Chosen characters

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Transcript of Chosen characters

1. Chosen characters Balkaran Singh Bariana 2. AmritpalAmritpal Dhaliwal isaged 16. We havechosen him as he hasan innocent face and issmall; he is trustworthyand obtained a pass InGCSE drama last year.Amritpal also looks veryvulnerable when. Whenwe approached himabout him being part ofthe film he was delighted Height- 59and replied yes I wouldWeight- 8 stonesHobbies- Boxing,love to be in your clipfootball and hanging outwe asked him if he waswith his matescomfortable with thestory line and he saidyes. 3. AmirAmir Jaffer aged 17, is inmy group, we thought thathe had good characteristicof a villain, he was alsosmall, Amir obtained an A*in GCSE drama last yearwhich made him a goodcandidate for the role. Hedidnt look as innocent asmost of the other possible Height- 59.5villains and so we chose Weight- 9 stoneshim. As he was in theHobbies- Beat boxing, playing the drums andgroup he was totally aware kickboxingof what had to be doneand had no objections. 4. Sub actorsWe will have Tanveer andAdam who will be subactors they will have verysmall parts in the clip. Thereason why we chose themwas because we didnt thinkit would be practical to get 2new sub actors and explainthe plot to them. WeTanveer Mahil therefore just chose two of Adam Mirzaour group members.