • 8) Organization of churches with earthly headquarters -1 Peter 5:2 & Titus 1:5

    9) Church support of human institutions - only preaching, edifying the congrega-tion and limited benevolence in N.T.

    10) Lord's supper observed less than weekly - Acts 20:7

    11) Money raised in ways and on days not authorized -1 Cor. 16:1.2

    12) Miraculous measures of the Holy Spirit operative today - Acts 8 (esp. v. 18)& I Cor. 13 :8-13

    13) Sabbath day keeping - Colossians 2:16

    14) Mediation of saints, apostles or Mary -1 Tim. 2:5

    15) Denominationalism -1 Cor. 1:10-13 & Ephesians 4:4-6

    Conclusion: There are many other errors that could be listed, especially if we were including the errors of belief such as. premillenialism, latter day revelations, impossibility of falling from grace, salvation by works of merit, salvation by faith only, irresistability to grace, unconditional and individual predestination, and oth-ers. But we will let these suffice. May God help us all to constantly examine our-selves, whether we be in the faith, and search the Scriptures to see what is so. (II Corinthians 13:5 & Acts 17:11)

    Lesson 2 - Baptizing Infants

    Introduction: "Baptizing" infants is practiced in many denominations. But why would one need to subject a baby to such?

    1. They are not sinners

    * Sin cannot be inherited - Ezekiel 18:20

    * Sin is not passively received but a violation of God's will -1 John 3:4. Sin is the result of fulfilled temptation -James 1:15

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  • * Regeneration (Titus 3:5) implies a time when previously alive, then dead and now born again. Infants cannot do that.

    * Paul describes a time when alive before dying in sin - Romans 7:9

    2. They are unable to comply with the prerequisites for baptism

    * Taught the gospel - Matthew 28:19

    * Believe the gospel - Mark 16:16

    * Repent of sins - Acts 2:38

    * Confess Christ - Romans 10:10

    3. They are described as exemplary

    * Adults must become like them - Matthew 18:3

    4. There is no example of it

    * There is not one example in all of the New Testament

    * Families being baptized do not necessarily include infants - eg. Acts 16:33

    5. Sprinkling is not truly baptism

    * Bible baptism is immersion - John 3:23; Romans 6:4

    * "Sprinkling" in the Bible is the Greek word "rhantizo" - eg. Hebrews 10:22

    * "Baptism" is "Baptizo" and means to immerse

    6. Historically it began after the New Testament completed

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  • Lesson 3 - Clergy/Laity Distinction

    Introduction: All Christians are priests - Isaiah 61:6; I Peter 2:5,9; Rev. 1:5-6; 5:9-10

    1. We Are Therefore Able To Offer Up Our Own Sacrifices

    * I Peter 2:5

    * Big part of an O.T. priest's job - Hebrews 10:11

    * Hebrews 13:10.15.16

    * Spiritual sacrifices: Praising God with our lips; giving God thanks; doing good and sharing

    2. We Are Responsible For Ministering the Word of God to Ourselves and Others

    * An O.T. duty - Leviticus 10:11; Nehemiah 8:2-3,7-9

    * Acts 17:11; 8:4; Romans 15:14

    * We can, and must, read to understand the Bible for ourselves!!!

    3. We Have Direct Access To The Father

    * Ephesians 2:18

    * O.T. priests stood between God and the WE are the priests!

    * There is no go-between, except Jesus and He is in heaven -1 Timothy 2:5

    * We may pray anywhere, anytime -1 Timothy 2:8

    * We can have a bold and confident approach - Hebrews 10:19-22: 4:16

    * We confess our wrongs to Him

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  • * Discuss the idea of men having power on earth to speak for God. "Man of God" "Man of the cloth" prophets, apostles, etc. having any authoritative body on earth; including Watchtower, Mormon headship, Vatican, synods, conferences, etc.

    4. Problems Avoided

    * Guyana, Waco, San Diego-type ordeals - No one on earth is over your faith - II Cor. 1:24; I Cor. 2:4-5; III John 9-11

    * Separate Clergy

    a. No "church administered sacraments" - no group of people validate my service - Matt. 23:8-11

    b. No succession of a special group of men is required - Heb. 7:23-25

    c. No us/them mentality - creates a feeling of detachment

    d. Not even a pastor or elder can lord over the flock -1 Peter 5:1 -4

    e. The church on the earth is the people not some institution that stands between God and His people

    5. Results:

    1. A more vital and rich life in Christ

    2. Greater spiritual growth personally and others brought to Christ - due to a heightened individual sense of responsibility

    3. Not as easily lead away from the truth, less gullibility to false teachings

    4. Obedience to God's will

    Conclusion: This priesthood mindset begins with personally taking responsibility for Bible study, faith, baptism, growth in Christ, sins, etc.

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  • Lesson 4 - Sprinkling or Pouring For Baptism

    How Did They Baptize In The First Century?

    Did they sprinkle, (rhantizo)? Did they pour, (cheo)? Or did they immerse, (bap-tize)? You can quickly research these words from Greek Dictionaries like Strong's or Vine's.

    In the baptisms in the New Testament there was: water - Acts 8:36, much water - John 3:23 a going into water - Acts 8:38, a coming out of water - Matthew 3:16, a burial - Romans 6:4, a resurrection - Romans 6:4 5. and a washing - Acts 22:16. Only in immersion do you have all the above.


    The Greeks had a word for dip or immerse (baptizo). one for sprinkle (rhantizo), and one for pour (cheo). Jesus used the Greek word baptizo.

    From dictionaries we find that our English word baptize is derived from the Greek word baptizein which meant to immerse. HOWEVER: Today, the word baptize has changed to include sprinkling and pouring, as well as immersion.

    Maldonatus and Arnoldi (both Catholic scholars), plus Luther, Calvin, and Zwingli all wrote that the Greek word baptizo meant to dip or immerse. Luther in his 1534 German Bible translated baptizo as (taufen) meaning "to dip."

    Almost all, if not all, ancient and modern Greek Dictionaries including W.E. Vine's define baptize (baptizo) as meaning to dip or to immerse from the Greek word bapto.

    When and how sprinkling became substituted for immersion?

    The practice of pouring instead of immersing appears to have started as early as the second century. Occasionally water was poured over a sick person instead of immersing them into water. Gradually pouring gained more acceptance until in the Roman Catholic Church (but not the Greek Orthodox Church) the pouring of water replaced immersion in the 14th century.

    When the Bible began to be translated into English a number of the translators like Tyndale 1534 A.D. and the scholars who worked on the King James Bible 1611

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  • A.D. chose to use the English word baptize whenever they came across the Greek word baptizo in the Biblical text. whenever it had to do with belief. repentance, or Christian immersion. These same scholars decided to translate baptize "dip" or "dippeth" when it had nothing to do with repentance or belief. Thus, they all trans-lated Mark 14:20 as "dip" or "dippeth" or a very similar word. Contrary to what might be thought, the reason they did this was because, at that time, the English word, baptize, signified Christian immersion. Apparently, this word started out in the Greek language as baptizo. It then appeared spelled a little differently in the Latin language. It then migrated into the French language, and then into the Eng-lish language. During the time the King James Bible was translated the English words baptize, and baptism...both referred to Christian immersion. It was a few years after this that the English word baptism came to include sprinkling and pour-ing.

    The Meaning Today

    Most, but not all, modern scholars have chosen to continue the practice of trans-lating bapto in Mark 14:20 as dip or a similar word. while using the now incorrect word baptize in places like Acts 2:38. I say "now incorrect word baptize" because the English word baptize, no longer only means Christian immersion. It now in-cludes sprinkling and pouring. However, the Greek word baptizo, still means "to immerse," not "to sprinkle," nor "to pour."

    Lesson 5 - Instrumental Music In Worship

    Introduction: Common in almost all denominations today...but does God ap-prove? (II Timothy 2:15a)

    I) How Do We Determine What God Wants?

    a. Feelings?

    b. Intuition?

    c. What Religious Scholars Think?

    d. Tradition?

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  • e. The Words Of Jesus Christ In The New Testament? (Hebrews 1:1-2)

    II) Music Passages In New Testament Worship

    a. Ephesians 5:18-19

    b. Colossians 3:16

    c. James 5:13

    d. I Corinthians 14:15

    e. Acts 16:25

    * Warnings about departures I John 2:9; Galatians 1:6-10

    III) Some Objections Of Men

    a. Not expressly forbidden - Could Noah have used oak wood since God did not forbid it? Can we use jelly on the communion bread because Jesus did not forbid it? This does not tell us what God approves.

    b. Practiced in Old Testament Times - Romans 7:1 -4; Galatians 3:23-25 We are not under the Old law. Gentiles never were.

    c. It is only an aid - No. It is also an addition! We are warned not to add to God's word.

    d. Harps are in heaven - Revelation 5:8-9: 14:1-3 This is not in the church on earth. It is figurative, just as the incense are prayers (v.8). If true, then each wor-shiper would have to have a authority for organ, guitar, etc.

    e. Greek "Psallo" translated "sing" and "make melody" means pluck, twang, strike, etc. - What do we pluck? If true. then all worshipers must have some string to strike. All translators render it sing. not play. To know this you must know Greek and this takes the understanding out of the hands of the common man. The co text demands vocal music...we are to speak and make melody in our hearts.

    Conclusion: Does God approve of instrumental music in worship? NO!

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  • Lesson 6 - Women Preachers

    Introduction: In this day of feminism and disrespect for Biblical authority, defin-ing the role of women in congregations is a big issue.

    I) What Is NOT A Woman's Role? --- Leadership

    * I Corinthians 11:3,8-9

    * Bishops - must be husbands (I Tim. 3:2)

    * Deacons - likewise (3:11)

    * Public, authoritative preaching where men are present - Not women (I Tim. 2:11-12...contrast w/ Titus 2:15)

    * Apostles - all 14 were male

    * Appointees to tend to relief work - seven men (Acts 6:3)

    * If a woman possessed a spiritual gift of prophecy or prayer in the first century - she had to veil her head to show respect for the authority of males (Acts 21:9; I Cor. 11:5.10) and there was even a prohibition of some kinds of speaking or by certain women in the assembly (I Cor. 14:34-35)

    II) What IS A Woman's Role? —— Everything else!!!

    * A servant of the church - Romans 16:1-2

    * There are many services a woman can render. Name a few:

    * A teacher of women - Titus 2:3-5

    * A teacher of children - II Timothy 1:5: 3:14-15

    * A teacher of men privately - Acts 18:26

    * A singer - Ephesians 5:19

    * A helper in the decisions the leaders make - Acts 6:2,5; 15:12,22,30

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  • * A hospitality host - Acts 16:15

    * A supporter of the gospel - Luke 8:2-3

    * And more

    III) Questions

    A. Didn't women preach to Jesus' disciples as commanded by an angel and by Jesus? Matt. 28:7-10.

    * The disciples did not believe that Jesus would rise from the dead; it was neces-sary, therefore, that word reach them that Jesus was alive and would meet them at the appointed place in Galilee.

    * The women carried a private message to the eleven apostles.

    * The women did not publicly proclaim the matter before the world nor before the church. (Of course, the church had not yet been established).

    * If the women were to preach publicly, why didn't they remain with the eleven disciples and receive the "great commission"? Matt. 28:16-20.

    * Furthermore, do you believe the Lord would command women to preach publicly, and then turn right around and have Paul contradict Him by forbidding women to do so? 1 Tim. 2:12.

    * If I send a private message, written or oral, to a group of friends by a mail car-rier, does that make him a public proclaimer of a message?

    * To try to prove by Matt. 28:7-10 that women are to preach publicly is not only to pervert that passage but also to contradict other passages in the New Testament which show that the woman's teaching others is to be done privately.

    B. Didn't women prophesy publicly on Pentecost of Acts 2? Acts 2:17.18.

    * No! Only the apostles were baptized in the Holy Spirit on that day. Acts 1:26; 2:1-4, 14,37.

    * The part concerning the daughters or handmaidens was not fulfilled until later.

    * Remember, the Bible nowhere says the women would prophesy publicly.

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  • * As women are forbidden to teach publicly, we know that none did so!

    C. Didn't Philip have "four virgin daughters, who prophesied"? Acts 21:9.

    * Yes, but where? The New Testament doesn't say they prophesied publicly.

    * Evidently they prophesied privately. Titus 2:3,4; 1 Tim. 2:11,12.

    D. What about Phoebe, a servant (or deaconess) and helper of many. in-cluding Paul? Rom. 16:1,2.

    * Every Christian woman is to be a servant or deaconess, but they are not to oc-cupy any official place in the sense that bishops and deacons of 1 Tim. 3 do.

    * Every Christian man is to be a servant or deacon, "deacon" means "servant" but only those meeting the qualifications of 1 Tim. 3:8-10, 12 can be deacons in an official sense.

    * Remember, the Bible nowhere says not infers that Phoebe was a public pro-claimer of the word

    * Her service was done in a private capacity.

    E. Wasn't Priscilla, one of Paul's fellow-workers? Rom. 16:3.

    * Yes, but it doesn't say fellow-public proclaimer of the word. She could work without preaching publicly.

    * The Bible nowhere says nor infers that she was a public proclaimer of the word!

    Lesson 7 - Institutional & Organizational Additions

    I) Institutional Additions to the Church

    * Many congregations get involved in supporting human institutions (eg. colleges, hospitals, day-care, so kitchens, homeless shelters, etc.). Sometimes seminaries,

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  • missionary societies and such like are established through which the congregation can do its God ordained business. Here are some problems that get to the heart of this error.

    A) A liberal approach to authority - eg. not respecting the silence of the Scriptures, perceiving the Scriptures as outdated, ignoring examples and inferences as bind-ing, etc.

    B) A misconception that God expects more of us than we are able to do See II Cor. 8:12

    C) Perceived inability of the local church to do it's required work

    D) A failure to distinguish individual and collective responsibilities - I Tim. 5:16

    E) Failing to see clearly the 3 areas of duty peculiar to our Christianity Preaching the gospel, edifying saints, benevolence to saints

    F) Mistakenly thinking that the end justifies the means - Num. 24:13

    G) Believing that as long as you are doing "good" - okay - II Timothy 3:16 teaches that the Scriptures equip us to do all good works. God defines what is good.

    H) See the mission of the church to change men through changing society - rather than vice versa.

    II) Organizational Additions

    * Man-made organizational structure is without Scriptural authority. The Lord's church is headquartered heaven alone.

    A) The New Testament pattern is one of congregational independence, similar to families. Scripture References

    * N.T. emphasizes "every" church. - Acts 14:23 Titus 1:5

    * Elders are to rule over those "among them" -1 Pet. 5:2: I Thess. 5:12

    * All examples in the N.T. are of elders over a single church

    * Responsibility placed on each church. - I Cor. 16:3,4; II Cor. 8:18-24

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  • * The 7 churches of Asia (Rev. 2-3) all in very close proximity, but each dealt with by Christ independently.

    B) No Authorization For Any Other Plan - ?????

    * No mention of district, diocese, regional or even worldwide oversight. No synods, conferences, councils, etc.

    * No mention of a linking of churches together organically

    * No mention of sponsoring churches, "mother" churches, "metro" churches with attached "satellite'' congregations

    * No mention of a separate organization to tie churches together

    * Linking together of churches for a common cause demands oversight of some sort...another plan.

    C) Are There Christian Ties?

    * Christians are linked ONLY in Christ, apart from a local assembly of saints.

    * There is no functioning of the entire universal body of Christ.

    * Churches are linked only in independently engaging in similar work through their union with Christ.

    * Illustration: Mankind is not a functioning body...but the family unit is. Many fam-ily units may engage in the same work, share in a common cause and associate with one another, but the units remain autonomous and self-governing.

    * The wisdom of God is seen in avoidance of chain reactions in case of apostasy (one bad apple not spoiling the whole bunch).

    Lesson 8 - Some Roman Catholic Errors

    A. False View of Mary

    1. Error: Mary was a perpetual virgin having no other children after Jesus.

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  • * But Jesus had brothers & sisters: Mt 13:55,56; Mark 6:3; she remained a virgin only until Jesus was born: Mt 1:25

    2. Error: Mary is a mediator between God and man.

    * The scriptures reveal that Jesus is the only mediator between God and man: I Tim 2:5.

    3. Error: Mary was conceived immaculately by her mother so Mary would not in-herit original sin

    * This is unnecessary for no one can inherit sin (Ezekiel 18:20)

    4. Error: Mary is claimed to have been bodily assumed up into heaven

    * This cannot be proved

    B. False View of Peter

    1. Error: The apostle Peter was the first pope.

    * Yet popes didn't exist until 600AD.

    2. Error: Peter, being the first Pope, wasn't married

    * Yet Peter had a wife: Mt 8:14; 1 Cor 9:5: MR 1:30: Lk 4:38

    3. Error: Peter is the foundation of the church.

    * Christ is the foundation: 1 Cor 3:11

    C. False View of Church Leaders

    1.Error: Pope is the highest office in the church.

    * Yet it is not found in the scriptures! 2 Thess 2:3-4.

    2. Error: Bishops must not be married.

    * 1 Tim 3:2-4; Titus 1:5-7 shows that bishops must not only be married but also have children.

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  • 3. Error: All priests, bishops & popes are forbidden to marry.

    * The Bible calls "forbidding to marry" a "doctrine of demons" in I Tim 4:1-4

    4. Error: Priests are to be called 'Father'.

    * Jesus forbade this: Mt 23:9.

    5. Error: Priests are special class of Christians

    * Bible teaches every Christian is priest: Rev 1:6.

    6. Error: A saint is an exemplary individual who has been dead for many years and has been voted upon by leaders to become a saint.

    * But every Christian is a saint while they live: Rom 1:7

    D. False view of salvation, heaven & hell

    1. Error: Men suffer fiery punishment in proportion to their sins in purgatory after which they will cross over to paradise.

    * Yet our fate is eternally sealed at death and there is no crossing over: Lk 16:26-31; Heb. 9:27. Jesus taught unconditional forgiveness of our sins, not pen-ance.

    2. Error: A system of paying for indulgences

    * Forgiveness is a free gift (Romans 5:15-18)

    3. Error: Confession to a priest and his power to absolve sins

    * No man can forgive sins but God (Mark 2:7)

    4. Error: Extreme unction

    * No man has the power on earth to pardon a man on his death bed apart from his faith and obedience

    E. False view of worship

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  • 1. Error: The 2nd of the 10 commandments removed so statues & images can be used in worship. (They split the 10th on coveting into two commandments so they could still have 10)

    2.Error: Until very recently, in SOME PARTS OF THE WORLD, only the priests drink the cup in communion.

    * Yet Jesus commanded all Christians to both drink the cup and eat of the bread: Mt 26:26-29; 1 Cor 11:23-28.

    3. Error: Praying repetitive words with a rosary.

    * Jesus warned us not to pray like that: Mt 6:7

    4. Error: Continual sacrificing of the mass or body of Christ

    * Christ sacrifice was once for all (Hebrews 7:27; 9:27: 10:11-14)

    5. Error: The Eucharist (Lord's Supper) literally becomes the body and blood of Je-sus

    * That would be cannibalism and eating blood is forbidden (Acts 15:29)

    6. Error: The wearing of medals, making the sign of the cross, or possession of statues provides spiritual protection

    * This is vain superstition

    F. Miscellaneous errors - prayers to angels, saints and Mary: lighting of candles, burning of incense, religious garments, vestures, scapulars, monastic sects, ring-ing of bells, confirmation, Latin mass, holy water, and more.

    G. When were some of these things were introduced?

    320 - The dress of the clergy.

    375 - The worship of saints.

    430 - Worship of the virgin Mary.

    500 - The habit of nuns

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  • 590 - The doctrine of purgatory

    606 - The supremacy of the pope

    700 - Blessing of the popes feet

    788 - Adoration & worship of Mary, saints, images & relics

    850 - Burning of holy candles

    998 - Good Friday: fish eating-red meat forbidden

    1009 - Holy water

    1022 - Penance

    1090 - Rosary beads

    1095 - Instrumental music

    1123 - Celibacy enforced for priests

    1160 - Canonization of saints

    1190 - Sale of indulgences or "tickets to sin"

    1215 - Transubstantiation

    1215 - Auricular confession to priests

    1215 - Mass a sacrifice of Christ

    1217 - Elevation of host

    1230 - Ringing bells at mass

    1268 - Priestly power of absolution

    1311 - Sprinkling instead of immersion for baptism

    1414 - Laity no longer offered Lord's cup at communion

    1438 - Purgatory

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  • 1480 - The Inquisition (of Spain)

    1545 - Tradition of church made equal to Bible

    1546 - Justification by human works of merit

    1546 - Mass universally said in Latin

    1546 - Apocryphal books added to Bible

    1547 - Confirmation

    1845 - Immaculate conception of Mary

    1870 - Infallibility of pope

    1950 - Assumption of the virgin Mary.

    Lesson 9 - Total Depravity/ Original Sin/ Inherited Sin

    Official Statement - Augsburg confession Article 2: "It is also taught among us that since the fall of Adam all men who are born according to the course of nature are conceived and born in sin. That is. all men are full of evil lust and inclination from their mother's womb and are unable by nature to have true fear of God andtrue faith in God. Moreover, this in-born sickness and hereditary sin is truly sin and condemns to the eternal wrath of God all whose who are not born again through baptism and the Holy Spirit." (Lutheran)

    * This doctrine believed by most all. JWs, Mormons, Adventists, Catholics, etc.

    Doctrine Refuted

    A. The mechanism for the transmission of inherited sin false:

    1. Spiritual consequences of sin cannot be transmitted from father to son but only falls on the one who committed the act: Ezek. 18:1-4; 18-20; Jer. 32:29-30

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  • 2. Exodus 31:31-33 In this passage, Moses wanted to receive the punishment for someone else's sin. In verse 33, the one who sinned is removed from the book. not the one whose parents have sinned.

    3. We will be judged only by our own actions: Mt 12:36-37: Rom 2:6: 2 Cor 5:10; 1 Pet 1:17

    4. Isaiah 59:1-2. "Your sins have separated you from your God" not Adam's

    5. Sin is committed by individually breaking God's law: 1 -n 3:4 (Infants have done nothing)

    6. Where is one Bible verse that says we will be condemned for sin other than our own?

    B. Unsaved and unregenerate men are capable of doing good and have freewill:

    1. Calvinists teach that if a sinner helps an accident victim, he still sins because he does it for the wrong motive.

    2. Gentiles do by nature the good things of the law: Rom 2:14-16

    3. Cornelius was devout, feared God. righteous (Acts 10:1-4. 22) yet unsaved - Acts 11:14

    4. Man has a freewill and can choose to do good or evil: Josh 24:15 "Choose this day..."

    C. God requires man to act and do something to be saved - infants can't act or do

    1. "Unless you repent you will perish": Lk 13:3

    2. "Save yourselves": Acts 2:40 KJV

    3. "Repent and be baptized every one of you for forgiveness of sins": Acts 2:38

    4. Why are we told to "work out our own salvation": Phil 2:12

    5. The spoken and written gospel message is God's power for salvation: Rom. 1: 16; 1 Cor 1:18

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  • D. The words used to describe salvation refute inherited sin:

    1. These words imply that we, individually, were once in God's grace at conception and birth

    2. The Bible's way of describing our salvation:

    • "redeemed" to buy back

    • "Regenerate" to generate again, renewed, restored

    • "Reconciled" to make friendly again, payment of a price to recover from the power of another, a restoration to favor.

    • "Reconciliation" Col 1: 14.20.21 the blessing of the recovered favor of God

    • "born again" Jn 3:3-3 refers to spiritual rebirth because we are not born again physically.

    E. The Bible describes infants are pure and holy:

    1. Why would Jesus use infants as a model for all believers to imitate in character if they were "utterly indisposed, disabled, and made opposite to all good, and wholly inclined to all evil"? Mt 18: 1-3; 19: 13-14

    2. Paul also used infants as a model of purity for Christians to follow: 1 Cor 14:20

    3. Paul states that he was once spiritually alive but then he sinned & died/was killed: Rom 7:9-11

    4. God said that the king of Tyrus was "blameless in your ways from the day you were created. until unrighteousness was found in you." Ezek 28:15

    5. "God made men upright but they sought devices" Eccl 7:29 (plural can't refer only to Adam)

    6. Newborns do not know the difference between good and evil

    •God allowed the children to enter Canaan but not the parents: "your little ones who...have no knowledge of good and evil shall enter". Dent 1:34-39

    • Jacob & Esau, "the twins were not yet born, and had done nothing good or bad" Rom 9:11

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  • • Jesus "Before He knows enough to refuse evil and choose good" Isa 7:15-16

    7. Jer 19:2-6 - human sacrifices of children to Baal is called the "blood of the inno-cent"

    8. If newborns do not know "good or evil" yet the Bible says, "Your sins have sepa-rated you from your God" (Isa 59:1 -2) then newborns must be born united with God.

    Some Favorite Passages

    Psalm 51:5

    1. The NIV's Calvinistic predisposition causes them to completely mistranslate this verse.

    2. David confesses his own sin which he committed, not Adam's.

    3. There are three different acceptable ways of looking at this verse.

    • David refers to sin of mother not his own: "In drunkenness did my husband beat me." David was conceived in adultery or out of wedlock. Remember that David hadconceived a son while committing the sin of adultery. (Hyperbole/exaggeration forthe sake of poetry)

    • That he was born into a world filled with sin where evil prevails. Notice that Acts 2:8 says that men were "born in a language". (They actually learned the lan-guage)

    • That the reason he committed this sin is because, unlike all other men and con-trary to nature, David was born a sinner. (Hyperbole/exaggeration for the sake of poetry)

    a. People often overstate things when they are in the midst of grief for their sin.

    b. Paul used Hyperbole when he called himself the foremost sinner in I Tim 1:15;

    Romans 5:12-21

    • 1. v 12 - Spiritual death spread to all men because each and every man sinned himself. If a man didn't sin, then he wouldn't die spiritually. This is exactly what

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  • Paul said in the next chapter (6:23) The wages of sin is (spiritual) death. Physical death is not the result of our sin, for physical death was decreed when Adam sinned.

    * 2. If Adam's sin automatically and universally causes all mankind to receive con-demnation for something they did not do or had any choice in, then Christ's dying on the cross also automatically and universally causes all mankind to be saved in-dependent of anything they had done or choose. Who will accept this? What proves to much proves nothing at all. The truth is that all are condemned when they commit sin (v 12) and all are saved when they obey Jesus.

    Lesson 10 - Unconditional Election

    Official Statement - "God from all eternity did by the most wise and holy counsel of his own will freely and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass...By the decree of God, for the manifestation of his glory. some men and angels are pre-destinated unto life, and others foreordained to everlasting death. These angels and men. thus predestinated and foreordained, are particularly and unchangeably designed; and their number is so certain and definite that it cannot be either in-creased or diminished." (The Confession of Faith of the Presbyterian Church. U.S.A.. from chapter 111, entitled "Of God's Eternal Decree")

    The Doctrine Refuted

    A. The Bible teaches predestination, but not Calvinistic Predestination:

    1. Bible predestination is where God predetermined, not the identity of the saved, but the character of the saved

    2. We are not opposed to predestination, for the Bible teaches it. However. Calvin's view of predestination is entirely unbiblical and therefore false doctrine.

    B. God is not a respecter of persons: Acts 10:34; Rom 2:11-12: 1 Pet 1:17

    C. God does not will that any perish but all be saved: Tit 2:11; 1 Tim 2:3-4; 5: 2 Pet 3:9

    D. Makes the Devil no enemy for the saved to worry about, if predestined - 1 Pet 5:8. Why beware?

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  • E. Our eternal destiny (heaven or hell) is based entirely upon personal choices we make based upon our own freewill. If we end up in hell, we can only blame ourselves!

    Some Favorite Passages

    Romans 8:28-30

    1. Who is under consideration here?

    2. "those who love God" - not a few whom God loves

    3. "the called according to His purpose" - we are not called by a still, mysterious voice or by a direct operation of the Holy Spirit or by God Himself, but by the gos-pel (2 Thess. 2:14).

    4. Those who hear, believe and respond in obedience are referred to as "the called" (Gal. 1:6; 1 Pet 2:9).

    5. In Romans 8:29-30. we can see the unfolding of God's plan. God determined to send mankind a Savior to die for all men.

    6. He foreordained all of the events before they actually took place.

    7. In that sense. God predestinated our salvation. It wax not that He selected us individually to be saved or lost, but that those who accepted the gospel call would be saved.

    8. Those who answer that call are justified and glorified.

    Ephesians 1:4-5.11

    1. God has had an eternal plan in mind - a scheme of redemption for those who will accept it.

    2. Those who are chosen are those who are "in Him" (Christ) - vs. 3-4

    3. We become God's children by our faith in and obedience to Christ's gospel (v.5). God adopts into His family upon our obedience (Rom. 8:15; Gal. 4:4-6).

    4. The counsel of God's will (v. 11) refers to His decision to send Jesus to redeem the obedient.

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  • Lesson 11 - Limited Atonement

    Official Statement - "If God has elected some and not others to eternal life, then plainly the primary purpose of Christ's work was to redeem the elect" (The Re-formed Doctrine Of Predestination page 151)

    Doctrine Refuted

    A. The Bible says that Jesus died for all men.

    1. Luke 19:10

    2. 11 Corinthians 5:14-15

    3. Hebrews 2:9

    B. His blood can wash away anyone's sin.

    I. John 1:29

    2. 1 John 2:l-2

    C. The gospel is for all men.

    1. Mark 16:15-16

    2. Romans 1:16

    Some Favorite Passages

    John 10:15-16

    Argument: Jesus died only for His sheep (which they take to mean the elect).

    Answer: In verse 16, Christ taught that there are "other sheep not of this fold" who would come into the fold. Calvinists deny that one can change from "sheep not of the fold" to "sheep of the fold." There are numerous Bible examples of those who made that change. Eg. Many Corinthians had changed -1 Corinthians 6:9-11; Paul changed - 1 Timothy 1:13-14

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  • Acts 20:28; Ephesians 5:25

    Argument: Christ died only for those who are saved - again, the elect.

    Answer: He died to purchase the church; there is no doubt about that. And the church is composed of the saved. But the Bible truth that Calvinists overlook is that any man or woman can become a part of that church.

    Conclusion: God is no respecter of persons. Jesus died for ALL men. Anyone who obeys the gospel may be saved eternally (Rev. 22:17).

    Lesson 12 - Irresistible Grace

    Official Statement - "That regeneration consists in giving a holy disposition to the mind; that it is effected in a manner above our comprehension by the Holy Spirit in connection with Divine Truth, so as to secure our voluntary obedience to the gospel" (Hiscox's Manual pg. 63)

    Doctrine Refuted

    A. This causes man to lose his freewill and his actions are not the result of his personal choice:

    1. Some will actually argue that they do not personally have a free will to choose anything.

    2. Man becomes a puppet/robot of either:

    • Devil: "The Devil made me do it"

    • God: "God forced me into becoming a Christian although I was having fun as a sinner"

    3. Passages that prove man has a free will and God expects man to choose to do right - Deut 30:15-18: Josh 24:15: Jn 15:6-7:3:16

    4. Man can "resist the Holy Spirit": Acts 6:10; 7:51-55; I Thess. 5:19

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  • 5. Without free will. many of Bible statements make no sense:

    • "Why do you call me Lord & don't do what I say" Lk 6:46

    • "Whosoever believes shall be saved" Jn. 3:16

    • "Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. Rev 22:17

    • "And whosoever will not receive you, when you go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them. " Lk. 9: 5

    • "Come to me you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest" - Mt 11: 28

    B. How can man be held accountable to God for his actions in judgment without freewill?

    • "We must all appear before the judgment that each may be repaid for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad." 2 Cor 5:10

    • Is it fair to send someone to hell for sins he was forced to commit having no freewill?

    • It contradicts the parable of talents where man is held accountable for his ac-tions. Mt 25:19.

    • Negates the importance of man's obedience

    C. It creates a false view of how we are called by God

    1. Calvinists teach than only the "predestined saved" are personally called by God

    2. The Bible teaches that all men are called through gospel l Thess. 2:14

    3. The Holy Spirit never preached the Gospel directly: Acts 8 (conversion of Eunuch illust.)

    4. Jesus Christ never preached to Gospel after His ascension: Acts 9 (conversion of Paul illust.)

    5. Angels never preached the gospel: Acts 10 (conversion of Cornelius illust.)

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  • Some Favorite Passages

    Acts 16:14

    Argument: God opened her heart to receive the word, then she heard end then she was saved.

    Answer: Our Calvinistic friends have things out of order. Lydia began as a wor-shiper of God (vs. 13-14). And after she heard Paul and Silas and Timothy preach-ing, then her heart was opened. She responded and obeyed the Lord (v. 15). [Note: Calvinists want to use this passage but exclude the baptism.)

    Romans 8:7

    1. Read verses 1-8. In this passage, we see again the free agency of man in choosing to obey or disobey God.

    2. Those who are spiritually minded will be obedient to the commandments of God.

    3. Those who are carnally minded will be disobedient. It is just that simple.

    4. God does not force anyone to accept or reject His will -1 Corinthians 2:14

    • Notice the context 2:13,6, 1:20-21

    • Christians described as not spiritual (3:1)

    • The natural man is parallel to the man walking after the wisdom of this world.

    Conclusion: We are saved by the grace of Almighty God (Eph. 2:8-10). However, we accept this grace by our own faith, not because God forces us to accept it.

    Lesson 13 - Perseverance Of The Saints

    Official Statement - "They whom God hath accepted in His beloved, effectually called and sanctified by His Spirit, can neither totally, nor finally fall away from the state of Grace; but shall certainly persevere therein to the end and be eternally saved (Westminster Confession Of Faith)

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  • Doctrine Refuted

    Gal. 5:4; I Cor. 9:27; 10:12; Col. 1:23; Mt. 24:13: I Tim. 5:15: 4:1: Rev. 2:10: Heb. 3:12. 14: 6:4-6;1 Jn. 5:16; James 5:19-20;

    Some Favorite Passages

    A. Christians Cannot Sin: 1 Jn 3:9

    * The Greek words literally mean, "cannot continue to PRACTICE sin"

    * John plainly says that Christians do sin: 1 -n 1:8 10:2:1-2

    * The passage is saying that a Christian cannot sin and be consistent with Christ.

    * Some "never cease from sin" - 2 Pet 2:14 This does not mean they are forced to sin, but choose to.

    B. Eternal Life Argument: Jn 3:16; 3:36; 5:24

    * Other texts prove Christians can be lost.

    * Eternal life is conditional upon our obedience to God's word prior to judgment: Heb 3:6,14

    C. Power Of God Argument: Jn 10:29; Rom 8:35-39

    * Other texts prove Christians can be lost...salvation is conditional prior to judg-ment.

    * Being a sheep and being in the hand of God is conditional. As long as a person remains a sheep...But sheep can go astray.

    * What these passages are really teaching is that nothing can harm the Christian who submits to God and obeys His commandments. But if that individual starts to willingly disobey and openly practice sin in rebellion to God will be lost. Here they leave the security of the "hand of God".

    * Jesus plainly said he would to unfaithful Christians "I will spit you out of My mouth" - Rev 3: 1

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  • * Jesus said he would "throw away branches that do not abide in Him" - Jn. 15:6

    * Romans 8:35-39 faithful follower of Christ, "they shall never perish."

    • We cannot be separated from the love of Christ.

    • But this verse does not teach that we can never be separated from the salvation which is in Christ.

    • Christ's love for man and salvation in Christ are two different things.

    • We can separate ourselves from Christ, but not from His love.

    D. If They Fall Away, They Weren't Saved In The First Place - 1 Jn 2:19

    1. The Bible clearly teaches a Christian can fall away

    2. This passage merely says that at the time they "went out" they were not saved. These could have been saved in the past but fell away, then they "went out". If not why not?

    3. This passage is directed towards those who embraced the Gnostic teaching. These were blood bought believers who fell away from the faith exactly as the Bi-ble prophesied they would.

    Conclusion: The Bible does teach "Security of the believer" while the Christian remains faithful (2 Tim. 4:7-8). But if we become unfaithful, we have no such promise. "The wages of sin is death" (Rom. 6:23) - even for an unfaithful child of God.

    Lesson 14 - Errors Involving The Lord's Supper

    I) Designations

    Scriptural Terms:

    A. Lord's Supper -1 Corinthians 11:20

    B. Lord's Table-1 Cor. 10:21

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  • C. Breaking Of Bread - Acts 2:42; 20:7

    D. Communion Of Body & Blood Of Christ - I Cor. 10:16

    Unscriptural Terms:

    A. Eucharist - "Show Favor", "Thanks"

    B. Sacrament - A solemn engagement

    C. Sacrificing the mass - many times for forgive ness

    D. Tran-substantiation - literal changing of substance (bread and wine to body and blood)

    E. Con-substantiation - a mystical changing

    II) Procedure

    A) Right Elements

    * Unleavened bread & fruit of the vine

    * Anything more or less is unscriptural

    B) Right Time And Frequency Of Observance

    1. First day of the week - Acts 20:7

    2. Regularly - Acts 2:42

    3. Every Sunday -1 Corinthians 16:1

    * Any other day or frequency is without scriptural authority

    C) Where?

    1. In the assembly - Acts 20:7; I Cor. 11

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  • III) Warnings (I Cor. 11)

    A) Some weak, sick, asleep (30)

    B) God's chastisement (31-32)

    C) Full fellowship, no divisions (33)

    D) Not for hunger (34)

    Lesson 15 - Are Miracles Happening Today?

    Introduction: Proper definition is critical. What many call a miracle today is not synonymous with that of the Bible. Eg. "It is a miracle everyday when the sun comes up." No! It is a miracle when it stands still in the sky - Joshua 10:12-14

    I) What Is NOT At Stake

    A) The power of God - God CAN do a miracle anytime, anywhere.

    B) The constancy of God - God is unchanging, but that does not mean He chooses to require the same of all people.

    C) The power of prayer - Prayer can accomplish great things (James 5:16)

    D) Unexplainable occurrences - Much in life is still being discovered

    II) Consider These Aspects Of Modern Day "Miracles" (contrast to Biblical miracles)

    A) Most healing today - unobservable (Psychosomatic)

    B) Preselected recipients

    C) Convincing to only a few

    D) Failures

    E) Few healedpage 32

  • F) Artificially created atmosphere

    G) Incomplete recoveries

    H) Dislike of investigation

    I) Glorify the man

    J) Denominations formed

    K) Limited to certain areas of power

    L) No wonder

    III) The Way The Power Was Received

    A) Apostles - Directly received power (Acts 1:4-5, 8; 2:1-4, 43)

    B) First Century Christians - Indirect through laying on of an apostle's hands (Acts 8:12-19; 19:6)

    C) Exception (Acts 10:44-48)

    IV) Limited Duration Foretold

    A) To be done away (I Corinthians 12:27 - 13:13)

    B) Served as a scaffolding for the infancy of the church; taken down once com-pleted

    V) Purpose of Miracles Fulfilled

    A) To confirm the spoken and written word being from God

    B) Mark 16:17-20 & Hebrews 2:1-4

    Conclusion: Why do we need a miracle today? (John 20:24-31)

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  • Lesson 16 - Must Christians Keep The Sabbath Day Holy?

    Introduction: The Seventh Day Adventist church believes this. Many other de-nominations believe Sunday is the "Christians Sabbath." What does the Bible teach?

    I) Definitions

    Sabbath - rest, desist, cease

    Holy - Sanctified, set-apart for spiritual service, special

    Keep - respect, regard, render, observe

    II) Background in Old Testament

    A) Seventh Day (Saturday) - Exodus 20:8-11

    B) No work

    C) No business - Jeremiah 17:21 -22

    D) Day of worship - Ezekiel 46:3

    E) Solely for the Jews - Nehemiah 9:13-14; Ezekiel 20:10-12; Deut. 5:2-3

    F) No Gentile observance evidenced

    III) New Testament View

    A) Jesus said "the sabbath made for man, not man for the sabbath" He violated Jewish traditions, but kept the sabbath as a Jew faithfully.

    B) The early Jewish Christians may have continued observance of the sabbath, at least until 70 A.D., for their society was governed by the same law (a theocracy)

    C) Not bound on Gentile converts - Acts 15:28-29

    D) Old Testament abolished - Hebrews 10:9-10: Galatians 3:23-25; Romans 7:1-7

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  • E) Sabbaths specifically not matter of judgment anymore - Colossians 2:16; Gal. 4:8-11

    IV) Quibbles

    A) It is a perpetual covenant (throughout generations) - Exodus 31:16-17

    * Passover and incense spoken of in same way - Ex. 12:17; 30:8

    * It was to last as a covenant for the Jews for the duration of their covenant with God.

    B) The Law of Moses is no longer binding, but the Law of God remains forever

    * The Bible does not make such a distinction - Nehemiah 8:1,8; 10:29

    C) Jesus kept the sabbath

    * He was a Jew born under the law - Gal. 4:4

    D) Paul preached in the synagogue on the sabbath

    * True. but there is no evidence that he kept it as a holy day.

    * We can preach on Saturday!

    E) If the ten commandments are annulled, then we have no law!

    * We are under law to Christ -1 Corinthians 9:21

    V) The Lord's Day (Revelation 1:10)

    * Significance of the first day - Jesus rose from the dead, met with disciples (John 20:19). Church established (Acts 2). Christians assembled (Acts 20:7; I Corinthi-ans 16:1-2)

    * No indication of it being a holy day

    * There are no holi-days

    * Rest is not required

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  • Conclusion: The sabbath rest that remains for the people of God is heaven (Heb 4:9-11)

    Lesson 17 - Is Man Justified By Faith Alone?

    Introduction: A popular doctrine of most protestant denominations, interdenomi-national churches, so-called Bible churches and many of the cults, is that of justifi-cation by faith only. In other words, most all those claiming to be Christian, except Roman Catholic, believe that at the moment of faith in Christ a person is pardoned of their sins and saved. A big issue is whether baptism is required or optional.

    I) Some Favorite "Proof Texts

    * Ephesians 2:8-9. This verse does not say we are saved by faith alone, but by the grace of God through faith. It is God who saves man and his faith is a condition.

    * John 3:16. This well-known passage says that believers should be saved, not will be. It agrees with 1:1; where the right to become a child of God is granted to the believer.

    * John 5:24. If this verse is pressed to the exclusion of other passages to teach faith only, then only faith in Him who sent Jesus (the Father) is required.

    * Acts 10:43. If this verse teaches nothing more than faith was required, then the Scripture contradicts itself, for in summarizing this conversion story in 11:18, the Gentiles are said to be granted life by repentance. No mention of faith.

    * Acts 16:31. This is stated before the jailer heard the words of Christ in order to believe. The next two verses show what that involved and notice how immediate the baptism. Then notice how verse 34 describes all that had transpired as believ-ing.

    * Romans 5:1. This verse does not say faith alone.

    * Luke 23:43. The thief on the cross may have been baptized and then fallen back into sin. He also died before the law of Christ took effect. And thirdly, Christ had power on earth to forgive sins at a word.

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  • II) The Truth

    * James 2:24, 26 The only passage in the Bible where the words faith and alone are found together it is preceded by the word not. Notice also that justification is not by faith only. Some "faith only" advocates try to make a distinction between salvation and justification, saying that man is saved eternally by works of right-eousness, but is justified (put in right standing before God) by faith alone. James 2:24 denies this.

    * Thought Questions: Is faith a condition of salvation? If yes. does believing merit salvation? If no, then why does baptism make salvation no longer of grace and faith does not?

    Conclusion: God has most always actively involved man in receiving His gifts. No-tice Hebrews 11. Faith that justifies has to be obedient, otherwise the demons are acceptable (James 2:19). The doctrine of justification by faith alone leaves man in some bad company.

    Lesson 18 - The Background Of Various Religious Holidays

    Introduction: The word holiday means holy-day and probably stems from the fact that many holidays are holy, high or special days to some people. This is a brief examination of the history and background of so-called "Christian" holy clays.

    MARDI GRAS - It means fat Tuesday and is a day of feasting and merriment before Lent.

    ASH WEDNESDAY (Abingdon Bible Dictionary) - The first day of LENT, the forty-day season of preparation and repentance before EASTER. The name derives from the custom of burning the palm branches from the previous PALM SUNDAY. These ashes are dabbed on the foreheads of believers, in the sign of the cross, by the minister or priest. In the Roman Catholic Church they are burned before MASS. with a prayer of blessing. The ashes are sprinkled on the altar three times, then priests apply them to their own foreheads before marking the communicants. The ashes signify the sorrow of believers as they meditate on the sacrifice of Christ.

    LENT (ABD) - "Lent" is derived from the old Anglo-Saxon word "Lencten," for spring. In the Christian year, Lent is the forty-day period of prayer and spiritual self-examination that prepares for the festival of the Resurrection, EASTER. Lent is thus identified with the passion or suffering of Christ, who died for our sins. Forty

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  • days is reflective of the forty days Jesus fasted in the wilderness, tempted by the devil. Lenten observance began very early, as both Irenaeus and Tertullian refer to it. but it was originally very brief, only gradually growing to forty days. At first, a fast of forty hours was observed, then a week. But by A.D. 325, the Council of Ni-caea recognized forty days of Lent. These forty days included Sundays, but by the seventh century Lent was extended to forty days, excluding Sundays, and Ash Wednesday was established.

    EASTER (ABD) - The festival celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. the central focus of the Christian church's worship year. The early church worshiped on the first day of the week (Sunday) because it was "The Lord's Day," that is, the Day of Resurrection. Thus every Sunday is a celebration of Jesus'RESURRECTION. However, in the sub-Apostolic age. at the end of the first century, an annual commemoration of the Resurrection was established. It was simply called Pascha; the Greek translation of the Hebrew festival of PASSOVER, the sea-son at which Christ's death and resurrection took place. (The similarity of Pascha to Paschein, the Greek verb meaning "to suffer," caused many Christians at the time erroneously to think the festival meant "suffering." Similarly, it was formerly thought that the English term "Easter" was derived from the German "Ostern" both words ultimately being based on the old Anglo-Saxon name Eastre or Ostara, for the goddess of spring. More recent studies seem to indicate that Easter may be derived from the Latin phrase hebdomada alba, the old term for Easter week based upon the wearing of white robes by the newly bap-tized. The octave of Easter, the following week, was known as post albas, the time when the white robes were put away.) After the Christian Sunday (beginning on the very first Easter itself), the festival of Easter is the oldest festival (or holy day) celebrated by the Christian church. Because of the "every Sunday is Easter" feel-ings of the sub-Apostolic church, the annual celebration was early called "the Great Easter" (as it still is in the Orthodox churches). From the beginningEaster has been observed with fasting, vigils, and the celebration of the Eucharist. The earliest observance was to keep the 14th of Nisan as a fast day. Early this vigil of fasting was instituted over Saturday night to Sunday (when Sunday was set as Easter). Baptism was sometimes performed during this night watch. which was ended with Holy Communion at dawn. Fasting was extended to Friday and later to Thursday. Gradually, the whole observance of HOLY WEEK was established, and, over a period of time, the forty days of LENT. After Easter arrived. it was cele-brated with joy (no kneeling or fasting) for fifty days until Pentecost. Easter is un-usual, too, in that it is actually celebrated fifty-two times a year, every Sunday.Therefore, choosing one Sunday out of these fifty-two for a special celebration is a bit odd. Running against the whole concept of Christian holy days is the early Christian feeling that Paul expresses negatively concerning Jewish "new moons" and "fasts."

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  • WHITSUNDAY - It means white Sunday, named after the white garments worn by baptisimal candidates and is the seventh Sunday (50th day) after Easter. Coincides with Jewish holiday of Pentecost.

    ALL SAINTS' DAY (ABD) - A feast day celebrated on November 1. in memory of all martyrs and, by extension, all deceased Christians. The feast probably originated with the dedication of the oratory in St. Peter's built by Pope Gregory 111, in which, according to tradition, the bodies of the apostles and martyrs were buried.

    ALL SOULS' DAY (ABD) - A feast day celebrated on November 2, memorializing all people who have died in the Christian faith without suffering martyrdom (see MARTYR). The feast was established by Odilo of Clun around A.D. 988 for the members of his order. It was later extended to celebrate all those who have de-parted with the sign of faith.

    CHRISTMAS (ABD) - The Christian church's celebration of the birth of Christ, the festival of the Nativity. In the Western churches (Roman Catholic and Protestant) this celebration occurs on December 25. In the Easter churches, Christmas occurs on January 6. The actual date of Christ's birth is unknown but was probably inthe spring. The name Christmas is derived from "Christesmesse," Old English for the mass of Christ. In the Christian Year, observance of Christmas begins with the first Sunday in ADVENT (beginning the liturgical year) and runs through EPIPHANY (in the Protestant churches) and Candlemas (in the Roman Catholic church). Cele-bration of Christmas on December 25 dates from A.D. 336, when the pagan festi-val ofnatalis solis invicti (the birthday of the invincible sun) established by the em-peror Aurelia in the third century A.D. was converted to a Christian holy day, refer-ring to "the Sun of Righteousness." Christ. The Eastern churches were already celebrating the birth of Jesus and his baptism on January 6 at that time.


    Circumcision (of Jesus; Jan. 1)

    Epiphany (first manifestation of Christ to Gentiles, the Magi: Jan. 6)

    Saint Joseph (earthly father of Jesus; Mar. 19). Ascension (of Christ to heaven; 40 days after Easter)

    Corpus Christi (Christ's body offered in the Eucharist; Thursday after Trinity Sun-day),

    Saints Peter and Paul (June 29)

    Assumption (Mary taken bodily to heaven: Aug. 15)

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  • Immaculate Conception (Mary not inherit original sin; Dec. 8)

    Valentine's Day (token of affection sent to one of opposite sex on anniversary of third century Christian martyr; Feb. 14)

    Halloween (British tradition developed from All Saints' or All Hallows' Eve, the eve-ning before Catholic "saints" are honored, originating 600's-800's to replace night druids feared god and spirits of wicked dead; Oct. 31)

    St. Patrick's Day (March 17 celebrating a British bishop who converted many Irish to Christianity in the late 4th and early 5th centuries)

    Conclusion: God has warned about the observance of special days...But now, af-ter that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage? Ye ob-serve days, and months, and times, and years, I am afraid of you, lest I have be-stowed upon you labor in vain (Galatians 4:9-11). Though families may have spe-cial activities on these days, for I they are national holidays and individuals may vary as to what they wish to do by way of get-togethers, gift exchanges, and Easter egg hunts, etc., the Bible does not teach that any day has religious mean-ing over another. Romans 14:5-6 allows for individual scruples along these lines.

    Lesson 19 - Sacramental Grace, Imputed Righteousness,Or Neither?

    Introduction: The influences of these two doctrines, one predominantly from Roman Catholicism, the other from Protestanism, are both felt among true non-denominational Christians. It is wise to know something about them.

    I) Sacramental Grace

    * This is the idea that through visible forms (sacraments) an invisible grace is im-parted and are perceived to have inherent power in themselves, whereby they be-stow benefits on the recipient.

    * The major two are baptism and the Lord's Supper, but the Roman church has seven in all, the others being marriage, penance, orders, extreme unction and confirmation.

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  • * An administrator is required; a clergyman, church official, or special priesthood, to validate the service. Hence only certain ones can baptize, marry or serve you the communion.

    * It is believed that there is a treasury of unused righteous merits stored up by Christ, Mary and the saints that the pope can dispense to the faithful through them doing the good works assigned to them by the priests.

    * Indulgences and penance - release from a certain period of punishment or suf-fering for certain sins, granted in response to works of service.


    * The power of God's grace is conditioned upon faith.

    * The word sacrament comes from "sacred", meaning to set apart, and the NT Scriptures nowhere allow for certain commands to be set apart from the rest, as being more important.

    * Today all things are holy to the Christian...whole lives are to presented a living sacrifice and holy - Romans 12:1-2; Zechariah 14:20-21 * The idea of holy water or inherent power in the immersion itself is disallowed in I Peter 3:21.

    * The idea that there is anything inherent in the bread or fruit of the vine, is de-bunked in I Corinthians 11:28-29. Some of the brethren there had been eating the same elements, in church services in a manner that condemned them.

    * The Bible nowhere teaches a storehouse of righteousness accumulatedfor future use.

    * This is where this doctrine seems to connect with our next one.

    II) Imputed Righteousness

    * The idea is that Christ not only died for our sins, but lived a righteous life so that that righteousness could be transferred to us.

    * It teaches that our sins are "covered" by Christ's purity. That when God looks at our lives. He does not see our various sins, but the righteousness of Christ super-imposed over us.

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  • * No matter the sin, whether it be something immoral, or religious error, it makes no difference.

    * Therefore the “sinful nature” can be overcome.

    * Therefore fellowship can be extended to a broader circle of people.

    The Truth:

    * The Bible teaches our sins are remitted, which means taken away.

    * The idea in the Scriptures of sins being covered is not blanketed or hidden from view, but satisfied. Eg. A person in a restaurant with others, when the bill comes, saying, "I'll cover it." It will be paid.

    * The word imputed does not mean transferred in the Bible, but reckon or account as.

    * Romans 4:3-11...This favorite passage of those espousing this doctrine does not teach Christ's righteousness was transferred, nor that any righteousness whatso-ever was transferred, but rather says that certain ones are regarded as righteous due to their having faith in Christ and thus being forgiven.

    Conclusion: Both of these false doctrines have God giving something in a way not promised. And they tend to not promote repentance, reform and the fruit of re-pentance that the Scriptures do; rather a laxness towards such.

    Lesson 20 - Premillenialism

    Introduction: “Then Jesus said to them, ‘Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.’ And they reasoned among themselves, saying, ‘It is because we have taken no bread.’ ... “How is it you do not understand that I did not speak to you concerning bread? -- but to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” Then they understood that He did not tell them to be-ware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees. (Matthew 16:5-12) * Three lessons learned: 1. False doctrines are dangerous. 2. Naming them is ap-propriate. 3. Do not underestimate the leavening effect it can have.

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  • * There is a false doctrine among those professing to be Christians today and it is named Premillenialism. And the damage done by it must not be underestimated. * “Pre” means before and "millenial" is a thousand, thus premillenialism is the doctrine centered on the belief that man is now living prior to a coming 1000 year reign of Jesus on earth and that He will come before that happens. * Familiar Terms: “The antichrist”, “The rapture”, “Armageddon”, “The Great Tribu-lation”. * Mainstream Entertainment: “Left Behind” books and movie and Hal Lindsey’s “The Late, Great Planet Earth” book and movie. * Most conservative Protestant denominations believe it, as do many interdenomi-national churches, so-called community churches, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mor-mons, and Seventh Day Adventists. Some make it their church’s main focus. * The preoccupation of many with the Middle East, and Israel in particular, is rooted in it. The doctrine holds that the physical nation of Israel will be restored, the temple rebuilt and Jesus sit on a literal throne there and “signs” point to it happening soon.

    I) Major Tenets 1. God sent His Son to be the King of the Jews and to set up an earthly kingdom which had been prophesied by the 0. T. prophets, but the Jews rejected and cruci-fied Jesus. 2. Jesus built the church to bridge the gap (as a substitute) until He could come a second time and establish the kingdom. 3. At some time yet in the future (but always seen as very near; in our present lifetime. Due to misapplications of Matthew 24, wars and natural calamities, like earthquakes and tsunamis, cause a real stir among the believers of this doctrine) the Jews will be restored to Palestine. Then Jesus will descend from heaven to meet the church. He will not come to the earth at this time, but the saints will be raptured (caught up) to meet Him. Dead saints will be raised and raptured with the living. They will remain with Christ for a period of 7 years. 4. Due to only wicked men left behind on earth, there will be a period of une-qualed tribulation. A so-called Antichrist, the revived Roman Empire, will initially befriend the Jews, but later turn against them and ultimately the nations of earth

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  • will gather to fight against Israel in the battle of Armageddon. Many will be con-verted during this period (not sure how). 5. At the end of the 7 year tribulation the revelation of Christ with His saints will take place. This is considered the second coming. They will come to the earth and Christ will defeat the enemies at Armageddon, then proceed to Jerusalem to judge the nations. Jews will convert to Christ. 6. The tribulation saints will be raised and the millennial kingdom will be estab-lished, with Jesus then sitting on the throne of David and reign from Jerusalem for 1000 years. The old Jewish system will be reinstated. It will truly then be para-dise on earth. Nature’s curse will be removed. Satan and sin held in check. 7. At the end of the 1,000 years, Satan will be released and will try to defeat the saints, but will be defeated with fire from heaven. 8. The wicked will be raised from the dead. 9. The Final Judgment will take place. 10. Then Heaven or Hell. * There are variations of the above in different churches. Some teach there will be no mysterious rapture. Some teach the earth will never be destroyed. Some say that the evil of history will be raised to have a second chance during the millennial kingdom. Some say the kingdom has come, but only invisibly.

    II) It Is Written * Many Scriptures are contradicted by the speculations of premillenialists - “In-deed, let God be true but every man a liar”- Romans 3:4 * The Scriptures used by premillenialists often contradict other plain passages elsewhere - "the Scripture cannot be broken” - John 10:35 * Jesus refuted Satan’s misuse of Scripture with another Scripture - “Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written: `He shall give His angels charge over you,' and, `In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone.'" Jesus said to him, "It is written again, ‘You shall not tempt the LORD your God.” (Matthew 4:5-7)

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  • III) The Falsehood Of Premillenialism * Due to space, only a few passages that point out the fallacy of the doctrine will be given. 1. It Casts Doubt On The Trustworthiness of God

    * Since God promised and prophesied in inspired OT Scripture that He would es-tablish the kingdom in the days of the Roman Empire, and reiterated the same through the preaching of John the Baptist and Jesus Himself (Mark 1:1:14-15; 9:1) and undeniably had full intentions of doing so right up to the cross, but was then prevented from doing so by the murderous Jews, how are we to place un-swerving trust in anything He promises? If God could not get it right the first time due to man’s sin, how can we be sure He will ever get it done? 2. It contradicts the Scriptures that plainly teach that Jesus’ rejection and death was no unforeseen tragedy, but part of God’s scheme of things. * Jesus death and rejection was prophesied in Isaiah 53 - “He was despised and rejected of men” * In Luke 18:31 Jesus foretells His rejection and says He would accomplish ALL prophecies concerning Him - “Then He took the twelve aside and said to them, "Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of Man will be accomplished.” (Luke 18:31). 3. It denies the kingdom is now in existence * Many passages teach its existence in the first century - Colossians 1:13; Revela-tion 1:9 4. It contradicts the true nature of the kingdom * It is not physical - “He answered them and said, "The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, `See here!' or `See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you." - Luke 17:20 5. It does not recognize that Jesus is to be priest and king simultaneously * “Yes, He shall build the temple of the LORD. He shall bear the glory, And shall sit and rule on His throne; So He shall be a priest on His throne, And the counsel of peace shall be between them both.” (Zechariah 6:13). If He is priest ( and He is - Hebrews 7:26-28) then He must likewise be king, for He was to occupy both posi-tions at the same time. Plus, He could not be priest on earth (Heb. 8:4)

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  • * There is NO Scripture that says Christ will ever set foot on the earth ever again! 6. It does not acknowledge the truth of the kingdom and church being the same. * The kingdom is made up of those who have been purchased by the blood of the Lamb (Rev. 5:9-10) * The same is said of the church (Acts 20:28) * The church was not an afterthought of God, a plan two in answer to the unsuc-cessful attempt to establish the kingdom, but was His eternal purpose - Ephesians 3:10-11 7. It Has Errors Regarding The Restoration Of The Nation Of Israel * It is claimed that all Israelis will be saved, the temple rebuilt and sacrifices re-sumed. But, the Bible does not teach Jews are any longer the chosen people of God or that they have any Biblical right to the land of Palestine. * The promise of land was fulfilled and conditional - Josh. 21:43-45; 23:14-16 * The promise of a return was fulfilled after the Babylonian captivity - II Chronicles 36:22,23 * All of OT has been fulfilled and taken away - Hebrews 8:13; 10:9. Thus the covenant with Israel is null and void. * Christians are the Israel of God - Gal. 3:7-9, 26-29; Rom. 2:28-29; 9:6-8 8. It Is Erroneous Regarding The Resurrection * Premillenialism has 2 or 3 literal, bodily resurrections on days separated by years - The scripture describes one general resurrection, when ALL shall be raised, when the Lord COMES again, which will be the END, and when the KINGDOM IS DELIVERED BACK to the Father - I Cor. 15:21-26 * The reference to a first resurrection in Revelation 20:5-6 is the resurrection of a cause (cf. Rev. 6:9-11). The souls that were once underneath the altar now live and reign with Christ. They are not hurt of the second death. The Devil has been completely bound and the saints are completely victorious. Rev. 6:9-11 - SOULS OF THE SLAIN - UNDERNEATH THE ALTAR - CRYING FOR JUDGMENT - SCENE OF DEFEAT (Death of the Cause) Rev. 20:1-6 - SOULS OF THE BEHEADED - SITTING ON THRONES - GIVEN JUDGMENT - SCENE OF VICTORY (Resurrection of the Cause)

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  • * It teaches separate resurrections for righteous and wicked - The Bible claims an hour is coming when all shall be raised together - John 5:28-29 9. It Is Wrong In Its Interpretation Of The Book Of Revelation * The book begins and ends with claiming it deals with things shortly to come to pass - 1:3; 22:6,10 * The 1000 year passage (chapter 20:1-6) is grossly misapplied. It mentions NOTHING about about Christ’s second coming, a bodily resurrection, a reign on earth, a literal throne of David in earthly Jerusalem, all the righteous (only those beheaded), or people alive today. Without this passage there is no is the only one. * Revelation is highly symbolic and is describing the end of the persecution of Christians in the first century and the culmination of God’s prophecies concerning Israel’s demise, thus avenging the apostles and prophets (10:7; 18:20). Very little if any of the book deals with then end of time, much less any future fanciful para-dise on earth. * There actually is not a battle of Armageddon per se, rather it is the staging place for a great battle (16:16). Nonetheless, premillenialist have theorized that some great world ruler (the antichrist - “666”), probably from Europe will arise and eventually, along with Russia, China and Egypt will constitute four great world powers. Ultimately, Israel is attacked and a battle of Armageddon, involving mil-lions of soldiers, takes place. Jesus comes again just in the nick of time to avoid a catastrophe, maybe nuclear or the like. Literally Armageddon is Mount Megiddo, where many decisive battles historically had been fought over the centuries. It then probably became a sort of “Waterloo” figuratively speaking. 10. It teaches some will have a second chance * Some even claim that the evil of history such as the Pharoah of Moses’ day will be raised to be given another chance at righteousness. * The Bible says that is not so- Hebrews 9:27 11. It misunderstands the rapture * I Thess 4:13-17 does mention being “caught up” (as close as one will get to a rapture in the Bible) but it is not a mysterious disappearance (trumpets sound, the Lord shouts, etc.) and of course, in light of all the errors of the theory, the other aspects of the rapture are wrong, too.

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  • Conclusion: Beware of the doctrine of premillenialism. It is fraught with danger and jeopardizes our salvation.

    Lesson 21-The Social Gospel

    I) The Original Gospel (major tenets)

    1. Forgiveness of sins (in the blood of Christ) - I Cor. 15:1-4

    2. Concerned Primarily with Heavenly & Eternal Things - Col. 3:1-2

    3. Emphasizes transformation of individuals - Eg. Luke 12 story of Jesus address-ing covetousness in man complaining. Also, Philemon shows slavery not outlawed, but system changed from within

    4. Local congregations All Needed Collectively to accomplish this - Eph. 4:11-16

    5. Pastors, Teachers & Evangelists - sufficient staff or personnel to change indi-viduals in a collective capacity

    6. Simple place of meetings adequate

    All through the ages man has not been content with God’s plan for long

    II) The Change

    1. Liberal theology of 19th century led to gradual change in all 6 points

    2. Denial of resurrection, miracles, vicarious sacrifice of Jesus, inspiration of the Bible, heaven and hell, etc.

    3. People begin to have a form of godliness but deny power - II Tim. 3:5

    4. If no longer believe the true gospel message, then what kept them going? Why not just “close up shop”? No. Change direction or objective of church. And what direction did it go? Social reform. Originally, it was eliminating poverty, cleaning up slums, work and sweatshop reform, juvenile delinquency, drunkenness (prohibi-tion), prostitution, etc.

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  • 5. The Salvation Army is a church almost totally synonymous with soup kitchens, homeless shelters, etc. It started about this time.

    6. Webster’s New International Dictionary: “A movement in American Protestant Christianity, initiated at the end of the 19th century and reaching its zenith in the first part of the 20th century and dedicated to the purpose of bringing the social order into conformity with the teachings of Jesus Christ.

    III) Comparison With Original Gospel

    1. Deny Christ’s sacrifice for sins - admit Jesus died on cross, but for a cause he believed in

    2. Primary concern is here and now - though many members are disillusioned by the lack of spiritual enrichment provided, still the drawing power of the church is its social programs

    3. Goal: transformation of society - removal of social ills - make this world a better place to live in. A major expense then becomes education, recreation, social serv-ices, etc.

    4. To accomplish such a big task - too large for local church to make a dent - con-ventions are formed, synods, earthly headquarters.

    5. And what can evangelists, elders and Bible teachers do? So, multiplication of ministers, eg. recreation minister, youth minister, senior citizens minister, marriage counsellors, various committees, human institutions, board of directors, etc.

    6. Multi-purpose bldg. - hospitals, gymnasiums, night schools, day-care centers, kindergartens, music shops, kitchens, dining facilities, camps, retreats, community centers, schools, family life centers, etc.

    IV) Today

    Churches have bought golf courses, operate hospitals, have a Starbucks in the building, etc. They have gotten political, organizing protests against abortion, por-nography, etc. Even the government is promoting “faith-based initiatives” for they see that a big part of churches work is social reform.

    Conclusion: Galatians 1:6-10

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