Chris's friends

By: Chris Harper MY FRIENDS

Transcript of Chris's friends

Page 1: Chris's friends

By:Chris Harper


Page 2: Chris's friends

This is one of my closest friends, Adam. I meet him in third grade so I known him for 8 years. He was good friends with my older brother and he would come over to my house all the time and play soccer with us. I also played on the same soccer team with him and we have gone many places. He is also someone that can help me out in a time of need. He helped me out when my brother died a couple years ago. When ever I need a ride somewhere I can call him up and he won’t mind taking me.


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This is Donavan. I knew his sister Vendela for a while and I met him playing a game on the bus in middle school in the six grade. We played this game called slaps where you put each others left hand together and smack the other persons left hand with your right hand as hard as you could until someone gives up. I had won. We used to mess around on the bus all the time and after a while he started coming to my house and we became good friends since than. We’ve been through a lot together. I have known him for about 5 years now.


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I met Gabriel in 4th grade when he was in my class. I also knew his brother Valentine who I met in the 3rd grade. Every now and then we will hang out at his house, the park, the movies and other places. He is a good, trustful friend and he always has my back.


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I meet Valentine in 3rd grade. We weren’t in the same class but we would talk to each other in the hall way when we meet. Ever since than we got to know each other more and more. I go to his house time to time and we’ll hang out and play soccer. This is my seventh year knowing him.


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I met Jordan at my birthday party. In the seventh grade. A week after my birthday he started to go to my school and we were in some of the same classes. We also played on the soccer team together. He is Donavan’s cousin as well. Jordan is the kind of person that loves making people laugh. When ever I’m down he is always their to cheer me up. I have known him for 3 years.


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I met Edgar when he was on my soccer team when I was 8. He also went to my middle school and was on the middle school soccer team as well. I’m also good friends with his brothers Gustavo and Greg. I go to their house all the time and they come to my house often as well. When ever I go to their house we’ll play soccer at the park or ride bikes. I even go to their house just to help out with something every now and then.


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This is Johanna. I meet her when I went to a restaurant with one of my friend’s and his church.

She also went to my school. We went out for awhile but I broke up with her when she moved to Florida. We still talk on the phone all the time and are really close friends. We had a lot of good times together when she was in North Carolina. I known her for almost five years now.


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This is Hector. I meet him at a party. We were playing soccer and both of us were on different teams and both of us were making all the goals for our teams. It was a close game but my team won. He is also Edgar’s cousin. We are pretty good friends and we actually went to a party last week and played soccer on the same team this time. He is a fun person to hang out with.


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I met Hans last year at Gray Stone. We had many of the same classes together and we both played for the soccer team. We are good friends and have shared some good laughs together. Hans is a great soccer player and is always trying his hardest to become the best.


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I met Axel in the sixth grade. He used to have his hair real shot but he grew it out now. I known him for about 4 years now. We played soccer on the same team together and we were captain and co-captain of the soccer in the

eight grade. We brought back the first ever soccer trophy for are school that year. Axel and I have had some good memory's together and a few bad. We have always been

good friends though.


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