Chinese tea cups



chinese tea cups

Transcript of Chinese tea cups

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HISTORY Chinese Tea ceremony has been passed on

through generations, and up to now it is visible being practiced. The ceremony is a Chinese cultural activity that actually includes the ceremonial preparation and presentation of the tea. As seen on television, the Chinese are very meticulous when it comes to this ceremony. They even make their ladies study this ceremony. It is an important practice for them and so everyone studies the proper ways of the ceremony. One of the integral parts of the ceremony is the tea wares to be used. A specific tea ware is used for a ceremony would mean something which is why Chinese makes sure of the tea cups they use.

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The use of Chinese tea cups dated way back. It all started during the Han Dynasty wherein tea sets were made of porcelain. There were two types of tea wears the northern white porcelain and the southern light blue porcelain. In this time bowls were used to serve Chinese tea and not the cups we are used to now. These bowls were multipurpose. They were used not only for tea serving but also with the array of cooking needs. These happened during the 206 to 220 B.C. when Chinese teas were commonly used for medicinal purpose. Teapots on the other hand were according to archeologist developed during the Song Dynasty 960 to 1279 A.D.

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LOOSING WEIGHT WITH TEAWe wish to lose weight but we sometimes

don’t have the patience to wait. We want to make it fast in losing our weight but of course if you want so, we have to undergo a certain operation and yes, we are afraid of it because of the pain that we might experience from it so that leads us to choose to wait for some time in order to lose our weight..

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Nevertheless, do you know that by just drinking Chinese tea, you could have lost your weight in just a small span of time? At least, you’ve done your weight loss in a very natural way. The question is, how would you do it? Here it is:

First you have to choose the black tea as an alternative of having coffee when you wake up in the morning. You drink cold tea together with your meals instead of having soda. Having black tea gives you the ability to lost weight since it is full of antitoxins and another, it can detoxify your body.

You drink at least one cup of hot green tea or even a glass of cold Chinese tea per day. Green tea also. It has been proven to burn the fats you have inside your body and it makes your metabolism become faster and it leads you to losing weight

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Why the culture ?As a sign of respect

In Chinese society, the younger generation always shows their respect to the older generation by offering a cup of tea. Inviting their elders to go to restaurants and having some tea is a traditional activity on holidays. In the past, people of lower rank served tea to higher-ranking people. Today, as Chinese society becomes more liberal, sometimes parents may pour a cup of tea for their children, or a boss may even pour tea for subordinates at restaurants. However, the lower-ranking person should not expect the higher-ranking person to serve him or her tea in formal occasions.For a family gathering

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When sons and daughters leave home because of work or get married, they may have few times to visit their parents, and parents may seldom meet their grandchildren as well. Therefore, going to restaurants and drinking tea becomes an important activity for family gatherings. Every Sunday, Chinese restaurants are crowded, especially when people celebrate festivals. This phenomenon reflects Chinese family values.To apologize

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In the traditional Chinese marriage ceremony, both the bride and groom kneel in front of their parents and serve them tea. That is the most devout way to express their gratitude. In front of their parents, it is a practice for the married couple to say, "Thank you for bringing us up. Now we are getting married. We owe it all to you." The parents will usually drink a small portion of the tea and then give them a red envelope, which symbolizes good luck. Another variant is that the bride serve tea to the groom's parents, symbolizing that she is to become a part of the latter's family.To connect large families on wedding days

It’s a form of communication between family members which happens to be lacking in the current generation. It is a culture that is lost today but always has a chance to be reestablished.

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